08 October 2017
08 October 2017
08 October 2017
West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office Tel No: 020-8888-5518 E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
Our website: http://stjohnvianneywestgreen.co.uk/
(SJV Parish Centre 020-8888-5518)
7th / 8th OCTOBER 2017
Dear Parishioners,
The Gospel story from Jesus is even sadder. Not only did the tenants fail to produce
the harvest, but they thrashed, humiliated and killed the servants of the owner of the
vineyard even his own son! We see the implications of the story. God is the vineyard
owner. Everything is presented to the tenants, the people of Israel in fact ourselves. The
servants are the prophets and Jesus is the son.
We are part of the story. We have been given every good gift by God as a human race.
We are made STEWARDS of all that God has given us. His gifts are given into our safe
keeping we do not own them; we are only caretakers! We need to ask ourselves: Am I a
good steward of all that God has given me?
As a human race, there is a lot to be desired. We kill and thrash one another; we force
6 million out of their homes as refugees; we allow millions to starve; we over use resources;
we pollute the air, land and sea; our actions and life styles do not help the hopes of future
generations. This is the challenge of Pope Francis, Laudato Si the Care of our Common
home we need to heed its contents and try to respond accordingly. This was the attempt
during this creation season, leading up to the Feast of St Francis, who is our example to all
of us to care for the beautiful creation God has given us.
CAFOD: As we respond generously to this collection today, we are in fact helping our
brothers and sisters in need and responding to the Gospel message.
SCHOOL FORMS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOLS can be still sorted while I am away.
Germaine and Sr. Devy have a master plan!
MASS & SERVICE TIMES For the sick and those in our parish
Mass 9:15am Anne OBrien, Madeleine Jordan,
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Bernadette Stapleton, Con Kelleher,
Matthew Stapleton,
Thursday 10:15am Sheila Courtney
Funeral for the late Maria Gardella