Operation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube As A Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Transistor
Operation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube As A Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Transistor
Operation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube As A Radio-Frequency Single-Electron Transistor
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1. Introduction form tunnel barriers with small (1 fF) junction capacitances.
Since the first observation of single-electron transport through
The radio-frequency single-electron transistor (RF-SET) is ropes of carbon nanotubes by Bockrath et al [6] and later in
the most sensitive high-speed electrometer available for sub- individual CNTs by Tans et al [7], CNT-based SETs have
electron charge detection. The operation of this device is shown several advantages over Al-based SETs. In particular,
based on loading a resonant RF tank ( LC ) circuit with an for CNT SETs, the area of the junctions and the volume of
SET; the readout is performed by monitoring the change in the quantum dot participating in Coulomb blockade are orders
the reflected [1] or transmitted [2] microwave power caused by of magnitude smaller than in Al-based SETs, where the area
changes in the charge on the gate electrode instead of directly of the junctions and the size of the quantum dot island are
measuring the change in the current or voltage in the SET. The defined by the resolution of fabrication processing (typically
major advantages of RF-SETs in comparison with conventional electron-beam lithography). This improved scaling results in a
SETs for charge detection are the ability to measure sub- high charging energy E C (typically, E C > 2 meV) and raises
electron charges in a much wider bandwidth, and higher the operation temperature for CNT-based devices to ∼4 K
charge sensitivity than that of conventional SETs due to the or higher [8–10]. Based on the experimental configuration
reduction in 1/ f noise in the detection bandwidth [1]. Since reported in [1], Roschier et al demonstrated the operation of
the first demonstration of an Al/AlOx /Al RF-SET [1], many RF-SETs based on multi-wall carbon nanotubes [11, 12] in a
applications of ultra-sensitive electrometers, such as read- dilution refrigerator with a base temperature of 10 mK.
out of quantum bits [3] and micromechanical displacement Here we demonstrate a single-walled carbon nanotube
detectors [4], have been shown. (SWNT) RF-SET that operates above liquid He temperatures
Carbon nanotube field-effect transistors (CNT FETs) are (5 K) and therefore does not require the use of sophisticated
promising candidates for future electronic systems [5]. At cryogenic equipment such as a dilution refrigerator for
low temperatures, CNT FETs typically exhibit single-electron operation. Moreover, due to the higher operating temperature
tunneling behavior because the metal/carbon nanotube contacts of these devices, the constraints on power dissipation are
Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 445203 Y Tang et al
Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 445203 Y Tang et al
4. Conclusions
We have demonstrated an RF-SET using single-walled carbon
nanotube quantum dots. The SET operates at 5 K with We gratefully acknowledge support by the Keck Foundation,
a resonant frequency of 336.737 MHz and a modulation ONR, and NSF grant ECS-0100075.
frequency of 1 MHz. Both frequency domain and time domain
results are presented, and a charge sensitivity of δq ≈ 4.78 ×
10−4 e/Hz−1/2 is estimated. References
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