DG10 Sols
DG10 Sols
DG10 Sols
Pavel Tumarkin
Further, if
x(u, v) = (u, v, u2 v 2 ),
find a vector tangential to S which bisects the angle between the coordinate curves at the point
(1, 1, 0) S.
The cosine of the angle of the vector w = a u x + b v x with coordinate curve v = const is equal to
ha u x + b v x, u xi aE + bF
kwkku xk kwk E
Similarly, the cosine of the angle of w with coordinate curve u = const is equal to
ha u x + b v x, v xi aF + bG
kwkkv xk kwk G
The point (1, 1, 0) has coordinates (u, v) = (1, 1), so we have E = G = 5, F = 4. Thus, we obtain the
following equation on (a, b):
5(5a 4b) = 5(4a + 5b),
which is equivalent to a = b. Thus, the vector u x + v x bisects the angle.
10.2. Find two families of curves on the helicoid parametrized by
x(u, v) = (v cos u, v sin u, u)
which, at each point, bisect the angles between the coordinate curves.
(Show that they are given by u sinh1 v = c, where c is a constant on each curve in the family.)
Solution: We have
u x(u, v) = (v sin u, v cos u, 1),
v x(u, v) = (cos u, sin u, 0),
which implies that
E(u, v) = 1 + v 2 , F (u, v) = 0, G(u, v) = 1,
so the equation from Exercise 10.1 becomes
a v 2 + 1 = b.
The curve u sinh1 v = c can be parametrized by (u) = (u, sinh(u c)), so
0 (u, v) = u x + cosh(u c)v x = u x + cosh(u c)v x = u x + v 2 + 1 v x
as required.
The curve u + sinh1 v = c can be parametrized by (u) = (u, sinh(u c)), so
0 (u, v) = u x cosh(u c)v x = u x cosh(u c)v x = u x v 2 + 1 v x.
h0 , 0 i = E (v 2 + 1)G = 0,
which implies that 0 bisects the angle between u x and v x.
10.3. The coordinate curves of a parametrization x(u, v) constitute a Chebyshev net if the lengths of the
opposite sides of any quadrilateral formed by them are equal.
(a) Show that a necessary and sufficient condition for this is
= = 0.
v u
(b) Show that if coordinate curves constitute a Chebyshev net, then it is possible to reparametrize
the coordinate neighborhood in such a way that the new coefficients of the first fundamental form
E = 1, F = cos , G = 1,
where is the angle between coordinate curves.
(a) Assume that coordinate curves constitute a Chebyshev net. Consider a quadrilateral with vertices
(u0 , v0 ), (u1 , v0 ), (u0 , v1 ), (u1 , v1 ) formed by coordinate curves. The length of the side with vertices (u0 , v1 ), (u1 , v1 )
is equal to
Zu1 Zu1 p
ku x(u, v1 )k du = E(u, v1 ) du
u0 u0
R u1 p
Thus, the integral u0 E(u, v1 ) du does not depend on v1 , i.e. it is a function of u1 only. Differentiating it by
u1 , we see that E(u1 , v1 ) is also a function of u1 only, so E(u, v) does not depend on v. The considerations
for G are similar, and the converse statement is straightforward.
(b) Take Z p
u(u) = E(u) du
Then u is parametrized by arc length, so E(u) 1. Similarly, we can make G(v) 1. Now F is equal to the
cosine of the angle by definition.
10.4. Show that a surface of revolution can always be parametrized so that
E = E(v), F = 0, G=1
10.5. Let S be the surface {(x, y, z) R3 | z = x2 y 2 } and let F be the family of curves on S obtained
as the intersection of S with the planes z = const. Find the family of curves on S which meet F
orthogonally and show that they are the intersections of S with the family of hyperbolic cylinders
xy = const.
A (part of a) curve x2 y 2 = c1 on S can be parametrized by (y) = ( y 2 + c, y), so
y y
0 (y) = p x + y = x + y
y + c1 x
Dy y E y y2 y
0 , 0 =
x + y , x y = E + F 2 F G =
x x x x x
y 2 y2 y y 4y y 4y
= (1 + 4x ) + 4xy 1 (1 + 4y 2 ) = + 4xy + 4xy =0
x x2 x x x x x
Note that we could avoid computations on S: one could consider and as curves
y in R, and keeping in
that z-coordinate of is equal to zero, the dot product of and is equal to x , 1, 0 1, xy , z 0 (x) = 0.
0 0
10.6. Using the notation of Exercise 10.2, show that the family of curves orthogonal to the family
v cos u = const
The coefficients of the first fundamental form found in Exercise 10.2 are