Articles On NVIS
Articles On NVIS
Articles On NVIS
Articles on NVIS?
Articles on NVIS?
by max nielse Sat, 19 Feb 2000 04:00:00
I have heard a little about communications via NVIS mode, and would like
to know more. Do you know of some good articles describing its
properties and use? Would appreciate any leads.
Thanks and 73
Max Nielsen KD7FQO
Articles on NVIS?
by Dino AL7 Sun, 20 Feb 2000 04:00:00
Max--there's a pretty good book available on NVIS that you may be interested
in. The title is "Near Vertical Incidence Skywave Communications--Theory,
Techniques and Validation" by David M. Fiedler and Edward J. Farmer. It's
published by Worldradio books, Bos 189490 Sacramento, CA 95818. Cost
was as
of Nov 98 $14 plus $2 shipping and handling. It's a compendium of articles
these guys had printed in the Army Signal Corps branch magazine "Army
Communicator" and is pretty comprehensive.
73's -- Dino KL0S/4
Articles on NVIS?
by Bria Sun, 20 Feb 2000 04:00:00
> I have heard a little about communications via NVIS mode, and would like
> to know more. Do you know of some good articles describing its
> properties and use? Would appreciate any leads.
> Thanks and 73
> Max Nielsen KD7FQO
Articles on NVIS?
by HClem138 Thu, 02 Mar 2000 04:00:00
I operate a NVIS ant. If you want to read about them. Try a book called Near
Vertical Incidence Skywave Communication---Theory Techniques and 1/5
2017-10-01 Articles on NVIS?
Vertical Incidence Skywave Communication---Theory, Techniques, and
costs $14.00. Worldradio Books P.O. Box 189490 Sacramento, Ca 95818.
Tactical HF Radio Command and Control an Anthology by A.S. Christinsin P.E.
& Associates, Ltd, 1201 Dawn Dr. Belleville, Illinois. 62220.
If you want to buy one try Sabre Communications Corp 3400 Highway 75
Sioux City, Iowa 51105. or Telex in Lincoln Nebraska.
Also refered to as Russian Tank Ant. Used to send signal over mountain tops
close range. Shoots signal straight up and is reflected back to earth. Like
holding a garden hose verticle on fine spray and watch the water come down
in a
circular coverage. Works best using a kilowatt or more of power. I hope this
Articles on NVIS?
by Victor Blackwel Thu, 02 Mar 2000 04:00:00
Any one actually operating in NVIS mode will find many mistakes in this
post. BEWARE!
>I operate a NVIS ant. If you want to read about them. Try a book
>Vertical Incidence Skywave Communication---Theory, Techniques, and
>costs $14.00. Worldradio Books P.O. Box 189490 Sacramento, Ca
95818. Also
>Tactical HF Radio Command and Control an Anthology by A.S.
Christinsin P.E.
>& Associates, Ltd, 1201 Dawn Dr. Belleville, Illinois. 62220.
>If you want to buy one try Sabre Communications Corp 3400 Highway
75 North
>Sioux City, Iowa 51105. or Telex in Lincoln Nebraska.
>Also refered to as Russian Tank Ant. Used to send signal over
tops in
>close range. Shoots signal straight up and is reflected back to earth.
>holding a garden hose verticle on fine spray and watch the water come
in a
>circular coverage. Works best using a kilowatt or more of power. I
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2017-10-01 Articles on NVIS?
Articles on NVIS?
by Victor Blackwel Thu, 02 Mar 2000 04:00:00
To make up for your lack of experience. Try using ten watts of power and a
nine dollar NVIS antennas and find out what you can do. If you don't have
your license, contact you local QRPer, who probably has an antenna that
qualifies as NVIS.
Or is this whole thing spam? You know the sneaky commercial ad.
>Any one actually operating in NVIS mode will find many mistakes in this
>post. BEWARE!
>>I operate a NVIS ant. If you want to read about them. Try a book called
>>Vertical Incidence Skywave Communication---Theory, Techniques, and
>>costs $14.00. Worldradio Books P.O. Box 189490 Sacramento, Ca 95818.
>>Tactical HF Radio Command and Control an Anthology by A.S. Christinsin
>>& Associates, Ltd, 1201 Dawn Dr. Belleville, Illinois. 62220.
>>If you want to buy one try Sabre Communications Corp 3400 Highway 75
>>Sioux City, Iowa 51105. or Telex in Lincoln Nebraska.
>>Also refered to as Russian Tank Ant. Used to send signal over mountain
>tops in
>>close range. Shoots signal straight up and is reflected back to earth.
>>holding a garden hose verticle on fine spray and watch the water come
>in a
>>circular coverage. Works best using a kilowatt or more of power. I hope
Articles on NVIS?
by Soloman Fernblat Sun, 05 Mar 2000 04:00:00
> Any one actually operating in NVIS mode will find many mistakes in
> post. BEWARE!
thought the
spirit of ham radio supported sharing info, or is that no longer true in
this modern day?
Every time anyone on this newsgroup seems to say anything there seems to
a dozen
flames that follow. Newbies will ask a simple antenna question "how do I
make a dipole"
and the typical reply here seems to start out with "Well if you knew
ham radio..." and goes down hill from there, never actually answering the
poor guy's
question and probably making him wonder why he picked ham radio as a
all the folks are so hostile.
( OK, I WILL say that is is very easy to BUILD an NVIS antenna without
having to
buy one at government contract price$ )
> >I operate a NVIS ant. If you want to read about them. Try a book called
> Near
> >Vertical Incidence Skywave Communication---Theory, Techniques, and
> Validation
> >costs $14.00. Worldradio Books P.O. Box 189490 Sacramento, Ca 95818.
> >Tactical HF Radio Command and Control an Anthology by A.S. Christinsin
> >& Associates, Ltd, 1201 Dawn Dr. Belleville, Illinois. 62220.
> >If you want to buy one try Sabre Communications Corp 3400 Highway 75
> >Sioux City, Iowa 51105. or Telex in Lincoln Nebraska. 4/5
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