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Chapter 1


Finalizing the choice of creating a gesture controlled robot which will be maneuvered by a
hand gloved mounted with transmission circuit assembly. The circuit accommodates
measuring instrument & Arduino board at the side of an RF transmitter that is a device to
the bot once functioned along. We tend to determined to try and do this project as a result
of we tend to needed to try and do management a vehicle with our hand. The controls of
the automaton square measure supported the gesture of hand that becomes terribly
simple for a person to handle it. The fundamental rule for the automaton is that the passage
of the information signals of readings of measuring instrument to the Arduino board fitted
on bot. The program compiled within the arduino runs consistent with that worth
that makes the bot perform consequently .While we tend to had used two-axis measuring
instrument. In which, one axis controls the speed in forward or backward direction
and alternative axis controls the turning mechanism.

Fig.1.1 Basic block diagram of project

1.1 Aim of project

The objective of our project is to regulate an automobile used flex sensors hooked up to
the transmitters. The flex sensors are meant to switch the remote that is usually wont to run
the automobile. To boot, we have a tendency to conjointly create another mode
through that use of an accelerometer to regulate the forward and backward is allowed, and
left and right movements, whereas employing a flex device to regulate the throttle of the

First of all, we have a tendency to do some experiments on accelerometers and flex

sensors and check out to induce the desired results (calibration).

Then, our next work is to method the device information through arduino and transmit it
to bot's arduino that hence forth, the motor driver of the automobile is controlled. For
wireless communication between arduino, we expect of RF module in order that it becomes
handy to regulate the automobile.

We did work of mechanical aspects of the automobile in order that we

will merely management through the gesture.

1.2 Components used in the project

There are mainly four components used for processing &performing the action by the robot
which are as follows-
Arduino board with atmega328 microcontroller
Micro electro mechanical device (MEMs) named as Accelerometer
RF Module

Fig.1.2 Modules of project

Chapter 2

2.1 Embedded technology

An embedded system may be an ADPS designed for specific management functions at

intervals a bigger system with period of constraints for time computing. Its embedded as a
piece of a whole gadget which has mechanical and hardware elements. A general pc is
meant to be versatile and fulfill a good vary of user desires. Systems which are embedded
contains microcontrollers and processors for digital signals. The systems which are
embedded are devoted to desired tasks and increase its accuracy. Embedded systems can
be factory-made, benefitted from economic scale. Embedded systems may vary from
transportable devices like digital watches, MP3 players, traffic lights, manufactory
controllers, or systems dominant atomic energy plants. Embedded systems
has several samples of their use. PC networking has routers and bridges for routing
knowledge. Client physics embody personal digital assistants (known as PDAs), mobiles,
videogames, digital cameras, optical disc players, GPS receivers, printers and etc.

Several house appliances, like ovens and laundry machines, are having embedded
systems to produce flexibility, potency and options. Advanced HVAC systems use
thermostats for regulating temperature accurately and with efficiency. Home automation
uses wired and wireless networking which will be used for dominant lights, climate,
security, audio/visual, and police work

2.1.1 Fields of Embedded System



Fig.2.1 Embedded system fields

2.1.2. Characteristics of embedded technology

Embedded systems are made to perform some specific task, only to become a general
purpose computer. For multi-tasking, some of them may have real time performance
constraints for usability and safety.
Many systems which are embedded are composed of smaller electronic parts inside a huge
device which behaves as a general purpose. The program instructions coded for systems
which are embedded are called firmware. Firm wares are placed in ROM or Flash
memory chips. They are processed with limited computer hardware resources.

Fig.2.2 Applications of Embedded Technology

With the aim of deciphering human gestures by algorithms of mathematics, gestures mainly
starts from body motions or state however starts either from the face or from hand. Several
approaches are created in utilizing pc vision algorithmic rules and cameras to understand
language. However, the popularity and identification of posture, pace, proxemics, and
behavior of humans is additionally the topic of recognition of gesture methodologies.

Gesture recognition is served as the simplest way for computers to grasp form language,
therefore a strong bridge between humans and machines is built than text user interfaces or
maybe graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that limits to keyboard and mouse inputs. This
additionally permits humans machine interface (HMI) and act naturally with none
mechanical devices. Through pc vision and image process gesture recognition will simply
be conducted.

In pc interfaces, the gestures square measure distinguished into 2 types:

a) Online gestures: Direct manipulation gestures square measure accustomed scale

and rotate a tangible object.

b) Offline gestures: The gestures which are measured when the user interact with the
thing. The gesture to activate a menu may be a live example.

2.2.1 Hand gesture system

Fig.2.3 Gesture movement diagram

2.2.2 Applications of gesture technology

a. Recognition of sign language. Even as voice recognition will transcribe

audio to text, bound varieties of software for gesture recognition will
transcribe symbols painted through the linguistic communication into text.

b. For Artificial Intelligence. By use of correct sensors connected on a patient

body and by catching values from these sensors and robots will be assisting
in the rehabilitation of patient.

c. Informing indications of directions. Inform encompasses a particular

purpose of society for referencing an object or location based mostly upon
the position relative to oneself. The employment of recognizing a gesture is
to work out wherever an individual is inform. Its helpful for distinguishing
context of the statement or direction. This type of application is employed
within the field of AI.

d. Facial gestures control. Operating a laptop by gestures of face is a helpful

application in recognizing gestures for disabled users who aren't physically
able to use a keyboard or mouse. Key pursuit is employed for dominant
pointer motion or that specialize in components of a show.

e. Alternative laptop interfaces. Robust gesture recognition may permit

users for accomplishing common tasks by gestures of hand or face to a

Chapter 3

3.1 Arduino board with atmega 328 microcontroller

Arduino might be a simple microcontroller board and an open provide physics prototyping
platform near to offer low worth with simple to use hardware and package is growing
through the contribution of the users worldwide. Arduino provides
open provide development surroundings that allows America to produce computers that
drive every creative and purposeful comes alike. Arduino was born at the Ivrea
Interaction vogue Institute as a straightforward tool for fast prototyping. Arduino
boards unit of measurement gettable commercially in prefab kind, or as do-it-yourself kits.
It's meant for designers, hobbyists, creator and anyone fascinated by creating interactive
objects or environments. The arduino microcontroller options an almost limitless among the
layout of innovative applications for everything from computing to games
.Hardware vogue specifications unit of measurement merely and overtly out
there, therefore anyone can prove them. The first Arduino was introduced in 2005 near
to offer easy ways in which within which for beginner and professionals to make devices
that act beside their surroundings using actuators and sensors. It can sense the
environment by receiving input from a ramification of sensors and should have a sway on
its surroundings by dominant lights, motors. A board of arduino primarily consists
of an Atmel AVR micro-controller with eight, sixteen and thirty-two bit. The Arduino
project have microcontrollers that unit of measurement designed supported a
synthetic language named method, that put together supports the languages C and C++ and
arduino development surroundings (based on Processing). Arduino comes is also complete
or they'll communicate with package running on a computer (e.g. Flash, Processing). Its a
fun because of modification everything, facultative you to control simple devices or
manage sophisticated day displays. An important characteristic of the Arduino is its
customary connectors that allows users connect the board to sort of interchangeable add-on
modules termed shields. The Arduino linguistic communication is an implementation of
Wiring, a similar physical computing platform. Its primarily you will send set of directions

to the microcontroller placed on the board to undertake and do thus you'd like
arduino linguistic communication and arduino package (IDE), supported method. The
boards feature serial communication interfaces, along with Universal Serial Bus on a few
models, for loading programs from notebook computer. The goal of arduino board is to
supply low worth, simple tools for novices to make digital comes. Most boards incorporates
light-weight emitting diodes (LED) and shipment resistors that unit of
measurement convenient feature of the numerous check.

3.1.1 Characteristics of arduino board

a) Inexpensive

Arduino boards are unit more cost effective than alternative microcontroller platforms. It
simple to search out, the bottom and features a microcontroller brain.

b) Cross-platform

Arduino could be a cross platform developer tool written in java. The Arduino package
runs on Windows, UNIX {operating system} operating systems and Macintosh OSX. The
opposite microcontroller systems are unit simply restricted to windows solely.

c) Simple, clear programming surroundings

The Arduino programming surroundings is easy-to-use for beginners, nonetheless versatile

enough for advanced users to require advantage of additionally. Terribly convenient power
management and intrinsic voltage regulation. Arduino package (IDE) makes it simple to
put in writing codes and transfer it on arduino board.

d) Open supply and protractile package

The Arduino package and is revealed as open supply tools, provided for extension by
professional programmers. The language may be dilated through C++ libraries, and other
people desperate to perceive the technical details will create the leap from Arduino to the

AVR C artificial language on that it's based mostly. The advantage of it being open supply
is that it's ton of individuals victimization and finding issues concerning it. This makes it
simple to search out somebody to assist you right.

Fig.3.1 Simple arduino board

3.1.2 Board description

This board is a code computer file microcontroller development board that's specially
designed board of circuit for programming and prototyping with the Atmel
microcontrollers. Its fourteen input/output pins (of that half-dozen is used as PWM
outputs), half-dozen analog inputs, a sixteen megacycle crystal oscillator, an influence jack
and USB association. A sixteen megacycle clock. This makes it not the speediest
microcontroller around, but for several applications. Thirteen digital pins and half-dozen
analog pins. These pins modify you to connect the skin hardware to Arduino. These all
pins square measure key for extending the computing capability for the Arduino into the

necessary world. Thirty-two kb of computer storage for storing your code and on-board
light-weight emitting diodes connected to digital pin thirteen for fast and easy debugging
of code. And last but not least, a button to reset the program on the chip.

3.1.3 Pin configuration of atmega 328

Fig.3.2 Pin diagram of atmega328

3.1.4 Pin descriptions

a) VCC- Digital provide voltage. The atmega328 may be a low-power chip, therefore
it solely wants between 1.8-5.5V of power to control.

b) GND- Ground

c) Port B - Port B is eight Bit Input/output port two directional with internal pull up
registers .The Port B pins are tri-stated once are set condition becomes active, even
supposing the clock is not running. Betting on the fuse settings of clock selection,
PB seven are typically used as output from the inverting generator equipment.
Arduino digital pins eight to thirteen the two high bits (six & seven) map to the
crystal pins and are not usable. Pin B three Serial information in, PIN B4
Serial information out.

d) Port C Port C is also a Input/output port seven bit two-directional with internal
pull-up resistors. Port C pins that are unit externally force low will provide current
if the pull-up resistors unit of measurement activated.

e) Port D- Port D is academic degree I/O port eight bit bi-directional with internal
pull-up resistors (selected for each bit) .The metallic element one is High suggests
that the MCU is ready for a novel command, otherwise busy. PD two Output
modification (Active low) and PD3 Write Pulse (Active low)

f) AVCC- This is the provision potential difference pin for the Analog to digital
convertor. If the ADC is employed, it ought to be connected to VCC through a low-
pass filter. It ought to be outwardly connected to VCC, even though the Analog to
digital converter is not used. PC six use digital provide voltage.

g) AREF- AREF is that the reference voltage that the ADC uses to convert an degree
analog signal to its corresponding digital worth.

h) XTAL 1 AND XTAL 2 are the pins are unit for the oscillator. These are unit to
supply a clock pulse for the Atmega328 chip. A clock pulse is required for
synchronization so communication will occur in synchronization between the
Atmega328 chip and a tool that it's connected to.

3.1.5 Block diagram

Fig.3.3 Block diagram of arduino

3.2 Accelerometer

3.2.1 Introduction

An accelerometer is basically a tool live the acceleration of a moving or moving body, is

additionally stated as four-acceleration. As an example, an accelerometer on a rocket quick
from aspect to aspect house will compute the speed of modification of speed of the rocket
comparative to any organization of reference. The acceleration is defined as rate of change
in velocity. As an alternate, its the acceleration which is connected with the evident truth
of weight of any check mass at rest with respect to the accelerometer. Lets consider an
example where the acceleration can vary, an computing system will accelerate at g in
upward direction once remaining at rest, as a results of masses on earth have weight
mass*gravity. Against this, a calculating system in force will experience a free fall towards
the center of the planet at acceleration zero, as a results of, the speed can increase, it's at
rest throughout a frame of reference throughout that objects are unit weightless. An
accelerometer so calculates weight per unit of mass, an quantity of with dimensions of
acceleration that is usually stated as specific force, or force (although it isn't a force. the
alternative means that of claiming it's that by live the load of the body, accelerometer
calculates the acceleration of free fall reference of frame relative to itself. This measurable
acceleration is not the traditional Newtons acceleration (in three dimensions), but
relatively four-acceleration, that's acceleration faraway from a geodesic path in flat system.
The majority accelerometers do not demonstrate the value they live, but offer it to different
devices. . Real accelerometers even have sensible limitations in however fastly they answer
changes in acceleration, and cant react to amendments over an explicit frequency of
modification. Single-axis and multi-axis models of instrument unit accustomed sight
magnitude & direction of correct acceleration, as a vector amount, and is used to sense
orientation (because direction of weight changes), coordinate acceleration (so long as a
results of it produces g or modification in g-force), shaking, shock, and falling (a case
wherever the correct acceleration changes, since it tends toward zero). Little machined
accelerometers are utilized in mobile electronic devices and game controllers, to sight the
position of device or provide for game input. Pairs of accelerometers extended over a part

of house that's during a position to be accustomed sight variations (gradients) in correct
accelerations of frame of references and with these points.

3.2.2 ADXL335 accelerometer

This accelerometer is that the foremost up-to-date throughout an extended, verified line of
analog sensors - the sacred goblet of accelerometers. The ADXL335 can be a triple axis
accelerometer with exceptionally low noise and power consumption - exclusively
320uA.The device encompasses a full sensing form of +/-3g.There is no on-board
regulation, power provided need to be among 118 and 370 Voltage. The ADXL335 can
be somewhat, narrow, low power intense, and complete three-axis computing system with
signal trained output voltages. The merchandise calculates acceleration with minimum
complete-scale array of 3 g. it'll total the static acceleration of the gravity in applications
of tilt-sensing, nonetheless as dynamic acceleration succeeding from shock, motion or
shaking. The user choose the data live of accelerometer exploitation the CZ, cardinal and
CY capacitors at the ZOUT, XOUT and YOUT pins. Bandwidths is also elite by the user
to suit the appliance, and a array of zero to five rate for the Z axis, with a range of zero to
five - 1600 rate for the X and Y axis. The ADXL335 is accessible throughout a moment,
low profile, four mm four mm one mm, plastic lead framework chip scale package.

3.2.3 Theory of operation of ADXl335

The ADXL335 may be a complete three-axis acceleration activity system. To use open-
loop Acceleration activity style, ADXL335 contains signal learning equipment and a poly
semiconducting material surface-micro machined device. The output signals are the analog
voltages that ar relative to acceleration. The accelerometer can calculate the stagnant
acceleration of gravity within the tilt-sensing applications nonetheless as dynamic
acceleration succeeding from motion, shock and shaking. The device may be a poly

semiconducting material surface tiny machined construction designed on prime of a
conductor wafer. A resistance against acceleration forces is provided through poly
conductor springs suspending the structure over the surface of the wafer. Differential
device is utilized to figure out deflection of the structure that consists of freelance mounted
plates and plates connected to the moving mass. The permanent plates are driven by 180
out of half sq. signals. The techniques accustomed ensure the magnitude and direction of
the acceleration is known Phase-sensitive reception. The detector output is then amplified
and brought off-chip through a thirty two k electrical device. The signal information
measure of the device is then set by adding a capacitance. This filtering improves activity
resolution and helps stop the result of aliasing.

Fig.3.4 Block diagram of ADXL335

Fig.3.5 Pin diagram of ADXL335

3.2.4 Pin description of ADXL335

1 NC No Connect.1
2 ST Self-Test.
3 COM Common.
4 NC No Connect.1
5 COM Common.
6 COM Common.
7 COM Common.
8 ZOUT Z Channel Output.
9 NC No Connect.1
10 YOUT Y Channel Output.
11 NC No Connect. 1
12 XOUT X Channel Output.
13 NC No Connect. 1
14 VS Supply Voltage (1.8 V to
3.6 V).
15 VS Supply Voltage (1.8 V to
3.6 V).
16 NC No Connect. 1
EP Exposed Pad Not internally connected.
Solder for mechanical

Table 3.1 Pin description of ADXL335

3.3 RF-module (RF transmitter and receiver)

3.3.1 Introduction

RF Module could also be a very little electronic circuit that transmits, receives, or utilized
in transceiver radio that carries form of carrier frequencies. Shopper applications like
garage openers, wireless alarmed systems, remote controls used in industries, device
applications and completely different alarmed systems which is wireless square measure
utilized by RF Modules. As, they have an advantage of line of sight operation, instead of
infrared remote controls RF modules square measure used. Three hundred fifteen MHz,
eight hundred sixty eight MHz and carrier frequencies square measure sometimes utilised
in commercially on the market RF modules. The comparative frequency varies between
thirty kilocycle &three hundred GHz. The digitalized data has variations near the amplitude
of the waves in the radio. As, a results of several reasons transmission through radio
frequency is best than infrared. For larger applications, signals travel through the RF to
make it acceptable. For IR the most part is operated by line-of-sight mode, the signals can
even travel through an obstruction between the amplifier and the receiver. RF transmission
could be a heap of durable and reliable than IR transmission. Specific frequency is utilized
by RF communication in distinction to IR signals that square measure littered with
completely different IR emitting sources. This RF module includes a RF Transmitter and
a Receiver. Four hundred and thirty four MHz frequency is operated by the
transmitter/receiver. The transmitter can its work along with a Tx/Rx wirelessly that's
connected by antenna at pin4. The transmission happens at the speed of one Kbps ten
Kbps. RF receiver receives the transmitted data by operative at identical frequency. The
RF module is used with a strive of encoder/decoder. Encoder is utilized for writing parallel
data that is transmitted whereas the decoder decodes the reception. Secret writing similar
data transmission is completed by the encoder for the transmission feed whereas the
reception is decoded by receiver. Square measure some sometimes used encoder/decoder
strive ICs.

3.3.2 RF- transmitter

The transmitter is a device that does the assistance of an antenna, which propagates a
magnetism signal like radio, mobile phones, television, or totally different
telecommunications. Circuits each at the sending and receiving points are unit required at
intervals the radio communication system, all four at intervals the tuned frequency

Arrangement of RF-transmitter

a. Being given a tool for quenching the spark therefore presently as a result of its
imparted enough energy to the anonymous circuit containing the in-flight structure,
the transmitted system with coupled circuits electrically one in each of that, is also
a strong but not in persistent generator. This second circuit that's that the train of
slight waves that is damped at its own quantity severally

b. The periodical system is meant to be every a persistent generator and an active

radiator, in conjunction with the aerial structure with its and inductive-coils and

c. As the transmission part includes two tuned circuits, one contains a spark-gap and
the other for the aerial structure and a free radiator that gets maintained through

3.3.3 RF- encoder (HT12E)

The generator is designed with the addition of a resistance. Data that consists of N address
bits and 12-N information bits are encoded through it. The combining of encoder/decoder
ought to have same range of addresses and information. Simply put, HT12E converts the
parallel inputs into serial output. HT12E begins a 4-word transmission cycle upon receipt
of a transmission modify. As presently as TE turns too high, the encoder output completes
its final cycle so stops. Upon receipt of a trigger signal, the programmed addresses/data are
transmitted beside the header bits via an RF transmission medium. 212 series of encoders
is encoded within the computer circuit of HT12E. To be used in device system applications
they're paired with 212 series of. It encodes the 12 bit parallel information into serial for
transmission through an RF transmitter. Each address/data input may be set to 1 of the 2
logic states. These 12 bits are divided into 8 address bits and 4 information bits. HT12E
incorporates a transmission modify pin that is active low. Once a trigger signal is received
on TE pin, the programmed addresses/data are transmitted beside the header bits via an RF
or an infrared transmission medium. Its principally utilized in interfacing RF and infrared
circuits. Transmitter modules to form a secure single or multiple channel RF device
transmitter, it's interfaced to RF.

Fig.3.6 Pin diagram of RF-Encoder

3.3.3 Pin description

Pin No Function Name

1 A0
2 A1
3 A2
4 8 bit Address pins for A3
5 input A4
6 A5
7 A6
8 A7
9 Ground (0V) Ground
10 AD0
11 4 bit Data/Address AD1
12 pins for input AD2
13 AD3
14 Transmission enable; TE
active low

15 Oscillator input Osc2

16 Oscillator output Osc1

17 Serial data output Output

18 Supply voltage; 5V Vcc


Table 3.2 Pin description of HTI2E

3.3.4 RF receiver

The receiver is specially designed to retrieve the signal since the RF transmitter to
demodulate or decode the original signal. For receiving we use receiver and for decoding
we use. It is generally used for delivering the transmitted data so that it gets demodulated
or decoded from the original signal. The IC HT12D the description of HT12D are as under
as follows-

3.3.5 RF-decoder (HT12D)

212 series of decoders belongs to HT12D decoder microcircuit. The AT and VT pin
indicates the genuine transmissions. Decoder named HT12D is accomplished with the
cryptography of twelve bits, of which those eight are address bits and four are information
bits. Until new is received, the info on four bit latch kind output pins stay unchanged. Serial
address and information from a programmed encoders in 212 series are transmitted by the
carrier that uses RF or IR transmission. Those are compared with those serial input file
thrice unendingly with their native addresses. They are transferred to the output pins in
case there is no error or unmatched codes, the input file codes are decoded. a legitimate
transmission is indicated by vt pin. Theyre matched with 212 series with the encoders. The
outputs are converted by the serial input to the parallel outputs with the HT12D. The serial
addresses and information received by an RF receiver is decoded, into corresponding
information and transmits them to output information pins. If input file code is decoded
once, then there is no fault or any unmatched signals or codes are discovered. Native
addresses are compared to the info thrice unendingly.

3.3.5 (a) Pin configuration of RF-decoder

Fig.3.7 Pin diagram of RF-decoder

3.5.5 (b) Pin description of HT12D

Pin Function Name

1 A0
2 A1
3 A2
4 A3
8 bit Address pins for input
5 A4
6 A5
7 A6
8 A7
9 Ground (0V) Ground
10 D0
11 D1
4 bit Data/Address pins for output
12 D2
13 D3
14 Serial data input Input
15 Oscillator output Osc2
16 Oscillator input Osc1
17 Valid transmission; active high VT
18 Supply voltage; 5V (2.4V-12V) Vcc

Table 3.3 Pin description of HT12D

3.4 Mechanical parts

3.4.1 Introduction

There are chiefly 3 mechanical parts that are utilized in the project that are as:

3.4.1 (a) Motors

It has many styles of motors. Every motor kind has many benefits additionally as
disadvantages looking on a specific robots style. DC-motors are created far more effective
if they need an economical gear quantitative relation for a specific task. If priority is to own
a quick spinning motor and force is of very little concern a low gears or perhaps no gears
is also what you would like, most motors utilized in robots want force over prime speed
therefore a motor with a high quantitative relation may well be a lot of helpful. The
management of a DC motor will be split into 2 parts: speed and direction. The D.C motors
that are terribly straightforward to use, however like most different motors their
convenience for AI is incredibly addicted to the gears accessible.

3.4.1 (b) Wheels

Using motor-powered wheels to propel themselves wheeled robots route round the ground.
The planning is easier than using treads or legs and by using wheels they're calmer to style,
build, and program for movement in flat, not-so-rugged tract. For begin, there's force and
celerity. The golem offers low force however high rate with giant diameter wheels. Servo's
have already got sensible force, therefore you must use larger diameter wheels. However
if the motor is weak, you would like to use a way smaller diameter wheel. This makes the
golem slower, however a minimum of it's enough force to travel up a hill. Robots will have
any variety of wheels, however 3 wheels are enough for static and equilibrium.
Disadvantages of wheeled-robots are that they cant navigate overrun obstacles, like rocky
tract, sharp declines, or areas with low friction. Wheeled robots are most well liked among
the buyer market, their discrepancy steering provides low value and ease. However, further
mechanisms are needed to stay all the wheels within the ground, once the tract isn't flat,

further wheels will augment balance. Once shopping for your wheels you would like to
place your motor into thought.

3.4.1 (c) Chassis

An internal framework that supports an unreal object that's referred to as chassis. Its
Analogous to an animals skeleton. AN example of a chassis is that the beneath a part of a
car consisting of the frame with the wheels and machinery. The chassis is employed to take
care of the larva of the golem and therefore the RF receiver is mounted thereon to receive
the signal.

3.4.2 3-wheeled robot

3-wheeled robots is also of 2 types: differentially steered (2 hopped-up wheels with an

extra free rotating wheel to stay the body in balance) or two wheels hopped-up by one
supply and a hopped-up steering for the third wheel. If each the wheels are driven within
the same track and speed, the robot can go straight. The middle of rotation could fall
anyplace within the line change of integrity the 2 wheels. Within the case of differentially
steered wheels, the robot direction is also modified by varied the relative rate of rotation of
the 2 singly driven wheels.

Fig.3.8 3-wheeled robot

In the triangle formed by the wheels, the center of gravity is stored in this robot. The robot
gets tipped if too heavy mass is mounted with the side of free rotating wheel.

Chapter 4


4.1. Processing of robot

The accelerometer is calibrated to attain its maximum and minimum value. This depends
upon external environmental conditions which provides closure sensitivity for processing.
The methodology can be well understood with the help of following flow chart.

Fig.4.1. Transmission of data

The input fed to the accelerometer input side is analog in nature. It is being digitally coded
by the input A/D converter. The A/D converter is inbuilt in Arduino-board which is 8-bit.
The output is fed to the digital pins of the Arduino-board which serves as the output port
for the accelerometer.

Fig.4.2 Flow diagram for processing of robots

4.2. Receiving the data
The received data on the digital pins is then sent to the L293D. According to the output,
the motors will run in forward, backward, left and right directions. Thus the output depends
directly on the accelerometer input which can be used for the robot controlling and its
movement. The accelerometer input depends upon the movement of the gestures.

Fig 4.3. Receiving the data

4.3. Circuit diagram

Fig 4.4. Transmitter section of the wireless gesture-controlled robot

Fig 4.5. Receiver section of the wireless gesture-controlled robot

4.4. Result

Transmitter Part- The transmitter consists of ATmega328 microcontroller, ADXL335

accelerometer, HT12E encoder and 433MHz RF transmitter module. In this circuit, two
analogue outputs from ADXL335 pins are connected with input pins (23, 24) of the
microcontroller. Analogue signals are converted to digital signals through the
microcontroller. Digital outputs from pins 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the microcontroller are
directly sent to pins 13, 12, 11 and 10 of encoder. This data is encoded and transmitted via
RF module.

Receiver Part- The receiver part consists of 433MHz RF receiver module, HT12D decoder
and L293D motor driver to run the motors. Here, receiver module receives the transmitted
signal, which is decoded by decoder IC to get the same digital outputs. Four outputs of
driver motors drive two motors. The robot moves as per tilt direction of the accelerometer
in the transmitter. The direction of the robot movement is as per logic listed in table given

Table 4.1 Movement of robot and decoder outputs

The circuit uses varied differential-turning mechanism that helps the bot precise to twist-
n-turn. To accelerate and de-accelerate the bot we have a tendency to uses completely
different move axes. Its entire motion is being controlled by Arduino that extracts readings
from accelerometer (ADXL335) and therefore the calculated information is transmitted via
Arduino-board and are processed with RF-module that successively consists of comparable
mechanism. The bot works properly attributable to its low weight, and preciseness with
facilitate of the mechanics kit.

Fig.4.6 Transmitter part of prepared robot

Fig.4.7 Receiver part of prepared robot

Chapter 5


5.1. Conclusion
This project teaches us Arduinos coding which can be used in further future as the
Arduino finds immense benefits in various instruments and also a very important
electronics equipment as well as deals with the basics of arduino.
It deals with the transmission of the signals through RF module and also the use of
The project assures cultivated dedication, team work and the division of labor
amongst us made this project to succeed.
We had a great pleasure in working on this project and working as a team. This
project also provide the basic introduction to review of the accelerometer.

5.2. Future prospects

Currently researches on improving serial communication between the Arduios.
Installation of LCD panel on the gloves so that when the glove module run on the
battery, the accelerometer reading (real time) can be seen and find immense
support in debugging operation.
Improvisation of GUI in applet processing so that duplex communication
management between devices can take place.
Installation of joystick shield.

Chapter 6


The main objective of our project is to control a robot with gestures of our hand. There
are basically two main components of our system:

Arduino microcontroller and


The accelerometer depends upon the gestures of our hand. Through accelerometer, awe
receive the passage of information signal and with the assistance of Arduino
microcontroller the info is processed. The microcontroller commands to the automaton to
maneuver within the desired direction. The passage of the info signals of accelerometer
readings to the Arduino board fitted on the larva is that the basics of accelerometer based
mostly automaton. In step with that worth the program compiled in this arduino runs that
consequently creates the larva perform. Here, we've got used two-axis accelerometer
within which, one axis can management the speed in forward or backward direction and
alternative can management the turning mechanism. 2 user studies are given. Gesture
commands are freely trainable by the user may be used for dominant external devices with
hand-held wireless detector unit. This accelerometer-based gesture management is studied
as a supplementary or an alternate interaction modality. Speech, RFID-based physical
tangible objects, laser-tracked pen are the opposite modalities. The results counsel that
gestures are a natural modality, and may augment alternative modalities. Gesture
commands were natural, particularly for commands with special association in style
atmosphere management. The project contains integration of the 3 technologies as wireless,
gesture & embedded.


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Program1: Input Declaration

const int sensorPiny = A0;

const int sensorPinx = A1;
const int motor1 = 2;
const int motor2 = 4;
const int motor3 = 8;
const int motor4 = 12;
/*const int ledPin1 = 3;
const int ledPin2 = 11;*/

int sensorValuey = 0;
int sensorValuex = 0;
int yAxis = 0;
int xAxis = 0;

Program2: Output Declaration

void setup()
pinMode(motor1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(motor4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
while (millis() < 5000)

digitalWrite(13, LOW);

Program3: Calibration of sensor

void loop()
sensorValuey = analogRead(sensorPiny);
sensorValuex = analogRead(sensorPinx);
if (sensorValuey < 310)
// yAxis = (370-sensorValuey);
digitalWrite(motor1, LOW);
digitalWrite(motor2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor3, LOW);
digitalWrite(motor4, HIGH);
/* analogWrite(ledPin1, yAxis*1.77);
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);*/
if (sensorValuey > 360)
// yAxis = (sensorValuey-418);
digitalWrite(motor1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motor3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor4, LOW);
/* analogWrite(ledPin2, yAxis*1.77);
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);*/

if (sensorValuex < 310)
// xAxis = (330-sensorValuex);
digitalWrite(motor1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor2, LOW);
digitalWrite(motor3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor4, HIGH);
/* analogWrite(ledPin1, xAxis*1.75);
digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);*/
if (sensorValuex > 360)
// xAxis = (sensorValuex-373);
digitalWrite(motor1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(motor4, LOW);
/* analogWrite(ledPin2, xAxis*1.75);
digitalWrite(ledPin1, LOW);*/



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