Im On A Boat 2nd Edition (A Dungeon World Adventure)
Im On A Boat 2nd Edition (A Dungeon World Adventure)
Im On A Boat 2nd Edition (A Dungeon World Adventure)
Getting Started
This book is designed to give you, the GM, more tools to
make your games of Dungeon World easier to manage,
memorable, and more fun.
If youve never played a game like this before, read the guide in
the Dungeon World rule book, drop me a line, and check out the
Dungeon World tavern on Google+. The groups friendly, knowl-
edgeable and happy to get people started.
You might find you need more content than this to play your
game. Its worth remembering that in Dungeon World, you play to
find out what happens and ask questions and build off the answers.
This supplement is designed to help you do that. Id love to hear
what your groups answers were - and how those answers made
your adventure totally awesome and unique!
I'm on a Boat!
Dear adventurers, pirates and neer-do-wells...
Youre expected to lend a hand with the ship's duties, but are
welcome to join in the crew's meals as well - mostly hard tack,
jerky, fresh water and sour wine from the larders. The trip should
take a fortnight, luck and winds permitting.
This isnt the first time the ships taken on passengers and the
crew are generally neutral towards you. Theyll not slit your throat
while you sleep, but won't help if you fall overboard either.
I'm on a Boat!
Port Landington
Prosperity moderate
Population growing
Defences the port watch
Trade Umberto, Nosjad, TelDerath, Khur Kibil, Espinet
Other lawless, market,
Resource kilibite ore (exotic), boats, slaves, alcohol
Guild The Boatmakers' club
I'm on a Boat!
"" Cassandra Cassius, naval officer-turned antiques dealer
"" Tim, the faithful half-orc cabin boy
"" Chuckles, the grumpy ships cook
Where will the Salty Mare end up?
What kind of cargo is she carrying?
How did a half-orc (called Tim) become the cabin boy?
I'm on a Boat!
Cargo Manifest
When you prise open the lid of a cargo box, you find...
I'm on a Boat!
When you set the sails, roll +STR. On a 10+, you set the sails true
and they catch the wind. On a 7-9, the sails are fixed well enough,
but might not hold up to heavy weather or close scrutiny.
When you take the helm, roll +DEX. On a 10+, its clear sky and
blue seas. On a 7-9, theres trouble ahead, but you can give the
crew enough time to react.
When you chart a course, roll +INT. On a 10+, you avoid a catas-
trophe and earn the captains respect. On a 7-9, your route is safe
enough but narrowly avoids an obvious danger (rocks, whirlpools,
sirens or rivals for example.)
When you take watch in the crows nest, roll +WIS. On a 10+
ask the GM 3 questions from the list below. On a 7-9, ask 1. Take
+1 forward when acting on the answers.
Who or what is on the horizon?
What looks strange about the sky or ocean?
Wheres the nearest body of land?
Its dinnertime on the Salty Mare, but the mood is tense.
The slop on offer smells even worse than usual and the
last guy who complained got a bowl dumped on his head!
Somethings got Chuckles the chef more riled up than
Are you infected? (If yes, mark XP. If no, how have you
avoided infection?)
When do the infected first start showing symptoms?
What infected Chuckles in the first place?
Whats the (alleged) cure for rotwhisker? Where on the
ship might some still be found?
horde / Humanoid vermin
Impulse: to breed, multiply and consume
Grim Portents
]]A very unpleasant dinner
Infected sailors spread the disease
Almost all the supplies are tainted
The vermins nest covers more than half the ship
All the ships officers are infected or eaten
Doom: Chaos The rats are out for your flesh abandon ship!
I'm on a Boat!
Infected sailor (Horde, Terrifying)
qq Virulent claws (d6, close)
3 HP 1 Armor
Jones, youve been acting devilishly strange tonight. What the deuce
do you mean, feed-feed man-flesh? Instinct: To spoil
Infect with a bite or scratch
Stop to feed
When you feel a scratching in your gut, roll +CON. On a hit, you
spend the next few minutes helpless, retching on the ground. On
a 7-9, you also feel sick (-1 CON). On a 6-, in addition to the above
one of the following symptoms manifests right now:
Your teeth and nails grow sharper
Your eyes glow blood red
Fur is sprouting in new and scary places
Its getting hard to think... (youre confused, -1 WIS)
You lash out at the closest meat
I'm on a Boat!
Grim Portents
A ship flying black colours is spotted on the horizon
Ominous rumours about piracy spread across the ship
A seagull delivers an ultimatum
The Black Flag attacks in the night
Doom: Destruction The ship is sunk, its treasures plundered!
Scurvy Pirate (Horde, Organised)
qq Chipped cutlass (d6+1, close)
3HP, 1 Armour
Instinct: To loot and plunder
Make a daring advance or escape
Get drunk and misbehave
With the exceptions listed below, this document is written
and designed by Joe Banner. The text (but not the design)
is free to reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution-
ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license.
Dungeon World
Dungeon World created by Sage LaTorra and Adam Koebel.