Basic Apa Style
Basic Apa Style
Basic Apa Style
Donna Mehalchick-Opal
Basic APA Style
Important note: There are many components to APA style. For this class you will
need to know three basic components:
1)In-Text Citation
How we use APA in ICCI is true to APA form but just part of the citation method.
You will likely need to build on this knowledge as you progress through your
course work.
Basic APA Style: In-text Citation
In-text citation is used to properly attribute someone else's ideas or work. It is what
distinguishes your ideas from your research. This is important.
The Author
You may also need to include the page number. (Last name, year, p.#)
Basic APA Citation: In-text Citation
You need to cite in your paper when you:
Cite facts
Basic APA Style: In-text Citation
Paraphrasing: Adapted in part from your text: They Say/I Say (p.23)
1)A number of sociologists have recently suggested that Xs work has several
fundamental problems (Rogers, 2015) (Teller, 2016) (Zu & Chu, 2016).
2)In discussion of X, one controversial issue has been cereal boxes (Smith,
3)On the one hand Smith (2016) argues for cereal boxes.
4)Miller (2015) contends that cereal boxes are ruining our environment.
Basic APA Style: In-text Citation
In the Comedy Central Key & Peele (2014) skit, Phone call, Key a black man dressed like a rich white
man is standing in front of a high end shop near a street corner speaking with his wife. He is using upper
class language, Standard American English (SAE). He is telling her there are tickets available in the dress
circle for a show he thinks she will like. Then Key, a black man wearing a puffy black jacket exits a store
also speaking on the phone. Key switches his language pattern and says, Yeah, okay, yeah, cool, no,
theyre all good singers. Theyre all good singers. (Key & Peele, 2014). After Key and Peele exchange
glances, and are aware of each other Keys demeanor changes, like he is on the defensive. As a result he
starts using slang speech. Ironically after Peele crosses the street his tone and language change too. The
pitch of his voice becomes really high and he indicates to the person on the other end of the phone that
he thought Key was going to mug him (Key & Peele, 2014).
Double Spaced
Your name
Professors Name
Basic APA: The Reference Page
At the end of your paper you need to give more information about the in-text
citations you used. This is called a reference page.
You will need the authors name and the year of publication like in the in-text
citation but you will also need more information like the Title of the
Resources, page numbers and where the resources was published. You
should collect this when you identify your resources and keep it with your
notes/annotations of your readings/texts/sources.
Basic APA: The Reference Page
Basic APA: The Reference Page
Basic APA: The Reference Page
Basic APA: The Reference Page
References go on their own page. This is called a reference page. You can
find examples at Owl @ Purdue.
Authors names are listed: Last name, First Initials. Ex. Opal, D.A.
The Reference list is alphabetized by the Last name of the first author.
You can find helpful information about how to list different kinds of sources at
Owl @ Perdue and in the APA quick reference chart.
Basic APA Style: Group Activity
In your groups:
Self Check Quiz:
Your Text: Graff, G., & Birkenstein, C. (2017). They say/I Say: the moves that matter in academic writing. New