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Hebel Floor Plus

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Technical Sheet

and Installation Guide

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Characteristic Unit Strength Class
Compressive Strength (faac) psi 870
Nominal Density pcf 37
Design Weight pcf 45
Drying Shrinkage % 0.02
Thermal Expansion Coefficient K-1 8 x 10-6
2 0
Thermal Conductivity BTU-in/ft h F 0.9811
Water Vapor Permeability ng/Pa.s.m 0.226
Fig. 1: Hebel Slab Panel.
Modulus of Elasticity psi 377,000
1 Technical Modulus of Rupture (MOR) psi 142

Allowable Bearnig Stress psi 523
Table 1: Physical and design properties.
1.1 Hebel Slab Panel
Thermal Conductivity
General Features Class
Hebel Autoclaved Aerated Thermal Conductivity
Concrete (AAC) Floor and Roof AAC-6
Slab Panels are lightweight, fire 0.9811 BTU-in/ft2-h-0F
resistant, fast and easy to install
and provide lifelong superior Unit: BTU = british thermal unit , in = inches, ft = foot, h = hour, F = fahrenheit
thermal insulation. Hebel Slab Table 2: Hebel Slab Panel thermal conductivity.
Panels are steel reinforced (Grade
70) Autoclaved Aerated Concrete
elements. The interior steel wire Fire Performance
Thickness Fire Ratings UL Design
reinforcement is covered with an Hebel Slab Panel (Inch) (Hours) Number
anti-corrosion coating. Hebel Slab 4 1 K909
Panel is produced in an ASTM C Reinforced Slab Panel AAC-6
1452 strength class: AAC-6. ->5 4
Note: Testing performed at Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Northbrook, IL under ASTM E119
(UL/ANSI 263) Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials.
Hebel Slab Panels are used as Table 3: Hebel Slab Panel fire rating.
floor and roof simply-supported
slabs on Hebel Masonry Maximum Allowable Service Load - Hebel Slab Panel AAC-6
Components or CMU load-bearing Uniform Load [psf]
walls, wood, concrete or steel AAC Roof Panels AAC Floor Panels
beams. These panels are used in Panel Thickness [in] Panel Thickness [in]
residential, multi-family housing, [ft]
4 6 7 8 4 6 7 8
Selfweight [psf] Selfweight [psf]
hotels, offices and industrial 14.8 22.1 25.8 29.5 14.8 22.1 25.8 29.5
buildings. Hebel AAC meets the
6.6 149 --- --- --- 154 --- --- ---
diverse demands better than any
8.2 115 --- For superimposed 88 --- For superimposed
other material due to the loads over 150 psf loads over 150 psf
numerous advantages of its 9.8 65 151 contact Xella Texas. 45 156 contact Xella Texas.

physical, mechanical, energy 11.5 36 126 149 --- 128 155 ---
efficiency and safety properties. 13.1 19 108 127 148 --- 79 133 154
14.8 --- 72 111 128 --- 49 98 135
Dimensions 16.4 --- 47 95 113 --- --- 65 106
Length: (2) Up to 20 ft 18.0 --- 30 65 102 --- --- 42 73
20.0 --- 16 41 70 --- --- --- 45
Width: 24 in.
Note: Panel Class AAC-6 and 24 in width. Superimposed uniform loads were calculated in accordance
Nominal Thickness: (1)(3) 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12 in. to ACI-523 design methodology. All roof panels meet or exceed L/240 live load and L/180 total load
vertical deflections at the allowable loads indicated. All floor panels meet or exceed L/360 live load
Class: AAC-6 and L/240 total load vertical deflations at the allowable loads indicated. Superimposed dead load
of 12.2 psf (roof panels) or 30.7 psf (floor panels) and the compression reinforcement contribution
(1) Tolerance + + 3/16,
_ 1/8, (2) Tolerance _ for long term deflection were considered.
(3) Nominal. Manufactured according to ASTM C1452. Table 4: Allowable service loads for AAC Slab Panels.

2 Hebel Aerated Concrete

OSHA trainer for rigging or
2 Design other safety considerations.
Insure adherence to Leading
Considerations Edge Support OSHA Guidelines.

- Carefully unload panels using

2.1 General pallet forks (forklift, nylon straps,
Considerations slings or pallet fork on a crane
cable). Place pallets over wood
Hebel Autoclaved Aerated blocks (panels must not be in
Concrete (AAC) Slab Panels can contact with ground).
be used as floor or roof systems
and shall be designed in order to - Storage areas should be Fig. 2: Hebel Slab Panel Pallets.
comply with strength and accessible to delivery trucks and
serviceability requirements as convenient to staging areas. If
specified by ACI-523.4R-09 possible, drop-deliver the surface areas may be repaired
material right to the material using a compatible AAC patching
The Slab Panel thickness and staging areas. compound.
the span will determine the
allowable service load (see Table - Material should always be - All panels that have surface or
4). The load (dead and live) must stored away from other minor cracks are usable. Contact
comply with the Local and Regional construction activities on a flat- an authorized AAC representative
Building Code. grade area that is not susceptible when a crack is extended
to standing water, erosion or completely through the panel.
Floor and roof panels can be settling.
supported by AAC Masonry Walls, 3. Check existing steel
reinforced concrete, concrete 2. Check material and installation accessories (not supplied by Xella
masonry walls (CMU), wood or logistic AAC Texas).
steel beams.
- Verify dimensions, positions - Steel accessories for holes
AAC Slab Panels are reinforced and quantity of the panels (ducts) -1 or 2 panels width- in
with two layers of high strength according to Hebel shop floor and roofs.
smooth bars (Fy = 70,000 psi) which drawings. - Steel plate for connecting Slab
are protected with an anti- Panels to steel structure.
corrosive coat. - Define sequence of panel
installation according to Hebel 4. Check support structure
The longitudinal bars develop shop drawings. To help speed
their tensile stress using installation, place the panels - All support elements (load-
mechanical anchorage provided with the groove side at the bearing walls, concrete or steel
by cross bars . beginning and continue. beams, etc) must be already
finished before receiving floor
- Define type of installation and roof panels.
equipment (crane or similar).
3 Installation - Evaluate quantity of personnel
- Check layout and top of
supporting structure. AAC top
Guide required for installation ( 4 to 5
assistants for panel installation
block adjustments must not be
less than 2 in height, or else
plus crane operator). cement-sand mortar (1:4) must
Before installation be used (see Fig. 12-A).
of Hebel Slab Panels - Keep the material covered and
banded until ready for
installation. Excessive handling
3.1 General Installation may cause damage. Set delivery Project Number

Guidelines schedule to match the erection

sequence. 91593 P02 A01
1. Clear the unloading and
provisional storage area - Chips and spalls can be Panel position
repaired. If any reinforcing is Panel type / area
E: Floor panel
- Consult an appropriate safety visible, contact an authorized A: Roof panel
professional or knowledgeable AAC representative. All damaged
Fig. 3: Panel identification.

Hebel Aerated Concrete 3

Support Elements Minimum Bearing Length (in)
Hebel Masonry Ld/80 or 2 (min)

Concrete or
Ld/80 or 2.0 (min)
Reinforced Concrete

Wood Ld/80 or 2.0 (min)

Steel Beams Ld/80 or 1.5 (min)

Note: Ld = Effective span length, Le = Clear span, where Ld = Le + 3 inches.

Table 5: Minimum bearing length for Slab Panels.

3.2 Installation Equipment:

- Hebel Slab Panel Lifting Gear
Requirements or Clamp (optional).
Fig. 4: Storage area close to job site. - Telescopic Crane or similar.
The actual list of tools, equipment - Circular Saw (8 diam min)
and other materials will depend on with metal cutting blade or
type of project and workforce. Gasoline-Powered Circular
Saws ( 12 min).
Tools: - Power Drill / Stirrer.
- Hammer-Ax. - Router / Bits.
- Rubber Mallet. - Hebel Hand Saw
- Scrub Brush. - Hebel Turners (2 pc).
- Hebel Sanding Float. - Safety Equipment (Hard hat,
- Hebel Plastic Bucket. face-shield, goggles, dust
- Chasing Tools. mask, ear plugs, gloves, safety
- Spatula. shoes, etc.).
- Chalk-Line.
- Tape Measure. Other materials:
- Finishing Trowels. - Hebel Thin Bed Mortar and
- Ripping Bar (36). Rapair Mortar.
- Hebel Rebar Spacers.
- Anticorrosive Paint.
- Fiberglass Mesh
- 4x4 in. Wood Block (2 ft long).
Fig. 5: Slab Panel supported by steel elements. - Rebar #3, #4
- Cement-Sand Mortar.
- Bearing lengths for AAC floor - Concrete (3.000 psi).
and roof panels should comply - Steel Plates.
with Table 5. - Hebel Stucco, Base-Coats,
Textures, etc.
- Mark guidelines on top of the Fig. 6: Panel lifting gear T800.
- Anchors & Hebel Nails.
supporting elements according
to bearing lengths in Hebel shop
drawings. Note: Mayor equipment / tools are listed
but not limited to items noted above to
complete the installation.
- For non-load-bearing
elements, put a layer of a
compressible material
(polystyrene or similar) on top.

Fig. 7: Panel lifting gear T1400.

Precaution: Always wear proper personal protection

equipment when using a circular saw, band saw or
an angle grinder, including goggles, face-shield,
hearing protection and dust mask.

4 Hebel Aerated Concrete

3.3 Installation of Hebel IMPORTANT:
Slab Panels Handle panels with care to
a. Identify Hebel Panels to be avoid damage.
installed according to previous Make chases needed prior
logistics (see section 3.1 (2) and to installation.
Fig. 3). It is strictly forbidden at any
time for people to be under
b. Carefully unpack panels using
scissors or a hammer ax. Verify the load during lifting.
that panels are in a stable Never put hands, arms, feet
position prior to cutting the or legs between the jaws
banding. of the clamp.
The load must always be
c. Over 4x4 wood blocks, rotate
hoisted; it may not dragged
Slab Panel 90 or until tongue
and groove profiles are facing along the ground.
up. Mark center of panel -Panel Avoid sudden movement to
Fig. 9
length/2- (see Fig. 8). prevent accidental release
of the load.
d. Clean the tongue and groove
surface using a sanding float,
hammer and a brush.

e. Place lifting gear at center of f. Using the pulleys, close

panel (see Fig. 8). clamps, clipping the tongue and
groove sides of the panel.

g. Fasten safety chains avoiding

excessive tightening, lower the
locking lever (unlock position)
and indicate to crane operator
to lift the panel (see Fig. 9).

h. Two people will lead the panel

to place it on the support
(masonry, steel beams, etc).

i. Remove safety chains

Fig. 10
(see Fig. 10).

j. Place the panel on the

guidelines previously traced.
Verify minimum bearing length
(see Fig. 11).

k. Once the panel is placed, open

the clamps, raise the locking
lever (lock position) and remove
the lifting gear.

l. This procedure should be

Fig. 8
followed for each successive

Fig. 11

Hebel Aerated Concrete 5

Ring beam
longitudinal joint

Transversal joint

Ring beam

Panel position

Cantiliver panel


Cantiliver panel

Hebel rebar
(2 per panel) A A


2 3/4
Longitudinal Lateral
reinforcement overlap
along panel Hebel Slab panel Hebel Slab panel


Panel thickness
Ring beam: Panel thickness
concrete fc= 3Ksi
2#4 (along) and Ring beam
1#3@16 all around
the perimeter

Hebel Masonry
wall (Non load-bearing)
Hebel Masonry
wall (Load-bearing)


Fig. 12: Hebel Slab panels over masonry.

6 Hebel Aerated Concrete

3.4 Cast and Cement-sand mortar (1:4)
Reinforcement of Groove joint
1#3 Rebar Tongue
Smooth finish
longitudinal joints and joint

ring beams Panel


Fiberglass mesh
After panel installation, place steel Reinforcement
reinforcement in longitudinal joints
(see Fig. 12 to 15 and 17) and ring
Fig. 13: Slab panel cross-section view.
beams surrounding panels (see
Fig. 14 and 17). Forms must be
placed in perimetral ring beams.

One #3 rebar is required in Hebel Slab panel

longitudinal joints (shear joints),

wedged with rebar spacers (2 per
panel), and filled with cement-sand Ring beam
(2#4 and #3@16)
mortar (1:4) - see Fig. 14. Moist concrete fc= 3Ksi joint between
panels (1#3 and
Panel joints before application. cement-sand mortar)

Ring beams require 2#4 rebars

(along) and a #3 every 16
(diagonal) and filled with regular
concrete fc= 3 ksi. The maximum
size of coarse aggregate is 3/8
and 5 to 6 of slump. Ring beam 8 8

and form surfaces must be moist

before concrete casting.


Fig. 14: Longitudinal joint and ring beam.

Rebar Conduit

2 1/4

Cut using 2 3/4 2 3/4 Fiberglass mesh

a small angle

Galv. wire

Ceiling outlet box

Fig. 15: Five-story hotel built with AAC (floor panels). Fig. 16: Conduit and ceiling fixtures.

Hebel Aerated Concrete 7

Longitudinal joint Ring beam

Transversal joint
(Non reinforced)

1 1

Steel plates
(every 2 joints,
1 1 alternated)


Hebel Slab Panel

Installation sequence

1 1

1 1 Panel

1 1

Load-bearing element
1 1

Hebel rebar 1 1
(2 per panel)

1 1

See joint and steel plate detail


Transversal joint 1#3 + cement-sand

A Load-bearing Plate
(non reinforced) mortar
element (1/4 thickness)

Load bearing element
Slab Panel
A 2
1 1/2
Panel thickness
minus 3/8

1 1/8
joint (1#3
+ cement-sand
mortar) Variable

Steel plates Load bearing element

(every 2 joints,

Fig. 17:
17 Hebel Slab panel over steel structure.

8 Hebel Aerated Concrete


Steel plate

Supporting element

Fig. 20: Steel plate connection.

Fig. 18: Filling longitudinal joint with cement-sand mortar.

Longitudinal bearing
reinforcement length
(1#3 +
Cement-sand cement-sand Hebel Slab
Steel plate panel
(cut panel at site) mortar mortar)




Hebel Slab panel Steel

1#3 Rebar
along longitudinal joint Longitudinal

Steel beam

Fig. 19: Cantiliver panel anchorage. plate thickness

When Hebel Panels are installed

on a steel structure, steel plates Slab panel
must be welded (every 2 Steel
longitudinal joints, alternated) to beam
the structure for connection (see
Fig. 17 to 21). Place steel plates
after panel installation to ensure
correct location.

Fig. 21: Steel plate details.

Hebel Aerated Concrete 9

3.6 Panels Cutting d. For longitudinal cuts, wood
pieces must be placed at every 6
According to shop drawings, ft. (max) for 6 to 12 in thick panels
identify Hebel Slab Panels to be and every 4 ft for panels 4 to 5 in
cut. Permissible cutting length is thick.
indicated on shop drawings,
otherwise contact Xella Technical e. Check for full contact between
Department. Along its length, wood pieces and panel. Wedge if
Hebel Slab Panel can be cut 1/3 necessary.
the width.
f. Place a ruler as a guide and
trace the cut dimensions.
Cutting equipment options
Fig. 22: Sanitary utilities.
g. Proceed with panel cutting,
Electric Circular Saw (8 blade
verifying that cutting dimensions
3.5 Utilities Installation diameter).
comply with specifications.
Transversal and longitudinal cuts
Openings Power Cutter (gasoline-
must be made with panel in
powered) 12 blade or greater
horizontal position; if full
Openings in floor and roofs for A/C (see Fig. 23).
thickness is to be cut, perform
ducts, staircases, roof windows, cut from both sides.
air exhausters, etc. are built using Cutting procedures
steel support. For more h. Apply anticorrosive paint at
information, please call Xella a. Prepare a flat surface for reinforced bar tips.
Technical Department. cutting site.

Electrical conduits b. Check dimensions of cuts to

be made. Caution: Wear
protective helmet
Electrical conduits with a diameter
-1 can be lodged through
< c. For transversal cuts, wood & visor, goggles,
longitudinal joints on top or bottom pieces must be placed along the hearing and
of the panels. For electrical sides of the cut and at the edges respiratory protection. Read
conduits >1 or several electrical of the panel.
equipment instruction manual.
conduits, longitudinal joints can be
Inhalation of concrete dust
widened to lodge them. It is not
recommended to chase on top and above recommended exposure
across the panel width -transversal levels may be harmful. Wet
chase- (see Fig. 16). sawing is recommended.
Please consult the Xella
It is possible to define cut surfaces Material Safety Data Sheet for
in Panels regarding installations.
For more information, please call further details.
Xella Technical Department. Fig. 23: Power cutter.

Piping lines incorrect


When required, PVC and other 6 correct

piping lines can pass through
holes in the panels. The maximum
hole diameter permitted in one Hebel Slab
panel is 6 or 12 in a joint between
panels (6 each panel). If more than Aligned

one hole is required, they must be 6

aligned along the length of the 6
panel. Only two longitudinal
rebar in the bottom reinforcement
of the panel can be cut (see Fig. 22 6
and 24).

Fig. 24: Maximum dimensions of holes through slab panel.

10 Hebel Aerated Concrete

4 Renders
and Finishes
4.1 Products
Surface patching

Use Hebel Repair Mortar to patch

chips, breaks and other
imperfections on surfaces of Hebel
Slab Panels.

Hebel Repair Mortar is prepared Fig. 25: Industrial and commercial projects.
in a plastic bucket, adding water
and mortar from the bag (see
instructions on the bag) and mixed
with a stirrer using a power drill
or by manual means (depending
on quantity to be used). It is applied
using a spatula.

Fiberglass Mesh
Fiberglass mesh, 6 minimum
width, should be installed directly
over one layer of render (without
nails) en every inferior joint
between panels (see Fig. 13) and
in places according to construction
details. Fiberglass mesh is not
required in case of suspended or
false ceilings.

Render and Finishes

Fig. 26: Housing projects.
Underneath Hebel Slab Panels can
be finish with Hebel Stucco,
gypsum plaster, acrylic texture
coat, elastomeric finishes, cement
based finishes; on floor panels
ceramic or clay tiles, laminated
stone, concrete pieces, carpet, etc.
can be used (see Fig. 27).

Roof panels can be finished using

membrane systems (SBS, APP,
etc), elastomeric roof coatings,
concrete or ceramic roof tiles,
asphalt roof shingles.

For more information and

technical assistance, please Fig. 27: Floor finish (marble).
contact AAC Texas.

Fig. 28: Multi-story building.

Hebel Aerated Concrete 11

December 2009. Printed and Made in Mexico.
Xella Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.
Ro Amacuzac 1201 Ote.
Col. Valle Oriente
Garza Garca, NL 66269

Tels +52 (81) 8399 2424, 64 y 62

Fax +52 (81) 8399 2420 y 30

01 800 00 XELLA (93552)


Manufacturing Facility:
Carretera a Dulces Nombres Km 9.1
Pesquera, NL 66650

Tel +52 (81) 8369 1515

Fax +52 (81) 8369 1520

Xella AAC Texas, Inc.

San Antonio Office:

900 Schneider Dr.
Cibolo, TX 78108

Tel (210) 402 3223

Fax (210) 402 6390

1 888 SA XELLA (72 93552)


Xella and Hebel are registered trademarks of Xella Group.

Rio Grande Valley Office:
700 East Expressway 83
San Juan, TX 78589

Tel (956) 782 9065

Fax (956) 782 9068



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