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Chetan Shete Contact No.: +91-9545553472 E-Mail: shete_chetan@yahoomail.


Seeking assignments for a suitable opening in a leading corporate having a vision to excel and led by highly
motivated and dedicated team.


Occupational Contour

Adani Power Maharashtra Limited, Tirora (Since August`10)

Assistant Manager Operation and Maintenance
Adani Power Maharashtra Ltd is one of top players in Power Generation , with generation capacity of
3300MW (660MW*5Units) & owned 400kV as well as 765kV switchyard at Tirora.

Major responsibility handled: Review , coordination & technical support for Control & Relay panel schematics ,
automation & Energy Metering schemes for 132kV, 400kV & 765kV switchyard , GT relay panels & Generator relay
panels for successful commissioning, HT/LT Switchgears & DC system of Switchyard . Coordiantion & technical
discussion with end utilities & contractor . Trobleshooting & support in Maintenance of existing protection, automation
& metering system. Operation and maintainance of switchyard, power transformers, switchgears, motors and power

Noteworthy Milestones
Operation & maintainance of 765 kV, 400 kV & 132 kV Switchyard equipments.
Dealing with load dispatch centre (SLDC, RLDC, WRLDC) for getting charging discharging code of switchyard
equipments and unit synchronizing codes.
Cordinating with Load dispatch centre for load scheduling of units and ex bus generation.
Preparing tripping report, event report and line availability report.
Coordinating with Load dispatch centre for line and unit outages.
Found out flows in conventional Busbar Topology , provided by AREVA for400kV switchyard ( One & Half CB) .
Busbar Topology is revised , tested at site & approved.
Operation and Maintanence of Power Transformer (Upto 765 kV and 1500 MVA).
Operation and Maintanence of HT Motors (upto 11 MW and 11 kV), LT Motors.
Operation and Maintanence of HT/LT Switchgears.
Equipments Erection for 765, 400, 132 kV Switchyards and its accesories as per drawing.
Operation and maintainace of 765 kV, 400 kV, 132 kV transmission line and its commissioning.
Operation and Maintanence of 33kV, 11 kV overhead lines and underground cables.
Troubleshooting of frequent tripping of 132kv/11kV transformer on overfluxing & non generation of DR.
Successful commissioning of Metering Scheme of 400 kV & 765 kV Switchyard.
Comissioning of Summation meters .
Reviewed & proposed modification in 400kV Switchyard & 765 kV for discrepancies.
Sucessfully commissioned 400 kv Switchyatd, 765 kV Switchyard & Unit 1, 2 , 3 of 660 MW each.
Sucessfully Comissioned Auto transformers of 765/400/33 kV, 1500 MVA & Reactors of 765 kV, 240 MVAr.
On site testing of 400 kv CTs at 120 % of rated current for ratio and phase angle error.
On site testing of relays of ABB, AREVA, ER, L&T and NARI make of different voltage levels for Switchyard, Generator
and HT LT panels.
Succesfully commissioned and Operation and Maintanence of 220 v & 48 DC system and UPS for 132/400/765 kV
Comissioning of 765 kV Switchyard and its Protection Scheme of 765 kV Switchyard and 400 kV Switchyard.
Relay testing and configuration for 132/400/765 kV Switchyard of ABB, Arevaand ER make.
Involved in critical activities like Boiler LightUp, Steam Blowing and synchronizing of unit.
On site testing of 1500 (500 each phase) MVA 765/400/33kV ICT, 765 kV Line reactor & Bus Reactor of 240 MVar
Capacity & 400 kV 80 MVar Bus Reactor.
Succesfully Comissioned 11 kV & 6.6 kV HT Switchgears & 415 V LT Switchgears.
Comisisoning of Metering and SAS architecture for data tramission to SLDC and ALDC through VSAT and dedicated
Preparing SOP and PM schedule for 132kv, 400 kV and 765 kV Switchyard and Transformers.
Sucessfully Comissioned 5 Units of 660 MW each & Comissioning of 1 Units Under Progress.
Preparing standard operating procedures for operation and mainatainance of electrical equipments.
Preparing annual budget for department and maintaining spares for smooth & reliable operation of system.
Adani Power Limited, Mundra (Aug 08 July 10)
Senior Engineer Operation and Maintenance
Adani Power Ltd is one of top players in Power Generation , with generation capacity of 4620MW (330 MW
* 4 & 660MW*5 Units) & owned 220 Kv, 400kV as well as HVDC switchyard at Mundra.

Major responsibility handled: Review , coordination & technical support for Control & Relay panel schematics ,
automation & Energy Metering schemes for 220kV, 400kV switchyard , GT relay panels & Generator relay panels for
successful commissioning , Comissioning of HT/LT Switchgears & HT/LT Motors, Testing and commissioning of power
transfomers Coordiantion & technical discussion with end utilities & contractor . Trobleshooting & support in
Maintenance of existing protection, automation & metering system along with operation and maintainance..

Noteworthy Milestones
Generator & Generator Transformer Protection scheme testing and its operation and maintainance.
Erection, testing, commissioning & Operation and Maintanence of 220 kV Switchyard (18 Bays )(2 main 1 transfer
scheme by ABB).
Erection, testing, commissioning & Operation and Maintanence of 400 kV Switchyard (1 and 1/2 breaker scheme by
Involved into commissioning and synchronizing activities of 330 MW units.
On site testing & commissioning of Relays (ABB, Areva).
On site testing & commissioning of HT & LT Switchgears & their Protection schemes.
On site testing and commissioning of HT & LT motors.
On site testing of Power Transformers up to 400MVA & 400 kV
On site testing & commissioning of EHV Equipments like CTs, CVTs, Circuit Breakers.
Modification in Control & Protection scheme as per site requirement.
Realy testing and configuration of 220 kv/400kv switchyard and HT/LT switchgears.
All other electrical equipment, like DG Sets, Battery Banks & Battery Chargers, Power Distribution Boards etc.,
testing , commissioning, Opereation and maintainance.
Prepare Cable Schedule for Interconnection between Switchyard, Transformer & Main Plant Control Room.
Prepare schedule for testing & commissioning of various electrical equipments & HT/LT Switchgears, EHV
Equipments & protection schemes.
Operation and Maintenance of 220 kV Substation and preparing its Preventive Maintainence Schedule.
Sucessfully Comissioned 4 Units of 330 MW.
Preparing standard operating procedures for operation and mainatainance of electrical equipments.
Preparing annual budget for department and maintaining spares for smooth & reliable operation of system.

Academic Credentials
2008 B.E(Electrical Engineering) 72% Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering , Shegaon
2004 12th 68.33 % VIdya Ni Ketan Jr. College
2002 10th 78.53% Mount Carmel Convent High School.

Trainings Attended

Attended Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHAS) Training in construction safety and
health. Certified OHSAS Auditor.
1 week training on Station Automation System at ABB Peenya, Bangalore.
1 week training on Industrial Protection and relaying at L&T Switchgear Pune.
Excellence in site supervision at Ahmedabad Management Association, Ahmedabad.
Attended 1 week training on 330 & 660 MW simulators at Adani Training Centre.

Personal Details
Date of Birth: 01st May 1986
Address: Near Mount Carmel School, Mul Road
Chandrapur (M.S)
Marital status : Single
Nationality Indian
Languages Known English, Marathi & Hindi.
References Available if required.
Passport G7233808 Valid Till 10/03/2018
Reference 1. Mr. Avinash Appalwar, DGM Adani Power, Mobile no- 9823296952
2. Mr.Partha Bhattacharya, GM Adani Power, Mobile no- 9764449002

CTC Breakup

Sr.No CTCComponents PerAnnum

1 Basic 244248
2 Conveyance 9600
3 Medical 15000
4 Uniformallowance 6000
5 otherallowance 284520
6 LTA 9000
7 Mealallowance 30000
8 Gratuity 9768
9 Bonus/Exgratia 20352
10 EmployeesPFcontribution 29316
11 TotalCTC 657804
Note: 20132014isduewhichisexpectedinthis

Organization chart




AssistantManager(ElectricalOperationandMaintainance)2no MyPosition



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