Sample Exam
Sample Exam
Sample Exam
Adobe's Certification exams follow industry-accepted procedures to ensure validity and reliability. We
work with industry experts to create our exams, which represent real-world requirements and objectives
for the job roles we certify.
This guide is designed to provide the recommendations needed to prepare for your Adobe Certified
Expert exam, and help you determine when you are ready to take the exam. It will outline the knowledge
and skills required of a "minimally qualified candidate" for a specific job role, which will be evaluated in
the exam.
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
Within each domain, there are specific tasks that you should be able to perform as an Adobe AEM Forms
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
Correspondence management
You should be able to determine correspondence management (CM) assets given a use case.
Testing and debugging
You should be able to diagnose and troubleshoot failures and errors.
Form portal configuration
You should be able to apply procedural concepts to implement and configure Forms Portal
You should also be familiar with Microsoft Excel, using a web browser, and working in the Microsoft
Windows environment.
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
On-the-Job Experience
Since Adobe exams measure knowledge and skills for a specific job role, one of the best ways to prepare
for the exam is to ensure you have the minimum work experience, as described in this guide.
Topic Yes No
Complex Form Implementation
I can apply procedural concepts for developing Javascript code
for complex form experiences
I can retrieve the data and process the results given an endpoint
I can identify the process to enable an environment for the
integration of cloud services
I can apply procedural concepts to implement form sets
I can determine an adequate design for a form template given
UX requirements
I can apply procedural concepts to build an adaptive form or
I can apply procedural concepts to manage XFA templates using
Form Manager
I can apply procedural concepts to render populated versions of
HTML5 and PDF forms
I can apply procedural concepts to implement Form Sets in the
application design
Topic Yes No
Form submission handling
I can determine an appropriate a custom submit action given a
use case
I can recognize variables related to the generation of a
document of record based upon form submission
I can apply procedural concepts to integrate with a back end
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
Topic Yes No
Workflow implementation
I can determine appropriate parameters to configure OSGI based
on business requirements
I can determine appropriate document Services APIs and the
corresponding process to create a solution given business
I can apply procedural concepts to configure a workbench
I can apply procedural concepts to build both an AEM and
Workbench workflow to utilize document services Given a use
Topic Yes No
Correspondence Management
I can determine correspondence management (CM) assets given
a use case
Topic Yes No
Testing and debugging
I can diagnose and troubleshoot failures and errors
Topic Yes No
Form portal configuration
I can apply procedural concepts to implement and configure
Forms Portal component
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
Sample questions
Try out these practice questions to get a feel for the types of questions on the exam. Please note that your
performance here does not indicate how you will do on the actual exam. To fully prepare for the exam,
closely review the topic areas and objectives in this Exam Guide. You will find the correct answers at the
end of the exam guide.
1. Which API should be used through JavaScript to invoke a web service from an Adaptive Form?
B. guidelib.wsdlUtils.invokeWebService
C. com.adobe.restservice
2. Refer to the exhibit.
A custom process is developed to accept an 'AssemblerResult' from another process. The DDX
file used to produce that result contains <PDF result="doc1.pdf">. Which logical name should be
used to retrieve the document from the 'AssemblerResult'?
A. PDF result
B. doc1.pdf
C. doc1
D. result
3. A form set is being implemented. Which variable input type is needed to post to a process
A. Process input variable type is list<string>
B. Whichever variables are set within the "Guide LiveCycle Process Locator and Invoker"
C. Process input variable type is a map<string>
D. Process input variable type is XML<string>
4. Which statement supports the ability to retrieve XML data from an Adaptive Form?
A. guideBridge.retrieveXMLData()
B. getDataXML.guideBridge.(options)
C. getDataXML()
D. guideBridge.getDataXML(options)
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
5. When designing a document of record to be generated automatically, which name should be
used to indicate the root subform?
6. A developer omits the 'Version' request parameter when calling a Workbench SOAP
endpoint. What is the result?
8. Where should a developer import a Correspondence Management solution into AEM 6.2?
A. Assets
B. Forms
C. CRX Package Manager
D. Felix Console
9. A developer creates and deploys a Servlet as part of a Java Project named MyProject. The Servlet
returns an error code when accessed. Which log file should the developer check for errors?
A. The application server log
B. error.log under crx
C. project-myproject.log under crx
D. myproject.log under crx
10. Which two out-of-the-box components are packaged with Forms Portal?
A. Document Fragment and Document Fragment Group
B. Adaptive Form Header and Adaptive Form Footer
C. Summary and Terms and Conditions
D. Document Services and Document Services Predicates
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
Answer key
Try out these practice questions to get a feel for the types of questions on the exam. Please note that
your performance here does not indicate how you will do on the actual exam. To fully prepare for the
exam, closely review the topic areas and objectives in this Exam Guide. You will find the correct answers
at the end of the exam guide.
1. Which API should be used through JavaScript to invoke a web service from an Adaptive Form?
Correct Answer: B - guidelib.wsdlUtils.invokeWebService
A custom process is developed to accept an 'AssemblerResult' from another process. The DDX
file used to produce that result contains <PDF result="doc1.pdf">. Which logical name should
be used to retrieve the document from the 'AssemblerResult'?
Correct Answer: B - doc1.pdf
3. A form set is being implemented. Which variable input type is needed to post to a process
Correct Answer: C - Process input variable type is a map<string>
4. Which statement supports the ability to retrieve XML data from an Adaptive Form?
Correct Answer: A - guideBridge.retrieveXMLData()
6. A developer omits the 'Version' request parameter when calling a Workbench SOAP
endpoint. What is the result?
Correct Answer: D - The latest version of the process is invoked
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
8. Where should a developer import a Correspondence Management solution into AEM 6.2?
Correct Answer: A - Assets
9. A developer creates and deploys a Servlet as part of a Java Project named MyProject. The
Servlet returns an error code when accessed. Which log file should the developer check for
Correct Answer: B - error.log under crx
10. Which two out-of-the-box components are packaged with Forms Portal?
Adobe AEM Forms Developer Exam Guide
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