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The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

Review Articles

Medical Progress Pressure-support ventilation also provides graded

assistance but differs from the other two modes in
that the physician sets the level of pressure (rather
A DVANCES IN M ECHANICAL than the volume) to augment every spontaneous res-
V ENTILATION piratory effort.5 The level of pressure delivered by the
ventilator is usually adjusted in accordance with chang-
MARTIN J. TOBIN, M.D. es in the patients respiratory frequency. However, the
frequency that signals a satisfactory level of respiratory-

HE chief reason that patients are admitted to muscle rest has never been well defined, and recom-
an intensive care unit is to receive ventilatory mendations range from 16 to 30 breaths per minute.6
support. In this article, I update the basic prin- New modes of mechanical ventilation are often in-
ciples of mechanical ventilation, which I reviewed in troduced. Each has an acronym, and the jargon is in-
the Journal in 1994,1 and discuss recent advances. hibiting to those unfamiliar with it. Yet each new
mode involves nothing more than a modification of
BASIC PRINCIPLES the manner in which positive pressure is delivered to
The indications for mechanical ventilation, as de- the airway and of the interplay between mechanical
rived from a study of 1638 patients in eight countries,2 assistance and the patients respiratory effort. The pur-
are acute respiratory failure (66 percent of patients), pose of a new mode of ventilation may be to enhance
coma (15 percent), acute exacerbation of chronic ob- respiratory-muscle rest, prevent deconditioning, im-
structive pulmonary disease (13 percent), and neu- prove gas exchange, prevent lung damage, enhance
romuscular disorders (5 percent). The disorders in the the coordination between ventilatory assistance and
first group include the acute respiratory distress syn- the patients respiratory efforts, and foster lung heal-
drome, heart failure, pneumonia, sepsis, complications ing; the priority given to each goal varies.
of surgery, and trauma (with each subgroup account-
ing for about 8 to 11 percent of the overall group). COORDINATING RESPIRATORY EFFORT
The objectives of mechanical ventilation are primar- AND MECHANICAL VENTILATION
ily to decrease the work of breathing and reverse life- Probably the most common reason for instituting
threatening hypoxemia or acute progressive respira- mechanical ventilation is to decrease the work of the
tory acidosis. respiratory muscles. The inspiratory effort expended
Virtually all patients who receive ventilatory sup- by patients with acute respiratory failure is about four
port undergo assist-control ventilation, intermittent times the normal value, and it can be increased to six
mandatory ventilation, or pressure-support ventilation; times the normal value in individual patients.7 Criti-
the latter two modes are often used simultaneously.2 cally ill patients in whom this increased level of effort
With assist-control ventilation, the most widely used is sustained indefinitely are at risk of inspiratory-mus-
mode, the ventilator delivers a set tidal volume when cle fatigue, which can add structural injury to already
triggered by the patients inspiratory effort or inde- overworked muscles.8 It is sometimes thought that
pendently, if such an effort does not occur within a the simple act of connecting a patient to a ventilator
preselected time. will decrease respiratory effort. Yet unless the settings
Intermittent mandatory ventilation was introduced are carefully selected, mechanical ventilation can ac-
to provide graded levels of assistance. With this mode, tually do the opposite.
the physician sets the number of mandatory breaths With careful selection of ventilator settings, in-
of fixed volume to be delivered by the ventilator; be- spiratory effort can be reduced to the normal range.9
tween these breaths, the patient can breathe sponta- But eliminating inspiratory effort is not desirable be-
neously.3 Patients often have difficulty adapting to cause it causes deconditioning and atrophy of the res-
the intermittent nature of ventilatory assistance, and piratory muscles.10 Surprisingly, researchers have not
the decrease in the work of breathing may be much attempted to determine the desirable target for reduc-
less than desired.4 ing inspiratory effort in patients with acute respira-
tory distress. To reduce effort markedly requires that
From the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Edward
the ventilator cycle in unison with the patients central
Hines, Jr., Veterans Affairs Hospital and Loyola University of Chicago respiratory rhythm (Fig. 1). For perfect synchroniza-
Stritch School of Medicine, Hines, Ill. Address reprint requests to Dr. To- tion, the period of mechanical inflation must match
bin at the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Edward
Hines, Jr., Veterans Affairs Hospital, Rte. 111N, Hines, IL 60141, or at the period of neural inspiratory time (the duration
[email protected]. of inspiratory effort), and the period of mechanical

1986 N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001


liters per minute

0 Flow

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cm of water

0 pressure
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Figure 1. Flow, Airway Pressure, and Inspiratory and Expiratory Muscle Activity in a Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary
Disease Who Received Pressure-Support Ventilation at an Airway Pressure of 20 cm of Water.
The electromyograms in the lower portion of the figure show inspiratory muscle activity in the patients diaphragm and expiratory
muscle activity in the transversus abdominis. The patients increased inspiratory effort caused the airway pressure to fall below the
set sensitivity (2 cm of water), and inadequate delivery of flow by the ventilator resulted in a scooped contour on the airway-pres-
sure curve during inspiration. While the ventilator was still pumping gas into the patient, his expiratory muscles were recruited,
causing a bump in the airway-pressure curve. That the flow never returned to zero throughout expiration reflected the presence of
autopositive end-expiratory pressure. The broken red line shows airway pressure in another patient, who generated just enough
effort to trigger the ventilator and in whom there was adequate delivery of gas by the ventilator. Data are from Jubran et al.6 and
Parthasarathy et al.11

inactivity must match the neural expiratory time.12,13 often, the clinician sets a threshold for airway pres-
Difficulties in synchronization can arise at the onset sure that will trigger the ventilator. This threshold,
of inspiratory effort, at the onset of flow delivered by referred to as set sensitivity, is usually 1 to 2 cm
the ventilator, during the period of ventilator-induced of water.14 To reach this threshold, the patient must
inflation, and at the switch between inspiration and initiate an inspiratory effort. But when the threshold
expiration. is reached, inspiratory neurons do not simply switch
Almost all patients who undergo mechanical ven- off. Consequently, the patient may expend consider-
tilation receive some form of assisted ventilation, with able inspiratory effort throughout the machine-cycled
the patients inspiratory effort triggering the ventila- inflation.15
tor. To ensure that the ventilator does not cycle too The display of airway pressure and flow tracings

N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001 1987
The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

on ventilator screens has increased awareness that in- ly through an increase in airway pressure. Satisfactory
spiratory effort is frequently insufficient to trigger oxygenation is easily achieved in most patients with
the ventilator. At high levels of mechanical assistance, airway obstruction. The main challenge arises in pa-
up to one third of a patients inspiratory efforts may tients with alveolar-filling disorders, especially the
fail to trigger the machine.9,16,17 Surprisingly, unsuc- acute respiratory distress syndrome a form of non-
cessful triggering is not the result of poor inspiratory cardiogenic pulmonary edema resulting from severe
effort; indeed, the effort is more than a third greater acute alveolar injury. It has long been recognized that
when the threshold for triggering the ventilator is arterial oxygenation can be achieved at a lower in-
not reached than when it is reached.9 Breaths that do spired oxygen concentration by increasing airway pres-
not reach the threshold for triggering the ventilator sure. The goal of using the lowest possible oxygen
have higher tidal volumes and shorter expiratory times concentration to achieve an arterial oxygen satura-
than do breaths that do trigger the ventilator. Con- tion of approximately 90 percent has not changed in
sequently, elastic-recoil pressure builds up within the decades. What has changed is how this goal is viewed
thorax in the form of intrinsic positive end-expira- in relation to other factors, particularly ventilator pres-
tory pressure (PEEP), or auto-PEEP.9 To trigger the sures. In recent years, there has been a growing tend-
ventilator, the patients inspiratory effort first has to ency to be more concerned about high airway pres-
generate a negative intrathoracic pressure in order to sures than about oxygen toxicity, although this shift
counterbalance the elastic recoil and then must reach has been based on a consensus of opinion rather than
the set sensitivity. The consequences of wasted in- on data from studies in patients and animals.
spiratory efforts are not fully known, but they add From the outset, clinicians recognized that mechan-
an unnecessary burden in patients whose inspiratory ical ventilation could rupture alveoli and cause air
muscles are already under stress. leaks.20 In 1974, Webb and Tierney showed that me-
The inspiratory flow rate is initially set at a default chanical ventilation could also cause ultrastructural
value, such as 60 liters per minute. If the delivered injury, independently of air leaks.21 Their observa-
flow does not meet the patients ventilatory needs, tions went largely unnoticed until a decade later, when
inspiratory effort will increase.15 Sometimes the flow several investigators confirmed and extended them. Al-
is increased in order to shorten the inspiratory time veolar overdistention causes changes in epithelial and
and increase the expiratory time, especially in patients endothelial permeability, alveolar hemorrhage, and
with inspiratory efforts that are insufficient to trig- hyaline-membrane formation in laboratory animals.22
ger the ventilator. But an increase in flow causes im- Diffuse infiltrates on chest radiographs originally
mediate and persistent tachypnea, and as a result, the led clinicians to infer that lung involvement was ho-
expiratory time may be shortened.18 In one study, mogeneous. But computed tomography (CT) reveals
for example, increases in inspiratory flow from 30 liters a patchy pattern: about one third of the lung is unaer-
per minute to 60 and 90 liters per minute caused in- ated, one third poorly aerated, and one third normal-
creases in the respiratory rate of 20 and 41 percent, ly aerated.23,24 A ventilator-induced breath will follow
respectively.19 the path of least impediment, travelling preferential-
In studies of interactions between the patients ly to the normally aerated areas. As a result, these re-
respiratory effort and mechanical ventilation, remark- gions are vulnerable to alveolar overdistention and the
ably little attention has been paid to the switch be- type of ventilator-induced lung injury found in lab-
tween inspiration and expiration. With the use of pres- oratory animals 25 (Fig. 2).
sure-support ventilation, ventilatory assistance ceases A new era of ventilatory management began in
when the patients inspiratory flow falls by a preset 1990, when Hickling et al.26 reported that lowering
amount (e.g., to 25 percent of the peak flow).5 Air the tidal volume caused a 60 percent decrease in the
flow changes more slowly in patients with chronic expected mortality rate among patients with the acute
obstructive pulmonary disease than in other patients, respiratory distress syndrome. In a subsequent trial,
and patients often start to exhale while the ventilator Amato et al.27,28 randomly assigned patients to a con-
is still pumping gas into their chests.6,11 In 5 of 12 ventional tidal volume (12 ml per kilogram of body
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease weight) or to a low tidal volume (less than 6 ml per
who were receiving pressure support of 20 cm of kilogram). Mortality was decreased by 46 percent
water, expiratory muscles were recruited during ven- with the lower tidal volume. In a recent study of 861
tilator-induced inflation.6 patients, the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Network 29 confirmed this benefit: mortality was de-
IMPROVING OXYGENATION AND creased by 22 percent with a tidal volume of 6 ml per
PREVENTING LUNG INJURY kilogram as compared with a tidal volume of 12 ml
A primary goal of mechanical ventilation is to im- per kilogram. Lowering the tidal volume, however,
prove arterial oxygenation. Improvement is achieved failed to improve the outcome in three controlled
partly through the use of endotracheal intubation to trials.30-32 The discrepant findings can be explained by
ensure the delivery of oxygen to the airway and part- differences in trial design. Increased survival was de-

1988 N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001




Right Lung Left Lung

Figure 2. Lung Injury Caused by Mechanical Ventilation in a 31-Year-Old Woman with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Due
to Amniotic-Fluid Embolism.
The patient had undergone mechanical ventilation for eight weeks with tidal volumes of 12 to 15 ml per kilogram of body weight,
peak airway pressures of 50 to 70 cm of water, positive end-expiratory pressures of 10 to 15 cm of water, and a fractional inspired
oxygen concentration of 0.80 to 1.00 in order to achieve a partial pressure of carbon dioxide that was less than 50 mm Hg and a
partial pressure of oxygen that was 80 mm Hg or higher. Computed tomography (CT) performed two days before the patient died
revealed a paramediastinal pneumatocele in the right lung (Panel A, arrowheads) and numerous intraparenchymal pseudocysts in
the left lung (Panel B, black arrow, open circle, and asterisk).
At autopsy, both lungs were removed and fixed by intrabronchial infusion of formalin, alcohol, and polyethylene glycol at an insuf-
flation pressure of 30 cm of water. Panel C shows the paramediastinal pneumatocele in the right lung (arrowheads); the horizontal
broken line is the level of the CT section. Panel D shows a 1-cm-thick section of the left lung, corresponding to the CT section. Small
pseudocysts are present (arrow), and two large pseudocysts (asterisk and open circle) have compressed and partially destroyed
the parenchyma. The development of these lesions in a patient without a history of chronic lung disease indicates the harm that
may result with the use of high tidal volumes and airway pressures. The photographs were kindly provided by Dr. Jean-Jacques
Rouby, Hpital de la PitiSalptrire, Paris.

N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001 1989
The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

monstrable only when the patients undergoing con- mocapnia represents a substantial shift in ventilatory
ventional ventilation had a mean pressure during an management.
end-inspiratory pause (the so-called plateau pressure, Lowering the tidal volume is not without hazards.
a surrogate for peak alveolar pressure) that exceeded In addition to the potential harm of hypercapnia,
32 cm of water.33 the volume of aerated lung may be decreased,39 with a
The pressures pertinent to ventilatory management consequent increase in shunting and worsening oxy-
are the peak inspiratory pressure, plateau pressure, genation. One means of minimizing the loss of lung
and end-expiratory pressure. Patients with airway ob- volume is the use of sighs (i.e., single breaths of large
struction may have a very high peak pressure without tidal volume). In one study, increasing the plateau
any increase in the plateau pressure. Indeed, the gra- pressure by at least 10 cm of water during sighs, ap-
dient between the two is directly related to the resist- plied three times a minute over a period of one hour,
ance of the airway to airflow. An increase in the peak caused a 26 percent decrease in shunting, with a 50
inspiratory pressure without a concomitant increase percent increase in the partial pressure of oxygen.40
in the plateau pressure is unlikely to cause alveolar It is unknown whether sighs used at this low frequen-
damage. The critical variable is not airway pressure it- cy cause injury from alveolar overdistention.
self but transpulmonary pressure airway pressure The more usual way of improving oxygenation is
during the end-inspiratory pause minus pleural pres- through the use of PEEP with the intention of re-
sure. The normal lung is maximally distended at a cruiting previously nonfunctioning lung tissue. Se-
transpulmonary pressure between 30 and 35 cm of lecting the right level of PEEP for a given patient with
water, and higher pressures cause overdistention. Pa- the acute respiratory distress syndrome is difficult,
tients with stiff chest walls, such as those with the because the severity of injury varies throughout the
acute respiratory distress syndrome due to a nonpul- lungs. PEEP can recruit atelectatic areas but may over-
monary disorder (e.g., abdominal sepsis), have an el- distend normally aerated areas.41,42 In a study involv-
evated pleural pressure. In such patients, the airway ing six patients with acute lung injury, for example, the
plateau pressure may exceed 35 cm of water without use of PEEP at 13 cm of water resulted in the re-
causing alveolar overdistention. cruitment of nonaerated portions of lung, with a gain
Clinical decisions based on plateau pressure must of 320 ml in volume, but three patients had over-
take into account the relation between lung volume distention of already aerated portions of lung, with
and airway pressure in the individual patient. The pres- an excess volume of 238 ml.43
surevolume curve in patients with the acute respi- Overall, about 30 percent of patients with acute
ratory distress syndrome typically has a sigmoid shape lung injury do not benefit from PEEP or have a fall in
with two discrete bends, called inflection points (Fig. the partial pressure of oxygen.23,44,45 With the patient
3).34 Some investigators believe that a plateau pres- in the supine posture, PEEP generally recruits the re-
sure above the upper bend causes alveolar overdisten- gions of the lung closest to the apex and sternum.23
tion. Reducing the tidal volume lowers the plateau Conversely, PEEP can increase the amount of nonaer-
pressure, but at the cost of hypercapnia. In a study in ated tissue in the regions close to the spine and the
which 25 patients with the acute respiratory distress diaphragm.23 Among patients in the early stages of
syndrome underwent mechanical ventilation with a the acute respiratory distress syndrome, those with
tidal volume of 10 ml per kilogram, 20 had a plateau pulmonary causes, such as pneumonia, are less likely
pressure that was 2 to 14 cm of water above the up- to benefit from PEEP than are those with nonpul-
per bend of the pressurevolume curve.35 Lowering monary causes, such as intraabdominal sepsis or ex-
the plateau pressure to a value that fell below the up- trathoracic trauma.46 This distinction may be related
per bend required a 22 percent decrease in the tidal to the type of morphologic involvement: pulmonary
volume, causing the partial pressure of carbon diox- causes of the syndrome are characterized by alveolar
ide to increase from 44 to 77 mm Hg.35 The partial filling, whereas nonpulmonary causes are characterized
pressure of carbon dioxide, in turn, can be decreased by interstitial edema and alveolar collapse. In the lat-
by as much as 28 percent by removing tubing and er stages of the acute respiratory distress syndrome,
thus decreasing dead space and increasing the fre- remodeling and fibrosis may eliminate this distinction
quency of ventilator-induced breaths. By virtue of between pulmonary and nonpulmonary causes.
their stiff lungs, patients with the acute respiratory To select the right level of PEEP, some experts
distress syndrome who do not have an underlying air- recommend bedside calculation of the pressurevol-
way obstruction can tolerate a frequency of 30 breaths ume curve. With the ventilators currently used in the
per minute without gas trapping.36 Severe hypercap- United States, calculating the pressurevolume curve
nia can have adverse effects, including increased in- is logistically difficult and technically demanding.34
tracranial pressure, depressed myocardial contractility, Yet many ventilators have a computer screen, and mi-
pulmonary hypertension, and depressed renal blood nor software modifications would make it feasible to
flow.37,38 The view that these risks are preferable to calculate the curve in as little as two minutes as
the higher plateau pressure required to achieve nor- with the ventilators available in France.47 Providing

1990 N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001

Conventional Ventilation

Protective Ventilation

800 800

600 Tidal Volume (ml) 600 600

400 400 400

200 200 200

0 0 0
0 2 4 6 0 10 20 30 40 0 2 4 6
Seconds Pressure (cm of water) Seconds


Figure 3. Respiratory PressureVolume Curve and the Effects of Traditional as Compared with Protective Ventilation in a 70-kg Pa-
tient with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome.
The lower and upper inflection points of the inspiratory pressurevolume curve (center panel) are at 14 and 26 cm of water, respec-
tively. With conventional ventilation at a tidal volume of 12 ml per kilogram of body weight and zero end-expiratory pressure (left-hand
panel), alveoli collapse at the end of expiration. The generation of shear forces during the subsequent mechanical inflation may tear
the alveolar lining, and attaining an end-inspiratory volume higher than the upper inflection point causes alveolar overdistention. With
protective ventilation at a tidal volume of 6 ml per kilogram (right-hand panel), the end-inspiratory volume remains below the upper
inflection point; the addition of positive end-expiratory pressure at 2 cm of water above the lower inflection point may prevent alveolar
collapse at the end of expiration and provide protection against the development of shear forces during mechanical inflation.

this option on ventilators would increase clinicians pressurevolume curve and events at the alveolar level
experience with the use of pressurevolume curves is confounded by numerous factors and is the sub-
in ventilatory management. ject of ongoing research and debate.51-55 An under-
Even if the pressurevolume curve is not calculated standing of this relation is also impeded by the dif-
at the bedside, it is useful to select the PEEP level ac- ficulty in distinguishing collapsed lung units from
cording to this conceptual framework. A level above fluid-filled units on CT.
the lower bend in the pressurevolume curve is Most patients with the acute respiratory distress
thought to keep alveoli open at the end of expiration syndrome have an increase in the partial pressure of
and thus prevent the injury that can result from shear oxygen when there is a change from the supine to
forces created by the opening and closing of alveo- the prone position. In a study of 16 patients, for ex-
li.48-50 This level of PEEP may also prevent an in- ample, 12 had an increase of 9 to 73 mm Hg in the
crease in the amount of nonaerated tissue and, thus, partial pressure of oxygen, and 4 had a decrease of
atelectasis. However, the notion that the lower bend 7 to 16 mm Hg.56 The mechanism responsible for
signals the level of PEEP necessary to prevent end- the improvement in the partial pressure of oxygen is
expiratory collapse and that pressures above the upper not clear. The attribution of this improvement to lung
bend signal alveolar overdistention is a gross over- recruitment has not been proved.56 It is now posited
simplification. The relation between the shape of the that a prone position causes ventilation to be distrib-

N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001 1991
The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

uted more evenly to the various regions of the crease in oxygen extraction, and these patients have a
lungs,57,58 improving the relation between ventilation relative decrease in oxygen delivery.64 The greater ox-
and perfusion.59,60 ygen extraction causes a substantial decrease in mixed
venous oxygen saturation, contributing to the arte-
DISCONTINUING MECHANICAL rial hypoxemia that occurs in some patients.64
VENTILATION Over the course of a trial of spontaneous breath-
Because mechanical ventilation can have life-threat- ing, about half of patients in whom the trial fails have
ening complications, it should be discontinued at the an increase in carbon dioxide tension of 10 mm Hg
earliest possible time. The process of discontinuing or more.7 The hypercapnia is not usually a conse-
mechanical ventilation, termed weaning, is one of the quence of a decrease in minute ventilation.63 Instead,
most challenging problems in intensive care, and it hypercapnia results from rapid, shallow breathing,
accounts for a considerable proportion of the work- which causes an increase in dead-space ventilation. In
load of staff in an intensive care unit.2 a small proportion of patients who cannot be weaned,
When mechanical ventilation is discontinued, up primary depression of respiratory drive may be re-
to 25 percent of patients have respiratory distress se- sponsible for the hypercapnia.7
vere enough to necessitate the reinstitution of venti- The discontinuation of mechanical ventilation needs
latory support.61,62 Our understanding of why weaning to be carefully timed. Premature discontinuation plac-
fails in some patients has advanced considerably in re- es severe stress on the respiratory and cardiovascular
cent years. Among patients who cannot be weaned, systems, which can impede the patients recovery.
disconnection from the ventilator is followed almost Unnecessary delays in discontinuation can lead to a
immediately by an increase in respiratory frequency host of complications. Decisions about timing that
and a fall in tidal volume that is, rapid, shallow are based solely on expert clinical judgment are fre-
breathing63 (Fig. 4). As a trial of spontaneous breath- quently erroneous.68-70 Several functional measures are
ing is continued over the next 30 to 60 minutes, the used to aid decision making. The level of oxygenation
respiratory effort increases considerably, reaching more must be satisfactory before one attempts to discon-
than four times the normal value at the end of this tinue mechanical ventilation. Yet in many patients with
period.7 The increased effort is mainly due to wor- satisfactory oxygenation, such attempts fail. The use
sening respiratory mechanics. Respiratory resistance of traditional predictors of the success or failure of
increases progressively over the course of a trial of attempts maximal inspiratory pressure, vital ca-
spontaneous breathing, reaching about seven times pacity, and minute ventilation frequently has false
the normal value at the end of the trial; lung stiffness positive or false negative results.71 A more reliable
also increases, reaching five times the normal value; predictor is the ratio of respiratory frequency to tidal
and gas trapping, measured as auto-PEEP, more than volume (f/VT).72 The ratio must be calculated dur-
doubles over the course of the trial.7 Before weaning ing spontaneous breathing; calculating it during pres-
is started, however, the respiratory mechanics in such sure support markedly impairs its predictive accura-
patients are similar to those in whom subsequent cy.68 The higher the ratio, the more severe the rapid,
weaning is successful.66 Thus, unknown mechanisms shallow breathing and the greater the likelihood of
associated with the act of spontaneous breathing cause unsuccessful weaning. A ratio of 100 best discrimi-
the worsening of respiratory mechanics in patients nates between successful and unsuccessful attempts
who cannot be weaned from mechanical ventilation. at weaning. In a case of clinical equipoise that is,
In addition to the increase in respiratory effort, an a pretest probability of 50 percent an f/VT of 80,
unsuccessful attempt at spontaneous breathing causes which has a likelihood ratio of 7.5, is associated with
considerable cardiovascular stress.67 Patients can have almost a 95 percent post-test probability of success-
substantial increases in right and left ventricular after- ful weaning.73 If the f/VT is higher than 100, the
load, with increases of 39 and 27 percent in pulmo- likelihood ratio is 0.04 and the post-test probability
nary and systemic arterial pressures, respectively,64 of successful weaning is less than 5 percent.
most likely because the negative swings in intratho- Several groups of investigators have evaluated the
racic pressure are more extreme. At the completion predictive value of f/VT.74-78 Its positive predictive
of a trial of weaning, the level of oxygen consump- value the proportion of patients who are success-
tion is equivalent in patients who can be weaned and fully weaned among those for whom the ratio predicts
in those who cannot. But how the cardiovascular sys- success has generally been high (0.8 or higher).
tem meets the oxygen demand differs in the two The negative predictive value the proportion of
groups of patients.64 In those who are successfully patients who cannot be weaned among those for
weaned, the oxygen demand is met through an in- whom the ratio predicts failure has sometimes
crease in oxygen delivery, mediated by the expected been reported to be low (0.5 or less). Low negative
increase in cardiac output on discontinuation of pos- predictive values have often been reported for pa-
itive-pressure ventilation. In patients who cannot be tients with a high likelihood of successful extubation
weaned, the oxygen demand is met through an in- for example, patients undergoing routine postop-

1992 N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001

Failed Weaning Trial

Ventilation Start End Healthy Subject

Tidal Volume

0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Pleural Pressure
(cm of water)
0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6
Pressure (mm Hg)

0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6 0 2 4 6

Figure 4. Tidal Volume, Pleural Pressure, and Pulmonary-Artery Pressure in a Patient Undergoing Assist-Control Ventilation and at
the Start and End of a Failed Trial of Spontaneous Breathing.
During mechanical ventilation, the patients inspiratory effort is in the normal range and the pulmonary-artery pressure is 45/22
mm Hg (systolic/diastolic). At the start of the trial of spontaneous breathing, the tidal volume falls to 200 ml, the respiratory fre-
quency increases to 33 breaths per minute, there are swings in pleural pressure of 11 cm of water, and the pulmonary-artery pres-
sure at the end of expiration is 60/28 mm Hg. At the end of the trial, 45 minutes later, the tidal volume and respiratory frequency
are unchanged, there are swings in pleural pressure of 19 cm of water, autopositive end-expiratory pressure is 4 cm of water, and
the pulmonary-artery pressure is 60/31 mm Hg. The values in a healthy subject are tidal volume, 380 ml; respiratory frequency, 17
breaths per minute; pleural-pressure swings, 3 cm of water; and pulmonary-artery pressure, 18/8 mm Hg. Data are from Tobin et
al.63,64 and Jubran et al.7,65

erative ventilatory assistance and patients who have been well defined. For example, pressure support of
tolerated initial trials of weaning.75,76 6 to 8 cm of water is widely used to compensate for
There are four methods of weaning.79 The oldest the resistance imposed by the endotracheal tube and
method is to perform trials of spontaneous breath- ventilator circuit.80 A patient who can breathe com-
ing several times a day, with the use of a T-tube circuit fortably at this level of pressure support should be
containing an enriched supply of oxygen. Initially 5 to able to tolerate extubation. But if the upper airways
10 minutes in duration, the trials are extended and are swollen because an endotracheal tube has been in
repeated several times a day until the patient can sus- place for several days, the work engendered by breath-
tain spontaneous ventilation for several hours. This ing through the swollen airways is about the same as
approach has become unpopular because it requires that caused by breathing through an endotracheal
considerable time on the part of intensive care staff. tube.81 Accordingly, any amount of pressure support
The two most common approaches, intermittent overcompensates and may give misleading informa-
mandatory ventilation and pressure support, decrease tion about the likelihood that a patient can tolerate
ventilatory assistance gradually by respectively low- extubation.
ering the number of ventilator-assisted breaths or the The fourth method of weaning is to perform a
level of pressure. When a minimal level of ventilatory single daily T-tube trial, lasting for up to two hours.
assistance can be tolerated, the patient is extubated. If this trial is successful, the patient is extubated; if
The minimal level of assistance, however, has never the trial is unsuccessful, the patient is given at least

N Engl J Med, Vol. 344, No. 26 June 28, 2001 1993
The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne

24 hours of respiratory-muscle rest with full ventila- ventilation16; they have not yet been approved for gen-
tory support before another trial is performed.82 eral clinical use.
Until the early 1990s, it was widely believed that
all weaning methods were equally effective, and the CONCLUSIONS
physicians judgment was regarded as the critical de- Since my previous overview of mechanical ventila-
terminant. But the results of randomized, controlled tion in the Journal, we have gained a better under-
trials clearly indicate that the period of weaning is as standing of the pathophysiology associated with un-
much as three times as long with intermittent man- successful weaning and have learned how to wean
datory ventilation as with trials of spontaneous patients more efficiently. We have also learned how
breathing.61,62 In a study involving patients with res- ventilator settings influence survival in patients with
piratory difficulties on weaning, trials of spontane- the acute respiratory distress syndrome. Less progress
ous breathing halved the weaning time as compared has been made in determining how the ventilator can
with pressure support62; in another study, the weaning best be used to achieve maximal respiratory-muscle
time was similar with the two methods.61 Perform- rest, which is the most common reason for providing
ing trials of spontaneous breathing once a day is mechanical ventilation. Although further research may
as effective as performing such trials several times a lead to unexpected new insights, an important chal-
day62 but much simpler. In a recent study, half-hour lenge for researchers is to identify elements of our
trials of spontaneous breathing were as effective as current knowledge that can be incorporated into a
two-hour trials.83 However, this study involved all pa- clinical management scheme to improve the outcome
tients being considered for weaning, not just those for patients who require ventilatory assistance.
for whom there were difficulties with weaning.
A two-stage approach to weaning systematic Supported by a Merit Review grant from the Department of Veterans
measurement of predictors, including f/VT , followed Affairs Research and Development Service.
by a single daily trial of spontaneous breathing was
compared with conventional management in a ran- I am indebted to Drs. Amal Jubran, Franco Laghi, and Thomas
Brack for helpful criticisms on successive drafts of the manuscript.
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