In Europe: A Chicagoan
In Europe: A Chicagoan
In Europe: A Chicagoan
Grid pond
A Chicagoan
in Europe
into Cash
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On the Cover
Lincoln Park Zoo restores
134-year-old pond................ 4
Chicago Grid
Mission Statement
The Grid is a monthly Chicago
newsmagazine, which sifts through
local politics, news, art & entertain-
ment from the millennial perspective
A Chicagoan in Europe......... 8 in order to mobilize a conscious,
DIY citizenry.
The Grid redefines our priorities
Mayor Daley’s YouTube ..... 10 by investigating and spotlighting hu-
man rights issues, threats to liberty,
Click Into Cash ....................13 digital memes and local culture.
Commentary Staff
Editor & Publisher Kristina Zaremba
The Forgiving Spellchecker, The Unforgiving Culturesphere [email protected]
From the Coliseum by Terence Byrsa................................................................................... 11 Public Affairs Editor John Campos
[email protected]
Citizen’s Utility Board oil spill survey ............................................................................. 11
Contributor Lynda Lopez
e-dentity Contributor Terence Byrsa
Links to resolve your e-dentity crisis................................................................................ 12
Photographer Dylan Heath
#FollowJulyAugust People The Grid recommends following on Twitter .............................12 Photographer Zach Kremian
LP Zoo renovates
134-year-old pond
g Creates boardwalk, tours, but no waste
By John Campos
Public Affairs Editor
In an effort to
establish a natural
sustainable ecosystem
in the heart of the
Source: Parson Brown
city, Lincoln Park
Zoo’s South Pond
underwent a renova- Clean Power Ordinance
tion that produced no
waste, a most impres-
gains support, needs more
sive feat considering
the renovation was 134 years passed due. The Clean Power Coalition, representatives from Green-
“It was important to not only naturalize this area, but also to peace & Sierra Club, Alds. Toni Preckwinke (4th Ward,
create a self-sustaining ecosystem with this rehabilitation,” said zoo far left) & Joe Moore (49th Ward, second from left), and
Senior Vice President for Conversation Programs Steve Thompson, others gathered at Fisk Coal Power Plant in Pilsen on July
PhD. At the end of June, the zoo opened its restored South Pond and 15 to rally support for the city’s Clean Power Ordinance.
new Nature Boardwalk.
Original designs for the zoo’s pair of ponds were drafted in 1868 original flawed layout into account, Chicago-based firms Stu-
and were completed in 1876 to provide a home for a pair of swans dio Gang Architects, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Shaw
given to Lincoln Park Zoo as a gift from New York Central Park. Group, WRD Environmental and Pepper Construction worked
In the initial design, stone and cement blocks were laid out like together to design sloped shorelines so animals could easily access
a large staircase that made its way to the shorelines of South Pond the environment.
making it extremely difficult for small waterfowl, amphibian and To achieve Thompson’s goal of a self-sustaining ecosystem,
other wetland wildlife to migrate in and out of the pond. Taking that See “Pond,” p. 7
CSD: Cha-cha, Nancy Hays & the Robert NSF: St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish
Thurs., Aug. 12
Benson Orchestra 2651 S. Central Park
4-7 p.m. 1-11 p.m.
CSD: Samba, Chicago
Mon., Aug. 2 Samba CSD: Mambo, Charanga Tropical
6-9:30 p.m. 6-9:30 p.m.
EAP: VHS or BETA Diabate explains the
Dee Jays MIC: Toumani Diabate & West African kora. GPMFO: Dvorak’s “Requiem”
Noon the Chicago Transilience Ensemble 7:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
DV: Portland Cello Sun., Aug. 15
Project Perseids Meteor Shower
6:30 p.m. VHS or BETA Midnight to dawn Chicago Air & Water Show
North Avenue Beach, all day
Tues., Aug. 3 Fri., Aug. 13
NSF: St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish
ECN: “Gold Coast” by Carol Truesdell NSF: St. Agnes of Bohemia Parish 2651 S. Central Park
12:15-12:45 p.m. 2651 S. Central Park 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
5-10 p.m.
Thurs., Aug. 5 NSF: 55th Annual Ginza Holiday Festival
NSF: 55th Annual 435 W. Menomonee
CSD: Polka, Eddie Korosa, Jr. & His Boys from Ginza Holiday Festival 11:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Illinois 435 W. Menomonee
6-9:30 p.m. 5:30-9 p.m. CSD: Jive, Lonny Lynn Orchestra
4-7 p.m.
6• July/August 2010
Mon., Aug. 16
EAP: Juan Maclean
(DJ set)
Tues., Aug. 17
12:15-12:45 p.m.
Weds., Aug. 18
A Chicagoan
in Europe
Photos & Story by Dylan Heath
was still digesting all my experiences from my two-
month voyage across the Atlantic when I got back,
but I had to stop and look at Chicago with new eyes.
Like so many times before, my first view of the city
was while driving north on I-57. The skyline popped
up in front of me through the clouds and as I passed
the Red Line 95th/Dan Ryan stop I got goose bumps.
I’d traveled more than 5,000 miles to Spain and
back by sailboat, but that bit of homecoming was the
most emotional moment of the trip.
Left: We stopped in
Spain just in time to
watch its soccer team
beat Germany in the
World Cup semi-finals.
I missed the Blackhawk’s
championship hockey win,
but I felt better watching
this small island town
explode with confetti and
red shirts.
Reach Millennials
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Print, Web and Video
spots from $20. Design services available.
View 2010 Rate Card online here.
Email [email protected] for more. July/August 2010 • 13
Need to Know: for more.
Instructions for
Your Indie Life
price tickets to more than 200 Chicago
Make Money State Business Loans
theatres, or visit their walk-up locations at
72 E. Randolph St. and 163 E. Pearson
Earn up to $150 a day as a movie extra The Treasurer’s Office invests millions St. (in Water Works Visitor’s Center).
Area film shoots need background extras annually in low-interest loans to large
for upcoming dates. Call 1-800-498- and small-business owners and child-care Shop with Friends and Save
1797 for more information. providers. Visit for more. Save big on groceries, clothes and
household goods when you start a Costco
Experienced Business Mentors Employment agencies (2746 N. Clybourn) club to shop bulk
• The Dept. of Business Affairs and Con- Visit with friends. Buy one membership for
sumer Protection offers assistance with for a directory of more than 40 employ- $50 and shop as a group. Member must
business start-up and licensing informa- ment agencies. be present and pay for order in full, so
tion, permits, citations and more. Call arrange to break down receipt and split
(312) 744-5506 for an appointment. Save Money up shared purchases. Vehicle strongly
• The Service Corps of Retired Executives
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be and current business owners with
Cut Your Wireless Bill
Citizen Utility Board’s Cell Phone Saver **New**
more than 11,500 volunteer business (
counselors. Call (312) 353-7724, or visit for more.
analyzes digital copies of any major
provider’s cell bill to determine and
FRee fun
recommend the most economic plan for Full Moon Jam
Women’s Business Development Center you according to average voice, text and
Assists in development and marketing of The Full Moon Fire & Drum jam happens
data usage. every full moon during the summer half
emerging and existing woman-owned
businesses. Services (in Spanish or Eng- Free Directory Assistance a mile south of Foster Ave. Beach on the
lish) include loan assistance, workshops, Instead of paying up to $2 to call 411, lakefront. All jams are a leave-no-trace,
and one-on-one counseling. Call (312) try 1-800-FREE411 for residential and family event, and end at 10:15 p.m.
853-3477 or visit for more. business listings, or 1-800-goog411 and Schedule—7 p.m. on Tues., Aug. 24;
1-800-555TELL for business numbers. 6:15 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 23; and 5:30
Veterans Business Outreach p.m. on Sun., Oct. 24.
The VBO Program provides business plan Books Cheaper
preparations, comprehensive feasibility Before you shell out more paper for text- Movies in the Park
analysis, entrepreneurial training and books and bestsellers browse the 30,000 The Chicago Park District projects block-
counseling, mentorship, and referrals to free e-books (many in Kindle format) from buster movies rated G to PG-13 in parks
eligible veterans who own or want to start Project Gutenberg ( or the throughout the city nearly every night
a small business. Call (810) 767-8387 or more than 25,000 free ones at Many- through Sept. 10.
visit for more. Upcoming titles include new releases “The
Small Business Alliance Loans Then search I-Share (alliance of 76 Illinois Blind Side,” “Where the Wild Things
SBA makes loans up $15,000 for start- libraries), visit a local book exchange Are,” “Transformers 2,” “Cloudy with a
ups, $25,000 for existing businesses. (, rent Chance of Meatballs,” “Twilight: New
Visit for more. books from, buy and sell Moon,” “How to Train Your Dragon,”
used media through Amazon Market- “Up,” and “Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All
$1,000 Business Grant place, or download a paperless version by Myself”; comedies “Clue,” “Hancock”
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Nutrition Assistance (Link Card)
Send sorted materials, packaged however
is convenient (envelope or box) to 68H
Stiles Road, Salem, NH 03079. Individu-
als pay their own shipping fees.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program, formerly Food Stamps, helps
low-income people and families buy
healthy food. Visit the state’s Dept. of Hu-
man Services’ site (
No one can make you feel
inferior without your consent.
—Eleanor Roosevelt,
first lady 1933-1945
Visit to make dona-
tions ($2 suggested) and learn more. and click “Food” to apply.