Associative Experiments
Associative Experiments
Associative Experiments
Prepared by:
Associative experiment is one of the first projective methods which is based on assumption that
uncontrolled associations are symbolic or direct projection of internal content of consciousness.
This property makes possible to use association experiment to discover and describe affect
Recipients (those who are tested) are given a certain set of words-stimuli to give their associative
answers to each stimulus (the first thought, association is significant).
Time is limited: for recipients to catch and write in the first association but not a thought-out
The results then are collected and studied.
Identical answers are counted. Those (that) which are (is) presented in the biggest number forms
the nucleus of the semantic field of a studied concept.
Associations presented in a fewer number form the closest periphery of a concept.
Then follows the associations which form the next layer of the periphery and thus to the
associations which are presented in the fewest number and form the farthest layer of the