Maintenance PDF
Maintenance PDF
Maintenance PDF
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vi Contents
References........................................................................................................ 197
Index................................................................................................................. 213
I am extremely pleased to have been asked
to write the foreword for Human Factors for
the Design, Operation, and Maintenance of
Mining Equipment. The book seems to be
particularly well timed because there is a
growing appreciation within the industry
that proper consideration of human factors
issues with respect to mining equipment is
of critical importance. For example, a quick
glance at the lost-time injuries, high poten-
tial incidents, and disabling injury statis-
tics collected in Queensland, Australia, or
elsewhere shows the importance of systematically considering the human
element in mining equipment. We continue to have too many fatalities
and serious accidents in this area, and we can no longer ignore this com-
ponent of the problem. Also, no other recent publication is available to
the industry that contains human factors knowledge regarding mining
equipment in a single volume; in a busy industry such as mining, having
easily accessible, user-friendly, practical, up-to-date, and comprehensive
information is vital.
In Queensland, the Mines Inspectorate is taking the lead with respect
to human factors and has just completed a twelve-month project which
has resulted in a mining-focused, human factorsbased tool which will
be used as an aid in the investigation of accidents. As noted in this book,
human factors are also being examined in conjunction with the use of
proximity detection and collision avoidance on mining vehicles to
minimise the interactions of vehicles with each other and pedestrians.
The Queensland Mines Inspectorate will continue to propagate safety
information of this type through all of the avenues available to us, and
publications such as this play an important role in this process.
One particularly pleasing aspect of the book is that it can be used as
a guidebook when searching for information about a specific human fac-
tors topic, or it can be read from cover to cover to gain a more complete
xiv Foreword
Stewart Bell
The Authors
Tim John Horberry, PhD MSc MIEHF BA (Hons), is an associate pro-
fessor (human factors) at the Minerals Industry Safety and Health
Centre, The University of Queensland, Australia, where he is director
of research. DrHorberry has conducted research in transport and min-
ing human factors in Australia, the United Kingdom, and the European
Union. Tim has published his research extensivelyincluding a recent
book, Understanding Human Error in Mine Safety (2009).
Robin Burgess-Limerick, BHMS (Hons) PhD CPE, is a certified profes-
sional member of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia.
Robin also holds a fractional appointment as associate professor in the
School of Human Movement Studies, The University of Queensland,
where he coordinates postgraduate programs in ergonomics. Robin has
published more than fifty papers in international journals, and is the
immediate past president of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
of Australia.
Lisa J Steiner is a certified professional ergonomist in the United States.
She is team leader for the Human Factors Branch at the Office of Mine
Safety and Health Research, National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health, Pittsburgh, PA, United States. She specializes in safety and
injury prevention, particularly with reference to mining environments
and equipment along with facilities planning and design. Lisa has her
masters degree in industrial engineering and is currently undertaking
her PhD within the School of Human Movement Studies, The University
of Queensland, Australia.
chapter one
2 Human factors for mining equipment
recognise, and assess where the trade-offs exist, and using that as a basis
for informed decision making, comprise the main recommendation here.
In this book, many examples of such trade-offs with respect to mining
equipment will be shown, for example regarding improved visibility ver-
sus reduced functionality of some underground equipment.
Figure 1.2 Another example of the size of equipment used in modern mining:
truck with five coal trailers.
personnel with good design skills. Often these personnel can very compe-
tently design to existing human factors standards (at least, where they exist).
However, they sometimes do not have extensive site experience, and may
not have significant voice of the customer knowledge or participatory
ergonomics skills. This gap was one of the motivations for the formation
of the Earth Moving Equipment Safety Round Table, a recent international
initiative that is further described in subsequent chapters in this book.
Added to this is the disconnect that often exists between what happens
(and what is known) at a mine site level and what is known at a corporate
level for some mining companies. This issue is wider than just related to
human factors issues of mining equipment, and it can have impacts for
mining equipment in terms of equipment procurement, training policies,
and the development of safety procedures and protocols.
* However, recent books are available about either mining human factors (e.g., Simpson
etal., 2009, which focuses on human error) or mining equipment from more of an engi-
neering and management perspective (e.g., Dhillon, 2008).
12 Human factors for mining equipment
of the human element. It will be useful for many professionals in the field;
these include mining companies, regulators, health and safety personnel,
equipment manufacturers, designers, engineers, researchers, and stu-
dents. Indeed, the book has been written to appeal to all these groups by
providing a balance between breadth and depth in the treatment of dif-
ferent areas, and pointers and additional references are given to help the
reader explore in more depth particular topics of interest.
Equipment design
The design of mining equipment plays a crucial part in the safety and effi-
ciency of work tasks that are conducted by operators at that equipment.
Similarly, design has a major impact upon the ease, safety, and efficiency of
equipment maintenance. This chapter focuses on equipment design, look-
ing at key aspects such as the design process, the equipment life cycle, and
human factors issues concerning safety and usability. Given that the target
audience for this book includes equipment designers and manufacturers,
mining site personnel, safety professionals, as well as students, research-
ers, and others, the information contained here needs to be reasonably
general. At the same time, it sets the scene for Chapters4 11, which deal
with more specific human factors issues related to mining equipment.
16 Human factors for mining equipment
stages of the design process (e.g., user acceptance). It is not within the scope
of this book to go into excessive detail about how human factors infor-
mation and methods can be used in overall design, and other textbooks
cover this area well already (e.g., Chapanis, 1996). However, as will be seen
throughout this book, key human factors information includes how user
requirements are captured, how human factors information is provided
in an accessible form for designers to use (e.g., regarding human sizes and
strengths), how appropriate human-centred methods are used to evaluate
designs (e.g., user trials), how training needs are analysed and appropriate
training provided, and how the equipment is integrated into the work sys-
tem (e.g., looking at possible resistance to change issues, how procedures
need to be modified, or where equipment retrofits are needed).
However, one of the paradoxes is that although human factors and
ergonomics should certainly be involved early and often in the design
process, the certainty of the effects of design changes on safety and per-
formance of the actual equipment is often not fully revealed until the
equipment is operational and the exact context of the working environ-
ment and work tasks are known (Hendrick, 2003). Of course, when the
equipment is operational it is too late for the design to be changed (at
least for that exact equipment model), hence the design of much mining
equipment often requires small modifications and improvements from
one exact model to the next one.
Disposal Concept
Modification Design
retrofit (0100%)
Operation &
Safe design should also therefore consider all three levels; how-
ever, the main concern of eliminating hazards and minimising risks
means thatthe focus is on primary safety, especially for the users of the
The case study that is presented at the end of this chapter concerning
the development and use of the operability and maintainability analy-
sis technique (OMAT) will illustrate the safe design concept in a more
concrete manner, and will show the links between safety in design and
human factors. OMAT also relies on the notion of hierarchy of control,
and this is the topic of the section below.
6 Procedural
Least eective
7 Awareness/competency
Figure 2.3 A seven-step level version of the hierarchy of control (Adapted from
Horberry et al., 2009).
Such questions lead nicely into the discussion of human factors cost
benefit analysis and the system life cycle. Traditionally this has been an
area where human factors professionals have only dabbled, and further
work here is vital to help sell the worth of applying human factors to
mining equipment manufacturers and mining companies.
have any human factors input, then this could be of additional use as a
baseline. Also, if multiple cases of human factors CBA for different types
of equipment existed, then this would further strengthen things. However,
examining the topic in more detail shows that undertaking human factors
costbenefit analysis is often problematic. Amongst these difficulties are
the following (adapted from Rouse and Boff, 1997; Grech et al., 2008):
Benefits are rarely purely monetary (e.g., ease of use of a new equip-
ment type, or improved operator working conditions). Ease of use
can indirectly be translated into measures such as fewer errors,
reduced training, improved equipment acceptability, and the like,
but these are still often difficult to assign a monetary value to.
Investments or costs of human factors interventions often occur long
before returns are realised. Thus benefits are delayed, obscured by
time, or no longer relevant. A classic example here concerns longer
term health issues from mining equipment (e.g., hearing loss, or back
injury) where the effects might take years to fully develop and by
which point the individual concerned might have changed jobs or
Costs and benefits are often distributed amongst a wide range of
stakeholders (e.g., for a new type of mining equipment such as auto-
mation of some form, this may include the operators, supervisors,
maintainers, managers, company accountants, and even regulators).
Thus input from all of these groups is often necessary.
Benefits might be related to events that do not happensuch as
mobile equipment accidents being avoided due to good human fac-
tors design in the operator interface. Aggregate data (e.g., accident
statistics over a number of years for different equipment types)
could be used, but these very rarely would have the level of preci-
sion needed to make firm conclusions.
In most mining systems, the effect of improvements to one small
part of the system (e.g., better controls and displays in one piece of
equipment) might be methodologically difficult to assess. Similarly,
side effects are likely: these might be in the same direction (e.g.,
fewer incidents and decreased training costs) but not always so.
factors benefits as exactly as possible. They state that these benefits can
range from the very tangible to the less tangible, and may include the
in this chapter has already indirectly mentioned a few of the reasons; the
points below will summarise some and expand on others.
Large mobile equipment such as haul trucks have also been identi-
fied as a significant contributor to nonfatal lost-time injuries in surface
mining; for example, they were an escalating causal factor to the overall
breakdown event (Queensland Mines and Quarries, 2005). A breakdown
event is defined as the point in which things start to go wrong, and ulti-
mately lead to serious injury or disease. At the time of writing, the most
recent Queensland, Australia, data available (20072008) support this,
which again confirms the role of mobile equipment as a contributor in
many lost-time injuries, high potential incidents, and disabling injuries
(Queensland Mines and Quarries, 2008).
A comparable story is present for maintainability issues. Looking at
more historical data, MSHA data for 19781988 suggests that maintenance
accounted for 34 percent of all lost-time injuries (quoted by Horberry
Chapter two: Equipment design 31
etal., 2009). Although old, this MSHA information is also consistent with
more recent Australian data. An initial analysis of the 393 lost-time inju-
ries recorded by the Queensland Government Department of Mines and
Energy over the period from July 2002 to June 2004 indicated that 123, or
approximately one-third, could be directly identified as being caused dur-
ing maintenance activities (quoted by Horberry et al., 2009).
Besides deaths and lost-time injuries, the amount of avoidable down-
time due to poor maintainability is more difficult to ascertain but none-
theless important. A British Coal report revealed that more man-shifts
were devoted to maintenance operations than to coal production, and the
proportion of time being devoted to maintenance is increasing (Mason
and Rushworth, 1991). The repercussions of increased maintenance are
increased labour costs, material costs, production disruptions, and prob-
ability of injury or illness. In the past, the design inadequacies related to
maintenance tasks were typically related to poor access, inadequate pro-
vision of lifting points, and the need for excessive manual forces (Mason
and Rushworth, 1991). However, as the design of earth-moving equipment
is becoming more intricate and complex, the preventative and corrective
maintenance tasks are increasing in occurrence, duration, and complexity,
subsequently producing losses to coal production.
As a final piece of evidence about the importance of design, the
Queensland Mines and Quarries Safety Performance and Health Report
quantified the organisational causal factors associated with high potential
incidents (HPIs) from January 2002 to June 2005. Design and maintenance
management accounted for 11 percent and 12 percent of all HPIs, respec-
tively (figures quoted by Horberry et al., 2009). It is unclear how much of
the production loss in operating and maintaining large surface mining
equipment is related to design issues, but the proportion is likely to be
significant. This therefore suggests that significant safety benefits can be
obtained through improved (and human-centred) equipment design.
In sum, the above outlines that many incidents and accidents are due
to equipment design inadequacies, in either maintainability or operabil-
ity, and are therefore theoretically preventable.
and using structured human factors information to identify and assess the
risks. Some key human factors areas in design that are considered are man-
ual tasks, visibility, cognitive demands, controls and displays, reach and
clearance, noise, and workspace layout. Also to be considered are the more
safety-oriented equipment factors that can also contribute to unwanted
events: fire, dust, confined spaces, electricity, and working at heights.
OMAT Critical task Task flow Risk Solution Feedback & Equipment
identification chart identification options action plan risk register
Figure 2.5 The OMAT process (Adapted from Horberry et al., 2009).
Human factors for mining equipment
Chapter two: Equipment design 37
40 Human factors for mining equipment
a forklifts narrow track and high centre of gravity. Speed is also a determi-
nant in many forklift accidents, for both the drivers and pedestrian work-
ers; their rate of travel has a direct bearing on the level of risk to which
pedestrian workers are exposed (Larsson and Rechnitzer, 1994).
So, as with much mobile mining equipment, there are many benefits
from forklift use, but also some serious safety issues. It should be noted
that some mining organisations still have ill-defined procedures and traf-
fic management policies with respect to such truck operations. Controls
often focus on the lower areas of the hierarchy of control (as defined in
Chapter 2), typically operator protection. A lack of consideration of the
interface between pedestrian workers and mobile equipment (both in
mining and elsewhere) has resulted in many of the more serious injuries
and fatalities (Larsson and Rechnitzer, 1994).
A collection of engineering and administrative controls is therefore
required; this often should include improved traffic engineering, safer initial
design, and, where necessary, the use of retrofitted vehicle technologies such
as speed-limiting systems or seatbelt interlocks to reduce risks to operators
and pedestrian workers (Horberry et al., 2006). Where such a broad array
of interventions was applied in a case study in the manufacturing environ-
ment (in many ways similar to mining), the results were positive: less critical
interactions occurred between mobile equipment and pedestrians or other
vehicles, and the implementation of the speed limiters and seatbelt devices
was generally deemed to be acceptable to the operators, providing that the
work process was not overly slowed (Horberry et al., 2004).
vehicle design are important. Also, whilst the list is in no way exhaustive,
it shows how different countermeasures and controls can be used for dif-
ferent phases of the event (not just to prevent incidents per se).
Speed limiting.
Limit number of trucks and their size.
Minimise the number of trips.
Reduce reversing.
Chapter three: It is not just about design 45
Exclusion zones
Overhead pedestrian bridges
Pedestrian walkways
Traffic lights
3.5 Conclusions
The last two chapters have shown in general terms the importance of
design, site operations, and maintenance upon the safety and efficiency
of mining equipment. Key concepts such as the hierarchy of control have
been introduced, and human-related issues have been shown to be of cen-
tral importance in the whole area. The focus of this book will now switch,
and it will begin to examine specific human factors issues with mining
equipment. This process begins by first considering manual tasks in min-
ing equipment operations and maintenance.
chapter four
Manual tasks
4.1 Introduction
Manual tasks are any tasks performed by people that involve the use of
force to lift, push, pull, carry, move, manipulate, hold, or restrain a person,
body part, object, or tool. Operating and maintaining mining equipment
inevitably, and inescapably, involve manual tasks. Manual tasks include
activities such as driving, manipulating controls, handling supplies, lifting
access hatches, changing fittings, using rattle guns, and many others (see
Figure4.1AF). Whilst perhaps not as hazardous as some others tradition-
ally encountered in mining, even maintaining a static seated posture whilst
viewing a display and manipulating a joystick is still a manual task.
Many manual tasks have the potential to cause injury. Injuries occur
when forces on parts of the body are, either instantly or over time, greater
than the body part can withstand. Tissues at risk of damage due to manual
tasks include bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, articular cartilage, nerves,
and blood vessels. Table4.1 provides examples of typical injury narratives
describing manual taskrelated injuries associated with a piece of mining
equipment (an underground coal continuous-mining machine). It is clear
from these narratives that both operation and maintenance are involved.
What is less clear from these injury narratives is that the likelihood of an
injury occurring may increase as a consequence of an accumulation of
damage over time, and this damage may be caused by tasks other than the
one being performed at the time the injury is noted and reported.
Optimal design of mining equipment has the potential to reduce
injury risks by ensuring that the manual tasks involved in the operation
and maintenance of equipment involve minimal injury risks. Of course,
ensuring that the operation and maintenance of equipment can be
achieved without requiring the performance of potentially hazardous
manual tasks will also have advantages in the form of reduced fatigue,
fewer operator errors, and reduced maintenance time.
To appreciate the design goals in this area, it is helpful to consider
the sources and nature of injury risks associated with manual tasks.
The mechanisms of injury to specific tissues vary; however, injuries
associated with manual tasks may be generally characterised as having
either sudden or gradual onset. Sudden-onset injuries are associated with
50 Human factors for mining equipment
distance it is held from the shoulder. Similarly, if the task involves push-
ing or pulling the force involved will depend on the frictional properties
of the situation as well as the mass of the object being handled. Other
manual tasks may not involve the manipulation of any load; however,
high forces can still be required.
If the force which is required to be exerted by a body part is close to
the maximum the person is capable of, then the risk of sudden injury is
high, and urgent redesign is indicated. Even if the forces involved are not
close to maximum, the task may pose a high risk of injury if the body part
is also exposed to other risk factors. High-speed movements (e.g., ham-
mering and throwing) are an indication of elevated risk, mostly because
high speed implies high acceleration, which in turn implies high force,
especially if the speed is achieved in a short time. Such jerky movements
are a sure indication of high exertion of the body parts involved. This
also includes rapid changes in the direction of movement. The strength
of muscles is in part dependent on the speed at which they shorten, and
high-speed movements consequently reduce the strength of the muscles
producing the movement. Another situation occurs when high-impact
force is applied by the hand to strike an object or surface; in this case,
there is a resultant high force applied to the hand by the object or surface
being struck when contact is made.
The magnitude of the force relative to the capabilities of the body part
is crucial in determining injury risks. For example, the small muscles of
the hand and forearm may be injured by relatively small forces, especially
if the task also involves extremes of the range of movement at a joint, whilst
larger forces may comfortably be exerted by the lower limbs. Guidance
regarding appropriate force levels to be applied to different controls is
available (e.g., US Department of Defense, 1999), although care is required
to ensure that the values are appropriate for the user population, a topic
which is examined in more detail in Chapter 5.
effect will be greatest when the joints approach the extreme of the range
of movement. Consequently, one general principle for the design of equip-
ment is to ensure that the operation and maintenance of the equipment
can be achieved by all operators without requiring postures which involve
extremes of the range of movement at any joint.
Some non-extreme joint postures are also known to be associated
with increased risk of discomfort and injury. These include trunk rotation,
lateral trunk flexion, and trunk extension; neck extension, lateral flexion,
and rotation; and wrist extension and ulnar deviation. Some other pos-
tures increase the risk of injury without involving extremes of the range
of movement. These can be called awkward postures, and can be defined as
any posture which causes discomfort. Such postures can occur without
significant deviation of the joint from neutral, especially if the orientation
of the body with respect to gravity is altered. Adoption of awkward pos-
tures during the operation, and especially maintenance, of equipment is
frequently associated with either restricted visibility or restricted access.
Optimal equipment design will ensure that the manual tasks required for
the operation and maintenance of equipment involve movements within
a normal range about neutral.
4.2.4 Duration
If a task is performed continuously without a break for a long time,
the tissues involved do not have opportunity for recovery, and cumula-
tive injury risk increases. This is especially likely if the task involves
a combination of moderate force, little or repetitive movement, and
awkward postures. Changing tasks can provide recovery if the sec-
ond task involves different body parts and movement patterns. The
56 Human factors for mining equipment
tasks and, on its own, is not a satisfactory risk control strategy (e.g.,
Daltroy et al., 1997; Silverstein and Clark, 2004; Haslam et al., 2007;
Martimo et al., 2007).
4.5 Conclusion
The operation and maintenance of mining equipment require miners to
undertake manual tasks. The challenge for employers and manufacturers
is to identify potentially hazardous manual tasks, involved in equipment
operation and maintenance; assess these risks in a systematic way, tak-
ing into account the known direct risk factors of high exertion, awkward
postures, frequent repetition of similar movements, and duration of expo-
sure; and redesign the equipment to either eliminate the manual tasks or
reduce as far as possible the exposure to direct risk factors. Administrative
controls will be necessary to control the residual risks associated with
manual tasks involved in both the operation and maintenance of min-
ing equipment; however, training alone is not a satisfactory risk control
chapter five
5.2Incorporating anthropometric
data in workstation design
The use of anthropometric data in the design of equipment is an impor-
tant component of human factors.
60 Human factors for mining equipment
Similarly, cut-out footholds are common, and whilst satisfactory for access
are difficult to use during egress, as illustrated in Figure5.5.
Access systems provided on haul trucks, such as that illustrated in
Figure 5.6, and other large surface-mining equipment have historically
been unsatisfactory, and this created a need for after-market access solu-
tions provided by other vendors (e.g., Safe-Away, n.d.) to be fitted.
This issue was one of those identified by the original Earth Moving
Equipment Safety Round Table (EMESRT) group, and was addressed by
the Equipment Access and Egress design philosophy. This design philoso-
phy aims to ensure that (in this case, surface) equipment is designed to
include the following:
Adequate and suitable stairways, walkways, access platforms, rail-
ings, step and grab handle combinations, and boarding facilities, includ-
ing an alternate path for disembarking in case of emergency.
Specific to hauling trucks, a priority outcome would also be ground
entry to access on the drivers side, with the opportunity to locate isolation
66 Human factors for mining equipment
and other service points (hydraulic, air) near the drivers side operator
access (EMESRT, n.d.,
More recentlyand, in part at least, encouraged by the activities of
EMESRTthe original equipment manufacturers of haul trucks have pro-
vided much improved access systems.
Access and egress to equipment comprise a specific example of a more
general design goal of reducing the possibility of slips and falls during
operation, and ensuring safe access and working conditions during main-
tenance activities. This applies to fixed plant (e.g., Figure5.7) as well as
mobile equipment. The design of working and access platforms on equip-
ment requires careful consideration, regardless of the height of the plat-
form (e.g., Figure5.8), as does the design of access systems for maintenance
(e.g., Figure5.9), and routine maintenance in particular (e.g., Figure5.10).
5.3.4 Visibility
As is also found in other domains (e.g., maritime or road transport), the
information utilised during the operation and maintenance of mining
equipment is predominantly visual. The size of mining equipment and
design constraints imposed by the environment frequently result in
restricted visibility for operator and maintainers (Figure 5.15). The con-
sequences of restricted visibility include the necessity to adopt awkward
postures (e.g., Figure 5.16), and the increased likelihood of collisions
between moving equipment and stationary objects or surfaces, other vehi-
cles, or persons. Workstation design should aim to remove impediments
Figure 5.13 Video camera displays too high for comfortable viewing.
Chapter five: Workstation design and anthropometric variability 73
5.3.5 Seating
Many workstations are designed to allow operation in a seated posture.
Key considerations for the design of seating include range of height and
foreaft adjustability (and ease of adjustability) to ensure that optimal
eye height and head clearance are obtained by all operators whilst main-
taining appropriate access to pedals and hand controls; and provision of
lumbar support, lateral support, and, for underground applications in
particular, self-rescuer and cap-lamp battery. Where the sitting position
is perpendicular to the direction of travel of the vehicle, a degree of seat
Chapter five: Workstation design and anthropometric variability 75
5.5 Conclusion
This chapter has considered issues associated with the layout of worksta-
tions and access to and egress from workstations, in particular mobile
plant cabs, where space constraints frequently make accommodating
anthropometric variability challenging. Principles for the layout of con-
trols within workstations were addressed, whilst the design of control and
displays themselves is addressed in Chapter 8. Seating and visibility were
also noted as common difficulties in equipment design, and these issues
are again addressed in Chapters 7 & 8.
chapter six
78 Human factors for mining equipment
6.1.1What is sound?
Sound is an auditory sensation that is due to pressure fluctuations of
acoustic waves (oscillations about the ambient pressure of the atmosphere,
consisting of longitudinal vibration of air molecules). For humans it is a
Chapter six: Physical environment and climate 79
the permissible exposure level (PEL). Higher levels are permitted but for
shorter time periods. The TWA action limit (AL) is 85dB (A) where hearing
protection devices must be provided to workers. A TWA of 105 dB (A) or
more requires dual hearing protection such as a muff over an earplug. A
TWA of 115 dB (A) is not permitted. Similar requirements are contained in
standards such as AS1269:2005.
Table 6.1 shows the EMESRT Noise Design Philosophy for surface
mining equipment. Of key interest here are the examples of industry
attempts to mitigate risks (for example, the noise absorbent material in
seals of large mobile equipment shown in Figure 6.1 below).
6.1.5Noise: Summary
To summarise, the effects of noise in mining can be threefold:
6.2.1Breathing and dust
Fresh air enters the lungs, and eventually into tiny air sacs called alveoli,
where oxygen from the inhaled air is transferred to the blood, and carbon
dioxide in the blood is transferred to the air. However, as air enters the
Chapter six: Physical environment and climate 83
upper and lower airways it passes over a sticky mucus layer that lines the
cavity. When foreign particles such as dust or bacteria come in contact with
the mucus, these particles get trapped and are removed from the inhaled
air. High concentrations of respirable dust over an extended period of time
can overwhelm and damage the lungs, causing serious health problems.
Dust in general is measured in micrometres, commonly known as
microns. From a size perspective the width of a single strand of a human
hair is 5075 microns and the human eye can see particles as small as 40
microns. Respirable dust is defined as any airborne material that mea-
sures less than 10 microns and penetrates the upper and lower airways
into the alveoli region of the lungs.
Excessive or long-term exposure to harmful respirable dust may result
in a respiratory disease called pneumoconiosis. Coal workers pneumoco-
niosis (CWP), commonly referred to as black lung, is a chronic lung dis-
ease that results from the inhalation, deposition, and buildup of coal dust
in the lungs, and the lung tissues reaction to its presence. In addition
to CWP, coal mine dust exposure increases a miners risk of developing
chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and patho-
logic emphysema.
With continued exposure to the dust, the lungs undergo structural
changes that are eventually seen on a chest X-ray. In the simple stages of
disease (simple CWP), there may be no symptoms. However, when symp-
toms do develop, they include cough (with or without mucus), wheezing,
and shortness of breath (especially during exercise). Figure 6.2 shows
basically normal lung
Figure 6.2 Normal lung (left) and a lung from a miner diagnosed with coal work-
ers pneumoconiosis (CWP; right).
84 Human factors for mining equipment
a normal lung and a lung from a miner who has been diagnosed with
CWP. In the more advanced stages of disease, the structural changes in
the lung are called fibrosis. Progressive massive fibrosis (PMF) is the for-
mation of tough, fibrous tissue deposits in the areas of the lung that have
become irritated and inflamed. With PMF, the lungs become stiff and
their ability to expand fully is reduced. This ultimately interferes with
the lungs normal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, and breath-
ing becomes extremely difficult. The patients lips and fingernails may
have a bluish tinge and there may be fluid retention and signs of heart
failure. If a person has inhaled too much coal dust, simple CWP can
progress to PMF.
Silicosis is a form of pneumoconiosis caused by the dust of quartz
and other silicates. The condition of the lungs is marked by scarring of the
lung tissue (nodular fibrosis) which causes shortness of breath. Silicosis is
an irreversible disease; advanced stages are progressive even if the indi-
vidual is removed from the exposure.
Heat Stroke Fatalities
1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Figure 6.3 Number of heat stroke fatalities from 1930 to 1991 occurring in South
African gold mines (adapted from Kielblock and Schutte, 1993).
was 147 cases/million man-hours. For the three mines operating above
1,200 metres depth, the incidence rate was 18.4 cases/million man-hours.
Below 1,200 metres in depth, the incidence rate was 58.3 cases/million
man-hours. The ratio of incidence rates for mines operating below 1,200
metres compared to those operating above 1,200 metres was 3.17. Fifty-
seven percent of the cases occurred at or near the face, where the ventila-
tion was poor and humidity high. Forty-two percent of the cases occurred
on the first day of a four-day work schedule after having four days off.
Donoghue (2004) reported on heat illness to the Mine Safety and
Health Administration by the US mining industry during a nineteen-year
period (1983 to 2001). During this time, 538 non-fatal and zero fatal heat
illness cases were reported. The highest incidence rates occurred in mills
and preparation plants (nonmetal, metal, and stone) and in underground
metal mines. Most of the cases in underground metal mines occurred at
the working face. The lowest incidence rate occurred in underground coal
mines. The higher rates in the underground metal mines as compared to
coal mines were attributed to metal mines being deeper than coal mines,
having lower air velocities at the working face, and having higher meta-
bolic rates associated with work tasks.
S= (M W)+ C+ R E
S = change in body heat content
M = heat gained from the body metabolism
W = heat lost from work performed
C = convective heat exchange
R = radiation heat exchange
E = evaporative heat loss
The three major paths of heat exchange between the body and the
Convection: Convective heat exchange occurs between the skin and the
air layer immediately surrounding the skin, and is a function of the
difference between air temperature and the mean weighted skin
temperature, and the rate of air movement over the skin. Assuming
a mean weighted skin temperature of 35C (95F), there will be con-
vective heat gain if the air temperature is greater than 35C, and con-
vective heat loss if the air temperature is less than 35C.
Radiation: Radiative heat exchange occurs when a temperature gradient
exists between the mean radiant temperature of the surroundings
and the mean weighted skin temperature.
Evaporation: Evaporation of sweat from the skin is the main cooling
mechanism for the body. The evaporation rate is a function of air
movement over the skin, and the difference between the water vapor
pressures of the air and the skin.
impermeability to vapor and air of the clothing material, the greater the
interference with heat exchange. When the clothing differs in the type,
amount, and characteristics of typical work clothing (single layer), a cor-
rective factor must be applied.
The 2009 Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for heat stress, published by
the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH),
has a goal of maintaining the core body temperature within 1C of the nor-
mal body temperature of 37C (98.6F). The TLV represents conditions to
which workers may be exposed repeatedly without adverse health effects,
as long as the workers are heat acclimatised, adequately hydrated, not med-
icated, healthy, and wearing a traditional work uniform (long-sleeved shirt
and pants). The action level (AL) represents conditions for unacclimatised
workers, and that merits the implementation of a heat stress management
program. The TLV and AL are based on the WBGT, with adjustments for
clothing and metabolic rate. Additionally, the TLV and AL assume similar
WBGT values for work and rest break environments, and eight-hour work-
days in a five-day workweek with typical breaks. Because of individual
differences in responding to heat stress exposures, the ACGIH also recom-
mends utilising measures of heat strain and provides guidance on specific
heat strain limits, primarily related to heart rate, core temperature,sweat-
ing, weight loss, urinary sodium excretion, and symptoms of heat strain
(ACGIH, 2009). The TLV has been criticized for being overly conservative,
resulting in productivity losses; needing to estimate the metabolic rate,
which is done with limited accuracy; and lacking sensitivity to wind speed
over the skin (Brake and Bates, 2002b; Miller andBates,2007).
The Australian mining industry has been applying the Thermal Work
Limit (TWL) Heat Stress Index to control heat stress exposures for several
years, resulting in reductions in heat illness cases and lost productivity
(Brake and Bates, 2000). The TWL is defined as the limiting sustainable
metabolic rate with a body core temperature < 38.2C (100.8F) and a
sweat rate <1.2 kilogram/hour-1 (2.64 pounds/hour-1). It applies to work-
ers who are healthy, adequately hydrated, acclimatised, and performing
work that is self-paced. Self-paced workers are workers who regulate their
own work rate, and are not subject to external pressures (peer or supervi-
sor pressure or monetary incentives). The TWL provides a prediction of a
safe maximum sustainable metabolic rate utilising measures of dry bulb,
wet bulb, and globe temperatures; wind speed; and atmospheric pressure.
Adjustments for clothing are also considered. Use of the TWL is limited to
environmental conditions with calculated metabolic rates from 60 to 380
watts/metre-2. Estimations of metabolic rates are not required (Brake and
Bates, 2002b). Recommended TWL limits and suggested interventions for
self-paced work are provided in Table6.2.
6.3.6Controls: General
Exposures to environmental heat stress are generally controlled by
utilising a combination of personal protective equipment, administrative
controls, and engineering controls. Again, the hierarchy of control that
Table6.2 Recommended TWL Limits and Interventions for Self-Paced Work
TWL Limit (W/m2)
Interventions >220 140 to 220 115 to 140 <115*
Unrestricted Acclimatization Buffer Withdrawal
No work restrictions. X
Ready access to water at all times (minimum 4 litres/worker). X X X
Workers must be acclimatised. X X X
Workers must not work alone. X X X
Evaluation for dehydration at end of shift. X X
Minimum wind speed of 0.5m/sec1. X
If minimum ventilation is not met, reassign workers if possible. X
If work continues, a corrective action request must be authorised X
Chapter six: Physical environment and climate
within 48 hours.
Heat stress work permit (authorised by management) required X
prior to start of work.
Routine work not permitted. X
Only work associated with safety emergency or environmental X
corrective actions permitted.
Source: Adapted from Brake and Bates (2002b).
*or DB> 44C (111F) or WB> 32C (89.6F); W/m2: Watts per metre squared.
94 Human factors for mining equipment
Blasting: Both heat and water vapor are released during blasting.
Effective blasting will reduce undesirable release of heat into the
mine environment, and blasting during off-shifts will reduce the
heat load to miners (Misagi, 1976).
Deep underground mining: Because environmental conditions may exist
in deep underground that are inhabitable by humans, cooling efforts
Chapter six: Physical environment and climate 95
For tasks that involve handwork and air temperatures less than 16oC
(60.8oF), the hands should be warmed (radiant heaters, contact warm
plates, gloves).
Tool handles should be covered with thermal insulating material
when temperatures fall below -1oC (30.2oF).
Insulating dry clothing should be worn in air temperatures below
4oC (40oF).
For environments with wind, drafts, or artificial ventilating equip-
ment, work areas should be shielded from the air movements or
workers should wear windbreak garments. The equivalent chill tem-
perature relating dry bulb air temperature and air velocity should
be used to determine appropriate controls.
To ensure the safety and health of workers who are exposed to
environmental heat or cold stress in mining, whether it is seasonal or a
daily exposure, it is recommended that a comprehensive approach be fol-
lowed. Such an approach considers all three types of controls discussed
above. Implementation of those that are effective will reduce heat load
during heat stress and maintain body temperature during cold stress,
and/or prevent the occurrence of heat and cold stressrelated disorders.
Additionally, workers should be trained regarding the effects of heat and
cold stress exposures, how their bodies react to such exposures, measures
they can take to enhance their tolerance levels where applicable, and how
to work safely during such exposures. Finally, a medical surveillance
program should be available to workers to assist with preventing and
identifying heat-related disorders and medical conditions that preclude
working in cold conditions.
Oscillatory motion (vibration) of varying frequencies and amplitude is
associated with any equipment with moving parts. If a person sits, or
Chapter six: Physical environment and climate 97
6.4.1What is vibration?
Vibration is oscillatory motion of an object about a fixed point, and is trans-
mitted through mechanical structures. The rate of change of displacement
of the object in motion (its velocity) is constantly changing direction, and
consequently the rate of change of the velocity (acceleration) is also con-
stantly changing direction. Whilst vibration could be described in terms
of any of these (displacement, velocity, or acceleration), it is usually mea-
sured by an instrument sensitive to acceleration (an accelerometre) and
described in terms of acceleration (units m/s2).
The amplitude of vibration may be described in terms of the maxi-
mum acceleration (peak acceleration), or in terms of the root-mean-square
(rms) acceleration (analogous to an average acceleration). For perfectly
sinusoidal motion, the rms value is equal to the peak value divided by
the square root of 2. The vibration dose value (VDV) is a more complex
measure of vibration (involving the fourth power of acceleration) which
gives greater weight to high peak values of acceleration, for example jolts
and jars (units= m/s1.75).
The effects of vibration on the human body also depend on the direc-
tion in which the vibration occurs. Whilst vibration typically occurs
simultaneously in all directions, the measurement is typically made in
three orthogonal directions. For the standing or seated person, motion
in the foreaft direction is defined as movement in the x direction (the
x-axis), lateral movement is defined as the y-axis, and vertical movement
as the z-axis (Figure6.4).
98 Human factors for mining equipment
6.4.2Consequences of vibration sickness
The adverse effects of exposure to low-frequency vibration (< 1 Hz)
include motion sickness. Motions in the range of 0.125 to 0.25 Hz are most
likely to result in sickness. It is believed that the symptoms (nausea, dizzi-
ness, etc.) arise as a consequence of conflict between motion signals aris-
ing from the eyes, vestibular system, and non-vestibular motion detectors
Chapter six: Physical environment and climate 99 performance
Exposure to vibration can lead to degraded performance of visuo-motor
skills, such as might be required to operate mining equipment. In particu-
lar, vibration can interfere with the acquisition of information via the eyes,
and the output of information via hand or foot movements. The effect is
usually caused by movement of the body part affected (e.g., eye or hand).
Redesigning the equipment to either reduce transmission of the vibration
to the body part, or make the task less susceptible to the vibration by, for
example, increasing the size of a display or reducing the sensitivity of a
control, is indicated if these effects become apparent (Griffin, 2006). The
optimal control sensitivity in conditions which involve the operator being
exposed to vibration is likely to be lower than the optimal control sen-
sitivity in static conditions (see Chapter 8). These effects are likely to be
proportional to vibration amplitude and greatest for vibration frequencies
of the order of 2 to 8 Hz.
Again, whilst it is not possible to define the limits for safe exposure,
standards such as AS2670-2001 (Standards Australia, 2001, Appendix B)
and ISO 2631-1 (ISO, 1997) provide guidance in the form of a caution
zone and a likely health risk zone for both weighted rms vibration and
vibration dose values. In 2004, ISO (2004) introduced a new standard for
the evaluation of human exposure to WBV, called ISO 2631-5, Mechanical
Vibration and Shock: Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-Body Vibration,
Part 5: Method for Evaluation of Vibration Containing Multiple Shocks. ISO
2631-5 was established to quantify health risks associated with WBV con-
taining multiple shocks. More specifically, adverse health effects to the
lumbar spine and the vertebral endplates were predicted based on seated
WBV exposure. Another method for the evaluation of negative health
effects associated with WBV exposure is outlined in the European Union
Directive 2002/44/EC (European Union, 2002).
These standards may be used to assess the potential effects of
whole-body vibration levels to which operators of mining equipment are
exposed. For example, Figure6.5 presents the results of an investigation
of the vibration levels to which operators of 21 Load-Haul-Dump (LHD)
1.5 HGCZ
A (8) m/s2
0.75 Within
0.25 Below
4 of 11 (large) 7 of 10 (small)
LHD operators were exposed the LHD operators were exposed the
WBV levels above the HGCZ WBV levels above the HGCZ
Figure 6.5 Smaller LHD vehicles (2.7 m3 bucket haulage capacity) exposed the
operator to higher frequency-weighted rms acceleration levels leading to expo-
sures above the ISO 2631-1 (ISO, 1997) health guidance caution zone for eight-hour
exposure duration. Operators of 5.4 m3 bucket haulage capacity LHD vehicles
were exposed to vibration levels within the health guidance caution zone.
102 Human factors for mining equipment
106 Human factors for mining equipment
Optic Iris
(35 left and right of forward vision) than if the head can rotate whilst
keeping the eyes fixed (60 left and right of forward vision). If no head or
eye rotation can be accomplished, the normal line of sight can see 15 to the
right or left with no head or eye movement. With both head and eye move-
ment, this range increases to 95 on both the right and left (Sanders and
Peay, 1988). Considering the field of vision is important when designing
equipment because the location of controls and displays should be placed
so that minimal head movement is needed. In addition, if an object is far-
ther away it must be larger to maintain the same visual angle. Therefore,
the visual angle is the relationship between the size and distance of the
object as it determines the field of vision for the object. Visual angle and
field of vision are both important when designing equipment and work-
places. For equipment to be designed properly, this component must be
studied in the context of cab design and what is in the visual field. It is
important that equipment structures are not blocking the operators field
of vision, including peripheral views. We will see that illumination plays
an important role in enhancing the field of vision.
Peripheral vision is important for detection of movement. Detection of
movement is the ability of a person to follow and learn information about
an object by moving their eyes (tracking the object) or the ability to detect
and learn information about an object which moves in front of them whilst
their eyes are stationary. Both Martin and Graveling (1983) and Sammarco
et al. (2009b) found that adding background light (with a spectral content
having more of the short wavelengths of light) in addition to cap lamp
lighting improved peripheral vision and the speed at which a person can
detect a moving object.
designed, there is a greater chance of error due to the inability to see and
a greater chance of discomfort from eye strain and headaches. There is
also a psychological component of being disoriented, confused, and even
depressed. For mining tasks, lighting is critical to detecting hazardous
situations. The lighting terminology and key concepts needed to under-
stand illumination requirements are as follows:
light levels improves task performance, including the ability to see haz-
ards in the workplace (Sammarco et al., 2009b). However, it is a trade-off
between increasing illumination to improve contrast and performance
against the increased likelihood of glare, which can be detrimental to per-
formance. There are many accidents involving machinery; some of those
could be attributed to improper lighting level, but since it is not reported
as the direct cause of the accident it is often not primarily addressed. At
times, lighting is suggested as part of a long list of causes and solutions to
an accident but rarely is identified as a primary cause of an accident.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC NIOSH) min-
ing program website (NIOSH, 2009).
potential uses of LED lighting from current research studies are sum-
marised below.
walls and have driven into open holes. In this vein, Godwin et al. (2008)
found that a mobile equipment operator could not see a 56 (168 cm)
pedestrian twenty feet (6 metres) away from the machine cab for certain
equipment designs; also, the mine floor became visible to the operator
only ninety feet away from the cab.
7.6.1Accident statistics
Canadian data published in 2001 by the Mines and Aggregates Safety
and Health Association (MASHA) summarised accident statistics for
load-haul-dump (LHD) vehicles in the Ontario mining industry over a
fifteen-year period between 1985 and 2000. During this period, 1,690 acci-
dents involving LHD vehicles were reported, and poor line of sight was
identified as a causal factor in 24 percent of the accidents. Hitting other
vehicles, hitting pedestrians, and hitting walls accounted for 16 percent
of the accidents, and accidents due to unseen ground hazards (potholes,
muck on the ground, or falling into holes) accounted for a further 8 per-
cent of the accidents (MASHA, 2001). In the same time period, LHD vehi-
cles were involved in accidents that resulted in ten fatal injuries to Ontario
workers. The design of LHD vehicles, particularly ones with protective
cabs, results in restricted sight lines and blind spots from the operators
position. Researchers have identified the bucket of mining vehicles as
primary causes of blocked sight lines. Drivers and researchers have also
noted that vehicle lights restrict sight lines and are often not placed to
adequately light the roadway for operation (Boocock and Weyman, 1994;
Rushworth, 1996). The machine characteristics responsible for blind spots,
listed from most common to least common, were the cab and cab posts,
lights and light brackets, boom, and air intake cylinder (Eger et al., 2004).
One hundred and thirty LHD operators also provided feedback about the
detection of objects in the environment (numbers in parentheses represent
116 Human factors for mining equipment
the percentage of LHD operators who found the object difficult to see):
kneeling pedestrians (72 percent), equipment left on the ground (75 per-
cent), standing pedestrians (39 percent), open holes (35 percent), parked
vehicles (27 percent), and warning signs (15 percent) were difficult to see
(Eger etal., 2004).
Cameras can be used to aid in visibility by providing information that
would otherwise be unavailable or missed. New technologies and appli-
cations of these technologies are being developed, and an introduction to
these is provided later in this book. In Figure7.5, a typical right-turn artic-
ulation for a load-haul-dump machine is shown. In the front right corner, a
pedestrian and ground hazards are present; however, the pedestrian and
hazard are not noticed in the eye view of the operator. In a recent study,
Godwin and Eger (2009) showed an 80 percent improvement in operator
line of sight when a combination of forward-facing and rear-facing cam-
eras was installed on the vehicle.
Eye view
Camera view
Figure 7.5 The field of view of the loadhauldump machine operator is blocked
by the cab post when making a right turn. A camera can allow the operator to see
pedestrian and ground hazards.
120 Human factors for mining equipment
Figure 8.1 (AB) Teleoperated rock breaker with augmented reality displays
(courtesy of CSIRO, Australia).
Despite the claim that shape coding was later substantiated, only two
published papers exist which address the issue. Both were conceived with
aviation applications in mind, and neither provided unequivocal evidence
for the benefits of shape coding. This lack of evidence was commented on
by Roscoe (1980), who noted,
significantly lower selection error rate was found for participants assigned
to the shape-coded conditions when compared to participants assigned to
non-shape-coded conditions.
The previous literature provides consistent evidence. Figure 8.6 is
redrawn from Weitz (1947) and presents the average number of selec-
tion errors for four groups of twenty-five participants who performed
16 one-minute trials in which four of seven controls were manipulated
in response to four pairs of stimulus lights. The levers were either shape
coded (groups I and II) or identical (groups III and IV), and for two groups
(I and III) the lever locations were changed after eight trials, whilst the
lever locations remained constant for the remaining groups (II and IV).
The average error data for groups II and IV demonstrate no evidence of
an advantage of shape coding when the location of the levers remained
constant. However, data from groups I and III demonstrate a reduction in
error rates achieved by shape coding in the situation in which the location
of levers is altered.
These data, in conjunction with the data provided by Burgess-Limerick
(2009), support a recommendation that shape coding should be employed
for bolting control levers. However, for maximum benefit, and perhaps for
any benefit to be realised, the shapes must have a consistent relationship
to lever function between different bolting equipment, as well as within
the same piece of equipment. Consequently, the shapes proposed for bolt-
ing equipment in MDG35.1 should be employed universally for all under-
ground drilling and bolting equipment.
Condition B, Conditions C and D,
3 experiment No. 2 experiment No. 2
Figure 8.6 Data redrawn from Weitz (1947) from an experiment in which shape
coding was shown to be advantageous only when the order of controls was
Chapter eight: Controls and displays 131
Figure 8.7 Shuttle car cab with driver seated facing outby.
which tasks can be performed, and this conclusion has been confirmed
in a series of experiments in a virtual reality simulation of the situation
(Zupanc et al., 2007; Zupanc, 2008).
One solution to this problem is to provide a single rotating seat and a
steering mechanism which remains always compatible such as that pro-
vided in the Ergocab shuttle car illustrated in Figure 8.9AC.
Other examples exist where the design of controls requires care-
ful consideration of directional compatibility relationshipsconsider
once again the design of controls for underground coal-bolting equip-
ment. Mining Design Guideline 35.1 (I & I NSW, 2010) requires, The
Chapter eight: Controls and displays 133
Figure 8.9 (AC) Ergocab shuttle car design featuring a single rotating seat and
all-ways compatible steering.
134 Human factors for mining equipment
Figure 8.10 (AB) Virtual reality simulation of a generic device used to assess direc-
tional controlresponse compatibility (Courtesy of The University of Queensland).
pushing the lever away caused a slew to the right and was associated
with very few direction errors, and similarly very few direction errors
occurred when a vertical lever located to the participants left was paired
with a directional relationship such that pushing the lever away caused a
slew to the left. This outcome is consistent with the principle of consistent
direction. Directional error rates were higher when the direction of move-
ment of the slew (left or right) was perpendicular to that of the control
(i.e., all front on situations examined, and all horizontal lever orientations)
regardless of the directional controlresponse relationship. These situa-
tions should, therefore, be avoided.
In contrast, the optimal directional controlresponse relationship
for extension or retraction was not always consistent with the principle
of consistent direction. Whether the controls were located in front or to
either side of the participants, and regardless of whether the extension or
retraction occurred when the virtual device was vertical or horizontal,
directional error rates were significantly lower in the controlresponse
conditions in which raising a horizontal control, or pushing a vertical
control away, caused extension of the virtual device. This finding suggests
Chapter eight: Controls and displays 137
Figure 8.11 (AB) Physical model of a single boom bolter arm used to assess direc-
tional controlresponse compatibility (courtesy of National Institute for Occupa
tional Safety and Health, Office of Mine Safety and Health Research [NIOSH]).
In general, the lowest error rates for extension occurred when raising
a horizontal lever, or pushing away a vertical lever, to cause extension
was also consistent with the principle of common controlresponse direc-
tion, for example pushing a vertical lever located to a participants left to
raise extension to the left, or raising a horizontal lever to cause extension
vertically. An optimal design of bolting rigs would ensure that the maxi-
mally compatible relationships between control and response are always
These recommendations apply to the design of new bolting rigs.
A variety of directional controlresponse relationships are found on
bolting rigs currently in use. The consequences of making alterations
to those existing rigs which do not conform to the above directional
controlresponse relationships are unknown. It may be that for opera-
tors who are accustomed to operating controls which have directional
controlresponse relationships which differ from those recommended
here, a change may increase the probability of a directional error, at
least in the short term, and changes to existing equipment may conse-
quently be undesirable. Alternately, it may be that the changes would
be accommodated without difficulty and that changing existing equip-
ment is desirable.
Whilst the above results were motivated by specific design issues asso-
ciated with bolting machines, the results are likely to have general applica-
bility, given that similar results were obtained using both a physical model
of the single boom bolter, and a virtual simulation of a generic device which
was not representative of any particular piece of equipment.
Figure 8.12 Example of a display with both static and dynamic features.
146 Human factors for mining equipment
On the face of it, this category may have fewer human factors issues,
but lessons learnt from some industries (e.g., aviation) show that this is
not true. In addition to equipment testing and calibration, setup, routine,
and emergency maintenance, there is the control of equipment during
emergencies or abnormal states. Similarly, there are also the issues of
acceptability of automation to operators, loss of situation awareness, bore-
dom associated with what has become a vigilance task, deskilling, and
operator behavioural changes (short or long term) with regard to different
degrees of automated systems, and how this impacts upon risk. Whilst
this latter point is relevant to some degree to all levels of automation, it is
particularly acute for full automation where the degree of system control
by the operator is less.
Poor operator acceptance of new technologies and automation after they are
introduced. This might be evidenced by negative opinions of the new
devices (e.g., not trusting the outputs of the new technology), lack of
use, and even sabotage or damage to them in extreme cases. User-
centred design of the technology, operator and worker consultation,
understanding the exact requirements of the tasks, and an ongoing
feedback process to and from management can help reduce prob-
lems with new technology acceptance.
Poor human factors design of equipment. Focusing on the human
machine interface, this includes a lack of equipment usability as well
as information overload and distraction issues. Workload can be
upon a single operator or a full work team (e.g., all maintenance staff
in a shift), and it can produce problems when too high, too low, or
too uneven. Another aspect is inadequate feedback to the operator,
and the effects of delays between making a control action and seeing
the results of the action (i.e., time lag). More generally, many of the
152 Human factors for mining equipment
Failures of components (e.g., the tags used in some systems) and gen-
eral device reliability
Whether people are actually using the system (and not misusing or
sabotaging it)
Recorded warnings and evasive actions
Before-and-after studies of incidents, near misses, or other criti-
cal events
In this vein, draft criteria that might be of assistance here, in part from
those employed by Horberry et al. (2004), are that the technologies should
do the following:
mine sites that had either trialed some of the technologies or were inter-
ested in doing so (Rasche, 2009).
162 Human factors for mining equipment
performance effects is that the causes and countermeasures for these two
phenomena are generally quite different. For example, sleepiness can be due
to a lack of prior sleep or body clock (circadian cycle) issues, whereas task
demands associated with mining or other work activities can negatively
affect performance without necessarily causing sleepiness. Whereas the best
countermeasure for sleepiness is obtaining good-quality sleep (or some-
times a nap), the countermeasures for other task-induced effects may include
changing the physical or mental demands of the job, equipment, or task.
10.1.4 Nightwork
As we all know, nightwork and other shiftwork are virtually indispens-
able in the minerals industry; often it is economically essential to run a
twenty-four-hour operation. Humans are naturally inclined to sleep at
night (especially when it gets dark) and be active (work and play) during
the day (when the sun rises). Many human bodily functions fluctuate in a
twenty-four-hour cycle called the circadian rhythm; these include core body
temperature and blood pressure. These bodily functions usually peak during
daylight hours and are lowest at night and early morning hours. This trend
is associated with not just physical functions but also alertness levels. Within
this context, sleep is the most important influence on the circadianrhythm.
Most adults need 68 hours sleep per night for health and well-being.
Often the daytime sleep of nightworkers is of poor quality (especially
when taken in the noisy conditions that might be experienced at a camp
at a mine site) and so has less recovery value. It is very difficult to alter cir-
cadian rhythms completely; often several weeks are needed to do this, so
where they are needed, quick rotation shifts are now often recommended
in the minerals industry.
Many studies have found that more work errors (leading to incidents
or accidents) are likely to occur at night, with the 12:00 midnight4:00 a.m.
period especially prone to problems when an operator often needs to fight
to stay awake. As much as possible, where dangerous or demanding tasks
involving mining equipment operations or maintenance need to be per-
formed (e.g., scheduled maintenance tasks involving multiple operators
and a large amount of complex support equipment), they should be done
when personnel are most likely to be alert (Cantwell, 1997). However, this
of course can be difficult to achieve. Where fixed night schedules are likely,
then adaptation to them is possible, especially if the operator is helped to re-
synchronise by means of meals, exercise, social interaction, and light. Such
adaptation can help improve the operators health and job satisfaction.
Nightwork can cause many health problems, such as stomach trou-
bles, sleep problems, ulcers, and heart problems. Indeed, recent reports in
the media have linked some types of nightwork to increased cancer rates.
It is estimated that two-thirds of all night-shift workers experience some
health complaints at some time due to their working hours (Kroemer and
Grandjean, 1997). Night- and shiftwork can also cause social problems:
less family time, little social contacts, and less opportunity for clubs and
social groups. The world often seems made for day workers, so mining
shiftworkers sometimes feel on the edge of society. Night shifts are often
worse for older people because they are less able to cope and less able to
recover from the physiological and psychological stresses that such shift-
work brings. Because of this, some operators, especially older ones, in the
mining environment leave the industry, or transfer to day working.
Chapter ten: Organisational and task factors 165
device informed him in the last ten minutes of the journey that he
was fatigued, would the operator stop immediately, or continue to
finish the task?
So significant issues still exist. Such devices are attractive in many ways,
but they should not be considered as a replacement of other fatigue man-
agement measures in mining.
10.4 Distraction
The final performance-shaping factor that will be considered in this chap-
ter is distraction. Unlike fatigue, until recently there was relatively little
work done examining the effects of distraction upon occupational work
performance. That is beginning to change; however, most of the workdone
on distraction has been related to driver distraction in the road safety
domain. Clearly there are many parallels between driver distraction from
driving a truck on the public roads, and operator distraction from driving
a truck at a mine site. As such, driver distraction, and its links to mining
equipment (particularly mobile equipment), will be considered below.
10.5 Conclusion
This chapter has focused on wider organisational and task issues related
to mining equipment. In particular, it examined four possible perfor-
mance-shaping factors: first it considered fatigue and shiftwork, and
then it more briefly reviewed mental workload, and stress and distrac-
tion. It should be noted that other organisational and task factors can
also have an impact upon mining equipment safety and performance.
Examples of these include work organisation (e.g., supervisory style) or
task-linked factors (such as frustration, or unclear task goals); however,
these were not reviewed here due to them being less closely linked to
mining equipment.
Chapter 11 builds on this and considers other factors that are linked
to mining equipment safety and efficiency, in particular considering the
role of training.
chapter eleven
Co-written with Jennifer G. Tichon
The University of Queensland, Australia
178 Human factors for mining equipment
Schofield et al. (2001) proposed that virtual reality simulation offered the
opportunity to improve safety-related training in mining, suggesting that
the capacity to remember safety information from a three-dimensional
computer world is far greater than the ability to translate information
from a printed page (p. 155).
There is no doubt that virtual reality simulation offers the opportunity
to develop both perceptuo-motor skills and cognitive skills such as problem
solving, decision making, and hazard perception, without exposing train-
ees or others to unacceptable risks (a number of fatalities have occurred in
mining during on-the-job training). This strategy has been employed in
other hazardous industries such as aviation, rail, health, and defence. The
simulators range in cost, fidelity, and functionality. Simulations are ideal
to train tasks which have large perceptual or pattern recognition compo-
nents, tasks which require teamwork or group problem solving, and tasks
which are too dangerous or expensive to undertake for training alone. The
potential for improved safety suggested by Schofield et al. (2001) and others
(e.g., Bise, 1997; Filigenzi et al., 2000; Wilkes, 2001) has been embraced by the
mining industry, and virtual reality simulation is beginning to be adopted.
Kizil (2003), for example, suggests, There is no doubt that the use of VR
based training will reduce these injuries and fatality numbers (p. 569).
Virtual environments have been used as a training medium for
many years in aviation, medicine (and particularly surgery), and defence.
Considerable evidence exists to demonstrate the effectiveness of virtual
reality for pilot training (see Carretta and Dunlap, 1998, for a review).
Whilst flight simulators have been consistently demonstrated to result
in skill acquisition by pilots, the effectiveness of the training is strongly
influenced by the task to be trained and the amount and type of training
provided. Simulators have been found to be more effective in training for
take-off, approach, and landing than for other flying tasks. Landing skills,
and instrument flying learnt in a simulator, have also been shown to trans-
fer to the real task (Pfeiffer et al., 1991; Hays et al., 1992). Flight simulators
are typically used to complement flying time rather than substitute for
flight time; however, there is evidence that simulators reliably produce
superior training compared to aircraft-only training (Jacobs etal., 1990).
Strong evidence also exists for the use of virtual environments for train-
ing a variety of surgical skills (see Gurusamy et al., 2008, for a review) and
the use of simulators for surgical training is becoming a standard feature of
medical education. Similarly, evidence exists which demonstrates the benefits
of virtual reality simulations in training for drivers of cars (e.g., Turpin and
184 Human factors for mining equipment
Welles, 2006), trucks (Parkes and Reed, 2006), snow plows (Kihl and Wolf,
2007), trains (Tichon and Wallis, 2009), and emergency vehicles (Lindsey,
2005) in terms of both safety-related behaviour and fuel efficiency.
In addition to training miners to operate equipment in normal condi-
tions, virtual environments also offer the potential to train miners to cope
with emergency situations. Enhancing such emergency response skills
has been considered important by a number of industries. Of particular
interest are those cognitive skills known to degrade under stress such as
critical thinking and decision making.
The development and evaluation of virtual environments for train-
ing in decision making under stress have a strong empirical basis pro-
vided by the military. In 1998 the US Office of Naval Research completed
a seven-year research project focusing on decision making under stress
(TADMUS) (Cannon-Bowers and Salas, 1998). Rather than focussing on
skills development, the focus here is on ensuring that performance does
not deteriorate under stressful conditions, hence stress exposure training
(SET) (Driskell and Johnston, 1998).
Such training focuses on developing those cognitive skills required to
maintain effective performance under degraded work conditions. The aim
is to incite the same emotional reaction and stems from research demon-
strating that for some tasks normal training procedures did not improve
task performance when the task was later performed under stressful con-
ditions (Zakay and Wooler, 1984; Tichon and Wallis, 2009).
Negative, affective states such as stress can impair decision making
by causing an overestimation of risks which results in unprofessional or
unsafe choices based on perceived levels of danger to self and others
errors which Peters et al. (2006) termed avoidant choices. Sub-goals
of stress training include gaining specific knowledge of, and familiar-
ity with, the operational environment to assist trainees to form accurate
expectations. This will improve trainees ability to predict outcomes and
avoid errors, as well as decrease their propensity to be distracted by novel
sensations (Driskell and Johnston, 1998). The overall goal of cognitive
training via virtual reality is to build confidence in trainees in their abil-
ity to perform under adverse conditions.
11.7 Conclusion
Training for the operators and maintainers of mining equipment is an
integral part of ensuring the safe and productive use of the equipment.
The design of training should encompass a structured process incorpo-
rating a training needs analysis leading to the definition of the functional
specifications, an iterative design component incorporating usability
testing, and evaluation. Training should include practise in a variety of
circumstances and situations. The use of virtual reality simulation is a
promising method for allowing the safe exposure of trainees to unusual,
and otherwise high-risk, scenarios.
chapter twelve
12.1 Summary
This book has demonstrated the richness, issues, problems, and benefits of
human interaction with mining equipment. Further, it is anticipated that
the book contains practical information to help improve the safety and
productivity of equipment-related mining operations and maintenance.
Some of the key aspects covered included the following:
190 Human factors for mining equipment
The outcomes of such an approach would benefit the mine sites and
their personnel through improved purchasing and eventually design of
mobile mining equipment. More specifically, through original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) needing to address the issues contained in the
procurement documentation, it would help to create best practice designs
mobile equipment. Likewise, such a procurement tool could help to better
control the purchasing and integration of add-on or retrofitted technolo-
gies (e.g., to reduce overload and distractions to operators from piecemeal
add-on technologies). Such a process could also allow the functional spec-
ifications and procurement documentation to be a means for mine sites
to explicitly and consistently communicate their requirements better to
OEMs. Finally, and ultimately, significant financial benefits might result for
a mine site and the industry as a whole in terms of less equipment-related
injuries or workers compensation claims, less equipment repair costs
and downtime, and an increase in production hours through improved
designs for maintenance. Good human factors information is now avail-
able, but it needs to be used and disseminated correctly.
One of Simpson et al.s main points was that although there might
be some occasions where a front line operator or maintainer might be
responsible for an error, the vast majority of errors are predisposed
or even directly caused by latent factors that are either elsewhere
in the organisation or from another source (such as equipment manu-
facturers, through less than adequate designs). They recommended a
three-pronged approach that involved risk assessment for human error
potential (for example, in new equipment), auditing and assessment
of current operations and equipment, and systematic consideration of
human factors in accident investigations (including equipment-related
incidents). Ultimately they declared, Human error is and always will
be inevitable. However, to accept that its consequences are always an
Chapter twelve: Conclusions 193
permanent deletion). The initial error still occurs, but its effects are
recoverable within a certain period of time. In the mining domain,
as noted in Chapter 3, fuel cut-offs (or deadmans controls) once an
incident has occurred can at least minimise its severity. As with the
limiting the occurrence of errors category, generally many of these
measures have some issues: for example, deadmans controls may
overload the operator by requiring another action to be performed
(i.e., holding the deadmans handle) at moments of high workload
(e.g., in emergency situations).
Perhaps the key for future mining equipment is to design and build
a multilayered defence that focuses on preventing, reducing, detecting,
identifying, recovering/resuming, and limiting the effects of errors to
better support human performance (Wood and Kieras, 2002). Similar to
the Simpson et al. (2009) quote earlier in this section, they state, Human
error is pervasive. Designing for human error should also be pervasive
(Wood and Kieras, 2002, p. 11).
It is anticipated that further work will be undertaken here by mining
equipment manufacturers and designers, and a better dialogue between
OEMs and mine sites will help develop additional site-level controls
(including training) when and where needed for more comprehensive
future equipment error management systems.
Figure 12.1 OEM and customer design maturity chart. (Adapted from Joy, 2009)
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214 Index
blasting, 94 strength, 79
cold stress, 9596 task factors, 161175
compressed-air lines, 95 training, 177187
controls, 9295 visibility, 105118
curing cement, 95 vision, 105118
deep underground mining, 9495 work efficiency, 4
environmental heat stress, 90 workforce ageing, 910
groundwater, 95 workstation design, 5975
indices, 9192
oxidation of minerals, timbers, 95
paths of heat exchange, 89
convection, 89 Illumination, 108110
evaporation, 89 glare, 109
radiation, 89 luminance, 109
physiological responses, 91 reflectance, 109
thermal limits, 9192 Importance of including human
vibration, peripheral, 99100 factors,23
water lines, 95 Inadvertent control operation, 122123
History of human factors in mining, 5 Incandescent luminous efficacy, 111
Human factors in equipment Incorrect control operation, 123131
design,113,1537 Injury from manual tasks, 4958
aims of human factors, 23 body posture, 5455
anthropometric variability, 5975 duration, 5556
automation, 9, 145159 force, 5354
climate, 77104 movement, 55
controls, 119144 repetition, 55
defining human factors, 12 risk assessment, 5657
displays, 119144 risk factors, 5356
equipment operations, 3948 speed, 5354
ergonomics knowledge, mine site, vs. training in risk management, 5758
manufacturer skill, 1011 Internal distraction, 174
future developments, 611 Iris, 107
health, 34
history of human factors in mining, 5
importance of, 34
importance of including human Lack of human factors information, as
factors,23 barrier to design, 29
lighting, 105118 Laws, 3940
maintenance, 3948 LED area lighting, 114
manual tasks, 4958 LED cap lamp, 113
motivation, human diversity in, 2 Legislation, 3940
new technologies, 145159 Lens, optical, 107
organisational factors, 161175 Levels of automation, 147148
physical environment, 77104 full automation, 147148
productivity, 4 lower level automation, 147
reliability, 79 midlevel automation, 147
remote control, 9 Life cycle of equipment, 1618
risk management, 56 Lighting
safety, 34, 79 contrast, 109
safety vs. production, 67 disability glare, 109
shape, human diversity in, 2 discomfort glare, 109
size, 79 glare, 109
speed, 79 illumination, 108110
Index 217
Variation in built environment, 40 Warm white LED 3300K, luminous
VDV. See Vibration dose value efficacy,111
Vibration, 96104 Warnings, 20, 140141
consequences of, 98102 Whole-body vibration, 100102
health effects, 99102 risks, 102104
motion sickness, 9899 Wireless visual warning system, 114
peripheral, 99100 Within-vehicle distractors, 174
vibration dose value, 97, 101 Work efficiency, 4
visuo-motor performance, 99 Workforce ageing, 910
whole-body, 100104 Working hours in mining, 163
risks, 102104 Workstation design, 5975
Vibration dose value, 97, 101 access, 6367
Virtual reality simulation anthropometric data in, 5962
training, 184187 clearance requirements, 6263
Visibility, 105118. See also Vision consistency, 69
220 Index