Steel Staircase Design
Steel Staircase Design
Steel Staircase Design
Design of step
Design of Flat
Density of steel = 78 kN/m3
Try Flat of size Width b = 30 mm
Thickness t = 4 mm
Tread of step T = 220 mm
Number of Flats provided per tread = 8
Grade of steel fy = 250 N/mm2
Allowable bending stress bt = 0.66fy = 165 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress vm = 0.4fy = 100 N/mm2
ISMC 200
1) Live Load = = 5 kN/m2
Live load on each flat = 0.157143 kN/m
2) Dead load of each flat (Trying a flat of crossection 30x4 mm 2) = 0.00936 kN/m
(Dead load + Live load) on each flat = 0.166503 kN/m
Z = I /y = bd2/6
Section Modulus Z = I /y = bd2/6 Z = 600 mm3
x x
Flat section
Actual Bending stress and shear stress is Less than Allowable Bending stress and shear stress
respectively hence the tried section is ok
Live Load = 5 kN/m2
Dead load of Double angle section = 0.047 kN/m
Total Dead + Live load of Flats = 1.332023 KN
Dead load + Live load transfer to each double angle = 3.027325 kN/m
Load Combination
x x
Actual Bending stress and shear stress is Less than Allowable Bending stress and shear stress
respectively hence the tried section is ok
2 ISA 40x40x4
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ISMC 200 t
e= 20 mm
20 mm
ISMC 200 2 ISA 40x40x4
In calculating the shear and bearing stress of bolt the effective diameter of a bolt is used that is its
nominal diameter as per IS : 800 clause 8.9.1
Gross dia of Bolt d' = 13.5 mm
Strength of Bolt in Bearing d tmin pf = 12000 N
= 12 kN
Load Combination
d = 200 mm
x x