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Industry Services

Qualification right from

the source with SITRAIN
SIMATIC S7 service and programming training

Answers for industry.

Access to practical, operation-based
knowledge through our training
with Siemens Industry Services
Minimum downtime and optimum use of staff and resources are the key to sustainable success in industry.

Siemens provides the basis for greater productivity, flexibility, and efficiency with technology-based services

throughout the lifecycle of an industrial plant reliably, globally, and around the clock. In-depth technology and

product knowledge as well as industry expertise within Siemens global network of experts ensure a consider-

able competitive edge.

We want our customers to benefit from this in their daily use of Siemens products. Thats why, as part of our

Industry Services, we offer basic and advanced training courses that present technical expertise and directly

applicable practical knowledge about Siemens Industry technologies.

Automation know-how with training
directly from the manufacturer

Whether basic, advanced or specialist knowledge: With SITRAIN training you learn what you need for the job

directly from the market leader of industry automation. Siemens offers you a comprehensive range of further

education measures in the form of courses as well as online training media. The training courses can be adapted

flexibly according to the training needs of your company.

Knowledge as a key success factor

Contemporary knowledge becomes an increasingly Experience the advantages of SITRAIN:
Optimization potential can be identified and imple-
decisive success factor against the background of the
mented quickly and efficiently. Consequently expensive
planning errors can be avoided right from the start.
rapid technological progress.
The time required for configuring and commissioning
can be significantly reduced.
Qualified employees are one of the most important
Customization to new market demands can be imple-
mented faster and more flexibly.
resources of any company.
The production sequence can be optimized and down-
times reduced thanks to selective fault diagnostics and
expert fault correction.
Shorter familiarization times for changes in technology
or personnel.
A training course with a certificate ensures compli-
ance with quality standards in the production

With SITRAIN you profit from competent training courses SITRAIN offers:
that teach you about the technologies of Siemens Indus-
Training directly from the manufacturer
try. The knowledge you gain will enable you to make
Basic and advanced courses on products for the industry
the right decisions with the required confidence where
Various learning methods such as courses in a training
Siemens products are concerned. Thus SITRAIN con-
center or web-based training
tributes decisively towards increasing the productivity
Professional trainers, who can explain even complex
of your plant.
issues comprehensibly
Practical courses with numerous exercise units on
specially developed training devices
High-quality course documents so you can look up
what you have learned at any time
Training in one of our training centers or directly on site
Standard training courses as well as training courses
tailored to your individual requirements

SIMATIC S7 Service
and programming training:
based on STEP 7 V.5 or TIA Portal

We offer our complete SIMATIC S7 service and programming training as a two-track program: one track is based

on the TIA Portal and the other on STEP 7 Version 5.

SIMATIC S7 Staying with proven success:

based on the TIA Portal SIMATIC S7 based on STEP 7 Version 5
The Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) Portal is the latest STEP 7 Version 5 is still being used successfully in count-
generation of Siemens integrated engineering software. less numbers of applications. We will therefore continue
Its innovative project planning interface is based on the to support enhancements of this version in the future.
latest software technologies. The TIA Portal also scores
points with its user-oriented concept, a universal look and
feel, integrated intelligence and flawless data manage- What sets all our courses apart:
ment for both simple and complex applications.
Not only do you learn theory, but you can apply the
Depending on your area of activity, we offer targeted knowledge you acquire immediately in practical exercises,
courses to help you get started quickly and easily or which helps you quickly internalize what youve learned.
migrate to the new engineering portal.

Certified qualifications with the
SITRAIN Certification Program

Employee training is becoming increasingly important for employers and employees alike. With the SITRAIN

Certification Program, we not only offer qualified training courses on the Siemens Industry product and solution

portfolio but certification that backs up the knowledge you have acquired.

SITRAIN certification available worldwide tailored to

Skilled worker in Technician and Automation
the current industry requirements industrial electrical master of programmer
The SITRAIN Certification Program follows the new ad- engineering industrial electrical
vanced training policy of the Zentralverband Elektro-
technik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (Central Association
of the German Electrical Engineering and Electronics Siemens Certified
Industry ZVEI). The policy was optimized and adapted Service Technician Level 1
to the current requirements according to continuous
advances in automation engineering, including Totally Siemens Certified
Integrated Automation. The qualification guidelines Service Technician Level 2
defined in the policy were adopted into the SITRAIN
Certification Program. Siemens Certified

Qualification with the SITRAIN Certification Program

The qualifications offered under the SITRAIN Certification
Program cover the complete Totally Integrated Automation
portfolio and require a three-level advanced training The new Siemens Certification Program according to ZVEI
course as well as a final exam.
Siemens Certified Service Technician
Siemens Certified Service Technician Level 1 and 2 Siemens Certified Programmer
Siemens Certified Programmer

Industrial communications

Human machine interface

connection of drives

security systems
Motion Control
SPS technology



Our SIMATIC S7 Courses
based on STEP 7 Version 5

Contents of the SIMATIC S7 service training course Testing under the

based on STEP 7 Version 5 SITRAIN Certification Program:
SIMATIC S7 service 1 (ST-SERV1) Siemens Certified Service Technician Level 1
Basic knowledge of the SIMATIC S7 automation systems (CP-FAST1)
structure, configuration and parameterization Review of skills and knowledge from ST-SERV1 and ST-SERV2
Handling of SIMATIC STEP 7 software and programming Practical examination
basics Qualification: Siemens Certified Service Technician Level 1
Overview of HMI, PROFIBUS DP and drives
Siemens Certified Service Technician Level 2
Familiarization with service options for SIMATIC S7
SIMATIC S7 service 2 (ST-SERV2) Review of skills and knowledge from ST-SERV1 through
Commissioning decentralized peripherals ST-SERV3
Integrating drives Practical examination
Troubleshooting methods for clearing faults with use of Qualification: Siemens Certified Service Technician Level 2
SIMATIC S7 hardware and software
SIMATIC S7 service 3 (ST-SERV3)
Using STEP 7 system functions
Commissioning decentralized peripherals with
Fault clearance with configuration software for
Starter drives and with the SIMATIC WinCC flexible
HMI software

SIMATIC S7 service training based on STEP 7 V.5

SIMATIC Service 1 based

on STEP 7 V.5

ST-SERV1 5 days

SIMATIC Service 2 based Siemens Certified

on STEP 7 V.5 Service Technician Level 1

ST-SERV2 5 days CPT-FAST1 3 days

SIMATIC Service 3 based

on STEP 7 V.5

Siemens Certified
5 days Service Technician Level 2

8 CPT-FAST2 3 days
Contents of the SIMATIC S7 programming training Testing under the
course based on STEP 7 Version 5 SITRAIN Certification Program:
SIMATIC S7 programming 1 (ST-PRO1) Siemens Certified Programmer (CP-FAP)
Basic knowledge of the SIMATIC S7 automation systems Review of skills and knowledge from ST-PRO1 through
structure, configuration and parameterization ST-PRO3
Handling of SIMATIC STEP 7 software and programming Practical examination
basics Qualification: Siemens Certified Programmer
Overview of HMI, PROFIBUS DP and drives
Familiarization with programming options for SIMATIC S7
SIMATIC S7 programming 2 (ST-PRO2)
Advanced programming options for SIMATIC STEP 7
Commissioning decentralized peripherals
Integrating drives
SIMATIC S7 programming 3 (ST-PRO3)
Complex programming options with SIMATIC STEP 7
Commissioning decentralized peripherals with
Formula management with SIMATIC WinCC flexible

SIMATIC S7 programming training based on STEP 7 V.5

SIMATIC programming 1
based on STEP 7 V.5

ST-PRO1 5 days

SIMATIC programming 2
based on STEP 7 V.5

ST-PRO2 5 days

SIMATIC programming 3
based on STEP 7 V.5

Siemens Certified
ST-PRO3 5 days

CP-FAP 3 days 9
Our SIMATIC S7 courses
based on STEP 7 TIA Portal

Contents of the SIMATIC S7 service training course Testing under the

based on the TIA Portal SITRAIN Certification Program:
SIMATIC TIA Portal service 1 (TIA-SERV1) Siemens Certified Service Technician Level 1 based on
Basic knowledge of the SIMATIC S7 automation systems the TIA Portal (CPT-FAST1)
structure, configuration and parameterization Review of skills and knowledge from TIA-SERV1 and
Handling of the TIA Portal components SIMATIC STEP 7, TIA-SERV2
SIMATIC WinCC and SIMATIC NET Practical examination
Structure and assembly of an automation system Qualification: Siemens Certified Service Technician
Familiarization with service options for SIMATIC S7 Level 1
SIMATIC TIA Portal service 2 (TIA-SERV2)
Siemens Certified Service Technician Level 2 based on
Hardware and software diagnostic functions of the
the TIA Portal (CPT-FAST2)
TIA Portal in the SIMATIC S7 automation system
Review of skills and knowledge from TIA-SERV1 through
Commissioning decentralized peripherals on
Practical examination
Integrating drives
Qualification: Siemens Certified Service Technician
SIMATIC TIA Portal service 3 (TIA-SERV3) Level 2
Commissioning a TIA installation with software trouble-
shooting and fault clearance
Diagnosis, error analysis and handling using the
SIMATIC STEP 7 program
Error diagnosis in a PROFINET IO system with an
HMI device

SIMATIC S7 TIA Portal service training based on STEP 7 TIA Portal


Service 1

TIA-SERV1 5 days

SIMATIC TIA Portal Siemens Certified Service

Service 2 Technician Level 1

TIA-SERV2 5 days CPT-FAST1 3 days


Service 3

Siemens Certified Service

Technician Level 2
TIA-SERV3 5 days

10 CPT-FAST2 3 days
Contents of the SIMATIC S7 programming training Testing under the
course based on the TIA Portal SITRAIN Certification Program:
SIMATIC TIA Portal programming 1 (TIA-PRO1) Siemens Certified Programmer based on the TIA Portal
Overview and key features of the SIMATIC S7 system (CPT-FAP)
family Review of skills and knowledge from TIA-PRO1 through
Handling of the TIA Portal components SIMATIC STEP 7, TIA-PRO3
SIMATIC WinCC and SIMATIC NET Practical examination
Familiarization with programming options for SIMATIC S7 Qualification: Siemens Certified Programmer
SIMATIC TIA Portal programming 2 (TIA-PRO2)
SIMATIC S7 based on the TIA Portal for migrating from
Advanced programming options for SIMATIC STEP 7
STEP 7 Version 5
Classic software error handling/analysis with error
organization modules (OMs) SIMATIC TIA Portal system migration course
Introduction to the Structured Control Language (SCL) (TIA-SYSUP)
and S7-GRAPH Components of the TIA Portal: SIMATIC STEP 7 and
SIMATIC TIA Portal programming 3 (TIA-PRO3)
Configuring devices and networks in the SIMATIC S7
Functions, function modules and multi-instances
system family
Complex programming options with SIMATIC STEP 7
Migrating a SIMATIC STEP 7 V5.x project and a
Managing a formula database in the HMI system
SIMATIC WinCC flexible project to SIMATIC STEP 7
Overview of engineering tools for the TIA Portal
based on the TIA Portal

SIMATIC S7 TIA Portal programming training based on STEP 7 TIA Portal


programming 1

TIA-PRO1 5 days


programming 2

TIA-PRO2 5 days


programming 3

Siemens Certified Programmer

TIA-PRO3 5 days

CPT-FAP 3 days 11
We will be glad to personally inform you about our training courses
on SIMATIC S7 and other training services.
Call us at:
Siemens AG
Informations- und Trainings-Center
SITRAIN Kundenberatung:
Phone: +49 (0) 911 895-7575
Fax: +49 (0) 911 895-7576
Phone: +43 (0) 5 17 07-2 38 44
Fax: +43 (0) 5 17 07-5 20 99
Phone: +41 (0) 848 822-800
Fax: +41 (0) 848 822-801

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