Ix. 3. Produk Domestik Bruto Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku 1993 (Miliar RP)
Ix. 3. Produk Domestik Bruto Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku 1993 (Miliar RP)
Ix. 3. Produk Domestik Bruto Menurut Penggunaan Atas Dasar Harga Berlaku 1993 (Miliar RP)
(Miliar Rp)
1990 1991
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
5 Pembentukan Modal Tetap Domestik Bruto 10342 9006.1 22184.3 18175.3 17,047.70 16,867.70
7 Ekspor Barang dan Jasa 12392.1 12139.5 14519 16801.2 15485.6 16863
8 Impor Barang dan Jasa (-/-) 12,089.30 12,514.00 14,661.40 15,562.60 15,976.30 16,879.50
9 Pendapatan Faktor Produksi Neto dari Luar Negeri 0.00 0.00 0.00 -9,616.00 0.00 0.00
11 Penyusutan 0 0 0 9784 0 0
1) Sisa
1992 1993
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
65,067.00 64,764.90 66,641.00 68,764.60 73,472.90 73,516.40 77,581.60 80,430.70 85,523.70 86,239.80
42,481.50 43,325.10 38,539.50 40,393.00 46,718.20 48,937.80 46,946.90 49,920.90 60,138.40 65,708.90
36,651.00 37,106.10 31,911.30 34,332.50 40,129.00 41,336.50 39,832.40 42,611.10 52,650.50 57,864.40
5,830.50 6,219.00 6628.2 6,060.50 6,589.20 7,601.30 7,114.50 7,309.80 7,487.90 7,844.50
17,378.10 18,906.10 17,550.30 18,781.30 19,597.10 21,036.00 20,023.80 19,947.80 22,077.70 24,618.00
4539.7 1,696.10 10181 9,349.60 5,722.90 -1,024.30 8,245.50 7,264.10 964.10 -5,928.20
17662.5 18,440.40 17639.3 18,984.50 21,340.00 25,086.20 20,915.30 21,637.40 22,412.20 23,266.00
16,994.70 17,602.80 17,269.10 18,743.90 19,905.40 20,519.30 18,549.90 18,339.50 20,068.70 21,424.90
0.00 -10,899.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -12,447.00 -3,393.30 -3,007.40 -3,189.00 -2,962.90
65,067.00 53,865.90 66,641.00 68,764.60 73,472.90 61,069.40 74,188.30 77,423.30 82,334.70 83,276.90
0.00 42,484.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 48,023.40 65,016.10 68,831.10 72,885.00 72,874.10
1994 1995 1996
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
87,979.00 92,988.40 99,809.70 101,442.50 106,543.20 111,668.10 117,120.00 119,182.80 122,529.50 128,845.50
55,189.50 58,596.80 71,272.70 74,074.30 75,409.10 76,965.60 79,762.80 83,323.10 91,435.70 90,331.10
47,885.70 50,987.40 63,417.10 65,829.10 66,649.20 68,657.10 71,276.90 73,293.20 80,944.00 80,687.70
7,303.80 7,609.40 7,855.60 8,245.20 8,759.90 8,308.50 8,485.90 10,029.90 10,491.70 9,643.40
22,199.40 25,297.20 26,202.70 31,681.30 29,204.90 30,266.70 34,187.60 35,558.40 32,786.00 35,607.30
11,577.30 6,864.40 268.50 -5,383.80 4,117.80 7,175.60 4,991.60 -384.80 -895.90 6,091.40
21,174.70 24,865.10 26,992.90 28,299.20 26,639.80 29,266.30 31,782.70 31,903.70 30,779.00 33,906.60
22,161.90 22,635.10 24,927.10 27,228.50 28,828.50 32,006.20 33,604.70 31,217.50 31,575.30 37,090.90
-2,354.20 -2,316.50 -2,754.10 -2,823.60 -3,357.90 -3,165.20 -3,253.30 -3,589.70 -3,358.00 -3,319.80
6,335.90 4,900.70 5,886.80 6,775.50 6,456.40 6,311.90 6,773.90 7,944.30 6,934.70 6,784.20
4,399.00 4,649.40 4,990.50 5,072.10 5,327.20 5,583.40 5,856.00 5,959.10 6,126.50 6,442.30
85,624.80 90,671.90 97,055.60 98,618.90 103,185.30 108,502.90 113,866.70 115,593.10 119,171.50 125,525.70
74,889.90 81,121.80 86,178.30 86,771.30 91,401.70 96,607.60 101,236.80 101,689.70 106,110.30 112,299.20
1997 1998
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
136,939.80 144,253.20 145,800.90 149,405.70 163,236.70 169,252.10 211,574.90 222,809.00 264,263.40 257,106.10
92,682.00 97,944.80 100,287.40 101,685.90 106,504.40 121,645.00 135,410.20 160,363.60 196,790.40 209,675.30
82,996.50 87,466.20 89,816.40 91,296.10 95,983.70 110,074.50 124,053.60 146,277.80 183,312.60 194,179.60
9,685.50 10,478.60 10,471.00 10,389.80 10,520.70 11,570.50 11,356.60 14,085.80 13,477.80 15,495.70
43,542.00 45,717.40 40,968.70 44,377.00 46,516.10 45,824.30 65,690.30 56,621.40 63,718.80 57,012.90
1,806.10 -1,201.20 8,428.60 7,055.60 8,852.50 -2,721.60 -10,374.10 -17,220.50 -34,392.70 -20,728.80
35,377.60 37,470.10 33,641.20 36,530.60 43,354.20 61,345.30 118,785.90 126,364.80 165,645.10 95,449.00
36,467.90 35,677.90 37,525.00 40,243.40 41,990.50 56,840.90 97,937.40 103,320.30 127,498.20 84,302.20
-3,871.90 -3,722.50 -3,696.10 -4,474.10 -4,185.30 -5,999.50 -11,919.70 -14,867.10 -16,105.60 -11,001.30
6,755.40 8,444.60 9,938.10 7,499.50 9,724.50 10,666.60 -8,347.90 10,500.10 -1,399.80 5,728.10
6,847.00 7,212.70 7,290.00 7,470.30 8,161.80 8,462.60 10,578.70 11,140.50 13,213.20 12,855.30
133,067.90 140,530.70 142,104.80 144,931.60 159,051.40 163,252.60 199,655.20 207,941.90 248,157.80 246,104.80
119,465.50 124,873.40 124,876.70 129,961.80 141,165.10 144,123.40 197,424.40 186,301.30 236,344.40 227,521.40
1999 2000 2001
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
275,226.50 271,595.50 277,558.00 275,351.60 293,416.08 305,832.17 327,088.15 338,582.36 352,265.61 372,088.13
221,650.00 226,404.20 216,087.20 221,673.20 226,863.70 234,694.30 233,193.80 246,846.60 251,082.70 265,469.60
205,461.10 203,899.70 199,257.60 204,564.90 206,653.00 210,137.50 211,243.00 222,785.20 227,614.90 238,099.20
16,188.90 22,504.50 16,829.60 17,108.30 20,210.70 24,556.80 21,950.80 24,061.40 23,467.80 27,370.40
53,882.30 52,898.80 54,585.90 60,105.30 62,086.50 65,520.30 70,556.20 77,718.30 79,184.80 80,247.50
-21,510.70 -26,583.70 -19,113.40 -29,253.60 -28,483.70 -31,538.60 -11,815.20 -398.00 3,519.00 -4,552.00
93,446.20 95,436.50 101,970.60 99,706.80 109,648.20 127,397.10 149,043.50 156,903.60 156,726.70 175,069.90
72,241.30 76,560.30 75,972.30 76,880.10 76,698.60 90,240.90 113,890.20 142,488.20 138,247.70 144,146.90
-20,033.10 -22,599.30 -23,625.90 -17,505.90 -20,683.90 -22,892.10 -23,635.30 -24,950.50 -11,681.80 -17,996.70
-6,601.90 12,131.60 822.20 11,598.20 -25,366.30 16,578.20 5,576.70 -34,608.90 12,145.80 10,166.40
13,761.30 13,579.80 13,877.90 13,767.60 14,670.80 15,291.60 16,354.40 16,929.10 17,613.30 18,604.40
255,193.40 248,996.20 253,932.10 257,845.70 272,732.18 282,940.07 303,452.85 313,631.86 340,583.81 354,091.43
248,034.00 223,284.80 239,232.00 232,479.90 283,427.68 251,070.27 281,521.75 331,311.66 310,824.71 325,320.63
2002 2003
Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
375,471.81 367,829.28 388,571.57 396,873.62 413,534.15 411,585.60 442,734.64 438,257.31 454,168.69 451,530.29
275,362.50 294,439.60 298,220.20 303,599.20 314,732.10 335,831.20 333,488.20 341,207.60 352,097.80 375,799.40
245,608.10 261,616.10 269,262.90 273,175.40 280,683.50 297,042.20 300,483.50 303,508.70 309,286.40 325,613.10
29,754.40 32,823.50 28,957.30 30,423.80 34,048.60 38,789.00 33,004.70 37,698.90 42,811.40 50,186.30
75,138.30 79,495.20 78,658.40 79,608.50 81,416.30 86,482.00 85,486.00 86,839.00 87,059.40 92,976.10
-11,877.10 -40,713.80 -22,027.40 -15,135.70 -10,510.70 -26,202.20 528.10 -18,366.90 -12,410.50 -37,008.20
150,797.40 141,746.80 144,880.90 142,337.60 147,831.30 142,031.70 141,857.70 137,981.70 139,981.70 138,274.70
113,949.20 107,138.50 111,160.50 113,536.00 119,934.80 126,557.10 118,625.40 109,404.10 112,555.30 118,511.70
-11,602.30 -19,770.70 -11,333.60 -12,298.90 -13,311.60 -17,568.90 -20,364.60 -19,886.00 -19,254.50 -20,121.60
10,411.70 -1,298.20 21,930.50 13,509.60 24,467.30 11,279.10 24,124.70 24,091.40 21,497.10 15,559.00
18,773.60 18,391.50 19,428.60 19,843.70 20,676.70 20,579.30 22,136.70 21,912.90 22,708.40 22,576.50
363,869.51 348,058.58 377,237.97 384,574.72 400,222.55 394,016.70 422,370.04 418,371.31 434,914.19 431,408.69
334,684.21 330,965.28 335,878.87 351,221.42 355,078.55 362,158.30 376,108.64 372,367.01 390,708.69 393,273.19
1) Residual
(Miliar Rp)
4 Pembentukan modal tetap domestik bruto 77,655 81,820 94,319 104,599 140,996 181,874
7 Ekspor barang dan jasa 162,253 145,523 145,664 150,878 206,464 260,108
8 Impor barang dan jasa (-/-) 141,384 108,603 127,660 121,300 177,303 220,059
10 Pendapatan netto terhadap luar negeri atas faktor produksi -24,951 -19,770 -17,569 -19,379 -28,023 -39,728
12 Pajak tidak langsung netto (-/-) -34,609 -1,298 11,279 15,559 -8,044 12,640
Q4 Q4 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Dec 1-Mar 1-Jun 1-Sep 1-Dec 1-Mar 1-Jun
660,906 781,090 921,905 901,628 941,039 962,230 1,023,688 966,176 1,027,288
716,398 669,759 705,661 732,368 768,465 2,876,253 739,641 781,231 809,921 Gross domestic capita
-5,069 73,133 90,040 25,096 -8,491 179,778 95,603 89,325 87,152 Change in inventories
46,280 82,178 56,378 123,444 48,914 310,914 82,493 92,593 80,379 Statistical Discrepancy
514,373 502,041 511,648 528,542 614,578 2,156,809 570,236 576,972 575,548 Export of goods and s
587,274 525,074 569,466 581,282 662,297 2,338,119 600,858 639,397 619,134 Import of goods and s
2,092,379 2,143,672 2,212,724 2,359,648 2,367,929 9,083,972 2,404,228 2,483,841 2,619,870 Gross Domestic Bruto
-63,485 -60,535 -69,575 -73,726 -77,261 -281,097 -78,292 -88,505 -92,967 Net factor income from
2,028,894 2,083,137 2,143,149 2,285,922 2,290,668 8,802,875 2,325,936 2,395,335 2,526,903 Gross National Produc
19,570 122,467 143,769 152,648 181,757 600,642 136,921 152,248 157,109 Net indirect taxes (-/-)
104,619 107,184 110,636 117,982 118,396 454,199 120,211 124,192 130,993 Depreciation (-/-)
2,069,601 1,876,977 2,011,151 2,091,799 2,097,638 8,077,565 2,108,355 2,255,936 2,333,398 National Income
Consumption expenditures 1
Change in inventories 5
Statistical Discrepancy 1)
Depreciation (-/-) 13
National Income 14
5 Pembentukan Modal Tetap Domestik Bruto 2127840.68 2451914.02 2819026.47 3051496.15 3436923.74
13 Pendapatan faktor produksi neto dari luar negeri -182770.86 -216892.69 -243192.95 -285326.22 -354393.14
15 Pajak tidak langsung neto (-/-) 237957.74 217675.62 258303.84 305357.32 332860.55
1550601.28 1588135.61 1661049.29 1677790.45 6477576.63 1691451.1 1719902.25 1791129.02 1807095.13 7009577.5 1838181.9 1872169.28
30676.24 31793.59 33591.8 34888.94 130950.57 34088.31 35098.13 36923.47 38360.23 144470.14 38302.23 39679.54
180349.9 253905.85 292880.28 397676.03 1124812.06 201147.2 290750.33 289888.03 390634.78 1172420.34 212167.26 290567.91
889578.22 924249.99 961120.76 1007193.95 3782142.93 962048.39 985790.63 1021403.32 1071255.49 4040497.83 1018066.74 1055796.72
77779.35 81946.86 86430.69 -87402.97 158753.93 80588.13 86768.71 94587.26 -47839.4 214104.7 98765.37 93261.51
-18742.56 -22444.69 -72338.06 -78468.08 -191993.39 -53620.75 -56635.65 -61042.24 -99115.98 -270414.63 -37046.57 -28839.01
531874.36 547707.13 538889.46 513092.4 2131563.35 480494.69 505484.62 484493.21 565000.19 2035472.7 578230.28 558355
68466.77 74278.87 82448.09 82349.73 307543.46 77410.07 79602.14 87176.18 87670.68 331859.08 84190.49 84622.8
483960.61 502820.61 485379.45 491299.65 1963460.32 443897.64 466070.89 441427.46 503429.22 1854825.2 502199.96 488654.79
98334.45 107955.61 106019.15 113863.12 426172.33 98263.1 105554.97 97678.39 114856.2 416352.66 101582.95 110195.25
2728288.5 2868797 2992673.7 2941957.7 11531716.9 2931446.4 3075135.3 3205452.4 3194775.7 12406809.8 3227074.8 3366763.7
-88208.81 -98853.98 -100560.69 -90698.54 -378322.03 -102997.05 -104356.87 -104571.07 -108163.25 -420088.24 -100436.03 -103777.07
2640079.69 2769943.02 2892113.01 2851259.16 11153394.87 2828449.35 2970778.43 3100881.33 3086612.45 11986721.56 3126638.77 3262986.63
87674.86 129367.32 145472.35 232456.28 594970.82 88610.86 120509.61 163777.57 167038.13 539936.16 117959.11 139343.69
532359.55 532359.55 532359.55 532359.55 2129438.21 537503.12 493457.11 508494.71 496234.45 2035689.39 544279.01 603986.95
2020045.27 2108216.15 2214281.1 2086443.32 8428985.85 2202335.37 2356811.71 2428609.06 2423339.87 9411096 2464400.64 2519655.98
Consumption Expenditures 1
Private Consumption Expenditure 2
NPI Serving Household Consumption Expenditure 3
Government Consumption Expenditure 4
Gross Fixed Capital Formation 5
Changes in Inventories 6
Statistical Discrepancy 1) 7
Export of Goods and Services 8
Export of Services 9
Import of Goods (-/-) 10
Import of Services (-/-) 11
Gross Domestic Bruto 12
Less indirect taxes (nett) 15
Less depreciation 16