Key Word Transformation Compilation 3

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Type in the word or expression you want to

You will find that the subjects and objects
in the examples have with substituted for:

X = 1st Subject or 1st Object.

Y = 2nd Subject or Object
Z = 3rd Subject.


1- Someone will always remember X / doing X.
Someone will never forget X / doing X.

2- I think doing X is a waste of time.

There is no point in doing X.
There isnt any point in doing X.
It is not worth doing X.
Its no use doing X.
Its no good doing X.
Do not bother to do /doing X

3- Its possible that X did Y.

X might have done Y.

4- X continued to do Y.
X carried on doing Y.

5- There isnt much chance of X doing Y.

X isnt likely to do Y.
There is little prospect of x doing Y.

6- X is not going to do Y anymore/ X is going to stop doing Y.

X is going to give up doing Y.

7- Im sure X was very Y.

X must have been very Y.

8- X really ought to do Y.
It is high time for X to do Y / It is high time (that) X did Y.
It is about time for X to do Y / It is about time (that) X did Y.

9- X wishes he had done Y / X wishes he had not done Y

X regrets not having done Y / X regrets having done Y

10- Although / even though it was X.

Despite / In spite of it being X.


11- He doesnt like either of them.
He likes neither of them.

12- X should think about Y.

X should take Y into consideration.

13- X does not stop Y from doing A.

X is ineffective at stopping Y from doing A.

14- X wants to learn / start learning Y.

X want to start doing Y.
X wants to take up Y / doing Y

15- X became quite Y.

X was overcome with/by Y.

16- X went somewhere on his/her own.

X went somewhere by himself/herself.
X went somewhere alone.

17- X saw something and did Y immediately.

X saw something and did Y without hesitation.

18- Its the most X Ive ever seen.

I have never seen such an X / I have never seen a more X.

19- Do you think you could give me a hand to do Y?

Would you mind giving me a hand to do Y?
I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand to do Y.
I would appreciate it if you gave me a hand to do Y.
I would appreciate your giving me a hand to do Y.
I would appreciate you giving me a hand to do Y.

20- X is not as good at A as Y.

Y is better at A than X.

21- X wants to do Y.
X is interested in doing Y.
X has an interest in doing Y


22- X will only do A if Y does B.
X will not do A unless Y does B.
X will do A as long as / so long as Y does B.
X will do A provided (that) Y does B

23- X can do A provided (that) he doesnt do B.

X can do A providing (that) he doesnt do B.
X can do A , but only if he doesnt do B
X can do A on the condition (that) he doesnt do B.
X can do A as long as he doesnt do B.

24- X demanded to do Y.
X insisted on doing Y.

25- X should consider A before doing B.

X should take into account A before doing B.

26- X was led to believe Y...

X was under the impression (that) Y...
X was given the impression (that) Y

27- Feel free to do Y.

Do not hesitate to do Y.

28- When you decide to do Y.

When you make up your mind to do Y.
When you come to the decision to do Y
When you make the decision to do Y

29- X would never have guessed that ...

X would never have though that
Little did X know that...

30- Do you mind if I do Y?

Do you have any objection to me/my doing Y?

31- Not as many people do X as when Y.

There are a lot fewer people doing X than when Y.


32- X was shocked/ surprised by Y.
X was taken aback by Y.

33- X knows / knew nothing about Y

X is / was in the dark about Y.

34- X happened for the second year running.

X happened for the second year in succession.
X happened for the second year in a row.

35- X must never do A without doing Y first.

On no account must X do A without doing Y first.
X shouldnt do A without doing Y first.

36- X is not very likely to be given Y.

X has little chance of being given Y.

37- If you dont do X you shouldnt do Y.

Dont do Y unless you do X.

38- He dismantled X to see what the problem was.

He took X apart to see what the problem was.

39- X is rumored to be (doing) Y.

Rumor has it that X is (doing) Y.
Word spread that X is (doing) Y.
Word got out/around that X is (doing) Y

40- X is about to do Y.
X is on the verge of doing Y.
X is on the point of doing Y.

41- X does not intend to do Y.

X has no intention of doing Y.
X would not dream of doing Y.
X is not planning to do Y.
X is not planning on doing Y


42- X has a good reputation for Y.
X is highly regarded for Y.
X is held in high repute for Y.

43- X was surprised to be given Y.

Being given Y came as a surprise to X.
Much to his surprise, X was given Y.

44- X is improving.
X is changing for the better.
X is making an improvement.
X is getting better.
X is looking up.

45- X is going to get worse.

X is going to change for the worse.
X is going to worsen / deteriorate.

46- X was very disappointed when Y decided to leave.

Ys decision to leave, came as a disappointment to X.
Much to Xs disappointment, Y decided to leave.
To Xs great disappointment, Y decided to leave.

47- Much to Xs surprise/amazement/annoyance , Y happened.

To Xs great surprise/amazement/annoyance , Y happened.
Y came as a surprise/amazement/annoyance to X.

48- X is almost certain to get Y.

X has every chance of getting Y.
There is no doubt that X will get Y.
X is bound to get Y.

49- If X had had more time he would have done Y.

If X had not been short on/of time he would have done Y.

50- X did not mention Y.

X made no reference to Y.


51- X didnt arrive on time.
X failed to arrive on time.

52- X never thought of doing Y.

It never occurred to Y to do Y.
The thought of doing Y never crossed Xs mind.

53- Despite all his efforts X could not do Y.

No matter how hard X tried , he could not do Y.
However hard X tried, he could not do Y.

54- X is going to become Y one day.

It is only a matter of time before X becomes Y.

55- X will not tolerate Y.

X will not put up with Y.

56- X can do Y provided (that) Z happens.

As long as Z happens X can do Y.

57- X couldnt do / wasnt able to do Y because Z.

Z made it impossible for X to do Y.

58- X said that he/she would not do Y.

X refused to do Y.

59- There is no way X will do Y.

X has no intention of doing Y.
X has no thought of doing Y.
X wouldnt dream of doing Y.

60- X needs to make a decision about Y .

X needs to make up his/her mind about Y.

61- X claims must be submitted before Y.

You needs to put in your x claims before Y.

62- There are various ways of avoiding Y.

Y can be prevented in various ways.


63- X thinks learning Y is a waste of time.
X cant see the point in/of learning Y.
X sees no point in learning Y
64- Y should be turned off at all times during Z.
Under no circumstances should Y be kept turned on during Z.
Whatever happens, Y should never be kept turned on during Z.

65- If X doesnt do Y on time , his Z will be rejected.

Failure to do Y on time will result in Z being rejected.

66- X soon recovered after Y.

X made a quick/fast/speedy/rapid recovery after Y.

67- X has a good reputation in the city.

X is highly regarded in the city.
X is highly thought of in the city.
X is highly spoken of in the city.

68- There are no fewer than X.

There are as many as X.

69- X ignored what Y said.

X took no notice of what Y said.
X didnt take any notice of what Y said.
X didnt heed what Y said.
X paid no heed to what Y said.
X didnt pay any heed to what Y said.

70- X was certain that Y would be OK.

X was in no doubt that Y would be OK.

71- X had completely forgotten Y / that he did Y.

X didnt have any recollection of Y/ of doing Y.
X had no recollection of Y/ of doing Y.

72- If X hadnt done Y, he might have become a famous Z.

If X hadnt done Y , he might have made a name for himself as a Z


73- X said Y was his fault.
X took the blame / took responsibility for Y.

74- Nobody ever told X that Y.

At no point was X told that Y.

75- X didnt know he had to do Y.

X didnt know he was meant to do Y.
X didnt know he was supposed to do Y.

76- X tried really hard , but never got Y.

No matter how hard he tried , he never got Y.
However hard he tried, he never got Y.

77- X said Y , but Im sure he is wrong.

X said Y, but Im sure hes made a mistake.
X said Y, but he must have made a mistake.

78- You should do Y so that you are sure to succeed.

Its worth doing Y just in case you dont succeed.

79- X likes to look/ looking after Y.

X likes to take/taking care of Y.
X enjoys taking care of Y.

80- It is possible that X didnt do Y.

X might not have done Y.

81- X didnt manage to win Y.

X didnt succeed in winning Y.

82- It is difficult to accept Y.

It is difficult to get used to Y
It is difficult to come to terms with Y.

83- X will be punctual today.

X will be on time today.


84- X was not used to Y.
Y was something X was not accustomed to.

85- Some people really struggle with X.

Some people find X / doing X very difficult/hard.

86- X found it difficult to think of the right answer.

X found it hard to come up with the right answer.

87- X shows that Y has risen sharply today.

According to X there has been a dramatic rise in Y today.

88- The flight leaves New York at 2pm.

The flight takes off from New York at 2pm.

89- There was a fault with X and the Y didnt work.

The Y whose X was faulty/ had a fault.

90- Y was too expensive for X to buy.

X didnt have enough money to buy Y.

91- Y is easier than Z.

Y is not as hard as Z.

92- We have not arranged a date for X yet.

A date for X has not been arranged yet.

93- Ill call you later tonight, X promised.

X promised that he would call later that night.

94- X did Y so that he would be ready for the race.

X did Y in order to be ready for the race.
X did Y so as to be ready for the race.

95- X had to finish Y before he went out.

X had to stay in until he had finished Y.

96- X had not expected Y to be so good.

Y was better than X had expected.


97- Do you know the way to the restaurant? X asked Y.
X asked Y if she knew where the restaurant was.

98- X decided to advertise Y on the internet.

X decided to put an ad / advert/ advertisement for Y on the internet.

99- X did Y a month ago.

It has been a month since X did Y.
It is a month since X did Y.

100- The meeting was cancel because Y.

The meeting was called off because Y.

101- X is interested in learning Y.

X would like to learn Y.

102- Did you go to the tournament on Saturday? David asked me.

David wanted to know if I had been to the tournament on Saturday.

103- X never takes any notice of Y.

X never pays any attention to Y.

104- X is really excited about Y / doing Y.

X is looking forward to Y/ doing Y.
X cant wait to do Y

105- They are said to be worried about Y.

There is said to be concern among them about Y.

106- I dont think they should abolish Y.

They shouldnt do away with Y.

107- X has to reduce the number of Ys he eats.

X has to cut down on the number of Ys he eats.

108- X will let you stay with them.

X will put you up.
X will take you in.


109- X says he prefers to do something on his own.
X says hed rather not do something with other people.

110- X said he had not done X

X denied having done X.
X denied doing X

111- It took X five minutes to do Y.

X took five minutes to do Y.
X spent five minutes doing Y.

112- X will take place after Y.

Y will be followed by X.
X will be held after Y

113- X did Y although he had never done Z.

In spite of X never having done Z he did Y.

114- It is thought that X cannot do Y.

X is thought to be unable to do Y.

115- X needs doing.

X needs to get done.

116- There is no point in doing X.

Its no use doing X.
Its no good doing X.
Its not worth doing X

117- X cried his eyes out immediately when he was told Y.

X burst into tears as soon as he was told Y.
X broke in/into tears as soon as he was told Y.
X broke out in/into tears as soon as he was told Y.

118- X managed to persuade Y to do Z.

X managed to talk Y into Z / into doing Z.


119- X managed to persuade Y no to do Z.
X managed to talk Y out of Z / out of doing Z.

120- X does Y now and again.

X does Y (every) now and then
X does Y (every) once in a while
X does Y from time to time

121- Nearly every X there is Y

Hardly an X passes without there being a Y

122- Nobody can foresee how X will react.

It remains to be seen how X will react.

123- X said he objected to Y.

X raised /voiced objections to Y.
X had objections to Y.

124- X owed Y 200.

X was 200 in debt to Y.

125- X owed 200 to Y.

X was in debt to Y for 200.

126- X was easy for to do Y.

X had no difficulty (in) doing Y
X didnt have any difficulty (in) doing Y.
X didnt find it hard to do Y.

127- X arrived at X just in time to do Z.

X made (it to) X just in time to do Z.

128- X made Y go to bed early because she had to do Z

X would have let Y stay up late if she hadnt had to do Z

129- X escaped in a white Mercedes

X made his getaway in a white Mercedes


130- X said it was Ys fault that Z happened.
X placed the blame on Y for Z having happened.
X laid/pin/put/place the blame on Y for Z .
Y got the blame for Z happening.
Y came in for the blame of

131- X finds it very satisfying doing Y.

X gets a lot of satisfaction from doing Y.

132- It doesnt seem to me as if Y is Z.

As far as I can tell Y is not Z.

133- X maintains that he kept his word that he would not tell anyone Xs
X denies breaking his promise to keep Xs secret.

134- X studied history because he/she wanted to become a Y.

X studied history with a view to becoming a Y.
X studied history with a eye to becoming a Y.

135- It wasnt necessary for X to do Y but he did it.

X neednt have done Y.

136- Perhaps X did Y and Z happened.

X may have done Y and Z happened

137- X is certain Y did Z.

Y must have done Z

136. X didnt feel like doing Y that night.

X was not in the mood for doing Y that night.
X was not in the mood to do Y that night.

137. X was offended by what Y said.

X took exception to what Y said.
X took offence at what Y said.

138. X thinks it would be better to get on as quickly as possible.

X would prefer us TO MAKE AS MUCH progress as we can.


139. X wishes to express his concern over Y.
X feels he must say HOW WORRIED HE IS BY Y.

140. X was astonished by Y as he hadn't thought he would win a Z.

Not HAVING EXPECTED a Z, X was completely astonished by Y.

141. X found it difficult to get used to the fact that he'd lost his job.
X found it hard TO COME TO TERMS WITH the fact that he'd
lost his job.

142. X was upset that Y didn't support him in the argument.

X was upset Y DIDN'T BACK HIM UP in the argument.

143. X is sure that Y can solve the problems.

X is sure that Y can COME UP WITH A SOLUTION to the

144. They say X is Y.

X is reputed/said to be Y

145. Doing Y is my number one priority.

It is of the utmost importance that I do Y.

146. X had to try for months before he got Y.

Only after trying for months did X get Y.
Only after having tried for months did X get Y.

147. X rarely does Y.

Rarely does X do Y.

148. As soon as X did Y somebody's phone rang.

No sooner had X done Y than somebodys phone rang.

149. X has never read such a boring book before.

Never before has X read such a boring book.


150. This door must not be left open at any time.
At no time must this door be left open.

151. X only caught Y when his wife came.

Only when his wife came, did X catch Y.

152. X is not revealed until the very last page.

Not until the very last page , is X revealed.

153. X would never do Y again.

Never again would X do Y.

154. X had hardly done Y when the phone rang.

Hardly had X done Y when the phone rang

155. X had not enjoyed himself so much since Y.

Not since Y, had X enjoyed himself so much..

156. X had never been to such a fantastic Y.

Never had John been to such a fantastic Y.

157. X in no way wants to be associated with Y.

In no way does X want to be associated with Y.

158. X had scarcely finished Y when Z happened.

Scarcely had X finished Y when Z happened.

159. X seldom does Y so early .

Seldom does X do Y so early.

160. X rarely appreciates Y .

Rarely does X appreciate Y.
X hardly ever appreciates Y.

161. X would understand Y only later .

Only later would X understand Y..


162. X had seen such Y nowhere before .
Nowhere before had X seen such Y.

163. X understood little about the situation.

Little did X understand about the situation...

164. X always gives the impression that hes very confident.

X always comes across as being very confident.

165. X didnt know that x were so expensive

X had no idea that x cost so much.

166. Dont get depressed because of X.

Dont let X get you down.

167. X is recovering in hospital.

X is making a recovery in hospital.

168. X must take as much advantage as possible of Y

X must make the most of Y

169. X doesnt mind where we go.

It doesnt matter to X where we go.
Its all the same to X where we go.

170. There is no more X available in Y.

Y has run out of X.

171. X doesnt like Y very much.

X is not very keen on Y.

172. X needed Y yesterday but he couldnt get it.

X could have done with Y yesterday.

173. Im sure she will do a good job.

She is bound to do a good job.
There is no doubt in my mind that she will do a good job.


174. X had an argument with Y and are not talking to each other anymore.
X fell out with Y.

175. X caught a cold.

X came down with a cold.
X went down with a cold.

176. X was affected by Y

X felt the effects of Y

177. X has been too busy to do Y

X has not got round to doing Y yet.

178. X didnt know how to do Y , so he made a mistake.

Not knowing how to do Y , X made a mistake.

179. I think there are going to be X.

In my opinion , there are going to be X.
In my estimation, there are going to be X.
If you ask me, there are going to be X.

180. Having finished X, John went home.

After finishing X , John went home.
After he had finished X , John went home.

181. I dont believe that Y will do Z.

It is my belief that Y won`t do Z.
I have/get the impression that Y do wont Z.
I have/get a feeling that Y wont do Z.
I have/get the feeling that Y wont do Z.
There is no reason to believe that Y will do Z.

182. While X was walking down the street , he saw Y.

While walking down the street , X saw Y.
When X was walking down the street , he saw Y.
It was while X was walking down the street that he saw Y.


183. X disagreed with Y, so he resigned
xxx Xs resignation resulted from his disagreement with Y
Xs disagreement with Y resulted in his resignation.
Xs disagreement with Y led to his resignation.

184. X couldnt understand what had happened.

X couldnt work out what had happened
X couldnt put the finger on what had happened
X couldnt piece together what had happened.

185. X is becoming quite well known as a Y

X is making a name for himself/herself as a Y

186. X made his mark on Y

X had an important effect on Y

187. When it comes to X

As far as X is concerned

188. You need to have a lot of X to do Y

Y calls for a lot of X

189. He didnt do X until Y happened.

It was only when Y happened that he did X

190. It seems unbelievable that X is Y when it is so Z

X is so Z that it is hard to believe that it is Y.

191. X could do with Y

X could use a Y
X could benefit from Y
Y would do X good

192. Y is impossible for X.

Y is out of the question for X.
There is no question for X of
Its out of the question for X to do Y
There is no question of doing Y
There is no question of X doing Y


193. X watched Y while Z did
X guarded Y while z did
X kept an eye on Y while Z did

194. X assumed Y was coming

X took for granted Y was coming
X took it as read that Y was coming

195. X let Y know what was going on.

X put Y in the picture about what was going on.
X brought Y up to speed about/with what was going on.
X filled Y in on what was going on.

196. The company struggled to replace X

The company struggle to fill the vacancy/post created/left by X

197. X headed to/for the door

X made his/her way to the door.

198. X was faced with some difficulties.

X came up against some difficulties.
X met with some difficulties.

199. X found Y by chance.

X came across Y.
X bumped into Y.

200. The meeting has been postponed until next week.

The meeting has been put off until next week.

201. X found it difficult to understand Y.

X struggled to understand Y.
X found it hard to get/come to grips with Y.
X found it difficult to get his head around Y.

202- X did not realise how important Y was.

X failed to realise the importance of Y


203- X was raised by his parents.
X was brought up by his parents.

204- X is investigating allegations of Y.

X is looking into allegations of Y.

205- X is considering ways of cutting costs.

X is looking at ways of cutting costs.

206- I will consider it and give you an answer next week.

I will think it over and give you an answer next week.

207- X cant ride a bike, so he certainly cant ride a motorcycle.

X cant ride a bike, much less a motorcycle.
X cant ride a bike, even less a motorcycle.
X cant ride a bike, still less a motorcycle.
X cant ride a bike, let alone a motorcycle.

208- X tends to do Y
X is in the habit of doing X
X has the habit of doing X

209- When X first met him, he thought he was very polite.

When X first met him, He struck him as (being) very polite.
When X first met him X got/had the impression that he was very
vvv polite.

210- X said he was sorry for doing Y.

X said he regretted doing Y
X apologized for doing Y.

211- X doesnt care if Y does it or not.

It makes no difference to X whether/if Y does it or not.
Its all the same to X whether /if Y does it or not.
It is of no consequence to X whether /if Y does it or not.

212- X impressed Y.
X made a good impression on Y.


213- X can alter depending on the weather.
X is subject to alteration depending on the weather.
X is subject to change depending on the weather.

214- Hopefully, this will help us to understand what happened.

Hopefully, this will shed/ cast/ throw some light on what happened.

215- X corrected Y on a number of points which Y had misunderstood.

X set/put Y right on a number of points which Y had misunderstood.
X set/put Y straight on a number of points which Y had misunderstood.

216- X concluded that there was nothing else he could do.

X came to the conclusion that there was nothing else he could do.
X reached the conclusion that there was nothing else he could do.
X drew the conclusion that there was nothing else he could do.

217- X is so + adjective (e.g. powerful, beautiful, interesting, etc.) that

Such is Xs + noun (e.g. power, beauty, interest, etc.) that

218- In the end X got home on Tuesday.

X ended up getting home on Tuesday.
Eventually, X got home on Tuesday.
X finally got home on Tuesday.

219- X always does Y when Z happens.

X has a tendency to do Y when Z happens.

220- X says that Y was not as good as he expected.

X says that Y didnt live up to his expectations.
X says that Y fell short of his expectations.

221- X is a much better mechanic than Y.

Y is nowhere near as good as a mechanic as X.

222- Only X prevented Y.

Had it not been for X , Y would have happened.

223- One day something will happen.

Its only a matter of time before something happens.


224- X treats Y as a brother rather than as a friend
X treats Y not so much as a friend as a brother.

225- X didnt do it because he didnt want Y to happen.

X didnt do it for fear of Y happening.

226- Since X is inevitable, we need to learn to do Y.

As X is inevitable, we need to learn to do Y.
Given that X is inevitable, we need to learn to do Y.
Because X is inevitable, we need to learn to do Y.

227- X will need to do Y every day if he wants to succeed.

Only by doing Y every day will X succeed.

228- X is thought to have caused Y.

Y is thought to have been brought about by X.
X is thought to have given rise to Y.

229- X has been thinking about Y all day.

Y has been on Xs mind all day.

230- X wishes Y would stop criticizing his work.

X wishes Y would stop finding fault with his work.

231- Its impossible to say who will win.

There is no (way of) telling who will win.

232- More than 100 people came to the meeting.

More than 100 people show up at/for the meeting.
More than 100 people turn up at/for the meeting.
More than 100 people attended the meeting.
Over a 100 people came to the meeting.

233- X wants to do Y as far as I know.

To (the best of) my knowledge, x wants to do Y.
From what I understand, X wants to do Y.
My understanding is that X wants to do Y.


234- X has very little Y.
X hardly has any Y.

235- Women outnumbered men by two to one at the concert.

There were twice as many women as men at the concert.

236- X says that he cant promise that you will succeed.

X says that he cant guarantee that you will succeed.

237- X wants to do Y but has not found the time to do it yet.

X wants to do Y but has not got (a)round to doing it yet.

238- The traffic jam delayed X for several hours.

The traffic jam held X up for several hours.

239- X told Y not to go there because it was snowing.

X warned Y against/ off going there because it was snowing.
X warned Y not to go there because it was snowing.

240- The cost of X has come down.

The has been a drop in the cost of X.
The has been a fall in the cost of X.

241- X was bitterly disappointed he was not given Y.

To Xs bitter disappointment, he was not given Y.

242- Even if it is hard, we want to do it.

Hard though it may be, we want to do it.

243- X started doing Y seriously.

X got down to doing Y.

243. X was forced to do Y.

X had no choice but to do Y.

244. X replaced Y after the meeting.

X took the place of Y after the meeting.
X substituted for Y after the meeting.


245. X has a feeling of great respect for Ys dedication.
X admires Y for his dedication.
X looks up to Y for his dedication.

246. X finds Y really annoying.

Y gets on Xs nerves.

247. The building is going to be destroyed.

The building is going to be knocked down.
The building is going to be demolished.

248. It is Xs responsibility to do Y.
It is Xs decision to do Y.
It is down to X to do Y.
It is up to X to do Y.

249. X is scheduled to start at 5 p.m.

X is to start at 5 p.m.

250. I cant remember her name.

I cant recall her name.
I cant bring her name to mind.
I cant call her name to mind.
I cant think of her name.
Her name doesnt come to me.

251. X didnt realized what it meant at the beginning.

The meaning didnt sink in with X at the beginning.
X didnt understand what it meant at the beginning.

252. Doing Y is not allowed here.

Doing Y is not permitted here.
Doing Y is forbidden here.

253. X was dismissed for being late.

X was fired for being late.
X was got the sack for being late.
X was given the sack/ given the boot for being late.
X was removed from his job for being late.


254. X doesnt have enough money to buy expensive clothes.
X cant afford to buy expensive clothes.
Xs salary doesnt run to (buying) expensive clothes.

255. If X doesnt do Y his reputation will be damaged.

X wants to do Y to live up to his reputation.

256. What happened confirmed what X predicted.

Xs predictions were borne out by what happened.

257. The only person who didnt come was X.

Everybody came apart from X.
Everybody came except for X.

258. X didnt accept the job he was offered.

X rejected the job he was offered.
X turned down the job he was offered.

259. X has a natural ability for computers.

X has a natural talent for computers.
X has a flair for computers.
X is very skilful with computers.
X has always been very good with computers.

260. X is having his house decorated.

X is having improvements made to his house.
X is having his house done up.

261. It is not probable that he will be returning to England.

It is improbable that he will be returning to England.
It is not likely that he will be returning to England.
It is unlikely that he will be returning to England.
He is unlikely to be returning to England.
He is not likely to be returning to England.

262. I regret not telling the truth.

I wish I had told the truth.
If only I had told the truth.


263. Do you mind if I phone you later?
Can I get back to you later?

264. X has done Y for as far as he can remember.

X cant remember when he started doing Y.

265. X was so thrilling that Y couldnt stop cheering.

Y was so thrilled by X that he couldnt stop cheering.

266. Mike, you broke my computer. Said Nigel.

Nigel accused Mike of breaking his computer.

267. X didnt want to go out.

X didnt feel like going out.
X was not up for going out.
X was not in the mood for going out.

268. X was determined to do Y.

X insisted on doing Y.

269. X cant drive because of his disability.

Xs disability prevents him (from) driving.

270. When X was a kid, he would play football every Friday

When X was a kid, he used to play football every Friday
When X was a kid, he was in the habit of playing football every
When X was a kid, he was accustomed to playing football every

271. X was very tired, after working so much that day.

X ran himself into the ground that day.
X drove himself into the ground that day.
X worked himself into the ground that day.

272. X only managed to see the thief for a second as he ran away.
X saw the thief briefly, as he ran away.
X only caught a glimpse of the thief as he ran away.
X only caught sight of the thief as he ran away.

273. X lost his job because of his laziness.

X lost his job on the grounds of his laziness.


274. X becomes/gets angry when people shout at him.
X loses him temper when people shout at him.
X gets mad when people shout at him.
X flies off the handle when people shout at him.

275. X realised he could never be an actor.

X realised he was not the right type of person to be an actor.
X realised he was not cut out to be an actor.

276. X caused Y to be cancelled.

Y was cancelled because of X.
Y was cancelled as a result of X.

277. X didnt seem to realize the magnitude of the problem.

X didnt seem to understand the magnitude of the problem.
X didnt seem to be aware of the magnitude of the problem.
X seemed to be unaware of the magnitude of the problem.
X didnt seem to grasp the magnitude of the problem.

278. X wants to throw Y away.

X wants to remove Y.
X wants to get rid of Y.

279. X is head of this company.

X is in charge of this company.
X is the person leading this company.

280. She is by nature not critical.

Its not in her nature to be critical.
She is not one to be critical.
Its not like her to be critical.
It would be out of character of her to be critical.
It is not in her character to be critical.

281. Xs application was turned down because he didnt have Y.

Xs application was turned down on the grounds that he didnt have Y.

282. X didnt do Y because it was raining heavily.

But for the heavy rain, X would have done Y.


283. X was highest in November.
X was at its highest in November.
X reached a peak in November.

284. So much responsibility was putting pressure on X.

So much responsibility was weighing X down.
So much responsibility was weighing down on her.

285. X fell slightly yesterday.

There was a brief dip in X yesterday.

286. X expects to do Y before he is thirty.

X expects to do Y by the time he is thirty.

287. Scientists have made an unexpected discovery.

There has been an unexpected breakthrough.

288. X felt very comfortable doing Y.

X was very confident and relaxed doing y.
X was at ease doing Y.

289. X made Y stop.

X put an end to Y.

290. Explaining what you mean to a kid can be difficult.

Getting your point across to a kid can be difficult.
Getting your message across to a kid can be difficult.

291. X is living there temporarily.

X is living there for the moment.
X is living there for the time being.

292. I need to make her understand that I dont want to see her anymore.
I need to get it across to her that I dont want to see her anymore.
I need to get it through to her that I dont want to see her anymore.

293. If was a mistake not to do Y.

I should have made it a point of doing Y.
I should have made it my business to do Y.


294. X did Y easily.
X had no problem in doing Y.
X had no problem doing Y.
X had no problems doing Y.
X didnt have any problems doing Y.
X had no difficulty in doing Y.
X had no difficulty doing Y.

295. The business has been bought by X.

The business has been taken over by X.
The business is under new management.
The business is under the management of X.

296. How much did you pay for X?

How much did X cost you?
How much did X set you back?
How much did you spend on X?

297. X is too lazy to do Y.

It is too much effort for X to do Y.
X cant be bothered to do Y.

298. X had to deal with a serious problem.

X was faced with a serious problem.
X came up against a serious problem.
X met with a serious problem.
X encountered a serious problem.

299. X has no connection with (being)Y.

X is not the cause of (being)Y.
X is not related to (being)Y.
X has nothing to do with (being) Y.
X doesnt equate to/with (being) Y.

300. X wanted to save some money for Y.

X wanted to set aside some money for Y.
X wanted to set some money aside for Y.
X wanted to put aside some money for Y.
X wanted to put some aside money for Y.



This book contains a compilation of the expressions that come up

most frequently in the Key Word Transformation task of the
Cambridge Reading and Use of English paper. It will help you to
familiarise yourself with the usual transformations among set phrases ,
phrasal verbs, phrasal prepositional verbs, idioms ,etc.

Also available at

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