HLSC4482U Course Syllabus
HLSC4482U Course Syllabus
HLSC4482U Course Syllabus
F Lecture F 8:10-9:30am
M and Tu
F Lab 11:40-1:30pm
(6 sections)
Final Exam
Location CRN # Classes Start Classes End
Lectures: UA1120 Sept 8th, 2017 Dec. 1st, 2017
Dec. 6-17th,
Labs: Simcoe 72543- 2017
Sept 11th, 2017 Dec. 4th, 2017
Building J101-A/B 72546,72562
* for other important dates go to: www.uoit.ca >Current Students >Important Dates and
3. Course Description
4. Learning Outcomes
5. Course Design
The course will include an 80 min lecture once per week. There will also be an
online lecture component posted to blackboard each week, with material ranging
from lectures, to videos and readings. There will be mandatory labs throughout
the semester and each student will have already registered for a specific lab time.
Attendance is essential to both the lectures and labs, unless you have made prior
arrangement with the course instructor.
Revised Nov 2014
The course will cover advanced physiological principles of exercise testing and
prescription in healthy populations.
Notes on labs:
2. Students must attend their assigned lab time. There will be no trading of lab
3. Students will complete lab questions worth 25% of the course grade. Labs
will be due as indicated below. Students MUST attend their assigned lab
period to receive marks. In cases where students have been excused by
the instructor PRIOR TO the lab for illness, they may hand in a late lab
assignment, provided they have a signed medical note. Students who are
absent from the lab without prior permission will not be permitted to make
up the lab and will forfeit the marks available in that lab. NO EXCEPTIONS.
4. Students will record all data collected for each task and analyze when
required. You will be required to sign out at the completion of each lab.
Students who fail to do so will forfeit the marks available in that lab. NO
5. Students are not allowed to submit a lab report if they do not attend the lab.
Lab attendance is mandatory in order to obtain marks for each lab report.
6. Attending all labs are mandatory. Failure to attend or complete the lab
reports may result in failure of the course.
7. Required Texts/Readings
8. Evaluation Method
Mid-term (30%):
Will cover material presented in lectures and labs. Format will be discussed at a
later date
A student who misses a mid-term exam must submit to the Office of the Dean of
Health Sciences a documented explanation, such as a UOIT Medical Statement or
accident report, in order to avoid a zero grade for the mid-term.
The instructor may provide a make-up midterm exam or may re-weigh other
components of the grading scheme, such as the final exam, if that exam covers
substantially the whole course as is normally the case. The method for dealing
with missed term tests should be specified in the course outline, and should be
applied consistently to all students. (See the end of this document, section 17).
10. Accessibility
Students taking courses on the North Campus Location can visit Student
Accessibility Services in the U5 Building located in the Student Life Suite.
Students taking courses on the Downtown Oshawa Campus Location can visit
Student Accessibility Services in the 61 Charles St. Building, 2nd Floor, Room
225 in the Student Life Suite.
Students who require the use of the Test Centre to write tests, midterms, or
quizzes MUST register online using the SAS test/exam sign-up module, found
here www.uoit.ca/SASexams. Students must sign up for tests, midterms or
quizzes AT LEAST seven (7) days before the date of the test.
Students must register for final exams by the registration deadline, which is
typically 2 weeks prior to the start of the final examination period. SAS will notify
students of the registration deadline date.
Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect
their performance in the course is urged to [email protected] for support.
Furthermore, please notify your professor if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enable
them to provide any resources and help that they can.
Revised Nov 2014
UOIT and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and
help prevent plagiarism. Students agree that by taking this course all assignments
are subject to submission for textual similarity review by Turnitin.com.
Assignments submitted to Turnitin.com will be included as source documents in
Turnitin.com's restricted access database solely for the purpose of detecting
plagiarism in such documents for five academic years. The instructor may require
students to submit their assignments electronically to Turnitin.com or the instructor
may submit questionable text on behalf of a student. The terms that apply to
UOIT's use of the Turnitin.com service are described on the Turnitin.com website.
Students who do not wish to have their work submitted to Turnitin.com must provide
with their assignment at the time of submission to the instructor a signed
Turnitin.com Assignment Cover sheet:
Further information about Turnitin can be found on the Academic Integrity link on
your laptop.
Revised Nov 2014
Final examinations are held during the final examination period at the end of the
semester and may take place in a different room and on a different day from the
regularly scheduled class. Check the published Examination Schedule for a
complete list of days and times.
Students are advised to obtain their Student ID Card well in advance of the
examination period as they will not be able to write their examinations without it.
Student ID cards can be obtained at the Campus ID Services, in G1004 in the
Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre.
Students who are unable to write a final examination when scheduled due to
religious publications may make arrangements to write a deferred examination.
These students are required to submit a Request for Accommodation for Religious
Obligations to the Faculty concerned as soon as possible and no later than three
week prior to the first day of the final examination period.
The following is an important notice regarding the process for submitting course
assignments, quizzes and other evaluative material in your courses in the Faculty
of Health Sciences.
Revised Nov 2014
If you have any questions or concerns relating to the new policy or the issue of
implied consent addressed above, please contact the Faculty of Health Sciences
Associate Dean Undergraduate Studies.