Anechoic Chamber S11 Manual

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The CReSIS Anechoic Chamber is located at:

The University of Kansas

M2SEC building

1536 W 15th St

Lawrence, KS 66045

S11 Manual
S11 measurements
(Please note that S11 measurements may not need to be performed in the anechoic chamber)

1. To open EMQuest, right click on the "EMQuest EMQ-100 Pattern Measurement Software" shortcut
on the desktop, and then click on "Run as administrator".
2. Click on File New to create a new parameter (.prm) file.
3. Expand the drop-down menu under Test Information and select Lite Response Measurement
under Response Measurements. A list of submenus will now appear under "Test Information" as
shown in Figure 1:

Figure 1. Test information menu tree.

4. Click on Operator/Comments and write your name in the Operator box. You may also use the
Comments box to add additional notes (see Figure 2 below). It is advised that you include the date
and time of your measurement for future reference (you will need to go back to this page to add the
end time once your measurement is complete).

Figure 2. Operator/Comments tab (STEP 4).

5. Select the Parameters pane. In the Measurement Configuration box, choose S11 (Forward
Reflection Response) and Log Magnitude under Data Format.

Figure 3. Parameters setup Measurement Configuration and Data Format (STEP 5).

6. In "Frequency Range" pane, select "Linear frequency" which is the default format. Check the "User
Defined" option in the frequency Range Control box and enter the start and stop frequencies (in
MHz), according to your AUT, under Frequency Range. This will automatically adjust the center and
span settings.

Figure 4. Frequency range" pane (STEP 6).

7. Click on Equipment and select the "Agilent PNA-L Series" network analyzer, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Equipment pane: network analyzer (STEP 7).

8. Click on the + sign next to the Equipment to expand the menu tree, and then click on the
"Agilent PNA-L Series" item. The network analyzer (NA) calibration and other parameters can be
specified here. Make sure all settings match those shown in Figure 6 below. Under Trace
Information, you may smooth the measured data using the functions there. The value in Points Per
Trace sets the number of frequency points that will be taken within the frequency range selected in
STEP 6. The measurement "Output Power" level can be used to select the source power level; this
can be adjusted in a second measurement if the noise level is unacceptable. This control should be
used with caution to prevent overloading the input, and it is recommended to keep the output
power level as low as possible, and never above 15 dBm.

Figure 6. Network analyzer settings.

In the Calibration tab, you can select the calibration kit available in the NA that you want to use as
well as the type of calibration to be performed for each port. In this case, the settings shown in
Figure 7 will override the calibration process. Using the settings shown in Figure 8, a full-port
calibration will be performed on Port 1. Note that this is a manual calibration where the user will
need to follow some steps and connect open, short, and 50-Ohm loads as prompted by the
software. If you want to use the electronic calibration kit (recommended) available in the cabinet
under the NA, just check the Use Electronic Calibration Module option (Figure 9) and follow the
instructions once the test is running.

You can also edit the "Driver settings" in the corresponding tab, or you can revert to the pre-
configured settings shown in Figure 10 below by right-clicking on the tab itself.

Figure 7. Calibration settings (no calibration performed).

Figure 8. Calibration settings for manual calibration of Port 1.

Figure 9. Calibration settings for calibration of Port 1 using the electronic calibration module.

Figure 10. Agilent PNA-L Series driver settings tab.

9. Select the "Corrections" pane to enter any corrections that you want applied to measured data. The
"Corrections" list box in each tree element (see Figure 11) shows a list of response file names for
frequency dependent corrections, where a "+" or "-" sign in front of the file name indicates that the
corresponding data will be either added or subtracted from the results. The buttons on the right can
be used to edit this list. The "Constant" box can be used to enter a single constant correction to all
data points.

Figure 11. Corrections list box and options.

10. Once all parameters have been set and you are ready to start your measurement, make sure that all
cables and equipment are properly connected, and that the chamber door is closed if you are using
it for your measurement. Press the "Run" button and follow the instructions on the screen. A
measurement progress box will show the current status of the test.

If you selected manual calibration, the calibration will start and the software will prompt for
connecting the different terminations as shown in Figure 12 (a) through Figure 12(c):

Figure 12a. Manual calibration (open).

Figure 12b. Manual calibration (short).

Figure 12c. Manual calibration (50-Ohm load).

If you selected Use Electronic Calibration Module, you will instead be asked to connect the
calibration module to your measurement port, i.e. the cable that you will later on connect to the
antenna input port:

Figure 13. Electronic calibration.

Once the calibration has been performed, you are ready to start your measurement:

Figure 14. Click OK to start measurement.

11. The resulting plot is shown in Figure 15. You may also display the results in a table (Figure 16).
12. Save your .prm file and export the results for further processing.
Figure 15. Measured magnitude of S11 (dB) vs. frequency (MHz).

Figure 16. Results table.

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