Lesson Plan Alice in Wonderland 5th Grade

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The document outlines a didactic project for an English lesson about Alice in Wonderland for 5th grade students.

The topic of the lesson is Alice in Wonderland.

The objectives of the lesson are to practice asking and answering questions about books and the story, to learn and use new vocabulary, and to develop listening, reading, and communication skills.




Didactic Project

Topic: Alice in Wonderland

The 5th Form

Prepared by:

Bejenari Irina

English Teacher

2017, March, the 22nd

Didactic Project

Date: the 22nd of March

Teacher: Bejenari Irina

Institution Lyceum C.Popovici

Form: 5th

Topic: Alice in Wonderland

Unit: 4/ Lesson: 8

Communicative Area: Retelling a fragment of a fairy tale

Vocabulary: fan(n), pull(n), tear(n), glass(n), through(prep.), ask for help(v)

Type of Lesson: Teaching Learning

Allowed Time: 45 minutes

Specific Competence Indicators: Spoken Interaction, Listening, Reading, Written Interaction

Sub Competences:
Eliciting specific information from a short oral message.
Asking for using information about main character.
Selecting ideas from a text and arranging them into an appropriate scheme.
Asking for an information and giving personal ideas.
Operational Objectives:

Students will be able:

to brainstorm about books and proposed fairy tale;

to practice asking and answering questions;
to learn and use the new vocabulary on the given topic;
to practice reading the text with appropriate stress and intonation;
to develop listening, reading, and communicative skills.

Methods and Techniques:

- Spidergram, conversation, questioning, PPT Presentation, listening, filling-in-the gap, matching,
Forms and Activities:
- Whole class, pair works, individual work, differentiated work.
-Blackboard, chalk, laptop, pupils textbooks, copybooks, vocabularies, pens, worksheets, printouts,
pictures, projector, markers, books.
-Iulia IGNATIUC, Lara ALADIN, Ludmila FOCA, Dina PUIU, Ana MUNTEAN. English For You. Pupils
Book. Editura PRUT INTERNAIONAL, Chiinu 2015
Seat arrangement: in pairs
N. Stages of Teachers Students Resources Strategies Evaluation Time
the lesson activity activity
1. Evocation Teacher greets Students greet PPT Oral acticity Attention 1
the pupils. the teacher and Presentation conversation
-Good morning get ready for
boys and the lesson.
girls.Im glad to
see you. Sit
down, please.
Sit comfortably
and lets start
our lesson.
a) Warm Up Teacher creats Students Picture Oral acticity The ability 2
Ativity emotional tune answer the conversation to answer
to the lesson by questions and questions,
showing a look at the PPT and to
picture of a picture. Presentation speak in
magic book with English.
a magic sound.

Teacher asks: Students answer Books

-What kinds of the questions.
books do you
know? 3
Teacher shows
them and asks:
-What do you do
with books?
-What do you Spidergram
read in books?
b) Announcement Teacher Students move Oral acticity 2
of the topic proposes to around the class conversation
of the lesson students to and find the
move around the pictures. They
class and find guess the topic
some pictures of the lesson
and to guess the and write down
topic of the it in copy-books.
lesson and who
is the hero of
the lesson.
c) Announcement Teacher 1
of objects of announces the
the lesson objectives of
the lesson.
2. Realization of Teacher shows a Students watch Cartoon The ability
meaning sequence of the cartoon but to
cartoon Alice in they cant understand 2
Wonderland understand all PPT the
and asks: the information Presentation sequence
-What happened because of new of cartoon.
to Alice when words.
she drank the
-What happened
to Alice when
she ate the
a) Vocabulary -Teacher Students listen, Pictures Whole class The ability
work introduces the repeat, work to
new words using translate the PPT memorize
translation and new words. Presentation Explanation the new
pictures. words and
Individual use them in
-Teacher asks work the
the students to appropriate 10
name the new Vocabularies Chain work tasks.
words in chain.
-Teacher asks Students write
the pupils to down in
open their vocabularies the PPT Whole class
vocabularies and new words and Presentation work
write the new those who finish
words. Those first make up
who finish first sentences.
make up

-Teacher asks Some students

some students translate the
to translate the new words. Pictures Whole class
new words from work
English to
Russian and vice

-Teachers asks Students name

the students to as many words
name as many as theyve
words as they remembered.
have already

-Teacher asks Students close

students to their eyes, and
close their eyes when they open
while the them, they
teacher identify the
removes a hidden word.
picture. The
teacher asks
the students to
open the eyes
and name the
hidden word.

-Teacher asks Students read

the students to the pictures.
read the
pictures in the
b) Pre- reading Teacher directs Students follow Texbooks Whole class The ability 2
Activity the class to in their books, Ex. 2 p.74 work to develop
text. It is read and after listening
as a pattern listening to the Audio skills.
with the task- text answer the
question: question.
-Why did Alie
cry so much?

c) Reading - Teacher asks Students read Texbooks Popcorn The ability 3

Activity the students to the text. Ex. 2 p.74 Reading to develop
read the text. reading
- Teacher starts skills.
to read a Selective 2
sentence in the reading
text and
d) Post-reading Teacher Students Worksheets The ability 2
Activity propose sheets unscrumbles the to write a
with sentences plan of the text. Board plan to the
from the text text.
wich are mixed.
Students should
to put them in
correct order.
Physical Are you happy Students look Mirror Whole class 1
Jearks or sad? at the mirror work
Teacher gives a and they tell
mirror to how they feel.
students and
they look at it
and tell how
they are.
Teacher asks
them to smile
and to feel
3. Reflection Teacher gives -Students Worksheets Differentiated The ability 3
to the students complete the work to choose
tasks. sentences. the right
words in
-Stundetns find PPT Whole class given
the pairs of Presentation work sentences;
antonyms and to know
make up a Copybooks antonyms
sentence. of some
-Students Pair work to identify
identify True true and 3
and False false
sentences and sentences;
correct the to
false ones. complete a
Whole class dialogue; to 2
work retell the

Teacher asks to -Students make Pictures Individual

retell the text up dialogues. Board work 3
according to the Students retell Whole class
pictures. the fragment. work

4. Extention -Teacher asks Students show PPT

Feed-back students if they their fingers. Presentation
like the lesson
and to show
finger like or
dont like.
-Teacher gives Students write Record Explanation 1
the homework , their homework books
explaining the in their record
tasks of it. books and listen
to the

-Teacher Students state

evaluates what theyve 2
students learnt at the
activity lesson.
announcing their

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