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Life Purpose Template

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Life Purpose



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1. Who am I?
Pick the option that best illustrates who you are
(i) Spirit, Mind and Body
(ii) Mind, Body and Spirit
(iii) Body, Mind and Spirit
(iv) Mind
(v) Body

2. My understanding of life
- That is, your world view
- Is life meaningful or meaningless?

3. What are my values?

- Values are those things you hold dear
- Values are what you stand for
- Values are the principles you use to run your life

4. Am I satisfied with the way I am living my life?

- On life satisfaction scale of 1-10 my score is:

5. Who is God?
- The pictures that come to you mind anytime you are thinking about
- The way you see God whether as a loving Father that deserves your
love or hard person that you need to fear

6. How is my spiritual Life?

- Do I have the inner knowing that I am connected to God and that this
connection is not dependant on anything I do or fail to do?
- List at least three things you do to nurture your spiritual life

7. Who is responsible for the way my life is now?

- Acceptance or denial of responsibility for the way my life is

8. What do I really desire out of life?

- Take time to think through what you really like to be, do and have in
- What is your take in life? Are you satisfied with just making a living or
do you want to live a life of passion and significance?

9. In two or three lines state your view about the power of thought
- Do you see any connection between your thought life and your life
- Who is in charge, you or your thought?
- State 3 steps you will now take to control your thought.

10. List three major enemies that are frustrating you from being the person you
love to be.

11. Briefly describe who you are now

12. Letters from future

(i) Write a letter to yourself about who you desire to be in one year from
(ii) Write a letter to yourself about who you desire to be in Five years from
(iii) Write a letter to yourself about who you desire to be in Ten years from

13. Describe your feelings about your best friend

14. Describe your feelings about your worst enemy

15. Critical Life Ratios’

i. Sleep Efficiency Ratio = Average No. of Hrs. of sleep X

24 hrs 1
Benchmark = 25%

ii. Television Consumption Ratio = Television Viewing Time

X 100
(measures how efficiently we 24 hrs
manage our time)
Benchmark = 8.33%

iii. Life in the Word Ratio =Average Daily Time spent in the Word
X 100
24 hrs 1

Prayer Life

i. State the average numbers of hours you spend in prayers daily

ii. Describe of the content of your prayer
iii. Quality of prayer life: Indicate the percentage of time normally spent
on the following prayer types:
- Prayer of Praise
- Prayer of Intercession
- Warfare Prayer
- Prayer for personal needs
iv. State your reaction to this new prayer template
- Blessing for God
- Blessing for Self
- Blessing for others including your enemies
- Blessing for Things

3/97 Life Principle

- All that you can see, hear, feel, smell and touch are just 3% while the
remaining 97% belong to the invisible realm
- Physicality is just 3% while spirituality accounts for the remaining 97%
- In a nutshell the spiritual controls the physical

16. Life Purpose Discovery

(a) Conditions precedent to life
Purpose Discovery
i. Relationship with God:
- The relationship between an husbandman and his economic trees is
typical of the relationship between God and yourself. God owns you
and you are legally His property.
- No branch of a tree will remain alive for long if it is severed from the
mother tree. You cannot be truly alive without God
ii. Strong desire to know your unique life purpose or mission.
iii. Determination to operate in your life purpose
iv. Assurance that God will reveal your life purpose to you.
v. Strong desire to be a blessing to humanity

(b) Methods for life purpose discovery

i. Specific prayer, asking God for revealation of your life purpose
ii. Listening to God for communication of your life purpose
iii. Testing the revealation to know that it actually came from God
- Any communication from God will contain Love, Joy and Truth but the
arrangement does not matter.
iv. Listing out those things that you are passionate about and choose the
best among them. Best in terms of glory to God and blessing to
v. List out your hobbies and go for the one that gives you the greatest joy
and blessing to others.
vi. Prophecy or word of knowledge or wisdom from man/woman of God.
But it has to be tested as in No iii above
vii. Dreams
viii. Revealation given to your parents possible before you are born.
ix. Your life purpose can be your current job, business or vocation.

17. Preparation Phase

i. Need for appropriate and adequate training. This may entail acquisition
of futher academic and professional qualifications
ii. Prayers and consecration to God
iii. Mentoring Whatever is your life purpose there are people who are
already a success in that line and they will be willing to mentor you if
your approach them for it.
iv. Acquisition of necessary equipment and tools
v. Sharpening of yourself spiritual in order to ensure that the power of
God will be available to you.
vi. Giving yourself to the study of the Bible and other anointed spiritual
vii. You must read other materials that are not even relevant to your life
viii. Establishment and building of relationship
ix. The practice of the presence of God
x. Work on yourself to remove from your life those things that may
militate against your success.

18. Execution Phase

i. You must hear from God that it is time to launch out.
ii. Harness all the resources you require for effective execution
iii. Settle the legal aspect if it is (a) condition precedent
iv. Set up the Board of Directors or Trustees as the case may be
v. Apply business-like approach to execute your life purpose
vi. Act with audacity
vii. Do not be afraid to take baby steps if necessary
viii. Set SMART goals in all areas of your life purpose
ix. Take care of the book-keeping and accounting side. You may employ a
professional to handle for you
x. You must approach the execution of your life purpose with holy
xi. Create awareness about your life purpose

19. Converting Your Life Purpose to Money Machine

i. Seminars
ii. E-books
iii. CD and VCD
iv. Cassettes
v. Internet Presence
vi. Booklets
vii. Books
viii. Investment

20. Challenges On the Way

You cannot escape challenges. Therefore be prepared for them. “Challenges
are how we grow” Be rest assured that whatever challenges you will face God
will be there with you. It is only those who will not take no for an answer that
will achieve success.

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