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You do nothing about the objective world; it always molds itself in harmony with

that which you are conscious of being

Man is incapable
of seeing other than the contents of his own consciousness.

It can only live within my objective world if I keep it alive within my


You have dominion if, as you walk

the earth, you know that your consciousness is God, the one and only reality.

The stories of the Bible concern themselves exclusively with the power of
They are really dramatizations of the technique of prayer, for prayer is the secret
changing the future. The Bible reveals the key by which man enters a dimensionally
larger world for the purpose of changing the conditions of the lesser world in
which he

man is the spring of action, the

directing mind, and the one who grants the prayer.

The question arises: What is God? God is man's consciousness, his awareness, his I
AMness. The drama of life is a psychological one in which we bring circumstances to
pass by our attitudes rather than by our acts. The corner-stone on which all things
based is mans concept of himself. He acts as he does, and has the experiences that
does, because his concept of himself is what it is, and for no other reason. Had he
different concept of himself, he would act differently and have different

Karen Uehara

Man, by assuming the feeling of his wish fulfilled, alters his future in harmony
with his
assumption, for, assumptions though false, if sustained, will harden into fact.

man has but one substance that is truly his to use in creating his
world and that is himself.

You become for a moment, after a successful meditation, incapable of continuing in

act, as though it were a physical creative act. You are just as impotent after you
prayed successfully as you are after the physical creative act. When satisfaction
is yours,
you no longer hunger for it. If the hunger persists you did not explode the idea
you, you did not actually succeed in becoming conscious of being that which you
wanted to be. There was still that thirst when you came out of the deep.

If I can feel that I am that which but a few seconds ago I knew I was not, but
desired to
be, then I am no longer hungry to be it. I am no longer thirsty because I feel
satisfied in
that state. Then something shrinks within me, not physically but in my feeling, in
consciousness, for that is the creativeness of man. He so shrinks in desire, he
loses the
desire to continue in this meditation. He does not halt physically, he simply has
no desire
to continue the meditative act.
"When you pray believe that you have received, and you shall receive." When the
physical creative act is completed, the sinew which is upon the hollow of man's
shrinks, and man finds himself impotent or is halted. In like manner when a man
successfully he believes that he is already that which he desired to be, therefore
cannot continue desiring to be that which he is already conscious of being. At the
moment of satisfaction, physical and psychological, something goes out which in
bears witness to man's creative power.

Man has one gift that is truly his to give,

and that is himself. He has no other gift, as told you in the very first creative
act of
Adam begetting the woman out of himself. There was no other substance in the world
but himself with which he could fashion the object of his desire. In like manner
had but one gift that was truly his to give -- himself, as the ring, the bracelets
and the
staff symbolized, for these were the symbols of his kingship.

Man offers that which is not himself, but life demands that he give the one thing
symbolizes himself. "Give me your ring, give me your bracelet, give me your
These make the King. When he gives them he gives of himself.
You are the great King Judah. Before you can know your Tamar and make her bear your
likeness in the world, you must go in unto her and give of self. Suppose I want
I cannot get it by knowing people who have it. I cannot get it by pulling strings.
I must
become conscious of being secure.

Let us say I want to be healthy. Pills will not do it. Diet or climate will not do
it. I must
become conscious of being healthy by assuming the feeling of being healthy.
Perhaps I want to be lifted up in this world. Merely looking at kings and
presidents and
noble people and living in their reflection will not make me dignified. I must
conscious of being noble and dignified and walk as though I were that which I now
to be.
When I walk in that light I give of myself to the image that haunted my mind, and
time she bears me a child; which means I objectify a world in harmony with that
which I
am conscious of being.
You are King Judah and you are also Tamar. When you become conscious of being that
which you want to be you are Tamar. Then you crystallize your desire within the
round about you.

As you read the story, make it fit the pattern of self. Know that your
consciousness is the
only reality. Then know what you want to be. Then assume the feeling of being that
which you want to be, and remain faithful to your assumption, living and acting on
conviction. Always make it fit that pattern.

You do not send your visible world hunting, as so many people do, by denial. By
it does not exist you make it all the more real. Instead, you simply remove your
from the region of sensation which at this moment is the room round about you, and
concentrate your attention on that which you want to put in its place, that which
want to make real.
In concentrating on your objective, the secret is to bring it here. You must make
elsewhere here and then now imagine that your objective is so close that you can
feel it.
Suppose at this very moment I want a piano here in this room. To see a piano in my
mind's eye existing elsewhere does not do it. But to visualize it in this room as
though it
were here and to put my mental hand upon the piano and to feel it solidly real, is
to take
that subjective state personified as my second son Jacob and bring it so close that
I can
feel it.
Isaac is called a blind man. You are blind because you do not see your objective
your bodily organs, you cannot see it with your objective senses. You only perceive
with your mind, but you bring it so close that you can feel it as though it were
real now. When this is done and you lose yourself in its reality and feel it to be
real, open
your eyes.

you remain faithful to this subjective reality and you do not take back
from it the power of birth. You gave it the right of birth and it is going to
objective within this world of yours. There is no room in this limited space of
yours for
two things to occupy the same space at the same time. By making the subjective real
resurrects itself within your world.

Take the idea that you want to embody, and assume that you are already it. Lose
in feeling this assumption is solidly real. As you give it this sense of reality,
you have
given it the blessing which belongs to the objective world, and you do not have to
aid its
birth any more than you have to aid the birth of a child or a seed you plant in the
The seed you plant grows unaided by a man, for it contains within itself all the
and all the plans necessary for self-expression.
You can this night re-enact the drama of Isaac blessing his second son and see what
happens in the immediate future in your world. Your present environment vanishes,
the circumstances of life change and make way for the coming of that to which you
given your life. As you walk, knowing that you are what you wanted to be, you
it without the assistance of another.

A complete transformation
of consciousness rubs out all evidence that anything other than this ever existed
in the

Moses is the personification of the power in man that can draw out of man that
which he
seeks, for everything comes from within, not from without. You draw from within
yourself that which you now want to express as something objective to yourself.
You are Moses coming out of the plains of Moab. The word Moab is a contraction of
two Hebraic words, Mem and Ab, meaning mother-father. Your consciousness is the
mother-father , there is no other cause in the world. Your I AMness, your
awareness, is this Moab or mother-father. You are always drawing something out of

I must always contemplate my objective until I get the feeling of satisfaction

as Jericho. Then I do nothing to make it visible in my world; for the hills of
meaning men, women, children, the whole vast world round about me, come bearing
witness. They come to testify that I am what I have assumed myself to be, and am
sustaining within myself. When my world conforms to my assumption the prophecy is

If I now know what I want to be, and assume that I am it, and walk as though I
were, I
become it and becoming it I so completely die to my former concept of self that I
point to any place in this world and say: that is where my former self is buried. I
completely died that I defy posterity to ever find where I buried my old self.

But there are people living today who are still living in that state, getting
poorer and
poorer. They always like to talk about the old times. They never buried that man at
he is very much alive within their world.

By knowing this law by which a man transforms himself, I assume that I am what I
want to be and walk in the assumption that it is done. In becoming it, the old man
and all that was related to that former concept of self dies with it. You cannot
take any
part of the old man into the new man. You cannot put new wine in old bottles or new
patches on old garments. You must be a new being completely.

Do not ask yourself how this thing is going to be. It does not matter if your
denies it. It does not matter if all the world round about you denies it. You do
not have to
bury the old. "Let the dead bury the dead." You will so bury the past by remaining
faithful to your new concept of Self that you will defy the whole vast future to
where you buried it. To this day no man in all of Israel has discovered the
sepulchre of

Consciousness is the one and only reality. Therefore, we must form the object of
desire out of our own consciousness.

People have a habit of slighting the importance of simple things

The first step in changing the future is Desire, that is, define your objective --
definitely what you want.
Second: construct an event which you believe you would encounter FOLLOWING the
fulfillment of your desire - an event which implies fulfillment of your desire -
which will have the action of Self predominant.
The third step is to immobilize the physical body and induce a state akin to sleep.
mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action, imagine all the while that
you are
actually performing the action HERE AND NOW. You must participate in the imaginary
action, not merely stand back and look on, but FEEL that you are actually
the action, so that the imaginary sensation is real to you.

You do not visualize yourself at a distance in point of space and at a distance in

point of
time being congratulated on your good fortune. Instead, you MAKE elsewhere HERE
and the future NOW. The difference between FEELING yourself in action, here and now
, and visualizing yourself in action, as though you were on a motion-picture
screen, is
the difference between success and failure.

Experience has taught me to restrict the imaginary action which implies fulfillment
the desire, to condense the idea into a single act, and to re-enact it over and
over again
until it has the feeling of reality. Otherwise, your attention will wander off
along an
associational track, and hosts of associated images will be presented to your
and in a few seconds they will lead you hundreds of miles away from your objective
point of space and years away in point of time.

You are that and have that which this very moment you appropriated. Do not discuss
Do not look to someone for encouragement because the thing might not come. It has
come. Go about your Father's business doing everything normally and let these
happen in your world.

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