An Automated Model Based Testing Approach For Platform Games
An Automated Model Based Testing Approach For Platform Games
An Automated Model Based Testing Approach For Platform Games
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An Automated Model Based Testing Approach for
Platform Games
Sidra Iftikhar Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal
Quest Lab, National University of Computer and Emerging Quest Lab, National University of Computer and Emerging
Sciences (FAST-NU), Islamabad, Pakistan Sciences (FAST-NU), Islamabad, Pakistan
[email protected] Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust,
University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
[email protected]
AbstractGame development has recently gained a lot of A significant part of the game industry comprises of
momentum and is now a major software development industry. platform games. Platform games have seen a recent revival
Platform games are being revived with both their 2D and 3D with a large number of 2D and 3D versions of such games
versions being developed. A major challenge faced by the being introduced for hand-held devices, consoles and personal
industry is a lack of automated system-level approaches for game computers (e.g., Flappy birds [3], Subway Surf game [4],
testing. Currently in most game development organizations,
Caveman Mario Adventure [5], Temple Run [6]). The basic
games are tested manually or using semi-automated techniques.
Such testing techniques do not scale to the industry requirements theme of a platform game is that a character (commonly
where more systematic and repeatable approaches are required. referred to as an avatar) runs through a series of obstacles
In this paper we propose a model-based testing approach for defined in the game logic and meanwhile gathers points. The
automated black box functional testing of platform games. The goal is to continue playing in order to complete a level while
paper provides a detailed modeling methodology to support maximizing the points scored.
automated system-level game testing. As part of the methodology, A major challenge faced by the gaming industry is the
we provide guidelines for modeling the platform games for automation of functional system-level testing. A common
testing using our proposed game test modeling profile. We use approach of testing games is by manually playing a large
domain modeling for representing the game structure and UML
number of potential scenarios that end users may exercise [7].
state machines for behavioral modeling. We present the details
related to automated test case generation, execution, and oracle A major focus of such testing is to ensure the functional
generation. We demonstrate our model-based testing approach correctness of games, for example, identifying the points
by applying it on two cases studies, a widely referenced and open where the game crashes and checking for correct scoring.
source implementation of Mario brothers game and an industrial Similar to traditional software development, manual testing
case study of an endless runner game. The proposed approach does not scale up to the requirements of game testing. Current
was able to identify major faults in the open source game game testing practices are labor intensive and become tedious
implementation. Our results showed that the proposed approach and monotonous with the passage of time, since the testers are
is practical and can be applied successfully on industrial games. required to play a game (or even the same scenarios) several
Index TermsModel based testing (MBT), game testing, black
times to test the various versions. Manual test case generation
box testing, functional testing, system-level testing, and unified
modeling language (UML). is a monotonous and error prone task, is not systematic and
hence is not scalable. This becomes a major challenge when
I. INTRODUCTION changes appear frequently.
Game industry has recently emerged as a major software Semi-automated techniques also exist for game testing [8].
development industry. The number of games being developed Such techniques use record and replay tools, such as Replay
has increased exponentially over the last few years. According for Team Fortress 2, for automated test execution. The test
to a recent survey [1], in 2013 the gaming industry in US engineer still needs to design test cases, select test sequences,
contributed over $21 billion and sold over 160 million games. generate test data, record test cases, and generate test oracle
Major reasons for the increased number of games include the manually. This becomes a major challenge as the games are
availability of high processing display devices, powerful hand- frequently modified to enhance the game play. All test cases
held devices, mobile games and introduction of new game have to be re-recorded and evaluated manually, which is
genres. Games are highly interactive, state-based, and are neither efficient nor scalable. Consequently, there is a need of
typically real-time software that the end users can interact with an approach for testing games that allows automated test case
for a long time period [2]. generation, execution, and evaluation.
In this paper, we discuss such an automated model based technique for games. Controlled experiments have also been
testing approach for system-level functional testing of used to evaluate game usability. A few approaches discussed
platform games. The proposed approach allows for automated in the literature use semi-automated techniques for testing
test case generation, automated test execution, and automated games. Buhl and Gareeboo [8] discuss a smoke testing script-
test oracle (test verdict) generation. We discuss our proposed based technique for game testing. Dandey [16] develop a
model-based testing approach (with a focus on modeling the virtual client cell game based on the concept of cells in
game for testing) and its application on an open-source game biology and test for functional conformance against a legacy
variant of the famous Super Mario Brothers game [9], which is system. Peterson et al [17] present a test script based approach
also used as running example in the paper. We also present the for platform independent game testing for video game testing.
results of applying our approach on an industrial case study, a Schaefer et al [18] propose a model based technique that
game under development by our industrial partner. We supports client-server based and event driven games. Zhao et
propose a detailed methodology, including a modeling profile al [19] propose a general rule model for mobile games that is
for game testing and a set of guidelines for modeling the game used to generate test cases for games running over wireless
concepts and the relevant behaviors for testing. Finally, we application protocol (WAP). Smith et al [20] propose a state
present a test case generation strategy and show how to based approach for testing game prototypes, using game
evaluate and execute the generated test cases to test a game sketches. Chan et al [21] proposes a technique that finds the
using the developed testing tool. unwanted behavior of games using genetic algorithm. Nates et
The intended users of our approach are functional game al [22] present an approach that combines artificial
testers, who are software engineers, therefore we develop a intelligence and computer vision technology to test games.
modeling methodology that uses the well-established software Thunputtarakul and Kotrajaras [23] proposes a technique that
engineering modeling standards (UML and its extensions). We tests artificial intelligence mechanisms that are applied in a
intentionally keep our approach simple that closely relates to game. Cho et al. [24] propose a black box scenario-based
the game play experience. For modeling purposes, we use the testing technique that uses the game grammar and game map
UML state machine diagrams to model the game behavior to test the games. Tillmann et al. [25] propose a technique for
required for testing the game and UML class diagram automated test case generation of online developed games.
notations to modeling the various game concepts and their The approach is implemented as a tool named as pex4fun.
relationships. The models are developed from the perspective Choi et al. [26] propose a technique for automated load testing
of an Avatar, which is a key character in the platform games. and develop a tool for evaluation. Fernandes [27] presents an
The proposed modeling profile provides a set of game approach for load testing of online game servers by using a
application related concepts that are required for efficient web-based game interfaces for client simulation. Knizia [28]
testing of games. The results of applying the approach on the proposes a technique used to design and test a board-game.
two case studies show that the proposed approach can be used The testing is done using a scenario-based approach.
for automated game testing as a replacement of prevalent Ostrowski and Aroudj [29] present a technique for automated
manual testing practices. The approach was able to identify execution of regression tests for video games. All of the above
two major faults in the open source implementation of the semi-automated testing techniques focus on automated test-
Mario Brothers game. Such automation can result in case execution and test cases are generated manually, except
potentially significant savings in time and efforts. [21] , [22] , and [27]. Approaches discussed in [21] and [22]
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II use AI techniques to generate test cases. However, they do not
discusses the related work, Section III describes our modeling automatically generate test oracle, which is an important
methodology, Section IV discusses the proposed testing aspect of completely automating the testing process. Focus of
strategy, Section V discusses the case studies, Section 0 [27] is on load testing of game servers and is not directly
discusses the limitations of our approach and finally Section related to our proposed work.
VII concludes the paper. To summarize, manual testing is largely discussed in
literature and used in practice to perform functional testing,
II. RELATED WORK usability testing, and measure the fun factor of games. The
A number of strategies are discussed in the literature that semi-automated techniques are also used for functional testing,
test games manually. Most of the manual approaches focus on but they only support automated test case execution and the
evaluating usability of games. Choi [10] conducts an testers still needs to develop the test cases manually and in
experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of usability most cases evaluate them manually. Manual testing in general
evaluation for games. Ferre et al. [11] propose a number of is laborious and not scalable. In particular manual testing of
playability heuristics and evaluate these heuristics using an games require huge investment of time and resources. Our
implemented Olympic game. Diah et al. [12] discuss an approach proposes a complete automation of game testing, i.e.,
approach that allows usability testing of games. Desurvire et automated test case generation, automated test oracle, and
al. [13] propose heuristics for playability evaluation of video, automated test execution. Our proposed technique allows for
board and computer games. Korhonen and Koivisto [14] system level black box, functional testing of games, using a
propose usability heuristics for evaluation of mobile phone model-driven approach. Our approach automates the three
games. Moreno-Ger et al. [15] propose a usability testing major steps of software testing: test case generation, test oracle
generation, and test case execution and is the only testing Avatar, Player, Game, Obstacles, Collectables, Boosters and
approach that specifically targets platform games, which are Actions. Characters are the roles in a game that the user
an important and popular genre of games. simulates for playing the game. Avatar is the main character in
the platform game. Player is the actual user who is playing the
III. MODELING METHODOLOGY FOR TESTING PLATFORM game. Game is used to specify the platform game that is being
GAMES modeled. Obstacles are the objects that cause hindrance for the
Games are different from traditional software systems avatar in a platform game. Collectables are various benefits
since they require a high level of continuous user involvement that the avatar collects during the game play, e.g., coins.
during their execution. In the context of platform games, an Boosters are the collectables that enhance the powers of an
avatar is the main character of the game that has to run avatar for a specific time interval. Actions are the set of
through different levels, while avoiding or killing enemies, activities performed by the avatar during the game play. These
jumping over obstacles and scoring points. When testing the stereotypes can be applied to capture the conceptual details
functionality of the games, the various game play rules need to specific for each platform game. The stereotypes for
be taken into account for testing. For this purpose the game behavioral details are Jump, Running, Win, Dead, Loose,
testers play the games for long continuous hours to cover all Attacked by enemy, See obstacle, Stationary, Pause, User
the possible scenarios in a game. Playing games manually is generated events, Start up events and System generated events.
laborious and gets uninteresting with the passage of time, The profile concepts are important during test oracle
especially when the testers are required to repeatedly play the generation, for example, the system generated events are used
exact same scenarios for every change in the software. to evaluate whether the system under test dispatches a given
To automate model-based testing for game applications, event not. The stereotypes depict the basic behavior of an
we propose to model the conceptual and behavioral details that avatar in a platform game. For example, in case of Temple Run
are to be tested. For this purpose, we provide a detailed game, the avatar runs and jumps to save itself from the enemy
modeling methodology in this section, which includes a UML by avoiding obstacles and is attacked by the enemy when it
profile for modeling platform games for testing and a set of becomes stationary. In case of Subway Surf game, the avatar
guidelines for modeling game concepts and behavior for sees the obstacle, i.e., the board, and moves downward to
testing purposes. Such a methodology is essential to guide the avoid the obstacle otherwise the enemy catches the avatar.
tester on how to apply the provided profile and notations [30]. Similarly for the game Run Sheeda Run [31], the avatar dies
The conceptual details of the game are modeled using domain when it has been attacked by the enemy at least three times.
model which is created using UML class diagram notation. Loose and Win are the game behaviors that are dependent on
The behavioral details of the game are modeled using UML the behavior of the avatar. User-generated events are the
state machines. We selected UML as the modeling notation as events initiated by the user to derive the game behavior. For
it is commonly used and an established modeling standard. example the run command, given to the avatar by the user is a
Our testing approach focuses on testing the avatars user-generated event. The startup events are a form of user-
behavior by simulating the inputs required for playing games. generated events that initialize the game play, e.g., selecting
Therefore, the focus of our modeling approach is on modeling the type of player. The system-generated events are either
the behavior of avatar. The following sub-sections describe the time-based events or are the responses to user-generated
proposed profile (Fig. 1), the domain model (Fig. 2) and the events that are programmed in the game. For example in case
behavioral model for our case study the Mario brothers game of Temple Run, when the avatar falls off the edge and lands on
shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4 we present the internal view of the another platform, the landing event is the system-generated
run forward state (a sub-state of running state). In case of event. The game query events are the events that can be called
Mario brothers, the run forward and run backward states have to check for various system states and run time values when
similar functionalities, so we only present the run forward playing game. This information is necessary for testing
state. We intend to keep our approach simple, easy to model purposes. For example, in case of Mario game, when the
and understand, and closely relating to the game play ghosts hit the avatar, the game checks for the life count of
experience. Mario in order to decide the next action to be taken. The
discussed stereotypes are applied on UML state machines to
A. Modeling Profile for Platform Game Testing
model the behavior of an avatar specific to a platform game.
We select UML as the modeling language for modeling
platform games for testing. While UML provides a number of B. Modeling Domain Model
diagrams for modeling, these diagrams and models are generic We model the conceptual details, i.e., the game concepts
and do not capture the details specific to testing games. and the relationship of concepts, using a domain model.
Therefore, we extend the existing UML models by creating a Domain model is a commonly used model to understand the
profile that caters to the modeling requirements specific to various concepts of the system and is not restricted to modeling
testing of platform games, shown in Fig. 1. The profile of software entities as suggested by [32].
includes both conceptual and behavior details. The stereotypes
we define for applying on domain model include Characters,
Fig. 1. UML profile for modeling platform games
Modeling of domain model is an important step in related to the game characters. For example in Mario brothers
understanding the vocabulary of game application that is being (Fig. 2), the obstacles are the game play area concepts and
modeled for the testers. The behavior of various identified they are related to the game, whereas the various actions
concepts directly impacts the avatar behavior that is modeled Mario performs are story-line concepts and are related to
in the Avatar state machine. The profile for platform games Mario. The relationships are modeled using the associations in
(Fig. 1) is applied on the domain model. The concepts for the UML class diagram notation. The cardinalities
platform games provided in the profile are mapped to game corresponding to the relationships are also modeled. For
specific concepts, for example to the Mario brothers game example in Fig. 2, the concept Mario and Run are related with
when modeling it (Fig. 2). Following we explain the the cardinality of one to many. This means that Mario is a
identification and modeling of concepts, identification of single character that can run several times in a game play. It is
relationships and identification of properties. important to note is that the constraints and relationships in the
1) Identifying and Modeling Concepts: The first step of meta-model are important for correct modeling of state
developing the domain model is to identify the various machines and domain model and hence have an indirect
concepts that are visible during game play. These can be impact on test case generation.
identified by manually observing the game. The game under 3) Identifying Properties: Concepts in a game can have
test itself is also modeled as a separate concept and is assigned properties and can be identified by observing the concepts
the stereotype Game. Other important concepts that are to while playing game. For example, during game play the
be modeled in the domain model are the concept representing concept avatar has a property life count. The properties
the Avatar role (represented by the Avatar) and the concept corresponding to each concept are modeled as attributes of the
representing the game player (Player). For example, in the concepts. For example in Fig. 2 the score and time elapsed are
case of Mario Brothers, Mario concept is modeled as an the properties of the concept Mario brothers game and life
count is the property of the Mario avatar.
avatar. Other concepts that are modeled in the domain model
are the various obstacles and collectables in the platform game C. Behavioral Modeling
and various actions of the avatar. For example, in the Mario We capture the expected behavior of the game using UML
brothers game, there are a number of coins that can be state machines. State machines have been widely used in
collected, therefore we modeled the Coin concept with the industry for modeling runtime behavior [33, 34]. We model
Collectables stereotype. the behavior of the avatar, since avatar is the main character in
2) Identifying Relationships: The relationships can be the game and is simulated by the player. As the primary focus
identified by observing the interaction of game concepts is on the avatar, the various states and actions of the avatar
during the game play. Generally the concepts of game play should be tested for functional correctness of the platform
area (the actual map on which the avatar is running) are game to be tested. As we aim to model the platform games
related to the game and the concepts of the storyline are using black box approach, the identification of avatar states
and the actions is done by playing the game from the users time event that generates the transition to the dead state is a
perspective. It is important to note that our MBT approach is a system-generated event. These events are modeled as time
conformance testing approach, in which the models are events in the state machine. In case of the Mario game,
assumed to be correct and the conformance of implementation modeled in Fig. 4, Mario dies after 100 seconds when it is in
is evaluated against these models. Any differences found the idle state.
between the model and the implementation indicates a bug in The events in the second category (i.e., the events
the implementation. corresponding to user response) are triggered when a user
generates a certain event. Such events can be identified by
observing the systems response after every user-generated
event. For example, when an avatar in a game hits an object
the avatar dies. In this case the dying event of the avatar is
generated by the system that leads to the dead state of the
avatar. The system-generated events can be modeled using
signal events, time events, or change events. In case of Mario
game, when a ghost is visible and Mario keeps on running,
then the system generates the collide event, which leads to
Marios dead state.
c) Modeling Game Query Events: The game query events
are the events that are initiated by the test engine to check the
Fig. 2. Mario game domain model.
various events of a game. These events are of special use when
dealing with time delay issues as they allow the test engine to
1) Identifying and Modeling of Avatar States: Avatar is the query about the occurrence of various game events. For
main character of the game that is typically running through example in the scenario when an avatar is expecting a ghost,
various obstacles in a platform game. The states of the avatar the arrival of the ghost can be queried from the game. The
are very important to model as they derive the overall game game query events can be modeled using signal events. For
play. Observing the game play and identifying the visible example, for Mario game the game is queried for life count of
changes in avatar behavior can help in identifying various Mario after getting hit by a ghost.
states of an avatar. For example, in the case of Mario game, a 3) Identifying and Modeling Simultaneous States: An avatar
possible state is that the Mario remains still when the game can be in more than one state at the same time in such cases
starts, which can be modeled as an idle state in the state the avatar is said to be in simultaneous states. These states can
machine. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show the state machine developed be identified by observing the avatar for various actions when
corresponding to the Mario game. it is performing one particular action, e.g. while running the
2) Modeling Event: The second important detail to model is avatar can kill a ghost. The simultaneous states can be
the various events in the game. For our context, i.e., modeling modeled as orthogonal states. In Mario game, the Mario runs
for testing of platform games, we are interested in three types and performs various other actions that lead to various other
of events: events initiated by the user, the events generated by states while running, e.g., cliff visible state and all the states
the game and the game query events. modeled inside the running state (Fig. 4). While remaining in a
a) Modeling User-Generated Events: The user-generated state the avatar can check for various events that dont lead to
events correspond to the events that are initiated by a user another state of the avatar rather the avatar remains in the
during the game. In case of games deployed on a PC, these same state. For example, while running when an avatar
events are typically initiated via keystrokes or mouse clicks, collects coins it increments the score. Events leading to the
for example, the user presses the up arrow key to make the same state can be modeled using self-transitions. In case of
player start running. For other device platforms, for example, Mario (Fig. 4), if coins are present while Mario is in run
in the case of android games on mobile devices, these events forward or run backward state, Mario collects coins and score
are initiated via screen swipe or by gyroscope sensor or is incremented.
accelerometer in the device. Since such events are 4) Identifying and Modeling Conditional Situations:
asynchronous, we suggest modeling them as signal events. In Conditional situations occur when there are multiple scenarios
case of Mario game, the user-generated events are move that can be reached from a state. These scenarios are typically
forward, move backward and jump. based on user-generated events. For example when an avatar
b) Modeling System-Generated Events: The system- jumps at the edge in a game map and achieves a certain
generated events are programmed in the game and are defined height, the avatar climbs the edge otherwise it falls off
triggered by passage of time or are triggered in response to a and dies. We can model conditional situations using guards (or
user-generated event. The first category, the time bound decision nodes) in the state machine. It is necessary to
events, are based on time and take place after a certain time consider the conditional situations to capture the states and
limit has passed in the game. These events can be identified events an avatar can perform. In case of Mario game (Fig. 4),
based on the specifications or by observing the behavior of the Mario comes in the idle state if a certain height is not achieved
game. For example, in the scenario where an avatar dies when when jump event takes place; otherwise Mario climbs the cliff.
it stands on the edge of a cliff for more than 10 seconds, the
5) Identifying and Modeling Parameter Driven Behavior: according to round trip transition strategy and sneak path
There are various parameters of the avatar that need to be strategy for user-generated events to obtain a test path. The
taken in account, e.g., the speed of the avatar or the height user-generated events in the test paths are abstract events and a
acquired by the avatar when jumping. It is necessary to mapping to actual concrete events is required before execution
consider the various parameters of an avatar to model the of the test cases. The concrete events can be keystrokes or
scenarios that can occur due to different parameter values. The mouse clicks in the case of a PC-based game and taps and
parameters can be modeled using guards. In case of Mario, swipes for games on hand-held devices. Since, we are
(Fig. 3) the avatar Mario has a parameter height that is assuming that the testing is being done on emulators (a
modeled using guards when Mario jumps. common practice in industry), therefore the mapping from the
abstract events in our context will be to key strokes or mouse
IV. MODEL-BASED TESTING STRATEGY clicks. This mapping is provided in a simple text file as key-
In this section, we discuss the proposed model-based value pairs. shows an excerpt of the mapping file.
testing strategy for automated game testing. A test case in our
B. Test Oracle
context is a sequence of user-generated events and
corresponds to a path of the state machine. The user-generated The system-generated events and the state transitions in the
events are obtained by traversing the various paths of the state machines (due to a change, signal, or a time event) that
avatars state machine. The execution of the user-generated are triggered as a result of the user-generated events are
events may cause a change in the avatar state machine (by considered as test oracles. The information that whether a state
triggering a transition). Note that in this paper, we are focusing has been changed or a system-generated event is triggered is
on functional testing of games, therefore, we assume that the obtained via a testing interface written specifically for this
games will be tested either on emulators (in case of games purpose. The interface contains lookup methods that are
designed for hand-held devices) or actual desktop machines. responsible for providing the details of the internal game states
Following we discuss the test case generation strategy, test during testing. The interface is to be written by the test
oracle generation, and the test execution related details engineers. Examples of lookup methods include checking for
corresponding to model-based testing approach for Game arrival of obstacles in a game. For the Mario game, the
testing. interface written required around 150 lines of code.
During test execution if the system fails to generate a
A. Test Case Generation system-generated event corresponding to a user-generated
We use the avatars state machine and the game state event or the testing interface fails to verify a state change
machine to generate test cases. As per the modeling corresponding to a transition or the application crashes, the
guidelines, the two user-generated events in the game state application will be considered to have failed the testing.
machine that refer to initialization are the initialize and
C. Test Execution
play events. These events represent the game initialization
and starting of game play respectively (See Fig. 5). The first step in test execution is the execution of
In our context, these events are the start events for all the initialize and play recordings corresponding to the game state
test cases and can have complex sequence of events (e.g., events. After this a test case is selected from the generated test
configuration steps, user creation), therefore we use a record cases, its user-generated events are mapped to concrete events
and replay tool to record the initial set of steps required to start and the test case is executed. The test cases are generated
the game play. These recordings correspond to the initialize using the N+ strategy that covers scenarios from the initial
and play events of the game state machines and are replayed state to a certain state in a way that all round-trip paths in the
every time a new test case is executed. To avoid starting the state machine and the sneak paths are covered.
game repeatedly, the initialize event can be skipped. In this The test generation strategy allows round-trip path generations
case the reset event will reset the game play to an initial state. that cover the various paths of the state machines. For testing
To record these events, we developed a desktop-based record games, running these paths individually results in very short
and replay tool. test cases that fail to exercise the interesting scenarios only
For the avatar state machine, the first step is to generate a visible after long game play. In order to support long and
corresponding transition tree. For this purpose the avatar state continuous game execution for testing the tester defines a time
machine is first flattened. We use the algorithm suggested in period for individual test case execution. During this period a
[35] to generate a transition tree from the flattened avatar state random test execution strategy can also be selected that selects
machine. For example, the transition tree corresponding to various matching test sequences randomly and executes them
Marios avatar is shown in Fig. 6. Our test case generation is automatically. The tester can also select the test cases or
based on the N+ strategy proposed by [35]. N+ testing strategy particular sequences of test cases that should be executed. If at
is a well-accepted approach used for generating test cases any time during the game execution, system-level events or
based on state machines to avoid state explosion problem [35] state change events that are specified in the state machine are
and involves generation of a transition tree that not triggered or the game crashes, the situation is considered
contains end-to-end paths from the state machine. as a game failure corresponding to the test case being
For this purpose we traverse the generated transition tree executed.
Fig. 3. Marios avatar state machine
Fig. 7. Excerpt of mapping file. Fig. 9. Screenshot of Mario Bros during text execution
Manual testing of platform games is a laborious and time-
consuming task, and is not scalable for industrial games.
Model driven approaches have been successfully applied to
automate software testing for various domains. In this paper
we proposed an automated model-based testing approach for
testing platform games. Platform games constitute a major
portion of recently developed games for mobile devices. For
our model-based testing approach, we first devised a modeling
methodology that includes a UML profile and guidelines for
modeling games for testing. We used UML class diagrams and
UML state machines for the modeling purpose. Our game
testing strategy uses the developed state machines for the
automatic generation and execution of test cases. From the
state machine, we generate test paths using round trip and
Fig. 8 Screenshot of APGET tool sneak path strategies. To evaluate our approach we applied it
on two industrial cases studies. The aim of the application is to
VI. LIMITATIONS evaluate the applicability of the proposed approach on actual
Our approach relies on building test ready models of the games. The generated test cases revealed two major faults in
platform game under test. Game developers have to invest one case study. For the second case study we only generate
time and resources in developing the test ready models. test cases without executing them as the testing interface for
However, once the models are available, our approach can the game is under development. It was observed that the
save significant amount of effort due to automation of test case profile and the methodology were sufficient to model both the
generation and test case execution. Though the proposed case studies for testing. The successful generation of test cases
approach seems to be promising, the exact effort saved by the for both case studies and identification of real bugs in the open
proposed approach has not been shown. Such statistics require source case study demonstrates the applicability and practical
a comprehensive empirical study, such as a controlled significance of the approach as an alternative to prevailing
experiment, which has not been conducted yet. manual testing practices. Our experience show that the effort
We use the N+ strategy described in [35] to generate test involved in developing test ready models is significantly less
cases from the avatars state machine. The N+ strategy than the effort involved in manually testing all game scenarios.
demands traversing of state machines transition tree using the
round trip and sneak path strategy. This generates test paths
from the initial state of an avatar to any particular state. The work presented in this paper was supported by ICT
However when testing games, there are scenarios that need to R&D Fund, Pakistan under the MBT Toolset project
be tested from any particular state to any other particular state. (ICTRDF/ MBTToolset/ 2013). Muhammad Zohaib Iqbal was
To overcome this limitation, we use the time bound also supported by the Fonds National de la Recherche,
approach that allows the tester to set a time limit and within Luxembourg (FNR/P10/03).
that time limit the test cases execute continuously. Further
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