Life Purpose Template
Life Purpose Template
Life Purpose Template
Prepared by:
Your Name:
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2. My understanding of life
- That is, your world view
- Is life meaningful or meaningless?
5. Who is God?
- The pictures that come to you mind anytime you are thinking about
- The way you see God whether as a loving Father that deserves your
love or hard person that you need to fear
9. In two or three lines state your view about the power of thought
- Do you see any connection between your thought life and your life
- Who is in charge, you or your thought?
- State 3 steps you will now take to control your thought.
10. List three major enemies that are frustrating you from being the person you
love to be.
iii. Life in the Word Ratio =Average Daily Time spent in the Word
X 100
24 hrs 1
Prayer Life