Types of Reading
Types of Reading
Types of Reading
Types of Reading
Maija MacLeod
In this Page:
Intensive Reading
Extensive Reading
Aims of the web page:
Several types of reading may occur in a language classroom. One way in which these
may be categorized , as suggested by Brown (1989) can be outlined as follows:
A. Oral
B. Silent
I. Intensive
a. linguistic
b. content
II. Extensive
a. skimming
b. scanning
c. global
The first distinction that can be made is whether the reading is oral or silent. This web
page will not deal with oral reading, only silent reading.
This web page then will first examine intensive reading. The second part will deal
with extensive reading, with a focus on how it results in a general or global meaning.
The fourth part gives a short comment on how intensive and extensive reading may
operate in the same class. The fourth part examines scanning and the fifth, scanning.
A final sixth part comments on how scanning and skimming may be used in the same
Intensive Reading
In this section:
What it is
How it looks
-Skills developed
When it is used
Role of the teacher
Questions sometimes asked
What it is
How it looks
usually very short texts - not more than 500 words in length
chosen for level of difficulty and usually, by the teacher
chosen to provide the types of reading and skills that the teacher wants to
cover in the course
Skills developed:
Munby (1979) suggests four categories of questions that may be used in intensive
reading. These include:
1. Plain Sense - to understand the factual, exact surface meanings in the text
2. Implications - to make inferences and become sensitive to emotional tone and
figurative language
3. Relationships of thought - between sentences or paragraphs
4. Projective - requiring the integration of information from the text to one's own
background information
Note that questions may fall into more than one category.
Assessment of intensive reading will take the form of reading tests and quizzes.
The most common systems of questioning are multiple-choice and free-response.
Mackay (1968) , in his book Reading in a Second Language, reminds teachers that
the most important objective in the reading class should NOT be the testing of the
student to see if they have understood. Teachers should, instead, be spending most of
the time training the student to understand what they read.
When it is used
- logical argument
- rhetorical pattern of text
- emotional, symbolic or social attitudes and purposes of the author
- linguistic means to an end
There is little actual practice of reading because of the small amount of text.
In a class with multi-reading abilities, students may not be able to read at their
own level because everyone in the class is reading the same material.
The text may or may not interest the reader because it was chosen by the
There is little chance to learn language patterns due to the small amount of
Because exercises and assessment usually follow intensive reading, students
may come to associate reading with testing and not pleasure.
- Nuttall (1986) suggests that if the teacher reads the text aloud before starting work
on it, they have assumed part of the students' job.
- Others argue that without some help some students could not understand the text.
- Still others argue that it is easy to underestimate students. they may actually
understand more than is thought. If students cannot make any progress, the material
may be unsuitable.
Extensive Reading
In this section:
What it is
Historical perspective
Background theory
How extensive reading may appear in a language class
- Types of programs
- Materials
- Activities
- Assessment
Role of teacher
Role of student
Research topics
What it is
Brown (1989) explains that extensive reading is carried out "to achieve a
general understanding of a text."
Long and Richards (1971, p.216) identify extensive reading as "occurring
when students read large amounts of high interest material, usually out of
class, concentrating on meaning, "reading for gist" and skipping unknown
The aims of extensive reading are to build reader confidence and enjoyment.
Extensive reading is always done for the comprehension of main ideas, not for
specific details.
Historical Perspective
Harold Palmer (1917) in Britain and Michael West (1926) in India were the
first to pioneer the theory of extensive reading as an approach to foreign
language teaching and to reading, in particular. Palmer chose the term
"extensive reading" to distinguish it from "intensive reading".
the 1929 Coleman Report on "Modern Foreign Language Study", introducing
the Reading Method , recommended the inclusion of extensive reading in its
Method (as distinct from inclusive reading).
Broughton(1978) argued for the important role Extensive Reading could play
in second language programs.
Nuttall (1982) wrote that the idea of Extensive Reading should be "standard
practice" in second language learning. She suggested the following
"slogan": "The best way to improve your
knowledge of a foreign language is to go and live among the speakers . The
next best way is to read extensively." (p.168)
Krashen (1984) supported Extensive Reading because he felt it automatically
gave rise to competence in writing. In 1993, he termed it "free voluntary
Krashen (1995) argued that 'free voluntary reading" could be used a a "bridge"
from communicative language competence to academic language competence.
David Eskey (1995) drew the analogy of reading instruction to teaching
swimming strokes to people who hated the water. It would be only through
their discovery of the rewards of reading by actually doing it, that they would
become people that can and do read.
Elley (1996), in his report on a study involving 210,000 students and 10,000
teachers in 32 educational systems around the world, concluded that
"instructional programs that stress teacher directed drills and skills are less
beneficial in raising literacy levels than programs that try to capture students'
interest and encourage them to read independently."
Dupre's research (1997) in French supported the theory that Extensive Reading
is more pleasurable and beneficial for language acquisition than grammar
instruction and practice.
Nuttal (1998) argued the case for Extensive Reading programs citing research
studies that showed "impressive" gains in reading ability, motivation and
attitude, and overall linguistic competence. There was also evidence of gains
in vocabulary and spelling.
Although research strongly suggests that extensive reading can boost second language
acquisition, few second language learners engage in voluntary reading at their own
initiative, ( i.e. Reluctant Readers) and require guidance in the form of Extensive
Reading programs.
Background theory
Types of programs:
Day and Bamford (1980) put forward ten characteristics identified in successful
Extensive Reading Programs. They are duplicated (in abbreviated form) below:
Bell (2001), in his article "Extensive Reading : What is it? Why bother?" gives ten
pieces of practical advice on running Extensive Reading programs.
With demands for both simplicity and authenticity, the teacher must choose from the
Authentic materials such as newspapers, magazines, that are related to the second
language culture
resources -
These should we chosen from suggestions by the teacher so that students do not
choose those that are too
overwhelming .
Stories and articles chosen by the teacher, with the following guidelines:
Annotated reading lists are available, suggesting books that can be read for pleasure
and a minimum of frustration for new language learners. Books that are
recommended for English as a Second Language include the following:
-Brown, D.S. (1988) A World of Books: An Annotated Reading List for ESL/EFL
Students (2nd ed.) Washington, DC: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
-Brown, D.S. (1994) Books for a Small Planet: A Multicultural-Intercultural
Bibliography From Young Young English Learners . Alexandria, VA: Teachers of
English to Speakers of Other Languages.
Materials should be chosen that are at or below the reading ability of the student.
They are usually at a lower level of difficulty than those chosen for intensive reading.
This is for several reasons:
Reading may be combined with a speaking component. For example, they may
interview each other about their reading.
Reading may be combined with a writing component. For example, after
reading the newspaper, students may be asked to write a newspaper report.
Class time may be included for book exchange, if there is an in-class library.
Students may set their own goals for their next session.
Students may progress from reading graded reading material to authentic text
. It should be expected that students will "slow down" in their reading then, it
it becomes more challenging.
Students may complete any of the following:
Role of Teacher
The teacher guides students in setting specific goals for amounts read.
The teacher provides modeling. If class time is given for reading, the teacher
reads at the same time.
The teacher overlooks if students are not aware of the exact meaning of each
word. The teacher should not jump in and explain.
The teacher leads pre-reading activities to build interest in the text, such as in
the characters, places, themes, and actions. The teacher must be careful to
provide just enough to stimulate curiosity but not so much that the need to
read is removed.
Role of Student
Research topics
In this section:
What it is
When it is used
Role of Teacher
Role of Student
Research Questions
What it is
When it is used
Role of Teacher
The student forms questions before reading. What specific information are
they looking for?
The student looks for contextual clues. The student tries to anticipate what the
answer might look like and what sorts of clues would be useful.
The student is aware of the graphic form that the answer may take, such as a
numeral, a written number, a capitalized word or a short phrase that includes
key words.
Activities may include exercises that are devised by the teacher in which
students scan for a single word or specific text .
Activities may include exercises that are often carried on as a competition so
students will work quickly.
Students use skills of prediction and anticipation. Students may do any of the
It is an accepted view today that efficient readers are not passive. They react
with a text by having expectations and ideas about the purposes of the text as
well as possible outcomes. They reflect on expectations as they read, anticipate
what will come next. In other words, they "interact with the text".
Research Questions
Does the skill of scanning transfer from the first language to the second?
In this section:
What it is
When it is used
Role of the teacher
Role of the student
Research Questions
What it is
Skimming is a more complex task than scanning because it requires the reader
to organize and remember some of the information given by the author, not
just to locate it.
Skimming is a tool in which the author's sequence can be observed, unlike
scanning in which some predetermined information is sought after.
When it is used
Before the students start reading, the teacher should guide students to ask
themselves the following questions:
- What kind of audience was the text written for? Was it, for example, the general
public, technical readers, or academic students?
- What type of text is it? Is it, for example, a formal letter, an advertisement, or a set
of instructions?
- What was the author's purpose? Was it , for example, to persuade, to inform or
to instruct?
The teacher should make the following clear to students before assigning a
skimming exercise:
Students must locate facts that are expressed in sentences, not single words.
Although speed is essential and the teacher often sets a time limit to the
activity, skimming should not be done competitively. Students should be
encouraged individually to better themselves.
To improve skimming, readers should read more and more rapidly, to form
appropriate questions and predictions and then read quickly
Pugh (1978) suggests that to assess skimming, after the students have read and
completed the assigned questions, further questions may be asked, "beyond the
scope of the purpose originally set" (p.70). If students can answer these
questions correctly, it indicates they have read the text too closely.
Research Questions
Does the skill of skimming transfer from the first language to the second?
Brown (1994) suggest ed that "perhaps the two most valuable reading strategies for
learners as well as native speakers are skimming and scanning." (p.283)
Pugh (1978) suggested that since scanning is a less complex style of reading it can be
introduced first. Skimming requires greater fluency and more practice is required, so it
should be introduced later.
Often skimming and scanning are used together when reading a text. For example, the
reader may skim through first to see if it is worth reading, then read it more carefully
and scan for a specific piece of information to note.
Students need to learn that they need to adapt their reading and techniques to the
purpose of the reading.
By practicing skimming and scanning, the individual learns to read and select specific
information without focussing on information that is not important for meaning.
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