Boehm 1
Boehm 1
Boehm 1
available at
Article history: The various steps required in the Boehm titration (CO2 removal, agitation method, end-
Received 16 September 2009 point determination, etc.) are carried out in different ways by different research groups,
Accepted 27 November 2009 making a comparison of the results between these groups difficult. Herein, the methods
Available online 2 December 2009 of CO2 expulsion and endpoint determination for the Boehm titration were standardized.
Blank samples of the three Boehm reaction bases, NaHCO3, Na2CO3 and NaOH, were exam-
ined for complete CO2 expulsion through sparging with an inert gas (N2 or Ar), heating, or
utilizing a N2-filled glove box. Boehm titrations using NaOH as the reaction base were stud-
ied through direct titration and back-titration. It was found that to minimize errors both
the NaOH titrant and HCl should be standardized prior to titration and that a back-titration
is preferable for all three reaction bases. Additionally, the titration should be performed
immediately after degassing for 2 h with N2 or Ar, and degassing should continue during
the titration. This is found to be particularly true of the NaOH reaction base, where the
effects of dissolved CO2 are the most noticeable and persistent. With sufficient CO2
removal, there is no significant difference between pH electrode or colour indication end-
point determination, and either is satisfactory.
2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction identify and quantify the types of oxygen surface groups pres-
ent on a carbon sample.
Traditionally, the so-called Boehm titration has been used Although the Boehm titration is widely used, it has not
as a chemical method to identify oxygen surface groups on been standardized. Explicit methodology has not been speci-
carbon materials [18]. The Boehm titration works on the fied and certain titration steps vary between research groups.
principle that oxygen groups on carbon surfaces have differ- Reference is typically made to Boehms papers [1,8], but his
ent acidities and can be neutralized by bases of different procedure is often not followed precisely. The lack of stan-
strengths. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is the strongest base dardization makes it difficult to compare literature results.
generally used, and is assumed to neutralize all Brnsted Some of the factors needing to be standardized are the ra-
acids (including phenols, lactonic groups and carboxylic tio of carbon to reaction base, the length of time that samples
acids), while sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) neutralizes carbox- are shaken or stirred, the method of CO2 expulsion from the
ylic and lactonic groups (e.g. lactone and lactol rings) and so- solutions, and the method of titration endpoint determina-
dium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) neutralizes carboxylic acids [2,5]. tion. All these variables introduce error to varying degrees,
The difference between the uptake of the bases can be used to and since different methods are being used, it makes compar-
ing results difficult. Therefore, the Boehm titration must be of the different endpoints determined were examined in this
standardized not only for consistency but to ensure that the study.
methodology gives the most precise results possible.
In particular, the issues addressed here are the optimum 2. Experimental
method for CO2 removal and the best method of endpoint
determination. Factors such as agitation method and dura- For the majority of this work, blank samples (i.e. no carbon
tion, effect of filtering, titrant concentration and error calcula- present) were used in the titrations. This removes the varia-
tions will be carried out on real carbon samples in Part II of tion that may arise due to differences in carbon surface func-
this research. With respect to CO2 expulsion, in many previ- tionalities, carbon wettability or carbon provenance. In
ous cases where Boehms titration was performed, no men- addition, it makes the amount of base reacted (and therefore
tion is made of how CO2 was expelled from the samples, the amount of carbon surface functionality) expected to be
although CO2 expulsion may be accomplished through boiling zero, so that bias can be easily seen. To prevent confusion,
(or refluxing) [1,2,5,8] or degassing with N2 during reaction the bases used in the titration to react with the acidic surface
and titration [3,9], conducting the titration in a N2 atmosphere functionalities (NaHCO3, Na2CO3 and NaOH) are denoted as
in a glove box [4], or subtracting the value of a blank titration reaction bases, and the base used for titration is denoted as
(no carbon) from the results [4,9]. Both degassing with N2 and the titrator base.
heating cause the volume of the acidified aliquot to decrease
due to evaporation, a factor that must be taken into account 2.1. Boehm titration general procedure
when titrating. Related to this, the length of time that CO2
is expelled is significant and was also one of the factors The general titration procedure was carried out based on
addressed. Boehms method [5]. A known mass of ca. 1.5 g carbon was
In terms of endpoint determination for the titrations, com- added to 50.00 mL of one of three reaction bases of 0.05 M
monly used methods include colour indicators (such as phe- concentration: NaHCO3 (Sigma, 99.5%), Na2CO3 (Anachemia,
nolphthalein, methyl red and methylene blue), one-point ACS Reagent) and NaOH (Sigma-Aldrich, 99.998%). In Boehms
pH measurements (where the titration is carried out until a early studies [8] he stated that 0.05 N solutions should be
value of 7 is reached) or potentiometric measurement used; however, later on Boehm stipulated that 0.05 M (molar)
throughout the titration for the production of a titration solutions should be used, which is particularly significant for
curve. As long as the same method is being used consistently, Na2CO3, which is a diprotic base [5]. In the present study,
the number of acidic groups on different carbons can be com- therefore, 0.05 M solutions were used. The samples were agi-
pared. However, it is unclear whether comparisons can be tated by shaking for 24 h and then filtered to remove the car-
made between the different methodologies for endpoint bon, and 10.00 mL aliquots were taken by pipette from the
determination since different endpoints are determined for samples. The study of the possibility that base adsorbed onto
the different methodologies. For example, phenolphthalein the filter paper will be addressed in a paper in preparation in
is often used for a basic titrant [1015], and theoretically the authors lab. The aliquots of the reaction base NaHCO3
changes colour at pH 8.0. Methyl red is often used for an were then acidified by the addition of 20.00 mL of 0.05 M
acidic titrant [11,14,1619], and theoretically changes colour HCl (SigmaAldrich, 99.999%). The aliquots of the reaction
at pH 6.2. Notice that the equivalence point, which should base Na2CO3 were acidified by the addition of 30.00 mL of
be pH 7.0 in a strong acid-strong base titration, cannot be seen 0.05 M HCl, to ensure complete neutralization of the base,
with either of these indicators. Therefore, while the use of which requires two protons, vs. the one proton required by
both these indicators is reasonable, they result in an excess the NaOH and NaHCO3 reaction bases. The acidified solutions
either of base or acid rather than the equivalence point. If re- were then back-titrated with 0.05 M NaOH, the titrator base.
sults are compared using the same endpoint determination The aliquots of the NaOH reaction base were titrated using
method, these excesses will cancel out, but neither colour two different methods: (1) the solution was acidified by the
indication method will give identical results with the other addition of 20.00 mL of 0.05 M HCl and the sample was
nor with a pH 7.0 endpoint-measured titration. Additionally, back-titrated with 0.05 M NaOH; or (2) the sample was titrated
it has not yet been shown whether these differences in equiv- directly with 0.05 M HCl. All pipettes used should be properly
alence point lead to significant differences in the number of calibrated. Fresh solutions were used to limit the amount of
surface functionalities determined by the titration. Colour CO2 permeating through polyethylene storage bottles and dis-
indicator endpoint methods are also prone to human subjec- solving into the reagents. The direct titration of NaOH is de-
tivity. Conversely, a potentiometric titration utilizes a pH me- noted as NaOHdirect. In all cases, CO2 was removed from
ter, which can be read to a pH of exactly 7.0, the expected solution immediately before the titration.
endpoint, and is less sensitive to human subjectivity. Boehm The carbon to base ratio was chosen based on the require-
[5] suggests using either potentiometric titration or a mixture ment that at least ca. 10% of the reaction base should react
of methyl red and methylene blue indicators. The titration with the carbon, which according to Boehm [5] is needed to
curve of a strong acid with a strong base is close to being ver- ensure reliable results. A carbon black was used: Black Pearls
tical near the equivalence point, and so differences in end- 2000 (Cabot Corporation). Blank samples, containing no car-
points observed using difference indicators should not be bon, were also run with each reaction base. All solutions were
significant except when using very dilute concentrations. prepared with 18 MX water. All titrations were carried out at
Nevertheless, endpoint determination methods and the effect room temperature.
1254 CARBON 4 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 2 5 2 1 2 6 1
2.2. Endpoint determination with 0.05 M NaOH. With some samples, the degasification
was continued throughout the titration by bubbling the sam-
To examine which method of endpoint determination was ple. During the titration, a seal of Parafilm was maintained
most precise, titrations were done using both a pH electrode around both the electrode and the burette. Three blank sam-
and meter and colour indicators separately and simulta- ples were used for each gas. The mass and pH of the solution
neously. The potentiometric examinations were done as a was recorded at each point in the CO2 removal process. The
one-point endpoint determination where the titration was endpoint was determined using a pH meter (SympHony,
carried out until a pH of 7.0 was measured, at which point VWR) with a posi-pHIo electrode (VWR).
the titration volume was noted. As well, full potentiometric
titrations were carried out and the endpoint was determined 2.4.2. Use of a N2-filled glove box
from the first derivative of the pH-volume plot. The indicators Blank titrations, using blank aliquots of each reaction base as
used were methyl red (Fluka), methylene blue (Riedel-de in Section 2.4.1, were performed in a glove box filled with N2,
Haen) and phenolphthalein. Methyl red was used in basic with and without degasification prior to titration, using
samples titrated with HCl, and phenolphthalein was used in potentiometric endpoint detection. When degasification was
acidic samples titrated with NaOH. done, it was by bubbling the aliquot with N2 for 1 h in the
glove box.
2.3. Standardization of solutions
2.4.3. CO2 removal through heating
To ensure a correct NaOH concentration was used in the cal- To examine the effects of heat on CO2 removal two methods
culation of the carbon surface functionalities, all NaOH solu- were used. In the first method, blank aliquots were made in
tions were standardized, since solid NaOH is hygroscopic and small sample vials for each reaction base as in Section 2.4.1.
solutions made with NaOH pellets are less concentrated than The vials were sealed except for a needle passing through
what is first assumed. Dried potassium hydrogen phthalate the cover to act as an exhaust. The samples were heated at
(KHP) (Sigma-Aldrich, 99.95%) (stored in a desiccator) was 80 C on a hot plate for 30 min and then sealed and left to cool
the primary standard used to standardize NaOH. A mass of to room temperature before titrating. Three replicate samples
ca. 0.2 g of KHP, measured to 0.01 mg, was used in each titra- of each reaction base were weighed before heating and after
tion. This mass was chosen as it resulted in the amount of ti- cooling to determine the mass loss.
trant used to be about 80% of the 25-mL burette, as is usually In the second method, the sample preparation was carried
required in analytical titrations. Since a titration curve out as above for heating, but the solutions were placed in 50-
showed that KHP is a weak acid, with an endpoint of ca. 8.6, mL round bottom flasks. The samples were refluxed using a
phenolphthalein is a good choice of indicator. No more than hot water bath at 100 C for 30 min and then sealed and left
2 drops of phenolphthalein per 40 mL were added to avoid a to cool to room temperature. The samples were weighed be-
bias. The standardized NaOH was then used as a titrant in fore heating and after cooling to determine the mass loss
the standardization titration of the HCl solution to an end- due to evaporation, and again after being transferred to a
point of pH 7.0, conducted using a pH electrode and meter. small sealed beaker for titration. Three replicate samples
Sealed ampoules of a NaOH standard may be used to avoid were carried out for each reaction base.
the necessity of standardization.
2.5. Calculations
2.4. CO2 expulsion methods
The equations used to determine the quantity of surface
2.4.1. Degasification with N2 or Ar groups depends on the titration method: back-titration or di-
Studies on the effect of N2 and Ar degasification (sparging) on rect titration. For a back-titration, amounts of the acidic
CO2 removal were conducted on blank solutions, where no groups on carbon were determined by:
carbon was used. These solutions were a mixture of
10.00 mL of reaction base and the appropriate volume of HCl nHCl Va
to achieve the volume of a typical Boehm titration aliquot nB VB
(as per Section 2.1). Samples were contained in 40 mL glass
vials utilizing polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)/silicone septum nCSF BVB HClVHCl NaOHVNaOH 2
nB Va
lids. The inert gas, either N2 or Ar, was bubbled into the vial
through a needle submerged in the solution, and another nee- where [B] and VB are the concentration and volume of the
dle was positioned in the vial head space for use as an ex- reaction base mixed with the carbon, providing the number
haust. Bubble size was ca. 1 mm in diameter. Bubbling rate of moles of reaction base that was available to the carbon sur-
was less than 1 mL/min; ca. 23 bubbles/s. Small bubbles were face for reaction with the surface functionalities. nCSF denotes
desired due to the high surface area to volume ratio [20]. The the moles of carbon surface functionalities on the surface of
time of degasification was varied from 0 to 24 h, to test what the carbon that reacted with the base during the mixing step.
is the minimum time required for CO2 removal. Va is the volume of the aliquot taken from the VB, and [HCl]
After degasification, the samples were transferred to a bea- and VHCl are the concentration and volume of the acid added
ker that had been purged with the inert gas and covered with to the aliquot taken from the original sample. This gives the
Parafilm. This was done to prevent introduction of environ- number of moles of acid added to the aliquot, and available
mental CO2 into the sample. Each sample was then titrated for reaction with the remaining reaction base. The remaining
CARBON 4 8 ( 20 1 0 ) 1 2 5 212 6 1 1255
moles of acid are then determined through the titration using with strong acid (HCl)strong base (NaOH) titrations, which
[NaOH] and VNaOH, the concentration and volume of the ti- theoretically have an equivalence point at pH 7.0. Boehm sug-
trant in the back-titration. Thus, through the knowledge of gests using an indicator mixture of methyl red and methylene
the remaining moles of acid, leading to the amount of reac- blue [5]. The methylene blue is added to make the endpoint
tion base remaining after reaction, and by difference (know- significantly easier to observe as the typical yellow (alkali)
ing the total amount of reaction base available initially) the to red (acidic) transition of the methyl red is, with the meth-
amount of base reacted with the surface functionalities, the ylene blue, a green to purple transition with a grey-coloured
surface functionalities can be quantified. These equations endpoint. However, this indicator mixture is not often taken
are based on the calculations from Chen andWu [21] but advantage of, and therefore the more commonly used indica-
modified to take the molar ratio of acid to base nnHCl
into ac- tors were examined in this study: phenolphthalein with a ba-
count to allow for monoprotic vs. diprotic reaction bases. sic titrant [1015], and methyl red when the titrant was acidic
When NaOH is used in the Boehm titration and is directly [11,14,1619]. When HCl was titrated with NaOH, Relative
titrated with HCl, the following equation is used: Standard Deviation (RSD) values of the titrant volume were
VB 0.98% and 0.06% for phenolphthalein and a pH electrode,
nCSF BVB HClVHCl 3 respectively, and when NaOH was titrated with HCl, RSD val-
ues of 0.26% and 1.3% were obtained using methyl red and a
with a similar description of the reaction calculations as
pH electrode. These low RSD values for all endpoint detection
methods suggest that any method would result in a relatively
Volumes used in calculations of nCSF were not the pipette
high precision, and provides precise enough measurements
volumes but were rather determined by the mass and the
to be used in these titrations. Nevertheless, these results do
density of the solution at room temperature.
not indicate the accuracy of the measurements. For instance,
The quantity of the different possible surface groups (phe-
reproducible results are possible based on human observation
nols vs. lactonic groups vs. carboxyl groups) are calculated
of colour changes, but since observation is subjective, results
through the difference in the calculated amount of surface
could change drastically depending on the experimentalist.
functionality reacted (nCSF). NaOH reacts with all surface
Additionally, the endpoints of the colour indicators are not
groups, (carboxylic acids/carboxyls, lactones/lactols, and phe-
at a pH of 7.0, as desired for the strong acid-strong base titra-
nols), and will therefore have a nCSF that includes all of these
tions used in the Boehm titration. It must be determined
groups. Na2CO3 reacts with carboxyl and lactonic groups and
whether the volume differences which result from these end-
the difference between the nCSF measured with NaOH and the
point differences are significant. Conversely, the use of a pH
nCSF measured with Na2CO3 will denote the number of phe-
meter allows for an objective endpoint determination, rather
nols on the surface. Similarly, since NaHCO3 reacts only with
than subjective, and can result in endpoints at a pH of 7.0.
carboxylic groups, the difference between Na2CO3 and NaH-
Calculations were also done to determine whether the col-
CO3 are the number of lactonic groups. The number of car-
our indicators inflated the number of acidic surface groups vs.
boxylic acid groups are found directly from the NaHCO3
potentiometric endpoint of 7. This would have a specific im-
reacted. For blank solutions, without carbon, nCSF should be
pact on the number of carboxylic groups calculated from
equal to zero since there is no carbon present and therefore
the reaction of carbon with NaHCO3. If the experimentalist
no carbon surface functionalities to react with the reaction
is consistent in the colour at the endpoint for the colour indi-
cators, the amounts of lactonic groups and phenols would be
The amounts of carbon surface functionalities, nCSF, pre-
the same, since the calculation only takes into account differ-
sented in this paper are given with error ranges that are equal
ences of reactions with Na2CO3 and NaOH. If phenolphthalein
to one standard deviation (SD) above and below the stated va-
is used for endpoint determination, at a pH of 8.9 (the exper-
lue. The standard deviations are based on a minimum of
imental pH endpoint found for phenolphthalein), a difference
three data points.
in nCSF of 1 lmol is expected compared to a potentiometric
endpoint of pH 7.0. An even smaller difference (0.1 lmol) oc-
2.6. Experiments with carbon
curs for a colour indicator endpoint of pH 5.9 (the experimen-
tal pH endpoint found for methyl red) when titrating with HCl
Although the majority of the titrations discussed in this paper
and using methyl red as an indicator. Given that nCSF values of
were carried out with blank samples (i.e. no carbon present),
502000 lmol/g [1,22] are typical for a Boehm titration, this
for some studies carbon was used in the titration. Samples of
suggests that the bias introduced by the use of a colour indi-
carbon black were prepared as in Section 2.1. CO2 was re-
cator vs. a potentiometric measurement is negligible and any
moved by degassing for 2 h with N2 bubbling. Potentiometric
of these endpoint detection methods are appropriate for the
back-titrations were performed while continually degassing
Boehm titration.
the acidified aliquots with N2.
Additionally, the first derivative was examined as a meth-
od to determine where the equivalence point occurred, vs. the
3. Results and discussion endpoint. The first derivative shows the point that has the
steepest slope. This is more exact than attempting to deter-
3.1. Endpoint determination mine the equivalence point by observation of a colour indica-
tor, by assuming the equivalence point occurred at a pH of 7.0,
To ascertain the optimal method for endpoint determination, or by inspection of the potentiometric curve. Therefore, for
colour indicators and a pH electrode and meter were used the most exact results of the equivalence point of a titration,
1256 CARBON 4 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 2 5 2 1 2 6 1
potentiometric titrations with a first derivative analysis 3.3. Effect of degasification time
should be used. However, recording of a titration curve and
the mathematical manipulation to derive the first derivative It is well known that dissolved gases (e.g. CO2 and O2) can be
is more time consuming than the one-point potentiometric removed from solution through sparging with an inert gas,
determination or use of colour indicators. Thus, if exact mea- such as N2 or Ar. However, there is no standardized time for
surements are not required (e.g. for comparison of carbons bubbling of the inert gas, nor any information available for
with large changes in surface functionalities), any of these the length of bubbling time required for effective CO2 removal
endpoint detection methods can be used. from the Boehm titration. Fig. 1 shows the potentiometric
The important consequence of the previous discussion is titration curves for sample blanks (no carbon) for each of
that all of these endpoint detection methods give the same the reaction bases with different degasification times. In
results in the Boehm titration since neither the accuracy Fig. 1ad, pH is plotted vs. the calculated nCSF that reacted
nor the precision is greatly influenced by the different meth- in the sample (which should be zero at the endpoint).
ods. The endpoint detection method should, nevertheless, Fig. 1e shows the titration curve for the direct titration of
still be reported and error ranges should be included in re- NaOH (NaOHdirect) vs. the volume of titrant added, to illustrate
ported values to ease the comparison between relatively close the difference in shape of the titration itself compared to the
values. back-titrations. For ease, a dotted line is shown on each figure
Included in these error ranges should be a consideration which shows where a pH of 7 falls on the curve. The predicted
of the precision of the experimentalist and the burette. This Boehm titration curves for both the back-titration, where the
will be covered in more detail in a paper in preparation from acidified solutions are titrated with NaOH, and direct titra-
the authors lab; nevertheless a few points will be high- tion, where the basic solution is directly titrated with HCl,
lighted here. Sample calculations using Eq. (2) have been are expected to be typical monoprotic acid titration curves,
done to show the impact of missing the endpoint has on with an endpoint of pH 7.0. However, as is well known, the
the final nCSF (in lmol). Assuming the endpoint is surpassed dissolution of CO2 into an aqueous solution, even permeating
by a quarter drop (ca. 0.01 mL), the smallest volume which a through polyethylene storage bottles, causes the pH to shift
human is typically capable of dispensing, this results in an [29]. The effect of this in the current titrations is the appear-
increase of nCSF of ca. 2 lmol. A 25-mL burette has an error ance of a second endpoint, as is evident from the presence
of 0.02 mL and would result in a variation in the answer of two inflection points marking two endpoints (at ca. pHs
of 4 lmol. These errors in the nCSF should be taken into ac- of 4 and 8), as seen in Fig. 1, with the solutions that have
count during the propagation of errors used when reporting not been sufficiently degassed. This can be also easily seen
the range in nCSF. in the first derivative plots of these curves, seen in Fig. 2. As
gaseous CO2 enters solution, it dissolves as in reaction 1:
3.2. Removal of effect of CO2 through the use of non- CO2 g CO2 aq pK 1:463 1
degassed blanks and the dissolved CO2 reacts with water to form carbonic
acid, which then becomes bicarbonate (Reactions 2 and 3):
Often in the literature, the effect of CO2 is removed from non-
CO2 H2 O H2 CO3 aq pK 2:699 2
degassed samples by the subtraction of the base reacted in
non-degassed blanks [4,12,21,2328]. Thus, the effectiveness
H2 CO3 g HCO
3 H aq pKa 6:352 3
of this subtraction method was also examined. For this meth-
od to be valid, the effect of CO2 in the non-degassed solutions, The presence of the two inflection points in the titration
as measured by the base reacted, must be consistent there curve may have a significant impact on the calculated nCSF,
should be little to no variation in the amount of base reacted particularly if one is using a one-point potentiometric end-
in these samples. Therefore, the nCSF was determined from point detection or colour indicators, as a pH of 7.0 is reached
three identical samples of non-degassed blanks of the three later in the titration resulting in a falsely high calculated
reaction bases, in order to determine the reproducibility. amount of surface functionality; for instance, a measured in-
The average nCSF reacted of these non-degassed blanks is seen crease in volume of ca. 0.5 mL corresponds to a false increase
in Table 1. The positive values for the non-degassed blanks re- in nCSF of ca. 90 lmol. Clearly it is imperative that the CO2 be
flect the effect of dissolved CO2 in the Boehm titration (recall removed before the titration.
that since these are blanks, no carbon is used, and therefore The minimum degasification time required for the re-
the expected value for the nCSF is 0 lmol). From the standard moval of dissolved CO2 from all the titration samples with
deviation given for the data of the non-degassed blanks, it can an inert gas was examined, and is shown in Fig. 1. Since there
be seen that there is significant variation in the nCSF with was no significant difference in degasification time between
these identical samples. This suggests that the effect of CO2 N2 and Ar, only the N2 results are shown. As the degasification
is not consistent between samples and would further suggest time increases, less evidence for dissolved CO2 is seen as the
that the use of the blank subtraction method to correct results second endpoint begins to disappear, and the nCSF that sup-
from non-degassed samples may lead to erroneously high or posedly reacted decreases. With NaHCO3 a minimum of
low results since there is a significant variation in the effects 1.5 h of degasification is required to completely remove the
of CO2, and therefore it is recommended that blank subtrac- effects of CO2 (see Fig. 1a). Approximately 2 h is required for
tion method not be used during quantification using the the Na2CO3 sample (see Fig. 1b). A back-titration of an NaOH
Boehm titration. blank after degassing for 2 h is shown in Fig. 1c. The effects
CARBON 4 8 ( 20 1 0 ) 1 2 5 212 6 1 1257
Table 1 Comparison of calculated nCSF to determine the effectiveness of each CO2 removal.
Titration nCSF SD (lmol)
NaHCO3 Na2CO3 NaOH NaOHdirect
Non-degassed 110 48 29 20 7 13
N2 Prior (2 h) 5 3 23 23 2 20 35 42
N2 Prior and during 11 11 1 4 2
In N2-filled glove box 13 33 14 17 1 1 10 6
N2 Prior to titration in glove box 8 1 2 1 15 1 12 2
Heating 24 16 13 8 40 26
Reflux 3 17 57 19 8 23
Fig. 1 Titration curves (plotted as amount of carbon surface functionality) for different reaction bases: (a) NaHCO3; (b) Na2CO3;
(c) NaOH back-titration; (d) NaOH direct titration; and (e) titration curve for NaOH direct titration plotted versus titrant volume.
Different times of degassing or degasification during titration are noted in the legends.
1258 CARBON 4 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 2 5 2 1 2 6 1
deviation with all reaction bases. The large positive bias with dard deviations which result from this method. It is likely that
the NaHCO3 reaction base suggests that heating may not be the large standard deviations for both the reflux method and
sufficient to remove the CO2. This is confirmed in Fig. 4a by the heating method can be explained by the large mass
the two inflection points in the titration curve and the two changes experienced during the heating steps. Although
peaks in the first derivative plots, as would be expected for some mass loss from evaporation is seen when the CO2 is re-
the diprotic titration of carbonic acid from dissolved CO2. This moved from the aliquot through bubbling, the mass losses
residual CO2 may have been trapped in the head space of the evidenced by heated samples is significantly higher, while a
flask during heating and dissolved back into solution during mass gain (ca. 3 g) was recorded for refluxed samples and this
cooling and the large standard deviation is likely due to the unexpected mass gain may be attributed to high air humidity
variability of the quantity of trapped CO2. However, the con- experienced in the geographic region in which these experi-
cern with heating in an open flask is that a significant amount ments were conducted, which may result in extra water con-
of the aliquot will be lost due to evaporation. This evaporation densing from the air as it touches the cool reflux condenser
may lead to a negative bias, as HCl evaporates from solution and adding to the solution contained in the round bottom
with the water. When an open flask was heated to 80 C for flask. This water may introduce CO2 or impurities into the
2 h, with N2 bubbling through solution, a negative bias of sample and, since water content in the air varies substantially
12 lmol was seen, indicating that HCl was leaving solution by the day and region, it is a difficult parameter to control.
during this heating step. This is likely the cause of the nega- With the positive and negative biases and the large varia-
tive biases in the Na2CO3 and NaOH results when heated, and tion seen from the tabulated SD values, it is suggested that
the variability in amount of HCl evaporated may be the cause heating the samples is not a reproducible CO2 removal meth-
for the large standard deviations seen with these samples. od, and should not be used. Additionally, the titration curves
30 min of heating at ca. 80 C while bubbling with N2 was suf- in Fig. 4 showed that the effect of CO2 was not removed by
ficient to remove the effect of CO2 on the titration curve (not heating nor by refluxing.
shown), which is a significantly shorter time than simply
degassing with N2 (Section 3.3). However, a negative bias of 3.6. Experiments with carbon
5 lmol was evidenced, likely from a small amount of HCl
evaporation, and a significant volume loss was seen, ca. 30 % The Boehm titration was carried out on samples of carbon
of the aliquot, which makes the pH measurements difficult black, with CO2 removal by degassing for 2 h with N2 prior
as only a very small volume remains after heating when the to titration, as well as continuous saturation of the aliquots
typical 10 mL aliquot volume is used. These results show that with N2, to ensure that this method will work in practice. As
merely heating the solutions is not an adequate method for expected, the amounts of carbon surface functionalities on
the removal of CO2 or sufficient care must be taken to ensure this carbon (Table 2) are all significantly positive, indicating
the head space is completely flushed of CO2 prior to cooling. that these surface functionalities are present. The standard
Additionally, heating may cause a loss of HCl from the acidi- deviations shown in Table 2 suggest that this method of CO2
fied aliquots leading to a negative bias in the results. removal is adequate for samples containing carbon and result
Two inflection points are also seen in the titration curve in data which are reliable. Although the standard deviations
with the aliquots which were refluxed (see Fig. 4b), showing are larger than the blanks using the same method of CO2 re-
that refluxing the samples may not be sufficient to remove moval, this is due to the heterogeneous nature of the carbon
CO2 effects, and this may be the reason for the large positive surface. Titration curves (not shown) performed on these
bias seen in the Na2CO3 results in Table 1. Although there is samples using carbon showed no evidence of CO2, confirming
no evident bias in the data for refluxing with NaHCO3 and that this degasification procedure is sufficient to remove the
NaOH in Table 1, this is because of the extremely large stan- CO2 from solution.
Fig. 4 Titration curve (solid) and first derivative of titration curve (dotted) of NaHCO3 blank aliquot after removal of CO2
through (a) heating method and (b) refluxing method.
1260 CARBON 4 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 1 2 5 2 1 2 6 1
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