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Application of STAR NURSE (Smart Reminder for Tuberculosis Nursing

Care) as an Enhanced Strategy to Improve Medication Adherence in
Tuberculosis Patients

Efilia Intan Sari1*, Yuni M. Lestari Sianipar1*, Dian Eka Solehati1, Reni
Sulung Utami2
Bachelor of Nursing Program, Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine,
Diponegoro University, Jl. Professor H Soedarto, SH, Tembalang Semarang,
50275, Indonesian [email protected]
Lecturer, Departement of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro
University, Jl. Professor H. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang Semarang, 50275,
Indonesian [email protected]

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M ROHYAN GOGOT N (10215030)




All praise and thanks to God Almighty I pray because of the blessings
and grace I can complete the task of study journal "Application of STARR
NURSE (Smart Reminder for Tubercolosis Nursing Care) as an Enhanced
Strategy to Improve Medication Adherence in Tuberculosis Patients" is well .

Upon completion of the task of this journal study I would like to thank
the parties who help and provide guidance to me, for that I say terikasih.
I hope that this journal editor can be useful to the readers. But I realize that in this
writing many shortcomings, for that I expect suggestions and constructive
criticism for the perfection of this task.

I apologize if there is any shortage in the preparation of this journal

review. Hopefully the preparation of this journal review can be useful for all

Kediri, 30 September 2017



Foreword ................................................................................................................... i

Table of contens ........................................................................................................ ii

Chapter 1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ........................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Formulation ............................................................................ 1

1.3 Purposes ................................................................................................ 1

1.4 Benefits ................................................................................................. 2

Chapter 2 Journal Review ......................................................................................... 3

2.1 Research Problem ................................................................................. 3

2.2 Research Purpose .................................................................................. 3

2.3 Research Method .................................................................................. 3

2.4 Research Result ..................................................................................... 4

2.5 Application of Research Result ............................................................ 7

Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 8

Suggestion ................................................................................................................. 8

Bibliography .............................................................................................................. 9


All praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of God Almighty. Thanks to his
blessings and graces I am able to finish my review of the journal
"Neurobehavioral Comorbidities in Children with Epilepsy" well.

In the process of compiling this study I get help from various parties, so I thank
you as much as possible. Hopefully all this can give a little happiness and lead in
a better step again.

I am also fully aware that in this task there are shortcomings and far from what I
expect. Therefore, I look forward to constructive criticism and suggestions so that
the study of this journal can be better. Finally I hope that this journal review is
useful for all readers.

Kediri, September 30, 2017



Title page

Preface ii

Table of Contents iii

Chapter I Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1

1.2 Problem Formulation 1

1.3 Objectives 1

1.4 Benefits 1

Chapter II Journal Review 2

2.1 Research Problems 2

2.2 Research Objectives 2

2.3 Research Methods 2

2.4 Research Samples 2

2.5 Research Results 3

2.6 Overall Quality 4

Conclusion 6

Suggestion 6

References 7



1.1 Background

Epilepsy or people often call it epilepsy is one disease that can attack anyone, do
not see women or men, children or adults. Basically everyone can experience
epilepsy because everyone has a brain with their respective resurrection thresholds
whether it is resistant or less resistant to the rise of the awakening (Hantoro, 2013:

Epilepsy is one of the major neurological diseases. Basically epilepsy is a disease

of Central Nervous System (CNS) arising from the imbalance of electrical
polarization in the brain. Epilepsy is often associated with physical disability,
mental disability, and severe psychosocial consequences for the person (low
education, high unemployment, social stigma, low self-esteem, unmarried
tendencies for the person).

Epilepsy is greater in developing countries with an estimated prevalence of 5.5

cases per 1000 children. The prevalence of associated psychopathology in
children with epilepsy (CWE) is 16-77% and includes cognitive impairment,
academic concern and other neurobehavioral disorders.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What is the main strength of research?

2. What are the major weaknesses of the study?

3. Is the study explained in detail?

4. What are suggestions for improving the limitations?

5. What is the main contribution of research?

1.3 Objectives

To examine the journal Neurobehavioral Comorbidities in Children with Epilepsy.

1.4 Benefits

This journal review is useful to add knowledge insight, especially in health field
for society and health student. Hopefully this journal review can be useful as a
material for intervention as a nursing action as well as health education for



2.1 Research Problems

The problem discussed in this journal is to study the prevalence, the type and
impact of neurobehavioral disorders in children with and without epilepsy. Due to
the large number of epilepsy events that affect children

2.2 Research objectives

This study aims to determine the prevalence and type of neurobehavioral

disorders in children with active epilepsy using standardized questionnaires. If
epilepsy is not treated quickly it will be fatal.

2.3 Research Methods

In this journal the method used is a prospective case-control study conducted in

the epilepsy outpatient department of a tertiary-level medical college and hospital
located in Mumbai, India over a period of 18 months.

After the Institutional Review Board (IRB) clearance, children agree, aged 5-12
years with active epilepsy> 6months duration and average registered intellectual
ability and children with developmental disabilities such as autism spectrum
disorders, intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, acute symptoms of seizures are
excluded from the study.

2.4 Sample Research

The samples used in this study were children with neurobehavioral disorders. All
cases and controls were given language and behavioral questionnaires in
accordance with the Culture Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire to screen for
neurobehavioral disorders. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) is

in the Indian language and the parent version is given. The questionnaire focused
on 5

domains ie hyperactivity, prosocial behavior, emotional, behavior and colleagues

problem. It screened children with neurobehavioral disorders by measuring

total trouble scoring goals as well as individual symptom scores and total impact

The resulting score by summing the scores of 4 domains k

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