NCP Appendicitis
NCP Appendicitis
NCP Appendicitis
Watch closely for possible surgical Continuing pain and fever may signal an
complications. abscess.
Evaluation :
Is patient report pain is relieved/controlled?
Is patient appear relaxed, able to sleep/rest appropriately?
Is patient demonstrate use of relaxation skills and diversional activities, as
indicates, for individual situation?
2. Dx : Risk for Deficient Fluid Volume related to nausea and vomit.
Desired Outcomes : Fluid Balance, Hydration
Hydration (NOC)
Maintain adequate fluid balance as evidenced by moist mucous membranes, good
skin turgor, stable vital signs, and individually adequate urinary output.
Intervention : Fluid Management, Fluid Monitoring
Nursing Interventions Rationale
Give frequent mouth care with special Dehydration results in drying and painful
attention to protection of the lips. cracking of the lips and mouth.
Inspect incision and dressings. Note Provides for early detection of developing
characteristics of drainage from wound (if infectious process and monitors resolution
inserted), presence of erythema. of preexisting peritonitis.
Prepare and assist with incision and May be necessary to drain contents of
drainage (I&D) if indicated. localized abscess.
Watch closely for possible surgical Continuing pain and fever may signal an
complications. abscess.
Evaluation : - Is patient free sign of infection ?