EML500 Sensor Inspection

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<5,.MAINTENANCE > 5-5 5.4 Replacing the Master Unit Battery If low voltage in the memory backup battery is indicated by the corresponding LED on the master unit error indicator, replace it in the following manner: We ‘The data in memory will be lost when the battery is removed from the master unit. Therefore, be sure to record the necessary data (shown below) before starting the replacement Data Type : Operation After Replacement Zero adjustment data Re aqust the data according item (1) n Secton 6 4 | Sensitvty agjusimentata Re-adjustthe data according to item (2) in Section 6.4 Span egustmentdata Re-adjust the data according item (3)in Secton 6.4 Milepost data Re-enter the data according to Subsection 653 Response speed data 7 [Re-enter the data according to Section 62 ‘Alarm speed data - Re-enter the data according to Subsection 4.41 GPS format data Reset the data according to Section 66. votage output range data Re-select the data according to Section 67 © Replacement Method ‘Tum off the power supply switch. Wait 1 minute, and then remove the battery from the master unit. Next, insert a new battery, while pressing the '+' contact on the battery holder, 5-6 < 5.MAINTENANCE> 5.5 Inspection of the Measurement Rod os fo DL. Bo A CAUTION Do not use a megger for inspection purposes except for on-board power supply terminals. Other- wise, the equipment may be damaged, Remove the measurement rod from the sewater valve. (1) Cable, Rod Case, and Sensor a ret Elecredes eres ==] 5 a eof [3 ee _3¢ { 5 ) ) coe eo if 7 i se) lee Se) lee fovea Sens: = = | Rodease {senses Single ication Dual -ndleaton GHSITHDTTHVTV FAI RON) (-V2/EAD) AVRO 6 —— SUE (2) Rod Case and Sensor Ate) p Cross-section of Connector ve ‘Sensor output Electrodes &Us) zav_— Sensoroupat 24v_ angina) y ty ee : Sener cg |e f Dd ple Tos od case Sensor Gtr) Comector @ Single - nication ual -ndeation 5tk) 7 (SI THDITHVE VFA ROY) GHV2/AD) TEE, wee -100 (3) Sensor 5° ‘The connector on the sensor has the same pin arrangement as the connector at the end of the rod. Cross-section of Connector (HD1, RS1, RD1) Sensoroutput 24 etroses 5 wv > Soh — ) fe “€ 2D Uz (Viewed trom the airection ofthe arrow) Key 1 S ee es 4 U-AS > (Seat MTD AB Grady © ENT AS aR ay tot IMBOBECT:CE ——-21MEten 4.200720 tage sey AG bem Hy UT ae cae a5 5 eNT < 5. MAINTENANCE > 5-7 ee © Continuity check NOTE Use a digital multimeter for a continuity check Be eee ene GE: NEGATIVE GE: POSITIVE E-A(0V- sensor oubut) OL OL [esc OL OL EC (OV-+18V) ekOmin CO S-A¥ 60min £0 (Ov--15¥) “.aMamin Cte. Bt 10M9 min [EF (ov-24v) MOmin op 6 [amomin 1M 11: For ution model oly Between the electrode and rod case (on the right) : MQ min = MQ. Between the electrode and rod case (on the left) : MO min = 1MQ. Between G and rod case (metal part of the sensor) : 09 For dual-axis sensor. Between the electrode and case (longitudinally) : MO min = 1M Between the electrode and rod case (transversely) : MO min = MO “The purpose of this check is for confirmation if sea water entered (or did not enter) in Sensor. ‘Though the measured data should be a litle different by makers and kinds of tester, Ifthe data is over 60, there will be no problem, ‘Concerning the operating check of Sensor Checker (Extra-sold: QY001) should be used. 5.6 Inspection of the Seawater Valve check of the seawater valve Before replacing the measurementrod, check he | YES LL, valve handle Does the handle work smoothly? eect ceceeeeeaere NO ‘Sight loosen the nut (© in Figure “Sensor Jace the measurement rod. | — Installation’). Does the handle work smoothiy? Rept a [ Upon completion of the replacement. "Tantan the nut as & Was before 6-6 <6.INSTALLATION > 6.4 Adjustments (1) Zero Adjustment (Maintenance Mode) zero adjustment corrects a zero-point drift which may occur in a circuit other than the one in the sensor, To make a zero adjustment, there mast be no water flowing in the direction to be detected. Therefore, make the adjustment with the sensor placed in a bucket of water, or with the ship at anchor and no water flowing around the sensor. Furthermore, Lightly polish the electrodes in the sensor with the water-resistant sandpaper (at last #600) damp- ened in water. Place the sensor in a bucket of water, Hold the sensor so that its electrodes are in the middle of the bucket: do not let the electrodes come into contact with the bottom of the bucket. ‘The adjustment procedure is shown in the figure below. Thisis the inital display (®-5-1) ofthe maintenance wes_ | mode. Press the (F 1) key at -6-1 to select GS] CE2)GREN GED | zero-adjustment. The display then changes o that marked a The values highlighted in reverse video here are the zero-agjusiment data that were the latest set Tomake anew zero adjustment, press the (Ft) key (GO) The display changes to that marked b, and then further changes to that marked ¢ after approximately 20 seconds. On this display, the new zero-adjustment data are displayed. Press the (ENT) key to enter the data Press the (PREV) key when the data are not en- Display of measured tered ‘At @-5-4, press the (F_2_] key (NXT) to advance to sensitivity adjustment (®-8-2) (Refer to page 6-7 for details on sensitivity adjust- ment) OA “Toe sensor must be Kept ‘away fom the bottom of tre bcket a Jeast 100 mm <6.INSTALLATION > 6-7 eee (2) Sensitivity Adjustment (Maintenance Mode) The differences in sensitivity among sensors can be adjusted with this function. Ifthe accuracy of the reading changes when the sensor is replaced, make a sensitivity adjustment. ‘The sensitivity adjustment value can be obtained from the following expression sf Set value = S5p; ‘SPD1 : Intended speed ‘SPD2 : Current speed S81: Current set value e BY (S81 + 100) - 100 ‘The adjustment procedure is shown in the figure below O52 EASE — -— (SEE tk] san 7 Craw aa 0621 a Cchage the sign to ED Caen Hone) c 4 Enter 0.4.0.and 0in this order fom he Ratko, =) en SCD CD EME Pao enne Le ress the ENT key. 4D4D9| 4 | Ce Cz) GRE aE) Press the (F 1_) key at ©-6-2 to select sensitiv- ity adjustment. The dispiay then changes to that marked a . The value highlighted in reverse video here is the adjustment data that were the latest set ‘To.change itto '+4.00%' for example, first press the (E-1_) key to change the sign to +’ (see the dis- play marked b). Next, enter (0), C4), 0), Bnd Co using the numeric Keypad Confirm the entered value, and then press the ENT) key. This stops the flickering and completes the setting of '+4.00%' (see the display marked 4) To set a minus value, press the (F 2 ) key (~’) while the display is at a, and enter the value using the numeric keypad, 68 <6.INSTALLATION > (3) Span Adjustment (Maintenance Mode) Ifan error in the speed is proportional to the actual speed, it can be adjusted by multiplying the speed by a certain coefficient ( the span-adjustment value). This adjustment is made to minimize a discrepancy between the displayed speed and actual speed before a milepost measurement is made, NOTE ‘Span-adjustment data have an effect on milepost data ‘Therefore, do not change the value after a milepost measurement. A span adjustment is also necessary if the speed error has become larger due to contaminants adhering to the bottom ofthe ship after many years of service. ‘The adjustment procedure is shown in the figure below. 05-3 SPRA ‘At @-5-3, press the (F 1_) key to select span See alk adjustment. The display then changes to that See . “ marked a. In a single-axis sensor system , how- ever, TSP’ (transverse span) does not appear on the display, To select 'LSP' (Longitudinal span), press the (CET) key while the cisplay is at a ‘The display then changes to that marked b. ‘The value highlighted in reverse video here is the adjustment data that were the latest set Tochange ito'1.15 times’ for example, enter (1) | C4), C5), and C0_) using the numeric keypad | (see the display marked c). 6. Confirm the entered value, then press the (ENT) Enter .15.and in key, This stops the Flickering and completes the this order fom the i ee ‘setting (see the display marked d) Setting range : 0.600 to 1.800 4, Press the ENT key. ‘To set ‘TSP’ press the (F 2] key while the dis- cee play is at a, and then use the same procedure as cD Gpmman) Peis 6-24 < 6.INSTALLATION > 6.9 Maintenance Functions 6.9.1 Intermediate Error Compensation Factor (Maintenance Mode) Two linearizer tables are available for intermediate error compensation, and either can be selected inthis mode. Therefore, compensation based on the newest linearizer table of compensation based ‘on the previous linearizer table can be done selectively ifthe compensation coefficient is changed alternately each time milepost measurement is done The selective use of these linearizer tables is also useful for ships whose speeds differ when they are fully loaded. ‘The operation procedure is shown below O58 ‘At 0-88, press the(_F 1) key to enter the mode for selecting a coefficient. The display then chang- estothat marked a Ata, the display indicates that coefficient 1 (C1) is currently selected. To select coefficient 2 (C2) in- stead, press the (_F 2_) key while the display is at a. The display then change to that marked b where Coefficient 2 (C2) is selected. 6.9.2 Sub-maintenance Mode Select the sub-maintenance mode to perform the switch status display, voltage check. fixed voltage ‘output, or GPS interface setting ‘The operation procedure is shown below. This is the entrance to the sub-maintenance mode. Su eee wot ‘At @-5-9, press the (_F_1_) key to select the sub- 72 \(FRED|NOXE) maintenance mode. The display then advances to z os 25-1 <6.INSTALLATION > 6-25 6.9.3 6.9.4 Switch Status Display Mode (Sub-maintenance Mode) 5M bo eup ¥ (PRED) HOE) The switch status display is used to see ifhardware switch inputs are correct as specified ‘The operation procedure is shown below: At @-5-A1, press the (F 1_) key to select the switch status display function. The display then changes to that marked a “The asterisks "on the display mean the switch status is represented as a hexadecimal value (2 digits) Pressing the (F1_] key (NXT) at ato d causes, the next switch status to appear on the display as shown inthe figure on the left The correspondence between the displayed SW number and the actual SW number on the board is, as follows: Dipiay Board nl Swi swe 4} sw2 sw3, SW2 oo sw sws Swé puy swe SW7 SW8 [rt oe Gs (RODE) Voltage Check Mode (Sub-maintenance Mode) o-saing ce SE a @-5-A3 O-5-A21 The voltage at several points along the hardware is checked in this mode. ‘The operation procedure is shown below. At-5-A2, press the key to select the volt- ‘age check mode. The display then change to that marked a. Atatoc, pressing the key (NXT) causes the next voltage value to appear on the display as shown in the figure on the left. The following are the items that are displayed Standard value REF. Reference voltage forA/D converter 4.500min GND: Groundlevelinthe masterunit 0.500 max BAT. RAM backup battery votage 2.100 min 6-26 <6.INSTALLATION > 6.9.5 Fixed voltage Output Mode (Sub-maintenance Mode) External devices which receive voltage or output from the master unit can undergo zero or span adjustment in this mode as required. Select a OV output to fix the voltage and current output to OV and 0 mA, respectively ( to 1V and 4mA if'1V to 5V' has been selected as the voltage output range). Select a SV output to fix the voltage and current outputs to SV and 20 mA, respectively. Leaving this mode allows the voltage and current output to return to the ordinary state where the voltage ‘and current output are proportional to the speed ‘The operation procedure is shown in the figure on the following page. 26A3FAouk + SEE tit) ae Ca) CGR Go) OSA aed a ile jdfout oO ci ; & dAout 5 a Ozaamas oD (2 PRED OE) 6.10 At ©-6-A3, press the (F 1) key to select the fixed voltage output mode. The display then chang- esto that marked a To select the 5V output press the (F 2) key while the display is ata. The display then changes to that marked b, and a fixed voltage of SVis output. Ifthe (#1) keyis pressed while the display is atb, the display returns to a and a fixed voltage of OV is output. Error Code Display Mode (Sub-maintenance Mode) In this mode, LED error indications for the master unitin item (4) of Section 5.3 are as shown below: LED error indications on the master unit's MDS 1 L__ romeror RAM error L____. speed input ror (sensor input ero) Communication err t (elated to the master indicator) (1) | mst srr) —— Voltage drop of memory backup batery 1, _Eorintomaton fom the Maser unt usualy becomes" ME inthe LED dslay ofthe Maser incisor, and Becomes Er ony for'communation ear In the Error Code Display Mode, the screen in 4 appears. Refer to item (4) of Section 5.3 for errors and error codes. 48 <4.OPERATION > 4.3.5 Test Function Data can be output to indicators and external devices on a test basis if the speed data are set rom the operation panel on the master indicator. Operate the (MODE) key, and indicate figure @-3 3 a ESt SE Le EES bS EES we a ae Change in LE Santon |" to") sunt GEOG) CEP) RED GIDE) b-- I | todo the test function. Ina single-axis sensor system, however, 'TTS' (transverse speed test output ) is not available. To Select LTS (fongtucinal speed test output, press the (_F 1_) key while the display is a. The Display then chages to that marked b. The value on this, display flickers. ‘The operation flow on the left gives an example of setteing the ouput at + 15.00 kt To do this, first set the sign by pressing the (_F_ key (+) or ey) Next ener the output value using the numeric keypad. Confirm the value that has just been entered, and then press the END) key. This stops the fickering (see the display change in sign L {tome ) ‘nerthepea” SEL e marked e), and the set speed is output. To set the transverse speed (TTS), press the (CE? ) key while the display is at a, and then use the same procedure as that for the logitudinal, pautecirtey [LES fq Cs 4 van CED CDCR wo) (ieee | NOTE — oa Push the (MODE) key, and change the mode to cancel the function The test data which on the serial output signal format is only longitudinal water speed. 43.6 Resetting the total distance function To reset the total distance, press the G8), (5), (ENT) to the order during the indication "Speed ‘Total distance traveled” AA Appendix 1: EML 500 Circuit diagram LINN EaLSwH i ie des HMOs WELSAS i sero. az) asorno | Anaino a3345 O07

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