ICT Business Models - 0
ICT Business Models - 0
ICT Business Models - 0
22 June 2016
The ICT business models of the telecom operators and IT services
providers are about the get disrupted in the same fashion as how Over
the Top Technologies (OTT) are remodelling the consumer ecosystem.
How to best participate in the service layer: UC, SaaS, IoT and what are the scale requirements?
If telecoms operators want to remain relevant in the new digital paradigm, it is urgent that they
consider the new business model requirements.
For example pure utility telcos vs. smart telcos. To survive, it is important that telecoms operators do
the following:
Utility telcos will need to run highly efficient networks at scale and structure the cost model to their
Smart telcos will also need to achieve utility economics and develop product and mediation
capabilities to mediate digital services over the network infrastructure. While a number of telcos
are aiming for the smart telco model, we see a great risk in achieving it without recognising the
need to achieve utility level cost-structure/ efficiencies. Only the operator building on a very efficient
platform will be able to truly become a smart telco
Digital service providers require an understanding of the scale requirements by selectively hand-
picking the services to provide (and those not to) and whom to partner with Given the strategic
positioning selected, operators will have to understand a number of areas to transform their
enterprise business in line with the new digital paradigm and create coherent business models
across its five dimensions:
Asset ownership
Partnership ecosystem
The main implication of applications moving to the cloud is the delineation of services from network.
For a long time operators have been able to monetise their network investments through very specific
services. Vertically integrated ecosystems helped: cross-subsidies across networks, service and devices
remove some of the customers barrier to entry. PSTN networks are the best illustration, where voice
was the killer application. Given the separation between the service layer and the network, this
monetisation model is no longer an option.
Operators will now need to learn how to monetise the bandwidth connectivity independently from the
services running on top.
Exhibit 3: Hosted PBX & UC players in North American market (Source: Infonetics)
Hosted UC leaders have disrupted the market through business model innovation across multiple
Flexible pricing models: Pay per user under different models annual payment, monthly
payments (with contract), monthly payments (no contract); VAS priced separately
Scale through partnerships: Extensive partner network across access owners, system
integrators, VARs and other channel or connectivity players
Ease of integration: Integration with existing enterprise systems (ERP, CRM, ) for quick
implementation and lower complexity
Strong business case around savings: Guaranteeing ~50% lower costs versus traditional,
on-premise solutions
While disruption in the voice space will negatively impact voice revenues (and associated lucrative
margins) of operators, a broader and more important takeaway is the need to revamp traditional
business models. Offering a closed ecosystem of offerings will no longer be viable in the new open,
connected, digital paradigm.
All elements of the business (network, pricing, channels, service experience and partnerships) will need
to be rethought from scratch.
Source: Citi; Vodafone; AT&T; Telefnica; Frost & Sullivan; M2M Now; Deutsche Telekom; Delta Partners analysis; Pyramid Research; ABI;
Berg Insight; Machina; IDATE
However, for IoT to cross the chasm from early adoption to pervasive use - especially in the business
segment - gaps in the IoT value chain need to be addressed. Gaps in interoperability standards appear
to be lessening with competing chipset suppliers, Intel & Qualcomm, among others coming together
under the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) and 3GPP standardising the Narrow-Band IoT (NB-IOT)
technology for IoT connectivity.
However, gaps still remain in enabling security, device management and aggregation. Supplementing
their central position as connectivity providers with network and partnership capabilities, telcos can
play a meaningful role in addressing these gaps.
In summary, the new digital paradigm offers both challenges as well as opportunities to telecom
operators. New business and delivery models are required to address enterprise needs and drive growth.
1. Utility telcos
Bandwidth utility players are typically alternative players with limited legacy that fully leverage technology
to deliver the most cost efficient service to their clients regardless of the reason for which the client
requires bandwidth. They typically run highly efficient networks (e.g., flat IP) and structure the cost
model to their advantage. For instance, Free in France backhauls the cellular traffic on LLU (Local Loop
Unbundling) using VDSL and ADSL. The utility operator typically runs a very lean cost structure, and
relies heavily on cost effective channels (e.g., online) and support (e.g., self-care, community based).
They also aim at keeping complexity as low as possible to increase the benefits of scale.
2. Smart telcos
The smart telco builds on the utility model. Its success relies on the ability to achieve also the same level
of economics as the utility operator. However, the smart telco is cognisant of the different bandwidth
requirements of clients. Consequently, the smart telco develops product and mediation capabilities
to enable/ mediate services over the network infrastructure. The smart telco is open and orchestrates
an ecosystem of service providers that can leverage the reach, the analytics and the infrastructure
capability of the operator (for a fee). While the smart telco has a direct and efficient route to market,
it also leverages the ecosystem of partners as a channel.
While a number of telcos are aiming for the smart utility model, we see a great risk in achieving it
without recognising the need to achieve utility level cost-structure/ efficiencies. Only the operator
building on a very efficient platform will be able to truly become a smart telco.
1. Asset ownership
Telecom operators need to create far more transparency in their internal asset allocation and reflect this
reality into their pricing. They need to understand the true asset costs of the bandwidth and optimise
and factor it into their pricing accordingly. On the flipside, given the low asset intensity of the service
layer in the new paradigm, the services should not receive asset cost allocation in a way that makes
them uncompetitive against the OTT/ asset light players. Re-thinking the asset model is therefore core
to ensuring the competitiveness and the sustainability of the business model.
2. Channel
Telcos have developed channels that support the complexity of their current portfolio and are geared
to monetise services and bandwidth concurrently. This model is challenged on two fronts a. At
the service layer, by alternative channels with lower complexity and with no expectation of making a
margin on underlying bandwidth connectivity and b. On the bandwidth connectivity layer, by a utility
player with low complexity/ high volume.
Given that the operator of the future will be more open, orchestrating an ecosystem of partners,
operators will need to understand the distribution cost and effectiveness in order to be able to
remunerate a more open and alternative channel strategy.
5. Partnership ecosystem
The typical operator approach to any problem has been to buy expensive equipment/ solutions from
vendors to own the platform delivering the product. This asset-intensive approach is no longer
sustainable in a highly competitive environment. The operator will need to learn to manage an
ecosystem of partners to complement their offering and deliver an improved customer experience.
Managing an ecosystem of partners is far more difficult than managing vendors. Digital players such as
Google and Apple have accumulated vast knowledge and experience at creating vibrant ecosystems.
Operators will need to do so too, adopting more open architecture, building control points and creating
win-win value propositions.
Delta Partners have helped clients answer some of the key questions that are detailed below:
What/where are the relevant enterprise digital opportunities?
-- What digital opportunities make sense for the operator?
Short term vs. long term?
Global vs. regional opportunities?
-- Should the operator focus on enablement and/or play directly in the digital place?
-- What role should the operator play in enabling/ mediating the enterprise OTT?
What business model/s best reconciles discrete objectives & the strategic
-- What model best allows achievement of discrete objectives (e.g., cost take out) whilst still
enabling the overarching mid-to-long term strategy?
-- What does this mean across the various facets (e.g., asset ownership, channel, capabilities)
-- How does such a model reconcile traditional and digital services?
-- What are the implications/ risks for the existing business model?
In terms of monetization model (VAS vs. connectivity)?
Acquisition strategy?
Based in our Johannesburg office in South Africa, Christophe is a Partner with over 15 years of consulting experience advising clients in
Europe, North America and Africa. His expertise covers the telecommunications and high-tech industries with a focus on enterprise ICT and
Cloud Computing. Christophe holds an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts together with
a Master of Aerospace Engineer from Ecole Nationale Suprieure de lAronautique et de lEspace in France. He is fluent in English and
If you would like to contact the author to further discuss this topic, you can email to
[email protected]
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