Mandibular Jurnal
Mandibular Jurnal
Mandibular Jurnal
Review Article
Vascularized Fibula Graft: An Overview of
Different Modifications
George Kokosis1, Robin Schmitz2, David B. Powers1, Detlev Erdmann1
Division of Plastic, Reconstructive, Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA; 2Department of
General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
The reconstruction of the mandible is a complex procedure because various cosmetic as well Correspondence: George Kokosis
as functional challenges must be addressed, including mastication and oral competence. Division of Plastic, Reconstructive,
Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, Duke
Many surgical techniques have been described to address these challenges, including non- University Medical Center, Box 3181,
vascularized bone grafts, vascularized bone grafts, and approaches related to tissue engineer Durham, NC 27710, USA
ing. This review summarizes different modifications of the free vascularized fibula graft, which, Tel: +1-919-684-3320
Fax: +1-919-681-2670
since its introduction by Hidalgo in 1989, has become the first option for mandibular recons E-mail: [email protected]
truction. The fibula free flap can undergo various modifications according to the individual
requirements of a particular reconstruction. Osteocutaneous flaps can be harvested for re
construction of composite defects. Double-barreling of the fibula can, for instance, enable
enhanced aesthetic and functional results, as well as immediate one-stage osseointegrated
dental implantation. Recently described preoperative virtual surgery planning to facilitate
neomandible remodeling could guarantee good results. To conclude, the free fibula bone
graft can currently be regarded as the gold standard for mandibular reconstruction in case of
composite (inside and outside) oral cavity defects as well as a way of enabling the perfor
mance of one-stage dental implantation.
No potential conflict of interest relevant
Keywords Mandibular reconstruction / Fibula / Microsurgery to this article was reported.
Kokosis G et al. Review of mandibular reconstruction
dibular reconstruction, especially after cancer treatment utiliz- Fig. 1. In-situ osteoseptocutaneous fibula flap
ing radiation. Vascularized bone grafts (VBGs) contain an in-
Osteoseptocutaneous fibula flap immediately after harvest, includ-
trinsic blood supply that adds the biological advantage of short- ing the skin paddle. The skin island is located between the middle
ened union time. Outcomes from free VBGs, most notably free and distal third of the fibula (markings).
fibula grafts, have proved markedly superior to non-vascularized
options, including reconstruction plates and bone grafts, with
defects of the mandible exceeding 6 cm in length and traversing
the parasymphyseal and/or anterior border regions [3,4].
Direct comparisons of NVBGs and vascularized bone flaps
(VBFs) have shown superiority of the latter in terms of bony
union (69% for NVBGs vs. 96% of VBFs) [3] as well as superior
functional and aesthetic scores for diet, speech, and midline sym-
metry [6]. Superiority of VBGs compared to NVBGs increases
significantly in case of mandibular defects greater than 6 cm or
previously irradiated tissue [3]. Available options for VBGs are
the fibula, radial forearm, scapula, and iliac crest [7-10], with the
fibula flap being the most popular for mandibular reconstruction.
In this review, the authors present different variations of the
free vascularized fibula graft, which could serve as the treatment
of choice for mandibular reconstruction.
The use of free vascularized fibula has become the gold stan-
dard for mandibular reconstruction since its introduction by
Hidalgo [11] in 1989, due to various advantages over other
VBGs. First, the fibula graft offers a good length of dense corti-
cal bone, up to 25 cm in adults, as well as a long pedicle based
on the peroneal artery for the reconstruction of long bony de- developed that include parts of the soleus or peroneus longus.
fects. Since the fibula graft was first described, many surgeons Most recently, a second skin island based on proximal perfora-
have adopted and ultimately optimized the technique. Today, tors off the peroneal artery present in 90% of the cases was de-
multiple modifications exist, each one developed to fit in a spe- scribed [16]. Thus, this graft provides convenient tissue for si-
cific individualized defect scenario. multaneous reconstruction of bony and soft tissue defects inside
as well as outside the oral cavity, bringing viable tissue to a most-
Bone-only and osteoseptocutaneous flap ly irradiated and contaminated field, with the lowest complica-
A few circumstances exist in which there is no associated soft tion rate among osteocutaneous flaps [17]. Limitations of the
tissue damage and an osseous flap only is sufficient to bridge the extent of the skin paddle harvested with the fibula graft have
defect. Composite tissue loss is usually more extensive, and the been overcome with the previously described double-skin pad-
versatility of the fibula flap comes into play. dle fibula free flaps based on septocutaneous, intramuscular, and
The fibula graft may provide skin islands, up to 25 cm long soleus perforators (Fig. 2) [18,19].
and 14 cm wide, suitable for reconstruction of associated soft
tissue defects (Fig. 1). Chen and Yan [12] were the first to de- Double barreling
scribe the osteocutaneous fibula flap in 1983. Multiple skin is- The height discrepancy between the native mandible and the
lands can be harvested with the fibula graft, including those based transplanted fibula can be a disadvantage of this approach, espe-
on septocutaneous as well as on musculocutaneous peroneal cially at the anterior segment, which significantly complicates
perforators supplying an osteomyocutaneous flap [13,14]. The prosthodontic reconstruction of the mandible. The average hei
most reliable septocutaneous perforators are located in the mid- ght of the native mandible, including the dentition, is generally
dle and distal third of the fibula [15]. Modifications have been in excess of 34 cm. The average height of the fibula is usually
Vol. 43 / No. 1 / January 2016
1012 mm, which presents a reconstructive dilemma, as this Fig. 3. Radiographic appearance of double-barrel fibula
height is inadequate to allow for placement of dental implants free flap
that can be restored in a functional setting. Double-barreling of Postoperative panorex depicts the typical configuration of a dou-
the fibula, a technique that involves osteotomies and folding ble-barrel fibula free flap. The flap is well aligned and held stable by
the plate.
over the fibula graft to create equal struts, while preserving the
blood supply throughout the graft, was first recommended by
Horiuchi et al. [20] in 1995. A double-barrel fibula flap conve-
niently matches the height of the mandible of 34 cm, leading
to better aesthetic and functional results and enabling a one-
stage procedure with immediate osseointegrated dental implan-
tation (Fig. 3) [21,22]. In terms of dental implantation, the ver-
tical distraction technique has been described to expand the
neomandible up to 15 mm to allow a delayed osseointegrated
dental implantation after 46 months in a three-stage procedure
[2]. Most recently published data have shown a increased com- Pre-plating and osteotomies
plexity and frequency of complications with the vertical distrac- To recreate the anatomic form of the mandible, especially the
tion technique compared to double-barreled fibula grafts and contour of the anterior portion, the fibula has to be divided into
therefore recommend the use of double-barreled fibula grafts several segments using a closed wedge osteotomy technique
for osseointegrated dental implants [23]. Depending on the re- with potentially multiple osteotomies. The number of osteoto-
constructive purpose, the fibula can also be partially double-bar- mies should be kept to a minimum to preserve reliable segmen-
reled [2]. A 98% flap survival and good aesthetic and functional tal periosteal circulation [25]. The accurate restoration of the
outcomes have been reported [24]. neomandible is crucial due to sufficient occlusion and accept-
able aesthetic results. The contour of the neomandible will be
defined principally by the curve of a reconstruction plate formed
Kokosis G et al. Review of mandibular reconstruction
prior to the surgery or during the surgery using a no-touch tech- late cellular bone and marrow (PCBM) and platelet-rich plasma
nique along the specimen. Another technique includes pre-plat- (PRP) has been shown to form microstructures of the cellular
ing of the mandible prior to the resection. Different variations of bone resembling those in normal mandibles [34]. Additionally,
pre-plating are described depending on the tumor spread [26]. an off-label use of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) in
The stereolithographic model completes this technique involv- a collagen carrier has been described as a new alternative to vari-
ing preplating, templating, and insetting of the mandible with ous types of autogenous bone grafting procedures [35,36]. Nev-
convincing results with regard to shape and function [27]. ertheless, none of these approaches can yet be considered estab-
lished as standard in craniomaxillofacial reconstructive surgery.
Prefabricated plates and cutting systemsthree-
dimensional approach DISCUSSION
As described before, sculpting the fibula graft is a critical step
during restoration of the mandibular shape. The evolution of The reconstruction of mandibular defects is complex due to the
technology has introduced three-dimensional (3D) approaches need to address both functional and aesthetic objectives. This
to virtual surgical planning by preparation of 3D models of fibu- review has noted that reconstruction with a free fibula bone graft
la grafts prior to surgery. Stereolithographic models of the man- has been shown to produce superior patient outcomes over
dible and the fibula can be obtained from computer tomogra- NVBGs [3,4]. Nevertheless, it is also one of the most challeng-
phy scan data preoperatively [28]. Subsequently, plates can be ing procedures from the standpoint of craniomaxillofacial sur-
bent according to the model to increase the accuracy and de- gery. For this reason, NVBGs may be a reasonable alternative in
crease the duration of surgery by preplanning each step of the selected cases, depending on the size of the bony and soft tissue
operation including the osteotomies on the mandible and the defect [37,38]. Additionally, soft tissue flaps alone such as an-
fibula by use of staged cutting guides (Fig. 4) [29]. Thus, com- terolateral thigh, gracilis, rectus, and latissimus dorsi have been
puter-assisted mandibular reconstruction (CAMR) has increas successfully used in reconstruction of posterolateral defects [39,
ed preoperative planning accuracy, resulting in greater surgical 40]. Tissue-engineered alternatives have also shown promise
precision and reduction of surgical duration [30]. However, these but still need more comprehensive clinical testing. In the case of
models are expensive, require a strict realization of the planned additional soft tissue defects, a fibula graft can be harvested with
intervention, and are not easily adaptable to an aberrant surgical various reliable skin paddles [1], which enable a one-stage re-
approach [31]. constructive procedure of composite mandibular defects [41-
43]. Several modifications of skin paddles have been described,
Future directions including a chimeric double-skin paddle [18] for simultaneous
Utilization of microsurgery in management of the mandibular reconstruction of intra- and extraoral defects [44]. Especially in
reconstruction, even though associated with adequate outcomes such complex defects, the free fibula graft has outstanding im-
and low donor-site morbidity [32], it remains challenging. Fu- portance. Another advantage of the free vascularized fibula graft
ture strategies include tissue engineering approaches utilizing is the ability to have two teams working simultaneously with the
collagen-based scaffolds combined with bone marrow-derived patient in the supine position by reducing operating time, which
stromal cells and growth factors [5,33]. Furthermore, particu- is associated with reduced blood loss and lower rates of infec-
Vol. 43 / No. 1 / January 2016
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Vol. 43 / No. 1 / January 2016