Cloud T. 2014. Cooperative Learning in The Classroom

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Cloud, T.

Cooperative Learning in the Classroom

Tyler Cloud

From the beginning of time teachers of the world Based on research the best cooperative learning
have been trying to figure out the best way to teach groups are groups with 3-4 members (Johnson-
their pupils. Different practices have been tried, Johnson, 1999). Each of these members has a
many have failed and others have succeeded. One specific role within the group, and each are held
teaching strategy that continued to be questioned accountable by the others. Assigned roles are
by teachers is that of cooperative learning. When researcher, summarizer, collector, and technical
group work is announced in a class room many advisor (Johnson-Johnson, 1999). This distinction of
teachers might hear sighs, complaints, or possibly, roles is what makes the difference between group
rejoicing. Cooperative learning is a teaching work and actual cooperative learning.
practice that breaks students into groups of 3-4 To conduct cooperative learning, there is a
with each student having a particular role within specific structure that must be followed that is
the group (Johnson-Johnson, 1999). There are many much more involved than regular group work.
advantages to cooperative learning over individual Each type of cooperative learning can be used
learning based on the different dynamics that a effectively, but success is highly dependent on the
cooperative learning group can offer. To use this type of lesson that is being discussed between the
strategy correctly certain structure is needed which members of the group. Formal cooperative learning
will be discussed. Cooperative learning has is most effective in longer types of projects
advantages over individual work, including: social (Johnson-Johnson, 1999). Projects such as
interaction, transfer of ideas, and group leadership presentations or even writing a paper over a week
skills. Using cooperative learning is more of lectures are best associated with formal
advantageous than individual learning, if used cooperative learning. Informal cooperative
correctly (Davis, 1999, Giraud, 1997, Johnson- learning can be used effectively in small amounts
Johnson, 1999, 2009). of time. If the material is short or can be summed
First, what exactly is cooperative learning? up in one class period, informal cooperative
Cooperative learning is not just group work; but a learning can be beneficial to both teacher and
very dynamic teaching strategy that is not as simple students. Using informal cooperative learning can
as it may seem. There are a few main types of help to transfer ideas between individuals much
cooperative learning. These types are formal, quicker, which in turn helps students develop a
informal, and cooperative learning base groups. better understanding of the assigned material in a
Formal cooperative learning is a type of group small amount of time such as one class period
work structured in assigned groups of 3-4 students (Johnson-Johnson 1999). Base groups are very
in which the teacher has already analyzed and complicated to create. Base groups are created to
assessed individuals to create the most effective establish long term relationships between group
group based on social dynamics within the group members that help each other with class material,
(Johnson-Johnson, 1999). Ideally formal learning group work in class, and help outside of class.
groups should be made based on a mixture of These groups are best established early (e.g.
intellectual ability, academic interest, and style elementary school), so that in the future the
(Davis, 1999). Informal cooperative learning is as it students within will continue to help each other for
sounds, informal. Informal groups are made in years to come, building a long term relationship
class and can last from a few minutes to one class that will last through the end of their primary and
period. Base groups are created early on in a group secondary school careers (Johnson-Johnson, 1999).
of students to help foster relationships over time Base groups can be used to effectively track the
and can last for years (Johnson-Johnson, 2009). development of students throughout the year on

June 2014 Journal on Best Teaching Practices 7

Cloud, T.

subjects such as math and reading. Teachers should work would then include, helping develop social
use the different types of cooperative learning skills, facilitating exchange of ideas, and the
depending on the material being assigned. improvement of leadership skills.
Effective use of cooperative learning can assist both Overall, cooperative learning is not just group
teacher and student in the learning process. work, but a complex teaching practice. While
Cooperative learning has advantages cooperative learning has advantages it also has
associated with it that individual learning cannot disadvantages. If the wrong type of dynamics in
match. The first of these advantages is social cooperative groups are used or, these groups
interaction. Individual work has its useful applied to the wrong type of lesson, the outcome
applications, but it cannot match the advantages of could be disastrous. Managing groups also has its
group work especially when it comes to social different challenges because of different dynamics.
interaction. Social interaction between members of Cooperative learning is an effective practice that
a given group helps dissolve nervousness and should be adopted more often for use in
insecurity. As one professors students stated, "It's instruction. Because of the different advantages
easier to ask a question when it's not in front of the cooperative learning is an effective teaching
whole class" (Giraud, 1997). Another advantage of practice that can be applied to many different
cooperative learning is idea transfer. When in a situations, materials, and projects. Cooperative
group, the interactions between members allow for learning teaches social skills, idea exchange, and
an exchange of ideas much quicker and effectively. leadership skills all of which are lifelong teachings.
Group interaction allows for the more
knowledgeable students in the group to help those
less understanding of the material. The last References
advantage of cooperative learning is leadership Davis, B. G. (1999). Cooperative Learning: Students
skills. To manage many different tasks at once, and Working in Small Groups. Stanford.
keep everyone on track, takes strong leadership Giraud, G. (1997). Cooperative Learning and
skills. Cooperative learning helps to develop these Statistics Instruction. American Statistics
skills because each person is held accountable by Association, 5(3).
the other. David Johnson and Roger Johnson state Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T. (1999). Making
that To ensure that each member is strengthened, Cooperative Learning Work. Theory into
students are held individually accountable to do Practice, 38(2),
their share of the work (Johnson-Johnson, 1999). 67-73.
Leadership is needed to manage each individual Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T. (2009). An
and because each member is held accountable and Educational Psychology Success Story: Social
leadership is not only held by one person. The Interdependence Theory and Cooperative
advantages of cooperative learning over individual Learning. Educational Researcher. 38(5), 365-379.

June 2014 Journal on Best Teaching Practices 8

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