Calculo de Extension de Grieta
Calculo de Extension de Grieta
Calculo de Extension de Grieta
h i g h l i g h t s
" The initial fracture toughness was proposed as crack propagation criterion for concrete.
" A FE analysis was carried out to simulate the complete fracture process in concrete.
" KR-curve which is able to consider the variation of FPZ was investigated.
" The shape of KR-curve was found to be affected by the FPZ variation and boundary effect.
" KR-curve was found to be size dependent.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A crack propagation criterion was proposed for model I crack in concrete by using the initial fracture
Received 15 May 2012 toughness K ini IC as an inherent material property. Based on this criterion, crack begins to propagate when
Received in revised form 20 August 2012 the difference, between the stress intensity factors caused by the applied load K PI and that by the cohesive
Accepted 20 September 2012
stress K rI , exceeds K ini
IC . Finite element analyses was then carried out to calculate the complete load vs.
Available online 30 October 2012
crack mouth opening displacement (P-CMOD) curve, the critical crack propagation length DaC and the
unstable fracture toughness K un IC for notched beams under three-point bending. It was found that numer-
ical results showed a good agreement with the experimental ones. Based on this crack propagation cri-
Initial fracture toughness
terion, crack extension resistance, in terms of stress intensity factor, KR being able to consider the
Crack propagation criterion variation of fracture process zone (FPZ) was employed for describing crack propagation in concrete. KR
KR-curve is composed of K ini IC and K I , which is actually equal to the driving action of crack extension. It was con-
Fracture process zone (FPZ) cluded that given the elastic modulus E, the uniaxial tensile strength ft, the fracture energy GF and K ini IC ,
Crack extension resistance the complete fracture process in concrete and the KR-curve of concrete can be calculated based on the
Complete fracture process numerical method. Finally, discussion was made on the effects of fracture process zone, GF and specimens
geometries on KR-curve.
2012 Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY license.
materials. Tvergaard and Hutchinson [11] utilized the highly re- length in the loading descending branch. A more accurate analytical
ned nite element calculations and investigated the R-curve, for technique was developed by Ballarini et al. [22] to predict crack
the crack growth in small-scale yielding under plane strain condi- growth in cement-based composites. They also came out the same
tion. Foote et al. [12] developed a theoretical model to calculate conclusion on variation of FPZ length as Wecharatana and Shah [7].
the R-curve using softening stress (r)crack opening displacement They concluded that the crack length and the displacement were so
(w) relationship in strain-softening materials. large that the interlocking effect decreased within the FPZ. Hu and
It should be noted that the conventional R-curve can only deter- Wittmann [23,24] also presented a model to predict FPZ length.
mine the onset of crack instability. In order to describe the increase Their analytical and test results both indicated that the FPZ length
of fracture toughness during crack propagation, a new approach increases before full FPZ develops but decreases after that. Using
was proposed by Xu and Reinhardt [13] and Reinhardt and Xu the method proposed by Xu and Reinhardt [13] and Reinhardt
[14] to evaluate the crack extension resistance in terms of consid- and Xu [14] but considering the variation of FPZ during crack prop-
ering the cohesive stress acting on the fracture process zone (FPZ). agation, Xu et al. [25] calculated the KR-curve based on P-CMOD
In this method, KR is obtained by combining the crack initiation curve obtained from experiment. Their results also revealed that
fracture toughness K ini IC , which is an inherent material property, the KR-curve is size independent. It should be noted that, in their
with K rI which represents the contribution of the cohesive stress study, Xu et al. [25] assumed fracture energy GF as 100 N/m for con-
along the ctitious crack zone. A semi-analytical method was ap- crete irrespective of mixtures rather than this value normally being
plied to calculate KR-curve through using the curve of load vs. crack derived from P-CMOD curve from notched beam test.
mouth opening displacement (P-CMOD) measured from experi- Moreover, due to sharp geometry, stress singularity may exist at
ment [13,14]. The result indicated that the KR-curve is an inherent the tip of crack in concrete or composite structures. For a concrete
material property and size-independent. However, some scholars structure with cracks, crack propagation often occurs under service
questioned whether the KR-curve should be taken as an inherent load. Therefore, the problem of stress singularity has been investi-
material property. In the study of Mai [15], the SIF superposition gated in various studies [26,27], in which numerical methods are
method was applied to calculate KR-curve by assuming FPZ to be usually adopted. Several different numerical methods have been
a ctitious crack, and it was concluded that KR-curve is not a mate- utilized to simulate crack propagation in concrete among which -
rial property, except for very large size specimens in which the nite element method (FEM) is probably the most popular one. In
crack-bridging zone is much smaller than the crack length and traditional FEM, since ne meshes are needed to minimize the
other dimensions. Furthermore, Hu and Wittmann [16] derived dependence of crack paths on initial mesh, re-meshing algorithm
the extension of FPZ with the conventional compliance method is necessary to accommodate crack propagation [28]. In general,
in conjunction with a multi-cutting technique and proposed a re-meshing algorithm needs complex data structures to manage
new approach to calculate the KR-curve by introducing a parameter mesh updating as well as a well-validated crack propagation crite-
to consider the residual deformation. The results suggested that rion. Fine crack tip meshes are also needed to represent the singu-
the size dependency of KR-curve is due to the difference in initial larity in the stress led, which may result in high computational
ligaments in concrete specimens. Following the studies of Xu and cost. In order to overcome the drawbacks of re-meshing, an ex-
Reinhardt [13] and Reinhardt and Xu [14], Kumar and Barai tended FEM [29] was developed to represent cracks by enriching
[17,18] introduced the universal weight function to calculate the the nodes in the discretization with discontinuous functions.
values of double-K fracture parameters. The weight function ap- Moreover, boundary element method (BEM) is a competitive alter-
proach was also used to calculate the KR-curve [19] based on cohe- native to FEM in simulating crack propagation. Combining the
sive stress distribution during crack propagation. The size effect advantages of both FEM and BEM, a scaled boundary nite element
was observed from specimen with different sizes, especially during method (SBFEM) was developed by Wolf and Song [30]. SBFEM has
the unstable fracture stage. Furthermore, the effects of geometry been successfully applied to simulate the dynamic crack propaga-
and loading condition on the KR-curve in concrete were discussed tion [31] and mixed-mode automatic crack propagation [32].
by Kumar and Barai [20,21]. The main objective of this paper is to develop a numerical
In the formula of KR-curves proposed by Xu and Reinhardt [13] method to simulate the whole crack propagation in concrete by
and Reinhardt and Xu [14], K rI is a variable which is affected by considering the variation of FPZ length. It was found that, using
FPZ length, and the relationship between ctitious crack opening K ini
IC derived from experiment as the parameter to determine crack
displacement and stress acting on it, i.e., the cohesive law. There- propagation, the whole crack propagation can be simulated with-
fore, it is crucial to accurately determine FPZ and their associated out the need of P-CMOD curve from experiment. On the other hand,
cohesive laws for modeling the KR-curves of concrete. Moreover, notched concrete beams with depths D of 100, 200, and 300 mm,
it is noticed that the KR-curve is greatly affected by variation of respectively, and initial crack ratios a0/D of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6,
FPZ length during crack propagation. Therefore, the difference in respectively, were tested under three-point bending and P-CMOD
methods for determining FPZ length can affect the calculated re- curves were obtained which were then compared with the numer-
sults and shapes of KR-curve. Xu and Reinhardt [13] and Reinhardt ical ones to validate the proposed numerical method. After that,
and Xu [14] studied the KR-curve and FPZ length by means of cti- the proposed method was employed to obtain KR-curve for the
tious crack model based on the assumption that the length of FPZ is complete fracture process, which takes into account the cohesive
constant when full FPZ is developed, i.e. the crack tip opening dis- stress acting on FPZ. Finally, the effect of variation of FPZ length
placement (CTOD) exceeds the stress-free crack width w0 in the and fracture energy on KR-curve, as well as size effect of KR-curve,
softening traction-separation law. As a result, the KR-curve rises was discussed.
monotonically with the increase of the ratio of the effective crack
length to the beam depth, i.e. a/D. However, many experimental
and theoretical studies have demonstrated that the FPZ length in- 2. New crack propagation criterion and experimental
creases before FPZ is fully developed and decreases after that. For verication
instance, Wecharatana and Shah [7] suggested that FPZ includes
both the mechanical interlock zone and the zone where micro- 2.1. Crack propagation criterion
cracking and other inelastic deformation occurred. The analysis in
crack propagation of cement-based composites using their method In order to simulate fracture process, certain crack propagation
showed that the FPZ length decreases with the increase of the crack criterion is needed which could be energy- or SIF-based. Based on
W. Dong et al. / Construction and Building Materials 38 (2013) 879889 881
LEFM can be used to calculate SIF at the tip of crack. At Point A, spective of effective crack length. Therefore, the SIF at the effective
the crack length is a0 and SIF K PIa at crack tip caused by the applied crack tip of a three-point bending notched beam can be obtained
load P can be obtained based on Pini and a0. At this point, the initial using the following simple relationship based on linear superposi-
fracture toughness K ini P tion principle:
Ia is equal to K Ia when a is equal to a0.
When P increases from Pini to Pb, i.e., from Point A to Point B (see r
K PI K ini
IC K I 4
Fig. 1), crack will propagate and a ctitious crack length 4ab is
reached. Therefore, according to the linear asymptotic method, If load P and the corresponding crack length a are known, the
the effective crack length now becomes ab, which is equal to crack opening displacement can be calculated using FEM, and the
a0 + 4ab. If unloading takes place at this point, load will reduce lin- cohesive stress distribution can be obtained by using the cohesive
early down to zero, i.e., from Point B to Point O as shown in Fig. 1. stresscrack opening relationship, rw. Then stress intensity fac-
After that, if reloading, load will increase linearly to Pb, i.e., from tor K rI caused by cohesive stress can be obtained, and K PI caused
Point O to Point B along Line OB as shown in Fig. 1. In other word, by the applied load P can be directly calculated by the quarter
at Point B, the three-point bending beam can be regarded as a new point singular element approach. Therefore, considering the whole
virgin beam with an initial crack length ab, but it should be noted crack propagation process as the accumulation of many new
882 W. Dong et al. / Construction and Building Materials 38 (2013) 879889
K PI K rI K ini
IC ; crack is in the critical state 6
K PI K rI > K ini
IC ; crack propagates 7
The above crack propagation criterion is adopted to simulate
the whole fracture process in the proposed numerical method re-
ported in this study using an iterative process which is illustrated
by the program ow diagram shown in Fig. 2. The following steps
are included in the iterative numerical process:
1. Calculate K ini
IC based on a0 and Pini, denoted as P(1) = Pini, from
2. Establish FEM model for three-point bending beam with crack
length ai,j = a(j 1) + Da (i = 1,2. . ., j = 2,3,. . .). Here Da is a
Fig. 2. Program ow diagram for the iterative process in the numerical method.
Table 1
(a) a=a0 Sizes, material parameters and calculated aw0/D for B-series beams.
Table 2
(c) failed Sizes, material parameters and calculated aw0/D for L-series specimens.
Fig. 3. Different stages in fracture process from numerical analyse. Specimen LDB a0/D GF Pmax aw0/D
K ini
(mm) (N/m) (MPa m1/2) (kN)
specied increment of crack length. i represents the load incre- fracture processes were obtained. A typical example from numeri-
ment step during the iteration analyses in which the crack cal analyses is shown in Fig. 3 which illustrates the evolution of the
length keeps no change. j represents the crack length increment fracture process of the L3-series specimen (see in Table 2).
step during the iteration analyses.
3. Apply load Pi,j to the notched beam and calculate cohesive stress 2.2. Experimental verication
ri,j. Calculate K PI and K rI by adjusting load Pi,j until the Eq. (6) is
satised. When K PI K rI < K ini
IC , load should be increased with a In order to validate of the proposed method, two series of con-
load incensement DP and cohesive stress ri,j should be recalcu- crete beams, with different a0/D (denoted as B-series) and sizes
lated based on the displacement caused by Pi,j + DP. When (denoted as L-series), where D is the depth of the notched beam,
K PI K rI > K ini
IC , load should be decreased with a load incense- were tested under three-point bending and the corresponding
ment DP and cohesive stress ri,j should be recalculated based P-CMOD curves were obtained. The set-up of three-point bending
on the displacement caused by Pi,j DP. Once K PI K rI = K ini IC , notched beam test is schematically illustrated in Fig. 4. On the
the adjustment of the applied load will terminate and the other hand, P-CMOD curves were also obtained using the proposed
adjusted load at the nal step will be the actual load. numerical method in this study, through nite element analysis,
4. Repeat steps 23 for the next crack propagation. The iterative with the crack propagation criterion mathematically described by
process terminates when the crack tip is closed to the boundary Eqs. (5)(7). The bilinear constitutive law for rw, proposed by
of beam or the value of the corresponding applied load becomes Peterson [42], was utilized to determine the cohesive stress acting
a negative value. on FPZ.
In this study, singular element was used to calculate SIF at the
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that the applied load P(j) and the tip of crack. Because high stress gradients exist in the region
corresponding crack propagation length a(j) can be obtained in around crack tip, special attention should be paid in that region.
the (j)th steps. In the same step, the fracture parameters, such as Therefore, a circle was set at the tip of crack, in which the crack
K PI (j), K rI j and CMOD(j), are also obtained. The numerical method tip point is the center of the circle and the crack propagation length
with the iterative process was applied to analyze the B-, L-, H-, and Da is the radius of the circle. The rst row of elements around the
P-series notched beams under three-point bending and their whole crack tip had a radius of Da/6, and the mid-side nodes were placed
3.0 2.5
B 2-1 B 3-1
2.5 B 2-2 B 3-2
B 2-3 2.0 B 3-3
Numerical results Numerical results
P (kN)
P (kN)
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
CMOD (mm) CMOD (mm)
(a) a0 /D=0.2 (b) a0 /D=0.3
1.8 1.0
B 4-1 B 6-1
1.5 B 4-2 B 6-2
Numerical results 0.8 B 6-3
Numerical results
P (kN)
P (kN)
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
CMOD (mm) CMOD (mm)
3.0 3.0
L 1-1 KR-curve
2.5 L 1-2 2.5 (0.93, KR)
Numerical results (aw0/D, Kaw0)
2.0 2.0
KR (MPa.m )
P (kN)
1.5 1.5
(aC /D, KIC )
1.0 1.0
(a0/D, KIC )
0.5 0.5 1 2 3 4
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
CMOD (mm) a/D
(a) D=100mm (a) D=100mm
3.5 KR-curve
5 L 2-1
L 2-2
3.0 (0.93, KR)
Numerical results
4 (aw0/D, Kaw0)
KR (MPa.m )
P (kN)
3 2.0
1.5 un
2 (aC /D, KIC )
1.0 (a0/D, KIC )
0.5 1 2 3 4
0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
CMOD (mm) a/D
(b) D=200mm (b) D=200mm
8 3.0
L 3-1 KR-curve
L 3-2 (0.93, KR)
2.5 (aw0/D, Kaw0)
L 3-3
Numerical results
KR (MPa.m )
P (kN)
4 1.5 (aC /D, KIC)
3 (a0/D, KIC )
0.5 1 2 3 4
0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
CMOD (mm) a/D
(c) D=300mm (c) D=300mm
Fig. 6. P-CMOD curves for L-series beams.
Fig. 7. KR-curves for L-series beams.
at the quarter points, i.e. had a radius of Da/24. In order to solve SIF
at crack tip accurately, a crack propagation length Da of (12%) D concrete was made of aggregate with the maximal size of 8 mm
was used in this study. and had the mechanical properties of the uniaxial tensile strength
For B-series specimens, the span L, depth D and width B were ft = 2.4 MPa, elastic modulus E = 28GPa, and Poissons ratio v = 0.2.
kept constant as 600 mm, 150 mm and 40 mm, respectively, but For L-series specimens, span-to-depth ratio L/D and initial crack ra-
initial crack ratio a0/D varied from 0.2 to 0.6 (see Table 1). The tio a0/D were kept constant as 4.0 and 0.4, respectively, but the
W. Dong et al. / Construction and Building Materials 38 (2013) 879889 885
depth D varied from 100 mm to 300 (see Table 2). The concrete was intensity factor K. Irwin [1] proposed an energy-based R-curve
made of aggregate with the maximal size of 10 mm and had the which is formulated as the following equation:
mechanical properties as ft = 2.3 MPa, E = 24GPa, and v = 0.2. In or-
G CR Da 8
der to measure the initial load, four stain gauges were attached
vertically in front of the precast notch on the both sides of speci- where CR is the crack growth resistance, i.e. total work of fracture
men, and the distance of two strain gauges was 10 mm. When per unit area of crack propagation. Later on, the crack extension
crack initiates and stars to propagate, the measured value of the resistance in terms of stress intensity factor, which has been widely
strain gauge will decrease suddenly due to the fracture energy re- applied in practice, was introduced which is stated in Eq. (9).
lease. Therefore, the initial cracking load can be obtained according
to the variation of the strain at the tip of precast notch. Initial frac- K R K PI P; Da 9
ture toughness can be calculated based on the initial crack length 2
G can be calculated from G = K /E0 according to the elastic frac-
and initial load [40]. Table 1 shows the average results of different
ture mechanics. Under plane strain and plane stress conditions, E0
is equal to E/(1 m2) and E, respectively. Here, E is the elastic mod-
The derived fracture parameters from experiments are pre-
ulus and m is the Poissons ratio.
sented in Tables 1 and 2. The complete P-CMOD curves obtained
Resistance curve, i.e., R-curve, can be presented if the stress
from both experiment and numerical simulation are presented in
intensity factors caused by P and Da are obtained during the crack
Figs. 5 and 6. In Tables 1 and 2, aw0 is the crack length correspond-
propagation process.
ing to the cohesive stress when the initial crack tip decreases to
About the denition of KR-curve, Xu and Reinhardt [13] and
zero. It can be seen that the P-CMOD curves obtained from numer-
Reinhardt and Xu [14] claimed that Eq. (9) gave the stress intensity
ical simulation agree well with those from experiment suggesting
factors for different Da, but not KR-curve considering crack propa-
that the proposed numerical method, together with the crack prop-
gation in concrete, because material parameters relevant to con-
agation criterion, in this paper can be used for simulating the com-
crete properties were not included in this equation. Therefore, a
plete fracture process in concrete.
new KR-curve was proposed by them [13,14] in which the KR-curve
was determined by combining the crack initiation toughness K ini IC
which is an inherent material property of concrete, with the contri-
3. Crack extension curve of concrete
bution due to the cohesive stress K rI determined by ft and a along
the ctitious crack zone during the fracture process. The KR is for-
As aforementioned, the crack extension resistance can be ex-
mulated as follows:
pressed in terms of either strain energy release rate G or stress
K R Da K ini
IC K I 10
The crack propagation criterion is written as follows:
0.9 D=200mm K PI P; Da K rI K ini
IC 11
Therefore, from Eqs. (10) and (11), the following can be derived:
K PI P; Da K R Da 12
(a0+a )/D
According to the crack propagation criterion, the applied load is the
driving action that makes crack propagate by overcoming the resis-
tance, i.e. the stress intensity factor caused by driving force is equal
to the crack extension resistance. From Eq. (12), KR-curve can be ob-
0.5 tained once the load and the related crack length are determined.
Therefore, determining the load for different crack propagation
0.4 length is a key issue, in order to obtain KR-curve, which can be
achieved by using the proposed numerical method in this study
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 combined with the proposed crack propagation criterion. For in-
a/D stance, the complete KR-curves of L-series specimens obtained
through numerical analyses are presented in Fig. 7ac, and the var-
Fig. 8. Variation of fracture process zone for L-series beams.
iation of FPZ with respect to specimen height is shown in Fig. 8.
ft ft
a a a
a0 a0 a a0 aw0 a=0
a aw0 a
3.0 3.0
KR-curve KR-curve
(0.93, KR) (0.93, KR)
2.5 2.5
(aw0/D, Kaw0) (aw0/D, Kaw0)
2.0 2.0
KR (MPa.m )
KR (MPa.m )
1.5 1.5
un un
(aC /D, KIc ) (aC /D, K IC )
1.0 (a0/D, KIc ) 1.0 (a /D, K ini)
0 IC
0.5 1 2 3 4 0.5 1 2 3 4
0.0 0.0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
a/D a/D
(a) a0 /D=0.2 (b) a0 /D=0.3
3.0 3.5
KR-curve KR-curve
2.5 (0.93, KR) 3.0
(0.93, KR)
(aw0/D, Kaw0)
2.5 (aw0/D, Kaw0)
KR (MPa.m )
KR (MPa.m )
un 1.5
(aC /D, KIC ) un
1.0 ini
(aC /D, KIC )
(a0/D, KIC ) 1.0
(a0/D, KIC ) 3
0.5 1 2 3 4 0.5 1 2 4
0.0 0.0
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
a/D a/D
(c) a0 /D=0.4 (d) a0 /D=0.6
Fig. 10. KR-curves for B-series beams.
Table 3
1.0 Sizes and calculated Pini, Pmax, and aw0/D for H-series beams.
4. The features of KR-curve
4.1. Effects of FPZ on KR-curve
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
a/D Due to the effect of cohesive stress on ctitious crack zone, the
crack extension resistance in concrete increases with the increase
Fig. 11. Variation of fracture process zone for B-series beams.
of the ctitious crack zone during crack propagation process. To
evaluate the effects of FPZ on KR-curve, the complete fracture pro-
cess in concrete are divided into four stages as shown in Fig. 7.
Here, ar is the crack length acting on the cohesive stress, i.e. FPZ At the rst stage, a is between a0 and critical crack length aC. Be-
length. fore the applied load reaches Pini, there is no crack extension. The
W. Dong et al. / Construction and Building Materials 38 (2013) 879889 887
2.8 14
12 P40
KR (MPa.m )
P (kN)
1.6 6
3.0 P30
H200 H300 P40
0.7 H500 H700 P50
H900 H1000
H1200 H1500
KR (MPa.m )
0.6 1/2 2.0
(a0+a )/D
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
(b) KR -curves
(b) Variation of fracture process zone
Fig. 12. Numerical results for H-series beams. 0.85
0.80 P40
FPZ length is equal to zero and KR is equal to the initial toughness. 0.75
After that, a stable crack extension is rst reached and the FPZ 0.70
length will increase with the crack propagation. Thus, the effective
(a0+a )/D
crack length is equal to the sum of the initial crack length and the 0.65
effective crack extension, while the crack extension resistance in- 0.60
creases due to the increase of the FPZ length. When the applied
load reaches Pmax, KR is equal to K un 0.55
IC , and unstable crack propaga-
tion is thus initiated. 0.50
At the second stage, a is between aC and aw0, the CTOD continues
to increase up to the crack opening w0 at zero stress, the effective
crack length reaches aw0 and the cohesive stress at the initial crack 0.40
tip decreases to zero. In this case, the FPZ is fully developed and its 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
length reaches the maximum value. For L-series specimens (see Ta- a/D
ble 2), when the FPZ is fully developed, aw0/D is equal to 0.87, 0.85
(c) Variation of fracture process zone
and 0.81, respectively, for L1-, L2-, and L3-series specimens. At this
stage, as the crack propagates, the KR-curve ascends sharply. Fig. 13. The numerical results for P-series specimens.
Table 4
Material parameters and numerical results of Pmax and aw0/D for P-series beams.
Specimen L D B (mm) a0 (mm) E (GPa) fcu (MPa) GF (N/m) aw0/D K ini 1/2 Pini (kN) Pmax (kN)
IC (MPa m )
Exp. Num.
P30 800 200 200 80 29.6 30.9 71.4 0.844 0.47 4.83 7.65 7.99
P40 32.6 45.4 88.1 0.838 0.60 6.38 9.76 10.02
P50 34.3 52.6 95.9 0.809 0.69 7.60 11.07 12.42
888 W. Dong et al. / Construction and Building Materials 38 (2013) 879889
At the third stage, aw0 < a0 < 0.93D, when the CTOD exceeds aw0, decreasing of the beam depth, the value of aw0/D increases. There-
a cohesive stress-free zone is formed in front of the initial crack tip. fore, the FPZ length is larger in beams with smaller size and KR is
In this case, the effective crack consists of the initial crack, newly greater because of longer integration range at this late fracture
formed stress-free crack and FPZ. The variation of fracture process stage when the developed FPZ is long. Moreover, the full FPZ is
zone for L-series beams are shown in Fig. 8. Here, the sum of a0 and developed for most specimens when a/D are between 0.5 and
newly formed stress-free crack length is denoted as ar=0. Then, the 0.6. It may be the reason why the KR-curves meet at a point, where
variation of FPZ, after full FPZ is developed, becomes a key factor a/D is about 0.57.
that affects KR value. Compared with the second stage, the rising
tendency of KR-curve is not signicant. 4.3. Effects of the GF on KR-curve
After that, there is a noteworthy phenomenon that the KR-
curves for specimens with different sizes exhibit rapid rising when The material parameters of P-series beams under three-point
a/D > 0.93. Therefore, at this fourth stage, i.e., when a/D > 0.93, the bending derived from experiment are listed in Table 4, among
boundary effect is very signicant, which is related to a/D rather which GF of the beams are 71.4 N/m, 88.1 N/m and 95.9 N/m,
than the ligament length. In the tests conducted in this research, respectively. Fig. 13 shows various KR, P-CMOD and FPZ curves ob-
the a/D corresponding to the initiation of boundary effect is 0.93. tained from numerical analyses for the P-series beams. With the
It can be seen from the results shown in Fig. 7 that the plateau is increase of GF, the cohesive effect along FPZ is intensied. There-
longer for specimens with greater size. In summary, for three-point fore, the KR-curve clearly demonstrates the rising tendency (see
bending beams in this test, the shape of KR-curve is affected by the Fig. 13b) and the value of aw0/D decreases (see Table 4)
FPZ variation when a < 0.93D but greatly by boundary effect when correspondingly.
a > 0.93D. The FPZ variation during crack propagation is shown in
Fig. 9.
The KR-curves for B-series specimens are presented in Fig. 10. 5. Conclusions
The variation of fracture process zone for B-series beams are
shown in Fig. 11. It can be seen that the plateau is not signicant In this study, the initial fracture toughness K ini
IC was adopted as
owing to shorter ligament length. The aw0/D is 0.77, 0.82, 0.85 the fracture propagation criterion for simulating crack propagation
and 0.92 when a0/D is 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. Therefore, process in concrete. Based on this criterion, a new numerical meth-
the third stage is shorter for greater a0/D. When a0/D = 0.6, aw0/D is od for calculating KR-curve, which consists of the contributions of
so closed to 0.93 that the plateau in KR-curve disappears. For this cohesive stress along the FPZ and initiation toughness of concrete,
case, the KR-curve demonstrates continuous rise without a plateau. was proposed. Subsequently, the FPZ variation was examined and
its effect on KR-curve is investigated for the complete fracture pro-
4.2. Effect of the geometry on KR-curve cess. Finally, the inuence of several key fracture parameters on
the KR-curve was discussed. The following conclusions can be
The size effects on KR-curve have been discussed by many drawn:
researchers [68]. Although R-curve is dened differently by differ-
ent researchers, it has been generally accepted that R-curve are (a) Given the elastic modulus E, the uniaxial tensile strength ft,
both size-dependent and geometry-dependent. However, Xu and the energy release rate GF and the initial fracture toughness
Reinhardt [13] concluded that KR-curve is independent on speci- K ini
IC , the complete crack propagation process and the crack
men size or the initial crack ratio, i.e., a0/D, based on the assump- extension resistance KR-curve of concrete can be simulated
tion that the FPZ length keeps constant after FPZ is fully developed. accurately using the proposed numerical method.
After that, using the same method but considering a varying full (b) Based on the crack propagation criterion, applied load over-
FPZ length, Xu et al. [25] investigated the KR-curve and got the comes resistance and makes crack extend during each
same conclusion as Xu and Reinhardt [13]. On the other hand, Ku- micro-crack propagation step, i.e., the KR Da curve is actu-
mar and Barai [19] derived KR-curve using weight function method ally equated to the stress intensity factor caused by the
and found that the size effect on KR-curve is more prominent dur- applied load P plots related to Da.
ing the crack unstable propagation stage. Therefore, further study (c) The shape of KR-curve is affected by both the variation of FPZ
is necessary on the size effect on KR-curve due to inconsistent nd- and specimen boundary. The rising of KR-curve is signicant
ings reported. The FPZ length may need to be considered as varied before the FPZ reaches its full length. After that, the KR-curve
after it is fully developed. will achieve a plateau with the FPZ shrinks. Ultimately,
In order to investigate the size effect on KR-curve, H-series when a/D rises to around 0.93 for the beams in this research,
three-point bending beams with initial crack ratio a0/D = 0.3 and the KR-curve exhibits a rapid rise due to boundary effect.
the section depth varied from 200 mm to 1500 mm were analyzed (d) The KR-curve tends to be different for three-point bending
by nite element analysis in which the following material param- beams with depth from 200 mm to 1500 mm, which
eters were adopted for concrete, ft = 3.25 MPa, GF = 100 N/m, depends on the fracture ligament length of specimen. The
K ini KR-curves meet at a point when a/D is around 0.57, and at
IC 0:7, and E = 30.5GPa. The aw0/D obtained through numerical
analyses are listed in Table 3. that time the full FPZ has developed in most specimens.
It can be seen from Fig 12a that the KR-curves for specimens The value of KR for smaller size beams is less than that for
with different heights demonstrates different tendency, and curves larger size beams when a/D is less than 0.57, but it becomes
meet approximately when a/D is about 0.57. The value of KR for greater for larger size beams when a/D is greater than 0.57.
smaller beams is less than those for larger beams, when a/D is less
than 0.57; but it become greater for larger size beams, when a/D is
greater than 0.57 which can be explained by the difference in the Acknowledgements
FPZ distribution during crack propagation in beams with different
depths as shown in Fig 12b. With the same a/D, the FPZ length in The nancial support of the New Teacher Fund for Doctor Pro-
smaller beams is less than that in larger ones, and KR is thus rea- gram from the Ministry of Education of China under the Grant
sonably lower because of the shorter integration range at this early 20110041120012, the National Natural Science Foundation of
fracture stage when the developed FPZ length is short. With the China under the Grant NSFC51109026, and the Engineering and
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