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N atur al and C ultured
B ut termilk
R AV I N D E R K U M A R , M A N P R E E T K A U R ,
A N I TA K U M A R I G A R S A , B H U V N E S H


8.1 Introduction 203

8.2 Fermented or Cultured Milk: An Overview 205
8.3 Buttermilk 207
8.3.1 Chemical Composition of Buttermilk 209
8.3.2 Processing and Drying of Buttermilk 210
8.4 Cultured Buttermilk 210
8.4.1 Starter Cultures Used for Cultured Buttermilk 210
8.4.2 Production of Cultured Buttermilk 213
8.5 Uses of Buttermilk 215
8.6 Health Benefits of Buttermilk 220
8.7 Summary 222
References 222


Milk has been a part of food since the dawn of civilization and also con-
sidered as a complete food for human beings. The fermentation of milk
is also an ancient technique for the preservation of milk. It is largely used
as a means to preserving highly perishable products like milk apart from
imparting other benefits to the finished product. This process is carried
out by the normal microbiota, while some of the fermentation is inten-
tionally done by using specific microbes for a particular purpose. But the
actual process and role of milk fermentation is yet to be completely under-
stood. The inoculation of fresh milk with fermented milks was the process
to maintain routine cultures for further use (Kerr and McHale 2001). But
now, well-established starter cultures (i.e., lactobacilli, streptococcus,etc.)


are commercially available for the production of various fermented dairy

foods, which are discussed elsewhere in this book.
Fermentation is not only used for the preservation of food but also
imparts various flavors or tastes, forms, and desired sensory ambi-
ances. Sometime, it also confers several therapeutic and nutritional
properties in the finished product. Gradually, consumers have started
to recognize the therapeutic and nutritional aspects of fermented
foods, which increased the consumption as well as popularity of these
foodstuffs (Kaur et al. 2014). The validation of health benefits (i.e.,
anti-obesity, anti-diabetes, anti-cholesterol level, anticancer, immune
modulation, etc.) of some of the fermented milks and its products,
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for instance, yogurt, has changed the vision of consumers, thereby

causing a concomitant rise in its production (Shiby and Mishra 2013).
Nowadays, several functional dairy foods (i.e., probiotic dahi, yogurt,
yakult, low cholesterol milk, milk omega-3-milk, etc.), which have a
beneficial effect on lifestyle diseases and disorders, are very common
in the market. Apart from all these products, buttermilk is one of the
classical examples of such products. Buttermilk has a fresh, piquant taste
imparted by lactic acid bacteria (LAB), which remains as an integral part
of buttermilk even after fermentation. It is not necessary that LAB pres-
ent in buttermilk elicit probiotic attributes always, as sometimes micro-
flora may also belong to the non-probiotics category. Biochemically,
these microbes utilize sugar and yield acids, which results in sourness
in buttermilk and also leads to a decrease in pH. Further, the decrease
in the pH of milk affects the casein content, which causes the thicken-
ing of milk. Both sourness and thickening of buttermilk are imparted
by lactic acid produced during the fermentation of milk. Traditional as
well as cultured buttermilk has remained an excellent source of nutrition
as it consists of good amounts of potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B12,
riboflavin, enzymes, protein, and calcium (Conway etal. 2014b).
Buttermilk has wide food applications and can be used for drinking pur-
poses; it may be supplemented to produce sour cream or cultured butter.
The name, however, is a bit misleading because it does not contain butter.
It is a milky liquid leftover after the churning of cream, which is processed
for the preparation of butter. The fat content in buttermilk remains very
low. Buttermilk is often used in baking because of its special properties (for
instance, sourness, enzymes, and microflora present in this by-product).
It can enhance the flavor of various preparations, that is, dips and cakes.
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 205

Further, buttermilk can be used as a battering agent for frying of chops of

pork and chicken (Sharmaetal.1998; Ravaland Mistry 1999; Shukla etal.
2004; Patel and Gupta 2008). Various studies have also shown the thera-
peutic importance of the consumption of buttermilk (Larsson etal. 2008;
Conway et al. 2013a, 2013b; Fuller etal. 2013; Fu etal. 2014). The objective
of this chapter is to cover the different aspects of buttermilk production, its
nutritional importance, its health benefits, and its use in different products.

8.2 Fermented or Cultured Milk: An Overview

Cultured milk is produced by the addition or fermentation of LAB and

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there are wide ranges of fermented milks, which have a number of com-
mon characteristics (Driessen and Puhan 1988). The cultures used in
fermented milk have their own optimum temperature range for growth.
To meet the requirements of cultured milk, that is, mildly acidic and
slightly pricking, the content of lactic acid and carbohydrate has to be
controlled during the manufacturing of the product. By cooling milk
at a specific temperature and at a proper time, acidification can be lim-
ited, whereas the excess of carbon dioxide in the product at the end of
fermentation can be removed by stirring or deaeration by vacuum. The
final taste of cultured milk is the result of a mixture of compounds (e.g.,
diacetyl flavor is associated with butter and buttermilk) present in a cer-
tain ratio in the finished product.
Fermented milk production involves various steps, that is, pasteuriza-
tion of milk, standardization and homogenization of milk, inoculation cul-
ture, breakdown of coagulum, cooling, and packaging. The pasteurization
of milk used for the production of cultured milk is carried out to inhibit
the pathogens and deactivate the native substances, which are inhibitory
to LAB. Additionally, heat treatment denatures whey proteins, which
improves the texture of the final milk product. Whey proteins should be
denatured, which results in a coagulum that can be stirred easily to realize
a smooth and viscous product (Snoeren etal. 1981). This can be achieved
by heating milk at 80C85C for 25min (Hillier and Lyster 1979).
Ultra-high-temperature-sterilized milk and other high-temperature-
treated milks result in lower viscosity, age-thickening, and a cooked
flavor in cultured milks. The lowering of pasteurization temperature of
milk results in decreased firmness and retarded acidification. Therefore,
homogenization of milk at 55C and 20MPa is sufficient and good for

distribution of fat. Decreasing solids and not fat content in milk results
in a taste difference as the product may turn flat and watery; buttermilk
with this defect is said to be astringent. Increasing milk solids-not-fat
(SNF) leads to a full taste, higher viscosity, and a stable cultured milk
without wheying-off during storage. The inoculum added causes pro-
duction of acid, which leads to the formulation of coagulum. The coag-
ulum is generally stirred to get smooth fermented milk. The detailed
steps involved in fermented milk production are shown in Figure8.1.
Cultured milks consist of all required nutrition with easy digestibility
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Raw milk

Cooling at 4C temperature

Separation of
cream Standardization for fat and total solids

Cream Homogenization Skim or low-fat milk

Pasteurization of milk 82C85C for 23 minutes


Starter culture inoculation (mixed or single),

for example, Str. lactis, Str. cremoris, Leu. citrovorum, and Leu. dextranicum

Incubation for fermentation/ripening


Gentle stirring
Butter Buttermilk


Packing and Refrigeration

Sweet cream/ Sour cream

Fermented milk Cultured buttermilk
natural buttermilk buttermilk

Figure 8.1 Production of fermented milk, cultured buttermilk, and natural buttermilk.
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 207

and also impart health benefits. This chapter covers the various aspects
of buttermilk, one of the popular forms or examples of cultured milk.


Natural buttermilk is a leftover liquid by-product made during the

churning of butter. It is a very famous fermented drink in India as
well as in other Middle Eastern countries. Cultured buttermilk is
probably the easiest fermented milk product to produce but still the
exact quantity of production of buttermilk is not assessed. However,
the quantity of buttermilk production can be estimated on the basis
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of production of butter. Approximately, 6.5%7.0% of total milk

produced worldwide is used for the preparation of butter that yields
high amounts (around 3.2 million tons/annum) of buttermilk as a
by-product. In India, sour buttermilk (lassi) is also obtained dur-
ing the preparation of butter (makkhan) and curd (dahi). The utility
of buttermilk solids was unnoticed and untouched for a long time.
However, following a shift in focus of investigation, the consumption
of buttermilk, its functions, and its therapeutic attributes are cur-
rently explored worldwide. Still, this by-product needs more atten-
tion for its many uses; buttermilk-derived health-beneficial products
can be developed as it is present in bulk amounts all over the world.
Usually, four types of buttermilk are produced, as shown in Table8.1
and Figure8.1. Natural buttermilk is very low in fat (since most of the
fat goes to the butter part). It can be consumed as it is or added to reci-
pes in place of water for a nutritional boost.
Cultured buttermilk is another type of buttermilk obtained by
intentional acidification of skim milk done by buttermilk starter cul-
tures. It is similar to yogurt in the sense that it is cultured using live
beneficial bacteria and can be consumed as a thick and creamy bever-
age (Conway etal. 2014a, 2014b).
Sweet cream buttermilk (SCBM) is produced from churning of
cream. Churning of cream results in the separation of butter and an
aqueous phase called SCBM. Generally, cream is not ripened in this
case. SCBM has high fat content as compared to skim milk, which
can be decreased by centrifuging it or by ultrafiltration (Conway etal.
2014a, 2014b). SCBM also consists of huge amounts of proteins,
which are drawn by churning from the fat globulemilk serum interface

Table 8.1 Different Types of Buttermilk and Their Properties

Result of the churning End product of Produced by Commercial buttermilk
process of cream churning process culturing of skim is most widely
separated from milk. of ripened cream. milk. available in grocery
Produced from fresh, or Made from raw, Produced by Milk is not used to make
sweet, milk, which is unpasteurized addition of butter, instead
converted to cream sour milk. The bacterial culture, manufactures add
that convert into milk is allowed to which provide a bacterial cultures to
butter and buttermilk sour naturally rich, fuller and skim or low-fat cows
and has a taste prior to churning. tangier flavor. milk and let it mature.
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similar to regular
skim milk.
Exact taste of the sweet Sour cream The resulting Over time, the milk
cream milk depends buttermilk has a buttermilk has a thickens and develops
on the flavor of the tart taste, similar similar tangy its characteristic sour
original milk. For to yogurt or sour flavor. taste. Commercial
example, goats milk cream. As with manufacturers also
has a naturally more sweet cream milk, make powdered
pungent taste than the source of the buttermilk. They use
cows milk. milk provides the same process as
slight variations with wet milk, then
intaste. remove the liquid.

(King 1955). Apart from their ability to release biologically active

peptides (Roesch and Corredig 2002), these proteins also contribute
as a mixture of glycol-phospholipids in buttermilk. The phospholipids
content in SCBM is around nine times greater as compared to skim
milk (Table8.2). SCBM lacks short-chain fatty acids, principally con-
sisting of C16 (palmitic) and higher acids. Around40% of fatty acids

Table 8.2 Composition and Physiochemical Properties

ofSweet Cream Buttermilk and Skim Milk
Ash (%) 0.73 0.80
Fat (%) 0.60 0.09
Lactose (%) 4.84 5.25
Titratable acidity 0.13 0.15
Total proteins (%) 3.70 4.30
Total solid (%) 9.75 10.80
Phospholipids (mg) 78.60 8.50
pH 6.85 6.70
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 209

present in buttermilk are saturated by dry weight. N on-conjugated

di- to penta-unsaturated acids make up the rest of the volume (Garton
1963). Additionally, the phospholipids content of buttermilk com-
prises cephalin, lecithin, and sphingomyelin in same amounts along
with small quantities of cerebrosides. Buttermilk also varies in physi-
cal and chemical properties as compared to skim milk (Table8.2). For
instance, it has low acidity and high viscosity in comparison with skim
milk. Such a difference in properties makes buttermilk suitable for
numerous applications in the dairy sector, but the chemical composi-
tion of buttermilk and skim milk remain almost the same when pro-
duced under standard parameters or conditions.
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8.3.1 Chemical Composition of Buttermilk

Buttermilk has emulsion and flavor-enhancing ability, which makes it

a key dairy component in several food applications. The composition
of sweet and cultured buttermilk is similar to skim milk. Additionally,
the composition of whey buttermilk is also similar to whey. But the
fat content is high in buttermilk (6%20%) compared to skim milk
(0.3%0.4%) or whey (Sodini et al. 2006). The chemical composi-
tion of buttermilk depends largely on the amount of water added to
cream. However, buttermilk is almost similar to skim milk in com-
position, as mentioned earlier, when produced under standard condi-
tions (Table8.2). The major difference between sour buttermilk and
SCBM pertains to its titratable acidity. The titratable acidity is higher
in sour buttermilk (>0.15%); it may be more than 1% sometimes,
whereas in SCBM it lies between 0.10% and 0.15%. On the other
hand, natural buttermilk has wider variations in its composition as
it varies with milk quality used for the preparation of curd and the
amount of water added in between the churning. Yet, on the average,
it consists of total solids (4%), lactose (3%4%), lactic acid (1.2%),
protein (1.3%), and fat (0.8%).
Buttermilk contains high amounts of calcium, which contributes
significantly to its health benefits. The human body requires 1,000mg
of calcium per day. Low-fat buttermilk contains around 28% calcium.
Consumption of 500ml buttermilk can fulfill the calcium require-
ment of the body. Riboflavin is another crucial content of buttermilk.
Additionally, buttermilk also boosts protein intake.

8.3.2 Processing and Drying of Buttermilk

SCBM can be used in dry form for various food applications.

SCBM is more suitable for processing as it has higher heat stability
and its constituent composition is similar to skim milk (Bratland
1972). SCBM remains similar in processes of separation, clari-
fication, pasteurization, concentration, and drying at high tem-
peratures. The processes of spray drying and concentration for
SCBM are similar to those of skim milk powder (SMP). Spray
drying of buttermilk is generally carried out at 185C195C, and
the drying process to concentrate the buttermilk is carried out till
the 40%-50% solid in end product has been achieved. The major
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difference between SCBM and SMP is the concentration of total

lipid and density. The total lipid consisting of phospholipids con-
tent remained high bulk in SCBM than SMP, while bulk density
is found low. It is generally observed that during storage, high
lipid or fat concentration can decrease the shelf life of milk pow-
der. But the high phospholipids content present in SCBM reduces
the chances of oxidation in powder.

8.4 Cultured Buttermilk

Cultured buttermilk is the sour end product obtained after fermenta-

tion of skim or partially skim milk inoculated with LAB cultures.

8.4.1 Starter Cultures Used for Cultured Buttermilk

Microorganisms that are intentionally supplemented into milk

for desired fermentation to produce fermented milk products
under controlled conditions are called starter cultures. The use of
starters has been tremendously important as it decides the qual-
ity and nutritional value of the desired end product. But on the
other hand, it has diminished the diversity of fermented dairy
products (Kaur et al. 2014). Buttermilk starters contain certi-
fied organic milk and live active cultures. Large portion of these
active cultures (e.g., Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, and
Leuconostocs) belong to LAB (Table8.3). Additionally, non-lactic
starters can also be used as a co-inoculant with LAB for the pro-
duction of buttermilk.
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 211

Table 8.3 Microorganisms Used as Starter Cultures for Preparation of Buttermilk

Leu. mesenteroides 25
Lb. brevis 30
Lb. kefir 32

Lb. lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis 25
Lb. casei 30
Lb. lactis subsp. cremoris 30
Lb. lactis subsp. lactis 30
Lb. acidophilus 37
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Lb. delbueckii subsp. lactis 40

Str. thermophilus 40
Lb. helveticus 42
Lb. delbueckii subsp. bulgaricus 45

Starter cultures can be used as single, mixed, and multiple strains

depending upon the type of products to be prepared for a specific purpose.
The purity and activity of starter cultures define their ability to perform
functions efficiently. An ideal starter culture should have some character-
istics, for example, should be quick and steady in acid production, should
produce a product with fine and clean lactic flavor, and should not pro-
duce any pigments, gas, off-flavor, and bitterness in the finished products.
The major role of starter cultures during the fermentation of milk
are the production of lactic acid and a few other organic acids, for
example, formic acid and acetic acid, changes in body and texture in
final products followed by coagulation of milk, production of flavor-
ing compounds, such as diacetyl, acetoin, and acetaldehyde, and pro-
duction of antibacterial substances in the finished product.
Generally, buttermilk products (i.e., sour and cultured buttermilk)
are produced by different types of starter cultures. These cultures
are classified on the basis of their temperature and fermentation of
glucose for growth purposes, for instance, mesophilic, thermophilic,
homofermentative, and heterofermentative bacteria.
Products made by use of mesophilic lactic starter cultures (optimal
temperature 30C40C) may use one of the following types of micro-
organisms: O (homofermentative Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris and
Lc. lactis subsp. lactis), D (microbes of O types and Streptococcus lactis

subsp. lactis var. diacetylactis), L (in addition to the O type bacteria, it

contains Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides), and LD (com-
bination of Str. lactis subsp. lactis var. diacetylactis and Leu. mesenteroides
subsp. mesenteroides).
Thermophilic bacteria work over an optimal temperature range
of 50C60C and digesters are usually operated as close as possible
to 55C. This offers the advantages of faster reaction rates and better
pathogen-killing power/capacity as compared to mesophilic digestion,
which leads to shorter retention times.
Homofermentative bacteria consume or ferment glucose that yields
lactic acid as the primary end metabolite. In various dairy culture appli-
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cations, Lactococcus ssp. is commonly used as a starter culture, when the

quick lactic acid production or low pH is desirable. The sugar fermen-
tative pathway of homofermentative bacteria is shown in Figure8.2a.

Glucose Glucose

Glucose 6-P Glucose 6-P

Fructose 6-P 6-Phosphogluconate

Fructose1, 6-di-P 2-Keto-6-phosphogluconate

Glyceraldehydes 3-P Ribulose 5-P

1,3-diphosphoglycerate Xylulose 5-P

Glyceraldehydes 3-P Acetyl-P

Pyruvate Acetyl Co-A Acetate

Phosphoenol pyruvate
Lactic acid Acetaldehyde


Lactic acid
(a) (b)

Figure 8.2 (a) Homofermentative and (b) heterofermentative pathways of lactic acid bacteria.
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 213

Heterofermentative bacteria also consume glucose; common end prod-

ucts are lactic acid, ethanol, and carbon dioxide (Figure8.2b). The com-
mon identification of heterofermentative bacteria is generally carried
out by evolved gases. The application of heterofermentative LAB as
starter culture in dairy products is not common. Yet, these are not rare
in dairy products.

8.4.2 Production of Cultured Buttermilk

Skim or low-fat milk is used for the production of buttermilk. First,

milk is pasteurized at 82C85C for 25min as per need. The major
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objective of pasteurization is killing of bacteria that are present natu-

rally in milk and denaturing the milk protein to decrease the wheying
off. Afterward, milk is allowed to cool to 22C followed by the addi-
tion of required starter cultures, for example, Lc. lactis subsp. lactis,
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, Leu. citrovorum, and Leu. dextranicum. These
cultures are desirable candidates for imparting buttermilks unique
sour flavor by increasing acidity if butter or buttermilk is produced
at an industrial or commercial level (Figure8.3). The starter cultures
Lc. lactis subsp. cremoris, Leu. citrovorum, and Leu. dextranicum are
typically used to generate the flavor in butter, while Lc. lactis subsp.
lactis is associated with the production of lactic acid, which causes
the typical tangy flavor of cultured buttermilk. Hence, LAB are
common and dominating groups of bacteria, which are required for
fermentation of milk to produce buttermilk. Additionally, LAB are
also naturally accepted and generally recognized as safe for human
consumption (Aguirre and Collins 1993). During fermentation of
milk, growth and metabolic activities of LAB cause a few changes in
milk, which results in chemical and physical modifications in milk
as shown in Table8.4. After the fermentation, coagulum is stirred,
packed, and stored at refrigerated temperatures. The production
scheme of buttermilk is shown in Figures8.1 and 8.3.
Moreover, probiotics are very popular throughout the world due to
their health benefits, so adding probiotics to starter cultures or after
the production of buttermilk is often carried out these days in addi-
tion to the conventional method (El-Fattah and Ibrahim 1998; Rodas
etal. 2002; El-Shafei 2003).
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Heat treatment


Raw milk
storage tank

Cream Skim milk

separation Starter ripening


Sweet cream buttermilk
Cultured (Unripened cream churning)
Sour cream buttermilk
(Ripened cream churning) Butter

Figure 8.3 Large-scale production scheme of buttermilk.

N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 215

Table 8.4 Changes in the Constituents during Milk Fermentation

Breakdown of fat Flavored compounds and acetic, propionic, butyric,
isovaleric, caproic, caprylic, and capric acids generated
due to breakdown of fats
Breakdown of protein, for example, Generation of amino acids (serine, glutamic acid,
casein proline, valine, leucine, isoleucine, and tyrosine)
duetobreakdown of proteins
Breakdown of vitamins, carotenoids Simple vitamins, B2, B6, and B12
Lactose lytic Lactic acid, galactose, and glucose produced due to
breakdown of lactose
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8.5 Uses of Buttermilk

Apart from its use for consumption purposes, buttermilk has various
applications in several food product formulations, especially with ref-
erence to the fermented products. Traditional buttermilk is itself a
popular drink in many countries (Patel and Gupta 2008). Yet, addi-
tion of fruit juices or fruit pulps is an attractive avenue to utilize
buttermilk as well to increase the earning of the associated sector.
Several types of refreshing drinks of buttermilk have been prepared
using litchi, apple, banana, mango, and guava pulp (Shukla et al.
2004). Furthermore, the addition of cashew (15%) and kokum syrup
(10%) has been employed to prepare flavored buttermilk (Kankhare
et al. 2005; Patel and Gupta 2008). Rao and Kumar (2005) devel-
oped a spray dried buttermilk powder with mango pulp. A product
with desired sensory effect was obtained when buttermilk (80%) was
blended with mango pulp (20%).
Moreover, large-scale dairy plants and industries blend pure SCBM
in whole milk for fluid milk supply or in skim milk for processing,
that is, drying. The blending of SCBM in buffalo milk to prepare
toned milk usually increases the various properties of end products
such as palatability, heat stability, viscosity, and decreased curd ten-
sion (Pal and Mulay 1983; Patel and Gupta 2008). Flavor milks and
beverages can also be prepared with use of SCBM. Moreover, skim
milk and SCBM powder blends are commonly used for reconstitution
Buttermilk can be used in many food formulations in place of SMP.
Generally, buttermilk is used to enhance the texture, thickness, and
reduction of fats. Several examples are discussed here. For instance,

the thick and smooth texture of yogurt, which is a highly desirable

characteristic, can be achieved by increasing total solids in the yogurt
mix. Conventionally, to achieve the required total solid content,
the milk is boiled till it reduces by up to two-thirds of its original
volume. Boiling of milk is not regarded as a suitable approach, and
hence, blending of SMP in milk is the best alternative to increase
total solids. SCBM has been used as a substitute of SMP. It has been
demonstrated that substitution of SMP up to 50% by buttermilk for
low-fat yogurt preparation yielded the end product which was closely
similar to control product (Vijayalakshmi etal. 1994). Further, addi-
tion of 4.8% SCBM in low-fat yogurt imparted a smooth soft texture
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(Trachoo and Mistry 1998; Patel and Gupta 2008). Moreover, the
addition of SCBM also reduces syneresis in yogurt as compared to
other constituents (Guinee etal. 1995). Romeih etal. (2014) added
buttermilk powder with reduced fat content. The addition of butter-
milk powder caused a decline in pH while it improved the functional-
ity of the yogurt gel in terms of water-holding capacity and exhibited
the most desirable organoleptic attributes. The investigation proved
that buttermilk powder can be used as a valuable alternative in fat-free
yogurt production with a source of extra protein.
Buttermilk also plays a potential role in cheese formulations. The
process of formulation of hard cheeses, for example, Cheddar and
Gouda carried out with low-fat milk as high fat content imparts soft
texture to cheese body. Generally, skim milk is added to bulk milk to
adjust the fat content so that hard body cheese can be obtained. In var-
ious dairy applications, SCBM has been used to replace the skim milk.
Therefore, SCBM has also been used to prepare hard cheese in place
of skim milk. The major problem with the supplementation of SCMB
is the presence of the high fat membrane material that yields soft body
cheese. However, the blending of SCBM up to some extent can result
in the desirable hardness in Cheddar cheese (Joshi and Thakar 1996a,
1996b). To overcome the problem of high fat content, ultrafiltrated
SCBM is generally used. The ultrafiltered SCBM supplementation is
reported to give improved quality (body and texture) to cheese in com-
parison with the control (Mistry etal. 1996). Using the same strategy,
low-fat Cheddar cheese was also produced. Interestingly, this cheese
consisted of less fat (14.5%) as compared to control (15.1%), when milk
was blended with 5% ultrafiltered SCBM (Raval and Mistry 1999;
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 217

Patel and Gupta 2008). Further, ultrafiltered buttermilk was used to

prepare reduced fat Mozzarella cheese (Poduval and Mistry 1999).
SCBM (30%40%) was also utilized to prepare cottage cheese by
replacing whole milk; the end product was an enhanced flavored soft
cheese (Shodjaodini etal. 2000). Moreover, Gokhale etal. (1999) suc-
cessfully blended SCBM up to 75% to lower down the water content in
processed cheese and no significant alteration was observed in cheese
composition. Concentrated buttermilk (CBM) was employed for mak-
ing processed cheese, and some of its physicochemical properties were
also studied. The observations found that CBM can be used to make
functional processed cheese and can also be supplemented as an ingre-
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dient in other dairy products (Doosh etal. 2014).

Paneer or Indian cheese is generally prepared with addition of acids
(e.g., citric acid) in milk, which causes coagulum of milk; that integrated
mass of milk coagulum is known as paneer. Prior to preparation of paneer,
standardization of milk is required, which is commonly done with the
addition of skim milk. But it has been observed that addition of SCBM
in buffalo milk in place of skim milk enhanced the yield (around1%) of
paneer without causing any changes in texture and sensory properties
(Pal and Garg 1989; Patel and Gupta 2008). Additionally, buttermilk
(10%) has been used in place of buffalo milk for the preparation of fried
paneer, which showed that the uptake of oil was high and the end prod-
uct revealed soft texture compared to the control (Sharma etal. 1998).
On the other hand, it was observed that up to 50% cultured buttermilk
incorporation in paneer whey can result in a good quality drink. The
chemical composition of blending results in around 8.31% total solids,
2.20% protein, 1.10% fat, 4.40% lactose, and 0.55 ash. This cultured
buttermilk was accepted very well and its shelf life was 5 days under
refrigerated conditions (Ghanshyambhai etal. 2014).
Buttermilk powder can be used along with milk for the preparation
of curd. Curd or dahi (Indian curd) is prepared from milk with the
addition of a mixture of starter cultures. Generally, buffalo milk is
used for this preparation. Nevertheless, the addition of 1%2% SMP
with milk enhances the texture body of dahi prepared from butter-
milk (Shreshtha and Gupta 1979; Patel and Gupta 2008). The higher
amount of SCBM in buffalo milk yields soft body curd.
The preparation of various Indian sweets involves buttermilk and
buttermilk powder. For example, chhana is unripened curd cheese

prepared from buffalo milk and it is used for formulation of several

sweets, for example, rasgulla. Sometimes, compositional changes in
buffalo milk yield hard and greasy chhana, which are undesirable
defects in this product. To reduce such defects, several suggestions,
for instance, addition of salts (e.g., sodium citrate), dilution of milk
(20%30% water), low temperature coagulation, and homogenization,
have been proposed (Rajorhia and Sen 1988; Patel and Gupta 2008).
Along the same lines, the addition of SCBM (60%; on the total solid
basis) buffalo milk showed acceptable preparation of chhana (Kumar
2006). Similarly, the formulation of rasgulla needs chhana prepared
from cow or buffalo milk. Usually the soft body and texture of chhana
Downloaded by [Ravinder Kumar] at 22:04 11 September 2015

is desirable for rasgulla, but buffalo milk yields hard body chhana. To
overcome this, buttermilk continues to be the favorite constituent to
increase the softness of chhana. It has been seen that the blending of
SCBM in buffalo milk at a ratio of 60:100 with other constituents
(i.e., arrowroot, maida, and semolina) produced better quality rasgulla
(Kumar 2006; Patel and Gupta 2008).
Sandesh is another Indian sweet that is made from chhana. This
sweet is made from cow milk chhana due to its soft body and tex-
ture (Sen and Rajorhia 1990). However, trials have been carried out
with chhana prepared from buffalo milk. Similar to rasgulla, addi-
tion of SCBM in buffalo milk yields better quality sandesh (Kumar
2006). The blending ratio of SCBM and buffalo remained 60:100.
Moreover, the preparation of basundi can be carried out with the help
of SCBM solids in place of whole buffalo milk solids. However, the
100% replacement of buffalo milk solids with SCBM powder causes
a decrease in the lactose and ash contents in end product. It also
showed adverse effects on the physicochemical properties (Patel and
Upadhyay 2004; Patel and Gupta 2008). Nevertheless, the prepara-
tion of basundi with 25% of SCBM yielded a good product, which
shows the potential role of SCBM in the formulation of basundi.
Chakka is made from dahi prepared from buffalo milk. Basically,
chakka is an intermediate product that is used to prepare shrikhand.
When whey is drained from dahi, the leftover semi-solid mass isknown
as chakka, which is sweetened with sugar and named as shrikhand.
The formulation of chakka and shrikhand has also been carried out
with the supplementation of SCBM to enhance the properties of the
end product. It has been reported that the addition of SCBM (50%)
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 219

imparted enhanced flavor, body, and texture, and the end product did
not show any a lteration in chemical composition. The addition of 15%
SCBM yielded the same quality shrikhand as with buffalo skim milk
(Karthikeyan etal. 1999).
The production of ice cream and other frozen desserts also involves
the use of buttermilk powder. SCBM has been used as a better alternate
for SMP. In a study, it has been shown that the mixture of spray dried
whey and dried SCBM powder at a ratio of 50:50 yielded good quality
ice cream as compared to control (Tirumalesha and Jayaprakasha 1998).
Probiotics are popular foods and their market is increasing day-
by-day worldwide. The same is true for buttermilk as well. Trials on
Downloaded by [Ravinder Kumar] at 22:04 11 September 2015

probiotic-based buttermilk successfully demonstrated the utility of

this drink. The health benefits of such probiotic buttermilk have been
validated in Japanese quail hens (El-Fattah and Ibrahim 1998). In this
study, buttermilk fermented with Lb. acidophilus was fed to hens for
100days; there was a significant decrease in low density cholesterol
levels in serum and liver, whereas there was an increase observed in
high density lipoproteins. In another investigation, buttermilk sup-
plemented with Lb. reuteri (1%) did not show any change in composi-
tion and sensory attributes (Rodas etal. 2002). Other probiotic strains
have also been used successfully for the preparation of probiotic but-
termilk with potential health attributes (El-Shafei 2003).
Apart from its traditional dairy uses, buttermilk powder can be
used to enhance the functional, nutritional, and organoleptic proper-
ties of bread. Bra Madenci and Bilgili (2014) added buttermilk
powder in leavened and unleavened flat bread dough at different
levels, and the supplementation of buttermilk powder enhanced the
dough properties (i.e., resistance to extension and maximum resis-
tance and dough stability). Additionally, it also improves the protein
and mineral contents with better taste and odor.
Buttermilk improves the flavor and aroma of cakes and dips. Italso
works as a battering agent for frying of chicken and chops of pork (Raval
and Mistry 1999; Shukla etal. 2004). In the preparation of some of the
Indian dishes, buttermilk is also added to initiate fermentation in raw
materials of bhature, jalebi, and idli.
Moreover, it has been noticed that buttermilk powder has heat
resistance ability and in combination with glucose syrup improves
oxidative stability. On pH adjustment and heat treatment, buttermilk

revealed superior encapsulating properties compared to skim milk for

fish oils (Augustin etal. 2014).

8.6 Health Benefits of Buttermilk

The health benefits of buttermilk have been evidenced by many stud-

ies. Clinical trials studying the effects of buttermilk on various dis-
eases (e.g., cholesterol reduction, blood pressure reduction, antiviral
effects, and anticancer) have showed positive effects.
Lactose intolerance or inability to digest lactose in adults is com-
mon worldwide. People with lactose intolerance are not able to con-
Downloaded by [Ravinder Kumar] at 22:04 11 September 2015

sume whole milk as consumption may cause abdominal pain, bloating

and diarrhea, and flatulence. Inability to digest lactose in adults
occurs due to the absence or presence of lactase in low levels in small
intestine. However, the population suffering from lactose intoler-
ance can consume buttermilk as an alternative for whole milk. The
microflora present in buttermilk have the ability to metabolize lac-
tose (Figure8.2). The metabolic activity of microbes converts lactose
in lactic acid, which is easy to digest. Additionally, buttermilk also
plays an assistive role in the removal of undesired stomach acid (which
causes indigestion and heartburn) by creating a layer on the lining of
the stomach and moving the acid through esophagus.
Moreover, the interaction of buttermilk with resveratrol has been
shown to be helpful in the delivery of this component (Ye etal. 2013). In
fact, the binding ability of whole buttermilk with resveratrol or a complex
formulation enhances the aqueous solubility of resveratrol, which is quite
helpful in the delivery of this component in system via the natural route.
Further, it has also been suggested that hydrolyzed proteins of buttermilk
are a rich source of natural antioxidants (Conway etal. 2013b).
Buttermilk edible films are also nowadays used, and the effect of
incorporating different ratios of both non-heated and heated (95C)
buttermilk to corn starch films was analyzed in terms of its structural,
mechanical, barrier, optical, and bioactive properties. It was observed
that only films formulated with heated buttermilk exhibited antioxi-
dant activity, probably due to the release of the antioxidant peptides
during thermal treatment of proteins (Moreno etal. 2014).
Turmeric is good source of phenolic components, for example, curcum-
inoids (curcumin, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin),
N at ur a l a n d C ult ured Bu t t ermil k 2 21

which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities and other

properties of clinical importance. Sometimes, poor stability of these
phenolic components in foodstuffs discourages their potential health
attributes. However, it has been seen that buttermilk has a good capa-
bility to stabilize these phenolic components compared to buffers. So,
buttermilk can be used to deliver these turmeric components in the
system to impart health benefits (Fu etal. 2014).
Further, it has been observed that consumption of cultured butter-
milk can decrease the chances of bladder cancer (Larsson etal. 2008).
It has also been suggested that buttermilk intake can reduce choles-
terol levels by inhibiting the assimilation of cholesterol in the intesti-
Downloaded by [Ravinder Kumar] at 22:04 11 September 2015

nal tract (Conway etal. 2013a).

Consumption of buttermilk can reduce blood pressure in moder-
ately hypercholesterolemic individuals. It was seen that arterial blood
pressure and systolic blood pressure get reduced with continous but-
termilk consumption. The concentration of angiotensin-I converting
enzyme also decreased in plasma, while levels of angiotensin-II and
aldosterone remained unchanged (Conwey et al 2014a). In another
study, Fuller et al. (2013) showed anti-rotavirus activity using the
milk fat globule membrane obtained from buttermilk.
Buttermilk is also quite helpful in losing or controlling weight
as it is low in calories when compared with whole milk. It is esti-
mated that buttermilk has only 50% of the calories and fat found in
milk. The routine consumption of buttermilk leads to a decrease in
weight. Individuals can replace whole milk with buttermilk to gain
health attributes (Conway etal. 2014b). Although the health ben-
efits of fermented milk products are great, research is still going on
to investigate the health benefits of products that are either indig-
enous or commercial. In this regard, buttermilk is one of the most
important cultured products. The cultured or fermented products
also have additional advantages as compared to the non-fermented
products because fermentation itself imparts the nutritional, thera-
peutic, functional, and other qualities to a particular product, which
is after all the final requirement. Nowadays, many human problems
related to health are solved by these cultured products along with
cultured buttermilk, discussed above. Hence, cultured buttermilk
can be used as a promising key to overcome some health-related


Buttermilk is a traditional by-product and famous as a dairy drink, which

is used in various formulations. Yet this product is not well explored for
different roles in dairy and other associated food sectors at commercial
level. Many workers are investigating to find out the role of buttermilk
as health foods; for example, the functions of buttermilk phospholipids
have been related with many health benefits. However, the validation of
buttermilk benefits (i.e., anticancerous and anticholestrolic activities) is
needed in detail. To enhance buttermilk quality and health attributes,
the appropriate selection of microbes, production strategies, and suitable
storage protocols have to be adopted or developed. Moreover, innovations
Downloaded by [Ravinder Kumar] at 22:04 11 September 2015

in buttermilk, for example, probiotic buttermilk, are ongoing; yet, more

concerted efforts are required to prove the potential of this dairy product.

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