Kickstart Lesson Landfill Harmonic

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Grade Level: 3

Teacher Name: Kelly Williams

School: Powder Springs ES

Key Words/Vocabulary:
Compare, contrast,
recycle, landfill,
volume, pitch, strings,
percussion, brass,
wind, voice,

Content Standard(s): Fine Arts Standard(s):

ELAGSE4RL3 Describe in depth a character, setting, or
event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in M3GM.2 Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a
the text (e.g., a characters thoughts, words, or actions). varied repertoire of music
Compare and contrast the point of view from which
different stories are narrated, including the difference
a. Perform rhythmic patterns using body percussion as well
between first- and third-person narrations. as a variety of instruments with appropriate technique.
ELAGSE4RL7 Make connections between the text of a M3GM.5 Composing and arranging music within specified
story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the guidelines
text identifying similarities and differences.
ELAGSE4RI1 Refer to details and examples in a text a. Create rhythmic motives to enhance literature.
when explaining what the text says explicitly and when c. Compose simple melodic patterns.
drawing inferences from the text. ELAGSE4RI6 d. Arrange rhythmic patterns creating simple forms and
Compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand instrumentation.
account of the same event or topic; describe the
differences in focus and the information provided. M3GM.6 Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
ELAGSE4RI9 Integrate information from two texts on b. Describe music using appropriate vocabulary (allegro,
the same topic in order to write or speak about the adagio, forte, piano, upward, downward), appropriate
subject knowledgeably. ELAGSE4W9 Draw evidence mood, and timbre adjectives.
from literary or informational texts to support analysis,
reflection, and research. ELAGSE4SL2 Paraphrase TAES3.3 Acting by developing, communicating, and sustaining
portions of a text read aloud or information presented in roles within a variety of
diverse media and formats, including visually, situations and environments
quantitatively, and orally. ELAGSE4L6 Acquire and
a. Communicates a characters actions, motives,
use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and
domain-specific vocabulary, including words and emotions and traits through voice, speech, and language
phrases that signal precise actions, emotions, or states d. Collaborates to create characters and to dramatize
of being (e.g., quizzed, whined, stammered) and words ideas
and phrases basic to a particular topic (e.g., wildlife, e. Communicates relationships among characters
conservation, and endangered when discussing animal
f. Dramatizes literature and original scripts through
various dramatic forms such as story drama, pantomime,
WIDA Standards: process drama, puppetry, and readers theatre
2-- English language learners
communicate information, ideas and
concepts necessary for academic
success in the content area of Language
Lesson Procedure: a. Hook: Students will view the cover art of
a. Hook (something to get the students' attention) the Landfill Harmonic DVD and use the
b. Instructional steps see-think-wonder strategy to speak
c. Formative checks (progress checks throughout the lesson) about the collage and predict what they
d. Summative assessment (description) will learn.
e. Closing (how you will end the lesson/wrap up for students)

b: Instructional Steps:
1. Students used the cover art for the documentary Landfill Harmonic to see, think, and wonder.
2. Students listened clips from the soundtrack and discussed the different sounds they heard. Students
discovered that the music they heard was made by recycled instruments and that they will be learning
about the children who played the music.
3. We read the book Adas Violin, which is the story book that goes with the documentary. We focused
on problems and solutions and making connections.
4. The students used Tableau and Venn diagrams to compare and contrast their lives to Ada.
5. Students made their own instruments with recycled materials.
6. Students wrote an informational piece describing how they made the instrument, how to play it, what
types of sounds it plays etc.
7. Students will use their instruments to create a soundtrack for Adas Violin.
8. Partners will write in role to create an interview with one of the characters from the story (Ada, Cola,
Favio, Adas Abuela). Students will video tape the interviews.
9. Students will write a letter to Ada about their experience with this lesson.

c: Formative Assessment: Students will compare and contrast their lives to Adas using tableau and
venn diagrams. Students will answer comprehension questions based on the text. Students will
compare and contrast the book to the documentary. Students will use the writing in role strategy to
create an interview with one of the characters.
d: Summative Assessment: Students will create their own instruments using recycled
materials, and present their instruments to the class by explaining their process, playing
their instruments, and describing the volume and pitch. Students will write a letter to Ada
about their experience with this lesson.

e: Closing: Students will share their projects Ideas to present/display student learning:
and have their presentations scored based Recycled instruments and reflections
on the rubric.

Resources: recycled materials, Ada Violin and El Violin de Ada by Susan Hood, Landfill
Harmonic DVD and soundtrack, iPad, venn diagrams, youtube

3 2 1

Instrument Sturdily made and is neat. This Pretty sturdily made and neat. Not very sturdy. Not
is decorated and creative. This has decorations, but looks decorated. Materials not used
Used materials well. messy. Used materials well. well.

Volume Different volumes easily heard. Different volumes are hard to Different volumes are not
distinguish present

Pitch Different pitches easily heard. Different pitches are hard to Different pitches are not
distinguish. present.

Performance Student uses an appropriate Some items for the Information is not presented
level of voice for the entire presentation are missing. clearly and several items are
class to hear. Describes the missing.
instrument and how he/she
created it. Gives the name of
his/her instrument. Plays a

Writing Guide questions are answered. Guide questions are answered. Guide questions are not
Writing is free of grammatical Errors are present but do not answered completely and errors
errors. Vocab is used interfere with meaning. interfere with meaning.

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