Interpretation of Three Dimensional Seismic Data
Interpretation of Three Dimensional Seismic Data
Interpretation of Three Dimensional Seismic Data
S eismic reflections come from interfaces where the acoustic properties of the rocks The Nature
change, and this fact is the basis of our understanding of the nature of seismic data. of Seismic
Acoustic impedance of a rock layer is the product of the density and the velocity of Reflection
that layer, and strictly a reflection is generated by a contrast in acoustic impedance. In
fact impedance and lithology normally follow each other, so that impedance bounda-
ries and lithologic boundaries normally concur.
Consider a sand encased in shale, perhaps the most common situation forming a
hydrocarbon reservoir. The shale-sand interface at the top generates a reflection, and
the sand-shale interface at the base generates a reflection (Figure 1-1). Thus a sand has
a reflection from the top and another from the base. These two reflections should be
considered together in all studies of the reservoir sand.
At one location the sands normally have one impedance and the shales have anoth-
er impedance. (Typically, sands have a lower impedance than shales in younger rocks
and a higher impedance than shales in older rocks.) Thus the interfaces at top and
base of a sand reservoir will almost always have impedance contrasts in the opposite
sense. The sense of the impedance contrast determines the polarity of the seismic
reflection, so that the top and base reflections for a sand reservoir encased in shale are
opposite polarity from each other. This is a very significant piece of information used
in the identification of reservoir reflections. Numerous figures in this book illustrate
the pairing of top and base reflections for example, Figure 1-20 and many figures
in Chapters 2 and 5.
Tying of geologic data and seismic data together involves some knowledge of
velocity, but the depth-to-time tie is not sufficient. We must identify seismic reflec-
tions on the basis of the character expected from the geologic interfaces and the fact
that the layer of interest will normally have a top reflection and a base reflection. Con-
sideration of the top and base reflections together involves the topics of natural pair-
ing, choice of color schemes, data phase, data polarity, seismic resolution, and tuning,
all of which are subjects of this book.
seismic data can under some circumstances dictate a new geologic model.
Visualization is important today and always has been. Thinking in three dimen-
sions is a critical ability of seismic interpreters. Three-dimensional seismic data match
the dimensions of the data to the dimensions of the earth, and thus make visualization
easier. But the greatest benefit of modern 3-D seismic data is their improved quality
and resolution. There is typically an amazing amount of geologic detail in seismic
data today, and the task of seismic interpretation is to extract it. Noise and spurious
events are also present, so that the job of interpretation is to separate the desired geol-
ogy from the unwanted noise. The better the data quality is understood, the better
this separation can be accomplished.
Computer-driven workstations are the tools of seismic interpretation, and modern
workstations contain an amazing array of capabilities. The challenge of the worksta-
tion user is thus to be aware of the possibilities and to select the tool appropriate to
the objective. We do not use workstation capabilities only because they are fashion-
able. So the modern interpreter must integrate not only geology and geophysics but
computer-intensive workstation technology as well. Technological synergism reigns
but creative pragmatism retains its place.
History of 3-D The earth has always been three-dimensional, and the limitations of the old-fash-
Seismic Methods ioned 2-D seismic survey had long been recognized. The first 3-D seismic experi-
ments were apparently conducted by Esso in the 1960s, and the first publication of
their results was by Walton (1972). This early work lacked migration so the images
were poor. Geophysical Service Inc. (GSI) was the first seismic service company to be
involved, and they conducted a large-scale field experiment, with the support of six
oil companies, in the state of New Mexico in 197274 (Schneider, 1998). Three-dimen-
sional surveys were first performed on a contractual basis in 1975, and the following
Fig. 1-2. Area covered by
3-D surveys, exploratory
wells drilled and volume
of oil in place for the
period 1976 to 1994 in the
Campos Basin offshore
Brazil (from Martins et 3
WELLS DRILLED al., 1995). (Courtesy
0 0
year Bone, Giles, and Tegland (1976) presented the technology to the world. The evo-
lution and present state-of-the-art of the 3-D seismic method have been chronicled in
a comprehensive reprint volume by Graebner, Hardage, and Schneider (2001).
The essence of the 3-D method is areal data collection followed by processing and
interpretation of the closely spaced data volume. Initially 3-D was seen as expensive
so its application was restricted to development applications (Tegland, 1977). In order
to promote 3-D for exploration a widely spaced (and hence under-sampled) version
was introduced, but this was not very successful. Today fully-sampled 3-D surveys
are conducted on land, at sea, and in various transition zone environments.
The full economic benefit of 3-D seismic started to be appreciated in the late 1980s,
as exemplified by this accolade:
We acquired two offshore blocks which contained a total of seven competitor dry holes.
Our exploration department drilled one more dry hole before making a discovery. At that
point we conducted a 3-D survey while the platform was being prepared. When drilling
commenced, guided by the 3-D data, we had 27 successful wells out of the next 28 drilled.
In this erratic depositional environment, we believe such an accomplishment would not
have been possible without the 3-D data. (R. M. Wright, Chevron U.S.A. Inc, personal
communication, 1988)
In the 1990s 3-D seismic surveys became mainstream, as Nestvold (1992) clearly
demonstrates. Today mature petroleum areas are covered with 3-D data, often with
many different vintages representing progressive improvements in technology. Mar-
tins et al. (1995), working in the Campos Basin offshore Brazil, have tracked the 3-D
survey coverage in relation to the wells drilled and the oil reserves booked (Figure
1-2). This demonstrates very nicely that 3-D seismic can indeed replace the drilling of
exploration wells. William Aylor, in the Foreword to this book, also demonstrates the
business impact of 3-D seismic surveys.
Fig. 1-4. Wavelength,
the seismic measuring
rod, increases
significantly with depth
making resolution
Resolution The fundamental objective of a 3-D seismic survey is increased subsurface resolu-
tion. Resolution has both vertical and horizontal aspects and is significantly affected
by the methods of data collection and processing (Figure 1-3). Sheriff (1985) discusses
the subject qualitatively. The resolving power of seismic data is determined by the
wavelength, which is defined as the distance in meters or feet from the crest of one
reflection to the crest of the next one of the same color (polarity). The wavelength is
calculated as the quotient of formation velocity and predominant frequency (Figure
1-4). Seismic velocity increases with depth because the rocks are older and more com-
pacted. The predominant frequency decreases with depth because the higher frequen-
cies in the seismic signal are more quickly attenuated. The result is that the size of the
Table 1-1. Typical Limits of Visibility and Separability for a range of geologic situations. 5
Age of rocks
Depth of target SHALLOW DEEP
Formation Velocity (m/s) 1600 2000 3500 5000 6000
Table 1-1 illustrates five geologic situations of different rock ages and target depths.
In order to calculate the resolution limits, one must think in terms of wavelength frac-
tions and calculate the magnitude of the wavelength. The predominant frequency is
determined by counting cycles in the data, and the layer velocity is estimated from
a check-shot survey or a sonic log, or is guessed from knowledge of age, depth, and
lithology. From predominant frequency and layer velocity, the wavelength and thus
the limit of separability are directly calculated. Figure 1-7 shows two versions of the
same data with very different predominant frequencies. Note the different amounts of
separation between reflections, particularly at the position of the arrow.
For the limit of visibility, Table 1-1 offers four different wavelength fractions for
different acoustic contrasts and signal-to-noise ratios. In this way the limit has been
calculated for a matrix of twenty different situations, illustrating the enormous pos-
sible range in seismic visibility of thin beds. A rule-of-thumb based on the experience
of the author is that the thinnest visible bed will be one-thirtieth of a wavelength, and
this in the most favorable circumstances. If the reservoir of interest does not have a
thickness above seismic visibility, then the study of reservoir porosity, net pay, lithol-
ogy, etc. will not be possible. Table 1-2 converts 5 meters (postulated as the thickness
of your reservoir) into wavelength fractions in three very different geologic situations.
One-tenth of a wavelength should be visible in most circumstances, one-twentieth of
a wavelength will be difficult to see seismically, and one-thirtieth probably will be
invisible in all circumstances.
Migration is the principal technique for improving horizontal resolution, and in
doing so it performs three distinct functions. The migration process (1) repositions
reflections out-of-place because of dip, (2) focuses energy spread over a Fresnel zone,
and (3) collapses diffraction patterns from points and edges. Seismic wavefronts travel
in three dimensions and thus it is obvious that all the above are, in general, three-
dimensional issues. If we treat them in two dimensions, we can only expect part of the
potential improvement. In practice, 2-D lines are often located with strike and dip of
major features in mind so that the effect of the third dimension can be minimized, but
never eliminated. Figure 1-8 shows the focusing effect of migration in two and three
dimensions. The Fresnel zone will be reduced to an ellipse perpendicular to the line
for 2-D migration (Lindsey, 1989) and to a small circle by 3-D migration. The diam-
eter of one-quarter of a wavelength indicated in Figure 1-8 is for perfect migration. In
practice, the residual Fresnel zone may be about twice this size.
The accuracy of 3-D migration depends on the velocity field, signal-to-noise ratio,
migration aperture, and the approach used. Assuming the errors resulting from these
factors are small, the data will be much more interpretable both structurally and
stratigraphically. Intersecting events will be separated, the confusion of diffraction
patterns will be gone, and dipping events will be moved to their correct subsurface
positions. The collapsing of energy from diffractions and the focusing of energy
spread over Fresnel zones will make amplitudes more accurate and more directly
interpretable in terms of reservoir properties. In short the horizontal resolution of the
data will be greatly improved.
Examples of 3-D The interpreter of a 2-D vertical section normally assumes that the data were
Data Improvement recorded in one vertical plane below the line traversed by the shots and receivers. The
extent to which this is not so depends on the complexity of the structure perpendicu-
lar to the line. Figure 1-9 demonstrates that, in the presence of moderate structural
complexity, the points at depth from which normal reflections are obtained may lie
along an irregular zig-zag track. Only by migrating along and perpendicular to the
line direction is it possible to resolve where these reflection points belong in the sub-
French (1974) demonstrated the value of 3-D migration very clearly in model
experiments. He collected seismic data over a model containing two anticlines and
a fault scarp (Figure 1-10). Thirteen lines of data were collected although only the
results for Line 6 are shown. The raw data have diffraction patterns for both anticlines
and the fault so the section appears very confused. The situation is greatly improved
with 2-D migration and anticline number 1 (shown in green) is correctly imaged, as
Line 6 passed over its crest. However, anticline number 2 (shown in yellow) should
not occur on Line 6 and the fault scarp has the wrong slope. The 3-D migration has
correctly imaged the fault scarp and moved the yellow anticline away from Line 6 to
where it belongs.
Figure 1-11 demonstrates this three-dimensional event movement on real data.
The same panel is presented before and after 3-D migration for six lines. Here we can
observe the movement of a discrete patch of reflectivity to the left and in the direction
of higher line numbers.
Figure 1-12 shows improved continuity of an unconformity reflection. The 2-D
migration has collapsed most of the diffraction patterns but some confusion remains.
The crossline component of the 3-D migration removes energy not in the plane of this
section and clarifies the shape of the unconformity surface in significant detail.
Figure 1-13 shows the effect of 3-D migration in enhancing the visibility of a fluid
contact reflection by removing energy not belonging in the plane of this section.
Figure 1-14 shows some major differences between the stacked and 3-D migrated
versions of a line from Australia. It is easy to visualize the impact this change would
have on an interpretation.
Figure 1-16 shows portions of three lines passing through and close to a salt diapir.
Line 180 shows steeply dipping reflections at the edge of the salt mass, brought into
place by the 3-D migration. Line 220 shows an apparent anticline which is caused by
reflections dipping up steeply toward the salt face in a plane perpendicular to that
of Figure 1-16. In this prospect, 3-D migration imaged reflections underneath a salt
Desirable subsurface spacing =
(3 samples per wavelength)
3Fmax DIPmax
unit distance
is seismic frequency
DIP 12.5 25 50 75 100 V is seismic velocity
5 574 287 143 96 72 Migration distance = TV2DIP 7
10 288 144 72 48 36 (or half-aperture) 4
15 193 96 48 32 24
20 146 73 37 24 18 V T
25 118 59 30 20 15 Fresnel zone radius =
2 Fmin
overhang and provided valuable detail about traps located there against the salt face
(Blake et al., 1982).
When comparing sections before and after 3-D migration to appraise its effective-
ness, it is important to bear in mind the way in which reflections have moved around.
In the presence of dip perpendicular to the section under scrutiny, the visible data
before and after 3-D migration are different. It is unreasonable to compare detailed
character and deduce what 3-D migration did. It is possible to compare a section
before 3-D migration with the one from the same location after 3-D migration and
find that a good quality reflection has disappeared. The migrated section is not con-
sequently worse; the good reflection has simply moved to its correct location in the
Figure 1-17 shows a horizontal section at a time of 224 ms from a very high resolu-
tion 3-D survey in Canada aimed at monitoring a steam injection process. The sec-
tion on the left is from the 3-D volume before migration and the section on the right
is from the volume after migration. The two black dots indicate wells. The striking
visibility of a channel after migration results from the focusing of energy previously
Fig. 1-17. Horizontal sections before migration (left) and after migration
(right) showing the necessity of 3-D migration for the observation of
shallow channels. (Courtesy Amoco Canada Petroleum Company
Limited and N. E. Pullin.)
spread over the Fresnel zone. The fact that one well penetrates the channel and the
other does not is significant: they are only 10 m apart.
Survey Design The sampling theorem requires that, for preservation of information, a waveform
must be sampled such that there are at least two samples per cycle for the highest
frequency. Since the beginning of the digital era, we have been used to sampling a
seismic trace in time. For example, 4 ms sampling is theoretically adequate for fre-
quencies up to 125 Hz. In practice we normally require at least three samples per
cycle for the highest frequency. With this safety margin, 4 ms sampling is adequate
for frequencies up to 83 Hz.
In space, the sampling theorem translates to the requirement of at least two, and
preferably three, samples per shortest wavelength in every direction. In a normal 2-D
survey layout this will be satisfied by the depth point spacing along lines but not by
the spacing between lines. Hence the restriction that widely-spaced 2-D lines can be
processed individually on a 2-D basis but not together as a 3-D volume.
If the sampling theorem is not satisfied the data are aliased. In the case of a dipping
event, the spatial sampling of that event must be such that its principal alignment is
obvious; if not, aliases occur and spurious dips result after multichannel processing.
Table 1-3 shows the frequencies at which this aliasing occurs for various dips and
subsurface spacings. Clearly, a 3-D survey must be designed such that aliasing during
processing does not occur. Tables like the one presented can be used to establish the
necessary spacing considering the dips and velocities present. In order to impose the
safety margin of three samples, rather than two, per shortest wavelength, the frequen-
cy limit is normally considered to be around two-thirds of each number tabulated. The
formulas in Table 1-4 provide a general method of establishing the spacings required.
The first formula, based on two samples per shortest wavelength, gives the maximum
spacing that can be used to image the structure. Given our ignorance of the subsurface Fig. 1-19. 3-D data
volume showing a Gulf
structure at the time the 3-D survey is being designed, we should allow a significant of Mexico salt dome and
safety margin by collecting at least three samples per shortest spatial wavelength. associated rim syncline.
Table 1-4 also shows the two formulas needed to calculate the width of the extra (Courtesy Hunt Oil
strip around the periphery of the prospect over which data must be collected in order Company).
to ensure proper imaging in the area of interest. The calculation of migration dis-
tance, the extra fringe width needed for structure, should use the local value of dip
measured perpendicular to the prospect boundary. The Fresnel zone radius, the extra
fringe width needed for stratigraphy, needs to be considered for the proper focus-
ing of amplitudes. The two strip, or fringe, widths thus calculated should be added
Volume Concept Collection of closely spaced seismic data over an area permits three-dimensional
processing of the data as a volume. The volume concept is equally important to the
seismic interpreter. With 3-D data, the interpreter is working directly with a volume
rather than interpolating a volumetric interpretation from a widely-spaced grid of
observations. The handling of this volume and what can be extracted from it are prin-
cipal subjects of this book. One property of the volume pervades everything the 3-D
interpreter does: The subsurface seismic wavefield is closely sampled in every direc-
tion, so that there is no grid loop around which the interpreter must tie, and no grid
cell over which he must guess at the subsurface structure and stratigraphy. This is an
opportunity which an interpreter must use to full advantage. Because the sampling
requirements for interpretation are the same as for processing, all the processed data
points contain unique information and thus should be used in the interpretation.
Thus, the interpreter of a 3-D volume should not decimate the data available to him
but, given that he has time constraints imposed on him, he should use innovative
approaches with horizontal sections, specially selected slices, and automatic spatial
tracking, in order to comprehend all the information in the data. In this way the 3-D
seismic interpreter will generate a more accurate and detailed map or other product
than his 2-D predecessor in the same area.
Figure 1-19 shows a view of a 3-D data volume through a salt dome. It demon-
strates the volume concept well and the interpreter can use a display of this kind to
help in appreciation of subsurface three-dimensionality. Figure 1-20 shows another
cube, in this case generated interactively, which helps in the three-dimensional appre-
ciation of a much more detailed subsurface objective. Neither of these displays, how-
ever, permits the interpreter to look into the volume of data.
True 3-D display has recently become a reality on computer workstations and Fig-
ure 1-21 shows an example. The portion of the volume being displayed is composed
of voxels, or volume elements, and these are rendered with differing degrees of trans-
parency so that the interpreter can really see into the volume. In Figure 1-21 there are
four interpreted surfaces as well as the semi-transparent data. As with any volumetric
display the dynamic range is reduced because of the quantity of data viewed. These
types of display are very useful for data visualization but they are not yet fully inte-
grated into mainstream interpretation systems.
The majority of 3-D interpretation is performed on slices through the data volume. Slicing the
There are no restrictions on the dynamic range for the display of any one slice, and Data Volume
therefore all the benefits of color, can be exploited (see Chapter 2). The 3-D volume
contains a regularly-spaced orthogonal array of data points defined by the acquisition
geometry, and maybe adjusted during processing. The three principal directions of
the array define three sets of orthogonal slices or sections through the data, as shown
in Figure 1-22.
The vertical section in the direction of boat movement or cable lay-out is called
a line (sometimes an inline). The vertical section perpendicular to this is called a
crossline. The horizontal slice is called a horizontal section, time slice, or depth
slice. The terminology used for slices through 3-D data volumes has become some-
what confused. One of the objectives of this chapter is to clarify terms in common use
Three sets of orthogonal slices through the data volume (as defined above) are
regarded as the basic equipment of the 3-D interpreter. A complete interpretation will
Fig. 1-24. An early optical make use of some of each of them. However, many other slices through the volume
workstation. are possible. A diagonal line may be extracted to tie two locations of interest, such as
wells. A zig-zag sequence of diagonal line segments may be necessary to tie together
several wells in a prospect. In the planning stages for a production platform, a diago-
nal line may be extracted through the platform location along the intended azimuth
of a deviated well. All these are vertical sections and are referred to as arbitrary lines.
More complicated slices are possible for special applications. A slice along or par-
allel to a structurally interpreted horizon, and hence along one bedding plane, is a
horizon slice. Slices of this kind have particular application for stratigraphic interpre-
tation, which is explored in Chapter 4. Fault slices generated parallel to a fault face
have various applications in structural and reservoir interpretation and will be dis-
cussed in Chapter 7. Horizon attribute displays are the subject of Chapter 8.
Figure 1-23 shows a hierarchy of approved terms for display products from 3-D
seismic data. It shows, for example, the equivalence of horizontal and vertical sec-
tions, and the equivalence of time slices with lines and crosslines. In order to aid
worldwide communication, use of other terms is discouraged.
Workstations In the early days of 3-D interpretation a sequence of horizontal sections was dis-
played on film-strip and shown as a motion picture (Bone, Giles, and Tegland, 1983).
(2) Color Flexible color display provides the interpreter with maximum optical 5
dynamic range adapted to the particular problem under study.
(3) Image composition Data images can be composed on the screen so that the
interpreter views what is needed, no more and no less, for the study of one particular
issue. Slices through the data volume are designed by the user in order to customize
the perspective to the problem.
(4) Idea flow The rapid response of the system makes it easy to try new ideas.
The interpreter can rapidly generate innovative map or section products in pursuit of 7
a better interpretation.
(5) Interpretation consistency The capability to review large quantities of data
in different forms means that the resulting interpretation should be more consistent
with all available evidence. This is normally considered the best measure of interpre-
tation quality.
(6) More information Traditional interpretive tasks performed interactively will
save time; however, the extraction of more detailed subsurface information is more
persuasive and far-reaching.
Dynamic Range Interactive interpretation must commence with data loading and this is a critical
and Data Loading first step. Data processing has always been performed using 32 bits to describe each
amplitude value. This large word size ensures that significance is retained during all
computations. The first interactive systems in the early 1980s were 32-bit machines
but soon a demand for speed dictated that data be loaded using 8 bits only. The small
word reduces response time and minimizes storage space for the survey data. Today
interactive systems offer a choice of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit dynamic range, although
color monitors normally display 8 bits only.
Figure 1-26 shows a typical statistical distribution of amplitudes in a data volume.
There are a large number of very low amplitudes, a fairly large number of moderate
amplitudes but a very small number of high amplitudes. Mainstream structural inter-
pretation tends to work on moderate amplitude horizons. The high amplitude tails
of the distribution are localized anomalies which, in tertiary clastic basins, are often
the hydrocarbon bright spots. The interpreter avoids the low amplitudes as much
as possible because they are the most subject to noise. Thus most interpretive time is
devoted to the amplitudes lying in the stippled areas of Figure 1-26.
If interpretation is to be conducted using 8 bits only, scaling 32-bit amplitude num-
bers to 8-bit amplitude numbers must be done during data loading. If the maximum
amplitude in the volume is set to 128, relative amplitudes are preserved within
the precision of the 8 bits. However, this often severely limits the dynamic range
available in the stippled, or heavily used, amplitude regions. Clipping of the highest
amplitudes is a common reaction to this problem so that a smaller value is set to 128.
More dynamic range is then available for the mainstream structural interpretation but
the highest amplitudes are destroyed and hence unavailable for stratigraphic or reser-
voir analysis. This can be very damaging particularly in areas like the Gulf of Mexico.
Some interactive workstations load 8-bit data with a floating point scalar defined
individually for each trace and stored in the trace header. This lessens but does not
remove the dynamic range problem discussed above.
A common and generally desirable solution today is to load the data using 16 bits
for each amplitude value. In this way clipping is irrelevant and unnecessary. There is
plenty of dynamic range for structural interpretation and bright spot studies, because
amplitude values available with 16 bits cover the range 32,768.
An interesting comparison of 8-bit and 16-bit interpretation was conducted by Rob-
erts and Hughes (1995). They concluded that there are always differences between
interpretation products from 8-bit and 16-bit volumes but they are generally less than
5%. These may or may not be tolerable, and they stressed the need for sensible clipping.
Figure 1-27 is a test for and demonstration of data clipping. Contrasting colors have
been placed in the extremities of the otherwise-gradational color scheme. The large
Fig. 1-26. Typical
statistical distribution of
IN DATA VOLUME amplitudes in a 3-D data
volume. Plus or minus
128, the largest number
which can be described
by 8 bits, may be set to 3
Most interpretive time the largest amplitude,
or alternatively to some
smaller amplitude, thus
causing data clipping.
Acquisition Seismic data acquisition and processing should be conducted in a very regular
Footprint manner. We want to interpret visible irregularities in the data in terms of geology; we
do not want spatial irregularities in the data to indicate the variations in the acquisi-
tion or processing operation. Ideally, we would like every bin to be filled with the
same number of recorded traces with the same offset distribution and with the same
azimuth distribution. However, this is impossible to achieve within a reasonable
budget. If any or all of the recording parameters vary in some spatially systematic
way, then the data acquisition geometry is commonly visible in the data as a foot-
print. Cordsen, Galbraith, and Peirce (2000) discuss various acquisition geometries
and the many causes of footprint.
Figure 1-28 shows a severe footprint on a horizon slice extracted from land data.
Shot lines and receiver lines are typically laid out perpendicular to each other on land
(left), causing the gridlike pattern in amplitude (right). Marine data typically have
a linear footprint aligned in the direction of boat movement. Figure 1-29 shows a
mild marine footprint and a channel system. Footprint is difficult to predict, is more
apparent at shallow depths, is generally expensive to eliminate in the field, and is
complicated to remove in data processing. Interpreters need to be alert to footprint
so that they do not confuse it with stratigraphic patterns. The horizon slice, the most
important display for stratigraphic interpretation (Chapter 4), is particularly sensitive
to footprint. Often an interpreter observes footprint in his data when he sees the first
horizon slice, and this is the very time he wishes he didnt have the problem.
Difficulties of survey access caused by obstacles or no-permit zones lead to gaps
in surface coverage and thus to an irregular footprint effect. Interruptions in surface
coverage can cause amplitude terminations at depth which can be confused with
stratigraphic boundaries. Figure 1-30 shows a red-over-blue amplitude objective high
on structure which at first sight looks prospective. However, the severe lack of sur-
face coverage on the right reduces amplitude for all reflections and thus reduces con-
fidence that the amplitude objective has a geologic cause. Figure 1-31 is similar. The
very strong hydrocarbon amplitude on the right at depth is greatly attenuated on the
left because of surface effects.
Fig. 1-30. Amplitude objective appears less Fig. 1-31. Known hydrocarbon amplitude severely affected on left by
prospective because all amplitudes on right are reduced surface coverage. (Courtesy Pemex.)
reduced by low surface coverage (after Sheriff
et al., 2010; used by permission of the Society of
Exploration Geophysicists). (Courtesy Pemex.)