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International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 953959

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Heat transfer augmentation in a helical-ribbed tube with double twisted

tape inserts
Pongjet Promvonge , Somsak Pethkool, Monsak Pimsarn, Chinaruk Thianpong
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Available online 1 June 2012 Turbulent convective heat transfer characteristics in a helical-ribbed tube tted with twin twisted tapes have
been investigated experimentally. The experiment was carried out in a double tube heat exchanger using the
Keywords: helical-ribbed tube having a single rib-height to tube-diameter ratio, e/DH = 0.06 and rib-pitch to diameter
Compound heat transfer ratio, P/DH = 0.27 as the tested section. The insertion of the double twisted tapes with twist ratio, Y, in the
Friction factor range of 2.17 to 9.39 is to create vortex ows inside the tube. The inserted ribbed tube is arranged in similar
Helical-ribbed tube
directions of the helical swirl of the twisted tape and the helical rib motion of the tube (called co-swirl).
Twisted tape
Swirl ow
Effects of the co-swirl motion of the ribbed tube and the double twisted tapes with various twist ratios on
heat transfer and friction characteristics are examined. The results obtained from the ribbed tube and the
twin twisted tape insert are compared with those from the smooth tube and the ribbed tube acting alone.
The experimental results reveal that the co-swirling inserted tube performs much better than the ribbed/
smooth tube alone at a similar operating condition. The co-swirl tube at Y 8 yields the highest thermal
performance at lower Reynolds number (Re). In addition, the correlations of Nusselt number and friction
factor as functions of Re, Pr and Y are also proposed.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tube, and micron tube [1930]. In general, a twisted tape acts as the
swirl generator, promoting the ow turbulence and extending
Heat transfer enhancement techniques have been extensively devel- residence time of uid ow in the tube, and thus leading to efcient
oped to improve the thermal performance of heat exchanger systems disruption of thermal boundary layer. The tube with modied surfaces
with a view to reducing the size and cost of the systems. Swirl/vortex is usually used as the turbulence promoter (turbulator) near the tube
ow is the one of the enhancement techniques widely applied to wall for improvement of mixing the uid in thermal sub-layer and
heating/cooling systems in many engineering applications. The vortex redeveloped the velocity/thermal boundary layer. The research works
ows can be classied into two types: continuous swirl and decaying on the performance of compound enhancement devices consisting of
swirl ows. The former represents the swirling motion that persists the modied tube and the twisted tape have been extensively reported
over the entire length of the duct for example helical/twisted tape as discussed below.
[15] and coiled wires inserts [6,7] while the latter means the swirl Liao and Xin [17] investigated the heat transfer characteristics in
created at the duct entrance and then decays along the ow path [8] tubes with three-dimensional internal extended surfaces combined
such as the tangential injection, the rib/bafe and the winglet vortex with copper continuous or segmented twisted-tape inserts using
generators [913]. various working uids (water, ethylene glycol, and ISO VG46 tur-
Several compound heat transfer enhancement techniques have bine). The average Stanton number and the friction factor of laminar
been explored for better performance than the individual technique ow of the VG46 turbine oil in a tube with 3D internal extended
[1418]. Among them, a combination of the modied tube and twisted surfaces and twisted-tape inserts by a factor of 5.8 and 6.5 above
tapes has been recommended for its high heat transfer enhancement. that of the smooth tube were reported, respectively. Promvonge and
The reason behind the efcient heat transfer is the synergy of the Eiamsa-ard [18] experimentally studied the heat transfer in a tube
swirl ow acted by twisted tape and further disturbance of the ow with both conical-rings and twisted tape and the heat transfer en-
induced by various modied tubes such as three-dimensional internal hanced by the compound devices was as high as 3.7-fold over the
extended surfaces, a convergingdiverging tube, ducts with internal plain tube. Mengna et al. [19] reported the effect of a converging
transverse rib, dimpled tube, single start spirally corrugated/ribbed diverging tube inserted with evenly spaced twisted-tapes on thermal
behaviors, and the compound devices offered the thermal perfor-
Communicated by W.J. Minkowycz.
mance up to 1.21. Pramanik and Saha [20] investigated the heat
Corresponding author. transfer characteristics of laminar oil ow through rectangular and
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Promvonge). square ducts with internal transverse ribs on two opposite walls

0735-1933/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
954 P. Promvonge et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 953959

Promvonge [26]. The heat transfer and thermal performance from

T1:1 Nomenclature
the compound devices were found to be much higher than those
from the single twisted tape or wire coil device. Eiamsa-ard et al.
T1:2 A surface area of test tube, m 2
[27] studied the thermal behaviors in a tube tted with compound
T1:3 cp specic heat at constant pressure, J/kg K
devices comprising the twisted tape and constant/periodically vary-
T1:4 D smooth tube diameter, m
ing wire coil pitch ratios as (1) D-coil (decreasing coil pitch ratio)
T1:5 DH mean helical-ribbed tube diameter, m
and (2) DI-coil (decreasing/increasing coil pitch ratio). The thermal
T1:6 e rib height, m
performance from the DI-coil devices was better than that from the
T1:7 f friction factor
D-coil ones. Naphon and Sriromruln [28] reported thermal behaviors
T1:8 h convective heat transfer coefcient, W/m 2 K
in a double tube heat exchanger using micro-n tube tted with
T1:9 k thermal conductivity, W/m K
coiled wire and found that using the compound devices is superior
T1:10 L length of tube, m
_ to the single one. Again, Naphon et al. [29] indicated that the helical
T1:11 m mass ow rate, kg/s
ribbed tube provided considerably higher thermal performance than
T1:12 Nu Nusselt number
the smooth tube. Wang et al. [30] showed the heat transfer coefcient
T1:13 P ribbed pitch, m
of the carbon steel spirally uted tube for replacing the copper
T1:14 Pr Prandtl number
smooth tube normally used in high pressure pre-heaters for power
T1:15 Q heat transfer rate, W
plants is greater than that of the carbon steel smooth tube. Recently,
T1:16 Re Reynolds number
Pethkool et al. [31] studied the turbulent heat transfer in helical-
T1:17 T temperature, C
ribbed tubes which provided considerably higher thermal perfor-
T1:18 U over heat transfer coefcient, W/m 2 K
mance than the smooth tube, especially at high rib depth and pitch.
T1:19 mean velocity in tube, m/s
Several modied tubes in the literature review above have been
T1:20 W width of tape, m
utilized together with twisted tapes as compound devices for the
T1:21 y twist length of tape, m
heat transfer augmentation in heat exchanger systems. However, to
T1:22 Y twist ratio, y/W
our best knowledge, a combination of helical-ribbed tube and a
T1:23 tape thickness, mm
twin twisted tape pair has rarely been reported in the literature. In
T1:24 density, kg/m 3
the current work, the helical-ribbed tube and the double twisted
T1:25 dynamic viscosity, kg/m s
tapes are employed in a double tube heat exchanger where the tape
T1:26 pair is acted as the swirl/vortex generator [3236]. The vortex ows
created by the twisted tape pair are expected to wash up the rec-
T1:27 Subscripts
irculating ow trapped in the inter-rib cavity, leading to rapid mixing
T1:28 ave average
of the ow between the core and the near-wall. Effects of twist ratio
T1:29 c cold
of the tape pair with co-swirl arrangement in the ribbed tube on
T1:30 h hot
heat transfer and friction factor characteristics are investigated. The
T1:31 i inner
experiments are conducted in the turbulent regime for Reynolds
T1:32 in inlet
number from 6000 to 60,000 using water as the test uid.
T1:33 o outer
T1:34 out outlet
2. Experimental setup
T1:35 0 smooth
T1:36 w water
Fig. 1 presents the schematic diagram of the experimental system of
T1:37 a concentric tube heat exchanger. The concentric tube heat exchanger
was consisted of two concentric tubes; the inner tube (smooth tube or
combined with twisted tapes having full length, short length, and reg- helical-ribbed tube) for the hot water ow and the outer tube for the
ularly spaced types. Better performance for the ribs together with the cold water ow. Copper and steel tubes were employed for the inner
full-length twisted tape than either ribs or twisted tapes acting alone and outer tubes, respectively. The diameters of the inner and outer
was reported. Zimparov [21,22] presented the inuence of a single/ tubes were 23 mm and 46 mm respectively. All tubes used were
three start spirally corrugated tube tted with twisted tape on heat 1500 mm long and 1.5 mm thick. The helical-ribbed tube (inner tube)
transfer characteristics for different height to diameter ratios and rel- was formed at a rib-height to diameter ratio (e/DH = 0.06) and pitch
ative pitches. The thermodynamic optimum dened by minimizing ratio (P/DH = 0.27). The outer tube surface is well covered with insula-
the entropy generation number was also analyzed. tion to prevent heat leakage to surroundings. All twisted tapes were
Bharadwaj et al. [23] studied the thermal behaviors in a 75-start made of 1 mm thick aluminum sheet with 11.5 mm width and
spirally grooved tube with twisted tape insert in laminar to fully tur- 1500 mm length in which the twin tape was inserted into the ribbed
bulent regions and found that the heat transfer rates of the spirally tube with similar helical swirl motions between the twisted tape pair
grooved tube tted with twisted tape were improved considerably and the helical-ribbed tube (co-swirl). Twisted tapes were formed
in laminar and moderately in turbulent regions. Al-Fahed et al. [24] with twelve different twist ratios, (Y = 2.17, 2.87, 3.48, 4.17, 4.78, 5.48,
presented the heat transfer coefcients of micro-n tube with 6.09, 6.78, 7.39, 8.09 and 9.39). More details of tape geometry and test
twisted-tape in a single shell-and-tube heat exchanger for a laminar conditions are listed in Table 1. The photograph of the helical-ribbed
ow region and showed that the tight-t tape yields better thermal tube with twisted tape pair inserts is shown in Fig. 2.
performance than the loose-t one while the micron tube is not In the experiments, water tank was lled with cold water and then
suitable to be used in laminar region. Thianpong et al. [25] experi- the water in the tank was pumped to a boiler and heated until the
mentally examined the thermal and friction characteristics in a dim- temperature reached 70 C. Then, the control valve was opened and
pled tube equipped with twisted tape in a turbulent ow region. the hot water owed through an inner tube while the cold water
They showed that the heat transfer coefcient and friction factor of (temperature ~ 25 C) from the chilled water unit was counter owed
the dimpled tube with twisted tape insert are higher than those of through the annulus. Temperatures of the inlet and outlet of the cold
the dimple tube/plain tube alone. Effects of the compound devices and the hot waters were recorded at steady state by a data logger, and
consisting of the uniform wire coils and twisted tape on the heat the pressure drop across the test tube was measured through two
transfer, friction and thermal performance were investigated by static pressure taps, installed on the top wall of the tube by using
P. Promvonge et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 953959 955

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of experimental facility.

two digital pressure gages. The inlet and outlet temperatures of the where m_ c is the mass ow rate of cold water, cp,w is the specic heat
water were taken using the RTD-type thermocouples, located at the of water, and Tc,in and Tc,out are the inlet and outlet cold water tem-
hot water inlet and the outlet, respectively. Experiments were carried peratures, respectively. The heat supplied from the hot water, Qh
out for the Reynolds number (Re) of about 6000 to 60,000, based on can be written as
the tube diameter.
_ h cp;w T h;out T h;in
Qh m 2
3. Data processing

The average Nusselt number (Nu) and the friction factor (f) are where m _ h is the hot water mass ow rate, and Th,in and Th,out are the
based on the inner diameter of the test tube. Heat absorbed by the inlet and outlet hot water temperatures, respectively. The heat sup-
cold water in the annulus, Qc can be expressed as plied by the hot uid into the test tube is found to be 2% to 5% higher
than the heat absorbed by the cold uid for thermal equilibrium due
  to convection and radiation heat losses from the test section to sur-
_ c cp;w T c;out T c;in
Qc m 1
roundings. Thus, the average value of heat transfer rate, supplied

Table 1
Details on twisted tape geometry and tested conditions.

Helical-ribbed tube
Material Copper
Inner tube diameter (D) 23 mm
Outer tube diameter 26 mm
Mean inner ribbed tube diameter 24.5 mm
rib-height and -pitch to diameter 0.06 and 0.27
ratio (e/DH, P/DH)
Twisted tape
Material Aluminum sheet
Tape thickness () and width (W) 1 mm and 11.5 mm
Twist length (y) 25, 33, 40, 48, 55, 63, 70, 78, 85, 93, 100 and
108 mm
Twist ratio (Y = y/W) 2.17, 2.87, 3.48, 4.17, 4.78, 5.48, 6.09, 6.78,
7.39, 8.09 and 9.39
Tape arrangement Co-swirl with helical rib motion
Test conditions
Working uid Water
Reynolds number 6000 to 60,000
Inlet temperature of the hot tube 70 C
Fig. 2. Details of (a) double twisted tapes and (b) helical-ribbed tube with double
Inlet temperature of the cold tube 25 C
twisted tape insert.
956 P. Promvonge et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 953959

and absorbed by both uids, is taken for internal convective heat 4. Results and discussion
transfer coefcient calculation.
In this section, the effects of the compound devices consisting of
Qc Qh the helical-ribbed tube with double twisted tape insert in co-swirl
Q ave 3
2 arrangements on the heat transfer (in the form of Nu), f and TEF are
presented. The experimental results of the compound devices are
For uid ows in a concentric tube heat exchanger, the heat trans- reported along with those of the ribbed tube and smooth tube acting
fer coefcient (hi) is calculated from alone, over the Re mentioned earlier.

Q ave UAi T LM 4 4.1. Verication in smooth tube

where Firstly, the present results from the smooth tube and the experi-
mental facility are validated by comparing the heat transfer rate and
Ai Di L 5 pressure drop behaviors in terms of Nu and f with those from the
published correlations including the Dittus-Boelter correlation for
In the experiments, the tube-wall temperature was not measured Nu and Petukhov correlation for f [37] as depicted in Fig. 3a and b, re-
directly. Heat transfer coefcient (hi) is determined from the overall spectively. Apparently, the present data for the smooth tube agree
heat transfer coefcient as shown below well with those from the correlations within 4% for Nu and 8%
for f. Therefore, the Nusselt number (Nu0) and friction factor (f0) of
1=U 1=hi Ai lnDo Di =2kL Ai =Ao ho Rf 6 the smooth tube will be used to normalize Nu and f obtained from
the ribbed tube with/without twin twisted tape insert.
When the last three terms on the right-hand side of Eq. (6) were kept
constant and set to C1, then Eq. (6) can be re-written as 4.2. Effect of ribbed tube and twisted tape

1=U 1=hi C 1 7
The effect of the helical-ribbed tubes tted with twin twisted
tapes on the heat transfer rate in the form of Nu and Nu/Nu0 ratio is
the heat transfer coefcient is related to Re as
displayed in Fig. 4a and b, respectively and the result is compared
m with that from the ribbed tube/smooth tube acting alone. It can be ob-
hi CRe 8
served in the gure that the Nu increases with the rise in Re while the
Nu/Nu0 shows an opposite trend for all cases. At a similar operating
where C and m stand for constant and power index values
Substituting Eq. (8) into Eq. (7) yields

m m
1=U 1=C Re C 1 aRe C1 9

Eq. (9) implies that the plot between 1/U and Re m is a straight
line with its slope of a and intercept at C1 in Y-axis (1/U). Rearranging
Eq. (9) yields

hi 1=1=UC 1 10

Then Nu can be calculated by

Nu hi DH =k 11

The local thermal conductivity (k) of the uid is calculated from

the uid properties at the local mean bulk uid temperature. The Re
is based on the ow rate at the inlet of the test section.

 D =
Re U 12

where is the dynamic viscosity of the working uid.

Friction factor (f) can be written as
f 2DH P= LU 13

in which is mean velocity in the tube. All of the thermo-physical

properties of water are determined at the overall bulk water
To assess the practical use of the enhanced tube, the performance
of the enhanced tube is evaluated relatively to the smooth tube at an
identical pumping power in the form of thermal performance en-
hancement factor (TEF) which can be expressed as

TEF Nu=Nu0 =f =f 0 14 Fig. 3. Verication of (a) Nu and (b) f for smooth tube.
P. Promvonge et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 953959 957

condition, the ribbed tube in common with the twin twisted tape
yields higher heat transfer rate than the ribbed tube acting alone or
the smooth tube. Depending on the Re and Y values, the Nu obtained
from the inserted ribbed-tube is, respectively, larger than that from
the ribbed tube alone and the smooth tube at about 4% to 75% and
150% to 320%. The better performance of the inserted ribbed-tube
can be attributed to the consequence of combined actions including
a swirl ow created by the twisted tape and an additional ow distur-
bance by the modied surface of the ribbed tube, leading to a more
effectiveness in disruption of the boundary layer compared to those
caused by the individual device.
The variations of the f and the f/f0 ratio of the inserted ribbed tube
including those of the ribbed tube alone and the smooth tube with Re
are depicted in Fig. 5a and b, respectively. It is visible that both the f
and f/f0 tend to decrease with the increase of Re, for all cases. Similar
to the Nu trends, the f from the inserted ribbed-tube is considerably
higher than that from the ribbed tube alone or smooth tube at a
given Re. The f of the inserted ribbed-tube is found to be approxi-
mately 1.73.6 times over the ribbed tube alone and to be about
6.019.2 times the smooth tube, depending on the Re and Y values.
However, the f of the ribbed tube alone is around 77% to 207%
above that of the smooth tube.
The TEF calculated from Eq. (14) against the Re is portrayed in
Fig. 6. In the gure, the TEF tends to decrease with the increase in
Re. The maximum and minimum TEF values of the co-swirling
inserted tube are, respectively, found to be about 2.6 and 1.9 at the
lowest and highest Re values, respectively. The TEF of the ribbed
tube alone is around 1.6 to 2.2, depending on Re. This indicates that
the use of the inserted ribbed-tube is advantageous in view point of
energy saving at lower Re. It is also seen that the TEF values are all

Fig. 5. Effect of ribbed tube and twisted tape on (a) f and (b) f/f0.

much higher than unity, signifying the superior performance of the

compound devices over the smooth tube.

4.3. Effect of twist ratio

The effect of twelve twist ratios (Y = 2.17, 2.87, 3.48, 4.17, 4.78,
5.48, 6.09, 6.78, 7.39, 8.09 and 9.39) on the Nu/Nu0 and f/f0 in the
inserted ribbed-tube is displayed in Fig. 7a and b, respectively. It is
seen that the Nu/Nu0 of the co-swirl inserted tube increases with in-
creasing the twist ratio until Y = 8.09 and then tends to decrease
abruptly. The co-swirl inserted tube provides the highest Nusselt

Fig. 4. Effects of ribbed tube and twisted tape on (a) Nu and (b) Nu/Nu0. Fig. 6. Effect of ribbed tube and twisted tape on TEF.
958 P. Promvonge et al. / International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (2012) 953959

consistently with the increment of the twist ratio till Y = 8 and then
reduces rapidly for larger Y values. Also, it should be noted that the
TEF is more sensitive to both the Re and Y values.

4.4. Empirical correlations

The tted values of the Nu, and f are correlated to become the em-
pirical correlations as shown below in Eqs. (15) and (16), respective-
ly. The tted values from the Nu and f correlations are found to be
within 10% and 11% with the measured data, respectively.
The empirical correlations developed for the co-swirl ribbed-tube
with double twisted tapes are

0:627 0:3 0:346

Nu 0:238 Re Pr Y 15

0:4 0:458
f 31:675 Re Y 16

5. Conclusions

Thermal characteristics in a helical-ribbed tube tted with twin

twisted-tapes in co-swirl arrangement are presented in the present
study. The work has been conducted in the turbulent ow regime,
Re from 6000 to 60,000 using water as the test uid. The ndings of
the work can be drawn as follows:
1. For the inserted ribbed tube, the Nu tends to increase with the rise
in Re while the f and TEF give the opposite trends.
2. The TEF obtained from the inserted ribbed tube is found to be
much higher than unity.
3. The compound enhancement devices of the helical-ribbed tube
and the twin twisted tapes show a considerable improvement of
heat transfer rate and thermal performance relative to the smooth
Fig. 7. Effect of Y on (a) Nu/Nu0 and (b) f/f0.
tube and the helical-ribbed tube acting alone, depending on twist
number for Y = 8.09 but the lowest for Y = 2.17 at higher Re. It is 4. The co-swirl tube yields higher Nu and f than the ribbed tube at
worth noting that the twist ratio of about 8 should be applied to the higher twist ratio. The maximum TEF is obtained for the co-swirl
co-swirl inserted tube to obtain the maximum Nu while the use of tube at Y 8.
smaller twist ratio must be avoided. Fig. 8b shows the effect of the
twist ratio (Y) on the f/f0 in the co-swirl inserted tube. It can be ob- Acknowledgements
served in the gure that the f/f0 decreases almost linearly with in-
creasing the twist ratio. This implies that the use of larger twist The rst author gratefully acknowledges the nancial support by
ratio (Y) can help to reduce considerably the pressure loss but in- the Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology
crease the Nu until Y = 8.09. The optimal twist ratio of the twin twist- Ladkrabang (KMITL).
ed tapes is around 8 for the co-swirl ribbed-tube.
Effect of the twist ratio on the TEF in the inserted ribbed-tube is References
presented in Fig. 8. As seen in the gure, the TEF tends to increase
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