This document provides details of a delivery between two addresses in Virginia - 10611 Balls Ford Road in Manassas, VA to 135 East Reed Ave in Alexandria, VA. It lists the mileage for each leg of the trip as 32 miles and a total mileage of 65.2 miles. It then calculates the total cost of the delivery at $34.556 based on a rate of $0.535 per mile.
This document provides details of a delivery between two addresses in Virginia - 10611 Balls Ford Road in Manassas, VA to 135 East Reed Ave in Alexandria, VA. It lists the mileage for each leg of the trip as 32 miles and a total mileage of 65.2 miles. It then calculates the total cost of the delivery at $34.556 based on a rate of $0.535 per mile.
This document provides details of a delivery between two addresses in Virginia - 10611 Balls Ford Road in Manassas, VA to 135 East Reed Ave in Alexandria, VA. It lists the mileage for each leg of the trip as 32 miles and a total mileage of 65.2 miles. It then calculates the total cost of the delivery at $34.556 based on a rate of $0.535 per mile.
This document provides details of a delivery between two addresses in Virginia - 10611 Balls Ford Road in Manassas, VA to 135 East Reed Ave in Alexandria, VA. It lists the mileage for each leg of the trip as 32 miles and a total mileage of 65.2 miles. It then calculates the total cost of the delivery at $34.556 based on a rate of $0.535 per mile.