Mark Scheme Question One

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Mark scheme

Question one
Question no Mark scheme
1 (a) (i) S
(b) (i) 1. reference to columns being {smaller / narrower /eq}(in
visual cortex for left eye) /converse ;

2. (sensory) {neurone / axon} {shorter neurone / reduced

growth} (for left / deprived eye) converse ;

3. {fewer / shorter dendrites} / fewer {synapses /

branches} (in left/deprived eye) / eq / converse ;

comparative differences required

mp 1: NOT shorter but allow references to area

NOT visual cortex

mp 2: ACCEPT neurones cut back

mp 3: IGNORE connections
(ii) 1. reference to {critical/ sensitive} period / critical
window (in visual development) ;

2. idea that if one eye is deprived of {stimulation/light},

{neurones /dendrites/synapses / columns} do not
develop / eq ;

mp 1: ALLOW reference to stimulation needed in early years

mp 2: IGNORE references to axons, visual cortex.

(iii) reference to visual deprivation studies e.g. cataract
removal from children, bandaging of eyes / reference to
development of distance perception e.g. Muller-Lyer
Muller-Lyer needs to be explained
ACCEPT ref. to horizontal or vertical stimulation deprivation
IGNORE ref. to other mammals
(c) Nature involves genes;
Nurture involves enviornment
Question 2
Question no Mark scheme
(a) Trained person have the highest cardiac output;
Least cardiac output at rest;
Manipulation of figures;
Heart rate increases;
(b) Stroke volume increases;
SAN activity increase;
AVN time delay decreases;
Idea that more blood restoring to the heart causes heart muscle to stretch;
Idea that ventricle contracts with greater force;
(c) Refer to detection of increase in body temperature by receptors in
Refer to heat loss center /gain center inhibited /Impulse to effectors with example
Sweat production increases; how sweating cools the bod;
How vasodilation leads to cooling;
Metabolic reaction decreses, so less heat produced;

Question 3
Question no Mark scheme
(a) B Depolarising;
C Repolarising;
D Resting;
[Two correct = 1 mark, all correct = 2 marks] 2

1. Reference to distribution of Na+ ions (at 0.5 msecs);

(b) (i)
2. Membrane stimulated;
3. Voltage gated channels open;

4. Na+ gates open;

5. Na+ floods in;

6. Idea that more and more (Na+) gates open;

7. K+ gates open / K+ leaves / Na+ gates close (near 2

msecs); 4

(ii) Duration of action potential = {4.7 / 4.8 / 4.9} (msecs); [CE]

1000 {4.7 / 4.8 / 4.9} = {213 / 208 / 204} (per second); 2
(c) Reference to hyperpolarisation / reference to K+ overshoot;
2. K+ gates close;
3. Reference to Na+ / K+ pump (re)starting;
4. Resting potential restored;
5. Reference to refractory period;

Question 4
Question no Mark scheme
(a) (i) 1. reference to oxygen (concentration) decreasing / eq ;
2. greater (decrease) when ADP is added ;
3. (oxygen used to) convert ADP to ATP (in respiration) ;
4. oxygen is needed for respiration / eq ;
5. correct reference to oxidative phosphorylation ;
6. reference to {ADP concentration / eq} is limiting ;

IGNORE any units

greater decrease in oxygen when ADP is present = 2 marks

mp 1: can be obtained from any part of graph

Pyruvate / pyruvic acid ;
(ii) Pyruvate / pyruvic acid / substance X, reduced / accepts hydrogen / protons
/ electrons (to lactic acid) ;
NADH + H+ / reduced NAD / NADH2
(used in this reduction) is oxidised to NAD ;
(c) Ethanol / ethyl alcohol, and carbon dioxide / CO2 ;
(d) Transfers electrons / H+ / hydrogen (ions), to electron transfer
chain / FAD ;
2. Reference to inner membrane of mitochondrion / cristae ;
3. Oxidative phosphorylation ;
4. Generation of ATP (from ADP) ;
(e) 1. Reference to compartmentalisation / eq;
2. (Membranes) keep enzymes involved in the Krebs cycle in {a
small area /
3 Reference to selective permeability of membranes / eq
4. {Inner (mitochondrial) membrane / cristae} {contain the
electron carriers
/ site of oxidative phosphorylation};
5. Increased surface area;
6. (Membranes form the) intermembrane space for {accumulation /
eq ) of H+;
7. Stalked particles contain {ATPase / ATPsynthase};

8. Providing a (H+) channel through (stalked particles) to the

9. ADP converted to ATP (in stalked particles);

Question 5
Question no Mark scheme
(a) Shoter H band
Overall decrease in size
1. {calcium ions / Ca2+} released from sarcoplasmic reticulum ;
(b) 2. calcium (ions) binds to troponin ;
3. (troponin) causes tropomyosin to move ;
4. exposing (myosin) binding sites (on actin);
5. myosin head attaches to binding site / cross bridge formation ;
6. myosin head {moves / nods forward / eq} ;
7. release of ADP and inorganic phosphate ;
8. actin slides over the myosin ;
9. (ATP causes) myosin head to detach ;
10. {ATP hydrolysis / ATPase} ;

Question 6
Question no Mark scheme
(a) (i) NH and COOH groups are circled ;
(b) 1. idea that substrate binds to
(complementary) active site ;
2. idea that bonds are broken in
idea that ketone group is removed ;
(c) (i) D
(ii) 1. IAA moves away from light / there is more
IAA on the darker side of the stem / eq ;
2. (H) bonds between cellulose molecules
weakened / broken / eq ;
3. the cells elongate due to {uptake of water /
turgor pressure / eq} / eq ;
4. IAA causes (more) cell elongation (on the
dark side of the stem) / eq ;

Question 7
Question no Mark scheme
(a) Ref to electrical insulation;
Ref to depolarization at nodes;
Impulse jump from node to node ;
Saltatory conduction;
Ref to faster conduction;

1. {MRI/FMRI} scan/{CT/CAT} scan/thermal imaging/X-rays/PET

(b) 2. Reference to 3-D image [only applies to MRI, FMRI, CAT scan and PET]
3. {Shape/size/colour} difference
4. Density of tissue
5. Comparison to image of a normal brain/method of identification of
damaged areas
6. Reference to monitoring over time
(c) mRNA made by transcription;
mRNA leaves nucleus;
ref to association of mRNA with ribosome;
tRNA attach to specific AA;
complemeatry base pairing between tRNA &mRNA;
ref to peptide bond forms between AA;
(d) Ref to nucleic acid RNA or DNA;
Idea of a protein coat / capsids
Idea that envelope may be present;
Idea that enzymes may be present;
Idea of receptors on surface;
(e) Macrophage engulf the antigen;
Refe to APCs;
T helper cell with complementary CD4 receptors bind to the antigen on APC;
T helper cell divided by mitosis;
Produce clone of active T helper cell/ T memory cell ;
(f) Immune suppression:
1. fewer infections / immune system most effective with moderate exercise
{too little / too much} exercise {suppresses immune system / more infections} ;

2. fewer natural killer cells ;

3. details of changes (to cells) of the immune system after vigorous exercise ;
4. inflammatory response in muscles reduces (non-specific) immune response
elsewhere ;

Joint damage:
5. (articular) cartilage / patella / bursae / ligaments / muscle (fibre) ;
6. further details of damage ;
7. detail of how damage occurs ;

Benefits to cardiovascular system:

NB max of 4 marks from this section
8. moderate exercise lowers (resting) blood pressure ;
9. due to increased arterial vasodilation ;
10. improves ratio of HDL to LDL / increases levels of HDL / reduces levels of
11. beneficial effects of exercise on obesity / BMI ;
12. ref. to prevention (type II) diabetes;

(i) Active site of specific shape;
Hydrogen peroxide form enzyme substarte complex;
Broken down;
(j) Larger sample size

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