DM Screen - Portrait
DM Screen - Portrait
DM Screen - Portrait
A PC can hold their breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier (minimum 30 seconds). When out of breath, a PC can survive for a number of rounds
equal to their Constitution modifier before they drop to 0 hit points and begin to die.
A PC must eat one pound of food per day in order to subsist. They can go without food for a number of days equal to 3 + their Constitution modifier (minimum 1) before they
begin to starve. This day count is reset when the PC eats their fill for a day; otherwise, the PC advances one level of exhaustion at the end of each day beyond their limit.
A PC drinking less than half the amount of water they require during the day advances one level of exhaustion at the end of the day, or two levels if they are
Automatic already suffering from exhaustion.
A PC drinking more than half the amount of water they require during the day but less than the full amount must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
Moderate advance one level of exhaustion, or two levels if they are already suffering from exhaustion.
1: Constitution represents a largely passive set of skills which have more to do with enduring than performing a specific action the PC can become proficient in. Therefore Constitution checks are more uncommon than other ability
checks and are usually made without adding a proficiency bonus, although situational bonuses may still apply. NOTE: An ability check is different from a saving throw; players can be proficient at Constitution saving throws.
2: A PC can only travel for eight hours a day before they risk becoming exhausted.
3: A PC requires one gallon of water per day, or two if the climate is harsh.
Strength Dexterity
Strength measures bodily power and athletic training. Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance.
Athletics Acrobatics
Climb a wall with plenty of handholds or a secure, knotted rope or Walk across an icy surface, stay upright in a turbulent situation,
rope ladder; swim in relatively calm water; jump a number of feet
Easy land safely on difficult terrain
horizontally equal to half of your Strength score, or your full Walk along a narrow ledge, swing from a chandelier and land on
Automatic Strength score with a 10 foot running start; leap into the air a
Moderate your feet
number of feet equal to half of (3 + your Strength modifier), or Hard Cross a wildly swaying rope bridge
the full amount with a 10 foot running start 2 Walk across a tightrope, vault over or under an enemy (through
Climb a wall lacking an adequate amount of handholds, tread water Very Hard their space)
in rough conditions, jump a few feet farther than you normally
Easy could; during a long jump, clear an obstacle such as a low-lying Sleight of Hand
hedge or wall of height a fourth of the jumps distance
Climb a rope dangling from a protrusion or overhang (i.e. lacking a Perform simple acts of legerdemain such as palming a coin-sized
Moderate vertical surface to brace against), swim in rough water or against a object
mild current Contest Plant or steal an object on or from a target, conceal an object on
Climb a wall with very few handholds, catch yourself on a rope or (vs. WIS) your person
Hard other handhold in the middle or at the end of your jump, swim in
violent water or against a strong current Stealth
Climb a slippery or sheer wall with little or no handholds, climb
Very Hard vertically along an overhang with adequate handholds, swim in Contest Conceal yourself from enemies, sneak past unsuspecting targets,
stormy waters (vs. WIS) slip away while others are distracted
Disadvantage on Damage and Dying
ability checks Cover When you are reduced to zero hit points you fall unconscious.
2 Speed halved Unconscious
Disadvantage on Degree Effect There are no negative hit point values.
3 attack rolls/saving Whenever you start your turn with zero hit points you must make a
Grants +2 bonus to AC and death saving throw, not to be confused with a Constitution saving
throws Half Cover
Dexterity saving throws. Death throw. On a roll of 10 or higher, you succeed. Otherwise, you fail.
Hit point maximum
4 halved
Three- Saving On your third success you become stable while on your third
Grants +5 bonus to AC and
quarters Throws failure you die. These results need not be consecutive. On a roll of
5 Speed reduced to 0
Dexterity saving throws.
1 you suffer two failures while on a roll of 20 become stable and
6 Death Cannot be targeted directly gain one hit point.
by attacks or spells, Damage at If you take any damage while at zero hit points you suffer a death
1: The effects of exhaustion are Total Cover although area of effect saving throw failure. If this damage is from a critical hit you
cumulative. At the end of a long rest if spells and abilities are still zero Hit instead suffer two failures. If this damage is greater than or equal
a creature has had food or drink it
effective. Points to your hit point maximum you suffer instant death.
decreases its level of Exhaustion by 1.