S F M Mimo P 5G H-Cran: Calable and Lexible Assive Recoding For
S F M Mimo P 5G H-Cran: Calable and Lexible Assive Recoding For
S F M Mimo P 5G H-Cran: Calable and Lexible Assive Recoding For
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BBU pool
Macro cell
RRH Small cell: RRH 2
RRH 1 heterogeneous
Small cell: ultra-density devices
formance. This novel architecture implements coor- requirements make spatial domain management a
dinated RRM and eases the operation pressure of new problem to solve, which is quite suitable for
access points significantly. the application of the cloud RAN (C-RAN).
The rest of this article is organized as follows. IBM first proposed the concept of C-RAN for a
We first address the 5G H-CRAN architecture distributed wireless communication system. Aim-
supporting RRM. We present the 5G MIMO pre- ing at balancing the load between different base
coding problem. Then we propose our two-tier stations, the centralized BBU pool clustered with
interference-free hybrid precoding scheme, fol- multiple BBUs performs baseband (physical/medi-
lowed by the performance evaluation. In the end, um access control, PHY/MAC) processing. For
we conclude the article. inter-cluster communication, the X2 interface is
usually referred to as X2+.
Architecture of H-CRAN A typical C-RAN architecture mainly consists
In this section, we overview H-CRAN systems and of three different parts [2]:
introduce the massive MIMO assisted H-CRAN 1. The remote radio heads (RRHs), distributed radio
architecture. units with antennas located at a remote site
2. The BBU pool composed of high-performance
Derivation of 5G H-CRAN programmable equipment and real-time net-
In 5G systems, there will be a tremendous work virtualization and RRM technologies
increase in the requirements of traffic volume for 3. The network for transmission that links the
the following reasons [8]: RRHs and the BBU pool with high bandwidth
1. There will be large volume and high diversity of and low latency
heterogeneous devices. In 5G H-CRAN systems, the BBU pool is
2. The devices will boast high performance levels. involved in collecting and managing spatial infor-
3 More services will be accessed for high diversi- mation from a variety of access points, as shown
ty, requiring wide bands. in Fig. 1. The BBU pool takes charge of most pro-
4. Application of cloud will result in more trans- cessing and computing procedures, such as RRM.
mission between terminal devices and cloud In contrast, the RRHs only perform radio function-
devices. alities, such as digital processing and power ampli-
Along with the increasing requirements, 5G fication. To maintain backward compatibility with
is believed to greatly depend on centralized existing LTE/LTE-A systems, together with support
high-performance processors and distributed gen- for seamless coverage of the serviced area, eNBs
eralized equipment to implement the scalability perform a critical role, while RRHs are for high
and flexibility of the network. capacity in special areas. The eNB can harmonize
Considering the volume and diversity features multiple radio networks to operate well with each
of accessed devices, the HetNet has been regard- other, and signals for system control can easily be
ed as one of the most exciting solutions to the delivered throughout the network. With these out-
impending mobile data traffic crunch in the con- standing advantages, H-CRANs are able to com-
text of existing LTE-A and 5G. It is constructed of bine HetNets with C-RANs and benefit from them.
different network tiers and cell sizes by deploying
nodes of different transmission powers, such as Massive MIMO Assisted
macro, micro, pico, and femto nodes. The HetNet
becomes an inevitable trend for future develop- H-CRAN Architecture
ment of information networks since it makes full In H-CRANs equipped with massive MIMO, eNBs
use of the complementary characteristics of differ- and RRHs consisting of several hundred elements
ent network tiers. Nevertheless, different tiers net- simultaneously serve mobile terminals within
working access technologies and various service the specific time-frequency resources. Massive
bits DL
Victim users
connected to all RRHs Null-space for RRH1
CSI Backhaul
to be collected and dis- RRH2
seminated through the
Figure 4. Performance of the proposed scheme with different numbers of users: a) SE/16 users; b) SE/32 users.
where P j as the transmit power at the jth RRH, the 5G H-CRAN scenario. The results show that
and dj,r denotes the rth column of Dj. the proposed scheme achieves satisfying system
Thus, the SINR should meet each users QoS throughput and efficiency.
requirement, that is, B log (1 + SINRj,k) Rj,k (j = In Figs. 4a4d, we present the simulation results
1, 2, , J;k = 1, 2, , Kj), where Rj,k is the data rate to compare the SE of the proposed hybrid precod-
demanded by user k, and B is the total bandwidth. ing scheme with the conventional ZF and MRT pre-
Then we can solve the F j,k to get the optimum coding schemes at different SNR with NeNB = NRRH
precoding matrix that fits the users requirement. = 64 transmitting antennas and randomly distribut-
ed users. As we can see in Fig. 4a, serving 16 users
Main Improvements in the macrocell, the SE of the proposed scheme is
Here we summarize the improvements brought lower than conventional ZF precoding and is high-
to the system by the application of the proposed er than MRT precoding at higher SNR. When the
H-CRAN architecture and hybrid precoding scheme. number of users increases to 32 in Fig. 4b, the per-
Centralized CSI Acquisition: For conventional formance between the proposed hybrid precoding
HetNets, the access point only knows the CSI of and ZF becomes similar. Also, the advantage of
its own subscribed users, but the CSI is not known MRT precoding becomes more obvious. The sim-
by any other node that may be interfering with it. ulation results prove that the proposed hybrid pre-
Without specific knowledge of the CSI, it would coding scheme can provide sufficient performance
be difficult to avoid the interference; thus, the sys- for a practical 5G H-CRAN system.
tem performance will be limited. For an H-CRAN
system, it is easier to collect all the channel infor- Acknowledgment
mation and do centralized computing with a BBU This work is supported in part by the Nation-
pool. And the information collection is necessary al Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
for the oncoming precoding procedure, and may under Grant No. 61471066, and a scholarship
be utilized for further applications including data from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) under
mining, network security, and so on. Note that Grant CSC No. 201506470023.
in practice the traffic between the RRHs and the
BBU pool may be of large volume. Hence, it has Conclusions
to be especially guaranteed to sufficiently transmit In this work, we present the flexible and scalable
the channel and precoding information. 5G H-CRAN architecture and focus on RRM
Null-Space-Based Hybrid Precoding: Com- and an interference mitigation massive MIMO
pared to conventional H-CRAN systems, trans- precoding scheme. Furthermore, we propose a
mission nodes in a 5G H-CRAN is expected to null-space-based hybrid precoding scheme with
be equipped with antennas on a large scale. To a flexible CSI acquisition process. By performing
satisfy the users requirements and further reduce precoding within the null-space of the neighbor-
the power consumption of RRHs, hybrid precod- ing victim users, the proposed scheme counter-
ing can satisfy both parties. Basically, the hybrid acted the interference impact that could result in
precoding scheme can reduce the number of RF degradation of performance.
chains applied in the transmitter. We particular- Performance evaluation shows that the pro-
ly consider the null-space for the victim users of posed design could acquire higher system
each RRH. With accurate knowledge of CSI, the throughput with a large amount of transmitting
proposed scheme can avoid the interference to antennas and was capable of sufficient SE com-
the victim users and achieve better QoS. pared to other outstanding precoding schemes.