Solubility of Fibres
Solubility of Fibres
Solubility of Fibres
Hydrochloric Acid
cold BP cold BP cold BP
Wool - + -F + - (+)Z
Silk + + Z + +2 +
Natural Cellulose + + - Z - Z
Regenerated Cellulose Fibres + + - + - +
Secondary Cellulose acetate + + + + + +
Cellulose Triacetate + + + + (+) +
Celon, Enkalon (Nylon 6) +* + +* +* +* +*
Nylon6-6 +* + +* +* +* +*
Terylene +* + - Z* - -
Polyacrylanitrile eg. Acrilan +* + - X* - -
Dynel Modacrylic (+-) + (-) K - -
Polyvinylchloride - + -Q - - -
Polypropylene + - - - - -
ent manufacturers show different behaviour or dissolution is difficult to detect under the conditions of the test eg. Because the fibre melts
follow the initial turbidity.
scible, otherwise methanol) a definate precipitate appears