Traditional Japanese Musical Instruments Bowed
Traditional Japanese Musical Instruments Bowed
Traditional Japanese Musical Instruments Bowed
Kokyū (胡弓) - bowed lute with three (or, more rarely, four) strings and a
skin-covered body
Japanese flutes are called Fue. there are eight different flutes
Traditional Japanese musical instruments comprise a wide range of string, wind, Hichiriki (篳篥) - double-reeded instrument used in gagaku
and percussion instruments.
Free reed mouth organs
'Taiko' is composed of the bass drum
hung in the middle of a frame. The drum
is about 60 centimeters in diameter.
Only the front side is hit by the drum
stick. The top of the drum stick is round
and the body is made from wood and
wrapped in skin.
Taiko beats time and acts to lead the
"Syakubyosi" is made Drums
of a piece of wood There are many large Japanese drums, or
which is cut in two taiko. Most have two membranes which are
pieces at the center of. nailed or laced and are struck with sticks. The
They are played by most dramatic is the Odaiko (big drum). The
hitting each other. physical energy and sheer excitement of an
They are about 36.3 Odaiko performance is an integral part of
centimeters long (the width of the top is about 7.8 centimeters and many Japanese matsuri (festivals). Perhaps
the bottom is about 8 millimeters together), and the thickness is because they see this all the time, most
about 1.1 centimeters. Boxwood, sometimes cherry and Japanese Japanese people don't get particularly excited
Kodo drummers at Earth
apricot tree is used as material. by taiko performance groups like Kodo,
Celebration 1996 while foreign audiences are enthralled by
Mainly it is used by the conductor as the signal to start and end a
tune at the Service. It is also played at "Kaityou" and them. Each year, Kodo host Earth
"Tamagushi" with Wagon and Kagurabue. Celebration, a festival of taiko drumming,
international music and performance art in
their home base on Sado Island. Many people
In traditional Japanese music, there are three general types of instruments - come to Japan from around the world to
percussion instruments, stringed instruments and wind instruments, mostly flutes. enjoy the festival and it is certainly a
There is a huge range of instruments beyond the scope of this page, ranging from highlight of the Japanese cultural calendar.
bells used in Buddhist ceremonies to various kinds of drums used in gagaku Kodo also tour extensively abroad every
(Imperial court music). year.
In the last few years, there have been a growing number of artists who have been The hourglass-shaped tsuzumi was
bringing these instruments to younger audiences. Taiko group Kodo and young Kotsuzumi introduced from the Asian continent around
shamisen duo the Yoshida Brothers are two well-known examples of artists who give the 7th century and the name is derived from
the old instruments new life and energy, and have been very successful abroad. Sanskrit. Two varieties, the smaller
kotsuzumi and the larger otsuzumi are used
In traditional Japanese music, there are three general types of instruments - in both noh and kabuki performances. The
percussion instruments, stringed instruments and wind instruments, mostly kotsuzumi is held on the right shoulder and
flutes. There is a huge range of instruments beyond the scope of this page, the player alters the tone by squeezing the
ranging from bells used in Buddhist ceremonies to various kinds of drums laces. The otsuzumi is held on the left thigh.
used in gagaku (Imperial court music). Like all other traditional arts in Japan, there
are several schools of tsuzumi.
Stringed Instruments
In the last few years, there have been a growing number of artists who have been
The koto is a 13-string zither, about 2 meters
bringing these instruments to younger audiences. Taiko group Kodo and young
long and made of Paulownia wood. It is
shamisen duo the Yoshida Brothers are two well-known examples of artists who give
plucked using picks on the thumb and first
the old instruments new life and energy, and have been very successful abroad.
two fingers of the right hand, while the left
hand can be used to modify pitch and tone.
Koto are used in an ensemble in gagaku or as
a solo instrument. One of the most famous
koto players and composers was the blind
Koto performance at Meiji Shrine musician Miyagi Michio (1894~1956), who
was heavily influenced by western music.
- February 11, 660 BC[3]
Foundation Day
- Per capita $41,366[6] (17th) Archaeological research indicates that people were living on the islands of Japan as
early as the Upper Paleolithic period. The first written mention of Japan begins with
brief appearances in Chinese history texts from the first century A.D. Influence from
Gini 38.1 (2002)[7]
the outside world followed by long periods of isolation has characterized Japan's
history. Since adopting its constitution in 1947, Japan has maintained a unitary
HDI (2007) ▲ 0.960[8] (very high) (10th) constitutional monarchy with an emperor and an elected parliament called the Diet.
International Symbol ¥ Pronounced A major economic power,[11] Japan has the world's second-largest economy by
(Yen) nominal GDP and the third largest in purchasing power parity. It is also the world's
Currency Japanese Symbol 円 (or 圓 in fourth largest exporter and fifth largest importer. It is also the only Asian country in
Traditional Kanji) Pronounced (En) the G8 and is currently serving as a non-permanent member of the UN Security
(JPY) Council. Although Japan has officially renounced its right to declare war, it
maintains a modern and extensive military force which is employed in self-defense
and peacekeeping roles. It is a developed country with very high living standards
Time zone JST (UTC+9) (10th highest HDI). Japan has the highest life expectancy of any country in the world
(according to both the UN and WHO estimates) and the third lowest infant mortality
- Summer (DST) not observed (UTC) rate.[12][13]
Date formats yyyy 年 m 月 d 日
Era yy 年 m 月 d 日 (CE−1988)
Calling code 81
still contain property descriptions in varas, which vary from state to state and
country to country from 32 to 43 in. Metric Units In many of the non-
English-speaking countries of the world, the most commonly used basic unit 1-27
Table 1-1.-Linear Conversion Factors A unit of linear measurement, called a
English Units In the English system, the most commonly used basic unit of
linear measurement is the foot, a unit that amounts to slightly more than three- tenths
of the international meter. In what is called ENGINEER’S measurement, the
foot is subdivided decimally; that is, into tenths, hundredths, or thousandths of a
foot. In what is called CARPENTER’S measurement, or English units, the foot is
subdivided into twelfths called inches, and the inch is further subdivided into
even-denominator fractional parts, as 1/2 in., 1/4 in., 1/8 in., and so on. Fractions
or multiples of the basic 1-ft unit are used to form larger units of linear
measure as follows: of Spanish and Portuguese origin, was formerly used to
measure land boundaries in those areas of the United States that were at one time
under Spanish control. In those areas old deeds and other land instruments
Niels Bohr applies quantum theory to Rutherford's atomic structure by
assuming that electrons travel in stationary orbits defined by their angular
momentum. This led to the calculation of possible energy levels for these
orbits and the postulation that the emission of light occurs when an electron
moves into a lower energy orbit.
The Bohr Model is probably familar as the But the Orbits Are
"planetary model" of the atom illustrated Quantized
in the adjacent figure that, for example, is
used as a symbol for atomic energy (a bit The basic feature of
of a misnomer, since the energy in "atomic quantum mechanics
energy" is actually the energy of the that is incorporated in
nucleus, rather than the entire atom). In the Bohr Model and
the Bohr Model the neutrons and protons that is completely
(symbolized by red and blue balls in the different from the
adjacent image) occupy a dense central analogous planetary
region called the nucleus, and the electrons model is that the
orbit the nucleus much like planets energy of the particles Quantized energy levels in hydrogen
orbiting the Sun (but the orbits are not in the Bohr atom is
confined to a plane as is approximately restricted to certain
The Bohr atom true in the Solar System). The adjacent discrete values. One says that the energy is quantized. This means that only
image is not to scale since in the realistic certain orbits with certain radii are allowed; orbits in between simply don't
case the radius of the nucleus is about exist.
100,000 times smaller than the radius of
the entire atom, and as far as we can tell electrons are point particles without a The adjacent figure shows such quantized energy levels for the hydrogen atom.
physical extent. These levels are labeled by an integer n that is called a quantum number. The
lowest energy state is generally termed the ground state. The states with
This similarity between a planetary model and the Bohr Model of the atom successively more energy than the ground state are called the first excited state,
ultimately arises because the attractive gravitational force in a solar system and the second excited state, and so on. Beyond an energy called the ionization
the attractive Coulomb (electrical) force between the positively charged nucleus potential the single electron of the hydrogen atom is no longer bound to the
and the negatively charged electrons in an atom are mathematically of the same atom. Then the energy levels form a continuum. In the case of hydrogen, this
form. (The form is the same, but the intrinsic strength of the Coulomb continuum starts at 13.6 eV above the ground state ("eV" stands for "electron-
interaction is much larger than that of the gravitational interaction; in addition, Volt", a common unit of energy in atomic physics).
there are positive and negative electrical charges so the Coulomb interaction
can be either attractive or repulsive, but gravitation is always attractive in our Although this behavior may seem strange to our minds that are trained from
present Universe.) birth by watching phenomena in the macroscopic world, this is the way things
behave in the strange world of the quantum that holds sway at the atomic level.
Atoms can make transitions between the orbits allowed by quantum mechanics
by absorbing or emitting exactly the energy difference between the orbits. The
following figure shows an atomic excitation cause by absorption of a photon and
an atomic de-excitation caused by emission of a photon.
Excitation by absorption of light and de-excitation by emission of light
In each case the wavelength of the emitted or absorbed light is exactly such that
the photon carries the energy difference between the two orbits. This energy
may be calculated by dividing the product of the Planck constant and the speed
of light hc by the wavelength of the light). Thus, an atom can absorb or emit
only certain discrete wavelengths (or equivalently, frequencies or energies).