Chapter Test A: Atomic Physics
Chapter Test A: Atomic Physics
Chapter Test A: Atomic Physics
Chapter Test A
Atomic Physics
In the space provided, write the letter of the term or phrase that best completes
each statement or best answers each question.
______ 1. What term is used to describe a perfect radiator and absorber of elec-
tromagnetic radiation?
a. blackbody c. quantum
b. atom d. photon
______ 3. What were the units of light energy emitted by blackbody radiation
originally called?
a. electron volts c. joules
b. quanta d. resonators
______ 5. In Rutherford’s experiment, why did the nucleus repel alpha particles?
a. electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged nucleus and
alpha particles
b. electrostatic attraction between the negatively charged nucleus and
alpha particles
c. electrostatic repulsion between the positively charged nucleus and
alpha particles
d. electrostatic attraction between the positively charged nucleus and
alpha particles
______ 7. Which statement about Rutherford’s model of the atom is not correct?
a. The model states that positive charge is unevenly distributed.
b. The model depicts electrons orbiting the nucleus as planets orbit
the sun.
c. The model explains spectral lines.
d. The model states that atoms are unstable.
______10. What would you observe if light from argon gas were passed through
a prism?
a. a series of discrete bright lines
b. a continuous spectrum
c. a series of dark lines imposed on a continuous spectrum
d. a single bright line
______11. Which of the following is not a feature of Bohr’s model of the atom?
a. Electrons move in circular orbits about the nucleus.
b. Only certain electron orbits are allowed.
c. Electrons emit radiation continuously while orbiting the nucleus.
d. Electron jumps between energy levels account for discrete spectral
______13. How will light behave in a single experiment, according to the princi-
ple of wave-particle duality?
a. Light will act both like a wave and like a particle.
b. Light will act either like a wave or like a particle.
c. Light will act neither like a wave nor like a particle.
d. Light always exists as two waves or as two particles.
______14. Which of the following processes is more easily observable for light
with a short wavelength?
a. the photoelectric effect c. diffraction
b. radio transmission d. interference
______18. What does the peak of a probability curve for an electron in an atom
a. the location where there is zero probability of finding the electron
b. that the electron’s location can be precisely determined
c. that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is violated
d. the distance from the nucleus at which the electron is most likely to
be found
19. What is an emission spectrum?
23. What is the energy, in eV, of a photon whose frequency is 3.0 1014 Hz?
(h 6.63 1034 J•s; 1 eV 1.60 1019 J)
E6 E 0.378 eV
E5 E 0.544 eV
E4 E 0.850 eV
E3 E 1.51 eV
E2 E 3.40 eV
24. What is the energy of the photon emitted when the electron in a hydrogen
atom drops from energy level E6 to energy level E3 in the figure above?
25. What is the de Broglie wavelength for a proton that has a mass of
1.67 1027 kg and is moving at a speed of 1.3 103 m/s?
(h 6.63 1034 J•s)
1 eV waves, and therefore would be unsta-
ble. Also, his model did not explain
1.60 1019 J
spectral lines.
E 1.2 eV 11. The resulting spectrum is an absorp-
24. 1.13 eV tion spectrum, which appears as a
Given nearly continuous spectrum with dark
E6 0.378 eV lines where light of given wavelengths
E3 1.51 eV is absorbed by the gases in the cloud.
Solution 12. The transitions from any of the
E Einitial Efinal E6 E3 excited energy levels to the ground
E 0.378 eV (1.51 eV) state will produce photons with the
greatest energy, and therefore the
1.13 eV
shortest wavelengths.
25. 3.1 1010 m, or 0.31 nm 13. Earth’s magnetic field draws charged
Given particles from the sun toward the
m 1.67 1027 kg poles, where the particles collide with
v 1.3 103 m/s atoms in Earth’s atmosphere. These
h 6.63 1034 J•s atoms give up the energy acquired in
Solution the collisions as spontaneous emission
h h of photons, producing an aurora.
l Because there are more collisions near
p mv
the poles, more light is emitted, pro-
(6.63 1034 J•s)
l ducing a brighter aurora more often.
(1.67 1027 kg)(1.3 103 m/s) 14. Light of short wavelengths is better.
3.1 10 m 0.31 nm Momentum transfer is most easily
observed in particle collisions, and
photons that have shorter wavelengths
Atomic Physics behave more like particles than do
CHAPTER TEST B (ADVANCED) photons with longer wavelengths.
1. c
E hf
E 1.99 1019 J
h 6.63 1034 J•s
E 3.00 1014 Hz