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Edited by Neil H. Shubin, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, and approved August 18, 2017 (received for review May 15, 2017)
Beaks are innovative structures characterizing numerous tetrapod related to dietary specialization appear salient for at least initial
lineages, including birds, but little is known about how develop- rostral beak formation in theropods.
mental processes influenced the macroevolution of these important Here we provide fossil evidence consistent with postnatal
structures. Here we provide evidence of ontogenetic vestigialization truncation of odontogenesis in several lineages of theropod di-
of alveoli in two lineages of theropod dinosaurs and show that nosaurs that eventually reach complete edentulism. We hy-
these are transitional phenotypes in the evolution of beaks. One of pothesize that BMP4 (bone morphogenetic protein 4) mediated
the smallest known caenagnathid oviraptorosaurs and a small peramorphic expansions of keratinized epithelia underlying
specimen of the Early Cretaceous bird Sapeornis both possess shal- caruncles (egg teeth) are linked with progenetic truncation of
low, empty vestiges of dentary alveoli. In both individuals, the sys- odontogenesis in beaked theropod lineages, and these hetero-
tem of vestiges connects via foramina with a dorsally closed canal chronic processes combined to generate the repeated evolution
homologous to alveoli. Similar morphologies are present in Limu- of nonavian and avian beaks when induced by selection for spe-
saurus, a beaked theropod that becomes edentulous during ontog- cialized diets.
eny; and an analysis of neontological and paleontological evidence
shows that ontogenetic reduction of the dentition is a relatively Results
common phenomenon in vertebrate evolution. Based on these lines Postnatal Dental Reduction. Among oviraptorosaurian theropods,
of evidence, we propose that progressively earlier postnatal and teeth are only present in some Early Cretaceous taxa (1317),
embryonic truncation of odontogenesis corresponds with expansion whereas all other oviraptorosaurs are edentulous (18). Cae-
of rostral keratin associated with the caruncle, and these progenesis nagnathidae is a group of edentulous oviraptorosaurs that is
and peramorphosis heterochronies combine to drive the evolution characterized by a series of lateral grooves separate from each
of edentulous beaks in nonavian theropods and birds. Following other by lateral ridges (sensu ref. 19) present on the occlusal
initial apomorphic expansion of rostral keratinized epithelia in peri- surface of the dentary (Fig. 1 AC) (19), which together consti-
natal toothed theropods, beaks appear to inhibit odontogenesis as tute the lingual groove. Our computed tomography (CT) results
they grow postnatally, resulting in a sequence of common morphol- reveal that in addition to the dentarys mandibular canal (inferior
ogies. This sequence is shifted earlier in development through phy-
logeny until dentition is absent at hatching, and odontogenesis is
inhibited by beak formation in ovo.
ontogenetic edentulism beak evolution | tooth reduction | We identified truncation of tooth development during post-
Caenagnathidae Sapeornis
natal ontogeny in two theropod dinosaurs, a caenagnathid
oviraptorosaur and the Early Cretaceous bird Sapeornis. De-
velopmental and paleontological evidence each suggests den-
alveolar canal, V3), a neomorphic canal is present in caenagnathid or alveolar homologs at the anterior end of the dentary which
oviraptorosaurs situated above the Meckelian groove and below are shallowest anteriorly and deepest posteriorly (Fig. 1D).
the system of lateral occlusal grooves and ridges (Fig. 1 A and B) These features are shallower than the alveolar homologs in
(2). In small caenagnathid specimens [e.g., IVPP V20377 (20) and IVPP V20377 and instead resemble the condition in large
CCMGE 401/12457 (21); see SI Appendix for the institutional caenagnathid dentaries (22). The posteriormost alveolar ho-
abbreviations] the lateral grooves are relatively deep, the lateral molog is interpreted as the position of the rostral-most dentary
ridges extend across the whole lingual groove to contact the lin- tooth in subadult Sapeornis (e.g., STM 1618) based on the
gual ridge, and the neomorphic canal communicates dorsally with relative anterior extension of the Meckelian groove (23). Poste-
lateral grooves via several small foramina (Fig. 1A in ref. 20). In rior to this alveolus there is a lingual groove situated above a canal
larger caenagnathid dentaries (e.g., Caenagnathus collinsi CMN similar in morphology and position to the one present in the
8776) (22) the lateral grooves are bounded medially by a shallow caenagnathid IVPP V20377 (Fig. 1 B and E). Several concentrated
lingual ridge, the lateral ridges fail to reach the lingual ridge, and foramina pierce the lingual groove to connect with the neo-
the grooves resemble the fossa-like alveolar vestiges present in the morphic canal where the second dentary tooth is present in other
anterior dentary of young juvenile Limusaurus (e.g., IVPP Sapeornis specimens (Fig. 1 D and E), suggesting the alveolus for
V15301) (2) and the Early Cretaceous bird Sapeornis (Fig. 1D and the second dentary tooth was remodeled in life. In LPM
SI Appendix, Table S1) (23). Rather than exiting vertically from B00015 and other Sapeornis specimens with dentary teeth (e.g.,
the floor of lateral grooves as in IVPP 20377, foramina commu- STM 1618, figure 6A in ref. 23), several slit-like foramina enter
nicating with the interior dentary in larger specimens (Fig. 1C) the lingual groove posteriorly to connect with the neomorphic
(22, 24) are minute and extend onto the medial face of the den- canal, each of them slightly shorter than the anteroposterior length
tarys buccal edge as anastomosing vascular grooves, an osteo- of the anterior alveolar homologs. The length and regular spacing of
logical correlate of a keratinous rhamphotheca (25). these foramina suggest they are also alveolar vestiges.
Although extant birds lack dentition, most known Mesozoic An unusual form of edentulism known as ontogenetic edentulism
birds possess teeth and exhibit various tooth reduction patterns occurs in some extant vertebrates (26), and we reported it
(1). Some specimens of Sapeornis (STM 1618 and STM 157) recently in the Jurassic ceratosaurian theropod Limusaurus
(23) possess a combination of two dentary teeth and three fossa- inextricabilis, whereby toothed jaws in the juvenile individuals
like alveolar homologs anterior to those teeth, whereas larger transitioned to a completely toothless beaked jaw in more
specimens have a toothless dentary (e.g., BMNH C-PH1067; SI mature individuals during ontogeny (2). In mature Limusau-
Appendix, Table S2). The specimen LPM B00015 preserves no rus, vestigial dentary alveoli remain after tooth loss but are
dentary teeth (SI Appendix, Fig. S1), but there are four alveoli enclosed dorsally and modified into an alveolar canal dorsal to
theropod taxa. phothecae was significantly correlated with the presence of a
Alveolar remodeling occurs primarily on the occlusal and caruncle rather than a true egg-tooth (Table 1). These results
dorsolingual margins of the alveoli in Limusaurus, Sapeornis, and should be interpreted in light of the susceptibility of character
Caenagnathidae. In the latter two there are no preserved rem- correlation tests to Type I error (46), especially given the in-
nants of replacement teeth (Fig. 1 B and E), so a replacement frequent origins of rhamphothecae among extant taxa; however,
tooth present inside an enclosed dentary alveolus in young juv- independent acquisitions of rhamphothecae in the fossil record
enile Limusaurus deserves special note (Fig. 1G). Since the al- are heavily concentrated within Archosauromorpha, nearly all
veolus is completely enclosed on the occlusal surface, inhibiting extant members of which possess caruncles (SI Appendix and SI
normal tooth replacement, a signal extrinsic to the odontogenic
program likely initiated remodeling of the alveolus in this case.
Midtooth row alveolar closure is unusual in reptiles but is known
to result from traumatic pathology and has been observed in
extant (27) and fossil Archosauromorpha (28), including a
nonavian theropod (29). These examples confirm that epigenetic
factors such as wound healing or other tissue interactions can
inhibit odontogenesis and result in permanent closure of alveoli
with normally continuous tooth replacement. Though the precise
mechanism by which keratinized oral epithelia would affect the
aborally located dental lamina is unclear, acceleration of post-
natal growth of the keratinized beak could overgrow alveoli and
would likely induce alveolar remodeling. Keratinous epithelial
appendages are associated with delayed tooth eruption and
truncation of odontogenesis in a range of tetrapods at various
embryonic and postnatal ontogenetic stages (26, 3032), and
cytokeratin expression is up-regulated during degradation of the
successional dental lamina in monophyodont (33, 34) and di-
phyodont (35) amniotes. Given that a functional dental lamina
and appropriate expression of odontogenic pathways are essen-
tial prerequisites for vertebrate tooth formation (5, 7, 36), dental
lamina damage, loss of epithelialmesenchymal interaction, or Fig. 2. Development of chicken beak keratin. (AC) Sagittal sections of the
even misexpression of odontogenic signals caused by jaw bone snout showing expression patterns of beak keratin in wild type chicken: (A)
remodeling and/or rhamphotheca growth could have led to the E7, (B) E12, and (C) E20. Inset in A shows whole-mount in situ hybridization
tooth reduction in theropods. of beak keratin, and red arrows in AC mark beak keratin expression in
E7 egg tooth, and E12 and E20 upper and lower beaks. (DF) Sagittal sec-
Embryonic Dental Reduction. During the evolution of birds, tions of the snout showing expression patterns of beak keratin in developing
odontogenic truncation could be achieved progressively early chicken with molecular perturbation: (D) control; (E) BMP4 overexpression;
through heterochronic development. Just as postnatal growth of and (F) noggin overexpression. (G and H) Stereophotos showing ectopic
beaks and other keratinous oral structures serves to inhibit tooth expression of beak keratin caused by BMP4 overexpression: (G) control (left
lateral view); (H) ectopic expression of beak keratin on face (left lateral
replacement, the embryonic development of these structures
view); (I) coronal section of the snout in H showing in situ hybridization of
appears to play a role in the loss of early tooth generations (null beak keratin. Dashed line in H marks the position of the slice shown in I. Red
and/or first-generation teeth) as well. Previous authors noticed arrows mark positions where normal keratin is present, green arrows mark
the broad coincidence of rhamphothecae and perinatal caruncles the anteroposterior length of the keratin expression domain in the upper
in amniotes and hypothesized that the two structures are itera- beak, and blue arrows mark ectopic expression of beak keratin on the face.
tive homologs (37, 38). A survey of embryonic/larval dentitions et, egg tooth; lb, lower beak; ub, upper beak. (Scale bars, 1 mm.)
Fig. 3. Summary of evidence for a macroevolutionary model of edentulism in vertebrates. (A) Evidence from extant nonavian vertebrate lineages with
complete or near edentulism, showing phylogenetic and trophic diversity of ontogenetic tooth loss. (B) Evidence from select theropod dinosaur lineages
focusing on Coelurosauria and showing independent evolution of adult edentulism at least seven times (17). ?, hypothesized state/partial evidence; B,
baleen; Bb, barbels; DR, sexually dimorphic reduction pattern; E, electroreception; F, filtration; G, gastric mill/ gizzard; H, expanded hypapophyses; R,
rhamphotheca; S, suction feeding; Sw, sword; T, projectile tongue. (Taxon silhouettes not to scale.)
program (9); and the final stages of embryonic reduction may final embryonic truncation of odontogenesis as lineages tran-
persist for tens of millions of years, as in birds and turtles (7, 39). sition to complete edentulism. Whereas birds (57) and turtles
Cases of complete embryonic or larval loss are only readily ap- (58) begin expanding the keratinized epithelium underlying the
parent in anurans, where larval keratinous structures overlie caruncle relatively early (shortly after the first elements ossify,
what will become dentigerous mouth parts (26), or where early Fig. 2 B, C, and G), crocodilians have formed multiple tooth
competence of secondary foraging or digestive features occurs, generations in ovo, and most of the skeleton has ossified by the
as in syngnathid and chanid fishes (54, 55). time rostral keratinization begins to expand beyond the caruncle
(59, 60).
Discussion Multiyear maturation and the large neonate-to-adult body size
The ubiquity of our models phenotypic succession in extant disparity of many dinosaurs and other archosauromorphs is
lineages with complete or near edentulism (Fig. 3A) and the predictive of ontogenetic niche partitioning and/or dietary
identification of these stages in various theropod dinosaur changes. Evidence for these phenomena have been observed
lineages (Fig. 3B) suggest that this heterochronic model of odon- directly in Limusaurus (2) and are probably widespread in di-
togenic truncation should be the null hypothesis for the macro- nosaurs given ontogenetic social segregation in many dinosaur
evolution of edentulism in crown birds. Heterochronic tooth clades (56) and examples of ontogenetic dietary change in many
reduction processes in nonavian and avian theropod lineages extant species within Archosauromorpha (6163). These life-
likely included the following transformations: (i) normal tooth history characteristics may have predisposed terrestrial arch-
development and tooth replacement with an apomorphic kera- osauromorphs transitioning from carnivory to omnivory or her-
tinized rhamphotheca covering only the rostral-most portion of bivory (3, 26) toward the evolution of rhamphothecae (Figs. 3B
the jaws; (ii) external closure and/or constriction of alveoli im- and SI Appendix, Fig. S3B). Tooth reduction is not as frequent or
peding tooth replacement and adjacent growth of the rham- complete in nonarchosauromorph amniotes, only rarely includes
photheca with regional tooth reduction; (iii) enlargement of the a rhamphotheca (e.g., Ornithorhynchus and Dicynodontia), and
keratinized rhamphotheca with either functional reduction or is mostly limited to aquatic, fossorial, oophagous, and myrme-
redundancy of the remaining teeth; and (iv), complete or nearly cophagous habits (Figs. 3A and SI Appendix, Fig. S3A).
complete remodeling of alveoli with complete coverage of the
edentulous beak by the rhamphotheca (Fig. 4). Morphologies Materials and Methods
consistent with this phenotypic sequence can be observed in both Details of the CT and synchrotron scanning and development experiment
ontogenetic and phylogenetic dimensions in theropods, including protocols are available in SI Appendix. For the character correlation analysis,
Limusaurus, Caenagnathidae, and Sapeornis, as well as other a species-level time-calibrated supertree was taken from Hedges et al.
Cretaceous birds (1), and it is likely only the rarity of strati- (45) (www.biodiversitycenter.org/ttol, TTOL_animals_unsmoothed) and
graphically controlled ontogenetic series and preservation biases pruned to include only Tetrapoda. The node ages of crown group Arch-
against young juveniles hindering more frequent documentation osauromorpha and Archosauria were modified to conform with minimum
of these phenomena in the fossil record. divergence dates based on the fossil record. Bayesian models of in-
This integrated developmental framework for ontogenetic dependent and dependent character evolution were estimated in Bayes-
Traits V3.0 and compared with likelihood ratio tests. See SI Appendix
tooth loss and beak formation is consistent with prevailing life-
for additional information on tree construction, sources of character in-
history characteristics of Mesozoic dinosaurs, including terres- formation, and character modeling.
trial oviparity, multiyear ontogenies with juvenile sociality, and
ontogenetic niche partitioning (2, 56). The results of the char- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank X. Ding for preparing the specimens;
acter correlation analysis show that the evolution of keratinous Y. Feng and Y. Hou for Mi-CT imaging and 3D reconstruction; and X. Ni,
rhamphothecae is correlated with the presence of a caruncle, J. Clark, and B. Zhu for discussion. S.W. was supported by the National
which is in turn correlated with terrestrial oviparity. These state- Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 41602013), the Youth Innovative
Research Team Project of Capital Normal University, and the State Key Lab-
dependent correlations are supported by the absence of beaks in oratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and
oviparous squamates (which have true egg teeth) and all vivip- Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant 173125); X.X. and S.W.
arous tetrapods, including mammals, squamates, and marine were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants
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