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Biomedical Instrumentation

kos Jobbgy
Sndor Varga

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Biomedical Instrumentation
by kos Jobbgy and Sndor Varga
Copyright 2013-2018 Dr. kos Jobbgy, dr. Sndor Varga, Budapest University of Technology and

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Table of Contents
Biomedical Instrumentation ............................................................................................................. xvi
1. Biopotentials: origin and electrodes ............................................................................................... 1
1. Diffusion of uncharged molecules ........................................................................................ 1
2. Osmotic pressure ................................................................................................................... 2
3. Movement of ions ................................................................................................................. 2
4. Action potential .................................................................................................................... 4
5. Electrodes to measure biopotentials ...................................................................................... 5
6. Electrode models .................................................................................................................. 6
7. Electrode polarization ......................................................................................................... 10
8. Electrode types (macroelectrodes) ..................................................................................... 11
9. Microelectrodes .................................................................................................................. 18
10. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 21
11. Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 23
2. Biomedical sensors and transducers ............................................................................................ 24
1. Measurement of mechanical quantities ............................................................................... 24
1.1. Potentiometers ........................................................................................................ 24
1.2. Strain gauges .......................................................................................................... 25
1.3. Measurement circuits for strain gauges .................................................................. 27
1.4. Pressure sensors ...................................................................................................... 28
1.5. Capacitive sensors .................................................................................................. 29
1.6. Inductive position sensors ....................................................................................... 31
1.7. Piezoelectric sensors ............................................................................................... 31
2. Photoelectric transducers .................................................................................................... 34
2.1. Light sources .......................................................................................................... 34
2.2. Optical detectors ..................................................................................................... 35
2.3. Light absorption ...................................................................................................... 39
2.4. Spectroscopes ......................................................................................................... 40
2.5. Pulse oximeter ........................................................................................................ 41
3. Diagnostic application of ultrasound ................................................................................... 44
3.1. Properties of ultrasound .......................................................................................... 44
3.2. Propagation of ultrasound ....................................................................................... 45
3.3. Generating and sensing ultrasound ......................................................................... 47
3.4. Beam profile ........................................................................................................... 49
3.5. Pulse echo response ............................................................................................. 50
3.6. Applying the Doppler-effect ................................................................................... 52
3.7. Qualifying the pulse echo method .......................................................................... 53
4. Problems ............................................................................................................................. 54
5. Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 56
3. Biopotential amplifiers ................................................................................................................. 59
1. Biopotentials and electrical noise ........................................................................................ 59
1.1. Equivalent circuits for signal- and noise sources .................................................... 59
1.2. Equivalent circuit of the body impedances ............................................................. 61
2. Symmetrical amplifiers ....................................................................................................... 63
2.1. Equivalent circuit of the amplifier .......................................................................... 63
2.2. Resultant common mode rejection ......................................................................... 64
2.3. Actively decreasing common voltage ..................................................................... 66
3. Noise signals through cables ............................................................................................... 67
3.1. Capacitive coupled noise ........................................................................................ 67
3.2. Inductively coupled noise ....................................................................................... 70
3.3. Ground loop ............................................................................................................ 70
4. Symmetrical amplifiers ....................................................................................................... 71
4.1. Instrumentation amplifier with three op amps ........................................................ 71
4.2. Input protection of bioamplifiers ............................................................................ 72
4.3. Internal noise sources of amplifiers ........................................................................ 74
5. Multichannel amplifiers ...................................................................................................... 74
6. Isolation amplifiers ............................................................................................................. 76

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Biomedical Instrumentation

6.1. Transformer coupling ............................................................................................. 77

6.2. Capacitive coupling ................................................................................................ 77
6.3. Optical coupling ..................................................................................................... 78
6.4. Power supply for galvanically isolated stages ........................................................ 79
7. Problems ............................................................................................................................. 79
8. Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 81
9. Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 82
4. Biosignal processing ..................................................................................................................... 84
1. Improving signal to noise ratio ............................................................................................ 84
2. Evaluation of biosignals ...................................................................................................... 93
2.1. ECG signal processing ............................................................................................ 93
2.2. Evaluation of the photoplethysmographic (PPG) signal ......................................... 95
2.3. Evaluating very low frequency components ........................................................... 97
2.4. Evaluating the regularity of quasiperiodic signals .................................................. 98
3. Compression of biosignals ................................................................................................ 103
4. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 105
5. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 106
5. Safety .......................................................................................................................................... 109
1. Physiological effect of electric current .............................................................................. 109
2. Protection against electric shock ....................................................................................... 111
3. Line isolation monitor ....................................................................................................... 115
4. Testing electrical biomedical equipment ........................................................................... 116
4.1. Safety check .......................................................................................................... 116
4.2. Functional test ...................................................................................................... 117
5. Electromagnetic compatibility .......................................................................................... 118
6. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 118
7. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 119
6. The electrical activity of the heart .............................................................................................. 120
1. Origin of the ECG signal ................................................................................................... 120
2. Modelling the electrical activity of the heart ..................................................................... 124
3. Measuring the electrical activity of the heart .................................................................... 129
4. Characteristics of the ECG time function .......................................................................... 134
5. Pathologic ECGs ............................................................................................................... 135
6. ECG signal processing ...................................................................................................... 139
7. Qualifying ECG processing algorithms ............................................................................ 142
8. ECG equipment ................................................................................................................. 144
9. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 148
10. Bibliography .................................................................................................................... 150
7. Electroencephalography ............................................................................................................. 152
1. The structure to be analysed .............................................................................................. 152
2. Standardisation .................................................................................................................. 152
3. Evaluation of EEG records ................................................................................................ 154
4. Devices .............................................................................................................................. 159
5. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 162
6. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 162
8. Measuring blood pressure and blood flow .................................................................................. 163
1. Factors influencing blood pressure ................................................................................... 163
2. Direct (invasive) blood pressure measurement methods ................................................... 165
3. Indirect blood pressure measurement methods ................................................................. 167
4. Measuring blood flow and cardiac output ......................................................................... 179
5. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 184
6. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 185
9. Testing the respiratory system .................................................................................................... 187
1. Measuring air flow and inspired/expired volume .............................................................. 187
2. Measuring parameters of respiratory mechanics ............................................................... 190
3. Assessing gas exchange .................................................................................................... 191
4. Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 196
5. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 200
6. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 201
10. Movement analysis ................................................................................................................... 202

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1. Devices for human movement analysis ............................................................................. 203

2. Marker based movement analysis ..................................................................................... 205
2.1. The necessary sampling frequency ....................................................................... 206
2.2. Marker attachment, marker image processing ...................................................... 207
2.3. Resolution, accuracy and precision (reproducibility) ........................................... 208
3. Movement analysis in medical practice ............................................................................ 214
3.1. Finger tapping movement ..................................................................................... 215
3.2. Facial tremor ......................................................................................................... 219
3.3. Hand tremor ......................................................................................................... 220
4. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 223
5. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 223
11. Medical imaging ....................................................................................................................... 225
1. X-ray based imaging ......................................................................................................... 225
2. Ultrasound imaging ........................................................................................................... 229
2.1. Processing and displaying the echo ...................................................................... 229
2.2. Generation of multidimensional images ............................................................... 231
3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) .................................................................................. 232
4. Imaging organ functions ................................................................................................... 234
5. Devices .............................................................................................................................. 237
6. Problems ........................................................................................................................... 240
7. Bibliography ...................................................................................................................... 240

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List of Figures
1.1. Transport between two chambers separated by a membrane ....................................................... 1
1.2. Concentration gradient in the membrane ..................................................................................... 2
1.3. Action potential (solid line), and the change in permeability of the cell membrane to Na and K
(dashed lines) ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Simple electrical model of the cell membrane ............................................................................. 5
1.5. The Helmholtz model depicts the distribution of charged particles around the electrode-electrolyte
interface .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.6. Model for the electrode-electrolyte interface ............................................................................... 7
1.7. Impedance vs. frequency for stainless steel electrode ................................................................. 7
1.8. Impedance vs. current density for stainless steel electrode .......................................................... 8
1.9. Model for the electrode-skin interface ....................................................................................... 10
1.10. Polarization overvoltage caused by concentration difference .................................................. 11
1.11. The change of activation energy levels is the major cause of polarization overvoltage .......... 11
1.12. Disposable electrodes with adhesive ring ................................................................................ 12
1.13. ECG chest electrodes ............................................................................................................... 12
1.14. ECG limb electrodes ................................................................................................................ 13
1.15. Electrode placement for defibrillation
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Defibrillation_Electrode_Position.jpg, author: PhilippN) 14
1.16. Construction of the silver-silver chloride electrode ................................................................. 15
1.17. Disposable (below) and reusable (above) silver-silver chloride electrode structures .............. 15
1.18. Structure of an active electrode ............................................................................................... 16
1.19. Matrix arrangement of electrodes for measuring brain activity (Neuronelektrd Kft.)
http://www.neuronelektrod.hu/getpage.php?oldal_id=351 ............................................................... 17
1.20. Glass (below) and metal (above) microelectrode structure ...................................................... 18
1.21. Model of metal microelectrode ................................................................................................ 19
2.1. Converting linear displacement into voltage using wire wound (a) and film (carbon or cermet)
potentiometer (b) .............................................................................................................................. 24
2.2. The rotary potentiometer used as a sensor. The structure (a), symbol (b), model to calculate the loaded
characteristics (c), and the transfer characteristics (d). ..................................................................... 25
2.3. Strain gauges. Deformation of metal wire as a result of stretch (a). Strain gauge foil (b) and
semiconductor strain gauge or piezoresistor (c). .............................................................................. 25
2.4. Figure 2.4.Deformations to be measured (exaggerated). Deformation of a stressed or compressed
object has similar deformation on each side (a). Bending of the object results in both stress and
compression at the same time (b). .................................................................................................... 26
2.5. Force measurement with one active and one passive strain gauge (a), with two active strain gauges
(b), and with four active strain gauges (c) ....................................................................................... 27
2.6. Pressure sensor formed on a silicon crystal. The cross section of the chip (a), the view of the
arrangement (b) and the deformation of the membrane blown up (c). ............................................. 28
2.7. Pressure sensors formed using semiconductor chips. Measuring absolute pressure (a), differential
pressure (b, c).In (c) the pressure is conveyed by oil. ....................................................................... 28
2.8. Possible schemes of capacitive displacement transducers. When the effective area is changed solid
dielectric can be applied (a). When the distance between plates is changed the dielectric is air (b). 29
2.9. Model of the displacement transducer based on differential capacitance (a), measurement circuitry
resulting in linear transfer characteristics (b), applying the differential capacitance principle in a
differential pressure sensor (c) ......................................................................................................... 30
2.10. Linear Voltage Differential Transformer (LVDT): theory of operation (a) and output voltage
belonging to different core positions (b) .......................................................................................... 31
2.11. Piezoelectric sensor: build-up (a), operation as electric mechanical (b) and mechanical electric
(c) converter ..................................................................................................................................... 31
2.12. Build-up of a piezoelectric acceleration sensor (a), the role of the spring force (b), electrical model
of measurement (c) and the typical frequency dependence of the sensor (d) .................................. 32
2.13. Black-body radiation as a function of temperature ................................................................. 34
2.14. Frequency spectrum of different light sources ........................................................................ 35
2.15. Sensitivity over wavelength for different semiconductors used for manufacturing optical detectors.
Characteristics can be further influenced by the material of the window used during packaging. .. 35

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2.16. Cross section (a), symbol with voltage and current direction (b), model (c) and characteristics (d) of
a photodiode. Load lines belonging to different modes of operation are also given. ...................... 36
2.17. Circuits realizing different modes of operation of the photodiode. Circuit with logarithmic
characteristics (a). Photocell producing electrical energy (b). Circuits with linear characteristics (c, d, e).
2.18. Schematic and theory of operation of a photomultiplier tube. Between dynodes D1 D4 the electron
multiplication is drawn for g = 2. ..................................................................................................... 38
2.19. Light absorption in solutions (a). The extinction coefficient of haemoglobin and oxyhaemoglobin as
a function of wavelength (b). ........................................................................................................... 39
2.20. Schematic of the spectrophotometer. The monochromator selects a narrow wavelength light from
white light. ................................................................................................................................... 40
2.21. Schematic of a colorimeter that uses two wavelengths, generated by two separate LEDs. .... 41
2.22. The scheme of pulse oximetry. IR and red light beams across the earlobe, artery diameter during
systole and diastole (a). Time function of LEDs light intensity (b) and intensity sensed by the photodiode
(c). The intensity vs. time functions of the LEDs restored from the samples during three heart cycles (d).
2.23. Vibration of volume elements as ultrasound wave traverses (a) and mechanical model of the
phenomenon (b) ............................................................................................................................... 44
2.24. Reflection and transmission of ultrasound at the boundary of two materials with different acoustic
impedance. Perpendicular (a) and angular (b) incident light. .......................................................... 46
2.25. Deformation (exaggerated) of a piezoceramic disk during ac excitation (a), the simplest model of the
vibrating system (b) and the deformation along the x axis (c). ........................................................ 48
2.26. Schematic of an ultrasound transducer and its coupling to the human body .......................... 48
2.27. Beam profile (a, b, c) of piezoceramic disks with different diameter (same wavelength) and focusing
with acoustic lens (d) ....................................................................................................................... 49
2.28. Signal generated by the pulse-echo method ............................................................................ 50
2.29. Electronic (dynamic) focusing of ultrasound beam. The cross section of the piezoelectric disk
divided into rings (a), and the beam after focusing by delayed control signal (b). .......................... 51
2.30. Measuring blood flow based on Doppler effect ...................................................................... 52
2.31. Phantom body (a) to test diagnostic ultrasound devices. Radial (b) and lateral (c) resolution. Rods
with different densities (d) to test sensitivity and contrast resolution. ............................................. 53
2.32. ................................................................................................................................................. 55
3.1. Typical amplitude of most frequently measured biopotentials and the superimposed noise as a
function of frequency ....................................................................................................................... 59
3.2. The body environment capacitive coupling (a) and the equivalent circuit to model power line noise
(b, c) ................................................................................................................................................. 60
3.3. The biopotential to be measured and the modelled power line noise source (a), the equivalent circuit
(b) and breaking down the voltage sources to symmetrical and common components (c) .............. 60
3.4. The resultant impedance between two electrodes on a persons body. The current paths and their cross
sections between the electrodes (a) the serial resultant of impedances (b) and the frequency dependent
equivalent circuit (c) that can be calculated by measurements using different frequencies. ........... 62
3.5. Equivalent circuit of the body taking into account the biopotential to be measured and the power line
noise ................................................................................................................................................. 62
3.6. Schematic of the symmetrical amplifier, the voltage to be measured and the noise to be suppressed
3.7. VGc causes symmetrical error voltage when generator impedances do not match ..................... 64
3.8. The Driven Right Leg (DRL) technique. Schematic of the loop to compensate VGc showing the
auxiliary amplifier. ........................................................................................................................... 66
3.9. Vinc is too big for the symmetrical amplifier (a). The auxiliary amplifier decreases the common voltage
(b). ................................................................................................................................................... 67
3.10. Stray capacitances between power line and cables ................................................................. 67
3.11. Shielding connected to the inner ground leads off noise current from the inputs but increases
capacitances ..................................................................................................................................... 68
3.12. Voltage bootstrap cancels the capacitance increasing effect of shielding ............................... 69
3.13. Decreasing the magnetic induction of noise by twisting the cables ........................................ 70
3.14. The ground loop (upper drawing) and its elimination using wall outlets close to each other and
connecting the reference inputs of devices to a single point (lower drawing) ................................. 71
3.15. Three op amp instrumentation amplifier ................................................................................. 71
3.16. Overload protection circuit with diodes (a), the voltage-current characteristic of the framed section
(b), the effect of protection on the signal to be measured (c) .......................................................... 72

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3.17. Overload protecting circuits. Diodes with small reverse current between input and ground limit the
input voltage to VL = 0.6 ... 1.1 V (a). Diodes with small reverse current between input and power supply
limit the input voltage to VL = Vt + 1.1V (b). Zener diode limits the voltage according to its nominal
voltage, VL = 3 ... 30 V. Gas discharge tube has VL = 70 ... 90 V (d). ............................................. 73
3.18. A complex biopotential amplifier with bootstrapped shielding (a), overload protection (b) and driven
right leg auxiliary amplifier (c) ........................................................................................................ 73
3.19. Multichannel amplifier structure ............................................................................................ 75
3.20. Figure 3.20. Vector diagrams of the multichannel amplifier shown in Figure 3.19. The input stages
amplify the differential voltages given in red (a), the V 0-Vi differential voltages (b) and the amplified Vout i
voltages (c). ..................................................................................................................................... 76
3.21. Symbols of asymmetric (a) and symmetric (b) isolation amplifiers. In (b) the isolation impedance is
also drawn. ....................................................................................................................................... 77
3.22. Transformer coupled isolation amplifier ................................................................................ 77
3.23. Capacitively coupled isolation amplifier ................................................................................ 78
3.24. Simple optically isolated amplifier ......................................................................................... 78
3.25. Measuring the input resistances of symmetrical amplifiers (a, b), and two possible equivalent circuits
to model the input resistances (c, d) ................................................................................................. 79
3.26. Common voltage resulting in symmetrical error voltage ........................................................ 80
4.1. ECG record with substantial power line noise, taken with limb electrodes on wrists .............. 84
4.2. Frequency spectrum of ECG record shown in Figure 4.1 (DC removed before computation) . 85
4.3. The ECG signal given in Figure 4.1 (blue) and its low-pass filtered version (second order with corner
frequency 30 Hz, Butterworth) (red) ............................................................................................... 85
4.4. The frequency spectrum of signals given in Figure 4.3: original ECG (blue) and filtered (red) 86
4.5. The ECG signal given in Figure 4.1 (blue) and its band-stop filtered version (second order with centre
frequency 50 Hz, Butterworth) (red) ............................................................................................... 86
4.6. Frequency spectrum of time functions in Figure 4.5 ................................................................ 87
4.7. Figure 4.7. The frequency spectrum (DC 300 Hz) of the ECG signal given in Figure 4.1. ... 87
4.8. Frequency spectrum (DC 300 Hz) of the 100-s ECG signal of which Figure 4.1 shows the first 5-s
4.9. a.) Frequency domain filtering. Signal plus noise (blue), following low-pass filtering (red). The noise-
free signal (black). The sum of the noise-free signal and the noise divided by 20 (green). b.) One period
enlarged from subfigure a.) Illustrating the effect of frequency domain filtering, using synthesized input
signal ................................................................................................................................................ 88
4.10. Generating the characteristic ECG cycle by averaging ........................................................... 89
4.11. QRS detection by pattern matching. The record shown in Figure 4.10 (blue) and its correlation (red)
with the average heart cycle. ........................................................................................................... 91
4.12. The second QRS in Figure 4.11.enlarged. .............................................................................. 91
4.13. The fourth QRS of Figure 4.11 enlarged ................................................................................ 91
4.14. Improving signal-to-noise ratio by pattern matching .............................................................. 92
4.15. The result of QRS detection using the Pan-Tompkins algorithm. All the 19 QRS complex of the
upper curve were detected but not necessarily the R peak was marked (bottom). ........................... 93
4.16. Steps of the Pan Tompkins QRS detector ............................................................................ 94
4.17. Reflexive photoplethysmography applied at the fingertip ...................................................... 95
4.18. PPG signal at the fingertip (top), signal low-pass filtered with a second order Butterworth filter with
5 Hz corner frequency (middle), one cycle enlarged (bottom) where an arrow marks the arrival of the
pulse wave to the fingertip ............................................................................................................... 95
4.19. tRR values of a 75-s ECG plotted on a Poincar diagram ......................................................... 97
4.20. Aligned trajectories of a marker attached to the index finger of a healthy subject (thin solid lines)
and the base vector determined by SVD analysis (thick dotted line) ............................................... 99
4.21. Aligned trajectories of a marker attached to the right middle finger of a Parkinsonian in Hoehn-Yahr
1 stage (thin solid lines) and the base vector determined by SVD analysis (thick dotted line) ..... 100
4.22. The relative weights of all SVD vectors (left) and the weight of the base vector (right) for the 79
cycles of the index finger of a young healthy subject during a 20-s finger-tapping test ................ 101
4.23. The relative weights of all SVD vectors (left) and the weight of the base vector (right) for the 23
cycles of the index finger of a Parkinsonian during an 8-s finger-tapping test .............................. 102
4.24. The nine possible arrangements of three consecutive points (x0, x1, x2) ................................ 104
4.25. The FAN algorithm ............................................................................................................... 105
5.1. Physiological effects of 50 Hz current flowing for 1-3 s arm-to-arm of a 70 kg male ........... 109
5.2. Macroshock (a) and microshock (b). Microshock means that current flows through the heart across
small area. ...................................................................................................................................... 110

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5.3. Macroshock resulting from a short circuit of the mains transformer when the device chassis is not
connected to protective earth (a). The same short circuit gets the circuit breaker discontinue the current
when the chassis is connected to protective ground (b). Red line shows the current path. ............ 112
5.4. The scheme of devices with class I (a) and class II (b) protection classes .............................. 112
5.5. Symbols of protection against electrical shock. B (body), BF (body floating), CF (cardiac floating).
Patient side of BF and CF devices is galvanically isolated from the mains, floating. ................... 114
5.6. Schematic of an RCD. The device cuts off electricity supply when leakage current is caused by either
human touch (1) or isolation fault (2). The RCD does not sense short circuit between L and N wires.
5.7. Devices with isolated power. A single fault in the power line does not cause big short circuit current
and the devices continue operation. The line isolation monitor senses the fault and gives an alarm signal.
5.8. Testing the patient part leakage current. IS leakage current is determined by measuring the voltage it
produces across a 100 resistor. DVM measures the voltage after low-pass filtering similar to the
filtering effect of the human body. Test must be repeated on all patient connections setting S1, S2 and S3
switches to all possible states. ....................................................................................................... 116
5.9. Testing the symmetrical input impedance of an ECG device. First S1 switch is closed and the floating
output generator is set so that the output registration show 10 mm peak-to-peak. Then S1 switch is
opened. Input impedance is acceptable if the peak-to-peak registration does not drop below 8 mm. 117
6.1. Human heart after autopsy. (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Humhrt2.jpg, author:
Stanwhit607) .................................................................................................................................. 120
6.2. Propagation of excitation throughout the heart
author:Madhero88 .......................................................................................................................... 120
6.3. Potential difference between the interior and exterior of a tube like cell during action potential 121
6.4. Potential difference measured during action potential. Both electrodes are exterior of the cell. 123
6.5. Modelling with a dipole the boundary of resting and active parts .......................................... 125
6.6. Wallers assumption on the body surface potential distribution at the moment of ventricular
contraction http://www.jstor.org/stable/91715?seq=18 (author: A. D. Waller, [6.4]) ................... 125
6.7. The Einthoven triangle and the frontal leads .......................................................................... 126
6.8. Projections of the resultant frontal vector to leads I, II, III and aVR ...................................... 127
6.9. Potential-time functions at different points in the heart and their summed resultant
http://en.ecgpedia.org/wiki/File:Conduction_ap.svg ...................................................................... 129
6.10. The operator interface of the ECGSIM programme (van Oosterom A, Ostendorp T, [6.5]) 129
6.11. Orthogonal planes used for describing the electrical activity of the heart ............................ 130
6.12. Placement of chest electrodes that measure the electrical activity of the heart in the transverse plane
(precordial leads) ........................................................................................................................... 131
6.13. Placement of the electrode in the oesophagus to measure the electrical activity of the heart in the
sagittal plane .................................................................................................................................. 131
6.14. Electrode arrangement used for vectorcardiography (left). The Frank resistor network (right)
generates the signals (x, y, z) necessary for three dimensional display ......................................... 132
6.15. Spatial vectorcardiogram and its projections to frontal, transverse and sagittal planes ........ 133
6.16. 120-electrode arrangement for body surface potential mapping
http://www.sci.utah.edu/~macleod/bioen/be6000/labnotes/ecg/descrip.html (authors: MacLeod R, Birchler
B) ................................................................................................................................................... 133
6.17. Illustration of the change of the body surface potential map during 285 ms
http://www.um.sav.sk/old/dep_5/maps_en.htm (author: Tysler M et al.) ...................................... 133
6.18. Schematic ECG time function with the characteristic points ................................................ 134
6.19. Premature ventricular beat, PVB .......................................................................................... 135
6.20. AV conduction diseases ........................................................................................................ 136
6.21. The effect of myocardial infarction in the ECG in the hyperacute, acute and chronic phase in lead V 3
......................................................................................................................................................... 138
6.22. Atrial fibrillation (top), normal heart rhythm (below)
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Afib_ecg.jpg (author: Heuser J) .................................... 138
6.23. Ventricular fibrillation in different ECG leads
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ventricular_fibrillation.png (author: Roediger J) ..................... 138
6.24. ECG recorded from a healthy senior male in Einthoven I lead (blue). The signal after removing the
QRS complexes (red). .................................................................................................................... 139
6.25. Two cycles from the signal shown in Figure 6.24, the original signal (blue) and the one after QRS
complexes have been cut off (red) ................................................................................................. 139

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6.26. Frequency spectrum of signals shown in Figure 6.24 ........................................................... 140

6.27. The frequency spectrum of the signal shown in Figure 6.24 (blue) and of the signal after T waves
have been cut off (black) ............................................................................................................... 140
6.28. The 0 10 Hz enlarged from the spectrum in Figure 6.27 ................................................... 141
6.29. Finite element model (28 elements) of the heart ................................................................... 141
6.30. Figure 6.30. Inverse problem: the electrical activity of the heart is estimated on the basis of
potentials measured on the body surface, not knowing the exact parameters of tissues and body fluids
(authors: Malmivuo J, Plonsey R [6.26])
als.htm ............................................................................................................................................ 143
6.31. There is no single solution to the inverse problem ............................................................... 143
6.32. Figure 6.32. Nine annotated QRS complexes from a record in the MIT-BIH database
http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/mitdb/ (authors: Goldberger et al. [6.23], Moody GB et al.
[6.16]) ............................................................................................................................................ 144
6.33. Functional scheme of one channel of a typical ECG equipment .......................................... 144
6.34. The (Wilson) resistor network that produces the frontal leads from limb electrode potentials 145
6.35. Continuous monitoring of electrode contact in an ECG device ............................................ 145
6.36. Disposable electrodes placed on the chest of a patient and a miniature Holter ECG for two-channel
24 hour recording (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HolterAFT1000.jpg, author: Faisandier)
6.37. 12-lead ECG printout on standard paper (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ECG_001.jpg
author: Larson G) ........................................................................................................................... 146
6.38. ECG paper with standard raster ............................................................................................ 147
6.39. ECG equipment manufactured in 1911 by Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Willem_Einthoven_ECG.jpg Contrary to the filename the
device was not made by Willem Einthoven.) ................................................................................ 148
6.40. Figure 6.40. Wireless ECG monitor
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wireless_ECG_Monitor.jpg author: ? ) .......... 148
7.1. The basic structure of a nerve cell
tamp=20080501122856#file (author: Mariana Ruiz Villarreal) .................................................... 152
7.2. The 10-20 electrode system suggested by Jasper (author: Jasper HH [7.2]) .......................... 152
7.3. The 10-20 electrode positions suggested by Jasper projected on a single plane
http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:10-20.PNG&filetimestamp=20070607121544 (author:
Kok A) ........................................................................................................................................... 153
7.4. Phases of sleep http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sleep_Hypnogram.svg (author: Razer M) . 154
7.5. EEG record from a patient with Dawson encephalitis. The interval between adjacent vertical lines is 1
s. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bonthius2b.gif (authors: Bonthius D, Stanek N, Grose C [7.5])
......................................................................................................................................................... 154
7.6. The effect of eye opening on the EEG signal
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:EEG_Opening_eyes.png (author: Otoomuch) .............. 155
7.7. Evaluation of the EEG record using Fourier (top) and Berg (bottom) transform. The signal to be
analysed is in red. .......................................................................................................................... 156
7.8. Increasing the resolution in time widens the line in the frequency spectrum ......................... 157
7.9. Unipolar (a, b) and bipolar EEG leads .................................................................................... 159
7.10. EEG mapping of recorded data http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/index.html (author: Applied
Neuroscience Inc.) ......................................................................................................................... 161
8.1. Stephen Hales demonstrates pulsation of blood pressure in the jugular artery
http://www.mcgill.ca/files/library/OLN114.pdf (author: Macklem PT [8.1], the original figure is from
Medical Times 72 (1944) 11.) ....................................................................................................... 163
8.2. Blood pressure time function taken by a tonometer on the radial artery of a young healthy male
8.3. Intraarterial pressure sensor for mice (ADInstruments, SPR-671 Millar Mikro-Tip) (top), the sensor
window enlarged (bottom) ............................................................................................................. 165
8.4. Invasive blood pressure measurement set-up with external pressure sensor .......................... 165
8.5. A possible construction of a pressure sensor with four strain gauges ..................................... 166
8.6. Electrical model of invasive blood pressure measurement using catheter .............................. 166
8.7. Ultrasound transmitter and receiver placed under the cuff to detect closing and opening of the artery

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8.8. The five types of Korotkoff sounds as a function of cuff pressure provided the blood pressure is
120/80 mmHg ................................................................................................................................ 168
8.9. Arterial volume circled by the cuff ......................................................................................... 168
8.10. Arterial volume under the cuff (Vart) as a function of transmural pressure (Ptrm) .................... 169
8.11. Blood pressure vs. time in the artery ..................................................................................... 169
8.12. Principle of oscillometric blood pressure measurement ........................................................ 170
8.13. The cross section of the artery changes as cuff pressure increases ........................................ 171
8.14. The result of invasive and cuff based blood pressure measurement taken in parallel. Red curves
show the systolic, mean and diastolic pressures measured invasively. The cuff pressure of the indirect
measurement is in blue. .................................................................................................................. 171
8.15. The inflation phase of the measurement shown in Figure 8.14. (a) cuff pressure (blue) and invasively
measured pressures (red), (b) oscillometric pulses, (c) oscillometric amplitudes, (d) steepness of
oscillometric pulses. ...................................................................................................................... 172
8.16. The impact of inflation and deflation of the cuff on pulse wave propagation time .............. 174
8.17. Assessment of stress level based on the transverse standard deviation of the Poincar plot 175
8.18. The impact of placing the cuff on a shirt sleeve ................................................................... 175
8.19. Cuff placement (tight, loose, upside down and on a shirt sleeve) can be identified at the beginning of
slow inflation [8.24] ....................................................................................................................... 176
8.20. Breathing influences the oscillometric amplitude values ....................................................... 176
8.21. HHMD, a device for home health monitoring ....................................................................... 177
8.22. Momentary pulse rate changes during cuff based blood pressure measurement. The two patients
pulse rate varied substantially but quite differently ........................................................................ 178
8.23. The aortic pressure vs. time function, the parameters necessary for the calculation of the
augmentation index are marked (P and PP) ................................................................................. 179
8.24. Measuring blood flow using indicator injection .................................................................... 179
8.25. Measuring blood flow by single indicator injection based on concentration vs. time function 181
8.26. Measuring blood flow with ultrasound sensors ..................................................................... 181
8.27. Measuring blood flow with ultrasound sensor on the same side of the vessel ...................... 182
8.28. Measuring blood flow based on the frequency shift caused by moving formed elements ..... 182
8.29. Measuring blood flow with electromagnetic sensor .............................................................. 182
8.30. The principle of measuring blood flow with impedance cardiography .................................. 183
8.31. The model used in impedance cardiography ......................................................................... 183
8.32. Evaluation of the thorax impedance vs. time signal recorded during ICG ............................ 184
9.1. The change of the lung volume during breathing (based on Wikimedia Commons, Lung Volumes And
Capacities pl.svg.) .......................................................................................................................... 187
9.2. The scheme of the Fleisch tube ................................................................................................ 187
9.3. The resistance element of a Fleisch tube ................................................................................. 188
9.4. The enlarged centre of the resistance element shown in Figure 9.3 ........................................ 188
9.5. Flow resistance element realised by fine-mesh screen ............................................................ 188
9.6. Placement of thermistors in a thermal convection flow meter ................................................ 189
9.7. A simple mechanical model of the lungs ................................................................................. 190
9.8. Calculation of the dead space ................................................................................................. 191
9.9. Measuring alveolar ventilation by nitrogen washout .............................................................. 193
9.10. Distribution of gases in the lungs at maximal expiration (RV is the volume of lungs), at maximal
inspiration (TLC is the volume of lungs) inhaling air or 100% oxygen ......................................... 194
9.11. Nitrogen washout during a single expiration ......................................................................... 195
9.12. Calculation of FEV1 based on different references http://www.spirxpert.com/GOLD.html author:
Quanjer PH) .................................................................................................................................... 196
9.13. Predicted values of forced breathing change with age
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Normal_values_for_FVC,_FEV1_and_FEF_25-75.png author:
Mikael Hggstrm) ......................................................................................................................... 197
9.14. Expired volume vs. time during forced expiration ................................................................ 197
9.15. Flow rate volume loop curve, healthy male ........................................................................ 198
9.16. Flow rate volume loop curve, asthmatic patient ................................................................. 199
9.17. Flow rate volume loop curve, COPD patient ...................................................................... 199
9.18. Flow rate volume loop curve, patient with upper airway obstruction. The results of the three tests
are nearly identical. ......................................................................................................................... 199
9.19. Scheme of the classical spirometer using a bell (water seal spirometer)
Korean Medical Library Engine ..................................................................................................... 200

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9.20. Whole body plethysmograph

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Normal_values_for_FVC,_FEV1_and_FEF_25-75.png author:
Mabel J) .......................................................................................................................................... 200
10.1. Movement of a pole vaulter is pictured in still image (Marey, 1886)
http://stephan.barron.free.fr/art_video/chronophotographie.html ................................................... 202
10.2. Simple goniometer (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Medizinischer_Goniometer.jpg#file
author: Voxymoron) ...................................................................................................................... 203
10.3. Goniometer to measure knee angle http://www.adinstruments.com/products/mlts700#overview
(Product of ADInstruments) ........................................................................................................... 203
10.4. Force plate [10.2]http://www.kistler.com/us/en/product/force/9285BA (Product of Kistler) 204
10.5. Foot sole pressure sensor (pedograph) http://podiatry.temple.edu/gaitlab/facilities/kistler.html
(Product of Kistler) ........................................................................................................................ 204
10.6. Three dimensional accelerometer module (DE ACCM3D, 21 x 10 mm)
http://www.dimensionengineering.com/products/de-accm3d (Product of Dimension Engineering) 204
10.7. Gait analysis lab with force plates and infrared cameras
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gait_laboratory.jpg (author: Robertson DGE) .......................... 205
10.8. Passive markers to be attached to the wrist (above) and finger (below) with elastic band .... 205
10.9. The micro spheres in the retroreflective material (with appropriate refraction coefficient) reflect the
light to the same direction where it came from ............................................................................... 205
10.10. The marker pattern (right below) is the information characterising a given movement phase (left
above) ............................................................................................................................................. 206
10.11. Marker pattern for gait analysis ........................................................................................... 206
10.12. Frequency spectrum of the marker attached to little finger during finger tapping .............. 207
10.13. Markers attached to fingers with elastic band ...................................................................... 207
10.14. Two markers and their projections on the sensors of two cameras ...................................... 208
10.15. Noise of a CCD sensor: the difference of two images taken from the same scene. Tested sensor is
Philips BXA 1011; images were digitised using 8-bit A/D converter ............................................ 208
10.16. Variation of the measured centre point of a static marker image during a 10-s recordin .... 209
10.17. Deviation of the estimated centre of a static marker ............................................................ 211
10.18. Changing of the estimated horizontal coordinate of static marker midpoint during the first hour
after turning on the camera ............................................................................................................. 211
10.19. Centre positions of a marker (+) moving along a straight line ............................................ 212
10.20. Deviation of the centre positions of the marker from the straight line ................................ 213
10.21. Passive marker based motion analyser (PAM) for clinical application ............................... 214
10.22. The camera of PAM with IR optical filter and IR LED ring ............................................... 214
10.23. Recording finger tapping movement using passive markers and contact sensors ................ 215
10.24. The finger tapping movement. Markers attached to the fingers can be tracked during the complete
movement ....................................................................................................................................... 215
10.25. Finger tapping movement of a young healthy subject ......................................................... 216
10.26. Finger tapping movement of a Parkinsonian patient being in the early stage (P07, Figure 10.24.)
10.27. Finger tapping movement of a Parkinsonian patient being in the early stage (P08, he was diagnosed
to be in the same Hoehn-Yahr stage as patient P07) ....................................................................... 217
10.28. Finger tapping of a Parkinsonian patient (P01) being in advanced stage (H-Y 1-2) ........... 217
10.29. FTTS values of Parkinsonian patients averaged for their left (lilac) and right (grey) hands 218
10.30. Learning can improve the performance. FTTS values of a young healthy female during a week
10.31. The performance (and so the FTTS parameter) can fluctuate. The results of a young healthy male
during one month. The results of two tests performed with a 15-minute break may deviate by 25% (17th
and 18th tests) .................................................................................................................................. 219
10.32. Marker pattern used to assess facial tremor ......................................................................... 219
10.33. Activity of markers shown in Figure 10.32 before (above) and after (below) brain surgery. Scaling
of the two subfigures differ by 5:1 .................................................................................................. 219
10.34. Displacement of markers on the face during 20 ms ............................................................. 220
10.35. Tremor of a senior healthy male, marker on the index finger (outstretched hand). Left: eyes open,
right: eyes closed ............................................................................................................................ 220
10.36. Tremor of a senior healthy male, marker on the index finger (supported elbow). Left: eyes open,
right: eyes closed ............................................................................................................................ 221
10.37. Tremor of a senior healthy male, marker on the index finger (supported wrist). Left: eyes open,
right: eyes closed ............................................................................................................................ 221

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10.38. Frequency spectra of trajectories shown in Figure 10.35 .................................................... 222

10.39. Frequency spectra of trajectories shown in Figure 10.36 .................................................... 222
10.40. Frequency spectra of trajectories shown in Figure 10.37 .................................................... 222
11.1. The operating principle of the X-ray machine (Based on Siedband MP: Medical Imaging Systems
Figure 12.5; http://www.unc.edu/~finley/BME422/Webster/c12.pdf) .......................................... 225
11.2. The first rntgen (X-ray) image made by W.K. Rntgen of his wifes hand (1895) (Wikimedia
Commons, First medical X-ray by Wilhelm Rntgen of his wife Anna Bertha Ludwig's hand -
18951222.jpg) ................................................................................................................................ 225
11.3. Image made by W. K. Rntgen of A. Kllikers hand, 1896 (Wikimedia Commons, X-ray by
Wilhelm Rntgen of Albert von Klliker's hand - 18960123-02.jpg) ........................................... 226
11.4. The principle of computed tomography, CT (Based on Siedband MP: Medical Imaging Systems
Figure 12.11, http://www.unc.edu/~finley/BME422/Webster/c12.pdf) ......................................... 226
11.5. Principle of computing tomography (CT) (Based on Siedband MP: Medical Imaging Systems Figure
12.12; http://www.unc.edu/~finley/BME422/Webster/c12.pdf) .................................................... 227
11.6. The principle of back projection http://www.impactscan.org/slides/xrayct/sld018.htm (From the
training material of ImapctScan group) .......................................................................................... 228
11.7. The principle of the DSA method http://www.droid.cuhk.edu.hk/web/service/angio/dsa.htm (author:
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology) . 228
11.8. Vessels in the brain (DSA image)
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cerebral_Angiogram_Lateral.jpg (author: Glitzy queen00) 229
11.9. Simplified block diagram of a line scanner. Vertical (Y) deflection is controlled by the demodulated
echo amplitude, A display mode (a). Brightness modulation, B display mode (b) ........................ 229
11.10. The simplified block diagram of an ultrasound line scanner displaying the movement of an organ
(M or TM mode) ............................................................................................................................ 230
11.11. Picturing the movement of the mitral valve in still image using the TM mode of an ultrasound line
scanner http://www.dtic.upf.edu/~afrangi/ibi/UltrasoundImagingBW.pdf (author: Alejandro Frangi) 230
11.12. Realisations of planar scanning: the transducer rotates within the sensor head (a); the beam is
deflected by applying time delays (b); the beam scans horizontally by shifting the activation of the piezo
elements (c). All three realisations use dynamic focusing. Frontal arrangement of the piezo elements are
shown above .................................................................................................................................. 231
11.13. The precessing movement of the proton .............................................................................. 232
11.14. A slice taken from the head by MRI (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MRI_head_side.jpg;
author: Ranveig Thattai) ................................................................................................................ 232
11.15. fMRI image series showing the brain activity changes activated by oxygen and carbon dioxide
concentration variation [11.5] (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:CO2-O2-fMRI-all-over-time.png)
......................................................................................................................................................... 233
11.16. fMRI taken from a person involved in face recognition. The increased blood supply of the visual
cortex can be seen. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Face_recognition.jpg; author: NIH) 233
11.17. Structure of the gamma camera (based on Wikimedia Commons Gamma Camera Cross
Section.png and Gamma Camera Cross Section Detail.png) ......................................................... 234
11.18. Whole body image taken by a gamma camera. Left: supine; right prone position.
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scintigraphie_corps_entier.jpg; author:Grook Da Oger) 235
11.19. Operation principle of PET (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PET-schema.png,
author:Langner J) ........................................................................................................................... 235
11.20. Development of PET sensors: (a) and (b) rotating; (c) static sensors ................................. 235
11.21. PET/CT showing severe vasculitis (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PET-schema.png;
author: Hg6996) ............................................................................................................................. 236
11.22. Cold cathode X-ray tube (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:X-ray_tube_3.jpg; author: Aida)
......................................................................................................................................................... 237
11.23. Modern dental X-ray device (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dental_X-Ray.jpg; author:
Desire C) ........................................................................................................................................ 237
11.24. Construction of a third generation CT. T X-ray tube, D: detectors, X: X-ray, R: direction of gantry
rotation. (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ct-internals.jpg; author: Bjecas) ................... 237
11.25. CT device (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:64_slice_scanner.JPG; author: ToNToNi)
11.26. MRI device (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Modern_3T_MRI.JPG; author: Braegel)
11.27. Ultrasound image of a gallstone
.jpg; author: Nevit Dilmen) ............................................................................................................ 238

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11.28. Paediatric echocardiography with ultrasound imaging

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sonographer_doing_pediatric_echocardiography.JPG; author:
Ekko) ............................................................................................................................................. 239
11.29. Ultrasound image of a foetus
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ultrasound_image_of_a_fetus.jpg; author: Biagio Azzarelli)
11.30. SPECT device (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SPECT_CT.JPG; author: Ytrottier) 239

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List of Tables
1.1. Half-cell potential values for a few metals .................................................................................. 6
2.1. Parameters of strain gauges ...................................................................................................... 27
2.2. Acoustic properties of different materials .................................................................................. 45
4.1. Electrical biosignals .................................................................................................................. 84
6.1. ................................................................................................................................................. 128
7.1. Frequency ranges of EEG waves ............................................................................................. 153
8.1. Typical pressure values in the atria, ventricles an aorta of healthy adults [8.22] .................... 163
8.2. Activities that can influence blood pressure substantially ....................................................... 164
11.1. Half-life of isotopes applicable in PET analysis .................................................................... 234

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Biomedical Instrumentation
kos Jobbgy, Sndor Varga

Budapesti Mszaki s Gazdasgtudomnyi Egyetem, Semmelweis Egyetem, 2014

kos Jobbgy, Sndor Varga

Typotex Kiad, www.typotex.hu

ISBN: 978-963-279-173-9

Creative Commons NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) A szerzk nevnek feltntetse mellett
nem kereskedelmi cllal szabadon msolhat, terjeszthet, megjelentethet s eladhat, de nem mdosthat.

Kszlt a TMOP-4.1.2/A/1-11/1-2011-0079 szm, Konzorcium a biotechnolgia aktv tanulsrt cm

projekt keretben.

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Chapter 1. Biopotentials: origin and
The basic building block of human body is the cell. Membrane isolates but also connects the internal part of the
cell to the external environment. Biopotentials result from the process across the cell membrane of certain
excitable cells. Below we analyse processes across (semi)permeable membranes.

1. Diffusion of uncharged molecules

Consider a container with two chambers of equal volume. The chambers are separated by a cellophane
membrane, see Fig.1.1. Chambers contain uncharged molecules (e.g. urea), in chamber 1 the concentration is 1
mol/l, in chamber 2 0.2 mol/l [1.2].

Figure 1.1. Transport between two chambers separated by a membrane

Cellophane membrane is permeable for both urea and water molecules. Urea molecules will move through the
holes in the cellophane membrane from chamber 1 to chamber 2, i.e. from greater concentration to lower one.
This process is called diffusion. Urea molecules are moving around in the solution. When they reach the
cellophane membrane they can get through it to the other chamber. From the chamber where the urea
concentration is greater more molecules will get to the chamber with lower concentration. (However, some
molecules will move from the chamber with lower urea concentration to the chamber with higher
concentration!) The diffusion process ends when the urea concentration in the two chambers will be equal, in
the above mentioned case 0.6 mol/l. Ficks first low of diffusion describes the process (eq. 1.1) :


where Jd is the diffusion flux [the unit is (mol/cm2)/s ], D is the diffusion constant [the unit is cm2/s ] and dC/dx
is the concentration gradient [the unit is (mol/cm3)/cm ]. The diffusion constant D is:


where R is the gas constant [8.31 (J/K)/mol], T is the absolute temperature and f is the frictional coefficient
[the unit is (J/mol) (s/cm2)], characterising how easily gets a molecule through the membrane Substituting (1.2)
into (1.1):


Let the thickness of the membrane be d. Considering a constant concentration gradient within the membrane
(see Figure 1.2) instead of dC/dx we can write ([C1] - [C2])/d, where [C1] and [C2] are urea concentrations in the
two sides of the membrane. The diffusion flux can be written as

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Biopotentials: origin and electrodes


where Pu (equal to D/d, the unit is cm/s) is the permeability of the membrane to urea. The permeability of a
membrane to various molecules can be rather different.

Figure 1.2. Concentration gradient in the membrane

2. Osmotic pressure
Biological membranes usually have high permeability to water. Analysing the process described in section 1.1
we have to realise that a concentration gradient does exist for water molecules. The reason is that the number of
water molecules is initially different in the two chambers. As a result water molecules will also move from one
chamber (where urea concentration is higher and thus water concentration is lower) to the other. The
movement of water molecules resulting from the different water concentration is called osmosis. If the volume
of the two chambers separated with a membrane is constant then the pressure in the chambers will cause
different pressure in the chambers. The pressure difference gives rise to movement of water molecules opposite
to osmotic. The two effects will result in a dynamic equilibrium state. The corresponding pressure is called
osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure that results from the osmotic movement of one type of molecules can be
calculated using the vant Hof equation:


where R is gas constant [the unit is 0,082 (l)(atm)/(mol)(K)], T is absolute temperature, C 1 and C2 [in unit mol/l]
are the concentrations of the given molecule on the two side of the membrane, thus pressure is in atmosphere.
It must be taken into account that activity and concentration of the solution are equal only for dilute solutions. In
general, activity (a) should be used instead of concentration (c), see eq. 1.6.


is the activity coefficient, it can be between 0 and 1.

Lets calculate the osmotic pressure across the membrane of a red blood cell (corpuscles) when it is in distilled
water. The cytoplasm is supposed to contain salt with 0.165 mol/l concentration. At room temperature the
pressure across the membrane is:


The membrane will not be able to withstand such a high pressure. The cell volume will increase trying to
decrease pressure but will rupture finally.

3. Movement of ions
The two chambers separated with a membrane now contain also ions, i.e. charged particles. Suppose the
concentration of KCl is 1 mol/l in chamber 1 and 0.3 mol/l in chamber 2 and the membrane only permeable to
K+ ions. K+ ions will move from chamber 1 to chamber 2. This means chamber 2 will be more positive than

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Biopotentials: origin and electrodes

chamber 1, there will be an electronic potential across the membrane. The potential increases as diffusion
continues. Dynamic equilibrium state will be reached when the electric potential results in ionic movement
equal to but opposite to that resulting from concentration difference. Not many ions have to move across the
membrane to reach the equilibrium state. The ionic movement resulting from the potential difference is:


where zF is the charge on a mole of ions, C is ion concentration, F is Faradays constant (96500 C/mol), f is
frictional coefficient (see section 1.1) and dV/dx is the electric field. In equilibrium state the diffusion flux J d
equals the electrical flux Je:




Integrating both sides:


1.11 is called Nernst equation. Substituting R, z and F, on room temperature (T = 298 K) we get:


Instead of f the ion mobility can be used:


where is the mobility of the univalent ion [in unit (cm/s)(V/cm)], R is gas constant, T is absolute temperature
and F is Faradays constant. The mobility of an ion characterizes its speed in a given material due to electrical
field. Ion mobility is inversely proportional to frictional coefficient:


In general the membrane is permeable to several ions. Suppose the HCl concentration is 0.06 mol/l in chamber
1, and 0.02 mol/l in chamber 2. The chambers are separated by a filter permeable for both H + and Cl- ions. Both
hydrogen and chloride ions will move from chamber 1 to chamber 2 until the concentration in both chambers
will be 0.04 mol/l and there will be no potential difference across the membrane.

In the beginning of the diffusion process there will be potential difference across the membrane. The mobility of
hydrogen ions is much higher than the mobility of chloride ions. As a result, hydrogen ions will get further in
the membrane than chloride ions (both ions start from the surface of the membrane). This builds up an electrical
field which speeds up chloride ions and slows down hydrogen ions. The so called diffusion potential:


where a and c are the mobility of anions and cations, C1 and C2 are the initial concentrations in the two
chambers. Although the diffusion potential changes as diffusion progresses; the change will be slow if the
diffusion flux is negligible compared to the volume of the chambers. Biological membranes are permeable for
most of anions and cations but their permeability is different to different ions. Taking all these into account we

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Biopotentials: origin and electrodes

get the Goldman equation [1.6] (1.16). The most important three ions in case of cells are sodium, potassium and


where PX is the permeability to X ion, [X]1 and [X]2 are the concentration of X ion in chamber 1 and 2. The
squid axon is often used in laboratory examinations because of its size. The inner side of the squid axon is
accessible thus potential across the membrane can be measured. We can neglect Cl - as Na+ and K+ ions have
much higher influence on the potential difference. The axon is filled with a solution: Na + concentration is 50
mM, K+ concentration is 400 mM. For the solution outside the axon: Na+ concentration is 440 mM, K+
concentration is 20 mM. These values are close to real concentrations when the cell is at rest. If there were only
Na+ ions on both sides of the membrane, according to eq. 1.16 these concentration values would result in a +55
mV membrane potential. The potential would be -76 mV if there were only K+ ions. The measured potential is -
70 mV. Substituting the Na+ and K+ concentrations (supposing Cl- concentration is zero) and the measured -70
mV into eq. 1.16 we can calculate the ratio of permeabilities, and get P K/PNa ~ 90. The big difference in
permeabilities explains why the measured potential is so close to the potential we would measure if only K + ions
were present.

The thickness of the membrane is a few times ten . As a result, the electrical field is strong. Assuming 70 mV
resting potential and 70 thick membrane; the electrical field is 100 kV/cm! The electrical breakdown of air is
20 40 kV/cm (depends on the pressure). The breakdown voltage for dry paper is about 30 kV/cm, for Bakelite
is about 150 kV/cm.

We can estimate the capacity of cell membrane by considering it a planar capacitor. The capacitance per unit
area is (see eq. 1.17):


where C/A is the capacitance per unit area, 0 is the permittivity of vacuum, r is the relative permittivity of the
membrane and d is membrane thickness.

4. Action potential
As a result of electrical, chemical or mechanical excitation, the resting state of the cell changes. When excitation
exceeds the threshold level then across the membrane we can measure a so called action potential. Its shape does
not depend on the excitation [1.4]. In physiological practice it is called all-or-nothing. During the action
potential within relatively short time (a few ms) the permeability of the membrane to Na + and K+ ions changes
orders of magnitude, see Figure 1.3. As a result, inside the cell the Na + concentration temporarily increases.
Within a few milliseconds the permeability of the membrane to Na+ and K+ returns to the values characterising
the resting state. The sodium-potassium pump then brings the Na+ ions back outside the cell. In one cycle the
Na-K pump transfers 3 Na+ ions out of the cell and takes 2 K+ ions into the cell. By decreasing the number of
positive ions inside the cell, the pump contributes to set the resting potential of the cell negative. The transport is
against the concentration gradient, ATP provides the necessary energy. During the action potential the cell
neglects further excitations. This is called refractory period. A simple electrical model of the membrane is given
in Figure 1.4.

Figure 1.3. Action potential (solid line), and the change in permeability of the cell
membrane to Na and K (dashed lines)

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Figure 1.4. Simple electrical model of the cell membrane

5. Electrodes to measure biopotentials

Half-cell potential

In living organisms ions migrate. In the devices that process biopotentials current means moving of electrons.
The primary task of a biopotential electrode is to convert ionic current into electron current. This is illustrated by
the animation at http://project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/ionic_to_electronic.pps

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When metal is immersed into electrolyte then a so called half-cell potential will develop across the interface
[1.5]. Table 1.1 gives half-cell potentials for a few metals. The reference is a so called reference electrode [1.7],
e.g. Pt(H2)H+.

Table 1.1. Half-cell potential values for a few metals

metal and reaction half-cell potential on 25 C (V) temperature coefficient (mV/C)
Al = Al3+ + 3e- -1.662 +1.339
2+ -
Zn = Zn + 2e -0.7628 +0.962
Pt(H2)H 0 -
- -
Ag + Cl = AgCl + e +0.2225 +0.213
+ -
Au = Au + e +1.691 -

When metal is immersed into electrolyte, it changes the distribution of charged particles around the interface
[1.8]. There are different models to describe the phenomenon. The Helmholtz-model (Figure 1.5) is the simplest
one. It is adequate for most cases related to biopotential measurement.

The half-cell potential cannot be measured directly. If we immersed a metal conductor into the solution to
measure the half-cell potential across the interface there would be another half-cell potential and we would
measure the difference of the two. When two identical metal electrodes are immersed into the solution, the
potential between the two electrodes should be zero. The potential different from zero is noise. The noise of an
electrode is greatly increased by contamination caused by another metal. The effective value of noise is around
0.01 mV for pure copper or silver electrodes, while for a silver electrode contaminated by copper the value can
be 0.2 mV.

Figure 1.5. The Helmholtz model depicts the distribution of charged particles around
the electrode-electrolyte interface

DArsonval introduced the silver electrode coated with chloride in 1880. This electrode misleadingly called
non-polarisable also develops half-cell potential, but its value is stable. As a result, the potential difference
between two identical electrodes immersed into the same electrolyte is negligible.

6. Electrode models
At the electrode-electrolyte interface anions and cations (i.e. charged particles) are separated. This is the
property of a capacitance. The distance between the plates of the capacitance are very close to each other, thus
the capacitance per unit area is relatively high. The build-up is similar to the electrolytic capacitor. Figure 1.6
refers to the usual case when biopotential is measured using an electrode pair. The figure shows an electrical
model and the impedance that can be measured between the electrodes. The impedance is frequency dependent.
Warburg suggested DC voltage sources (Ea and Eb), and resistors in series with capacitors (Ra, Ca and Rb, Cb).
The DC leakage current across the electrode-electrolyte interface is modelled by Rfa and Rfb. The resistance and

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capacitance per unit area depends on frequency as well as on current density [1.1]. Figures 1.7 and 1.8 illustrate
this dependence for stainless steel electrodes. As the frequency increases, both resistance and capacitance per
unit area decrease. At greater current densities the resistance per unit area decreases while capacitance per unit
area increases.

Figure 1.6. Model for the electrode-electrolyte interface

Figure 1.7. Impedance vs. frequency for stainless steel electrode

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Figure 1.8. Impedance vs. current density for stainless steel electrode

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Biopotentials: origin and electrodes

Skin is made up of several layers. Figure 1.9 gives a possible model for the electrode-skin interface.

Figure 1.9. Model for the electrode-skin interface

7. Electrode polarization
When we use two electrodes to measure biopotentials, the current flowing through them causes polarization
overvoltage (eq. 1.18):


where Vp is the polarization overvoltage, V(i) is the difference of half-cell potentials when current i is flowing,
V(0) is the difference of half-cell potentials when no current is flowing. There are two basic types of frequently
used electrodes.

Vp = 0. These are called non-polarisable or reversible electrodes, such behaviour is shown by silver-silver
chloride and calomel electrodes. The energy level needed to deposition or dissolution is low; the current density
can be high across the interface.

Vp = Vapplied. These are called polarisable or irreversible electrodes, platinum electrodes show very similar
behaviour. Applying voltage to the electrode pair immersed into electrolyte no current flows, the applied voltage
will drop across the electrode-electrolyte interface altering energy levels needed to deposition and dissolution. If
we apply AC voltage, current flows between the electrodes showing their capacitive character.

For biopotential electrodes the polarization overvoltage has three components: V p = Vr + Vc + Va. Indices refer to
resistive (r), concentration (c) and caused by the change of activation energy levels (a).

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Resistive overvoltage

All electrode-electrolyte interfaces have certain impedance. The impedance is not purely ohmic and depends on
the direction and density of the current. Its value can be decreased by increasing the surface of the interface. The
so called sintering process is based on atomic diffusion. The silver-silver chloride electrode has high interface
area. This is reached by sintering: silver is granulated, mixed with silver powder and chloride, heated and
pressed on silver wire. Similar method is used for platinum electrodes. Platinum grating is pressed on thin
platinum plate. Simple method is to increase the electrode surface to decrease its impedance. However, in
biomedical practice the increase of electrode surface is limited.

Concentration overvoltage

Immersed metal electrode alters the ion concentration distribution in electrolyte. Current flowing through the
electrodes also changes the distribution of ions (see Figure 1.10). This will modify the voltage between

Figure 1.10. Polarization overvoltage caused by concentration difference

Overvoltage caused by the change in activation energy levels

Activation energy levels (barriers) needed for deposition and dissolution determine the current that can flow
across the electrode-electrolyte interface. The energy levels are modified by the applied external voltage (see
Figure 1.11). Change in activation energy levels is the major source of polarization overvoltage.

Figure 1.11. The change of activation energy levels is the major cause of polarization

8. Electrode types (macroelectrodes)

Disposable electrodes (see Figure 1.12) are cheap (unit price is around 0.05 ), their application is economical.
Electrodes do not have to be sterilized, aging does not exist.

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Figure 1.12. Disposable electrodes with adhesive ring

Figure 1.13. ECG chest electrodes

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Chest electrodes for ECG recordings have a sucking balloon (see Figure 1.13). Limb ECG electrodes are colour
coded: red (right arm), yellow (left arm), black (right leg) and green (left leg). Limb electrodes are available for

Figure 1.14. ECG limb electrodes

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Defibrillation requires high current density thus the applied electrodes have large area. The size and placement
of electrodes are demonstrated in Figure 1.15.

Figure 1.15. Electrode placement for defibrillation

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Defibrillation_Electrode_Position.jpg, author:

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Silver-silver chloride electrode

Silver-silver chloride is the most widespread electrode. The interface and transfer between ionic/electronic
current is inside the electrode (see Figure 1.16), thus the half-cell potential is stable and the noise is small. This
type is close to the ideal non-polarisable electrode, it can be used to measure DC current, too. Further advantage
is its simple producibility. The electrode impedance has minimum value at a certain chloride thickness. When
DC current flows through an electrode pair (see Figure 1.6) chloride will deposit on the positive electrode and
dissolve from the negative one. As a result the electrical characteristics of the electrodes will change. As the
chloride coating becomes thinner the electrode starts to become polarisable. Small noise requires nearly pure
silver (99.99 - 99.999 %).

Figure 1.16. Construction of the silver-silver chloride electrode

Silver-silver chloride electrode is light-sensitive. Recessed electrodes (see Figure 1.17) shade the light-sensitive
part. They use electrolytic fluid or gel to connect the electrode to the skin, thus reducing motion artefact.

Figure 1.17. Disposable (below) and reusable (above) silver-silver chloride electrode

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Platinum electrode

The energy levels needed for deposition and dissolution are extremely high, thus platinum electrodes are nearly
ideal polarisable.

Stainless steel electrodes

It is simple and cheap, easily sterilisable and reusable. Widely used ECG limb electrodes (Figure 1.14) and chest
electrodes (Figure 1.13) are made of stainless steel.

Active electrode

They connect to the body surface through capacitive coupling. A possible construction is given in Figure 1.18.
The lead from the electrode to the device is driven with small impedance increasing noise immunity. Because of
the capacitive structure only AC signals can be measured. The high input impedance assures quite low corner
frequency: 0.005 Hz (-3 dB) can be reached.

Figure 1.18. Structure of an active electrode

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Needle electrodes

Surface electrodes can measure only the integral of the electrical activity inside the human body. Needle
electrodes can access inner parts: activity in muscles (EMG) or in the brain (EEG). In the tip of the needle
several electrodes can be built in [1.3], see Figure 1.19.

Figure 1.19. Matrix arrangement of electrodes for measuring brain activity

(Neuronelektrd Kft.) http://www.neuronelektrod.hu/getpage.php?oldal_id=351

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Special solutions

For astronauts NASA developed spray-on electrodes in the 1960s. A fast drying conductive mixture was
applied to wires. The disadvantage is that the natural breathing of skin is blocked. This electrode type has not
become widely used.

9. Microelectrodes
Figure 1.20. Glass (below) and metal (above) microelectrode structure

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Mainly during in-vitro research the electrical activity of a single cell is needed. It requires access to the inner
part of a cell. The tip of such a microelectrode must have a very small diameter (0.05 10 m) though solid
enough to penetrate the membrane. Figure 1.20 shows the structure of the two basic microelectrode types, metal
and glass. One possible model of the measurement with a metal microelectrode is given in Figure 1.21.

Figure 1.21. Model of metal microelectrode

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The stem of a metal microelectrode must be insulated (see Figure 1.20). There are conductors on both sides of
the insulation. The structure forms a capacitance, its value can be estimated by eq. 1.19.


where Cd is the resultant of stray capacitances, the permittivity of vacuum is 0 that of insulation is r, the outer
diameter of the stem is D, the inner one is d, and L is the length of the stem.

The glass microelectrode is filled with electrolyte; its impedance depends on the shape. If the shape is
cylindrical then Rel = l/A, if cone-shaped then Rel = 4/(d) gives a good estimate ( is the resistivity, l is the
length of the cylindrical part, A is the cross section of the cylindrical part, d is the diameter of the electrode tip
and is the cone angle).

Because of the very small size, at the tip of microelectrodes we have to take into account the spreading
resistance. It can be estimated as Rsp = e2/(4d) (e is the resistivity of the electrolyte the electrode is immersed

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into, d is the diameter of the tip). The usual value for Rel for glass electrodes is 30 ... 500 M. For both glass and
metal microelectrodes Rsp is cca. 1 M, Cel 1 ... 5 pF. The transfer function of microelectrodes is low-pass type,
the corner frequency is a few kHz.

10. Problems
1. The thickness of a cell membrane is 11 nm, its relative permittivity is 12.6. Calculate the capacitance per unit
area of the membrane. (0 = 8.8510-12As/Vm) Calculate the capacitance of a membrane with a membrane
area of 410-12 m2.

2. The permeability of an ion-selective (K+ selective) membrane to different ions:

PNa = 10-7 cm/s, PK = 310-4 cm/s, PCl = 510-7 cm/s.

The ion concentrations on the two sides of the membrane:

chamber 1 chamber 2

K unknown 60mM

Na 20mM 40mM

Cl 100mM 300mM

The potential difference across the membrane is: 16mV. (U calculated according to eq. 1.16).

Calculate the K concentration in chamber 1.

3. During action potential the inner part of the squid axon changes its potential relative to the external part from
70 mV to + 20 mV.

The capacitance per unit area of the membrane is 1F/cm2. Calculate the charge passing through the
membrane, provided the ion flux is evenly distributed along the membrane area.

(Faradays constant is 96500C/mol.)

4. Calculate the charge flowing through the membrane of a disc-shaped cell (diameter: 20m, height: 5m), if
the capacitance per unit area and the potential change is the same as given in problem 3.

5. Calculate the percentage of the charge flowing into the cell according to problem 3 and the charge being
there before the action potential. The concentration of the solution in the cell before the action potential is 0.3

6. Calculate the percentage of the charge flowing into the cell according to problem 4 and the charge being
there before the action potential. The concentration of the solution in the cell before the action potential is 0.4

7. The potential across a cell membrane is -80 mV, the thickness of the membrane is 10 nm. Calculate the
electric field across the membrane.

8. The ion concentrations below are measured inside and outside of a cell:

ion internal external permeability, cm/s

K+ 155mM 4mM 2x10-6

Na+ 12mM 145mM 2x10-8

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Cl- 4mM 120mM 4x10-6

R = 8.31J/(mol*K), F = 96500 C/mol. Calculate the potential across the membrane (T = 293 K).

9. There is KCl in two chambers separated by a membrane. The concentration of KCl is different in the
chambers. The membrane is permeable only to K+ ions. At T = 298 K we measure 10 mV potential
difference across the membrane. Give the ratio of K+ ion concentrations in the two chambers.

10. We have the same chambers as in problem 9 and measure the same potential difference. The
concentration of KCl in chamber 1 is 0.1 mol/l. Give the possible range of KCl concentration in chamber 2,
provided we can measure temperature with 1K uncertainty.

11. The permeability of an ion-selective (Na+ selective) membrane to different ions:

PNa = 210-4 cm/s, PK = 10-6 cm/s, PCl = 510-7 cm/s.

The membrane separates two chambers where the ion concentrations are:

chamber 1 chamber 2

K+ 20mM 400mM

Na+ 20mM 40mM

Cl- 100mM 50mM

Calculate the potential difference between the two chambers.

12. Calculate the difference in potential between the two chambers if the Na concentration in chamber 1
increases by 20%.

13. Calculate the difference in potential between the two chambers if the K concentration in chamber 1
increases by 20%.

14. Two identical Ag/AgCl electrodes are tested as given in Figure 1.22.

The amplitude of the sine wave is 34.1 mV. Ideal voltmeter V reads the values given in Figure 1.23 as the
frequency of generator sin varies from 0.1 Hz 104 Hz.

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On 10 kHz the amplitude of the output voltage is 32.9mV. Estimate the serial resistance of electrodes
supposing the model given in Figure 1.24.

15. In two chambers separated by a membrane there is urea (carbamide). The concentration in chamber 1 is
20 mmol/l, in chamber 2 60 mmol/l. The permeability of the membrane to urea is 210 -6 cm/s. Calculate the
diffusion flux.

11. Bibliography
[1.1] Geddes LA, Baker LE: Principles of Applied Biomedical Instrumentation. Third edition. John Wiley &
Sons, New York. 1989.

[1.2] Norman RA: Principles of Bioinstrumentation. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 1988.

[1.3] www.neuronelectrode.hu

[1.4] Clark JW: The Origin of Biopotentials. chapter 4. in Webster (ed.): Medical Instrumentation, John Wiley
& Sons, 1995. also available: http://www.unc.edu/~finley/BME422/Webster/c04.pdf

[1.5] Oleg A. Petrii OA, Tsirlina GA: Electrode Potentials. Wiley Online Library, 2007. Wiley-VCH Verlag
GmbH & Co. KGaA. DOI: 10.1002/9783527610426.bard010001

[1.6] Rundle CC: A Beginners Guide to Ion-Selective Electrode Measurement. Last Update: 29 May 2013.

[1.7] Inzelt Gy, Lewenstam A, Scholz F: Handbook of Reference Electrodes. Springer, 2013. ISBN 978-3-642-

[1.8] Mandeep Singh: Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation. PHI Learning Private Limited, 2010. ISBN
978-81-203-4163-0. Raj Press, New Delhi.

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Chapter 2. Biomedical sensors and
Non-electrical quantities are usually measured by first converting them into electrical signal. Following primary
processing (amplification, noise suppression, signal conditioning) the analogue signal is digitised. Further signal
processing is done by computers. This chapter deals with the basic principles of sensors and transducers.

1. Measurement of mechanical quantities

1.1. Potentiometers
Figure 2.1. Converting linear displacement into voltage using wire wound (a) and film
(carbon or cermet) potentiometer (b)

10 100 mm linear displacement and rotation (large) can easily be converted into electrical signal using
potentiometers (Figure 2.1.). These are used as voltage dividers. The displacement or rotation to be measured
moves the taper (wiper) and as a result the output voltage changes. If the input voltage is constant then the
output voltage is proportional to displacement or rotation to be measured. Using mechanical transmission the
range of the transducer can be increased, decreased (to increase sensitivity), the orientation can be inverted.
Figure 2.2.a shows a typical sensor set-up. The no load voltage is proportional to displacement (rotation) but the
output resultant resistance of the potentiometer also depends on displacement (rotation), see Figure 2.2 c and d.
The required load resistance is much greater than the RP resistance of the potentiometer.

Disadvantage of this simple and cheap solution is that both the taper and the carbon (cermet) wear out during
usage, requires maintenance, the moving wiper induces electrical noise. These disadvantages can be avoided by
using other kind of transducers (e.g. inductive ones).

Potentiometers are available in the 10 10 M range. Potentiometers used as transducers are usually in the 1
k 100 k range.

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Figure 2.2. The rotary potentiometer used as a sensor. The structure (a), symbol (b),
model to calculate the loaded characteristics (c), and the transfer characteristics (d).

1.2. Strain gauges

The resistance of a conductor with length l, cross section A and resistivity is:


If the relative changes of the parameters of the strain gauge are small then the relative change of the resistance
can be approximated by eq. 2.2.


Stretching the conductor within its limits of elasticity its cross section decreases (see Figure 2.3.a). Supposing
the volume of the conductor remains constant, the change relation of the changes:


Taking it into account:


Typical strain gauge structure [2.4] is shown in Figure 2.3.b. A long, thin conductive strip is formed formerly
bonded, nowadays rather deposited on an insulating layer in a meander pattern of parallel lines. The sensitivity
of the meander (zig-zag) form is much higher in the direction of the parallel lines. The force or bending to be
measured determines the / relative extension.

Figure 2.3. Strain gauges. Deformation of metal wire as a result of stretch (a). Strain
gauge foil (b) and semiconductor strain gauge or piezoresistor (c).

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The semiconductor strain gauge (also called piezoresistor, see Figure 2.3. c) has higher sensitivity, but it is more
expensive, its temperature coefficient is higher and it is more fragile. The characteristic parameters of strain
gauges are: nominal resistance R, the gauge factor G and the temperature coefficient TK (see eq. 2.5 and 2.6).



Table 2.1 gives the parameters of metal and semiconductor strain gauges. The resistivity of metal strain gauges
does not change during stress (0). As a result, their gauge factor is close to 2. The resistivity of
semiconductor strain gauges changes significantly during stress (/ >>1). This is called piezoresistive effect.

Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4.Deformations to be measured (exaggerated). Deformation of a

stressed or compressed object has similar deformation on each side (a). Bending of the
object results in both stress and compression at the same time (b).

Semiconductor strain gauges are typically manufactured using semiconductor technology. The resulting element
is small; often the necessary amplifiers are also integrated. Complete pressure- and acceleration sensors are

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Strain gauges are usually attached to objects. Figure 2.4 shows the deformation and the related forces when the
object is stressed, compressed or bent.

Table 2.1. Parameters of strain gauges

Material Composition R G TK
Constantan Ni 45%, Cu 55% 80 1000 2 2.1 20 ppm/C
Nichrome V Ni 80%, Cr 20% 80 1000 2.1 2.6 100 ppm/C
Si crystal p-type contamination 1-5 k 100 170 700 7000 ppm/C
Si crystal n-type contamination 1-5 k -50 -120 700 7000 ppm/C

1.3. Measurement circuits for strain gauges

Measurement circuits for strain gauges are detailed in [2.5]. The dilatation of the object caused by temperature
change influences also the strain gauge. Furthermore, temperature change also influences the resistivity () of
the foil. This is characterised by the temperature coefficient, TK. These errors are not negligible compared to the
deformation to be measured. Measurement with a single strain gauge is only possible if the temperature
coefficient compensates the dilatation (TK < 0). Errors caused by temperature change can be eliminated by
detecting the resistance difference of two strain gauges. One strain gauge should be fixed so that its sensitive
direction is in line with the deformation while the other perpendicularly to it. This latter is called passive strain
gauge. The two strain gauges form a voltage divider, and the divided voltage is the output signal depending on
the deformation. Figure 2.5.a shows possible configuration of active and passive strain gauges and the
corresponding measuring circuitry. If the output voltage is measured then the necessary measurement range is
about Vs/2, while the voltage change resulting from the deformation is much smaller: V/Vs<1%. The solution is
to augment the circuitry by two resistors R0 with equal value and small TK. The resulting structure is called a
bridge; its output voltage can be amplified with a symmetrical amplifier. (Symmetrical amplifiers are detailed in
Chapter 3.)

Figure 2.5. Force measurement with one active and one passive strain gauge (a), with
two active strain gauges (b), and with four active strain gauges (c)

When two active strain gauges are applied (one exposed to opposing deformation, see Figure 2.5. b) then the
sensitivity is doubled and temperature dependence is compensated. The best solution is to apply four active
strain gauges (see Figure 2.5.c). The strain gauges diagonally in the bridge are exposed to the same deformation.

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Sensitivity of a four active strain gauge bridge is four times higher than with one active strain gauge. The
simplest measuring devices use Vs = 36 V DC as the supply voltage of the bridge. In precision measurement
devices the supply voltage is fs = 420 kHz frequency AC voltage to eliminate the contact potentials. The
nominal (unloaded) resistance of strain gauges is within a few percentages. Even so the output voltage of the
unloaded bridge circuit can be too high, so compensation is necessary. Furthermore, there must be a way to zero
the output voltage before starting the measurement. The own weight of the measuring object needs zeroing, as
the sensor can be applied in different positions. Figure 2.32 shows possible solutions.

1.4. Pressure sensors

Pressure measurement is nearly always based on the deformation of a membrane [2.6]. The deformation of the
membrane can be converted into electrical signal using strain gauges. Small membranes can be manufactured
together with the necessary elements as an integrated circuit. Manufacturing requires that the stressed and
compressed strain gauges be on the same side of the membrane. This is illustrated in Figure 2.6.b. While
deformation is small, resistivity change is nearly proportional to the pressure difference between the two sides.
When the pressure difference is greater linearization is necessary. This is done by the signal processing
circuitry, most often also integrated on the chip.

Figure 2.6. Pressure sensor formed on a silicon crystal. The cross section of the chip (a),
the view of the arrangement (b) and the deformation of the membrane blown up (c).

Figure 2.7. Pressure sensors formed using semiconductor chips. Measuring absolute
pressure (a), differential pressure (b, c).In (c) the pressure is conveyed by oil.

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Silicon membrane becomes pressure sensor as a result of packaging. Figure 2.7 shows three typical solutions.
The chamber formed on one side of the membrane is in connection with the pressure to be measured. The
medium gets into the chamber directly (when measuring gas pressure) or by an intermediate liquid. In this latter
case a second membrane is usually applied between the intermediate liquid and the one to be measured. On the
other side of the sensor membrane is vacuum; if the absolute pressure should be measured. If differential
pressure is to be measured, then the pressures should be present at the two sides of the sensor membrane.

Characteristic parameters of piezoresistive sensors:

Usual supply: 3-10 V, or 1-2mA. Rbridge= 1-5 k

Sensitivity: Vout/Vs = 1-10 mV/V at nominal pressure.

Corner frequency: 1-2 kHz

1.5. Capacitive sensors

The capacitance of a planar capacitor depends on the size and the dielectric used:


where 0 =8.8510-12 As/Vm, is the permittivity of vacuum, r is the relative (to vacuum) permittivity of the
dielectric (dimensionless). The displacement to be measured changes the position of plate(s). As a result, the
effective area changes, see Figure 2.8.a. The arrangement shown has linear characteristics. Other shape of the
plate can result in other characteristics (disc section shape is used in rotation capacitance transducers).

Figure 2.8. Possible schemes of capacitive displacement transducers. When the effective
area is changed solid dielectric can be applied (a). When the distance between plates is
changed the dielectric is air (b).

Small displacement can be measured by changing the distance between plates. However, the Cx=f(x)
characteristics will be non-linear.

A differential capacitance not only eliminates nonlinearity, but it can be manufactured easier (see Figure 2.9.a).
Two capacitances are formed by three plates. The two terminal plates are fixed. The plate in between (common
plate) is moving in proportion to the displacement to be measured. As the plate moves one capacitance gets

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smaller and the other greater. Measuring the two capacitances using a bridge we get an output voltage
proportional to the displacement:


The two capacitances:




The reactance of the two capacitors:




Taking these into account the output voltage of the bridge is:


The application of a differential capacitance not only linearises the output voltage displacement
characteristics, but also eliminates the effect of r as a source of error.

Figure 2.9. Model of the displacement transducer based on differential capacitance (a),
measurement circuitry resulting in linear transfer characteristics (b), applying the
differential capacitance principle in a differential pressure sensor (c)

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Using 10 100 kHz supply voltage and phase-sensitive demodulation the value of the output voltage is
proportional to the displacement and the sign of the output voltage shows the direction of the displacement. If
the common plate moves as indicated in Figure 2.9.a, the C2 > C1 and Vx is in phase with Vref. Typical
application is the pressure difference sensor; its principle of operation is given in Figure 2.9.c. The pressure
difference deforms the membrane, the change in capacitances C1 and C2 can be measured the same way as given
in Figure 2.9.b. It must be taken into account that the dielectric is the medium to be measured.

1.6. Inductive position sensors

Displacement can be converted into change of inductance using two serial solenoids. Displacement or rotation
can change the relative position of the two solenoids. The displacement of the core also changes the inductance
of a coil [2.7], [2.8]. A circuitry is needed that converts the change of inductance to voltage proportional to
displacement (or rotation). This is usually done by comparing the changing inductivity to a fix one. Linear
Voltage Differential Transformers (LVDT) are available with various measurement ranges: from 0 2 mm to 0
500 mm. LVDTs have small nonlinearity error, 0.5% within the whole measurement range is typical.

Typical set-up is given in Figure 2.10.a. The excitation signal (constant amplitude 2 10 V, and frequency 2
10 kHz) is applied to the internal solenoid. Without a core the voltages induced in the two external solenoids
cancel each other, the resulting output voltage is zero. As the core moves the coupling between the internal and
the two external solenoids changes. The output voltage corresponding to different core positions is given in
Figure 2.10.b.

The output voltage produced by the phase-sensitive demodulator is DC. The sign of the DC output voltage
indicates the direction of the displacement of the core from null-position (marked by 4 in Figure 2.10.a). The
transducers offered by different manufacturers can use different solenoid arrangement, but the theory of
operation is the same.

Further important parameters of inductive position sensors are: friction, moving mass, maximal velocity,
wearing out, and construction without sliding contact.

Figure 2.10. Linear Voltage Differential Transformer (LVDT): theory of operation (a)
and output voltage belonging to different core positions (b)

1.7. Piezoelectric sensors

Figure 2.11. Piezoelectric sensor: build-up (a), operation as electric mechanical (b)
and mechanical electric (c) converter

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Piezoelectricity is the property of certain materials (crystal, some ceramics, bone, even some proteins) to
accumulate charge in response to mechanical stress or vice versa. Depending on how the piezoelectric material
is cut the sensor can have three modes of operation: transverse, longitudinal and shear. The two opposite
surfaces of the sensor are metalized ensuring electrical contact. Applying voltage to the two opposite metal
contact changes the thickness of the sensor. Applying force on the sensor generates electrical charge that
develops voltage V across the Cp capacitance of the sensor. The piezoelectric sensor can be used as electric
mechanical or as mechanical electric transducer [2.9] (see Figure 2.11). The natural piezoelectric property of
quartz crystal is used mainly as an element to assure stable frequency of oscillators. Piezoelectric sensors and
transducers are fabricated from polycrystalline ceramics, most often from lead zirconate titanate (PZT). Polymer
based sensors (polyvinylidene difluoride, PVDF) are also used. Ceramic and polymer sensors can be fabricated
to arbitrary shape. Piezoelectric property is formed using high DC voltage. (These materials are also called
ferroelectric materials referring to the analogy with magnetic materials.) The direction of polarizing voltage
determines the polarity of the output voltage caused by a given stress direction.

Figure 2.12. Build-up of a piezoelectric acceleration sensor (a), the role of the spring
force (b), electrical model of measurement (c) and the typical frequency dependence of
the sensor (d)

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In piezoceramic materials piezoelectric effect is much stronger than in quartz crystals. Piezoelectric sensors can
measure force as shown in Figure 2.11.c. Contrary to strain gauges, static force cannot be measured, because the
leakage current due to resistances (see Figure 2.12) decreases the charge.

During vibration measurement acceleration sensors convert variable force into electrical signal [2.10]. Figure
2.12.a shows the cross section of an acceleration sensor. The sensor is made up of two piezoceramic disks
restrained by a spring, and a seismic mass. As a result of its inertia the mass exerts force on the disks during
vertical acceleration of the sensor. Application of two disks increases the output signal and offers easy
connection of insulated lead wires. The compression with a spring makes possible the measurement of
downward acceleration (in Figure 2.12.a negative acceleration). Negative acceleration decreases the
compressing force resulting in a charge with opposite sign compared to upward (positive) acceleration.

The restraining force changes during acceleration a:


The emerging piezoelectric charge is:


The charge generates the output voltage across the resultant capacitance:


The capacitance of the piezoelectric plate Cp is given, the capacitance of the cable and the input capacitance of
the amplifier must be kept as low as possible to minimize the attenuation of the output voltage of the sensor.
Often an amplifier separates the output of the sensor from the capacitive load; thus sensitivity of the sensor
remains constant even if cable capacitance changes. Another possible solution is to connect a charge amplifier to
the output of the sensor. The charge amplifier has nearly zero input impedance, it takes the whole generated
charge thus capacitances do not load [2.11], [2.12], [2.13].

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Typical sensitivity is: 0.1-10 mV/ms-2. The sensitivity of the sensor is constant over a broad frequency range
(see Figure 2.12.d). The low-frequency corner frequency is determined by the R and C elements of the electrical


where Re = RpxRin, and Ce = Cp+Cc+Cin.

The high-frequency corner frequency is limited by the mechanical resonance, determined by the seismic mass
and the elasticity of the piezoceramic disks.

Piezoelectric acceleration sensor perceives only changes in acceleration, neglects the constant acceleration due
to gravity. However, rotation changes the projection of gravitational acceleration on the direction of the shaft of
the sensor thus generating output voltage. Calculating the displacement and rotation of an acceleration sensor
based on its output signal is an inverse problem. Different movements cause the same output signal. A priori
information about the movement helps process the output signal of an acceleration sensor.

Another application of piezoelectric transducers is generation and detection of ultrasound. This is detailed in
section 2.3. The need for mini (even micro) displacement transducers and motors is increasing, also in surgery.

2. Photoelectric transducers
Light absorption of a biological samples and organs gives diagnostic information. The frequency of the light
used should be selected depending on the sample to be measured. The necessary frequency determines the
appropriate light source and detector.

2.1. Light sources

Figure 2.13. Black-body radiation as a function of temperature

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Light absorption measurements of biological samples are performed with frequencies from ultraviolet (UV) to
infrared (IR). The visible light (VIS) is within this frequency range.

Testing human vision the sensation of light has to be assessed. For measurements not related to human vision
the emitted light is characterized by the frequency range and the power (W) over this frequency range. This
duality has to be taken into account when defining the units of light (optical) radiation.

Radiation of metals has continuous frequency spectrum. The distribution of radiated energy over frequency
depends on the temperature of the metal. The frequency distribution of black-body radiation at different
temperatures is given in Figure 2.13. The intensity of radiation at a given wavelength is given by Plancks law,
see eq. 2.18.


where Wb is the power of radiation on wavelength , T is the temperature of the black-body, c is velocity of
light, h= 6.62610-34 Js is Planck constant, k= 1.3810-23 J/K is Boltzmann constant.

Figure 2.13 shows that as the temperature increases the intensity of radiation strongly increases, the dominance
of the peak increases and the peak intensity shifts to lower wavelength. At around 6000 K the peak of the
spectrum is in the middle of visible frequency range. Figure 2.14 shows the spectrum of some frequently used
light source.

Figure 2.14. Frequency spectrum of different light sources

The spectrum of the tungsten filament lamp spans from the UV to IR frequencies. The deuterium lamp has a
relatively flat frequency characteristic in the UV range. LEDs radiate in a quite narrow frequency range and
laser diodes radiate on a single frequency. Laser light is nearly ideally monochromatic. The white light has a
continuous spectrum over frequency. Using prism or optical grating white light can be refracted and the
necessary wavelength can be selected with a displaceable slit (monochromator). The radiation spectrum can be
modified in a simpler (cheaper) way by using optical filters. The selectivity of this procedure lags behind the

2.2. Optical detectors

Figure 2.15. Sensitivity over wavelength for different semiconductors used for
manufacturing optical detectors. Characteristics can be further influenced by the
material of the window used during packaging.

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Optical sensors make use of the photoelectric effect. Electrons in the sensor material absorb the energy of
photons in the light beam. If the energy of an electron becomes high enough it ejects from the material. The
energy of the photon depends on the wavelength; the energy necessary for ejection depends on the composition
of the sensor material. Spectral sensitivity of optical sensors mainly depends on the selected material [2.14],
[2.15], [2.16].

Photodiodes are planar diodes that are manufactured so that light beam can easily reach the p-n junction.

Figure 2.16. Cross section (a), symbol with voltage and current direction (b), model (c)
and characteristics (d) of a photodiode. Load lines belonging to different modes of
operation are also given.

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Photons of the light beam getting through the sensor window penetrate to the semiconductor near the p-n
junction (see Figure 2.16.a). Their energy is conveyed to electrons that can be ejected resulting in an I current
proportional to the incident radiation. This current is modelled by a current source (I , Figure 2.16.c). The
operation of the photodiode is characterised by the current voltage diagram given in Figure 2.16.d. In
complete darkness (=0) we get the characteristics of the (rectifier) planar diode. In this application the I DS= 10
pA 1 nA (temperature dependent) reverse leakage current is called dark current.

Circuits for photodiodes

Figure 2.17 shows circuits realizing load lines in Figure 2.16.d. Circuit in Figure 2.17.a results in load line A
that is a radiation meter with logarithmic characteristics. The circuit is able to operate while the energy of the
incident radiation changes 5-6 orders of magnitude.


where k is Boltzmann constant, q = 1.610-19 C.

Load line B belongs to the photocell operation. The electrical energy produced is proportional to the area of the
quadrangle shown (Pout). The produced electrical energy (area of the quadrangle) at a given radiation ( 5) will
be maximal applying the optimal load line. Circuits shown in Figure 2.17. c, d, e result in load lines C, D, E
respectively. These circuits generate output voltage proportional to the incident light.

Figure 2.17. Circuits realizing different modes of operation of the photodiode. Circuit
with logarithmic characteristics (a). Photocell producing electrical energy (b). Circuits
with linear characteristics (c, d, e).

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Phototransistors have higher sensitivity than photodiodes. Phototransistors are bipolar transistors; their BC p-n
junction operates as a photodiode. Packaging and the surface of the chip are fabricated to ensure that incident
light reaches the BC p-n junction. Photocurrent acts as base current. The collector current is much greater, I C =
(B+1)I, but the response time of the phototransistor is also much (B times) longer. The base of a phototransistor
is usually open. Connecting a resistor between B and E the operation can be shifted from phototransistor (open
circuit between B and E) to photodiode (short circuit between B and E). Because of the necessary UCE voltage,
phototransistors can be applied only in circuits shown in Figure 2.17. d and e.

Photomultiplier tube

Photomultiplier tube comprises a vacuum tube, a photoemissive surface and an electron multiplier [2.17], [2.18].
Its schematic diagram is shown in Figure 2.18. Electrons are moving freely in the 10 -6 mmHg vacuum towards
the positive electrode. Incident radiation reaches the photocathode through a window of the tube. The sensitivity
over wavelength is determined by the characteristics of the window and wavelength dependence of the emission
at the photocathode. Each photon with a sufficient energy frees (dislodges) an electron. Emitted electrons
focused into a narrow beam fly towards the more positive D 1 dynode. Dynodes are covered with material of
good secondary emission thus each electron reaching a dynode causes the emission of several (5 10) electrons,
depending on the voltage difference between neighbouring dynodes (Vd = 100...150 V). The current is
multiplied at each dynode. The output current in is given by eq. 2.20.


The multiplication factor g is 5 10, n is the number of dynodes, 9 12. The resulting current amplification is
in the order of 106. Electrons are distracted by the magnetic field of the Earth, so photomultiplier tubes are
magnetically shielded. These tubes have high sensitivity, small noise and low response time. They are rarely
used as they are much more expensive and require a more sophisticated application than semiconductor sensors.

Figure 2.18. Schematic and theory of operation of a photomultiplier tube. Between

dynodes D1 D4 the electron multiplication is drawn for g = 2.

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2.3. Light absorption

Figure 2.19. Light absorption in solutions (a). The extinction coefficient of haemoglobin
and oxyhaemoglobin as a function of wavelength (b).

Absorption of light is used to measure concentration of solutions by measuring the ratio of outgoing and
incoming light intensity [19]. Neglecting scattering, luminescence and too high concentration the ratio is given
by Beer-Lambert law:



= absorption coefficient [cm-1 M-1]

c = concentration [mol/litre =M]

d = distance travelled by light in the solution [cm].

Only the absorption coefficient depends on wavelength, the effect of concentration c and distance d are
independent of each other and of the wavelength. Equation 2.21 can be written using power of 10:

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where = molar absorption coefficient [cm-1 M-1], =0.434

Transmittance T [%] is the ratio of the outgoing and incoming intensity, see eq. 2.23.


The absorbance A (dimensionless) is the logarithm of transmittance, see eq. 2.24.


The solution to be measured is in a transparent cuvette. Its material (glass, plastic or quartz) has small
absorption at the used wavelengths.

Most common applications:

1. Measurement of concentration, when the components are known. Measurement is performed at given
wavelength(s), on which the tested component has characteristic and strong absorption. Such a device is
called photometer.

2. Identification of the components in the solution. Complete absorption spectrogram is measured, characteristic
absorption patterns are searched for. Such a device is called spectrophotometer.

2.4. Spectroscopes
Spectrophotometer Its schematic is given in Figure 2.20. Within its range it uses continuously changing
wavelength. The monochromator selects a narrow band of wavelength from a wider range. The light (radiation)
of selected band passes through the cuvette and the solution in it and reaches the detector that gives an output
signal proportional to the detected intensity. The analogue output signal is converted to digital data and then the
absorption is calculated. This requires the knowledge of the I0 intensity of the signal reaching the cuvette.
Changing the wavelength in small steps the device produces the absorption spectrum (see Figure 2.19. b). The
double beam spectrophotometer splits the output light of the monochromator into two beams, one passing
through the cuvette with the solution to be tested and the other one the reference signal passing through an
empty cuvette. The intensity of both beams is measured. Calculating the ratio of the two intensities eliminates
the I0 intensity. Both single- and double beam spectrophotometers offer relative measurement, when the
absorbance of a known solution is set as reference and absorbance of the unknown solution is expressed as
percentage of the known solution.

Figure 2.20. Schematic of the spectrophotometer. The monochromator selects a narrow

wavelength light from white light.

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Colorimeters, photometers are simpler devices than spectrophotometers. Only a few discrete wavelengths are
available, generated by LEDs or colour filters (see Figure 2.21). The aim is to detect the presence or measure the
concentration of a certain component. Handheld colorimeters are available.

Figure 2.21. Schematic of a colorimeter that uses two wavelengths, generated by two
separate LEDs.

2.5. Pulse oximeter

Measurement of the oxygen saturation of arterial blood is often necessary. Pulse oximeter measures oxygen
saturation (normal range: 94 99%) non-invasively. Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is the ratio of oxyhemoglobin to
the total concentration of hemoglobin present in the blood, see eq. 2.25.



HbO2 amount of haemoglobin combined with oxygen (oxyhaemoglobin)

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Hb amount of haemoglobine without oxygen.

Oxygen saturation expresses the percentage of haemoglobin carrying oxygen to all haemoglobin (see eq. 2.26).


Figure 2.19.b clearly shows that absorption of Hb and HbO 2 is significantly different at wavelengths indicated
by arrows (1 and 2). The measurement set-up given on Figure 2.22a makes use of this [2.20]. It is enough to
place the sensor on the fingertip or earlobe of the tested person. The sensor contains a photodiode and two LEDs
that emit light through about the same part of the tested body segment. The body segment contains skin, tissues
but also arteries, veins and capillaries. The conditions necessary for photometry are not met: the tested material
is not homogenous, contains unknown components, the thickness of layers is also unknown and scattering
cannot be neglected. The idea is to make use of the pulsation of the artery.

The three phases of the operation of LEDs are illustrated in Figure 2.22.b: no LED on (dark phase), IR LED on,
red LED on. During the dark phase environmental light is measured for later compensation by subtraction.
Cycle time T0 is in the range 1 10 ms. The light intensity vs. time at the photodiode is shown in Figure 2.22.c.
From the sampled and amplified signal the time function of the sensed infrared and red light can be restored,
see Figure 2.22.d. The diameter of the artery changes during every heart cycle thus changing the absorption of
arterial blood. Sampling frequency is much higher (~ 1 kHz) than frequency of a beating heart (~ 1 Hz). The
light intensity sensed by the photodiode is estimated as


where ci is the concentration, li is the thickness and i() is the absorption on wavelength of the ith component.

Figure 2.22. The scheme of pulse oximetry. IR and red light beams across the earlobe,
artery diameter during systole and diastole (a). Time function of LEDs light intensity
(b) and intensity sensed by the photodiode (c). The intensity vs. time functions of the
LEDs restored from the samples during three heart cycles (d).

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The pulsation of the artery changes its diameter while the diameter of veins remains constant. The constant part
of absorption is caused by tissues and veins (if fingertip is transilluminated then also by the nail) and by the
artery when its diameter is minimal. The change in absorption is caused by the change of the diameter of the
artery. When the red LED is on, 1=650 nm wavelength incident light beam is detected by the photodiode: I1min
is the minimal and I1max is the maximal intensity. The difference of the two intensities is caused by the change in
the diameter of the artery: d=ds-dd. The ratio of the two intensities (see eq. 2.28) eliminates the absorption by
tissues with unknown thickness and concentration, but also the intensity of the emitted light and the optical-to-
electrical conversion factor of the photodiode.


The exponent in detail:


The same ratio is calculated when the IR LED (2=870 nm) is on:



Taking the K1/K2 ratio the unknown dis also eliminated. The resulting fraction contains only two variables with
unknown values: cHb and cHbO2. Although their values cannot be calculated, their ratio is enough for SpO 2.

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The simplified derivation proves that the method is able to determine SpO2. Pulse oximeters are able to measure
oxygen saturation with a few percent accuracy. Usually the important diagnostic information is the change in
oxygen saturation which can be detected with higher accuracy.

3. Diagnostic application of ultrasound

3.1. Properties of ultrasound
Ultrasound is a mechanical vibration cyclic sound pressure wave with a frequency above human hearing
range [2.21], [2.22], [2.23/], [2.24]. Ultrasound is non-ionizing radiation. As low intensity is enough in
biomedical applications, there are no known adverse heating or pressure effects in tissues. However, the
American Pregnancy Association states: The long term effects of repeated ultrasound exposures on the foetus
are not fully known. It is recommended that ultrasound only be used if medically indicated. The main risk is
the cavitation effect of ultrasound that is made use of during pipe cleaning.

Figure 2.23 illustrates how ultrasound propagates in homogenous material or in tissue. Lets suppose the
material at rest is divided into uniform volume elements denoted with light grey dots. The volume elements shift
from their resting position along the direction of the traversing ultrasound, i.e. it is a longitudinal wave. Volume
elements vibrate around their resting position while ultrasound passes by.

Figure 2.23. Vibration of volume elements as ultrasound wave traverses (a) and
mechanical model of the phenomenon (b)

For the sake of illustration, the amplitude of vibration, x is exaggerated in Figure 2.23 compared to the
wavelength. For diagnostic purposes 2 20 MHz frequency (wavelength 0.75 0.075 mm in tissues) ultrasound
is used. Objects smaller than the wavelength of ultrasound cannot be detected. This would explain selecting high
frequency for the test. However, attenuation increases with the square of frequency! Selection of the frequency
means optimization between spatial resolution and imaging depth. The mechanical power through unit area is
called intensity (I). The usual intensity in bio imaging is I = 0.1 100 mW/cm 2. The maximum local shift of
volume elements is x = 5-50 nm.

The supposed volume elements can be modelled by a concentrated mass and elastic connections between
neighbours (see Figure 2.23.b). The measure of elastic connection is compressibility (), the mass of a supposed
volume element is determined by the density () of the material. The propagation velocity of ultrasound (c)
depends on these parameters, see eq. 2.33.

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compressibility [m2/N]

density [kg/m3]

Acoustic impedance is another important parameter of the material in which ultrasound propagates. This is the
ratio of local dynamic forces and displacements; it characterizes the ability to convey vibration. The value is
defined as the ratio of density and compressibility, see eq. 2.34.


Velocity and density can be measured easily (contrary to compressibility). Transforming eq. 2.34 we get a
formula for acoustic impedance that fits better to practical calculations, see eq. 2.35.


The unit of acoustic impedance is: .

Table 2.2. Acoustic properties of different materials

c ZA b

[m/s] [kg/m2s x 10-6] [dB/(cmMHz)]

Air (20C) 343 412 x 10 6
Water (20C) 1480 1,48 0,0022
Oil (SAE 20/30) 1740 1,4 0,95
Blood 1570 1,61,7 0,18
Fat 1475 1,33 0,6
Soft tissue 1540 1,351,7 0,31,5
Brain 1560 0,85
Liver 15491570 1,65 0,9
Muscle 1580 1,7 1,23,3
Bone 3600 6,12 20
PZT piezoceramics 4000 31
Brass 4440 36
Aluminium 6320 17,1 8,4

3.2. Propagation of ultrasound

The intensity of ultrasound decreases as it propagates in homogenous material. The main reasons for the
decrease are the following.

Absorption Particles of the material in which the ultrasound propagates vibrate and transfer vibration to
neighbouring particles. Vibration converts part of the energy into heat. As a result the intensity of ultrasound
beam decreases exponentially with distance, see eq. 2.36.

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I0 intensity in initial position [W/m2]

Ix intensity after distance x [W/m2]

x distance from initial position [m]

absorption factor [m-1]

The ratio of the initial and actual intensity is denoted by x. This is expressed in dB (see appendix in chapter 3),
thus the resultant attenuation of consecutive layers can simply algebraically summed, see eq. 2.37.


Attenuation expressed in dB is proportional to distance covered and attenuation factor b. b is a function of

absorption factor, see eq. 2.38.


Ultrasound sensors give output signal proportional to sound pressure p. The relation between intensity and
sound pressure is given by eq. 2.39.


Expressing intensity attenuation with the ratio of amplitudes:


b attenuation factor in Table 2.2 refers to intensity. Absorption is frequency dependent, in solid material and in
tissue absorption increases with frequency. According to Table 2.1 in liver b=0.9 dB/(cm MHz). For a 5 MHz
ultrasound b = 0.9 5 = 4.5 dB/cm. 10 cm propagation in liver means 45 dB attenuation! For a 1 MHz
ultrasound propagation over the same distance means only 9 dB attenuation.

Scattering Changes in size smaller than the wavelength of ultrasound in the density, compressibility or
absorption cause radiation of a scattered wave in all directions. This effect decreases the energy of the
propagating beam and deteriorates contrast if ultrasound is used for imaging.

Divergence and convergence For diagnosis a focused beam is needed. The intensity of a focused beam
decreases as a result of absorption and scattering. Spreading of the beam is called divergence. Spreading also
decreases the intensity over unit area. Converging increases the intensity over unit area.

Reflection When ultrasound reaches the boundary of two materials with different acoustic impedance partial
reflection happens. If the incident beam is perpendicular to the boundary then both the reflected and the
transmitted beam remain in line with the incident beam (see Figure 2.24.a). The ratio of intensities (reflected
beam over incident beam) is the reflection coefficient, R.

Figure 2.24. Reflection and transmission of ultrasound at the boundary of two materials
with different acoustic impedance. Perpendicular (a) and angular (b) incident light.

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The ratio of transmitted and incident light intensity is given by eq. 2.42.


At fat-muscle boundary: Ir = 0. 015Ii, It = 0. 985Ii.

At angular incident light the beam is refracted and the measure of reflection depends on the angle (see Figure


(Reflection coefficients 2.41 2.43 refer to intensity. By taking the square root we can get the reflection
coefficient for pressure amplitudes, see eq. 2.40.) Diagnostic ultrasound detects and visualizes the boundaries of
organs and tissues with different acoustic impedance using the impulse echo method. Most often the transmitter
and receiver is the same element. The emitted ultrasound beam is reflected from boundaries as described above.
The reflected signal echo arrives at the transducer after a delay depending on the distance between the
transducer and the reflecting boundary. The amplitude of the echo is high if the beam is perpendicular to the
boundary and the difference in acoustic impedances of the two materials is substantial. In this latter case this
also means that most of the incident beam is reflected, layers behind the boundary can hardly be detected.

From boundaries where there is air on one side the reflection is nearly 100% because the acoustic impedance of
air is about108 times greater than the acoustic impedance of water or body fluids. Air is not allowed between the
sensor head and the tested anatomic layers. In medical practice gel is used to fill out the gap between skin and
sensor head.

3.3. Generating and sensing ultrasound

In the transducer head most often PZT ceramics is used (see 2.1.4) to generate and sense ultrasound [2.25],
[2.26]. Figure 2.25.a illustrates the change in thickness of a piezoceramic disk as voltage is applied across its
flaps. The change is very small, in the order of 10 100 nm. (Volume remains constant, thus the diameter also
changes.) The voltage to mechanical change and vice versa is effective if its frequency is equal to the own
mechanical resonance frequency of the disk. A freely standing three dimensional solid body has several
resonance frequencies. The favourable resonance results in effective beam transmission in line with the axis of
the disk.

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Figure 2.25. Deformation (exaggerated) of a piezoceramic disk during ac excitation (a),

the simplest model of the vibrating system (b) and the deformation along the x axis (c).

The simple model in Figure 2.25.b. comprises two masses and a connecting spring. The two masses move in
opposite direction. The vibration amplitude is maximal when the frequency of the excitation signal equals the
resonance frequency (f0) of the disk. f0 depends on the hp thickness. Mass increases while the stiffness decreases
with thickness. In a real disk the mass and the spring is dispersed and only the midplane stands still. Vibration
amplitude of inner layers are shown in Figure 2.25.c. Applying its resonance frequency (f0) to a hp thick disk the
vibration pattern will be half wavelength standing wave. x displacement (and vibration amplitude) is zero in
the midplane and maximal at the cover planes. The wave reflects from the cover plane in-phase. In Figure 2.25.b
the concentrated, in 2.25.c the dispersed model is given of the same resonance. The vibration of one of the cover
planes must be transferred to the material to be tested. The opposite cover plane must be fixed with attenuating
layer to inhibit radiation towards that direction and to aid fast settling down following excitation.

The acoustic impedance of PZT ceramics and body tissues greatly differ. As a result, about eighty percent of the
ultrasound reflects from the boundary. The same is true for the reflected ultrasound. As a result, without
acoustic coupling between the transducer and the human body only maximum 4% of the generated signal would
get back to the transducer. Figure 2.2.6 shows how to apply an acoustic coupling layer with thickness /4. This
layer is embedded in the transducer head. Acoustic coupling is optimal if the acoustic impedance of the coupling
layer ZAm equals the geometric mean of the acoustic impedances of the two layers to be coupled, see eq. 2.44.


In ideal case coupling does not cause intensity loss. In real applications some intensity loss is unavoidable but
the improvement compared to not using coupling can be as high as 5 10-fold.

Figure 2.26. Schematic of an ultrasound transducer and its coupling to the human body

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3.4. Beam profile

The vibration of the cover layer of the piezoceramic disk generates an ultrasound beam with the same diameter.
Until distance N (called near-field or Fresnel zone) the beam is parallel further in the far-field (Fraunhofer zone)
it diverges with half-cone angle . Figure 2.27 shows the shape of beams transmitted from disks with different
diameter. In practice intensity along the cross section of the beam is inhomogeneous: maximal in the midline;
decreases outwards. Good resolution requires small diameter beam in the depth of the object to be tested. Figure
2.27 a. c. shows that simply reducing the diameter of the disk does not result in a few mm beam diameter 5 to
10 cm far from the transducer. It is also important to be noted that the same profile applies for the echo! The
beam can be acoustically focused to small diameter cross section at a distance from the transducer. Figure 2.27.d
illustrates that different transducer heads are needed to detect objects at different distances from the body
surface when acoustic focusing is applied. Electrical (dynamical) focusing makes it possible to use the same
sensor for different distances.

Figure 2.27. Beam profile (a, b, c) of piezoceramic disks with different diameter (same
wavelength) and focusing with acoustic lens (d)

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3.5. Pulse echo response

The piezoelectric disk or plate is excited by the transmitter [2.28], [2.29], [2.30]. Most commonly used
excitation is ultrasound pulse comprising 36 periods of ultrasound frequency sine wave with a few hundred
volts amplitude. Figure 2.28 shows that the Vpiezo excitation signal is converted to mechanical vibration
transmitting ultrasound wave. The wave propagates with c T velocity in the body T to be tested. The wave is
reflected from the boundary of the organ S because of the different acoustic impedance (ZAT ZAS). The
displacement-time function to the right of Figure 2.28 illustrates the propagation of the pulse. The reflected
signal (echo) is sensed by the same transducer that transmitted the pulse. Echo signals 1, 2, 3 are converted into
electrical signal (voltage). The voltage generated by the echo must be amplified (and filtered), its amplitude is
much smaller than the amplitude of the excitation signal. The echo signal can be visualized by an oscilloscope.
Either a storage oscilloscope is needed or the excitation must be repeated periodically. The next excitation must
not be started before the arrival of the echo from the farthest reflection. The horizontal axis of the echo time also
refers to the distance from the transducer (depth in the body). This kind of visualization of the echo signal is
called A-mode (Amplitude mode). In Figure 2.28 the propagation velocity in organ S is greater than in the
surrounding tissue (cS >cT). This distorts the distance of the layers behind organ S.

The thinner is organ S the closer are echo signal 1 and 2. The depth (radial) resolution is reached when echo
signals 1 and 2 start to overlap. Overlap prevents the measurement of thickness of a layer. Similarly, the end of
transmission and the first echo signal must not overlap. This determines a minimal distance from the body
surface that can be examined with the pulse-echo method. Layers closer than that are in the dead space. An
animation is available about the pulse-echo method at the following address:

Figure 2.28. Signal generated by the pulse-echo method

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In order to increase resolution the ultrasound pulse can be shortened using less cycle. This reduces the energy of
the pulse and thus deteriorates the detectability of the echo. Increasing the frequency of the ultrasound also
shortens the ultrasound pulse but at the same time increases the absorption in the tissue which decreases the
penetration depth.

Dynamic focusing is done by dividing the disk into concentric rings and applying the excitation signal to the
rings with delay, see Figure 2.29. The outer ring gets the excitation signal first; further rings get with ever longer
delay. The waves transmitted by the different rings interfere so that towards the focus strengthening, in any
other direction weakening happens. Changing the delay times changes the distance between the transmitter and
the focus. The beam profile remains unchanged during echo if delay times remain unchanged.

Figure 2.29. Electronic (dynamic) focusing of ultrasound beam. The cross section of the
piezoelectric disk divided into rings (a), and the beam after focusing by delayed control
signal (b).

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3.6. Applying the Doppler-effect

The frequency of the echo signal reflected from a moving object deviates from the frequency of the transmitted
signal (f0). Flow measurement can be based upon this phenomenon [2.31], [2.32]. The simple blood flow meter
has a separate transmitter and receiver. The frequency of the transmitted signal is constant (f 0), the frequency of
the received signal is f2 (see Figure 2.30). If f0 is between 4 8 MHz then the f2 f0 frequency difference
caused by moving formed particles in blood will be in the audible range. The operator can draw conclusions
from the sound to flow. This is called D-mode (Doppler audio mode).

The transmitted beam is at an angle with the direction of the flow so the projection of flow (velocity) will be
measured. (Flow perpendicular to beam direction cannot be measured.) More complex devices calculate flow
velocity and display also its direction (approaching or driving away). Doppler-effect is made use of in the echo
mode of sophisticated ultrasound imaging devices, denoting different velocities by colouring.

Figure 2.30. Measuring blood flow based on Doppler effect

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3.7. Qualifying the pulse echo method

Diagnostic ultrasound devices are tested using phantoms [2.33]. Standardized qualifying procedure independent
of manufacturers has not been agreed upon. Phantoms are rectangular prisms with acoustic impedance similar to
tissue (e.g. rubber container filled with water) with different objects (plastic rods and strings) in a known
position, see Figure 2.31.a. By processing the echo from the objects the following parameters can be tested:
direction of the beam, accuracy of distance measurement, distance to the focus, and depth of dead space.

An important feature is the smallest detectable tissue element with acoustic impedance different from the
surroundings. The smallest detectable layer thickness or diameter in line with propagation can be characterized
by x radial (also called axial or range) resolution (see Figure 2.31.b). Lateral resolution is characterized by the
smallest distance (y, lateral or azimuth resolution) of two rods when they can be distinguished in a plane
perpendicular to beam propagation. The beam is not always rotationally symmetric, especially in sweeping
ultrasound transducers (see chapter 11.1). In this case the lateral resolution is better in the sweeping direction
than in the perpendicular direction (elevation resolution).

Further parameters are: contrast resolution (detectability of difference in density, see Figure 2.31.d), noise level.

Figure 2.31. Phantom body (a) to test diagnostic ultrasound devices. Radial (b) and
lateral (c) resolution. Rods with different densities (d) to test sensitivity and contrast

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4. Problems
1. Calculate the linearity error when an Rp=10 k potentiometer is loaded with an Rt = 220 k resistor. It is
enough to calculate the error in the middle position of the wiper ( = 0.5 M), because this is the maximum
error. Specify the error referenced to the maximum output voltage (%) and as absolute error (mV) when the
supply voltage of the potentiometer is 5 V.

2. The wiper of the potentiometer is connected to a voltage follower to separate the load resistor as shown in
Figure 2.32.a. This eliminates nonlinearity. Calculate the error caused by the common mode rejection ratio
(CMRR = 80 dB), input offset voltage (V0max = 1 mV), and input bias current (I bmax = 1 nA) of the op amp.

3. A precision displacement transducer is built-up by a potentiometer with the following parameters:

Useful displacement range: 200 mm

Nominal resistance: RP=5 k

Temperature coefficient: -200 ppm/C

Linearity error: 0.05%. The error is caused by inhomogeneity it may show up anywhere on the
displacement. The supply voltage is stable, +5 V. Calculate the minimal value of the load resistance to keep
the nonlinearity error resulting only from load below 0.02 %. Calculate the maximum total nonlinearity error
if the temperature change is 15 C during measurement.

4. The temperature dependence of the potentiometer does not cause error when the supply voltage is stable. The
ratio of the output/supply voltage does not depend on temperature. The circuitry shown in Figure 2.32.b.
generates + 5 V to the potentiometer (see problem 3) from the + 6 V supply voltage using RS. The
temperature coefficient of resistor RS is 50 ppm, negligible compared to the temperature coefficient of Rp.
Calculate the maximum Vout error when the wiper is in the uppermost position, provided T=20 C.

5. Calculate the displacement belonging to the error voltages in problems 3 and 4.

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6. Calculate the no-load voltage of the bridge circuit shown in Figure 2.5.c.

7. The correct result of problem 6:

The expression can be simplified taking into account that the resistors of the bridge are nearly the same, thus
they can be expressed as a base value and a small deviation:

What are neglected to get the result below? Evaluate the neglected items.

8. The circuitry shown in Figure 2.5.c has four strain gauges. Fixing can cause a deviation from the nominal
value of RG by 1%. As a result of the deviations the V out output voltage of the bridge is not zero when there
is no deformation. Figure 2.32.c shows a circuitry for zeroing. Calculate RK so that the zero output voltage
without deformation can be set by RP even at worst-case deviations of RGi. RG = 120 , RP=1 k.

9. The RG1, RG4 strain gauges are stressed, RG2, RG3 are compressed. The relative extension of the object is l/l
=0.06% at maximum stress. The supply voltage is VS = + 6 V. The nominal values of strain gauges: RG=350
, G=2. Calculate the maximal output voltage of the bridge after zeroing at no stress. Calculate the current
consumption of the bridge.

Figure 2.32.

10. Calculate the necessary Aus symmetrical amplification of the amplifier connected to the output of the
bridge in problem 9, if at maximum mechanical stress its output voltage is 2.5 V. Design a simple
symmetrical amplifier with Rins=100 k, using supply voltage is 6 V.

11. Because of technical reasons we have to use the circuitry with two strain gauges shown in Figure 2.5.a.
VS=6 V, RG=350 , G=2. RG1 is stressed, RG2 is passive. In the other branch of the bridge we use two
precision resistors, R0=470 0.2%. Calculate the output voltage of the bridge at maximum mechanical
stress (l/l =0.1%) provided the bridge was zeroed at no stress.

12. The electrical power of the strain gauge must be limited to avoid error caused by self-heating. Calculate
the maximum Vsmax supply voltage that can be applied to the four strain gauge bridge if the strain gauges

a. are small, their active surface is 1.5x1 mm,

b. are big, their active surface is 10x5 mm.

The maximum allowed power on the active surface is 8 mW/mm2.

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13. The parameters of a piezoresistive pressure sensor cell:

Sensitivity: p=1 mmHg causes Vki/VS=5V/V

Maximum pressure to be measured: pmax=300 mmHg

Maximum offset voltage at zero pressure equals 30 mmHg

Sensor cell resistance: RG 2400

Suggested supply voltage: Vs=6 VDC

Calculate the symmetrical amplification to get 2.5 V output voltage at 250 mmHg pressure.

14. To zero the amplifier at p = 0 in problem 13 the circuitry in Figure 2.32.d is used. Calculate RK so that
by setting RP potentiometer (RP=470 k) to its terminal positions the maximum offset voltage can be

15. We want to zero the bridge in problem 8 after A/D conversion. The useful output voltage of the bridge
had to be calculated according to problem 9. We need a resolution better than 0.5 %. Calculate the necessary
symmetrical amplification of the amplifier. Calculate the necessary resolution (number of bits) of the A/D

16. The sensitivity of a piezoelectric vibration sensor is 0.5 pC/ms-2, its frequency range is 0.1 Hz 16
kHz. The charge amplifier connected to the output of the sensor is in the 10 V/pC range, its output voltage is
a 16 Hz frequency sine wave with 0.5 Vp amplitude. Calculate the mechanical vibration amplitude of the

17. A light sensor according to Figure 2.17.c. is used to measure the intensity of 560 nm wavelength
yellow light of a LED. The sensitivity of the photodiode at this wavelength is 0.38 A/W. The LED has
homogeneous beam, out of it an 0.3 mW power part reaches the sensor of the photodiode perpendicularly.
Calculate the necessary RC2 to produce Vout = 4 V output voltage at this incident light. Calculate the error
caused by the Vo = 1 mV offset voltage, and the IDS= 20 pA dark current of the photodiode.

18. Calculate the attenuation of the intensity of an f0 = 2 MHz frequency ultrasound while it propagates
through a 10 cm fat tissue. Calculate the output intensity if the input intensity is I 0 = 50 mW/cm2.

19. The parallel ultrasound beam with f0 = 2 MHz frequency propagates in fat tissue and reaches the
boundary with liver tissue. Calculate the reflection. The thickness of fat tissue from the skin to the liver is 10
cm. Calculate the intensity of the reflected beam at the skin if the transmitted intensity is I0 = 50 mW/cm2.

20. Blood flow is measured in a vessel close to body surface with a Doppler device, using f 0 = 8 MHz
frequency ultrasound. The direction of the sensor and the vessel is at a 40 angle. Calculate the received
frequency if blood flows towards the sensor with a 20 cm/s velocity. Calculate the frequency difference
(Doppler frequency). Is it in the audible range?

5. Bibliography
Books dealing with theoretical basis

[2.1] Agarwal A. Lang J.H.: Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits. Elsevier, Amsterdam,

[2.2] Edelman S. K.: Understanding Ultrasound Physics. Third edition, Woodlands, 2004.

[2.3] R. Millner : Wissensspeicher Ultraschalltechnik. Fachbuchverlag, 1987.

Further references

[2.4] Strain Gauge Measurement http://www.eidactics.com/Downloads/Refs-


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[2.5] Introduction to Strain & Strain Measurement. Technical Reference ACROMAG Inc. http://www.weighing-

[2.6] http://www.sensortechnics.com/en/products/pressure-sensors-and-transmitters/

[2.7] Introduction to LVDT - Basic Principles http://www.singer-


[2.8] GT Precision LVDT Gauging Transducer. http://www.rdpe.com/uk/gt.htm

[2.9] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piezoelectricity

[2.10] Piersol A. G. Paez T. L.: Harris Shock and Vibration Handbook. Sixth edition, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 2010. (Chapter ten)

[2.11] Introduction to Charge Mode Accelerometers. http://www.dytran.com/img/tech/a7.pdf

[2.12] The Principles of Piezoelectric Accelerometers http://www.sensorsmag.com/sensors/acceleration-


[2.13] Characteristics and use of Charge Amplifier.


[2.14] Photodiode Technical Information


[2.15] Photodiode Characteristic and Applications. UDT Sensors Inc.


[2.16] Photodiode Technical Guide http://sales.hamamatsu.com/assets/html/ssd/si-photodiode/index.htm

[2.17] Photomultiplier Tubes


[2.18] Photomultiplier Handbook http://psec.uchicago.edu/links/Photomultiplier_Handbook.pdf

[2.19] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmittance

[2.20] Kstle S, Noller F, Falk S, Bukta A, Mayer E, Miller D: A New Family of Sensors for Pulse Oximetry.
HP Journal February 1997, pp. 39-47.

[2.21] T. D. Rossing (Editor): Springer Handbook of Acoustic. Springer, New York, 2007.

[2.22] H. Kuttruff : Ultrasonics: Fundamentals and applications. Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1991.

[2.23] A brief introduction to ultrasound. http://dukemil.bme.duke.edu/Ultrasound/k-space/node1.html

[2.24] NCRP, Report No. 113: Exposure Criteria for Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound: I. Criteria Based on
Thermal Mechanisms, Bethesda, MD: National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements,

[2.25] Ultrasonic Transducers Technical Notes. http://www.olympus-ims.com/data/File/panametrics/UT-


[2.26] Olympus Knowledge. http://www.olympus-ims.com/en/knowledge/

[2.27] K.A. Fowler, F.H.C. Hotchkiss, T.V. Yamatino, T. Nelligan: Important Characteristics of Sound Fields of
Ultrasonic Transducers. http://www.olympus-ims.com/en/pdf-library/157-catId.268435489.html

[2.28] J P. Lawrence : Physics and instrumentation of ultrasound.


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[2.29] http://dukemil.bme.duke.edu/rsna07/RC632B.pdf

[2.30] Aldrich J. E.: Basic physics of ultrasound imaging. Critical Care Medicine:May 2007 - Volume 35 - Issue
5 - pp S131-S137. http://www.pdfport.com/view/418495-basic-physics-of-ultrasound-imaging-johne-

[2.31] Asbjrn Stylen , dr. med.: Basic ultrasound, echocardiography and Doppler for clinicians.

[2.32] Operating Manual. Model 840. Pocket Doppler. http://www.parksmed.com/pdf/840_USM_1.1.pdf

[2.33] Zagzebski J. A.: Performance Testing Of Medical Ultrasound Equipment.


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Chapter 3. Biopotential amplifiers
1. Biopotentials and electrical noise
Biopotential is the result of physiological phenomena and can be measured between two electrodes attached to
the body of a person. Usual amplitude- and voltage ranges are shown in Figure 3.1. The amplitude of
superimposed noise is bigger by orders of magnitude making measurement of biopotentials a difficult task. The
typical amplitude of superimposed noise is also given in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1. Typical amplitude of most frequently measured biopotentials and the
superimposed noise as a function of frequency

ECG, EEG and EMG signals cannot be separated from each other and from superimposed noise based on their
frequency range. The measurement method for separation must take into account a priori information about the
source of the signals.

1.1. Equivalent circuits for signal- and noise sources

The most common source of noise is power line interference. Usually in the vicinity of a tested person there are
big grounded surfaces (radiator, metal housing of instruments, conducting floor) and small surfaces at hot wire
potentials (wire in the wall, AC power plugs, extension cords). Tested persons are not in direct connection with
these surfaces but stray capacitance between them do exist (see Figure 3.2.a). The typical impedance of the

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resultant capacitances at power line frequency is much higher than impedances between two points on the body
of a person. As a result, while analysing the effect of noise sources, the body is considered to be equipotential,
see Figure 3.2.b. The resultant capacitance to hot wire is CL, the one to ground is CG. Typical values: CL = 2-10
pF, CG = 0.2-1 nF. The two resultant capacitances form a voltage divider. Its input is power line voltage, its
output is VB, the voltage on the persons body. The body surface can be modelled by a voltage source with V B =
0.2 2 V and output impedance calculated on the basis of the resultant capacitance CB = CG+CL.

Figure 3.2. The body environment capacitive coupling (a) and the equivalent circuit to
model power line noise (b, c)

Figure 3.3. The biopotential to be measured and the modelled power line noise source
(a), the equivalent circuit (b) and breaking down the voltage sources to symmetrical and
common components (c)

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Biopotential should be measured between points on the body while power line noise is present between the
whole body surface and ground. The two points referenced to ground give voltages resulting from both the
biopotential and power line noise. The measurement task is to determine the voltage difference of the two
ungrounded points, see Figure 3.3. This is a general measurement task (not biopotential specific) the solution is
to apply a symmetrical amplifier with three input terminals: two independent from ground.

The measurement task is illustrated in Figure 3.3.b showing the V 1 and V2 voltages (vectors) and the equivalent
Vs (symmetrical) and Vc (common) voltages (vectors). The biopotential to be measured is the symmetrical or
differential voltage (see eq. 3.1.):


The potential difference (voltage vector) pointing from ground to the midpoint of V s is the common voltage Vc,
see eq. 3.2.


Voltages V1 and V2 can be expressed with the symmetrical V s and common Vc voltages:


Figure 3.3.c shows the equivalent circuit according to equations 3.1. 3.3. In Figure 3.3.c the symmetrical
voltage is shown to be much bigger than usual compared to the common voltage. The reason is to make the
symmetrical voltage visible. The amplifier should not amplify the common voltage with the same factor as the
symmetrical voltage. It is not uncommon that on the body surface the biopotential is in the mV, power line noise
in the V range. Biopotential is amplified by a factor of 1000 resulting in voltage around 1 V. The same gain for
common voltage would require voltage around 1 kV and the amplifier would saturate!

1.2. Equivalent circuit of the body impedances

Impedances inside the body determine the resistance of the voltage source representing the biopotential. The
input impedance of the amplifier must be much bigger than the resistance of the voltage source to be measured
[3.4], [3.5], [3.6]. Driving sine wave current through the impedance its value can be determined by measuring its
voltage, see Figure 3.4. The current level must be in the range that is safe for the person. Only the voltage with
the same frequency as the excitation current is measured so noise currents with different frequency do not
disturb the measurement. The impedance is calculated as given by eq. 3.4.


The frequency dependent model of the impedance can be determined by measurements at different frequencies.
The impedance between two electrodes attached to a persons body is the serial resultant of the resistance of the
electrodes, the electrode-skin interfaces and the impedance within the body. If we want to model the impedance
over a broad frequency range the equivalent circuit has to include several elements. The usual equivalent circuit
with 2-3 R-C elements is adequate in the 0 10 kHz range.

Of the above described impedances connected in serial the biggest is the electrode-skin impedance. The
resultant impedance hardly depends on the impedance within the body, i.e. on the distance between the two

During safety analysis (see chapter 5.1) the impedances are supposed to be smaller than those in Figure 3.4. This
increases safety. It is also true that impedance between two points on the body surface decreases when the
voltage applied between them increases (e.g. dielectric breakdown of the skin). The wide range of usual
impedances of humans is explained by different values of individuals. Furthermore, these impedances may
change in time. Figure 3.5 shows a model of the biopotential to be measured the power line noise and the
impedances present.

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Figure 3.4. The resultant impedance between two electrodes on a persons body. The
current paths and their cross sections between the electrodes (a) the serial resultant of
impedances (b) and the frequency dependent equivalent circuit (c) that can be
calculated by measurements using different frequencies.

Figure 3.5. Equivalent circuit of the body taking into account the biopotential to be
measured and the power line noise

Figure 3.4.c shows that the impedances ZGi within the body are complex, depend on frequency. They are vector
quantities characterized by complex numbers. The impedances have absolute value and phase. ZG impedances

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are not detailed in the equivalent circuit. The correct measurement circuit uses amplifiers with input impedances
much bigger than body impedances. The body impedances independent of their phase are negligible
compared to input impedance of biopotential amplifiers.

VGk can be an external (e.g. power line) noise, but can also be another biopotential we do not want to measure.
While measuring EMG the persons ECG signal is noise. It is better to cancel the noise using appropriate
measurement method than filter the sampled data during digital signal processing.

2. Symmetrical amplifiers
2.1. Equivalent circuit of the amplifier
Figure 3.6 shows the schematic of the symmetrical amplifier, the voltage to be measured and the noise to be
suppressed. Without the structure of the amplifier its connections at the input and output are given showing the
gain of symmetrical and common signals. The input of the amplifier is between points (1) and (2). (3) is a
reference point both at the input and at the output, also called internal ground. All internal voltages are
referenced to the internal ground, but it need not be connected to the ground in the wall outlet. The power
supply of the amplifier is in connection with the internal ground.

In the schematic the output voltage is modelled with two controlled voltage sources. The voltage between input
points (1) and (2) is the symmetrical input voltage V ins, this is present at the output amplified by the symmetrical
gain Avs. The symmetrical input resistance is the resultant of the two identical resistors (R ins/2) between the input
points (1) and (2). A good estimation is that between the common point of the two Rins/2 resistors and the
internal ground is the common input voltage Vinc. (The estimation assumes that Rinc >> Rins.) The common input
voltage amplified by the common gain Avc is also present at the output. The total output voltage is given by eq.


Figure 3.6. Schematic of the symmetrical amplifier, the voltage to be measured and the
noise to be suppressed

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Vins is usually small, it has to be amplified. In some applications the gain is the resultant of two or more serial
amplifier stages. The gain of the stages is often variable, the total gain may be as high as 10 6. The common gain
must be kept as low as possible (Avc<1), in the ideal case Avc = 0. The common mode rejection ratio (CMRR)
is the ratio of the symmetrical and common gain; see eq. 3.6. Often CMRR is given instead of A vc.


CMRR must be high to separate biopotential from noise. In case of ECG the potential to be measured
(symmetrical voltage) is in the mV range while power line noise (common voltage) is in the V range.

Typical values for biopotential amplifiers: CMRR=105106 , in logarithmic scale: 100 120 dB.

(There are other schematics for symmetrical amplifiers. The input resistances can be in delta circuit instead of
the star used in Figure 3.6. The two circuits can be transformed into each other. Common voltage gain can be
modelled with an input generator, too.)

Input impedances also have an effect on measurement accuracy of biopotentials. The generator impedance (see
Figure 3.4) is varying and we cannot influence its value. To assure V ins = VGs at the input of the amplifier
independent of the varying generator impedance Rins must be much higher than the absolute value of ZG1+ZG2
(usually Rins >2.5 M).

In linear systems we can apply the theory of superposition. Only one generator is supposed to be active at a
time, all other voltage sources are substituted by short circuits, all other current sources are substituted by open
circuits. The voltage between two points is calculated as a sum of voltages calculated so that always a single
generator is active.

The body surface of the person is not grounded. Amplifiers need galvanic connection between their input points
(1), (2) and internal reference point (3). (The 10 pA ... 10 nA input bias current of the amplifier needs this
connection.) The internal reference (3) is connected to the body of the person so that the galvanic connection is
present through the body and it does not disturb the biopotential to be measured. Seemingly the V B noise voltage
does not affect the input voltage of the amplifier. The output of the amplifier is connected to other circuits the
internal ground of which is in (mainly capacitive) connection with the ground in the wall outlet. This connection
is modelled with ZM. A loop is formed (H) in which noise current flows through the impedance ZG3 and produces
a noise voltage across it. The amplifier senses this noise voltage as an increase of VGc. The smaller are the
impedances in the loop compared to ZG3 the bigger part of VB falls ZG3. This requires that the connected circuits
have high impedance to wall outlet ground. (See also section 3.6.) Further problem is that in series with ZM a
noise voltage source can be present. Ungrounded devices similarly to ungrounded persons always have stray
capacitances to the hot and ground wire of power line resulting in a noise voltage similar to V B. In case of
grounded devices the not completely equipotential grounding causes noise voltage. (See also chapter 3.3.3.)

2.2. Resultant common mode rejection

Above it was shown that accurate measurement of VGs biopotential requires big Rins. It is also important that
common noise voltage VGc cause potential difference as small as possible between input points (1) and (2). This
error is shown in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7. VGc causes symmetrical error voltage when generator impedances do not

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As a result of VGc Ic current flows in the loop as shown in Figure 3.7. I c is divided into Ic1 and Ic2 the two currents
flowing through ZG1 and ZG2. Ic1 and Ic2 are nearly equal because the Ic current division ratio is determined by the
Rin/2 resistors, see eq. 3.7 and 3.8.



If ZG1 and ZG2 are not equal then they cause a Vins error voltage between input points (1) and (2) which cannot
be differentiated from the biopotential to be measured, V Gs, see eq. 3.9.





This error can effectively be decreased by decreasing current I c by increasing the common input impedance of
the amplifier. (The difference of ZG1, ZG2 remains mainly out of control.)


Eq. 3.12 takes into account that as a result of the big Rinc Vinc VGc. The error is characterized by the
CMRRimbalance, see eq. 3.13.

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The resultant common mode rejection is determined by the CMRR of the symmetrical amplifier (CMRR) and
the imbalance; see eq. 3.14.


The sign of the components is ambiguous. We get the worst case if the absolute values of the minimal CMRRs
are taken, see eq. 3.15.


The resultant CMRR can only be high if both components are high. This means both symmetrical and common
input impedances must be high, Rins>2,5 M Rinc>1 G. Biopotentials to be measured are always alternating
signals DC coupling would not be needed. Amplifiers require galvanic connection also the imbalance (see
Figure 3.7) can be kept low with DC coupling. The next asymmetrical stage following the symmetrical
amplifier can use AC coupling. The maximal voltage swing of the amplifier must not be exceeded in order to be
in the linear range. For nearly all operational amplifiers this is less than the power supply. If the voltage inside
the amplifier should be bigger than distortion will happen. It is common that biopotential amplifiers are battery
operated requiring small power consumption. This results in small supply voltages (2.7...5 V).We need
symmetrical amplifiers that have high CMRR and keep common voltage amplitude at a maximum 1...2 V.

2.3. Actively decreasing common voltage

Figure 3.8. The Driven Right Leg (DRL) technique. Schematic of the loop to compensate
VGc showing the auxiliary amplifier.

The common voltage at the input of the symmetrical amplifier can be decreased by connecting electrode (3) to
the output of an auxiliary amplifier (see Figure 3.8). The auxiliary amplifier can decrease the common voltage
by producing a voltage adverse to the original common voltage. In Figure 3.8 the auxiliary amplifier is
controlled by the Vinc voltage of the symmetrical amplifier. In ECG measurement electrodes are attached to three
limbs (right arm, left arm, left leg) to measure electrical activity of the heart (see chapter 6). The fourth limb, the
right leg was available for active potential driving; hence the technique shown in Figure 3.8 is called Driven
Right Leg (DRL) technique.

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The auxiliary amplifier realizes negative feedback for the common voltage. Suppose that R inc is much bigger
than the serial resultant of ZG3 + ZGc + parallel resultant of the two ZGi+Rins/2 branches. In this case the output
voltage of the auxiliary amplifier (3) is only slightly divided to produce V inc common voltage at the input of the
symmetrical amplifier. For the loop auxiliary amplifier body input of symmetrical amplifier we can write
(see eq. 3.16):


Expressing Vinc (see eq. 3.17):


The auxiliary amplifier (gain is AvR) decreases Vinc compared to VGc, see Figure 3.9. Voltages are shown as
vectors. The symmetrical amplifier saturates (unable to produce the voltage it should according to the input
voltage) when the common input voltage is too big (Figure 3.9.a). The auxiliary amplifier partly compensates
the common input voltage thus the symmetrical amplifier is able to produce voltage according to its input
voltage. The auxiliary amplifier also increases the CMRR by decreasing the common input voltage. In the
feedback loop of the auxiliary amplifier there are elements that are beyond control of the circuit designer (stray
capacitances, patients impedances). The stability of the feedback must be assured for worst-case situation by
analysing the given application. As a general rule, the feedback loop remains stable if the gain of the auxiliary
amplifier does not exceed 100 (40 dB). When ECG is measured using limb electrodes then the body surface is
driven by an electrode on the right leg because it is not needed for the standard leads. This explains the name
Driven Right Leg, DRL [3.7].

Figure 3.9. Vinc is too big for the symmetrical amplifier (a). The auxiliary amplifier
decreases the common voltage (b).

3. Noise signals through cables

3.1. Capacitive coupled noise
Figure 3.10. Stray capacitances between power line and cables

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There are stray capacitances between hot wires (and other metal surfaces on the same potential) and cables
connecting electrodes to devices (see Figure 3.10). Through stray capacitances C 1 and C2 (values 1 ... 10 pF) the
power line results in leakage currents Il1 and Il2 flowing towards the persons body (ZG impedances can be
neglected compared to the input impedance of the amplifier). The voltage difference across Z G1 and ZG2
impedances a voltage difference will be present at the input of the amplifier, see eq. 3.18.


The capacitance between the cables (C3) in itself does not cause error voltage but connected in parallel decreases
the symmetrical input impedance.

Shielded cable (see Figure 3.11) protects against the effect of stray capacitances. Shielding must be connected to
a potential that helps Il currents not to flow across ZG1 and ZG2 impedances. Nevertheless, within shielding C4 and
C5 cable capacitances are present (C = 100...200 pF/m). These capacitances are much larger than stray
capacitances and can lead in error voltage, too. If shielding is connected to a noisy point, then the noise voltage
will be transferred to the heart of the cable. Potential difference between to shields causes symmetrical error
voltage, as a rule, shields must be connected to a single point.

Figure 3.11. Shielding connected to the inner ground leads off noise current from the
inputs but increases capacitances

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Figure 3.12. Voltage bootstrap cancels the capacitance increasing effect of shielding

Voltage bootstrap can cancel the effect of the capacitance, see Figure 3.12. A voltage follower drives the
potential of the shield to be equal to the potential of the heart of the cable. The current of C 1 and C2 flows
through the output of the voltage followers (to the internal ground). Voltage followers have high input
impedance so it does not decrease the input impedance of the symmetrical amplifier. As the potential of the

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shield changes together with the potential of the heart of the cable, the voltage across capacitances C1 and C2 are
zero (VC4 = 0, VC5 = 0). As a result, C4 and C5 capacitances act as if their value was zero.

The voltage follower has a nominal gain of +1. The amplifier is part of a feedback loop, the loop gain must be
set below 1 to avoid oscillation. Usually a voltage divider at the output of the voltage follower sets the loop gain
to 0.98 ... 0.99.

3.2. Inductively coupled noise

The current of equipment drawn from the power line in the vicinity of persons induces alternating magnetic
field. Cables from the person to the device form a loop in which the magnetic flux l induces voltage. This
voltage appears as an error voltage in series with the symmetrical voltage to be measured. The error can be
decreased by decreasing the area of the loop. This can be achieved by twisting the cables (see Figure 3.13).
Simple shielded cable does not protect against magnetic induction.

Figure 3.13. Decreasing the magnetic induction of noise by twisting the cables

3.3. Ground loop

The power line connector contains three wires: hot, neutral and ground. Earth ground serves as safety ground.
(In laboratories a grounding loop for measurement is sometimes formed.) Grounding loops have small
impedance and are theoretically equipotential. In practical cases in between two points of the grounding loop
several hundred millivolts can be present. This might cause substantial error if it gets into the measuring circuit.
The potential difference along the grounding loop temporarily might even be higher if a failure exists in one of
the connecting devices. The upper drawing in Figure 3.14. shows two biomedical devices connected to the same
person. There is a potential difference Vn between the earth grounds of the two wall outlets. The majority of V n
will be across the body because it has the highest impedance in the loop. This noise voltage may appear as
common or as symmetrical input voltage. In the lower drawing of Figure 3.14. the two devices are connected to
wall outlets close to each other thus there is no potential difference between their earth ground points. Notice
that the reference connections (3) and (5) are connected to each other directly (grounding to a single point);
there is no current path in the body between them. The configuration in the lower drawing in Figure 3.14 avoids
noise current path in the body. Should there be further electronic devices connected to the person the
configuration of grounding might become ambiguous. The solution is that devices in connection with humans
must be isolated from the power line with high impedance. This is advantageous for safety reasons and for
keeping power line noise low. Even in this case the devices must be connected to wall outlets close to each other
and their reference inputs must be connected to a single point.

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Figure 3.14. The ground loop (upper drawing) and its elimination using wall outlets
close to each other and connecting the reference inputs of devices to a single point
(lower drawing)

4. Symmetrical amplifiers
There are many different circuit schematics for symmetrical amplifiers. Most of them are realized using
operational amplifiers (op amps) that are symmetrical amplifiers themselves. The necessary precise gain needs
to add feedback loop to op amps. Measurement of biopotentials needs high input impedances (both symmetrical
and common). The highest input impedance is achievable if there are no resistors (only those for overvoltage
protection) between the input and the input of the operational amplifier [3.8], [3.9].

4.1. Instrumentation amplifier with three op amps

The name instrumentation amplifier reflects that the circuit is a symmetrical amplifier with a high precision
gain, high CMRR and high input impedance. The circuit schematic is given in Figure 3.15.

The resultant CMRR of the circuit depends on the CMRR of the op amps and the precision of the resistors: how
small is their deviation from the nominal value. The matching can be assured by applying high precision
resistors or by trimming one of them. Using 0.5 % tolerance resistors and general purpose op amps the resultant
CMRR without trimming is 60 ... 80 dB up to frequencies 0.5 ... 5 kHz. The resultant CMRR gets worse as
frequency increases. The three op amp instrumentation amplifier is available packaged in one chip with the
possibility to set the gain Avs with an external resistor RB.

Figure 3.15. Three op amp instrumentation amplifier

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4.2. Input protection of bioamplifiers

Voltage pulses can be present at the input with amplitudes much bigger than those to be measured. Static
discharge (person charged during movement touches the input), disconnecting and reconnecting connecting
cable during power on, lightning nearby, application of a defibrillator can result in high voltage peaks that can
break down the amplifier [3.10]. Overload protection must not influence normal operation. The smallest voltage
limit can be set as shown in Figure 3.16.a. The two antiparallel diodes have very high impedance while the
voltage across them is lower than a given VL limit. Should the voltage want to be higher than VL one of the
diodes start leading current and its voltage hardly increases above VL (see Figure 3.16.b). Current has to be
limited with a serial resistor (RV = 200 ... 500 k ) to protect both the person and the amplifier. While the diodes
limit the input voltage the signal is distorted (Figure 3.16.c) but the amplifier is protected. The energy of the
overvoltage (in the figure the area shown in grey) must be dissipated by the protecting circuit.

Figure 3.16. Overload protection circuit with diodes (a), the voltage-current
characteristic of the framed section (b), the effect of protection on the signal to be
measured (c)

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The usual overload protecting nonlinear elements are given in Figure 3.17. The protecting circuit connected to
the high input impedance amplifier must have a high input impedance itself while Vin<VL. The diode has
high impedance around zero voltage if its reverse current is small (10 100 pA).

Figure 3.17. Overload protecting circuits. Diodes with small reverse current between
input and ground limit the input voltage to VL = 0.6 ... 1.1 V (a). Diodes with small
reverse current between input and power supply limit the input voltage to V L = Vt +
1.1V (b). Zener diode limits the voltage according to its nominal voltage, VL = 3 ... 30 V.
Gas discharge tube has VL = 70 ... 90 V (d).

Integrated amplifiers have built-in overload protection but these have limited performance. Transients with high
energy demand the application of two or more protecting circuits in series. A complex input stage is shown in
Figure 3.18.

Figure 3.18. A complex biopotential amplifier with bootstrapped shielding (a), overload
protection (b) and driven right leg auxiliary amplifier (c)

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4.3. Internal noise sources of amplifiers

By appropriate termination of the input neither signal nor external noise get into the amplifier. Even in this case
especially when its gain is high at the output of the amplifier noise signal is present. This noise is always
present and adds up to the measured biopotential. Main sources of such noise are:

1. Power supply noise either generated by the power supply unit (e.g. switching unit) or it originates from the
mains and gets through the unit. Bypassing, decoupling and appropriate grounding can keep power supply
noise low.

2. External noise that gets into the amplifier through radiation or via parasitic and stray components (see
chapter 5.5). Shielding and RF filtering is needed to cancel this type of noise.

3. Internal noise. Resistors and semiconductors have inherent noise generators. Appropriate circuit schematic
and good quality components help keep this type of noise low. The above two noise types usually have
characteristic frequency while internal noise is mainly white noise (stochastic and wideband). All cascaded
stages in an amplifier have internal noise. Usually the noise of the input stage dominates because it is
amplified by all further stages. The bandwidth of the amplifier should be limited to correspond to the
biopotential to be measured. Wider bandwidth decreases the signal/noise ratio.

5. Multichannel amplifiers
Body surface potential mapping often uses more than hundred electrodes. Such applications require many
channels with uniform parameters. One possible solution where further channels can easily be added is
given in Figure 3.19 [3.11]. An average potential will be present on the K wire which can be regarded as
common voltage, see eq. 3.19-3.21.




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The vector diagram in Figure 3.20.a shows that potential Vk is the centroid of the n input potentials. Making use
of Vk for all channels the output voltage of the first stage is given by eq. 3.22.


Figure 3.19. Multichannel amplifier structure

The first stage of each channel amplifies the difference between the input voltage Vi and Vk thus relatively high
gain can be set without saturating the stage. Vk can be used for driving the body potential (like driven right leg).

Channel 0 is decisive because the input voltage of all other channels will be referenced to V0, see eq. 3.23.


The RE, RF voltage divider generates VP voltage from to wire P, see eq. 3.24.


The output voltage of channels 1 n is given by eq. 3.25.

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The output voltage of a channel is proportional to V 0 Vi if the ratio of resistors RC, RD, RE and RF agrees with
eq. 3.26.


Simplifying the condition:


When eq. 3.27 is true:


Substituting the output voltages of the first stages:


Expressing Vout i:


Figure 3.20. Figure 3.20. Vector diagrams of the multichannel amplifier shown in
Figure 3.19. The input stages amplify the differential voltages given in red (a), the V 0-Vi
differential voltages (b) and the amplified Vout i voltages (c).

6. Isolation amplifiers

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There is no galvanic connection between the input and output of an isolation amplifier [3.12], [3.13], [3.14].
This is advantageous both for safety and for keeping the noise level low. Isolation amplifiers (see symbol in
Figure 3.21) help cancel ground loops. In addition to the usual parameters further features are the impedance
between the isolated parts (Riso = 109 ... 1014 , Ciso = 2 10 pF) and the isolation barrier (typical electrical
breakdown is 1 ... 4 kV). This is higher by orders of magnitudes than the maximum common voltage allowed for
instrumentation amplifiers.

Figure 3.21. Symbols of asymmetric (a) and symmetric (b) isolation amplifiers. In (b)
the isolation impedance is also drawn.

6.1. Transformer coupling

In bioamplifiers small transformers should be used for inductive coupling. This is possible if the applied
frequency is relatively high (50 ... 400 kHz). A square wave signal is generated in the output stage and this is
transferred to the input stage. The square wave not only conveys power to the input stage it also serves as a
reference (frequency and phase). Vin is amplified and then modulated with the square wave and transformed
through T1 to the output stage. The demodulator uses the same square wave for phase coherent operation.

Figure 3.22. Transformer coupled isolation amplifier

6.2. Capacitive coupling

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Capacitive coupled isolation amplifier can be cheaper and easier integrated than transformer coupled but the
galvanically isolated input stage but the power supply of the input stage cannot be generated by signals from the
output stage. The input signal after amplification is led to a voltage-frequency converter. Matched capacitors C1
and C2 (1 ... 3 pF, with high breakdown voltage) transmit the signal across the isolation barrier to a symmetrical
input comparator. The comparator senses only the push-pull frequency modulated signal and suppresses the
voltage between the two sides as it is common voltage. The demodulated signal is amplified to produce the
output voltage Vout.

Figure 3.23. Capacitively coupled isolation amplifier

6.3. Optical coupling

If the required accuracy is moderate optical coupling is a simple and cheap solution for isolation (see Figure
3.24). For bipolar signals an offset (with I 0 current generators) is necessary on both stages as optical transmitters
(D1, D2, and LED) operate only with a given current direction. The LED illuminates two photodiodes (for this
purpose a LED packaged together with two photodiodes is available). One diode transfers the signal to the
output stage the other diode is part of a feedback loop in the input stage. Application of two LEDs eliminates
most of the errors of the LED and the diodes (temperature dependence, nonlinearity, ageing). As no modulation
is necessary optical coupling can realize the highest bandwidth (fmax=50-200 kHz).

Figure 3.24. Simple optically isolated amplifier

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6.4. Power supply for galvanically isolated stages

Galvanically isolated input stages need power supply. It can easily be realized with transformer coupling. Other
coupling modes often apply batteries or photocells. Small power consumption makes it possible to include
digital signal processing in the galvanically isolated stage and using wireless (Bluetooth, wifi, etc.)
communication or optical cable.

7. Problems
1. The gains of three stages in an amplifier are 20 dB, 6 dB and 40 dB. Calculate the resultant gain. Calculate
the amplitude of the input signal if the effective value of output sine wave is 1.4 V.

2. The input voltages of a symmetrical amplifier are: symmetrical V s = 0.5 mV, common Vc = 2 V. Calculate
the output symmetrical voltage and the error caused by the common voltage, if the parameters of the
symmetrical amplifier are: Avs=103 and CMRR = 120 dB.

3. We test a symmetrical amplifier, see Figure 3.6. We connect inputs (1) and (2) and apply a 3 V amplitude 20
Hz frequency sine wave between the connected points and (3) (common voltage). The amplitude of the
output voltage is Vout = 30 mV. Next we connect (1) and (3) and apply a 2 mV amplitude 20 Hz frequency
sine wave between the connected points and (2) (symmetrical and common voltage). The amplitude of the
output voltage is Vout = 2 V. Calculate the Avs, Avc and CMRR parameters. We commute inputs (1) and (2) and
repeat the measurements. What can be expected?

4. We want to measure the input impedances of a symmetrical amplifier. We measure at a frequency where the
impedances are real, Zin = Rin. During the measurement it has to be taken into account that the input
impedance of the amplifier can be higher than the input impedance of the voltmeter. This explains
measurement shown in Figure 3.25.a and b. When switch S1 is open, resistor R M and the input resistance of
the amplifier divides the voltage of the generator. The input voltage of the amplifier is not measured directly
it is calculated based on the output voltage that is proportional to it.

a. We measure according to Figure 3.25.a. When S1 is closed V out = 1 Veff. Opening S1 the output voltage
drops to 0.66Veff. RM = 1 M. Calculate Rins symmetrical input resistance.

b. The common input resistance can be measured if the V c = Vinc voltage (the upper terminal of Rinc1 in Figure
3.25.c) can be measured in the input stage, see Figure 3.25.b. When S1 is closed, we measure V c = 1 Veff,
when S1 is open, we measure Vc = 0.83 Veff. RM = 10 M. Calculate the Rinc common input resistance.

5. Compare the two possible equivalent circuits for the input impedances of symmetrical amplifiers. Figure
3.25.c shows the star, 3.25.d the delta model. Calculate the elements of the two models if the measured
values are: Rins = 2 M, Rinc = 50 M. The figure shows the result of the calculation proving that the two
models give very similar values.

Figure 3.25. Measuring the input resistances of symmetrical amplifiers (a, b), and two
possible equivalent circuits to model the input resistances (c, d)

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6. We analyse the effect of noise using a symmetrical amplifier connected to a patient. Figure 3.26 shows the
equivalent circuit of the measurement. All impedances are supposed to be real, all ZG = RG and Ziso = .
Component values are given in the figure. Calculate the Vins error voltage caused by the VGc common
voltage if

a. Rinc=100 M

b. b) Rinc=1 G

Compare the result to the symmetrical signal not specified in the figure: V ins = 0.1 ... 1 mV (e.g. ECG signal).
Calculate the CMRRimbalance.

Figure 3.26. Common voltage resulting in symmetrical error voltage

7. In Figure 3.26 the symmetrical input stage is followed by an isolation amplifier. The internal ground of the
symmetrical amplifier is connected to ground through Ziso composed of stray capacitances, Ciso = 200 pF.
Calculate the common voltage increase through Ciso in the input stage if the frequency of VB is 50 Hz. What is
the increase if the frequency of VB is higher?

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8. The input overload protection of an amplifier is according to Figure 3.17.a. The serial resistor is R V= 390 k.
The forward voltage drop of the diode with low reverse current is V D= 0.8 V. The operator touches the input
with a static charge equal to a C = 150 pF capacitor charged to 8 kV. Give the waveform and peak value of
the current flowing through RV. Calculate the energy dissipated on the diode and on RV as a result of the static

9. External high frequency noise signals must be prevented from getting into the amplifier. High frequency
signals can saturate the amplifier; distort the signal to be measured. A low-pass filter is formed using the
resistor of the overvoltage protection circuit (RV = 390 k) and a Cp = 22 pF capacitor in parallel with the
protected input. Calculate the frequency above which the RC filter suppresses the high frequency noise at
least by 20 dB.

10. Analyse the operation of the circuit given in Figure 3.24. Calculate the value and the direction of the
current flowing through D1 photodiode when Vin = 0 V. What is the mode of operation of D1 photodiode?

8. Bibliography

[3.1] Peyton A. J. Walsh V.: Analog Electronics with Op Amps. Cambridge University Press. 1993.

[3.2] Michael R. Neuman: Biopotential Amplifiers. http://www.unc.edu/~finley/BME422/Webster/c06.pdf

[3.3] J. H. Nagel: Biopotential Amplifiers. The Biomedical Engineering Handbook: Second Edition.

Further references

[3.4] D. G. Abad: Development of a Capacitive Bioimpedance Measurement System.


[3.5] http://bio.felk.cvut.cz/biocmsms/index.php?page=body-impedance

[3.6] Sun K. Yoo: Relative Measurement of Differential Electrode Impedance for Contact Monitoring in a
Biopotential Amplifier http://www.ijcas.org/admin/paper/files/IJCAS_v5_n5_pp.601-605.pdf

[3.7] C. MettingVanRijn, A. Peper, C. A. Grimbergen.High Quality Recording of Bioelectric Events I.;

Interference Reduction, Theory and Practice.

[3.8] Bill Crone: Common-Mode Rejection: How It Relates to ECG Subsystems and the Techniques Used to
Provide Superior Performance. Analog Devices, Inc. http://www.analog.com/static/imported-

[3.9] T. Kugelstadt: Getting the most out of your instrumentation amplifier design.

[3.10] S. Lee, J. Kruse: Biopotential Electrode Sensors in ECG/EEG/EMG Systems.


[3.11] C. MettingVanRijn, A. Peper, C. A. Grimbergen. Instrumentation. Amplifiers for bioelectric events:

a design with a minimal number of parts.

[3.12] MT-071: Analog Isolation Amplifiers, Analog Devices. http://www.analog.com/static/imported-


[3.13] Application Bulletin, Texas Instruments: Hibrid Isolation Amps Zap Price and Voltage Barriers.

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[3.14] ISO122: Precision Lowest Cost Isolation Amplifier.


9. Appendix
At the very beginning of telecommunication (~ 1900) the advantage of using logarithmic units was recognized.
The logarithmic value of the ratio of two values of a given physical quantity is given. The logarithm to base 10
(common logarithm) is used, the notification is: lg(x/y) or log10(x/y). The advantage of using logarithmic ratio:

There are physical quantities that vary over a broad range: the ratio of analogue voltages in an amplifier can
be between 1 and 106, the maximum/minimum intensity of visible light is around 10 14. This makes illustration
on a linear scale useless.

The intensity/amplitude of signals progressing along a long line in homogeneous medium attenuates
exponentially; the plotting on a logarithmic scale is expressive.

Human visual and auditory system has a logarithmic scale.

The gains and attenuations of stages in an amplifier give the resultant gain by multiplication. Using the
logarithmic scale addition has to be used instead of multiplication. Especially for illustration (e.g. gain vs.
frequency plot) addition is advantageous.

The unit used for expressing the ratio of intensities is bel [B] (named after A. G. Bell Scottish scientist and

In practice the unit one tenth of bel, the decibel (dB) is used:

The above ratio of power can be calculated based on voltage if they produce power on identical resistors:

The above logarithmic expression of voltage ratio is used even for voltages falling on different resistors. In this
case the ratio does not express the power ratio; usually we are not interested in that.

The situation is similar for the intensity and amplitude of ultrasound wave.

Intensity I is the power P over unit area A:

The output signal of ultrasound detectors is proportional to the p sound pressure. The relation of intensity and
sound pressure is:

where Z is the acoustic impedance. The attenuation of ultrasound propagating in a given substance can be
expressed by the ratio of intensity and also by the ratio of sound pressure:

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The attenuation or reflection coefficient may refer to the ratio of intensities or amplitudes resulting in different
values expressed in dB.

The value of several physical quantities is given using logarithmic scale so that the 0 dB level is fixed. In
electronic signal transmission the reference power level is 1 mW. The power level referenced to 1 mW is
denoted by dBm.

In acoustics sound pressure level is referenced to 20 Pa which is the average human threshold of hearing. The
sound pressure level expressed in dB:

Voltage ratios expressed in dB:

V2/V1 0,01 0,1 0,5 0,707 0,89 1 1,12 1,41 2 10 100

dB -40 -20 -6 -3 -1 0 1 3 6 20 40

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Chapter 4. Biosignal processing
1. Improving signal to noise ratio
Readers are supposed to be familiar with the signal processing methods used in this chapter. References [4.1]
[4.11] give detailed description about the methods in general. The aim of this chapter is to illustrate how these
methods can be applied for biosignals: what is the effect of filtering on the signal (not only on the noise). In the
general case only the sum of signals of different origin can be assessed. Usually we are interested in only one
component of the measured signal called signal, all other components are regarded as noise. Table 4.1 gives
examples of electrical biosignals.

Table 4.1. Electrical biosignals

Organ Name of the signal Short name Typical frequency Typical amplitude
range range
heart electrocardiogram ECG 0.05 100 Hz 0.5 2 mV
brain electroencephalogra EEG 0.5 80 Hz 10 200 V
muscle electromyogram EMG 0.1 10 000 Hz 50 V 5 mV
eye electrooculogram EOG DC 50 Hz 10 V 2 mV
intestines electrogastrogram EGG 0.05 0,3 Hz 10 V 0,5 mV
nerve electroneurogram ENG 0.1 10 000 Hz 10 V 2 mV

Biosignals given in Table 4.1 can only be measured added up with other signals called noise. The most
common noise sources are: power line noise, electromagnetic radiation of different electronic devices, etc.
When we measure ECG all other biosignals (mainly EMG) mean noise! A special case is measuring foetal ECG
when mothers ECG is noise. Not only is her ECG much higher in amplitude, but the shape of the two signals is
quite similar making separation difficult.

Figure 4.1 shows a 5-s segment of a 100-s ECG record taken with stainless steel electrodes from the left- and
right hand of the tested person. Figure 4.2 shows the frequency spectrum of the 5-s segment after removing the
DC component. There is a substantial 50 Hz power line noise. This makes the evaluation difficult. Diagnostic
signal processing requires the increase of signal-to-noise ratio with the smallest possible distortion of ECG

Figures in this chapter were made using Matlab R2007b (copyright 1984-2007, The Mathworks Inc.). We
suggest using Octave (http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/), a freely available program quite similar to Matlab.
The recordings shown in this chapter were made with a home health monitoring device HHM [4.12], [4.13] and
a passive marker based movement analyser PAM [4.14] developed at the Department of Measurement and
Information Systems Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The complete records and a great
number of other records are available www.mit.bme.hu/~jobbagy/mon web page. The reader is suggested using
these records to practice the application of signal processing algorithms shown in this chapter.

Figure 4.1. ECG record with substantial power line noise, taken with limb electrodes on

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Figure 4.2. Frequency spectrum of ECG record shown in Figure 4.1 (DC removed
before computation)

Low-pass or band-stop filters can be used to suppress power line noise. The frequency range of power line noise
and of biosignals to be measured overlap. The frequency spectrum of resting ECG is 0.05 100 Hz. Power line
noise (in Europe 50 Hz) is within this range. As a consequence, suppressing power line noise by filtering in the
frequency domain affects also the ECG signal. Only the sum of ECG signal and noise can be measured, the
noise free signal is not available. Thus, the distortion of ECG as a result of filtering (to suppress power line
noise) is difficult to be evaluated. We analyse the phenomenon by generating ECG signal and adding to it noise
with known parameters. In this case the noise free signal is available; the filtered signal can be compared to it.
The distortion effect of filtering in the frequency domain can be evaluated quantitatively. Low-pass filtering in
the frequency domain (second order Butterworth, with 30 Hz corner frequency) is applied to the ECG signal
given in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.3 shows the resulting signal.

Figure 4.3. The ECG signal given in Figure 4.1 (blue) and its low-pass filtered version
(second order with corner frequency 30 Hz, Butterworth) (red)

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Figure 4.4. The frequency spectrum of signals given in Figure 4.3: original ECG (blue)
and filtered (red)

Figure 4.5. The ECG signal given in Figure 4.1 (blue) and its band-stop filtered version
(second order with centre frequency 50 Hz, Butterworth) (red)

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Power line noise decreased substantially. At the same time QRS amplitudes also decreased! The frequency
spectrum (Figure 4.4) illustrates that components of ECG above 15 Hz (half of the corner frequency) are

Figure 4.5 shows the effect of a 50 Hz band-stop filter (second order Butterworth). The QRS amplitudes are
attenuated with this filtering, too. The frequency spectrum shows (Figure 4.6) that band-stop filtering eliminated
50 Hz noise. However, the noise in the time function seems to be higher than after low-pass filtering (compare
Figures 4.3 and 4.5). The reason is that band-stop filtering does not attenuate the harmonics of 50

Figure 4.6. Frequency spectrum of time functions in Figure 4.5

Figure 4.7 shows the frequency spectrum of the signal before filtering in the 0 300 Hz band.

Figure 4.7. Figure 4.7. The frequency spectrum (DC 300 Hz) of the ECG signal given
in Figure 4.1.

Based on Figure 4.7 the noise in the ECG time function is mainly around 250 Hz. Figure 4.8 shows the
frequency spectrum of the total 100-s ECG record in the 0 300 Hz band. The third harmonic (150 Hz) is
present in the spectrum computed for the whole record contrary to the spectrum computed for the first 5 s only,
where the 150 Hz component is negligible. Most probably the stray capacitances were not stable between the
body of the tested person and the hot wire and ground of the power line. As a result, the shape of the power line
noise on the body surface and so the harmonics in the frequency spectrum were varying during the

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Figure 4.8. Frequency spectrum (DC 300 Hz) of the 100-s ECG signal of which Figure
4.1 shows the first 5-s

Figure 4.9. a.) Frequency domain filtering. Signal plus noise (blue), following low-pass
filtering (red). The noise-free signal (black). The sum of the noise-free signal and the noise
divided by 20 (green). b.) One period enlarged from subfigure a.) Illustrating the effect of
frequency domain filtering, using synthesized input signal

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Lets analyse the effect of filtering using artificial signals. When we generate the input signal then the ideal
noise-free signal is known (contrary to the noisy ECG signal recorded from a patient.) The first ideal signal is
the sum of two sine waves with the same amplitude (A0) and frequencies f0 and 2f0 see eq.4.1. The signal is
drawn in black in Figure 4.9.a. The noise added has amplitude of 10A 0 and frequency 10f0, see eq. 4.2.



Figure 4.10. Generating the characteristic ECG cycle by averaging

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The sum of the ideal signal and the noise is drawn in blue. The blue signal after low-pass filtering (second order
Butterworth, corner frequency 2.5f0) is drawn in red. Multiplying the noise signal by 0.05 and adding it to the
ideal signal we get the green signal. Figure 4.9.b shows one cycle of the ideal signal. Figure 4.9.a shows that
low-pass filtering attenuates the noise substantially. Figure 4.9.b shows that low-pass filtering distorts the ideal
signal, too! Attenuates its amplitude and changes the shape. This latter effect is because the gain of the low-pass
filter is different at frequencies f0 and 2f0. If we had the possibility to attenuate noise independently of the ideal
signal then the ideal signal would not be distorted.

The ideal noise-free biological signal is not available. The measured signal is the sum of the ideal signal and the
noise. Evaluating the characteristics of the possible frequency domain filtering methods we have to select which
fits best to a given application. In other words, which is optimal for increasing the signal-to-noise ratio. The
general purpose methods are given in [4.1] to [4.5]. References [4.6] [4.11] detail biosignal processing

The signal-to-noise ratio can be increased also by averaging. Averaging is an effective tool if the ideal signal is
periodic, uncorrelated with noise and an appropriate trigger signal (that belongs to a given phase in each cycle)
is available. ECG signal is quasiperiodic; the trigger signal has to be generated from the noisy signal. The cycles
of the ECG signal cannot be aligned by linear transformation of time. When the duration of a heart cycle
changes its segments change differently. As a rule segments with high steepness (mainly the QRS complex)
lengthen or shorten less than flat segments (e.g. PQ, TP). The proper averaging of ECG signals aligns the cycles
at the QRS peaks so that they are in the middle. The time between the QRS peak and the endmost points of the
cycles is half of the time we would get if one cycle would last from R peak to R peak. As a result the effect of
non-uniform lengthening and shortening will be smaller. Averaging means a low-pass filtering effect because of
the non-uniform lengthening and shortening. In top subfigure of Figure 4.10 a 135-s ECG is given recorded in
Einthoven I. lead. The original record is in blue, the red curve is after second order Butterworth low-pass
filtering (corner frequency 30 Hz). Black stars mark the QRS peaks (Pan Tompkins algorithm was used). In
the middle subfigure five cycles are magnified. As a result of low-pass filtering the QRS amplitudes are
attenuated while power line noise remained substantial. The bottom subfigure shows the average (computed as
given above) of the 162 cycles. Notice the improved signal-to-noise ratio.

Transformation of a given record to the frequency domain is most often done with FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform). The resulting spectrum gives the frequency components present over the complete recording time.
It does not give information about the changes of the components in time.

A major dilemma in biosignal processing is to select the length of recording time or time window to be
processed by FFT. High frequency resolution (small f) requires long recording time in turn the frequency
spectrum remains constant only for a short time. Possible solution is the time-frequency analysis where the
signal is evaluated at the same time in both frequency and time domain. This fits to the time varying frequency
spectrum. A typical time-frequency analysis is the wavelet transform [4.15].

Even in case of unfavourable signal-to-noise ratio signal components can be easily detected if their shape is
known. Correlation with the known pattern (sliding it through the recording) will result in maximum values
when the component with the known shape overlaps with the pattern. The original (noisy) signal in top
subfigure of Figure 4.10 was analysed by correlating it with the pattern generated by averaging the cycles

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(bottom subfigure of Figure 4.10). Figure 4.11 shows the original signal (blue) and the result of correlation
(red). Because of distortion caused by power line noise the maximum of the correlation is present 4 ms earlier
than the QRS peak (Figure 4.12) or 2 ms later (Figure 4.13).

Figure 4.11. QRS detection by pattern matching. The record shown in Figure 4.10
(blue) and its correlation (red) with the average heart cycle.

Figure 4.12. The second QRS in Figure 4.11.enlarged.

Figure 4.13. The fourth QRS of Figure 4.11 enlarged

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Morphological filtering [4.30] is also basically pattern matching. First the pattern has to be composed. Its shape
and length must fit to the signal and the noise to be suppressed. The correlation of the signal with the pattern (it
can be realized by the xcorr function of Matlab) gives the filtered signal. Let the pattern be averaged QRS
segment, see upper subfigure of Figure 4.14. The lower subfigure shows the original (blue) and the filtered (red,
correlation with the average QRS pattern) signal along three heart cycles. The averaged QRS pattern and the
power line noise are uncorrelated, the noise is suppressed substantially.

Figure 4.14. Improving signal-to-noise ratio by pattern matching

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2. Evaluation of biosignals
2.1. ECG signal processing
The ECG signal available on the body surface has an unfavourable signal-to-noise ratio. On the body surface the
electrical activity of the heart produces around 1 mV while the power line noise around 1V amplitude. ECG
amplifiers are symmetrical ones (see chapter 3.4) improving the signal-to-noise ratio substantially, their typical
output signal is like Figure 4.1. The signal-to-noise ratio can be further increased by methods given in chapter

In this chapter we will deal with the evaluation of ECG time functions recorded in a single lead (see chapter 6).
Evaluation can be more effective (e.g. QRS detection) if several leads are used in parallel. Most of the
recordings analysed were taken by the Home Health Monitoring (HHMD) device [4.12], [4.13] developed at the
Department of Measurement and Information Systems Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
HHMD records Einthoven I. bipolar lead, the electrodes are in contact with the left- and right palm. The output
of the body surface potential driving amplifier is also connected to the right palm. ECG recordings analysed in
this chapter were taken from subjects who had a 0 180 degree angle between the electrical axis of their heart
and the Einthoven I. vector lead (horizontal). As a result, P, R and T waves are positive. The first step in ECG
signal processing is QRS detection. In the majority of cases this is a relatively simple task. Knowing the QRS
positions (in time) helps the allocation of further segments (P and T wave, ST segment). QRS complex is related
to ventricular depolarization; its steepness and amplitude are relatively high.

The usually poor signal-to-noise ratio makes ECG analysis difficult. The main sources of noise are: power line
noise through stray capacitances (in Europe 50 Hz and its harmonics), RF noise, movement of electrodes on the
skin, motion of the tested person (causing EMG signal), breathing, change of the skin/electrode interface. The
latter two cause low frequency change called baseline drift. The Pan-Tompkins algorithm [4.27] is widely used
for QRS detection. Figure 4.15 shows, that the Pan-Tompkins algorithm locates a point close to the R peak. The
exact position of R peak requires a further maximum search in the vicinity (a few ms) of the location advised by
the Pan-Tompkins algorithm.

Figure 4.15. The result of QRS detection using the Pan-Tompkins algorithm. All the 19
QRS complex of the upper curve were detected but not necessarily the R peak was
marked (bottom).

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The functional block diagram of the improved Pan-Tompkins algorithm [4.16] is given in Figure 4.16. The steps
of the algorithm are: band-pass filtering, derivation, rms calculation, integration with moving window,
thresholding. Band-pass filtering (usually between 6 16 Hz) is based on the fact that segments of an ECG
cycle have different frequency spectrum. The maximum of QRS is between 6 16 Hz; the one of P and T
waves is between 1 3 Hz.

Figure 4.16. Steps of the Pan Tompkins QRS detector

The QRS detection performance can be characterized by two parameters:

1. the ratio of QRS complexes detected to all QRS complexes (selectivity),

2. the ratio of all QRS complexes to all complexes qualified as QRS (positive predictivity).

The actual signal-to-noise ratio, the activity of the tested person (at rest, stressed, healthy, different heart
failures) and the stability of the heart rate influences the ratio of detected over all QRS complexes (sensitivity,
S). It is more difficult to characterize the rate of erroneously detected (i.e. a segment is not a QRS but the
detector qualified being so) QRS complexes. The classic definitions are: specificity = TN/(TN+FP), where TN
means true negative, and FP means false positive qualification. Further possible qualifications are: TP (true
positive) and FN (false negative). These qualifications are unequivocal when patients are diagnosed having a
certain disease based on medical check-up. True positive (TP) means the check-up indicated the illness and the
patient really suffers from it. True negative (TN) means the check-up showed the patient did not have that
illness and it was true. False positive (FP) means the check-up indicated the illness but the patient did not have
it. False negative (FN) means the check-up showed the patient did not have the illness but the patient did have it.
In case of QRS detection positive predictivity is used instead of specificity because the definition of TN along a
time function is not easy. It could be interpreted so that within a heart cycle TN is incremented by one for the P
and also for the T wave when they were not qualified as QRS by the detector. Positive predictivity (P+) takes
into account how many segments (e.g. P or T waves) were erroneously qualified as QRS. Eq. 4.3 is the
definition of sensitivity, eq. 4.4 and 4.5 of positive predictivity [4.29].


where TP (true positive) is the number of detected, FN (false negative) is the number of not detected QRS


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where TN (true negative) is the number of correctly qualified not QRS segments, FP (false positive) is the
number of not QRS segments, erroneously qualified as QRS. The sum of TP and FN is equal to the number of
heart cycles in the record. It is not easy to decide which segments within a heart cycle should be analysed if the
detector qualified them correctly or erroneously. Instead of eq. 4.4 the definition given by eq. 4.5 is used.


Increasing the selectivity of a QRS detector has the risk of decreasing the positive predictivity and vice versa.
The location of other segments of a heart cycle (P and T waves, ST segment, and Q point) is easier if the
position of QRS (which can usually be determined easier) is known. Apart from the third degree AV block, P
wave and Q point precedes QRS, while ST segment and T wave follows it. Normal operation of the heart keeps
the length of segments within given limits. For example PR should be between 120 ... 200 ms, QRS should be
shorter than 120 ms. Taking into account the normal tPQ and tQRS ranges and the nearly symmetrical shape of
QRS and P waves the peak of P wave should precede R peak by 130 ... 210 ms. Further details of ECG are given
in chapter 6.

2.2. Evaluation of the photoplethysmographic (PPG) signal

Plethysmography measures the volume change of an organ or of the whole body. Photoplethysmography is
when light is used for the measurement. An LED gives the mostly in infrared incident light and a photodiode
senses the output light (that passed over the tested organ) intensity. The sensed light does not contain (electrical)
power line noise, neither contains the PPG signal. Figure 4.17 shows the measurement on a fingertip. The figure
shows the reflexive photoplethysmograph. The detector (photodiode) measures the reflected (mainly from
bones) signal. The more blood is in the vessels of the fingertip the more it attenuates the light emitted by the
LED. Figure 4.18 shows PPG signal recorded at the fingertip. (The output current of the photodiode was
converted to voltage by an inverting amplifier.) The minimum value of the PPG signal belongs to end diastole;
at this point the pulse wave started by the systole arrives to the fingertip. Measuring the PPG signal on
different frequencies blood oxygen saturation can be determined (see chapter 2.2.5).

Figure 4.17. Reflexive photoplethysmography applied at the fingertip

Figure 4.18 shows that following second order Butterworth low-pass filtering (corner frequency 5 Hz) the local
minimum values of the PPG signal can be determined (see arrow). The local minimum is when the pulse wave
resulting from ventricular systole reaches the fingertip.

Figure 4.18. PPG signal at the fingertip (top), signal low-pass filtered with a second
order Butterworth filter with 5 Hz corner frequency (middle), one cycle enlarged
(bottom) where an arrow marks the arrival of the pulse wave to the fingertip

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When ECG and PPG are recorded in parallel the pulse wave velocity can be calculated. The R peak in ECG
marks the beginning of the contraction of the left ventricle. During the first part of the contraction the pressure
in the left ventricle is lower than in the aorta, thus the volume of the ventricle does not change (isovolumetric
part). The pressure in the ventricle is bigger than in the atrium so the mitral (atrioventricular) valve is closed at
the beginning of contraction. The increasing ventricular pressure reaches the pressure in the aorta in about 50
ms, when the aortic valve opens and the pulse wave starts. The S wave of theECG is close to the moment when
the aortic valve opens. In Figure 4.18 an arrow marks the PPG signal when the pulse wave arrives to the

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fingertip. Following the arrival blood diffuses in the vessels of the fingertip decreasing the output intensity of
PPG signal. The time interval from the starting and arrival of the pulse wave is called TEP to imply that it can
be measured using the recorded ECG and PPG signals. Measuring the distance from the heart to the fingertip (d,
80 ... 120 cm), the pulse wave velocity is v = d/T EP.

2.3. Evaluating very low frequency components

Heart rate variability (HRV) can be easily measured. It characterizes the neurovegetative activity and
autonomous operation of the heart. It can be used to characterize the actual state of diabetes patients, or the
stress level. Decrease in HRV prognoses certain heart failures (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, etc.)
[4.17]. From signal taken non-invasively, without the cooperation of the patient the length of heart cycles can be
determined. HRV is calculated based on the lengths of heart cycles. Most often the ECG is used; the length of a
heart cycle is calculated as the distance between two consecutive R peaks (tRR).

HRV is characterized by its energy in basically three frequency ranges [4.18], [4.19], [4.20]. The high frequency
range (HF, 0.15 0.4 Hz) is dominated by the parasympathetic effect. Modulation caused by breathing is also in
this range. Heart rate increases during inspiration, it decreases during expiration. The low frequency (LF, 0.07
0.15 Hz) belongs mainly to sympathetic effects. However, parasympathetic activity under certain conditions
might also affect this range. The very low frequency (VLF, 0.01 0.07 Hz) range is dominated by the
thermoregulation. Not fully clarified is the ultra-low frequency range (ULF, 0.001 0.01 Hz) of HRV.

Analysis of the VLF range needs 2 mHz or better resolution. This requires at least 500-s recording. (To analyse
ULF range, an order of magnitude longer!) During such a long time the biological effect to be observed and
characterized does not remain constant. Stationarity of the signal is not guaranteed, not even the weak
stationarity. Consequently, application of FFT to evaluate HRV is not an optimal selection. In general we have
to analyse stationarity before trying to characterize slow changes of biological signals.

Analysis of HRV in the time domain means characterizing the changes in tRRi values. The most frequently used
parameters are:

MSD, ms, (Mean Successive Differences of heart rate),

SDNN, ms, (Standard Deviation of Normal-to-Normal intervals),

SDANN, ms, (Standard Deviation of the Averages of NN intervals, typically calculated for 5 minutes),
SDANN indicates changes with time period longer than the time window used; changes with shorter time
period are suppressed,

RMSSD, ms, (square Root of the Mean of the Sum of the Squares of Differences between adjacent NN

SD or SDSD, ms, (Standard Deviation of Differences between adjacent NN intervals),

NN50, -, (the number of pairs of successive NNs that differ by more than 50 ms),

pNN50, %, (percent of difference between adjacent NN intervals that are greater than 50 ms).

Poincar diagram [4.21] characterizes HRV well. This diagram is a plot of tRR(i+1) values versus tRR(i) values.
Figure 4.19 shows a Poincar diagram generated on the basis of ECG taken from a young healthy male at rest.
The width of the point set characterizes short-term variability; its length characterizes total variability.
Parameters of the Poincar diagram cannot be directly referred to parameters in the frequency domain, but under
certain circumstances they have similar indications. The actual stress level can be characterized by the width of
the point set or by the standard deviation of the distances of points from the 45 line (transversal standard
deviation). Smaller value indicates higher stress level.

Figure 4.19. tRR values of a 75-s ECG plotted on a Poincar diagram

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2.4. Evaluating the regularity of quasiperiodic signals

The trajectory of a marker attached to the finger is a quasiperiodic signal during the finger tapping movement
(see section 10). The test characterizing the actual state of neural patients assesses two parameters of the
movement: speed and regularity. The regularity of a quasiperiodic signal depends on how close it is to a periodic
signal. The periodic signal can have any shape, not only sinusoid. We can characterize how close a
quasiperiodic signal is to a periodic signal by breaking it down to basis functions. This can be done by singular
value decomposition, SVD analysis [4.22], [4.28]. Let the sampled points of the trajectory of the marker
attached to the finger be a row vector y with elements:


y(pi) marks the beginning of the ith tapping cycle (when the finger starts to be lifted from the table). The first
step is the segmentation of vector y. The beginning of the cycle is when the finger reaches its maximal vertical
position. The samples belonging to the ith cycle form a row vector r(i).


The SVD method can handle samples with the same length. It means, r(i) row vectors must have the same
number of elements. During finger tapping the cycles do not last for the same time so the length of r(i) row
vectors are different. Figure 4.20 shows the trajectories of a healthy person taken during finger tapping. Figure
4.21 shows the trajectories of a Parkinsonian patient. Cycles are aligned at their maximum vertical positions.
The number of elements in r(i) row vectors can be assured by resampling. Let the length of resampled row
vectors be the median of the lengths of original r(i) vectors, denoted by n.

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Resampling can be done by linear interpolation. The first and last element of each row vector remains
unchanged even after resampling: yr(i,1) = y(pi), yr(i,n) = y(p(i+1)-1). The last row vector is an exception,
where yr(m,n) = y(pm+c). The elements of the resampled row vectors yr(i,j) are interpolated between the
original y(pi+k-1) and y(pi+k) points, where k is defined by eq. 4.9.


The matrix created in this way is given by eq. 4.10.


When the matrix is composed the SVD function of Matlab (The MathWorks Inc.) is used. This determines the
matrices S, V and so that X = SVT. A detailed description of the SVD method is given in [4.23]. is a
diagonal matrix, its i elements can be regarded as weighting factors of the basis functions that are needed to
describe the periods identified in the sampled data y and represented by the row vectors of X. The columns of V
can be regarded as basis functions. Adding up the vj basis functions weighted by uii we get the ith period of the
signal, i.e. the ith row of X. The periodicity of movement (PM) is characterised by the rate of the dominant basis
function within all functions necessary to describe the complete record, i.e. all periods. This is calculated on the
basis of the diagonals of , i.


Figure 4.20. Aligned trajectories of a marker attached to the index finger of a healthy
subject (thin solid lines) and the base vector determined by SVD analysis (thick dotted

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If 1 is dominant (i are arranged in decreasing order) then the movement is nearly periodical and the first
column of V (v1) is the dominant basis function. If all i except 1 are zero then the movement is strictly
periodic, it can be fully described with no more than one base vector. As a result, the parameter value PM equals
1. In case of a nearly periodic movement 1 is dominant but further i elements are non-zero. The PM parameter
value decreases as further vectors are needed to describe the movement.

Figure 4.21. Aligned trajectories of a marker attached to the right middle finger of a
Parkinsonian in Hoehn-Yahr 1 stage (thin solid lines) and the base vector determined
by SVD analysis (thick dotted line)

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Figure 4.20 and 4.21 show periods of finger movements together with the base vector determined by the SVD
method. It is clear that the movement of the young healthy subject is more regular than the movement of the
Parkinsonian patient (in Hoehn-Yahr stage 1, i.e. in mild stage). Figure 4.22 and 4.23 show the relative weights
of all vectors and the weight of the base vector in different periods determined by SVD analysis for a marker
movement during finger-tapping test of a healthy subject (see Figure 4.20) and a Parkinsonian (see Figure 4.21).
The figures demonstrate the application of the SVD method to quantify regularity. The dominant base vector has
a much higher weight for the complete record in case of the healthy subject than of the Parkinsonian patient.
Also, the weight of the dominant base vector has a smaller relative variation (7 ... 9) for the healthy subject than
for the Parkinsonian patient (3 ... 5). Parameter PM quantitatively characterizes the finger tapping movement

Figure 4.22. The relative weights of all SVD vectors (left) and the weight of the base
vector (right) for the 79 cycles of the index finger of a young healthy subject during a
20-s finger-tapping test

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Figure 4.23. The relative weights of all SVD vectors (left) and the weight of the base
vector (right) for the 23 cycles of the index finger of a Parkinsonian during an 8-s
finger-tapping test

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3. Compression of biosignals
In biosignal analysis data compression techniques are of great interest when data transmission (e.g. in
telemedicine applications) or long-term recordings (e.g. 24-hour monitoring or intensive care) are involved.
Personalized health care is assisted by regular recording of biosignals (e.g. ECG, EEG) and highlighting the
changes. These procedures explain the application of data compression.

There are two types of data compression methods: lossless and lossy. The widely used arj, zip programs are
lossless. Lossy compression methods are more efficient: the compression rate is higher but the original data can
be restored with a given deviation. In case of biosignals the a priori information helps increase the compression
rate. The ECG signal has mainly flat segments, only the QRS complex is steep. Instead of the original data the
difference of adjacent samples should be stored. The flat parts result in small differences. This allows an
efficient variable length coding (short codes for small values).

Turning point (TP) algorithm

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Divides the size of the original data set by two. Always examines three points at a time, one is the reference
point. The first point in the data set is the first reference point which is stored. Of the next two points one is
selected as next reference point and the other is discarded. The new reference is also stored and the next two
points are evaluated. The procedure is repeated until the last data point.

Of the two points following the reference point the turning point will be saved. Figure 4.24 shows the selection
rule. Three points can be arranged in nine different ways. Two arrangements differ if the relation (smaller,
bigger, equal) of adjacent points is different.

Operation sign(x) is defined by eq. 4.12.


Eq. 4.13 defines how to select the discarded point out of the two points (x 1, x2) following the reference point
(x0). If the logical expression in eq. 4.13 is 0, then x1 must be stored (and x2 discarded) otherwise x2 must be
stored (and x1 discarded).


x1 must be stored if the slope between x1 - x0 and x2 - x1 has opposite sign. The turning point algorithm is simple;
the necessary computational capacity is small results in a fix 2:1 compression rate. Its disadvantage is that the
output data set cannot be considered as equidistantly sampled.

Figure 4.24. The nine possible arrangements of three consecutive points (x0, x1, x2)

The AZTEC algorithm

The AZTEC (Amplitude Zone Time Epoch Coding) algorithm uses piecewise linear approximation. Starting
from a point to be stored (Pe) it calculates the slope (Si) of the line to each succeeding point (Pi). If at point n the
difference between the minimum and the maximum slopes exceeds a predefined value then the line between P e
and Pn-1 is stored. The procedure is repeated, Pn-1 will be the next Pe.

Restoring the compressed data needs smoothing (low-pass filtering) at the abrupt slope changes at the
connection of lines.

The parameter expressing compression error is given in eq. 4.14.


where prd: percent root-mean-square. A simple formula for filtering is given by eq. 4.15.


where xi is the compressed, pi is the filtered data set.

The method has several variations. CORTES (Co-ordinate Reduction Time Encoding System) is a combination
of the TP and the AZTEC methods. At flat parts it uses the ZTEC algorithm, at steep parts the TP method.

The fan algorithm

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This algorithm uses piecewise linear approximation also. The method is illustrated in Figure 4.25.

Figure 4.25. The FAN algorithm

In Figure 4.25 the error tolerance is denoted by . From a stored point two lines are drawn towards the next
point. One to the maximum (xa + ) and one to the minimum (xa - ) allowed value. The two lines form a shape
similar to one element of a fan; this explains the name of the method. In Figure 4.25 the first stored point is x 0 at
t0, the second point is x1 at t1. Line U1 is the line to x1 + , line L1 is the line to x1 . The next point (x2 at t2) is
within the tolerance set by U1 and L1 so x1 is discarded. Similarly to U1 and L1 we draw lines U2 and L2 that
belong to x2. We select the minimum slope of Ui values, and the maximum slope of Li values. These are U1 and
L2 forming the new fan. x3 is outside of this fan, so x2 must be preserved. x2 is the new starting point.

Among TP, AZTEC and fan algorithms, the last gives the best signal fidelity with the same compression rate.

4. Problems
The nominal value of the sampling rate of HHMD is 1 kHz. (The video
http://project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/ECG_PPG.wmv illustrates the recording with HHMD.) The records
available at the given web site were made using different devices. The sampling rate of a device may differ from
the nominal value by 1.5%. For a given record, the sampling frequency can be determined by regarding the
power line frequency being 50.0 Hz. On the web site you can find a description of the data structure of the file
and a Matlab program that reads a record.

1. Load the project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/ECGwithbignoise.hhm file to Matlab. Draw the ecg1 time function
and draw the low-pass filtered time function to the same figure. Evaluate the effect of the parameters of the
low-pass filter (type, order, corner frequency) on power line noise suppression and on ECG signal distortion.

2. Load the project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ1_01.hhm file to Matlab. Determine the dominant

frequency of noise during inflation analysing cuff pressure time function (press).

3. Determine how cuff pressure influences the delay time between time functions ecg1 and ppgl_nir in the
record project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ2_01.hhm. Delay time is defined in between the S point of
ECG and local minimum of PPG. Determine the cuff pressure when the change in delay time is maximum.

4. Determine the cuff pressure when pulsation ceases in the ppgl_nir time function of the file
project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ2_01.hhm. This is the systolic pressure.

5. Determine the breathing frequency of the tested person based on the record in the file

6. Determine the change of the momentary heart frequency during blood pressure measurement analysing the
ppgl_nir time function of the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ2_01.hhm.

From the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm draw the ECG and PPG signals belonging to
two heart cycles.

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Biosignal processing

7. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ2_01.hhm to Matlab. Apply third order Butterworth

low-pass filter with corner frequency f0 = 10Hz to ecg1. Compare the functions filter and filtfilt.

8. Increase the corner frequency in Problem 8 to f0 = 25Hz and evaluate the difference.

9. To increase the signal-to-noise ratio in of ecg1 in Problem8 apply a third order Butterworth band-stop filter
(f0 = 50Hz). Evaluate the result.

10. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_stops_during_deflation_shm01_01.hhm to Matlab.

Select one heart cycle from the first 24 s and determine the time delay (TEP) between the start of the pulse
wave (S point of ECG) and its arrival to the fingertip (start of rise in PPG). Estimate the pulse wave velocity,
supposing the distance between left ventricle and fingertip is 90 cm.

11. Analyse how TEP time (according to problem 11) changes when cuff pressure increases.

12. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Calculate the mean value
and standard deviation of tRR values of ecg1.

13. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Calculate the mean value
and standard deviation of tQT values of ecg1.

14. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Calculate the mean value
and standard deviation of tPQ values of ecg1.

15. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Calculate the mean value
and standard deviation of QRS amplitudes.

16. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Calculate the mean value
and standard deviation of the width of QRS complexes.

17. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Improve the signal-to-noise

ratio by averaging. Align the heart cycles at the R peaks.

18. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Determine the cuff pressure
value when pulsation ceases in ppgl_nir.

19. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ2_01.hhm to Matlab. Complete FFT analysis on

the ecg1 signal using 10-s window and sliding it along by 5-s steps. Draw the spectra one behind the other.

20. Repeat the analysis of problem 20 using 20-s window and 4-s step.

21. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ2_01.hhm to Matlab. Plot the amplitude change
of oscillometric pulses in cuff pressure (press) versus cuff pressure.

22. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_patZ2_01.hhm to Matlab. Plot the maximum slope of
oscillometric pulses versus cuff pressure.

23. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_yhf01_01.hhm to Matlab. Determine the breathing

frequency from the ECG signal (ecg1).

24. Load the file project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/bpm_stops_during_deflation_shm01_01.hhm to Matlab.

Draw the frequency spectrum of ECG and ppgl_nir one below the other. Based on them, determine the
breathing frequency.

5. Bibliography
Books dealing with signal processing basics

[4.1] Orfanidis SJ: Introduction to Signal Processing. Rutgers University, 2010. published also by Prentice Hall,
since 2010 freely available on the web: http://www.ece.rutgers.edu/~orfanidi/intro2sp/orfanidis-

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Biosignal processing

[4.2] Leis J: Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB for Students and Researchers. John Wiley & Sons,

[4.3] http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Digital_Signal_Processing

[4.4] Lyons RG: Understanding Digital Signal Processing. Prentice Hall 2nd edition, 2004.

[4.5] Antoniou A: Digital Signal Processing. Signals, systems and filters. McGraw-Hill Education (India) Pvt
Limited, 2006.10.01.

[4.6] Cohen A: Biomedical Signal Processing I and II. CRC Boca Raton, 1986.

[4.7] Akay, M: Biomedical Signal Processing. Academic Press, San Diego CA 1994.

[4.8] Cerutti S, Marchesi C (eds.): Advanced Methods of Biomedical Signal Processing. IEEE Press and John
Wiley & Sons, New York NJ, 2011.

[4.9] Northrop RB: Signals and Systems Analysis In Biomedical Engineering, Second Edition, CRC, Boca
Raton, FL, 2010

[4.10] Rangayyan RM: Biomedical Signal Analysis: A Case-Study Approach, IEEE Press and Wiley, New
York, NY, 2002

[4.11] Akay M: Detection and Estimation Methods for Biomedical Signals. Academic Press, 1996.

Further references in the chapter

[4.12] Jobbgy , Csords P, Mersich A: Blood Pressure Measurement at Home. IFMBE Proceedings, Vol. 14.
WC2006 Seoul, pp. 3319-3322.

[4.13] Jobbgy , Csords P, Mersic A, Magjarevic R, Lackovic I, Mihel J: Home Health Monitoring. In:
IFMBE Proc. 20., pp. 454-457. NBC 14, Riga, Latvia, ISBN: 978-3-540-69366-6.

[4.14] Jobbgy , Harcos P, Karoly R, Fazekas G: Analysis of the Finger-Tapping Test. Journal of
Neuroscience Methods, January 30, 2005. Vol 141/1, pp. 29-39.

[4.15] Addison PS: Wavelet transforms and the ECG: a review. Physiol. Meas. 26 (2005) R155R199.

[4.16] Tompkins WJ (ed.): Biomedical Signal Processing. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1993.

[4.17] Putz Zs, Gy T, Tth N, Istenes I, Gandhi R, Emery C, Hermnyi Zs, Csiki V, Keresztes K, Tesfaye S,
Jermendy Gy, Kempler P: Small fibre neuropathy including widespread impairment of autonomic
function represent the key clinical characteristics of nerve dysfunction among patients with IGT. 43 rd
Annual Meeting of the European Diabetes Epideiology Group of the EASD, Elsinore, Denmark 5-8
April, 2008: 77.

[4.18] Saul JP: Beat-to-beat variation of heart-rate reflect modulation of cardiac autonomic outflow. News.
Physioil. Sci., vol. 5, pp. 32-37. 1995.

[4.19] Kitney RI: An analysis and simulation of the human thermoregulatory control system. Med. Biol. Eng.
Comput. vol. 12, pp. 56-64. 1974.

[4.20] Berntson GG, Bigger JT, Echberg DL, Grossman P, Kaufmann PG et al.: Heart rate variability: Origins,
methods, and interpretive caveats. Psychophysiology, vol. 34. pp. 623-648. 1997.

[4.21] Brennan M, Palaniswami M, Kamen P: Poincar plot interpretation using a physiological model of HRV
based on a network of oscillators. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 283:H1873-H1886, 2002.

[4.22] Kanjilal PP, Palit S, Saha G: Fetal ECG Extraction from Single-Channel Maternal ECG Using Singular
Value Decomposition. IEEE Tr on BME, vol. 44. 1997 No. 1. pp. 51-59.

[4.23] Kanjilal PP, Palit S: The singular value decomposition - Applied in the modeling and prediction of quasi-
periodic processes. Signal Processing, 1994. 35:257-67.

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Biosignal processing

[4.24] Jobbgy : Early Diagnosis and Objective Assessment of Patients with Neural and Cardiovascular
Diseaes. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010.

[4.25] Webster JG, Design of Pulse Oximeters, New York, Taylor & Francis, 1997.

[4.26] Schoevers J, Scheffer C, Dippenaar R: Low Oxygen Saturation Quantification in Human Arterial and
Venous Circulation. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2009 Mar;56(3):846-54. Epub 2008 Oct 7.

[4.27] Pan, J and Tompkins, WJ: A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering, Vol. BME-32, No. 3, March 1985.

[4.28] Stokes V, Lanshammer H, Thorstensson A: Dominant Pattern Extraction from 3D Kinematic Data. IEEE
Tr. on BME, 1999 January, pp. 100-106.

[4.29] Taouli SA, Bereksi-Reguig F: Detection of QRS Complexes in ECG Signals Based on Empirical Mode
Decompositioin. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology. Vol. 11. Issue 20. Dec. 2011.

[4.30] Sun Y, Chan KL, Krishnan SM: ECG signal conditioning by morphological filtering. Computers in
Biology and Medicine 32 (2002) pp. 465479.

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Chapter 5. Safety
Electronic devices are used to test patients as well as to assure their comfort. Failure or misuse of electronic
devices is a danger to both patients and medical staff. Prevention of accidents includes design, manufacturing,
application and maintenance according to standards [5.2]. Most of these are IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission) standards [5.12]. This chapter would like to draw attention to the importance of related standards
which are often updated. Engineers must be familiar with the principles of safety. Electrical safety in hospitals
got into focus following Ralph Naders paper (Ladies Home Journal, April 24, 1970), [5.1]. The paper claimed
that 1200 American died yearly in hospitals as a result of electrocution during routine diagnostic or therapeutic
procedure. In this chapter we concentrate on the protection against electric shock. Several biomedical equipment
require Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to maintain the patients vital function (e.g. a medical ventilator to
mechanically move breathable air into and out of the lungs). Although it can be indispensable for the patients
safety UPS is out of the scope of this book.

1. Physiological effect of electric current

Electric current stimulates nerves and muscles, heats up tissues even beneath the skin [5.2], [5.3], [5.4]. The
effect and danger of current depends on several factors.

The current path. The most dangerous is when current flows through the heart, lung and brain.

The duration of impact. Current that flows through the patient for 0.5 1 s is much less dangerous than longer

The frequency of the current. For humans the most dangerous is the current with 50 60 Hz (i.e. around
power line) frequency. The effect of current with frequency below 10 Hz is reduced. DC current with 3 ... 5
times higher effective value has the same effect as 50 Hz current. If DC current flows through the body for a
long time, electrolysis may demolish the cells. When the frequency is above 1 kHz the current density is largest
to the body surface (skin effect) and so it avoids organs.

The magnitude of the current. Figure 5.1 shows the typical current ranges that have different physiological
effects under given conditions.

Around the threshold of perception the current causes tingling. When the current exceeds the let go limit the
person is unable to go against its contractive effect (release the wire). Based on measurements for 99% of
women this limit is estimated to be within 6 15 mA. The same range for men is 8 23 mA. Stronger current
causes pain, contraction of breathing muscles, respiratory arrest. The current flowing through the heart disturbs
its electrical operation. If ventricular fibrillation occurs then blood flow ceases. This is a fatal threat because
fibrillation subsists even after the electric current (that evoked it) ceases. Further increase of the current causes
the contraction of the whole heart muscle. Blood flow stops but it is likely to start flowing again when the
current ceases. The heating effect of current first burns the skin around the entry points.

Personal properties are responsible for the variation of ranges. These are: gender, age, weight, body shape
(corpulent, underweight, tall, etc.), physical and mental state, but also the actual mood. The current flowing
through the body is given by eq. 5.1.


Rbody varies from person to person. The actual condition of the skin (dry, sweaty, injured) and the contact area
greatly influences it. The skin because of its relatively high impedance easily breaks down within one
second when it contacts with power line voltage. As a result, safety calculations are based on 500 1000 total
resistance between two limbs.

Figure 5.1. Physiological effects of 50 Hz current flowing for 1-3 s arm-to-arm of a 70 kg


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Macroshock and microshock

Macroshock is when the current flows between two points on the body surface (e.g. arm-to-arm or arm-to-foot).
The most important factor is the effective value of the current. Everyday electric shock is usually macroshock.
In Figure 5.2.a current flows through a large area around the heart. The current ranges given in Figure 5.1 refer
to such a situation. During certain treatments one electrode is in the heart or in the blood stream, e.g. in a
catheter. This results in a concentration of current path (Figure 5.2.b) flowing directly through the myocardium.
This may cause microshock. Patients with a direct current path to their heart are usually in worse physical
condition than healthy subjects. The current limit in this case is 10 A. This is the maximum current allowed as
input current of electronic devices being in direct connection with patients. Even in case of failure the maximum
input current must not exceed 50 A. This is about one hundredth of the limit of sensation when current flows
arm-to-arm; and one tenth of the touch current!

Leakage current flows through the insulation even without failure. Increasing the insulation resistance is not
enough to limit leakage current which is determined by the capacitance of the insulation. If the capacitance is
138 pF between a grounded surface and the hot wire of the power line then a 50 Hz current with 10 A
amplitude will flow. 138 pF is the capacitance between two metal plates of A/4 size being 4 mm far from each
other. The resistance of the insulation decreases if its surface is contaminated or dewy.

Figure 5.2. Macroshock (a) and microshock (b). Microshock means that current flows
through the heart across small area.

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2. Protection against electric shock

Figure 5.3.a illustrates a possible macroshock [5.5], [5.6]. The device is not connected to the protective earth
and a short circuit develops between the primary winding of the mains transformer and the core. The core is
mounted to the metal chassis so the person touching the device gets electric shock. The current is determined by
the power line voltage, resistance Rbody and resistance to ground (through the shoes and floor) R sf. Suppose Rbody =
1 k, Rsf = 1 k, then the resistance of the wire can be neglected. Eq. 5.2 gives the current value.


The circuit breaker does not discontinue this electric current which can be lethal. Figure 5.3.b shows, what the
use of protective earth (PE) is connecting the metal chassis to ground. Should the same short circuit develop as
in Figure 5.3.a, the current between hot wire and ground is determined by the resistance of the wire and the
resistance of grounding (RPE). RPE is less than 1 thus the current will be much higher than the threshold level of
the circuit breaker. The circuit breaker will cut off the current higher than five times its nominal current (In) in
less than 0.2 s. If someone touches the chassis the voltage there will be 5I n RPE.

There are three IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) protection classes depending on the protective
earth connections.

Class I. (Figure 5.4.a.) Active circuit parts are isolated from the touchable conductive parts. The touchable
conductive parts are connected to the protective earth which is marked by:

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The mains connector must have protective earth pin. The maximal voltage of the touchable conductive parts is
determined by the maximal current of the circuit breaker and the resistance of the wire and the protective earth.
Current greater than that will cause the circuit breaker cut off the power voltage [5.9], [5.10], [5.11].

Figure 5.3. Macroshock resulting from a short circuit of the mains transformer when
the device chassis is not connected to protective earth (a). The same short circuit gets
the circuit breaker discontinue the current when the chassis is connected to protective
ground (b). Red line shows the current path.

Figure 5.4. The scheme of devices with class I (a) and class II (b) protection classes

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Class II. (Figure 5.4.b.) The device has an operation insulation and additional protection insulation (double
insulation or reinforced insulation). Single failure must not result in dangerous voltage on the touchable
conductive parts without relying on an earthed metal casing. Its symbol is:

Class III.

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Devices in this class operate from extra low voltage (ELV). ELV must be smaller than 50 V eff. The separated
extra low voltage (SELV) is defined by IEC: "an electrical system in which the voltage cannot exceed ELV
under normal conditions, and under single-fault conditions, includingearth faults in other circuits". IEC 60601-1
uses the term applied part to refer to the part of the medical device which comes into physical contact with the
patient in order for the device to carry out its intended function.

Figure 5.5. Symbols of protection against electrical shock. B (body), BF (body floating),
CF (cardiac floating). Patient side of BF and CF devices is galvanically isolated from the
mains, floating.

Symbols of different Class III protection types are given in Figure 5.5 f7]. Different leakage current limits
belong to the three types both in normal operation and in case of a single fault. IEC 60601-1 is the international
medical electric safety standard. The term Applied Part refers to a part of a medical device which may come
in physical contact with the patient during its normal operation. Applied parts are classified into three types.

Type B applied parts. The least stringent classification. These applied parts are normally not conductive and
the patient can immediately release them. Examples are: LED operating lighting, medical lasers, MRI body
scanners, hospital beds.

Type BF applied parts. This classification is generally used for applied parts that have conductive contact with
the patient, or having medium or long term contact with the patient. Circuits in connection with the patient are
floating; galvanically isolated from the power line. Examples are: ECG monitors, incubators and ultrasound

Type CF applied parts. Themost stringent classification. It is used for applied parts that may come in direct
contact with the heart, such as dialysis machines or invasive blood pressure monitors. Circuits in connection
with the patient are floating. The limits for leakage current are below the microshock limit both during normal
operation and in case of a single fault.

Residual current devices (RCD). (Also called residual-current circuit breaker (RCCB), ground fault (circuit)
interrupter (GFI or GFCI), appliance leakage current interrupter (ALCI), "safety switch", "trip" or "trip switch"
[5.9], [5.11].) Figure 5.6 shows the schematic of RCD.

The live connector (L, hot wire) and the neutral connector (N, ground) are led through a differential transformer
(ring shaped core). When the leakage current is zero there is no difference between the current flowing through
the live conductor and that returning through the neutral conductor. Leakage current (e.g. a person touching a
live component in the attached appliance) causes an imbalance in the currents: I LIN. This results in a magnetic
flux inducing voltage in the sense coil. When the leakage current causes an imbalance greater than the nominal
value of the RCD (I=IL-IN, usual values for biomedical applications are 6 mA, 10 mA, 30 mA) the sense
circuitry pulls the bolt and the contacts are forced apart by a spring, cutting off the electricity supply to the
appliance. The supply can be switched on again only manually. The test button causes leakage current, pushing
this button must cut off electricity supply.

As a general rule only one device should be connected to an RCD. Otherwise even a minor fault of a device cuts
off electrical supply of all devices connected to the same RCD. Equipment of vital importance (e.g. positive
pressure ventilators) must not be supplied through RCDs.

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Figure 5.6. Schematic of an RCD. The device cuts off electricity supply when leakage
current is caused by either human touch (1) or isolation fault (2). The RCD does not
sense short circuit between L and N wires.

3. Line isolation monitor

The line isolation monitor is a device which continually monitors the impedance (resistance and capacitance)
from the isolated line to ground and indicates what current could flow to a patient of body resistance 1000 ,
should the patient come into contact with a line conductor (i.e. defective equipment). (Devices exist for three-
phase electric supply where all three lines are monitored.) Operating rooms or intensive care units often have
isolated electrical power.

Figure 5.7. Devices with isolated power. A single fault in the power line does not cause
big short circuit current and the devices continue operation. The line isolation monitor
senses the fault and gives an alarm signal.

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The line isolation monitor gives an alarm without cutting off electricity supply in case of a single fault (short
circuit between isolated line and ground) which does not cause electrical shock. Thus the fault can be fixed
before it would have caused shock. The monitor also helps avoid sparks resulting from a single fault. In the
operating room the spark could cause explosion because of the anaesthetic gas.

4. Testing electrical biomedical equipment

4.1. Safety check
IEC 60601 is a series of technical standards for the safety and effectiveness of medical electrical equipment,
published by the International Electrotechnical Commission. First published in 1977 and regularly updated and
restructured, as of 2011 it consists of a general standard, about 10 collateral standards, and about 60 particular
standards. The standard is an important legal source, too. Should a biomedical equipment cause any health
damage the standard helps determine the liability. A device type must be qualified by an accredited institute
before production and marketing. In this chapter only application tests are dealt with [5.13], [5.14], [5.15].
These tests are mandatory within predefined periods and also following repair. Tests must be performed
according to the users manual, service manual and the related standards. These documents must be available on
the spot.

The status of housing and operator controls as well as the entireness of cables and isolation must be surveyed.
The connection to PE must be measured (resistance should be <0.2 ). Isolation (parts connected to power line
>20M, patient part >50 M) and/or breakdown test (1-3 kV) is necessary. Leakage current to ground must be
tested (to protective earth <500A, to chassis <100 A, to patient<10 A).

Figure 5.8 shows the patient leakage current test according to the standard. The frequency spectrum of the
leakage current can span over high frequencies resulting from harmonics of the power line or the switching
power supply. The low-pass filter before measuring the voltage of the current-voltage converter by the DVM
filters the high frequency components similarly to the human body. The standard does not specify the parameter
values and does not let the user select the measurement set-up. The set-up is specified in detail and the results
shown by devices must be compared to given limits. This assures the reproducible and comparable results.

Figure 5.8. Testing the patient part leakage current. IS leakage current is determined by
measuring the voltage it produces across a 100 resistor. DVM measures the voltage
after low-pass filtering similar to the filtering effect of the human body. Test must be
repeated on all patient connections setting S1, S2 and S3 switches to all possible states.

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4.2. Functional test

Following safety check the functional parameters of biomedical instruments should also be checked. Figure 5.9
shows the test specified in the IEC 601-1 standard for the input impedance of ECG equipment. The
measurement set-up is similar to the real application of the device. First the S1 switch is closed and the output
voltage amplitude is set so that the ECG displays 10 mm peak-to-peak. The drop in the amplitude of the output
signal should not be higher than 20% when the series impedance (620 k and 4.7 nF in parallel) and the input
impedance divides the input voltage (S1 open). This is equivalent to a minimum of 2.48 M input resistance. If
this minimum were specified, users could measure it using inappropriate method (e.g. trying to measure I input and
Vinput directly).

Figure 5.9. Testing the symmetrical input impedance of an ECG device. First S1 switch
is closed and the floating output generator is set so that the output registration show 10
mm peak-to-peak. Then S1 switch is opened. Input impedance is acceptable if the peak-
to-peak registration does not drop below 8 mm.

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5. Electromagnetic compatibility
Electric devices should not disturb each other. However, they influence each other. Even atmospheric and
weather effects have an impact on electric devices. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) summarizes these
effects and specifies the allowed disturbance [5.16], [5.17], [5.18].

EMC has two kinds of requirements for a device:

immunity (disturbance tolerance) towards external effects,

limiting its own disturbance emission.

Standards contain limits so that emission is smaller with a sufficient reserve than tolerance.

The following external disturbances should be taken into account while analysing immunity:

Electrostatic discharge, ESD. Typical occurrence when the person walking on isolated floor charges up and
when touches the equipment discharges.

Switching transients, which occur usually in the power line system and get into the device through the power
supply or through the long cables.

Radiofrequency noise emanating from radio stations and GSM telephone systems.

Effect of lightning in the power line system.

Changing electromagnetic field caused by electric devices nearby.

The above enlisted noises have to be simulated by standard inspection methods which require special devices.
The allowed effects of external disturbances are also classified.

As a result of disturbance operation may stop but it must be able to be restarted (no permanent fault).

As a result of disturbance the operation can be faulty for a while but the device returns to normal operation
without restarting.

The disturbance is not allowed to cause drop-out, not even a measurement error greater than a predefined

Disturbance can propagate by radiation or by conduction. This applies for both emission and immunity. Testing
conducted disturbances must be added to or taken from the signal lines with defined filters in the 150 kHz 80
MHz range (this range changes every now and then as a result of development). The frequency range of the
radiated noise is above the conducted disturbance range up to 2 GHz. Test of radiated noise requires very
expensive shielded room, antennas, transmitters and receivers.

To meet the EMC specifications careful development (including the wiring of the PCB) and application of
protection elements (noise filters and suppressors, shielding, overvoltage shunts) are needed. Their effective
operation must also be tested.

6. Problems
1. The nominal current of the circuit breaker in Figure 5.3.b. is I n=6 A. (In is passed through permanently.)
Current Iv=5In is cut off within t<200 ms. Calculate the maximum resistance of the protective earth RPE to
keep the touch voltage below 50 V. The resistance between the touchable metal chassis and protective earth
is R<0.2 .

2. The RCD in Figure 5.6 is tested by pushing the test button. Calculate the value of the resistance R F to test the
RCD with IDN= 10 mA nominal current.

3. Calculate the voltage shown by the DVM in Figure 5.8 when the leakage current is I S=10 A, its frequency is
50 Hz. The DVM should be set in DC or AC mode?

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4. What is the role of the 100 nF capacitor in the measurement set-up in Figure 5.8? Calculate the frequency
range where the roll-off is -20 dB/decade.

5. The input impedance of an ECG device is tested according to Figure 5.9. Calculate the input impedance if the
peak-to-peak output changes from 10 mm to 9 mm when S1 is switched off. Analyse the impedance of the
4.7 nF capacitor in parallel with the 620 k resistor and the input capacitance (~200 pF) at the 50 Hz
frequency: are they negligible?

7. Bibliography
Attention! Safety instructions and standards may vary from country to country. The standards in the
references are not necessarily valid in each country. Always the standards in effect must be used.

[5.1] Bronzino J: Clinical Engineering and Electrical Safety. In Enderle J, Blanchard S, Bronzino J (ed.):
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering. Academic Press, 2000. ISBN 0-12-238660-4.

[5.2] Walter H. Olson: Electrical Safety, 14. http://www.unc.edu/~finley/BME422/Webster/c14.pdf

[5.3] Electrical Safety in laboratories at Department of Health Science and Technology.


[5.4] Medical Instrument Electrical Safety. http://www.egr.msu.edu/classes/ece445/mason/Files/3-


[5.5] Mittolo M.: Electrical Safety of Low-voltage Systems. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. New York,

[5.6] The Electricians Guide to the 16th Edition IEE Regulations. http://www.tlc-direct.co.uk/Book/5.1.1.htm

[5.7] What does a BF rating on a power supply mean? http://power-topics.blogspot.hu/2011/07/what-does-bf-


[5.8] Electrical Safety Testing Reference Guide http://www.psma.com/ul_files/forums/safety/estguide2.pdf

[5.9] http://www.villanyszaklap.hu/lapszamok/2005/januar-februar/269-aram-vedokapcsolo

[5.10] Miniature circuit breakers


[5.11] Residual-current device. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Residual-current_device

[5.12] Draft Standard - UL 60601-1 Medical Electrical Equipment


[5.13] EN 60601-2-37 Medical electrical equipment. Part 2-37: Particular requirements for the safety of
ultrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipment (IEC 60601-2-37:2001/A1:2004)

[5.14] BS EN 60601-2-34:2001 (IEC 60601-2-34:2000) Medical electrical equipment. Particular requirements

for the safety, including essential performance, of invasive blood pressure monitoring equipment

[5.15] BS EN 61828: 2002 (EN 61828:2001 IEC 61828:2001) Ultrasonics, Focusing transducers. Definitions
and measurement methods for the transmitted fields

[5.16] Weston, D. A.: Electromagnetic Compatibility Principels and Applications, Second Edition, Marcel
Dekker, 2001.

[5.17] EMC-Laboratory. http://www.tnetwork.hu/en/en_emc_labor.html

[5.18] Electromagnetic compatibility. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_compatibility#EMC_testing

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Chapter 6. The electrical activity of
the heart
1. Origin of the ECG signal
The physiological basics of the heart are given in [6.1], [6.2], [6.3]. It has four chambers; it keeps the blood
flowing in the body (pumping function). Heart muscle comprises about one million cells. Their coordinated
contraction and relaxation is needed to pumping the blood. In the upper corner of the right atrium is the
sinoatrial (SA) node. It comprises pacemaker cells. Their threshold level changes thus they provide 40 ... 200
electrical impulses (action potentials) per minute. In the resting state the interior is at 70 mV compared to the
exterior of the cell. Following excitation (when external charges force the membrane potential above -55 mV)
the interior abruptly changes to 0 +20 mV to the exterior of the cell. The depolarized state is instable, after a
few milliseconds most of the cells revert back to resting (polarized) state. The depolarization and polarization
again is called action potential. During most part (called refractory period) of the action potential the cell
neglects further excitations. Heart muscles have a 200 300 ms long action potential with nearly so long
refractory period. Pulses emanating from the SA node propagate along the nerves depolarizing the cells of heart
muscle. Polarization and repolarization result in the autonomous functioning of the heart. The timing of the
action potential propagation and depolarization controls the pumping function of the chambers.

Figure 6.1. Human heart after autopsy.

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Humhrt2.jpg, author: Stanwhit607)

Figure 6.2. Propagation of excitation throughout the heart

g author:Madhero88

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Autonomous functioning of the heart is certified by the fact that it keeps on contracting and relaxing in an
adequate solution (with enough oxygen) for hours even after being removed from the body. The widely known
demonstration can last for hours with frogs or turtles heart. Figure 6.1 shows a human heart after autopsy
while Figure 6.2 shows the nerves along which excitation propagates. Depolarization and repolarization result in
the potential changes measured on the body surface as ECG signal. The propagation of depolarization is
illustrated by the animation available at http://project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/depolarization_in_the_heart.pps

The action potential propagation velocity is different along the heart. Typical values are [6.2]:

sinoatrial node <0,01 m/s,

atrial tissue 11,2 m/s,
AV node 0,020,05 m/s,
bundle of His 24 m/s,
bundle branches 24 m/s,
Purkinje fibres 24 m/s,
ventricular tissue 0,31 m/s.

Figure 6.3 shows what can be measured in the axon of a nerve cell when an action potential passes by. One
electrode is inside the cell, the other is outside. The experiment can be done with the giant axon of a squid which
can have 1 mm diameter. This allows insertion of a microelectrode.

Figure 6.3. Potential difference between the interior and exterior of a tube like cell
during action potential

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The electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.4 shows what we can measure during action potential when both electrodes are external to the cell but
close to the membrane. The upper three subfigures show phases of a depolarization wave arriving from the left.
At t1 moment the whole cell membrane is polarized, at t2 the wave reaches electrode B (but not A), at t3 the
membrane at both electrodes is depolarized. The lower subfigures to the left show the depolarization arrive also
from the left. At t4 repolarization has reached electrode B (but not A) at t5 the whole membrane is in resting state
again. The lower subfigures to the right show the repolarization arrive from the right. First electrode A is
reached (t4) and then the whole membrane is at rest (t5). Animations illustrating the phenomenon:



Figure 6.4. Potential difference measured during action potential. Both electrodes are
exterior of the cell.

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2. Modelling the electrical activity of the heart

The electrical activity of the heart is monitored nearly always by measurement on the body surface.
Consequently, the resultant electrical activity of a great number of cells is measured. An appropriate model is
needed to estimate the electrical activity of the heart based on body surface measurement. The dipole model has
been used since the late nineteenth century. The resting (polarized) and the active (depolarized) areas of the
heart have different charge distribution. Observed from an external viewpoint, the active (depolarized) cell is
negative compared to resting ones. Potential distribution can be modelled by a dipole on the boundary of active
and resting parts (see Figure 6.5). The propagation of excitation means a resting-to-active change modelled by a

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The electrical activity of the heart

dipole moving along with its positive pole forward. Similarly, the active-to-resting change is modelled by a
dipole moving along with its negative pole forward.

In 1889 based on his measurements with electrodes on the body surface Waller concluded the potential
distribution at the moment of the contraction of ventricles (later named as R peak) given in Figure 6.6 [6.4]. The
assumption is in agreement with body surface potential maps taken about a hundred years later.

Figure 6.5. Modelling with a dipole the boundary of resting and active parts

Figure 6.6. Wallers assumption on the body surface potential distribution at the
moment of ventricular contraction http://www.jstor.org/stable/91715?seq=18 (author:
A. D. Waller, [6.4])

Nobel laureate Willem Einthoven established the basis of ECG evaluation. His suggestions have been widely
accepted; these guarantee the standardized evaluation. Einthovens hypotheses assume the following.

I. The electrical activity of the heart can be depicted at every moment by a single dipole.

II. Limb leads: the two shoulders and the left leg (originally the pubis) form an equilateral triangle; the heart is
located at the centre of that triangle.

III. Body fluids between the heart and the limbs have uniform resistance. These fluids determine the
resistance between electrodes and the heart.

Einthovens hypotheses and further widely used standard procedures assure that ECGs taken in different
laboratories are equivalent.

In the frontal plane Einthovens bipolar leads are used. The limb electrodes are: RA (right arm), LA (left arm),
LL (left leg). The bipolar leads by definition:

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The electrical activity of the heart


The electrical activity of the heart can be analysed more effectively if three further leads are used in the frontal
plane. These are unipolar leads, referenced to the central terminal (CT), also called Wilson point (see eq. 6.2).


These unipolar leads originally were defined as the potential difference between the electrodes and CT, see eq.


The amplitude of these leads can substantially be augmented (increased) by taking the difference of the potential
between an electrode and the average of the other two. These leads are called augmented leads, see eq. 6.4.


Figure 6.7 shows the relation between the electrical activity of the heart and the potentials in the frontal leads.
The projection of the momentary resultant vector on the frontal plane is . The projections of in the frontal
leads are the following. In Figure 6.7 lead II is nearly parallel to thus its projection to lead II has almost the
same absolute value. The projection to lead I, III, aVL and aVF is in the same direction (positive) as while the
projection to lead aVR is negative. Momentary voltage value (represented by the absolute value of the
projection) in lead I and aVF is 0.5 0.7 times the absolute value of . is nearly perpendicular to lead III and
aVL. In these leads the momentary voltage value is 0.1 0.2 times the absolute value of . The angle between
lead aVR and is nearly 180. The voltage in lead aVR is negative; the absolute value is about the same as the
absolute value of .

Figure 6.7. The Einthoven triangle and the frontal leads

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The electrical activity of the heart

It must be taken into account that aVR, aVL and aVF values, calculated according to eq. 6.4 are not equal to the
projections of to vector directions aVR, aVL and aVF! The difference comes from the difference between the
length of the median and the side of Einthovens equilateral triangle. The values resulting from eq. 6.4 must be
multiplied by 1/sin60 to get the correct projection values. Figure 6.8 illustrates this, where = 45. In the figure
is the projection of the resultant dipole to the frontal plane. The projection of to direction lead aVR is equal
to the projection to direction lead II, surely greater than (I + II)/2. Nevertheless, during ECG signal processing
calculation according to definitions 6.4 is usual. In the cardiologists practice this means about 15%
underestimation of aVR, aVL and aVF amplitudes. Further consequence is the error during calculating the
electrical axis of the heart. The electrical axis is usually calculated from two perpendicular leads (e.g. I and

Figure 6.8. Projections of the resultant frontal vector to leads I, II, III and aVR

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The electrical activity of the heart

In a given moment the projection of the resultant electrical activity to the frontal plane is , its angle to
horizontal line is . The projections of (its absolute value is E) to leads I, II, III, aVR, aVL, aVF are given in
eq. 6.5.



When = 30then the projections of E are: I = E * 3/2, II = E * 3/2, III = 0, the projection sin leads aVR,
aVL, aVF are given in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1.
Lead The projection in the direction of Calculating according to 6.4
the lead
aVR -E -E * 3/2
aVL E/2 E * 3/4
aVF E/2 E * 3/4

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Only two leads are independent of the six frontal leads (I, II, III, aVR, aVL, and aVF) applying Einthovens
hypotheses. When the values of any two leads are known, then the other four leads and the angle between the
resultant frontal vector and the horizontal line can be calculated.

3. Measuring the electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.9. Potential-time functions at different points in the heart and their summed
resultant http://en.ecgpedia.org/wiki/File:Conduction_ap.svg

Figure 6.9 shows that at certain points along the nerves in the heart the potential-time functions contain action
potentials with long refractory period. The typical wave shape depends on the location of the cell. The
summation of the waveforms of all cells in the heart (bottom) is the well-known ECG waveform; this is present
on the body surface. The figure illustrates that calculating the waveform at a given point from the resultant wave
(solving the inverse problem) does not give an unequivocal answer.

The transfer function of the tissues and fluids between the heart and the electrodes is unknown. Inverse problem
(see chapter 6.7) is to determine the electrical activity of the heart that could have caused the ECG signal
measured on the body surface. The free simulation program (ECGSIM [6.5]) illustrates the electrical activity of
the ventricles. The parameters of the action potential (amplitude and length) at a given point influence the signal
shape in different leads. Changing the action potential at a given point can be seen well in certain leads while it
may remain undetected in other leads. The inverse problem can be studied using the simulation program. Figure
6.10 shows the operator interface of ECGSIM.

Figure 6.10. The operator interface of the ECGSIM programme (van Oosterom A,
Ostendorp T, [6.5])

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The electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.11. Orthogonal planes used for describing the electrical activity of the heart

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The electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.11 shows the three planes used to characterize the electrical activity of the heart. The projection on the
transverse plane is measured with chest electrodes (their placement is given in Figure 6.12, the leads are called
precordial). The projection on the sagittal plane is measured with the electrode in the oesophagus (see Figure

Figure 6.12. Placement of chest electrodes that measure the electrical activity of the
heart in the transverse plane (precordial leads)

Figure 6.13. Placement of the electrode in the oesophagus to measure the electrical
activity of the heart in the sagittal plane

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The electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.14. Electrode arrangement used for vectorcardiography (left). The Frank
resistor network (right) generates the signals (x, y, z) necessary for three dimensional

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The electrical activity of the heart

Recording signals in three orthogonal planes (see Figure 6.14) makes possible to display the electrical activity of
the heart (concentrated in a dipole) in 3D. This is called vectorcardiography. Figure 6.15 shows the
characteristic movement of the vector during a heart cycle (the reference point is in the origo).

Figure 6.15. Spatial vectorcardiogram and its projections to frontal, transverse and
sagittal planes

Figure 6.16. 120-electrode arrangement for body surface potential mapping

http://www.sci.utah.edu/~macleod/bioen/be6000/labnotes/ecg/descrip.html (authors:
MacLeod R, Birchler B)

Body Surface Potential Mapping, BSPM [6.18], [6.20], [6.21] is also used to characterize the electrical activity
of the heart. 32...200 electrodes are placed on the patients body and the electrical activity of the heart is
calculated on the basis of the measured voltage-time functions. Figure 6.16 shows a 120-electrode arrangement.
Research laboratories apply different electrode arrangements. Conversion between these arrangements is very
limited. BSPM is able to locate with cm accuracy the abnormal accessory electrical conduction pathway
between the atria and the ventricles (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome). Figure 6.17 shows the changes in the
body surface potential map of a patient for 285 ms [6.19].

Magnetoencephalography, MEG was first applied to test the brains activity in the late 1960s. Measuring the
biomagnetic activity of the heart (magnetocardiography, MCG) is technically simpler and easier. Nevertheless,
even today such measurements are done only in research laboratories. Parallel ECG and MCG measurements
can increase the diagnostic ability [6.6].

Figure 6.17. Illustration of the change of the body surface potential map during 285 ms
http://www.um.sav.sk/old/dep_5/maps_en.htm (author: Tysler M et al.)

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4. Characteristics of the ECG time function

The ECG signal recorded in one heart cycle is normally composed of the following parts (Figure 6.18):

P wave atrial depolarization,

PR interval propagation of depolarization from the SA node to exit from the AV node,

QRS wave ventricular depolarization,

ST interval ventricles are depolarized,

T wave ventricular repolarization,

TP interval the whole heart is at rest.

Ventricular depolarization overlaps (and thus masks) the atrial repolarisation. If a U wave is present (normally it
has very small amplitude or is completely absent) it follows the T wave its amplitude is in the same direction as
the T wave. The origin of the U wave is not fully clarified.

Figure 6.18. Schematic ECG time function with the characteristic points

ECG signal is evaluated by medical doctors, most often by cardiologists. Evaluation is helped by calculating the
following parameters:

Characterising the heart rate:

momentary heart rate (frequency),

heart rate (frequency) averaged over a few cycles,

heart rate variability.

Time intervals within one heart cycle:

PR interval, tPR (from the beginning of P wave to the beginning of QRS complex),

QT interval, tQT (from the beginning of QRS to the end of T wave),

QRS duration, tQRS (from the beginning of Q wave to the end of S wave).

Limits of normal values (60/min heart rate):

tPR : 120 200 ms,

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tQT : 350 430 ms,

tQRS : max. 120 ms.

tQT is also influenced by the momentary heart rate. The corrected value (t QTc) gives the estimation what would be
the value if the heart rate was 60/min. The most frequently used correction is the Bazett formula, see eq. 6.6.


where tQTc is the corrected, tQT is the actual value, tRR is the length of the actual heart cycle (the time interval
between two adjacent R peaks), tRR (pulse rate=60) is the value (tRR = 1 s) when the heart rate is constant, 60/min.

Shape analysis within a heart cycle:

the potential during the ST interval compared to the potential during the PR interval (also called ST

shape and amplitude of the R peak, the area under the R wave,

shape and amplitude of the P wave, the area under the P wave,

shape and amplitude of the T wave, the area under the T wave.

Regarding the origin, each heart cycle can be normal (depolarization emanates from the SA node), or extra.

ECG recordings taken in the Einthoven I lead are available at the web page:


The videos below illustrate how the recordings were taken.



5. Pathologic ECGs
Effective signal processing is helped if not only the normal but also the pathologic waveforms (most frequent
distortions) are known. Premature cardiac contraction independent of the normal rhythm is triggered by a
pulse arising outside the SA node. The source of the pulse can be in the wall of the heart or along the nerves the
pulse from the SA node normally passes by. Such heart cycles are also called extrasystole. Figure 6.19 shows an

Figure 6.19. Premature ventricular beat, PVB

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Arrhythmias can arise from the ventricles for various reasons. Diagnosing such cases requires the expertise of a
cardiologist. The main categories are given in [6.7] and [6.8]. Most frequently the disorders of the pulse
conduction system are related to the AV node. These conduction diseases are illustrated in Figure 6.20. The
main categories are [6.7]:

first degree AV-block,

second degree AV-block, type I,

second degree AV-block, type II,

advanced second degree AV-block,

third degree (complete) AV-block,

Wenkebach phenomenon.

Figure 6.20. AV conduction diseases

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First degree AV-block increases the PR interval, the increased value is constant. The reason of second degree
type I AV block is intermittent conduction disorder. Atrial depolarizations occur normally and regularly and the

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The electrical activity of the heart

shape of QRS complexes is also normal. But not all atrial depolarization is followed by ventricular
depolarization. In other words, not each P wave is followed by a QRS complex. In Figure 6.20 an arrow points
to the place where the QRS complex is missing.

Second degree type II (also called Mobitz type II) AV block is caused by the disease of the conduction system
distal from the AV node (in bundle of His, bundle branches or even in the Purkinje fibres). The result is the
widening of the QRS complex to more than 100 ms. The PR interval (if QRS exists) is constant. Not all P waves
are followed by a QRS complex. In Figure 6.20 an arrow points to the place where the QRS complex is missing.

In advanced second degree AV block two or more consecutive P waves are not followed by a QRS complex.
The reason is the intermittent disturbance in the AV node. If a QRS complex exists then the preceding PR
interval is constant. In Figure 6.20 arrows point to the places where QRS complexes are missing.

The third degree (or complete) AV block isolates the electrical activity of the atria from the ventricles. Atrial
depolarization does not propagate to the ventricles. QRS complexes are independent of the P waves. Two
independent rhythms are present in the ECG. Electrical activity in the ventricles is triggered by an accessory
pacemaker in the ventricular wall. The resulting rhythm is called escape rhythm. Accessory (latent) pacemaker
cells remain inactive while electrical pulse (depolarization) from the SA node arrives to them in time. In Figure
6.20 arrows point to the P waves. The T wave following the second QRS complex overlaps with a P wave.

The Wenkebach phenomenon is the progressive prolongation of conduction time in consecutive heart cycles. If
the PR interval is involved then the lengthening will last until a QRS complex is skipped. PR interval drops to
the normal value then starts lengthening again.

Myocardial infarction results from the interruption of blood supply to a part of the heart, causing heart cells to
die. The dead area is unable to contract; its electrical state cannot be changed. The effect of the dead area
changes in time in the ECG which makes diagnosing difficult. Figure 6.21 shows the hyperacute, acute and
chronic phase of an infarction in lead V3. The hyperacute phase starts a few minutes after the occlusion of the
coronary artery and lasts for a few hours. In this phase the typical ECG speciality is the change in ST segment
and T wave. The acute phase starts a few hours after the infarction and last for 3 6 months. In this phase the
negative Q wave, the ST elevation and the negative T wave are typical. In the chronic phase the negative Q
wave, isoelectric ST segment and positive T wave are typical. Depending on the location and extension of the
infarction various deviations can develop in the ECG [6.9].

Figure 6.21. The effect of myocardial infarction in the ECG in the hyperacute, acute
and chronic phase in lead V3

Fibrillation of the heart is life threatening [6.17]. Depolarization and repolarization are not coordinated. In case
of ventricular fibrillation the heart stops pumping blood causing death in a few minutes. Figure 6.22 shows atrial
while Figure 6.23 ventricular fibrillation.

Figure 6.22. Atrial fibrillation (top), normal heart rhythm (below)

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Afib_ecg.jpg (author: Heuser J)

Figure 6.23. Ventricular fibrillation in different ECG leads

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ventricular_fibrillation.png (author: Roediger J)

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6. ECG signal processing

Figure 6.24. ECG recorded from a healthy senior male in Einthoven I lead (blue). The
signal after removing the QRS complexes (red).

The QRS complex is a characteristic component of the ECG signal. The QRS has the steepest slope and usually
the highest amplitude. QRS detection is typically the first step in ECG signal processing [6.10]. When the
location of the QRS is known further segments of the ECG can be detected easier. Figure 6.24 shows a 10-s part
of an ECG recorded in Einthoven I lead from a senior healthy male. The DC component has been removed (by
subtracting the mean value of the record from each data) and a third order Butterworth low-pass filter (corner
frequency 40 Hz) has been applied. The filtered ECG is in blue, and the signal after QRS complexes have been
removed is in red.

Figure 6.25. Two cycles from the signal shown in Figure 6.24, the original signal (blue)
and the one after QRS complexes have been cut off (red)

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Two cycles are enlarged in Figure 6.25. The filtered signal is in blue, the signal after QRS complexes have been
cut off is in red. Figure 6.26 shows the frequency spectrum of the two signals. The removal of the QRS
complexes makes a difference in the 8 35 Hz range.

Figure 6.26. Frequency spectrum of signals shown in Figure 6.24

Figure 6.27 shows the frequency spectrum of the recorded ECG (blue) and the signal after the T waves have
been cut off. Figure 6.28 shows the 0 10 Hz range. The removal of the T waves makes a difference in the 3 6
Hz range.

Figure 6.27. The frequency spectrum of the signal shown in Figure 6.24 (blue) and of
the signal after T waves have been cut off (black)

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The electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.28. The 0 10 Hz enlarged from the spectrum in Figure 6.27

Bandpass filtering (most common range 10 ... 20 Hz) is advantageous in QRS detection. The quality factor (Q)
of the filter is usually around 1. Greater Q would result in oscillations in the transient response. The high
steepness of the QRS complex explains the use of differentiation. This separates QRS complexes from P and T
waves. Differentiation is equivalent to high-pass filtering, thus power line noise and EMG signals can also be
enhanced. This effect is compensated by calculating the effective value of the signal over a given interval. The
interval is equal to the normal width of QRS (60 100 ms). The QRS complexes are determined by thresholding
the effective value time function. The above described method is the Pan Tompkins QRS detector [6.11]
which will be detailed in section 4.2.1.

Pattern matching is also applied for QRS detection. The pattern can be generated from the ECG recorded from
the patient. This fits to 24-h (Holter) monitoring: the QRS pattern is determined based on a 5 10 minute long
recording while the patient is at rest. Neural networks can be applied for QRS detection with pattern matching

Removal of baseline wander and suppression of power line noise are also important in ECG signal processing.
Baseline wander originates from breathing and the change of the half-cell potential at the skin-electrode
interface. According to the standard an ECG equipment has a lower corner frequency 0.05 Hz (-3 dB). This
reduces baseline wander but does not eliminate it. Increasing the lower corner frequency would further reduce
baseline wander but would also distort P and T waves that have low frequency components. There are two
methods to cancel low frequency noise. One is to identify the isopotential segments of ECG (e.g. PQ), fit a
curve to these points and then subtract the curve from the signal. The other method is morphological filtering
[6.12]. This hardly changes the relative positions of data points along a given pre-defined segment. Specifying
the segment longer than the P and T waves these components remain unaffected while the longer low frequency
baseline wander is suppressed. Power line noise filtering is aided by the fact that its frequency rarely deviates
from the nominal (in Europe 50 Hz) by more than 0.1 Hz. Up-to-date ECG equipment apply digital filtering for
power line noise suppression.

The frequency range of EMG noise is typically above 30 35 Hz. Its low frequency components overlap with
the ECG signal; cannot be filtered in the frequency domain. Nevertheless, in ECG equipment in an intensive
care unit or 24-h monitoring low-pass filtering with a 30 35 Hz corner frequency is typical to reduce EMG
noise. In case of patients at rest EMG noise is negligible.

In the developed countries more and more people live with a pacemaker. The pacemaker gives a pulse with
relatively high amplitude that can saturate the ECG amplifier. As the pacemaker pulse is short (a few ms)
filtering is effective by limiting the maximum slope of the signal.

Recording of ECG signals is relatively simple; a great number of ECG recordings must be evaluated. In the mid-
1980s the number of ECG recordings was estimated 200 million/year, half of which were evaluated by
computer. Practically all present day ECGs apply a processor and evaluate the recorded signal by digital signal
processing. Artificial intelligence, time-frequency analysis as well as conventional signal processing can be
found in ECG equipment.

Figure 6.29. Finite element model (28 elements) of the heart

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Recordings made by body surface potential mapping (BSPM) are often processed using finite element models.
The method estimates how an element influences the time functions recorded on the body surface. Figure 6.29
shows a simple model for analysing the electrical activity of ventricles [6.19]. Models are available with several
hundred, even with a few thousand elements [6.13].

Even with the effective computational background available today compression of ECG recordings may be
necessary. Long recordings frequently for home health monitoring or remote availability of data can justify
compression. Different methods are available: DWT, Discreet Wavelet Transform, FFT, Fast Fourier
Transform, DCT, and Discrete Cosine Transform [6.14]. The slope of the ECG signal is small except for the
QRS. This can be made use of while applying variable length coding. The difference of neighbouring points
result in small values, short codes should be assigned to these frequent values.

7. Qualifying ECG processing algorithms

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Diagnosis is made by deducing the state of the heart from the potentials measured on the body surface. The
signals measured on the body surface could be caused by different heart activities. This is called inverse
problem, see Figure 6.30.

Figure 6.30. Figure 6.30. Inverse problem: the electrical activity of the heart is
estimated on the basis of potentials measured on the body surface, not knowing the
exact parameters of tissues and body fluids (authors: Malmivuo J, Plonsey R [6.26])

Figure 6.31 shows four possible circuits that have 4 output resistance and 2 V no-load output voltage. If only
these two parameters are known then the elements of the circuit cannot be determined. But if further information
is available then the circuit can be better specified. As an example, if we know that the circuit comprises a single
voltage source and one series resistor, then its structure is the one shown in subfigure D (the two elements can
be commuted).

Figure 6.31. There is no single solution to the inverse problem

Making the diagnosis based on the ECG is not the engineers task. Engineers together with medical doctors
work out the appropriate signal processing algorithms to increase signal-to-noise ratio and to determine the
parameters characterising the ECG. The ECG signal processing methods are evaluated by using standard
databases. These databases contain recordings that have been qualified (annotated) by cardiologists, thus the
reference is included for calculating the sensitivity and specificity (positive predictivity). Both representative
and rarely observed but clinically significant signals are in the databases.

The most popular standard databases [6.22] are:

MIT DB: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Beth Israel Hospital Arrhythmia Database (48 records, 30
minutes each).

AHA DB: The American Heart Association Database for Evaluation of Ventricular Arrhythmia Detectors (80
records, 35 minutes each).

ESC DB: The European Society of Cardiology ST-T Database (90 records, two hours each).

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The electrical activity of the heart

NST DB: The Noise Stress Test Database (12 records, 30 minutes each).

CU DB: The Creighton University Sustained Ventricular Arrhythmia Database (35 records, 8 minutes each).

The MIT-BIH arrhythmia database [6.16], [6.23] contains 30-minute long two channel ambulatory ECGs
sampled at 360/s. Recordings were taken using chest electrodes. In nearly all records one channel is a modified
Einthoven II lead, the other is a modified V1. Figure 6.32 shows a part of a record. All QRS complex is
annotated. Annotation was done by at least two cardiologists independently of each other. The 110 000 QRS
annotations have proved to be correct: during the past thirty years only one annotation had to be modified.

Figure 6.32. Figure 6.32. Nine annotated QRS complexes from a record in the MIT-BIH
database http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/mitdb/ (authors: Goldberger
et al. [6.23], Moody GB et al. [6.16])

ECG signal processing algorithms tend to be optimal for the database used for its evaluation. The algorithms
may perform worse for real-world records.

It is important to note that change in ECG signal of a patient is informative for the diagnosis. It follows that it is
worth recording ECGs regularly, rarely for the young, and yearly for the elderly even if they have no heart
problem. At present the easy (and automatic) comparison of such recordings is not solved.

The diagnosis suggested by automatic evaluation of the ECG must always be checked by the cardiologist. The
advantage of automatic evaluation of the ECG is that never gets tired and always considers even rare diseases.

8. ECG equipment
There are different ECG device categories. Their field of application is different so they have to comply with
different requirements. The major device categories are:

diagnostic ECG to record signals at rest,

stress (exercise) ECG,

Holter (24-hour, ambulatory) ECG,

ECG module in an intensive care patient monitor,

ECG module in a cardioverter (defibrillator),

telemetry ECG,

foetal ECG.

Figure 6.33 shows a general block diagram for ECG equipment.

Figure 6.33. Functional scheme of one channel of a typical ECG equipment

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The electrical activity of the heart

The input circuitry in direct contact with the electrodes must have high input impedance. The minimal allowed
input impedance can be calculated from the related standard [6.25]: it is 2.5 M . The voltage follower in the
input stage assures this. The circuitry must be protected against input overvoltage. This can be realized by a
series resistor and two diodes. The series resistor (together with the skin-electrode resistance) with a capacitor to
internal ground forms a low-pass filter. The voltage followers (with small output resistance) drive the resistance
network creating the voltages in different leads (see Figure 6.34). The actual lead can be selected with
multiplexers of the outputs of the resistor network. The selected lead is connected to the input of an
instrumentation amplifier (see chapter 3.4.1). If more than one lead has to be recorded in parallel each channel
requires a separate multiplexer and instrumentation amplifier. The input stage generates the potential for body
potential driving (DRL, driven right leg) increasing CMRR. According to the related standard the device must
process ECG signals correctly even if a 300 mV DC is added. Consequently the symmetrical amplification of
the instrumentation amplifier cannot be higher than 10. The instrumentation amplifier is coupled to the main
amplifier (usual gain is 50 100) with an RC network that assures the low corner frequency (0.05 Hz/-3 dB).
The total amplification is between 500 and 1000. The amplification of the device is called 1, if 1 mV
symmetrical voltage produces 10 mm deflection on the paper.

In devices using the driven right leg technique the skin-electrode impedance can be continuously monitored.
The output voltage of a square wave generator is added to the input of the DRL amplifier (see Figure 6.35). The
square wave is a common signal; it will be present in each input connected to electrodes. Resulting from the big
CMR the square wave at the input of the amplifier is negligible compared to the symmetrical input signal until
the skin electrode impedance is low. When an electrode falls of the square wave disappears in the related
input; while its amplitude increases in the other inputs. This can be easily detected and the operator can be

Figure 6.34. The (Wilson) resistor network that produces the frontal leads from limb
electrode potentials

Figure 6.35. Continuous monitoring of electrode contact in an ECG device

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The electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.36. Disposable electrodes placed on the chest of a patient and a miniature
Holter ECG for two-channel 24 hour recording
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HolterAFT1000.jpg, author: Faisandier)

Some heart abnormalities appear only intermittently. 24-hour (Holter) monitoring can reveal such abnormalities.
Figure 6.36 shows a Holter ECG and three disposable electrodes on the patients chest. The discomfort is
minimal caused by 24-hour monitoring. Early Holter monitors recorded ECG on magnetic tape. The method had
several difficulties: power supply, ultra thin thus stretching tape, very slow tape speed during recording, even
high-speed playback lasted for hours. Modern devices use semiconductor memory, usually evaluate ECG on-
line real-time. When an abnormality is detected the preceding and following some minutes are stored, using a
buffer memory.

Figure 6.37 shows a printout of a 12-lead ECG. Usually three leads are printed in parallel: I-II-III, aVR-aVL-
aVF, V1-V2-V3, V4-V5-V6. In Figure 6.37 the trace of lead II as a reference signal is always on the bottom.
At the end of the printout the amplitude of the square wave corresponds to 1 mV.

Figure 6.37. 12-lead ECG printout on standard paper

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ECG_001.jpg author: Larson G)

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The electrical activity of the heart

Figure 6.38 shows the standard ECG paper zoomed in. The normal paper speed is 25 mm/s. With this speed the
width of a single small square represents 40 ms, the width of a large square (square with bold lines, covering 25
small squares) represents 200 ms. The gain referred to as x1 will result in 10 mm displacement when the input
(symmetrical) voltage is 1 mV. In other words, the height of a small square represents 0.1 mV. The standard
grid helps the visual evaluation. It is easy to determine the momentary heart rate. If the distance between two
adjacent R peaks is 4 large squares (800 ms) then the heart rate is 75/min. Up-to-date ECG equipment evaluate
the recording and print the result on normal paper (standard grid is usually added).

Figure 6.38. ECG paper with standard raster

Figure 6.39 shows early ECG equipment. A state-of-the-art wireless ECG monitor is shown in Figure 6.40.

The transfer function of a DC decoupling circuit is equal to a high pass filter. Using high resolution AD
converters (which are cheap enough to be incorporated into ECG equipment) the DC decoupling can be
eliminated. This is advantageous for the distortion free transfer of P and T waves. The output of a usual input
amplifier (see section 3.4) is directly connected to a high resolution AD. If 300 mV DC is added to the
symmetrical input signal (peak-to-peak 1 mV) then in the worst case 10 bits are lost. If the resolution of the AD

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The electrical activity of the heart

is 24 bits then it is still possible to record the ECG signal with 12-bit resolution. This is enough for most of the
applications. Cheap sigma delta converters are available with an equivalent sampling frequency of 1000

Figure 6.39. ECG equipment manufactured in 1911 by Cambridge Scientific

Instrument Company
(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Willem_Einthoven_ECG.jpg Contrary to the
filename the device was not made by Willem Einthoven.)

Figure 6.40. Figure 6.40. Wireless ECG monitor

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wireless_ECG_Monitor.jpg author: ?

Integrated circuit is available which needs only a few additional components to be used as ECG equipment. TI
ADS1298 comprises 8 programmable gain amplifiers, 24-bit resolution AD converters, the resistor network
producing the Wilson potential, the driven right leg amplifier and the circuitry needed to detect the fall out of an

9. Problems
1. The R peak in the Einthoven I lead is 0.8 mV, in the aVR lead is -0.924 mV. Calculate the projection of the
resultant dipole vector to the frontal plane and the angle between it and the horizontal line.

2. The DC decoupling circuit elements (Figure 6.33) are: capacitor 1 F, resistor 4.7 M. Calculate the low
corner frequency and the suppression of the circuit at 0.1 Hz.

3. At the input the peak-to-peak value of the

ECG signal is 1 mV,

power line (50 Hz) noise is 1V.

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Calculate the signal-to-noise value at the output provided the resultant CMRR of the equipment is 100 dB.
Calculate the necessary minimum resultant CMRR so that at the output the power line noise amplitude be
less than 1% of the ECG signal amplitude.

4. The sampling rate of the ECG equipment is 1000 samples/s. Give the resolution of the momentary heart rate

5. What is the relation between the refractory period of heart cells and the maximum heart rate?

6. Based on a 100-s ECG record what frequency resolution is available?

7. The generator Vs in Figure 6.35 produces 1 Hz square wave. Draw the signal shape at the output of op amp 1
and 2 provided the skin-electrode contacts are perfect.

8. The generator Vs in Figure 6.35 produces 1 Hz square wave. Draw the signal shape at the output of op amp 1
and 2 provided the electrode connected to the input V 1 falls off.

9. Draw a circuit comprising three resistors and two DC voltage sources that is examined from the output
equivalent to the circuits shown in Figure 6.31.

10. Compare the two definitions of P+ (eq. 4.4 and eq. 4.5).

11. The selectivity of QRS detection is 97%. How many QRS complexes remain undetected in a 10-minute
record if the heart rate is 60/min?

12. Solve Problem 11 if the heart rate is 90/min.

13. All parameters are the same as in Problem 11 but the record is 24-hour long (Holter monitoring). How
many QRS complexes remain undetected?

14. The positive predictivity of QRS detection is 96%. How many segments will be in a 10-minute record
falsely qualified as QRS if the heart rate is 60/min?

15. Solve Problem 14 if the heart rate is 90/min.

16. Solve Problem 14 for 24-hour Holter monitoring.

17. Select the depolarization option in the Heart menu of the ECGSIM program. Select a point on the
ventricular wall and modify the parameters of its action potential in the TMP window. Switch on the
display of chest electrodes by selecting Heart show show electrodes. Evaluate the changes in
different leads caused by modifying the action potential parameters.

18. Prove that only two of the six frontal leads are independent provided Einthovens hypotheses are valid.

19. We calculate the relation between frontal leads and find that I + III = (1 +)II. What can be the reason
if 0?

20. The low corner frequency of an ECG amplifier is 0.05 Hz (-3 dB). Calculate the resulting phase shift
on 0.5 Hz.

21. Calculate the resulting phase shift of the amplifier in Problem 20 on 1 Hz.

22. The input symmetrical amplifier of an ECG equipment has a gain equal to 8. Following DC decoupling
the gain of the main amplifier is 125. The decoupling circuit is a second order Butterworth high pass filter
with corner frequency 0.05 Hz. Draw the wave shape on the output of the main amplifier when the input
symmetrical signal is 1 Hz square wave with 1 mV amplitude and no common input voltage is present.

23. Draw the output voltage according to Problem 22 if the input symmetrical voltage is a 1 Hz triangle
wave with 1 mV amplitude.

24. Draw the output voltage according to Problem 22 if the input symmetrical voltage is a 1 Hz sine wave
with 1 mV amplitude.

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The electrical activity of the heart

25. The propagation of depolarization in the heart is slowest in the AV node. Why is it advantageous? How
does it help the pumping function of the heart? How can we analyse the propagation speed of depolarization
in the AV node?

10. Bibliography
Books dealing with the physiology of the heart:

[6.1] Guyton AC, Hall JE: Textbook of Medical Physiology. 12th edition, 2011. Saunders Elsevier, ISBN
International Edition: 978-0-8089-2400-5.

[6.2] Barrett KE, Brooks HL, Boitano S, Barman SM: Ganongs Review of Medical Physiology. 23rd edition,
Chapter 30. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010. ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-07-160568-7

Further references in the chapter

[6.3] http://www.cvphysiology.com/Heart%20Disease/HD002.htm

[6.4] Waller AD: On the Electromotive Changes Connected with the Beat of the Mammalian Heart, and of the
Human Heart in Particular. Physiological Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Vol. 180, 1889.

[6.5] van Oosterom A, Oostendorp T: ECGSIM, an interactive tool for studying the genesis of QRST
waveforms. Heart, 2004. 90, 165-168.

[6.6] Malmivuo J, Plonsey R: Bioelectromagnetism principles and applications of bioelectric and biomagnetic
fields. Oxford University Press, New York, 1995. www.bem.fi/book/index.htm

[6.7] Garcia TB, Miller GT: Arrhythmia recognition. The Art of Interpretation. Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
Inc. 2004. ISBN: 0-7637-2246-4.

[6.8] http://www.ecglibrary.com/ecghome.html

[6.9] Goldschlager N, Goldman MJ: Principles of Clinical Electrocardiography, 13th ed. Originally published by
Appleton & Lange. Copyright 1989 by McGraw-Hill.

[6.10] Tompkins WJ (ed.): Biomedical Digital Signal Processing. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,

[6.11] Pan J, Tompkins WJ: A Real-Time QRS Detection Algorithm. IEEE Tr on BME, Vol. BME-32, No. 3.
March 1985.

[6.12] Sun Y, Chan KL, Krishnan SM: ECG signal conditioning by morphological filtering. Computers in
Biology and Medicine 32 (2002), 465-479.

[6.13] Gktepe S, Kuhl E: Computational modeling of cardiac electrphysiology: A novel finite element
approach. Int.J. Numer. Math. Engng. (2009) vol. 79, 2009, pp.156-178.

[6.14] Ranjeet K, Kumar A, Pandey RK: ECG Signal Compression Using Different Techniques.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2011, Vol. 125. Part 2, 231-241.

[6.15] Taouli SA, Bereksi-Reguig F: Detection of QRS Complexes in ECG Signals Based on Empirical Mode
Decompositioin. Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology. Vol. 11. Issue 20. Dec. 2011.

[6.16] Moody GB, Mark RG: The Impact of the MIT-BIH Arrhytmia Database. IEEE EMBS Magazine, Vol.
20. Nr. 3. 45-50. 2001 May/June.

[6.17] Di Marco LY, Bourke JP, Langley P: Spatial complexity and spectral distribution variability of atrial
activity in surface ECG recordings of atrial fibrillation. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. (2012) 50:439-446.

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The electrical activity of the heart

[6.18] Medvegy M, Prda I, Savard P, Pintr A, Tremblay G, Nasmith JB, Palisaitis D, Nadeau RA: New Body
Surface Isopotential Map Evaluation Method to Detect Minor Potential Losses in NonQ-Wave
Myocardial Infarction. Circulation, 101:1115-1121

[6.19] Tyler M, Turzov M, Tiov M, vehlkov J, Heblkov E, Szathmry V, Filipov S: Use of body
surface potential maps for model-based assessment of local pathological changes in the heart. Bulletin
of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences Vol. 53, No. 3, 2005.

[6.20] Rudy Y, Plonsey R: A comparison of volume conductor and source geometry effects on body surface and
epicardial potentials. Circ Res 1980;46:283-291

[6.21] Kozmann G, Lux RL, Green LS: Sources of variability in normal body surface potential maps.
Circulation, 1989;79:1077-1083.

[6.22] http://www.physionet.org/cd-updates/

[6.23] Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB,
Peng C-K, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research
Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 [Circulation Electronic
Pages; http://circ.ahajournals.org/cgi/content/full/101/23/e215]; 2000 (June 13).

[6.24] Xue Q, Hu YH, Tompkins WJ: Neural-Network-Based Adaptive Matched Filtering for QRS Detection.
IEEE Tr BME, vol. 39, nr. 4. 317-329. April 1992.

[6.25] EN 60601-2-47:201X Medical electrical equipment - Part 2-47: Particular requirements for the basic
safety and essential performance of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems.

[6.26] Web-version of the book: Jaakko Malmivuo & Robert Plonsey: Bioelectromagnetism - Principles and
Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995.

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Chapter 7. Electroencephalography
1. The structure to be analysed
Electroencephalography (EEG) analyses the electrical activity of the brain cells: about 10 11 neurons and about
1012 glial cells [7.1]. It follows that only resultant activity of an area can be assessed by scalp electrodes. Figure
7.1 shows the basic structure of a nerve cell. The inputs are the dendrites. Signals arriving to the dendrites can
cause the cell to fire: produce action potential on the axon which is the output of the cell. Once the change on
the output has started it does not depend on the input signal any more. The shape of the output signal (action
potential) is always the same independent of the input signal.

Figure 7.1. The basic structure of a nerve cell

m_en.svg&filetimestamp=20080501122856#file (author: Mariana Ruiz Villarreal)

Neurons have connections (synapses) with 103 104 other neurons. The brain network is rather complex. The
history of EEG analysis is described in [7.9].

2. Standardisation
Evaluation (also reproducibility and comparability) of EEG records is helped by defining the electrode positions
on the scalp. In 1958 Jasper suggested defining the electrode positions percentually which can be applied to any
size or form of the skull [7.2]. The placement of scalp electrodes is illustrated in Figure 7.2. The notifications
are: Fp: frontopolar, F: frontal, C: central, P: parietal, O: occipital, T: temporal. C is only for identification, the
other letters identify lobes. Two anatomical landmark points, nasion and inion, are used for positioning. Along
the centre line between the nasion (right above the bridge of the nose) and the inion (the most prominent
projection of the occipital bone at the lower rear part of the skull) there are three electrode positions with index
z: Fz, Cz, Pz. 20% to the left from the centre line there are five electrode positions: Fp1, F3, C3, P3 and O1. 20% to
the right of the centre line there are also five electrode positions: Fp 2, F4, C4, P4 and O2. 40% to the left from the
centre line there are three electrode positions: F7, T3 and T5. 40% to the right of the centre position there are also
three electrode positions: F8, T4 and T6. Figure 7.3 shows the single plane projection of the head with the
electrode positions. For research purposes laboratories use even more electrodes, e.g. also in the 5% positions

Figure 7.2. The 10-20 electrode system suggested by Jasper (author: Jasper HH [7.2])

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Table 7.1. Frequency ranges of EEG waves

Name of the wave Frequency range of the wave, Hz

delta 0.5 - 4

theta 4-8

alpha 8 - 13

beta 13 - 30

gamma 30 - 80 (100)

Figure 7.3. The 10-20 electrode positions suggested by Jasper projected on a single
plane http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Datei:10-
20.PNG&filetimestamp=20070607121544 (author: Kok A)

The evaluation of the recorded signals starts with determining the dominant frequencies. It must be emphasised
again that the electrical activity of an area is assessed by an electrode, if a dominant frequency exists it
characterises the functioning of a great number of cells. Within that area the activity of a single cell can be quite
different from the resultant one. The usual frequency ranges are given in Table 7.1. There are other frequency
ranges for classification of EEG waves: e.g. the delta range includes also the theta range, or the alpha, beta and
gamma range can be split in two subranges (e.g. alpha1 8 10 Hz and alpha2 10 13 Hz, beta1 13 20 Hz,
beta2 20 30 Hz, gamma1 30 40 Hz, gamma2 >40 Hz). Delta wave is typical during deep sleep, theta waves
occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep. Alpha waves characterise the relaxed state: the
person is awake, at rest, eyes closed, slow mental activity. Beta waves characterise a person with a concentrated
mental activity (e.g. problem solving), strong environmental stimuli. Beta waves are also present in the REM
phase of sleep. Gamma waves are related to cognitive functions. During the meditation of experienced persons

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(TibetanBuddhist monks) correlation were found between transcendental mental states and gamma waves [7.4].
Further details can be found on EEG signals in [7.10]. EEG records can be freely downloaded [7.11]. The [7.12]
database contains normal and pathological EEG signals. Noises and disturbances during the records (eye
movement, blinking, chewing, bad electrode contact, and power line noise) are described and their effect is

3. Evaluation of EEG records

The first EEG record was taken by Hans Berger in 1924. He described the delta, theta, alpha and beta waves
first. Gamma waves were identified later. Evaluation depends on the purpose of the record taken. At present
experts agree that EEG reflects the electrical activity of cell groups but no thoughts can be decoded. The
purpose of EEG taking EEGs can be

to determine the level of alertness and the sleep phases,

diagnosing epilepsy, separating epileptic seizures from other neurological disorders (e.g. migraine),

location of electrically inactive areas: necrosis, coma,

affirmation of brain death (electrocerebral silence).

In the process of diagnosing (locating) tumour or stroke MRI and CT offers better spatial resolution than EEG.
On the other hand, EEG is much better in the time domain. Its resolution easily reaches 1 ms which is possible
neither for MRI nor for CT. Figure 7.4 shows the phases of sleep of a young healthy person.

Figure 7.4. Phases of sleep http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Sleep_Hypnogram.svg

(author: Razer M)

Figure 7.5 shows records taken from a patient with Dawson encephalitis (subacute sclerosing panencephalitis).
Three months have passed between records A and B. Arrows point to the onset (dark arrows) and offset (open
arrows) of low frequency high amplitude complexes [7.5]. Slowing down of background activity is present only
in the frontal leads of record A. In three months the patients state worsened. The background rhythm diffusely
slowed down, low frequency activity hardly arises from it.

Figure 7.6 shows the effect of eye opening on the EEG.

Figure 7.5. EEG record from a patient with Dawson encephalitis. The interval between
adjacent vertical lines is 1 s. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bonthius2b.gif
(authors: Bonthius D, Stanek N, Grose C [7.5])

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Early EEG records were plotted or printed on numbered sheets of continuous paper. Visual evaluation was
common practice. The medical doctor performed signal processing an engineer would call determining
dominant frequency, pattern matching and symmetry search.

For computer aided EEG evaluation the Fourier analysis is not optimal. The reason is that the Fourier
transformation determines the frequency components over the whole record; it is unable to locate patterns with
given frequency range within a time window. Figure 7.7 shows an example. In this figure there is a short, 1-s 9
Hz spindle. The other part of the record the signal amplitude is negligible compared to the amplitude of the
spindle. Such spindles are frequently present in the EEG signal. Fourier analysis is done with 8-s time window
the time step is 1 s. This means a 7/8 overlap between adjacent windows. While the 1 s spindle is within the 8-s
window the frequency spectrum remains the same (Figure 7.7 upper subfigure).

Figure 7.6. The effect of eye opening on the EEG signal

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Berg transform [7.6] uses different window lengths to identify the different frequency components. The
formulas used for the transform:





The length of the time window (T m) compared to the time period (Tn) of the frequency component to be analysed
is set by constant k2. Consequently, the relative frequency resolution is given by eq. 7.5.


Short time window assures high resolution in time, but in this case the frequency resolution is coarse.

Figure 7.7. Evaluation of the EEG record using Fourier (top) and Berg (bottom)
transform. The signal to be analysed is in red.

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The bottom subfigure in Figure 7.7 shows how the 10 Hz component is located with the Berg transform. k 1 = 1
and k2 = 20, so the time window is T m = 2s. Figure 7.8 shows how a 1s long 10 Hz signal appears in the
spectrum according to different k2 values. A single spectrum line (in this example at 10 Hz) would need an
infinite long record. When k2 =10 then Tm = 1s and the frequency resolution is 1 Hz. When k2 = 20 (30) then Tm =
2 (3)s and the frequency resolution is 0.5 (0.33) Hz.

Figure 7.8. Increasing the resolution in time widens the line in the frequency spectrum

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Wavelet analysis fits well to analyse evoked potentials [7.7] and to identify spikes during epileptic seizures
[7.8]. Evoked potential of the brain has much smaller (typically by an order of magnitude) amplitude than
normal EEG. The stimulus is repeated several times and the recorded signal is averaged synchronised to the
stimulus. This enhances the evoked potential if other brain activities are not correlated with the stimulus.
Synchronisation to stimulus makes the application of wavelet analysis more effective.

Autocorrelation and cross correlation are frequently used for the evaluation of EEG signals. The former can
reveal regularity in a signal the latter finds relation between two signals. Autoregressive modelling of EEG
assumes the signal as the sum of a stationary background process and several transient processes.

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The square of the EEG signal is related to activity, the first derivative to mobility and the second derivative to

4. Devices
Figure 7.9 shows the three possible lead types that can be configured using scalp electrodes. Unipolar lead
(Figure 7.9.a) requires a reference point. Most often this is the earlobe because the electrical activity of brain
cells influences its potential only negligibly. The electrical activity can be located easily if its amplitude is big
and its source is not too close to the reference point. Activity close to the reference point is present in all
channels thus locating it is difficult. It is important to note that the reference is not a guard!

The averaged unipolar lead (Figure 7.9.b) generates the reference potential from the signals of all electrodes by
using identical resistors (of high value). In each channel the potential difference between the related electrode
and the reference can be measured. Electrical activity limited to a small area will be present in a few channels.

The bipolar lead (Figure 7.9.c) is the potential difference of two electrodes. These leads help locate the electrical
activity of a small area. Activity close to an electrode will produce positive pulse in one lead and negative in

The insulation of the skull attenuates electrical potential of brain cells. Thus the EEG signal amplitude is low;
the typical input range is 1 100 V. Power line noise is present on the scalp as well with amplitude of a few
volts. The EEG device must have a very high CMRR; 140 dB is typical. The maximum gain is 10 6 (120 dB).
The gain can be adjusted jointly for all channels and selectively for each channel. Per channel gain can usually
be set in fix steps, the ratio of maximum/minimum gain is around 500. The bandwidth of a channel can be set
according to the actually measured signal. The bandwidth should be limited to the necessary value to increase
signal/noise ratio. Low corner frequency can usually be set per channel in the range 0.1 5 Hz. The high corner
frequency range is typically 15 100 Hz. The input resistance must be high (Rin = 1 10 M) and the input
capacitance must be small (Cin = 2 10 pF) to assure high input impedance not to attenuate the input signal.

Figure 7.9. Unipolar (a, b) and bipolar EEG leads

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Checking the skin-electrode contact is necessary in diagnostic EEG equipment. Continuous monitoring (like in
an ECG) is not possible because of the necessary high CMRR. Electrode contact measurement is usually a
selectable operating mode different from measuring mode.

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Head box helps connecting the EEG cables. Located close to the scalp short electrode cables can be plugged into
it. Short cables have low capacitances and form small area thus the picked-up noise is low. The head box shows
the top-view of the scalp; its connectors are labelled as the electrode positions.

Recorded data can be displayed both in time and in frequency domain. Time functions of the channels are
displayed one below the other. The frequency spectra of channels (calculated for disjunctive or overlapping time
windows) are usually drawn one behind the other so changes can easily be seen. EEG map means an artificially
coloured map based on the activity. Mapping helps locate inactive areas. Figure 7.10 shows activity distribution
calculated for different frequencies (1 15 Hz).

EEG devices are often used together with light or sound stimulators. They provide trigger (synchronisation)
signal to help averaging of evoked potentials. Nevertheless, it must be noted that neither assumptions are
completely true needed for effective improvement of signal-to-noise ratio by averaging. The two assumptions
are the following: (a) the time delay between stimulation and the appearance of evoked potential is constant, (b)
background activity and activity resulting from stimulation are completely uncorrelated even after a number of

Figure 7.10. EEG mapping of recorded data

http://www.appliedneuroscience.com/index.html (author: Applied Neuroscience Inc.)

Light stimulators are able to provide two flashes with a delay time less than 1 ms. Possible operating modes:

100 Hz frequency free running (astable),

variably frequency (1 50 Hz) free running (astable)l,

single pulse mode,

double pulse mode,

pulse burst,

single (manual) pulse,

synchronisation to external signal.

Sound stimulators have volume control. Possible operating modes:

fix frequency sound, usually 250, 500, 1 k, 2 k and 5 kHz,

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modulation with 2 20 Hz,

random pulses (with given statistical parameters),

synchronisation to external signal.

Using stimulators and evaluating the EEG makes possible diagnosing the patients sense organs, nerve tracts
and brain areas without cooperation.

5. Problems
1. 8 13 Hz spindles are searched for in a 20-minute record. What is the minimum length of the applied time
window if the required frequency resolution is 0.2 Hz?

2. The amplitude of the EEG signal to be measured is 10 V; the amplitude of the signal deriving from the
power line on the patients body surface is 1 V. Calculate the signal-to-noise ratio on body surface in dB.

3. The signal on the body surface described in Problem 2 is led to an amplifier with 140 dB CMRR. Calculate
the noise amplitude/signal amplitude in percentage in the output signal. (The noise of the amplifier can be
neglected, no filtering is applied, and the amplifier is not saturated.)

4. What is the disadvantage of applying Fourier transform to evaluate EEG signals in the frequency domain?

5. What changes will be caused by a bad skin-electrode contact in the three different EEG leads (see Figure
7.9)? What will be the result if the bad contact is at the reference electrode (Figure 7.9.a)?

6. Bibliography
[7.1] http://hypertextbook.com/facts/2002/AniciaNdabahaliye2.shtml

[7.2] Jasper HH. The ten twenty electrode system of the international federation. Electroencephalogr Clin
Neurophysiol 1957;10:371375.

[7.3] Oostenweld R, Praamstra P: The Five percent electrode system for high-resolution EEG and ERP
measurements. Clinical Neurophysiology 112 (2001) 713-719.

[7.4] Lehmann D, Faber PL, Achermann P, Jeanmonod D, Gianotti LRR, Pizzagalli D: Brain sources of EEG
gamma frequency during volitionally meditation-induced, altered states of consciousness, and
experience of the self. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Section 108 2001 111-121.

[7.5] Bonthius D, Stanek N, Grose C (2000). "Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, a measles complication, in
an internationally adopted child". Emerg Infect Dis 6 (4): 377-81.

[7.6] Sciaretta G, Erculani P: The BERG transform: a method for spectral evaluation of the dynamic properties
of the EEG. Proc. of Symposium of the Study Group for EEG-Methodology, 1975. pp. 487-496.

[7.7] Durka PJ: From wavelets to adaptive approximations: time-frequency parametrization of EEG. Published
online 2003 January 6. doi: 10.1186/1475-925X-2-1

[7.8] Akay: Detection and Estimation Methods for Biomedical Signals. 1996. Academic Press.

[7.9] http://www.um.sav.sk/en/images/stories/dep03/doc/fundamentals_of_eeg.pdf

[7.10] http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1140143-overview

[7.11] http://sccn.ucsd.edu/~arno/fam2data/publicly_available_EEG_data.html

[7.12] http://www.scribd.com/doc/50834418/The-Handbook-of-EEG

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Chapter 8. Measuring blood pressure
and blood flow
Blood pressure is one of the most important physiological parameters. Seemingly it is easy to measure in fact
it is not. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood to the walls of vessels. It has three components: static,
hydrostatic and kinetic. Medical doctors are interested in the static (hemodynamic) pressure. This is determined
by the heart (the stroke volume pumped from the left ventricle), the stiffness of arteries and the peripheral
resistance. Without special notice the blood pressure characteristic for a person is defined at the level of the
heart (left ventricle). Hydrostatic pressure arises if the measurement is done at a different height. When the
upper arm is held horizontally (in line with the shoulder, sitting person) then the measured blood pressure is
about 15 mmHg less than the actual one. Blood pressure difference caused by blood flow is usually negligible.

In 1837 Stephen Hales in his essay Haemestaticks published his experiments demonstrating the pulsation of
blood pressure (see Figure 8.1).

Figure 8.1. Stephen Hales demonstrates pulsation of blood pressure in the jugular
artery http://www.mcgill.ca/files/library/OLN114.pdf (author: Macklem PT [8.1], the
original figure is from Medical Times 72 (1944) 11.)

In the nineteenth century constructed the sphygmograph (today such equipment is called tonometer) which was
able to record the blood pressure time function of the radial artery [8.2]. In 1896 Scipione Riva-Rocci
published the basics of the cuff-based mercury sphygmomanometer. The non-invasive blood pressure
measurement is based on the published measurement principle to this day. Invasive blood pressure measurement
requires surgical intervention. Further details about the history of blood pressure measurement can be found in
[8.3], [8.4], [8.5], [8.6], [8.7] and [8.8]. The reliability and accuracy of cuff less non-invasive blood pressure
measurement [8.9], [8.10], [8.11], [8.12] falls short to the level needed to widespread application.

Different invasive and non-invasive measurement methods of flow and volume of blood are known. The
accuracy of non-invasive methods is enough for qualitative assessment which is adequate for present-day
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

1. Factors influencing blood pressure

Blood flow is sustained by the heart. In the atria and ventricles of healthy adults the typical blood pressure
values are in the ranges given in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1. Typical pressure values in the atria, ventricles an aorta of healthy adults

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right atrium 1 6, average 4 mmHg

left atrium 2 12, average 8 mmHg
right ventricle end diastole: 4 mmHg, maximum during systole: 24
left ventricle end diastole: 8 mmHg, maximum during systole: 120
aorta 80 120 mmHg
aorta pulmonalis 9 24 mmHg

Along the blood vessels blood pressure is different. At a given point it changes in time. Usually the blood
pressure of a person is characterised by two pressure values (e.g. 120/80 mmHg). This implies that the
measurement was taken on the upper arm at the level of the left ventricle and at that level the blood pressure
changes between constant minimum and maximum values. The first numerical value is the systolic pressure, the
maximum blood pressure at the level of measurement. The second numerical value is the diastolic value, the
minimum blood pressure at the level of measurement. Usually at a given point of the artery the maximum and
minimum values are not constant. Figure 8.2 shows the blood pressure-time function recorded with a tonometer
at the radial artery of a young healthy male. The systolic and diastolic values (maximum and minimum values in
a heart cycle) can be markedly different even in two adjacent heart cycles. The blood pressure of a person in
general cannot be characterised by two numerical values only. The movie
http://project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/Invasive_bloodpressure_monitoring.wmv shows the blood pressure of a
patient in an intensive care unit. The invasive sensor was introduced into the femoral artery. Within a minute the
systolic pressure fluctuates between 137 and 152 mmHg, the diastolic between 75 and 84 mmHg. Table 8.2 lists
activities that can influence blood pressure substantially [8.13]. During blood pressure measurement the tested
persons should be at rest; their stress level should be low. The results can be compared when they are taken at
the same phase of daily activity. At home blood pressure should be taken in the morning, right after waking up.

Figure 8.2. Blood pressure time function taken by a tonometer on the radial artery of
a young healthy male

Table 8.2. Activities that can influence blood pressure substantially

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activity change (systolic/diastolic), mmHg

meeting +20/15
rendezvous +20/15
physical activity +16/13
walking +12/6
meals +9/10
sleep -10/8

Body weight substantially influences blood pressure [8.14].

Factors influencing blood pressure in arteries:

stroke volume (the volume of blood pumped from the left ventricle in one heart cycle),

elasticity of arterial wall,

geometry of artery.

Blood pressure at a given point (eq. 8.1):


where ps is the static pressure, v2/2 is the pressure caused by blood flow and gh is the hydrostatic pressure.
The aim of blood pressure measurement is to determine p s. The effect of hydrostatic pressure is eliminated if the
pressure sensor (cuff) is at the level of the left ventricle. If the sensor is higher than the heart then the pressure
measured is 1 mmHg lower by each 1.3 cm. If the sensor is lower than the heart then the measurement results in
higher values than the actual. The pressure resulting from blood flow is less than 1 mmHg thus it can be
neglected. (Supposing the density of blood is 1 kg/dm3, the rate of flow in the brachial artery is 0,5 m/s then the
pressure resulting from flow is 0,94 mmHg.) The pressure sensors for invasive measurement are side mounted at
the tip of the catheter. Figure 8.3 shows a catheter for mice. Its diameter is 0.36 mm (1.1F), at the tip it is 0.46
mm (1.4F). The pressure sensor is 2 mm from the tip perpendicular to the centre line of the catheter.

Figure 8.3. Intraarterial pressure sensor for mice (ADInstruments, SPR-671 Millar
Mikro-Tip) (top), the sensor window enlarged (bottom)

2. Direct (invasive) blood pressure measurement

During direct (invasive) blood pressure measurement the sensor can be inside (see Figure 8.3) or outside the
artery. In the latter case a fluid-filled catheter connects the inner point to the sensor. The usual set-up is given in
Figure 8.4. Figure 8.5 gives a possible scheme of the pressure sensor. Both the sensing point (one end of the
catheter) and the pressure sensor must be at heart level (see dashed line) to eliminate the hydrostatic component.
The three-way stopcock connects the pressure sensor either to the catheter introduced into the artery or to the
flushing tank. In this latter position bubbles can be removed and the sensor can be calibrated. Connecting the
flushing tank to the catheter to the artery coagulation can be prevented.

Figure 8.4. Invasive blood pressure measurement set-up with external pressure sensor

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In the sensor shown in Figure 8.5 pressure increase shifts the membrane to the right. This decreases the
resistance of the A (between A1 and A2) and D (between D1 and D2) wires while increases the resistance of the B
(between B1 and B2) and C (between C1 and C2) wires. The resistances of the wires (strain gauges) can be
measured using the circuit shown in section 2.1.3.

Figure 8.5. A possible construction of a pressure sensor with four strain gauges

The electrical model of invasive blood pressure measurement using a catheter is shown in Figure 8.6. The ith
segment of the catheter has resistance Rki, inertance Lki, and compliance Cki. The sensor is modelled by Rs, Ls and
Cs. The compliance of the membrane is Cm. The transfer function from the tip of the catheter within the artery to
the pressure sensor is low pass type. The resistances model the friction of molecules during flow; the
inductances model the mass of blood in the compartments and capacitors model the elasticity of vessel walls
[8.25]. It is important that bubbles get neither into the catheter nor into the arteries. A bubble in the circulation is
a life threatening situation. Bubbles in the catheter forms a low-pass filter and thus distorts the measurement
result. A catheter free of bubbles has a transfer function with high corner frequency about 10 20 Hz. When
bubbles get into the catheter the high corner frequency drops by an order of magnitude [8.2].

Analysis of blood pressure time functions revealed that the 6th 10th harmonic is needed to keep the wave
shape. This requires at least 15 20 Hz high corner frequency for the catheter, too.

Figure 8.6. Electrical model of invasive blood pressure measurement using catheter

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When the sensor is within the artery there is no need for hydraulic connection through a catheter. High
frequency components of the signal can be recorded. Different pressure sensor types can be fabricated in a
miniature size allowing insertion into the vessels. A possible structure is shown in Figure 8.3.

Reusable blood pressure transducers use external sensors. Disposable transducers minimise the risk of
interpersonal infection. These are usually cheap, semiconductor-based transducers.

For patients with cardiovascular diseases of high risk (e.g. high blood pressure and cardiac decompensation) the
long-term (even for weeks) invasive blood pressure monitoring may be required. A reasonable solution can be
using implantable sensor with wireless communication [8.15]. In animal studies sensors with cuffs circling the
artery are used in an effective way. The cuff does not occlude the vessels completely. The artery must have at
least 1 mm diameter. Using flat sensor attached to the vessel wall the blood pressure can be monitored down to
0.2 mm diameter [8.16].

3. Indirect blood pressure measurement methods

The majority of indirect blood pressure measurement methods are cuff based. The classic indirect method
requires the occlusion of the artery most often on the upper arm by an external cuff. The pressure of the cuff
is continuously changed and monitored. When the cuff pressure is higher than the systolic pressure then the
artery is completely occluded (during the whole heart cycle), blood flow is stopped. When the cuff pressure is
lower than the diastolic pressure then artery is open, blood flows during the whole heart cycle. When the cuff
pressure is between the diastolic and systolic pressure then in each heart cycle the artery opens for a while and
then it is occluded for the rest of the cycle. There are different methods to identify when cuff pressure is equal to
diastolic or systolic pressure. Detecting that cuff pressure is equal to systolic pressure the latter can be
determined by measuring the former. The same is true for the diastolic pressure. This process was first published
in 1896 by Scipione Riva-Rocci.

The cuff is inflated and deflated according to different programs. Too fast deflation of the cuff results in
methodological error. This means that in one heart cycle the cuff pressure is higher than systolic pressure while
in the next heart cycle it is lower. In case of too fast deflation the difference in cuff pressure is too high at two
adjacent systolic pressures. Also, if the deflation is too fast then cuff pressure can only be compared to a single
systolic pressure which may vary, see Figure 8.2. When the cuff is deflated too slowly then the tested persons
would feel uncomfortable. This might elevate their systolic pressure. (The parameter to be measured changes as
a result of the measurement!) The compromise is usually 3 mmHg/s deflation speed.

Observing the pulse wave

The pulse wave can be detected distal to the cuff until the artery is completely occluded. Pulsation of the artery
can be determined by observing the blood flow (see section 4.2.2) or the movement of the arterial wall (e.g. with
an ultrasound sensor, see Figure 8.7). The pulse wave can be detected also by palpation. Observation of the
pulse wave helps determine the systolic pressure. When the cuff is deflated below the diastolic pressure there is
no change in the pulse wave.

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Observing the opening and closing of the blood vessel

The opening and closing of the vessel under the cuff can be detected (see Figure 8.7). The method is sensitive to
the placement of the sensor. The ultrasound transmitter and receiver must be placed so that it can perceive both
the opening and closing of the artery. This cannot be guaranteed with the same cuff and sensor for patients with
different upper arm diameter. As a result, this method is not widely used.

Figure 8.7. Ultrasound transmitter and receiver placed under the cuff to detect closing
and opening of the artery

Observing the Korotkoff sounds

In 1905 Nikolai Sergeyevich Korotkoff published the characteristics of the sounds that can be heard by listening
to the artery just below the cuff with a stethoscope while cuff pressure is slowly released from the systolic to the
diastolic pressure of the person. When cuff pressure falls just below the systolic pressure the sudden distension
of the artery and the resulting turbulent flow produce the first Korotkoff sound. As the pressure in the cuff drops
further the artery is open for a longer time in a heart cycle producing different sounds (see Figure 8.8). The
frequency ranges of the Korotkoff sounds are between 100 500 Hz. Application of a band pass filter helps
identify the sounds.

Figure 8.8. The five types of Korotkoff sounds as a function of cuff pressure provided
the blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg

When the cuff around the brachial artery is inflated to a pressure above the patients systolic blood pressure then
no sounds can be heard in the stethoscope placed over the brachial artery just below the cuff. During deflation of
the cuff the sounds appear while cuff pressure is between the patients systolic and diastolic pressure. Figure 8.8
shows the sound types: silence tapping soft swishing crisp blowing silence. The intensity increases
during cuff deflation until the maximum during crisping and then it decreases. The method underestimates the
systolic, and overestimates the diastolic pressure [8.17]. The main sources of error are: external noise and
displacement of the microphone.

The oscillometric method

The pulse wave in the brachial artery causes oscillations in the cuff pressure (see Figure 8.15). These
oscillations can be detected even when the cuff pressure is above the systolic or under the diastolic pressure. The
equivalence of cuff pressure to systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure is determined by measuring the
oscillometric amplitudes. Semiautomatic and automatic blood pressure meters almost exclusively apply the
oscillometric method because no extra sensor is needed; only the cuff pressure has to be monitored. Figure 8.10
shows the arterial volume (Vart, Figure 8.9) circled by the cuff as a function of the transmural pressure P trm=Partery

Figure 8.9. Arterial volume circled by the cuff

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The vessel volume transmural pressure curve is steepest when the cuff pressure equals to arterial mean
pressure, pm, (see Figure 8.11). Arterial mean pressure is defined in eq. 8.2.


where T is the length of one heart cycle. In case of typical blood pressure vs. time wave shape, the arterial mean
pressure is twice as far from the systolic as from the diastolic pressure, see eq. 8.3.


Figure 8.10. Arterial volume under the cuff (Vart) as a function of transmural pressure

When the cuff is completely deflated then transmural pressure equals to blood pressure. The arterial volume
under the cuff only slightly changes when blood pressure fluctuates between systolic and diastolic pressure
(Figure 8.12, left subfigure, marked by a). Increasing cuff pressure the same pulse pressure (pressure change
from diastolic to systolic) results in bigger change in arterial volume under the cuff (Figure 8.12, left subfigure,
marked by b). The maximum change in Vart belongs to cuff pressure equal to arterial mean pressure (Figure
8.12, left subfigure, marked by c). Further increasing the cuff pressure change in V art decreases (Figure 8.12,
left subfigure, marked by d). The cross section of the artery changes as the cuff pressure changes (see Figure

Figure 8.11. Blood pressure vs. time in the artery

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The transmural pressure arterial volume under the cuff curve (see Figure 8.12) explains the amplitude changes
of oscillometric pulses. Change in arterial volume changes the cuff volume, and so the cuff pressure. Based on
the measured cuff pressure changes (oscillations) arterial volume changes can be calculated.

Figure 8.12. Principle of oscillometric blood pressure measurement

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The right subfigure of Figure 8.12. shows the oscillometric amplitudes as a function of cuff pressure. The
oscillometric method basically determines the arterial mean pressure. When cuff pressure equals to arterial mean
pressure then the oscillometric amplitude is maximal. The classical method calculates the systolic and diastolic
pressures from the mean pressure based on the oscillometric amplitudes. The systolic pressure equals to the cuff
pressure that is higher than the mean pressure and the oscillometric amplitude corresponding to this cuff
pressure is k1 times the maximum amplitude. The diastolic pressure equals to the cuff pressure that is lower than
the mean pressure and the oscillometric amplitude corresponding to this cuff pressure is k2 times the maximum
amplitude. The typical values are: k1 = 0.40.6; k2 = 0.70.9.

Figure 8.13. The cross section of the artery changes as cuff pressure increases

The modern oscillometric blood pressure meters take into account further parameters beside oscillometric

The steepness of the oscillometric pulse is such a parameter. It is supposed to be maximal when cuff pressure
equals arterial mean pressure.

Figure 8.14. The result of invasive and cuff based blood pressure measurement taken in
parallel. Red curves show the systolic, mean and diastolic pressures measured
invasively. The cuff pressure of the indirect measurement is in blue.

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The oscillometric pulses in the cuff pressure during both inflation and deflation can be seen in Figure 8.14.
Inflation was slow (6 mmHg/s). The blood pressure of a patient in a post-operative ward was measured with a
cuff based non-invasive device in parallel with invasive monitoring. The cuff was placed around the upper arm
(cuff pressure vs. time function is blue), the non-invasive sensor was in the femoral artery (systolic-, diastolic-
and mean pressure vs. time functions are red). For this patient the systolic-, diastolic- and mean pressures
increased during the inflation, and decreased during the deflation of the cuff. Figure 8.15 shows the inflation
phase in detail: (a) the cuff pressure and the systolic-, diastolic- and mean pressures measured invasively; (b) the
oscillometric pulses; (c) the oscillometric amplitudes; (d) the steepness of the oscillometric amplitudes. The
oscillometric amplitude is calculated from the oscillometric pulse. It is the difference of the peak value and the
starting value marked by + sign in (a). In (a) the arterial mean pressure measured invasively is 107 mmHg (at
4.8 x 104 ms it is equal to the cuff pressure). The oscillometric amplitude is maximal four heart cycles later;
based on (b) and (c) is at 5.2 x 104 ms. In turn, the steepness of the oscillometric pulse is maximal at 4.8 x 10 4
ms. Figures 8.14 and 8.15 illustrate that the maximal oscillometric amplitude is not always at that cuff pressure
which is equal to arterial mean pressure! We also cannot conclude that arterial mean pressure is equal to the
cuff pressure when the steepness of the oscillometric pulse is maximal. Different algorithms are incorporated
into blood pressure monitors available on the market. At the web page www.mit.bme.hu/bpm there are several
hundred records taken during cuff based indirect blood pressure measurements. The inflation of the cuff was
slow (6 mmHg/s). The records can be analysed using Matlab. The details of the records together with an m-file
reading the records into Matlab can also be found on the web page.

Non-invasive measurement of pressure-time function in the finger artery is possible also by applying the Pez
method [8.18]. The pressure of the cuff around the finger is varied so that the transmural pressure of the artery is
always around zero. In ideal case the cuff pressure is always equal to the pressure inside the artery. Infrared
LED illuminates the finger and a phototransistor measures the light intensity attenuated by the blood in the
artery. The cuff pressure is controlled so that the diameter of the artery and so the attenuation remain
constant. This requires a fast pneumatic controller which is expensive. It is not easy to determine the unloaded
artery diameter which must be kept constant. The haematocrit value and the smooth muscle tone influence the
unloaded arterial diameter which must be determined from time to time (calibration).

Figure 8.15. The inflation phase of the measurement shown in Figure 8.14. (a) cuff
pressure (blue) and invasively measured pressures (red), (b) oscillometric pulses, (c)
oscillometric amplitudes, (d) steepness of oscillometric pulses.

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Cuffless continuous monitoring of blood pressure is in the research phase. The pulse wave velocity in the artery
(PWV) depends also on systolic blood pressure as described by the Moens Korteweg equation (see eq. 8.4).


where E is Youngs modulus of arterial wall corresponding to BP0 systolic pressure, is the density of blood, d
is the inner diameter of the artery. Monitoring ECG and the photoplethysmographic signal on the fingertip the
pulse wave propagation time (TEP) can be determined. The stroke volume is ejected (and thus pulse wave
starts) at the end of the isovolumetric contraction of the left ventricle (S point of ECG). QRS peak is easily
detectable but the end of the isovolumetric contraction cannot be measured non-invasively. The method is
applicable for the monitoring of changes in systolic pressure, thus the duration of isovolumetric contraction is
supposed to be constant (a good estimate is 50 ms). The positive slope of the PPG (reflexive method) marks the
arrival of the pulse wave to the fingertip (see chapter 4.2.2). PWV can be calculated if the left ventricle
fingertip distance (L) is known, see eq. 8.5.


Figure 8.16 shows TEP during slow inflation and deflation of the cuff. The modulation effect of breathing can
be significantly reduced if PPG is measured on both index fingertips and TEP of the right arm is subtracted
from TEP of the left arm (provided the cuff is on the left arm). It is clear that inflation of the cuff increases T EP.
To the same cuff pressure during inflation and deflation different T EP values belong. The possible reason is that
as a result of compression by the cuff the E0 value changes. The measure of change characterises the state of the
brachial arteries. The actual value of Youngs modulus depends on the systolic pressure, see eq. 8.6.

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where a is a constant, BP is systolic pressure. BP is expressible, see eq. 8.7.


The method requires frequent (in 5 10 minutes) recalibration [8.9].

Figure 8.16. The impact of inflation and deflation of the cuff on pulse wave propagation

Sources of inaccuracy during blood pressure measurement

Characterisation of a persons blood pressure is rather difficult. Its not easy to answer the question: Is your
blood pressure normal? The answer by two numbers (e.g. 120/80 mmHg) is not sufficient. Blood pressure
varies during the day; a momentary value is not necessarily typical for the person (see Figure 8.2 or the movie
referred to in section 8.1). Physical or mental stress affects the blood pressure. To minimise this influence the
persons stress level during blood pressure measurement should be kept low. The stress level should be checked
before the measurement and if it is found to be high we have to wait until the person calms down. The stress
level can be estimated based on the Poincar plot of heart cycle times (see chapter 4.2.3). Figure 8.17 shows the
stress level of a young healthy male while he was listening to different types of music. (The stress level is
estimated by the transversal standard deviation of the Poincar plot of tRR values.) There were two types of
music; marked in Figure 8.17 as relaxing and rousing [8.23]. The person was sitting leisurely; the Poincar
plot and its longitudinal and transversal standard deviation were determined using the ECG taken in Einthoven I
lead. Higher transversal standard deviation belongs to relaxing than rousing music. It is also apparent that
change in standard deviation is delayed to change in music type. Stress level of a person can be characterised
based on the Poincar plot after personalisation: records have to be taken in known relaxed as well as in known
stressed state.

Lets suppose we can determine the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure of a person belonging to a heart
cycle. This does not guarantee that these values are typical for the person! The blood pressure might have
changed as a result of the measurement, e.g. by the occlusion of the artery.

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In case of cuff based indirect measurements sclerotic artery distorts the result: blood can flow even if cuff
pressure is higher than systolic pressure. The rigid arterial wall cannot be bent with small radius, see lowest
cross section in Figure 8.13.

The cuff size must be selected according to the upper arm. There are three main cuff sizes for adults (the
circumference of the upper arm is given in brackets): small, 10 x 24 cm (22 26 cm), normal, 13 x 30 cm (27
34 cm) and big, 16 x 38 (35 44 cm). Improper size cuff can distort the measurement by 10 15 mmHg.

Figure 8.17. Assessment of stress level based on the transverse standard deviation of the
Poincar plot

Cuff must be placed tightly in the proper direction (this is marked on the cuff unambiguously). Cuff placed
loosely or upside down can cause 10 15 mmHg error. Figure 8.18 shows a recording taken with a cuff placed
around the sleeve of a shirt. Cuff pressure is in blue; PPG recorded on the left index fingertip (cuff was on the
left upper arm). The tested young healthy males blood pressure was measured ten minutes earlier with a
properly placed cuff and the result was 115/80 mmHg. It is clear that the amplitude of the PPG only slightly
decreases during inflation. The pulsation in the PPG is present when the cuff pressure is around 150 mmHg,
well above the likely systolic pressure. As a result, the oscillometric blood pressure meter overestimated the
systolic pressure.

Figure 8.18. The impact of placing the cuff on a shirt sleeve

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Figure 8.19. Cuff placement (tight, loose, upside down and on a shirt sleeve) can be
identified at the beginning of slow inflation [8.24]

Cuff placement (tight, loose, upside down and on a shirt sleeve) can be identified by evaluating the early phase
of slow inflation (see Figure 8.19) [8.24]. Early detection is advantageous because inflation can be stopped if
necessary before the artery is occluded and so there is no need to wait at least five minutes for the next
measurement (while the effect of occlusion passes away).

Arrhythmic heart cycle changes the oscillometric amplitude substantially. Most algorithms disregard
oscillometric pulses belonging to arrhythmic heart cycles because no proper compensation algorithm has been
found yet (what would have been the amplitude if the heart had contracted in time).

Breathing influences oscillometric amplitudes (see Figure 8.20). The upper subfigure shows air flow vs. time,
the lower subfigure shows oscillometric amplitude vs. time in blue and cuff pressure vs. time in black. The cuff
pressure was held constant between the 25 70 s interval. The tested person (young healthy male) held his
breath for 20 s. During this interval (40 60 s) after a short settling time the oscillometric amplitudes are
nearly constant. During breathing the intrathoracic pressure changes. As a result, momentary blood pressure
might change: decrease during inspiration and increase during expiration. This influence is person specific.

Figure 8.20. Breathing influences the oscillometric amplitude values

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The accuracy of blood pressure meters cannot be easily defined and determined because persons with etalon
blood pressure do not exist. There are testers (simulators) that can be attached to blood pressure meters in place
of the cuff. These testers produce different pressure-time functions. Manufacturers test their blood pressure
meters using such simulators.

According to both the British and the American standard the best qualification is given to a blood pressure meter
that has a deviation higher than 10 mmHg in 15% of the measurements. (The reference value is determined by a
medical expert with auscultation and palpation in parallel with the tested meter.) 5 mmHg systematic error could
cause improper treatment of 50 million Americans! If the 5 mmHg systematic error of all blood pressure
measurements were negative then many would not get antihypertensive medication although they would need it.
If the 5 mmHg systematic error were positive then many would get antihypertensive medication unnecessarily

Figure 8.21. HHMD, a device for home health monitoring

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Research work is going on to personalise blood pressure measurement, i.e. an optimal evaluation algorithm for
each tested person. This will allow a more accurate assessment than present day algorithms that have to
calculate the blood pressure values of persons with cardiovascular systems in very different state. The
optimisation process might need the measurement of other parameters. When the personalisation is over the
measurement process is not longer than it is today.

Figure 8.21 shows a device for home health monitoring (HHMD, see section 4.2.1). It measures cuff pressure,
ECG in Einthoven I. lead, PPG on the left and right index finger using infrared and red light. The two palms
have to be placed on the disk shaped ECG electrodes so that the index fingertips are on the PPG sensors. The
second electrode under the right hand serves for body potential driving (see section 3.2.3). Based on the PPG
measurement using two wavelengths oxygen saturation of blood can be calculated. Figure 8.22 shows the
momentary pulse rate of tested patients calculated from the ECG. This parameter is informative for the
cardiologist. The pulse rate of both patients varied substantially but differently during blood pressure
measurement with HHMD.

Figure 8.22. Momentary pulse rate changes during cuff based blood pressure
measurement. The two patients pulse rate varied substantially but quite differently

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The elasticity of vessel walls can be characterised by the augmentation index, see Figure 8.23. This index
expresses the pressure rising as a result of reflections in the blood vessels. Standard measurement and evaluation
process is not available although research work is going on in several laboratories. The usual definition of the
augmentation index is given in eq. 8.8.


where P is the pressure rise from the early systolic peak pressure to systolic pressure, PP is pulse pressure, the
difference of systolic and diastolic pressure.

Figure 8.23. The aortic pressure vs. time function, the parameters necessary for the
calculation of the augmentation index are marked (P and PP)

4. Measuring blood flow and cardiac output

The concentration of oxygen and nutrients in the cells is informative for the medical doctor. It can be measured
only invasively. An alternative solution is to measure blood flow that usually correlates with nutrient
concentration. (It is even simpler to measure blood pressure which is related to blood flow.) Conventional flow
sensors are not appropriate for the measurement of blood flow. The usually applied methods are based on
dilution of an indicator, e.g. dye. Dilution based methods are unable to measure momentary values, they
measure average flow. At a given point within t interval adding to the flowing blood m of the indicator its
concentration increases by C = m/V. V is the volume that passes along the injection point during t time
(see Figure 8.24). V = Ft, where F is the volume flow, its dimension is volume/time; in case of blood flow
litre/minute. If the blood flow at the injection point is continuous then the constant concentration difference can
be sustained by constant indicator injection.

Figure 8.24. Measuring blood flow using indicator injection

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The increase of concentration is:


Volume flow can be expressed:


This procedure can be used to measure cardiac output. Cardiac output is the volume of blood pumped by either
ventricle of the heart in one minute. Provided we can measure the oxygen consumption (m/t, litre/minute),
the oxygen concentration of the arterial (Ca, litre/litre) and venous (Cv, litre/litre) blood then the volume flow of
blood (F, litre/minute) can be determined, see eq. 8.11.


The method based on oxygen concentration measurement is called Ficks method. The concentration of venous
blood returning via superior and inferior vena cava and via the coronary veins is different. The contraction of the
right ventricle mixes the venous blood. A true mixed venous sample can be drawn from the tip of the pulmonary
artery. For the oxygen consumption measurement the person inhales 100% oxygen, thus the inspired volume
equals to the volume of the inspired gas. In the expired gas the oxygen concentration is measured so the oxygen
consumption can be calculated. The disadvantage of the method is that it requires invasive intervention.

Typical values for a healthy male are: arterial O2 concentration 200 ml/l, venous O2 concentration 150 ml/l, O2
consumption 280 ml/min; cardiac output 5.6 l/min.

Other indicators (e.g. dye) can also be used. Heating or cooling of blood and measuring the temperature is
another possible method, see eq. 8.12.


where F is volume flow of blood (litre/minute), q is the heat transferred to blood over unit of time (W) c v is the
specific heat of blood (J/[kg Ko]) and T is the temperature difference caused by heating.

Indicator can be added to blood by applying a single injection. In practice it can be performed easier. Within a
V volume of the arterial circulation the concentration of the indicator C(t) changes in time depending on the
amount of indicator (m) actually in V, see eq. 8.13. Figure 8.25 shows the concentration of the indicator in
V as a function of time.

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If F is constant, then


Figure 8.25. Measuring blood flow by single indicator injection based on concentration
vs. time function

Following the injection of the indicator (A) the concentration at the observation point starts increasing (B).
Having reached the maximum value (C) the concentration drops exponentially. In an open system the
concentration would drop to zero as shown with the dotted line (E). At time D the concentration starts increasing
again because the blood circulation brings back the indicator to the observation point again. The dashed line is
valid for a patient with congenital heart defect i.e. with a hole in the septum between the left and right side of
the heart. This results in the mixing of oxygen-rich blood with oxygen-poor one. Indicator can be dye or cooled
saline solution.

Measurement of blood flow can be done using ultrasound sensors, see Figure 8.26. A and B are ultrasound

Figure 8.26. Measuring blood flow with ultrasound sensors

As a result of blood flow the ultrasound gets faster from A to B than from B to A.

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Compared to we can neglect . (The difference is 5 6 orders of magnitude.)


The method can be applied using transmitters on the same side of the vessel. This requires a reflecting plate on
the other side, see Figure 8.27.

Figure 8.27. Measuring blood flow with ultrasound sensor on the same side of the vessel

Doppler ultrasound blood flow measurement detects the frequency shift caused by the moving formed elements
(see Figure 8.28).


If fUH = 1 MHz,vblood = 1,5 m/s and = 45, then f = 1415 Hz.

Figure 8.28. Measuring blood flow based on the frequency shift caused by moving
formed elements

Microcirculation can be assessed using laser-Doppler flow measurement [8.20]. The laser beam scatters on the
flowing formed elements and the frequency of the beams shifts according to the velocity of the elements.
Microcirculation can be characterised based on the frequency of the scattered and the reflected beams.

Figure 8.29. Measuring blood flow with electromagnetic sensor

Figure 8.29 shows the measurement of blood flow using electromagnetic sensor [8.20]. Fluid containing charged
particles generates electrical field when it flows in magnetic field. The method is able to measure momentary
not only average value of flow. In ideal case, supposing uniform magnetic field and uniform velocity profile
the output voltage of the sensor is given in eq. 8.21.


where B is the magnetic field strength and L is the distance between the two electrodes measuring voltage. The
sensor must encircle the vessel without deforming it. The position of the sensor relative to the vessel must
remain constant during the measurement. This method is applied during surgical interventions.

Impedance cardiography (ICG) estimates the cardiac output noninvasively. In general, ICG assesses the
parameters of blood flow in the thorax. The method is based on the fact that arterial blood ejected by the left
ventricle changes the impedance of the thorax. By measuring the impedance we can estimate the ejected blood
volume. Figure 8.30 shows the method supposing four stripe electrodes for impedance measurement. Based on
comparative studies, results taken with point electrodes can be converted as if they had been measured using

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stripe electrodes. Changes in cardiac output can be assessed by using point electrodes with the same resolution
and accuracy as by using stripe electrodes.

Figure 8.30. The principle of measuring blood flow with impedance cardiography

There is a nearly constant arterial blood outflow from the thorax volume enclosed by the voltage measuring
electrodes. Also, there is a nearly constant venous blood inflow into the same thorax volume. This must be taken
into account during evaluation of measured data. The resistance of a thorax segment changes when its volume
changes. If the distance is large enough between the current leading and voltage sensing electrodes then uniform
current distribution can be assumed in the tested biological sample (in Figure 8.30 between electrodes e 2 and e3).
Considering the impedance real, an L long vessel with constant cross section area A filled with resistivity
blood has a resistance: R = L/A. For further calculation the resultant resistance of vessels and tissue are
considered to be connected in parallel, see Figure 8.31. (a). The resistivity of blood flowing in the vessels is
smaller than the resistivity of tissues. As a result, the blood ejected to the arteries from the left ventricle
decreases the resistance between e2 and e3. Modelling the vessels with a cylinder shaped conductor, its cross
sectional area and thus its volume (filled with blood) increases; see Figure 8.31. (b). The resultant resistance
between e2 and e3 is the parallel resultant of the resistance of vessels and tissues (Figure 8.31. (a)). In a simple
model the resultant of tissues is also supposed to have a cylindrical form. The cross sectional areas are Ablood and
At. The resistance of the thorax Rth is the resultant of two parallel resistors (two cylindrical conductors).

Figure 8.31. The model used in impedance cardiography





where blood and t is the resistivity of blood and tissues, L is the distance between the voltage measuring
electrodes, R0 is the basic value of thorax resistance which can be measured at the end of diastole and R th is the
change of Rth resulting from the ejection of the stroke volume. Rth could be measured if there were neither
arterial blood outflow nor venous blood inflow. Negative sign shows that arterial blood ejection decreases R th.

Rth cannot be measured directly because of blood in- and outflow. Figure 8.32 shows how we can estimate R
from the Rth(t) function. Figure 8.32. (a) shows that following ventricular contraction the resistance of the thorax
decreases until a minimum value and from that on increases until the next contraction. The minimum of the
resistance must be estimated, what we would measure if there were no blood in- and outflow. Lets suppose that

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following the minimum Rth increases at a constant rate. The rate of increase is projected back until the time
instant when Rth started to decrease and we get the decrease in resistance (Rth) that would be without blood in-
and outflow. The decrease in resistance so estimated is given in eq. 8.26.


Based on it, the stroke volume is:


Figure 8.32. Evaluation of the thorax impedance vs. time signal recorded during ICG

Impedance cardiography does not give an accurate result for the stroke volume. The deviation from the actual
value might be 15 20 %. In clinical practice monitoring the alteration is more important than the accuracy of
the actual value. ICG is advantageous especially in intensive care units where it assures the non-invasive
continuous monitoring of the cardiac output.

5. Problems
1. The cuff around the upper arm is by 13 cm higher than the left ventricle. Calculate the error it causes in blood
pressure measurement.

2. We measure the blood flow according to Figure 8.26. The propagation velocity of ultrasound is vUS= 1500
m/s, the distance between the ultrasound transmitters is d = 1 cm, = 45 and t = 10 ns. Calculate the
velocity of blood flow. Give the uncertainty of the measurement of blood flow velocity if the uncertainty of
measuring t is 1 ns.

3. Convert the 120/80 mmHg to Pascal unit.

4. What are the three settings of the three-way stopcock in Figure 8.4 good for?

5. Why is it not sufficient to characterise blood pressure with two numbers?

6. What is the advantage of the oscillometric blood pressure measurement compared to the method based on
Korotkoff sound detection?

7. How does breathing influence blood pressure?

8. What is the reason if blood flows even if the pressure of the upper arm cuff is higher than the systolic

9. Why is frequent calibration necessary using a cuffless blood pressure monitor that measures pulse wave

10. What is the reference during the calibration of automatic cuff based indirect blood pressure meters?

11. What kind of error can result from placing the cuff on the shirt sleeve?

12. How does the transversal standard deviation on the Poincar plot of tRR values change when the stress
level of the tested person increases?

13. Describe a method to measure cardiac output.

14. How does the impedance of the thorax change following ventricular contraction of the heart?

15. How accurately measures an ICG device cardiac output? Give an appropriate application of ICG.

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6. Bibliography
[8.1] Macklem PT: Stephen Hales, an Unrecognized Giant of Medicine. The Osler Library Newsletter, Nr. 114.
Fall 2010.

[8.2] http://phisick.com/item/mareys-sphygmograph-by-boulitte-paris/

[8.3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_pressure

[8.4] Booth J: A Short History of Blood Pressure Measurement. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med. Volume 70 November
1977, pp. 793-799.

[8.5] Crenner CW: Introduction of the Blood Pressure Cuff into U.S. Medical Practice: Technology and Skilled
Practice. Annals of Internal Medicine, March 15, 1998 vol. 128 no. 6 pp. 488-493.

[8.6] Howell JD: Blood Pressure Measurement: An Illustrated History (review) Bulletin of the History of
Medicine - Volume 74, Number 1, Spring 2000, pp. 198-199.

[8.7] http://www.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/teaching/undergrad/projects/2003/group_03/history.html

[8.8] http://www.healthperfect.co.uk/Index/dphistry.htm

[8.9] Chen W, Kobayashi T, Ichikawa S, Takeuchi Y, Togawa T: Continuous estimation of systolic blood
pressure using the pulse arrival time and intermittent calibration. Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., 38, pp.
569-574, 2000.

[8.10] Jobbgy , Turai T, Sntha B: Increasing the accuracy of oscillometric blood pressure measurement.
IFMBE Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical
Physics. 18-22 June 2002, Reykjavik, Iceland, pp.24-25.

[8.11] Lu W, Li H, Tao S, Zhang D, Jiang Z, Cui L, Tu J and Gou D: Research on the main elements
influencing blood pressure measurement by pulse wave velocity. Frontiers Med. Biol. Eng, Vol. 4. No.
3. pp. 189-199, 1992.

[8.12] Drzewiecki G: Noninvasive Assessment of Arterial Blood Pressure and Mechanics. In Bronzino (ed.)
Biomedical Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, pp. 1196-1211, 1995.

[8.13] Campbell NRC, McKay DW: Accurate blood pressure measurement: Why does it matter? CMAJ, Aug.
10, 1999; 161 (3).

[8.14] Moyer MW: Open Season on Salt: What the Science on Hypertension Really Shows? Scientific
American, September 26, 2012.

[8.15] Potkay, J.A. Long term, implantable blood pressure monitoring systems. BioMedical Microdevices. 10
(2008): 379-392.

[8.16] Young DJ, Cong P, Ko WH: Wireless Batteryless Less-Invasive Blood Pressure Sensing Microsystem for
Advanced Biomedical Application. Proc. of IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro
Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2010 . DOI: 10.1109/MEMSYS.2010.5442572

[8.17] Drzewiecki GM: Modeling of Noninvasive Arterial Blood Pressure Methods. Chapter 13 in: Analysis and
Assessment of Cardiovascular Function. Springer, 1999.

[8.18] J. Pez, Photoelectric measurement of blood pressure, volume and ow in the nger, Digest of the 10th
International Conference on Medical and Biological EngineeringDresden, 1973.

[8.19] Jones DW, Appel LJ, Sheps SG, Roccella EJ, Lenfant C: Measuring Blood Pressure Accurately. New and
Persistent Challenges. JAMA 2003;289:1027-1030.

[8.20] Togawa T, Tamura T, berg P: Biomedical Transducers and Instruments. CRC Press, Boca Raton,

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[8.21] Pittman JA, Ping JS, Mark JB. Arterial and central venous pressure monitoring. Int Anesthesiol Clin.

[8.22] Barrett KE, Brooks HL, Boitano S, Barman SM: Ganongs Review of Medical Physiology. 23rd edition,
Chapter 30. The McGraw-Hill Companies, 2010. ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-07-160568-7

[8.23] Szeghi K: Nyugalmi llapot minstse vrnyomsmrshez. Diplomaterv, 2008. BME Villamosmrnki
s Informatikai Kar.

[8.24] Mersich A, Jobbgy : Identification of cuff transfer function increases indirect blood pressure
measurement accuracy. Physiological Measurement 30:(3) pp. 323-333.

[8.25] PeuraRA: Blood Pressure and Sound. In Webster JG (ed.) Biomedical Instrumentation. John Wiley and
Sons, 1995.

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Chapter 9. Testing the respiratory
Cells need to get oxygen and give up carbon dioxide. This is accomplished by the circulation and the respiratory
system. The two systems are connected in the alveoli of the lungs. The lungs perform the so called external
respiration and circulation performs the internal one. Pulmonary testers assess external respiration (breathing):
air flow, inspired/expired volume, parameters of respiratory mechanics and the gas concentrations.

1. Measuring air flow and inspired/expired volume

Figure 9.1 shows the change in lung volume during breathing. Following a few normal breaths, the tested person
exhales as much air as possible. After another two normal breaths the tested person intakes maximum air into
the lungs. The characteristic volumes are: TV (tidal volume, inspired/expired volume during one normal breath),
IRV (inspiratory reserve volume), ERV (expiratory reserve volume), RV (reserve volume), IC (inspiratory
capacity), FRC (functional reserve capacity), VC (vital capacity), TLC (total lung capacity).

Figure 9.1. The change of the lung volume during breathing (based on Wikimedia
Commons, Lung Volumes And Capacities pl.svg.)

The measured parameter is air flow; inspired/expired volume is calculated by integration. There are two widely
used flow sensor types: pneumotachometers and thermal convection flow meters. The scheme of a
pneumotachometer, (like the Fleisch tube) is given in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2. The scheme of the Fleisch tube

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The air flow across the resistance element produces pressure difference. The pressure difference (laminar) air
flow relationship is nearly linear, changes of the two quantities are in phase. The resistance is realised by
applying a number of parallel capillary tubes with small diameter. These tubes can be realised by helically
wound corrugated metal plate (see Figure 9.3). This layout assures laminar flow. Figure 9.4 shows the roll up of
the corrugated metal plate. The resistance of a single tube is substantial but the many resistance (tube) in parallel
give a small resultant. The resultant resistance must be small enough not to hinder breathing and big enough to
produce easily measurable pressure difference. Considering the two contradictory expectations 1 cmH2O
resistance is a good compromise.

Figure 9.3. The resistance element of a Fleisch tube

Figure 9.4. The enlarged centre of the resistance element shown in Figure 9.3

The inner part of the Fleisch tube is usually heated up to 37 C to avoid condensation. This reduces the risk of
infection transfer between patients. Exchangeable bacterial- and viral filters are available; an example is Piston
PBF 100 [9.1]. The resistance element can also be a fine-mesh screen, see Figure 9.5.

Pressure difference needs to be converted to electrical signal; differential capacitor is widely used for this
purpose. Hybrid integrated circuit with voltage output signal is available with two mounted pipe ends. The
pressure difference between the pipe ends moves the inner plate of a differential capacitor (see section 2.1.5)
connected into a bridge circuit.

Figure 9.5. Flow resistance element realised by fine-mesh screen

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The air flow pressure difference transfer function is influenced by:

1. the non-linearity of the Fleisch-tube;

2. the viscosity of the flowing gas.

The A, B parameters of a given transducer can be determined by measurements. The identification requires the
application of different air flow velocities known with high precision. The transducers can be calibrated even by
the users. Manufacturers offer calibrating air pumps which are able to blast a given volume through the sensor in
both directions. Calibration should be repeated a couple of times with different velocities being held as constant
as possible (e.g. 1 l/s and 5 l/s).

The pressure difference at the output of the sensor is nearly proportional to the viscosity of the flowing gas. At
39 C the viscosity of air is 183 poise, that of oxygen is 202 poise. This causes a 10% difference in output
pressure difference between 100% oxygen and air flowing with the same velocity.

Integrating the air flow time function we get the breathed volume time function. It must be taken into
account that the parameters of the exhaled air (at body temperature, 37 C and saturated with water vapour) are
different from the inhaled one (20 25 C, humidity 40 ... 70 %). Furthermore, during inspiration the pressure
in the lungs is lower while during expiration higher than in the room. The correction is called BTPS (body
temperature and pressure, saturated).

The tap of the Fleisch tube closer to the mouth is used to connect to gas analyser and also to measure mouth
pressure. Often there is an electronically controlled shutter in the Fleisch tube in between the two taps. When the
shutter is closed then the pressure measured using the tap closer to the mouth is nearly equal to the pressure in
the lungs.

Figure 9.6. Placement of thermistors in a thermal convection flow meter

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The Fleisch tube has dead space. Part of the exhaled air remains in the tube it will be inhaled again.

The thermal convection flow meter senses the cooling caused by the flow. Figure 9.6 shows the operating
principle. The temperature drop of the heated element depends on the flow. The sensor should be calibrated by
using the gas to be measured. The operation of the sensor in itself is independent of the flow direction. The
inhaled and exhaled air flow can be separated and measured with two sensors. The high corner frequency of the
sensor can reach 1 kHz. The dead space of the sensor is small; the applied thin wire hardly influences breathing.

R1 is the heated thermistor; its resistance is kept at a constant value. Air flow cools the thermistor, keeping its
resistance at a constant value requires a higher current. Ra senses the ambient temperature and it is not cooled by
the air flow. In Figure 9.6 b) the R+ and R-; in c) the R1 and R2 thermistors serve for detection of flow direction.
Using compensating sensors the transfer function can be linearised. The disadvantage of the convection flow
meters is their price.

2. Measuring parameters of respiratory mechanics

Figure 9.7 shows a possible model of respiratory mechanics.

Figure 9.7. A simple mechanical model of the lungs

Equation 9.1 describes the relation between volume change of the lungs and intrapleural pressure.


where C is compliance, R is resistance, I is inertance, p 0 is external pressure, pp is intrapleural pressure. In

medical practice compliance and resistance have diagnostic importance, inertance is rarely used. The resultant
compliance of the lungs and thorax supposing small change in lung volume is estimated by the formula

. The resistance of the airway is inversely proportional to its diameter. Many small diameter airways
are connected in parallel so the resultant resistance is small. The section comprised of medium diameter airways

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has the highest resultant resistance. Airways are widened by the volume increase of the lungs during inspiration;
thus their resistance decreases. Breathing resistance is made up of airway resistance (R a) and the resistance of
lung tissues (RT). Airway resistance (provided the lung volume is nearly constant) can be estimated by the

following formula: . Airway resistance can be measured by activating the shutter in the Fleisch
tube. Closing the shutter increases mouth pressure and decreases air flow (to zero). Based on it the airway

resistance can be estimated: . This method can be applied when the patient is sitting in a full body
plethysmograph (see section 9.4).

3. Assessing gas exchange

Respiratory quotient is the rate of produced carbon dioxide and oxygen uptake: . It characterises the
efficiency of breathing. There is pneumatic connection between the flow sensor and the gas analyser. Gas
analysis requires the air to be transported to the analyser. This introduces a time delay between the volume of
breathed air and the corresponding gas concentration. It must be compensated during processing. The delay time
varies according to the suction of the analyser. Modern gas analysers can measure the actual delay time by
processing the time functions of flow volume and gas concentrations. As an example, the CO 2(t) function arises
from nearly zero to 5 6% when expiration starts. The gas analyser must be fast enough to provide continuous
concentration data. If this is available, the consumed oxygen can be calculated as given in eq. 9.2.


Figure 9.8. Calculation of the dead space

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Testing the respiratory system

For accurate gas analysis we need to know the total dead space. It has two components: anatomical (oral cavity
and trachea) and technical (the dead space of the measuring equipment including tubes). Figure 9.8 shows the
principle of measuring the total dead space. The patient inhales 100% oxygen. During the following expiration
the N2 concentration and the produced nitrogen is measured. Mixing of 100% oxygen and gases exhaled from
the lungs takes place also in the dead space. We need to determine where would be the end of blowing out 100%
oxygen (0% nitrogen) if there were no mixing. In Figure 9.8 this is at point P. P should be determined so that the
ABP area is equal to DCP area. Similarly, using the curve showing the exhaled nitrogen volume as a function of
total exhaled gas volume; the extension of the linear section points to total dead space (point E).

Alveolar ventilation can be measured with the help of neutral gas (most often nitrogen) not involved in gas
exchange during breathing. By definition, it is the amount of air that reaches the alveoli and is available for gas
exchange with the blood per unit time. Inspired gas distribution (IDI) is closely related to alveolar ventilation.
Patients inhale 100% oxygen and the amount and the concentration of nitrogen in the exhaled gas are recorded.
Total dead space must be known and taken into account in the calculation.

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The drop of nitrogen concentration would be exponential if the lungs had a single compartment volume with
ideal mixing of gases. Following the nth expiration eq. 9.3 gives what the nitrogen concentration in the exhaled
air would be.


where FRC is functional reserve capacity, VA is the difference of tidal volume (TV) and the dead space.
Keeping on with nitrogen washout until cn(N) equals 1% then we get eq. 9.4.


Let the nitrogen concentration at the beginning of the washout, c 0(N) be 72%, we get eq. 9.5.


This means that nVA exhaled air is needed to reduce the initial nitrogen concentration from 72% to 1%. The
volume of lungs is divided into compartments and the mixing of gases is not ideal. As a result more exhaled air
is needed to produce the drop in nitrogen concentration, see eq. 9.6.


Figure 9.9 shows the drop in nitrogen concentration vs. exhaled air for ideal, one compartment lungs (IDI=1),
for healthy subject (IDI=1.8) and for poor distribution (IDI=3.4). The mixing in the lungs is illustrated in Figure

The functional reserve capacity (FRC) and reserve volume (RV) can also be measured using neutral gas not
involved in gas exchange during breathing. One possible method is also nitrogen washout. Patient inhale 100%
oxygen until the nitrogen concentration in their lungs drops to 1%. Prior to washout the initial nitrogen
concentration is determined. Measuring the exhaled nitrogen volume, FRC = (exhaled nitrogen volume)/(initial
nitrogen concentration). Dead space must be taken into account during calculation.

Figure 9.9. Measuring alveolar ventilation by nitrogen washout

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During washout the usual nitrogen concentration in the lungs decreases. As a result nitrogen from the alveoli
gets into the lungs. This distorts the above described measurement and explains why nitrogen concentration
should not be decreased below 1%.

Following the inspiration of 100% oxygen a single expiration can also be assessed. Patients exhale until the
volume of their lungs is minimal (RV) then inhale 100% oxygen. They slowly exhale until the volume of their
lungs is minimal again (RV). Figure 9.11 shows typical results for the nitrogen concentration in the exhaled gas
as a function of exhaled volume.

Phase I of the curve corresponds to the dead space, phase II shows the transition to alveolar gas. Phase III is
called alveolar plateau, in it the oscillations are related to heart beats (as the heart presses the lungs). In ideal
case (lungs with a single compartment and ideal mixing) in phase II the nitrogen concentration would be
constant, the slope of the curve would be zero. Good mixing in the lungs of healthy subjects results in a slope
not higher than 2%/500 ml. The slope is measured between 750 and 1250 ml exhaled volume. Airway
obstruction or poor mixing of gas result in a slope higher than 2%/500 ml. The slope for smokers is about twice
as high as for non-smokers. Phase IV is the expiration of the closing volume (CV). In the closing volume the
gradient of nitrogen concentration substantially increases. Recording the nitrogen concentration during a single
expiration (following 100% oxygen inspiration) also helps the diagnosis of increase in airway resistance

Figure 9.10. Distribution of gases in the lungs at maximal expiration (RV is the volume
of lungs), at maximal inspiration (TLC is the volume of lungs) inhaling air or 100%

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Figure 9.11. Nitrogen washout during a single expiration

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4. Equipment
Qualitative assessment (mainly breaths per minute) of respiration is needed in intensive care unit equipment.
This does not require the measurement of air flow. The impedance between two chest ECG electrodes measured
at 50 100 kHz frequency drops during expiration and increases during inspiration. The measuring signal can
be easily removed from the ECG by low-pass filtering.

Even the breathing of premature babies in an incubator can be monitored with a mattress with a number of
compartments. There are airways between neighbouring compartments. Air is flowing through these airways
when the pressure distribution changes as a result of breathing. Air flow in the airways can be detected easily.

Spirometers serve for the quantitative assessment of breathing. They can test three different breathing: normal-,
forced breathing and hyperventilation. The diagnostic value of normal breathing is low. Its parameters can be
easily modified by training.

The parameters of forced breathing are determined by anatomical build up; they cannot be influenced by
practicing. (The measurement requires the cooperation of the tested person.) The typical values of healthy
subjects were determined by statistical methods for homogeneous ethnic groups. These are called predicted
values; usually a normal value and the 80 120% range for each parameter. Three data determine the predicted
values: age, height, gender. Comparing the measured forced breathing parameters to predicted values is done
during screening tests. Figure 9.12 shows predicted values for FEV1 calculated according to different references
[9.4]. Figure 9.13 shows the change of predicted values as a function of age.

Figure 9.12. Calculation of FEV1 based on different references

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Figure 9.13. Predicted values of forced breathing change with age

-75.png author: Mikael Hggstrm)

The equation for European males [9.5]:

FEV1 (litres)= 4.301(height in meter) - age 0.029 2.492. A 22-year old male who is 180 cm tall should
produce 4.6 litres FEV1. This predicted value drops to 4.4 l when he is 30 and to 3.8 l when he is 50 years old.

The predicted values were determined about 25 years ago, they should be updated [9.6].

Figure 9.14. Expired volume vs. time during forced expiration

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Testing the respiratory system

Figure 9.14 shows forced expiration volume vs. time function. The tested person inhales to maximum lung
capacity (TLC) and then as fast as possible exhales to minimum lung volume (RV). The difference of the
maximum and minimum lung volume is forced vital capacity: FVC = TLC RV. Forced expiration is
characterised by the expired volume in a given time. Within 2 seconds healthy subjects nearly reach RV; thus
FEV1 and FEV2 (forced expiratory volume in 1 and 2 seconds) are important. Further significant parameter of
forced expiration is the peak (or maximal) expiratory flow rate, PEFR (or MEFR). For healthy subjects the
FEV1/FVC ratio is around 70%.

Persons are asked to repeat forced inspiration and expiration once or twice after a few minutes break. The
maximum values of all parameters (breathed volume, flow rate) are considered as characteristic for the person
even if they were produced in different in- or expirations. Figures 9.15 9.18 show loop curves of flow rate vs.
breathed volume for healthy subjects and patients. The result of a healthy male is shown in Figure 9.15. The
maximum flow rate is around 8 l/s during both inspiration (PIFR, peak inspiratory flow rate) and expiration
(PEFR, peak expiratory flow rate). The maximum flow rate is reached at the beginning of inspiration, while
during expiration the maximum flow rate is reached when about half of FVC has been exhaled.

Figure 9.15. Flow rate volume loop curve, healthy male

(Figures 9.15. 9.18. are from: http://www.thoracic.org/statements/resources/pfet/PFT2.pdf authors Miller MR

et al. [9.7].)

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Testing the respiratory system

The maximum inspiratory flow rate of an asthmatic patient (see Figure 9.16) is reduced (about 6 l/s) the
maximum expiratory flow rate is even smaller (about 4 l/s). The total inhaled and so the total exhaled
volume is about the same as that of the healthy subject (about 4 l).

Figure 9.16. Flow rate volume loop curve, asthmatic patient

Figure 9.17 shows the loop curve of a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The total
inspired and so the total expired volume is about the half of what a healthy subject breathes (about 2 l). The
maximal inspiratiry and expiratory flow rates are about the same, 4 l/s. This is also about half of what a healthy
subject produces.

Figure 9.17. Flow rate volume loop curve, COPD patient

Figure 9.18 shows the loop curves of a patient with upper airway obstruction. The patient performed three
forced breathing tests and produced very similar results.

Figure 9.18. Flow rate volume loop curve, patient with upper airway obstruction. The
results of the three tests are nearly identical.

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Testing the respiratory system

During hyperventilation tested subjects perform forced inspirations and expirations with the maximum possible
frequency. As a result, both the oxygen concentration of blood and its pH value increase. Hyperventilation can
be performed for 15 20 s. Longer hyperventilation would cause the blood pH value leave the normal range
(7.30 7.45). This would lead to dizziness, even to blackout.

The breathing time function does not have high frequency components, its spectrum is limited to a few Hz.
The sampling frequency is usually 1 2 kHz mainly for accurate determination of the start of inspiration and for
accurate gas analysis. Figure 9.19 shows the scheme of a classical spirometer using a bell.

Figure 9.19. Scheme of the classical spirometer using a bell (water seal spirometer)
ig&Page=10 Korean Medical Library Engine

The water sealed bell moves up and down during expiration and inspiration. A carbon dioxide filter is needed
because tested persons inhale from the same volume to where they exhale. Sodium based filter can be used.

Figure 9.20 shows a whole body plethysmograph. Tested person sits in a cabin with rigid but glassy walls.
There are two main types: plethysmograph with constant pressure or with constant volume. Constant pressure is
ensured by a piston moving in a tube connected to the cabin. The movement of the piston changes the volume of
the system. Whole body plethysmograph makes possible the monitoring of alveolar pressure and so the
assessment of breathing resistance. When the shutter in the flow sensor is closed then the volume of the lungs,
when it is open then alveolar pressure can be determined. Breathing resistance can be calculated if also air flow
is measured.

Figure 9.20. Whole body plethysmograph

5-75.png author: Mabel J)

5. Problems

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Testing the respiratory system

1. The tested person performs maximal expiration (the volume of the lungs decreases to RV). The nitrogen
concentration in the lungs is 78%. Following maximal expiration the person inhales 100% oxygen until the
nitrogen concentration in the lungs drops to 1%. The total air exhaled during the test is 35 l; its nitrogen
concentration is 2.2%. Calculate the reserve volume (RV) of the person.

2. Determine the uncertainty of calculation related to problem 1 if the uncertainty of nitrogen concentration
measurement is 3%.

3. Evaluate the error that would be caused by omitting BTPS calculation. Calculate with the following
parameters: body temperature 37 C, room temperature 25 C. During inspiration the pressure in the lungs is
by 3 mmHg less; during expiration is 3 mmHg more than room pressure.

4. What parameters are measured by a whole body plethysmograph? What assures constant pressure in the
cabin when the person sitting in it breathes?

5. Why do predicted values apply for forced breathing and not for normal breathing?

6. Bibliography
[9.1] http://www.pistonmedical.com/Hungarian_Pages/HU_PBF-100.html

[9.2] Cooper BG: Reference values in lung function testing: All for one and one for all? Int J Chron Obstruct
Pulmon Disv.2(3); Sep 2007

[9.3] Miller MR et al.: Standardisation of Spirometry. Eur Respir J 2005; 26: 319338.

[9.4] http://www.spirxpert.com/GOLD.html

[9.5] Quanjer PhH, Tammeling GJ, Cotes JE, Pedersen OF, Peslin R, Yernault JC: Lung volumes and forced
ventilatory flows. Report Working Party Standardization of Lung Function Tests, European
Community for Steal and Coal. Official Statement of the European Respiratory Society. Eur Respir J
Suppl 1993 Mar;16:5-40

[9.6] Degens P, Merget R: Reference values for spirometry of the European Coal and Steel Community: time for
change. Eur Respir J 31 (3); 687-688.

[9.7] Series ATS/ERS Task Force: Standardisation of Lung Function Testing. ed. Brusasco V, Crapo R, Viegi
G. Number 2 in this Series: Miller MR, Hankinson J, Brusasco V, Burgos F, Casaburi R, Coates A,
Crapo R, Enright P, van der Grinten CPM, Gustafsson P, Jensen R, Johnson DC, MacIntyre N, McKay
R, Navajas D, Pedersen OF, Pellegrino R, Viegi G, Wanger J: Standardisation of spirometry. Eur
Respir J 2005; 26: 319338.

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Chapter 10. Movement analysis
Neurologists observed and described specific changes in the motor coordination of their patients compared to
healthy control subjects a long time ago. In the early, preclinical phase the subtle changes rarely can be
detected by visual inspection. Likewise, small variations in the performance of a patient resulting from the slow
progress of the disease remain undetected for the human observer. Evaluation of movement helps the diagnosis
even early diagnosis and assessment of the actual state of patients if

the movement patterns and the directions given to tested persons are defined in detail,

movements are recorded with adequate sampling rate and spatial resolution,

meaningful parameters are generated by proper feature extraction methods.

Human movement analysis is applied in sports-, rehabilitation- and ergonomic studies.

Visual observation permits only rough (mainly qualitative) evaluation of movements. While human static image
processing ability is much-to-be-admired, the details of even simple movements cannot be quantitatively
analysed based on visual observation. The task is much simpler if movement can be analysed using still
image(s). Figure 10.1 shows an example. Still images were taken from a pole vaulter in every 100 ms using the
so called chronophotographic method.

Since Aristotle many researchers have been dealing with movement analysis, even with picturing movements in
still images [10.1]. Results of E.-J. Marey (1830 1904, French physiologist and scientist) are valuable even
today. He is considered to be the father of biomechanics. He recorded movements on cinefilm years before the
Lumire brothers. His inventions were meant to serve scientific intentions. He thought it was no use of replaying
movements in order to see it again. As a result he is remembered only by those dealing with movement analysis.
In 1995 the 100th anniversary of the cinema and not the cinefilm was celebrated.

Figure 10.1. Movement of a pole vaulter is pictured in still image (Marey, 1886)

Figure 10.1 demonstrates how movement can be pictured in still image. This solution is simple and cheap but
only coarse resolution is achievable. In fact, it only allows for a qualitative assessment. In general, accurate
analysis requires three dimensional recording to be taken with several (at least two) cameras. The sampling
frequency must also be increased.

Both anatomical and laboratory coordinate system can be used to describe human movements. Anatomical
coordinate system is fixed to specified bones; using it we can easily characterise the movement of body
segments relative to each other. The CAMARC project (Computer Aided Movement Analysis in a

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Movement analysis

Rehabilitation Context) [10.7] gave a suggestion for a standard coordinate system fixed to specified bones. It
has not been widely accepted yet. Movement of the whole body as well as body segments can be described in
the laboratory coordinate system. The prevalent biomechanical models build up the human body from rigid
segments [10.4].

1. Devices for human movement analysis

Human movement analysis requires the measurement of the following parameters: displacement, rotation, force,
torque. The electrical activity of motor controlling muscles can be measured by an electromyograph (EMG).
Goniometer can be applied to measure the angle between two body segments. A simple goniometer is shown in
Figure 10.2. Placing a potentiometer into the pivotal point the angle can be transformed into electrical signal and
thus continuously monitored. Figure 10.3 shows a single degree of freedom goniometer based on light passing
through a pair of optic fibres.

Figure 10.2. Simple goniometer

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Medizinischer_Goniometer.jpg#file author:

Figure 10.3. Goniometer to measure knee angle

http://www.adinstruments.com/products/mlts700#overview (Product of

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The kinematic parameters of movements can be assessed by force and/or acceleration measurement. In clinical
practice the most widespread devices are: force plate, pedograph, and accelerometer attached to the body or

The force plate (see Figure 10.4) measures the x, y and z component of the force exerted on it. The pedograph
(see Figure 10.5) measures the force distribution of the foot sole. Most frequently it is composed of capacitive
sensors. Its planar resolution can be as low as 0.25 mm2, the maximum measurable pressure is about 200 N/cm

Figure 10.4. Force plate [10.2]http://www.kistler.com/us/en/product/force/9285BA

(Product of Kistler)

Figure 10.5. Foot sole pressure sensor (pedograph)

http://podiatry.temple.edu/gaitlab/facilities/kistler.html (Product of Kistler)

Based on the signals of a three dimensional accelerometer (see Figure 10.6) its displacement from a starting
position cannot be determined unambiguously. In the general case infinite number of different six degrees of
freedom movements can result in the accelerations measured in three directions (x, y and z). This is also an
inverse problem (see chapter 6.7). Having enough a priori information can help to characterise a six degrees of
freedom movement based on the output signal of a single three dimensional accelerometer. Attaching more
accelerometers to a limb can promote the solving of the inverse problem. Sensors integrating accelerometer,
magnetometer and gyroscope (sensor fusion) give much better estimate on position and actual angle.

Figure 10.6. Three dimensional accelerometer module (DE ACCM3D, 21 x 10 mm)

http://www.dimensionengineering.com/products/de-accm3d (Product of Dimension

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Figure 10.7 shows a modern gait analysis lab. Contact pressures and forces under the sole of the foot are
measured by force plates, movement of body segments can be determined by tracking passive markers attached
to anatomical landmark points. Markers are tracked by ten cameras so the masking effect (markers by limbs) is

Figure 10.7. Gait analysis lab with force plates and infrared cameras
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gait_laboratory.jpg (author: Robertson DGE)

In this chapter only passive marker based movement analysis is dealt with. It must be noted that marker free
movement analysis can also be applied both with video based analysers and with mechanical or magnetic
position sensors.

2. Marker based movement analysis

Figure 10.8. Passive markers to be attached to the wrist (above) and finger (below) with
elastic band

Passive markers are shown in Figure 10.8. These markers reflect the incident light. They are covered with
retroreflective material thus reflect the light to the same direction where it came from. This is assured by the
refraction coefficient of the micro spheres in the material (see Figure 10.9).

Figure 10.9. The micro spheres in the retroreflective material (with appropriate
refraction coefficient) reflect the light to the same direction where it came from

Passive markers are lightweight, do not need power and cause no discomfort to the tested person. As a result
they negligibly affect the tested movement. When a frame is recorded then all marker images are taken at the
same time. Their disadvantage is that each marker has to be identified on each frame taken.

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Movement analysis

Active markers have their own light. These are easily identified as only one marker is lit at a time. The
disadvantage of active markers is that they must be powered: either through wiring or with a local energy
source. When several markers are attached to a moving person then the time delays between flashing them
means that the positions of markers are not known at the same time. This has to be taken into account during
data processing.

Figure 10.10. The marker pattern (right below) is the information characterising a
given movement phase (left above)

Markers are attached to anatomical landmark points. The movement analyser will determine the marker
positions (see Figure 10.10) with the sampling frequency. Movement is characterised based on the marker
trajectories. Determining the marker positions i.e. anatomical landmark points is decisive for the efficient
analysis. A widely accepted (standard) marker pattern would increase the comparability of the results and so the
medical application of movement analysis.

Figure 10.11. Marker pattern for gait analysis

Figure 10.11 shows a possible marker pattern on one leg for gait analysis. The figure also shows the usual
definitions for angles. thigh = 21, knee = 21 43, shank = 43, ankle = 43 - 65 + 90. There is no single standard
marker pattern for gait analysis. Different laboratories use 14, 15, 19 or 23 anatomical landmark points placed
from toe to hip [10.3], [10.4].

2.1. The necessary sampling frequency

Image based movement analysers sample the marker positions. Thus theorems of sampling must be taken into
account. However, low-pass filtering in the optical domain preceding sampling is not possible. The minimal
necessary sampling rate must be determined before movement analysis by examining the movement pattern. 24
samples/second is considered to be enough for the analysis of normal and pathologic gait by [10.15]. This is the
sampling frequency of cine cameras. Widely used video cameras use 25 full and 50 half frames per second.
There are electromagnetic (e.g. Flock of Birds by Polhemus) and ultrasound based (e.g. Zebris) movement
analysers [10.16]. The finger tapping movement was recorded with a 100 frames/s Precision Motion Analysis
System, PRIMAS [10.5]. The trajectory of the marker on the little finger of a young healthy male is given in
Figure 10.12. Based on a number of similar recordings 50 frames/s is enough for studying the finger tapping
movement. The necessary sampling rate was analysed also by evaluating the finger tapping movement. Data
recorded with 100 samples/s sampling rate was processed and the parameters characterizing the movement were
determined using the complete database as well as reduced databases. The database was reduced in two steps.

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Movement analysis

First every second data was eliminated. The resulting database has a 50 frames/s sampling rate. In the second
step every second data was eliminated again. This results in a 25 frames/s frame rate. Thus there are three
databases with three different sampling rates taken from the same movement. The algorithms evaluating finger
tapping (see section 10.3.1) calculated practically similar values using the 100 samples/ and the 50 samples/s
databases. The values calculated from the 25 samples/s database were significantly different. This confirms that
50 samples/s sampling rate is enough for testing finger-, hand- arm- and leg movements for medical purposes.

Figure 10.12. Frequency spectrum of the marker attached to little finger during finger

2.2. Marker attachment, marker image processing

For human movement analysis marker attachment is difficult. Double sided adhesive tape is inappropriate for
this purpose. The reason is that skin can easily move from the anatomical landmark point. At the wrist skin
movement can be 2 cm! Most frequently elastic band is used to attach markers. Figure 10.13 shows markers
attached to the second phalanxes for finger tapping test.

Figure 10.13. Markers attached to fingers with elastic band

Researchers studied the possibility to fix markers to bones with pins applying local anaesthesia. The research to
develop limb prosthesis was carried out at College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley between
1945 and 1947. The evaluation of the research [10.17] clearly shows that this way of marker attachment cannot
be used in routine clinical practice.

The marker has a finite volume. Image based movement analysers determine the actual position of a certain
parameter of the marker. During the movement the camera looks at the marker from various directions. It
follows that the optimal marker shape is the sphere and parameter to be determined is its centre point. (For two
dimensional studies, e.g. face tremor assessment disk shaped markers can be used.) The three dimensional
marker has a two dimensional projection on the camera sensor. The centre point of the marker image must be
determined based on the intensities of pixels fully or partly covered by the marker image. For a single camera
the line is determined that connects the marker and the marker image centre point. A marker anywhere along

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Movement analysis

this line results in the same centre point on the sensor. The animation illustrating this can be found at:
http://project.mit.bme.hu/kobak2012/marker_markerimage.pps. To determine the spatial position of a marker at
least two cameras are needed, see Figure 10.14.

Figure 10.14. Two markers and their projections on the sensors of two cameras

Nearly all presently used image based movement analysers have CCD sensors. To determine their resolution it
is not enough to know the number of pixels in the sensors. When a marker image covers fully or partly several
pixels then the centre of the marker image can be determined with subpixel resolution. Resulting from the
quantisation the centre of the marker image can only be estimated. The estimation methods are detailed in

2.3. Resolution, accuracy and precision (reproducibility)

These parameters are defined according to [10.19]. Resolution of a motion analyser is the smallest detectable
displacement or the longest undetectable displacement. Accuracy is the degree of agreement between individual
measurements and accepted reference values. Accuracy is a measure of systematic error. Precision is the degree
of mutual agreement among repeated observations made under identical conditions (both camera and marker in
constant position). Precision is a measure of random error. Precision characterises the stability
(reproducibility) of the system. High precision is necessary, but not satisfactory condition for high accuracy.

These parameters cannot be given as single constants for an image-based analyser, because they strongly depend
on the marker image size. If the marker image covers more pixels, accuracy, precision and resolution are more
favourable. The nonlinearity of the lens also influences these parameters; worst results can be expected when
marker images appear in the corners of the FOV.

Each application requires a dedicated preliminary evaluation to check if the analyser is able to meet the
requirements. The analysis of human movements in the medical care rarely demands high accuracy or precision.

Figure 10.15. Noise of a CCD sensor: the difference of two images taken from the same
scene. Tested sensor is Philips BXA 1011; images were digitised using 8-bit A/D

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The noise of the sensor influences all the three parameters. The camera of the PRIMAS motion analyser was
tested. Its frame transfer sensor is Philips NXA 1011 with 604 x 288 pixels able to operate with 100 frames per
second. The evaluation of the marker image is supported by hardware. Binary marker image is generated by
thresholding the video signal. The video/(digital coordinate) converter detects the pixels covered by the marker
image. This conversion method had been first applied by E.H. Furne [10.20]; later it was incorporated into
several analysers. A 64 x 16 pixels part of the PRIMAS HTH MX camera sensor was tested with an 8-bit flash
A/D converter. Differential images were produced when the camera and the marker were in fixed position.
Figure 10.15 shows a typical differential image. While taking the two images there were two markers in the
FOV of the camera. These cannot be identified in the differential image. Various static images were analysed
including complete darkness. The maximum pixel intensity was 255, the differential images had values between
-5 and +5 independent of the actual static image.

Figure 10.16. Variation of the measured centre point of a static marker image during a
10-s recordin

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Measurement of the resolution requires well defined reproducible small displacement of a marker. This can be
produced with a marker attached to a micrometer (micrometer screw gauge) or to the printing head of a matrix
printer. The printing head of the TECO VP2450 can be set into 775 different positions; there is a constant
distance (0.419 mm) between two adjacent positions. The maximum displacement of the printing head is 325
mm. A ping-pong ball size marker was attached to the printing head which was (in its middle position) 375 cm
far from the sensor of the camera. In the vertical plane of the movement of the printing head the FOV of the
camera was 365 x 271 cm. As a result the minimal displacement of the marker was 1/8711 compared to the

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Movement analysis

horizontal side of the FOV. The marker being so far from the camera resulted in an unusually small marker
image covering 8 10 pixels. The printing head was moved to 10 adjacent positions from left to right and then
back. On the way there and back the marker being in the same position resulted in centre values with good
agreement. This means the printing head could be set to different positions with high precision. The standard
deviation of the centre values in a given position was much smaller than the difference of marker centres in
adjacent positions. It follows that the marker in two adjacent positions resulted in clearly distinct centre values.
Thus the horizontal resolution is better than 1/8711. Refinement of resolution assessment requires smaller
reproducible displacement or increased camera marker distance.

Precision (reproducibility) is influenced mainly by noise. However, warming up of the camera cannot be
neglected. To characterise short-term stability of marker centre estimation 10-s recordings were taken from
static markers. PRIMAS movement analyser was used with 100 frames/s sampling rate. This means 1000
marker centre positions. The estimated horizontal and vertical centre coordinates over time are shown in Figure
10.16. Based on it, the estimated centre over plane is shown in Figure 10.17. It is clearly not a normal
distribution. For 99.7 % of estimated centre values the maximum horizontal deviation is 0.04 pixel side. The
sensor has 604 columns so 0.04 pixel side means a horizontal precision of 1/15100 (compared to the horizontal
pixel side). For 99.8 % of estimated centre values the maximum vertical deviation is 0.03 pixel side. The sensor
has 288 rows so 0.03 pixel side means a vertical precision of 1/9600.

Figure 10.17. Deviation of the estimated centre of a static marker

Following turning on, the warming up of the camera shifts the estimated horizontal coordinate of a static marker
by a pixel side. This means 1/600 to FOV, an order of magnitude worse than short time reproducibility

Figure 10.18. Changing of the estimated horizontal coordinate of static marker

midpoint during the first hour after turning on the camera

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Accuracy can be tested with markers in known positions of the coordinate system attached to the camera.
Instead, accuracy of marker based motion analysers are tested with markers being at a known distance from
each other (e.g. fixed to the two ends of a rod) or by moving a marker along a known path. Accuracy of three
dimensional analysers can be tested using both methods. Accuracy of two dimensional analysers is rather tested
by a marker moving along a known path. This makes possible the assessment of accuracy without exactly
knowing marker positions. The set-up described in testing resolution is applicable also for testing accuracy. The
measured marker image centre positions are given in Figure 10.19, the deviations from a straight line are shown
in Figure 10.20. Mainly because of lens distortion, the deviation strongly depends on the position of the marker
image on the sensor.

Image based motion analysers separate marker images from the background based on their brightness. Passive
marker based analysers flash IR LEDs around the camera in pulsed mode. Flashing the LEDs is synchronised to
the integration of the CCD sensor. This increases ambient light suppression. 100 frames/s means 10 ms for
making one frame. If IR LEDs are lit for 250 s and the CCD sensor integrates the light on its pixels for the
same time then the light reflected from the markers is present during the total integration time. When IR LEDs
are off then integration is also off. Ambient light is integrated only in 1/40 part of the total frame time. When an
object (e.g. ring, wrist watch) reflects the IR light beam it can be erroneously identified as a marker. The
definition of the spatial position of a marker requires at least two cameras.

Figure 10.19. Centre positions of a marker (+) moving along a straight line

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Figure 10.20. Deviation of the centre positions of the marker from the straight line

User programs process marker centre coordinates to determine parameters important in a given application.
Centre points of digital marker images can be estimated using different algorithms. The most common method is
the calculation of geometric centroid, see eq. 10.1.


where xj, yj is the centre point of the jth pixel of the binary image covered by the marker image; X0g, Y0g is the
estimated centre point. The method can be extended to graded images. Pixel midpoints should be weighted by
the intensity of the pixel.

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The marker is projected to different positions on the sensor of a camera depending on the camera marker
relative position. If the marker is in the FOV of at least two cameras and the positions of the cameras to each
other are known then the spatial (three dimensional) coordinates of the marker can be determined. The positions
of the cameras to each other must be determined accurately during calibration. Markers attached to a rigid
construction should cover the whole space of the movement. Often the calibration object is dismountable; built
up using sticks and rods.

There are image (video) based motion analysers exceeding 1000 frame/s frame rate. The VICON T10S camera
has a 1 Mpixel sensor. The maximum frame rate with full resolution is 1000 frames/s, with partial resolution
(only a part of the sensor is used) 2000 frames/s.

Figure 10.21. Passive marker based motion analyser (PAM) for clinical application

Figure 10.22. The camera of PAM with IR optical filter and IR LED ring

Figure 10.21 shows a passive marker based movement analyser (PAM) applicable for clinical use [10.6]. Figure
10.22 shows the IR LED ring and the optical filter (B+W O93) of the PAM camera. The optical filter passes the
885 nm IR light and attenuates visible light. PAM has a single camera thus it is able to assess movements if the
marker trajectories are limited to a narrow volume. Clinical application is aided by the simple operator interface,
small size and its low price. Video recordings of finger tapping (both stroke patients and healthy control
subjects), facial tremor and limb tremor belonging to the ON and OFF state of a brain pacemaker are available:





3. Movement analysis in medical practice

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Movement analysis

3.1. Finger tapping movement

Related to this movement it is described how to develop a procedure for the objective assessment of the actual
state of patients. In clinical movement analysis the following are important in general: the movement pattern
must be defined in detail (including the instruction given to the tested person); a method for the evaluation of
quasiperiodic marker trajectories; tested persons need some time to learn the movement before testing; both the
definition and the evaluation of the movement pattern can be personalised. This movement was studied already
in the 19th century to assess motor coordination [10.9]. In the clinical practice this movement is observed
visually. Only experienced observers can qualify the movement, even they are unable to pinpoint subtle
changes. There are simple contact sensors [10.10] which detect touch of the tabletop. By these sensors the time
between two touches and the number of touches within a given time can be measured (see Figure 10.23).

Figure 10.23. Recording finger tapping movement using passive markers and contact

Finger tapping can be performed with a single finger. In clinical practice the most often used version of the test
is executed with eight fingers. In the starting position both hands (wrists and fingers) are on the tabletop. Fingers
(except thumbs) are lifted at the same time at least by a 30 degree angle so that wrists remain on the tabletop.
Then the fingers hit the table in the following order: little finger ring finger middle finger index finger.
(The order might be the other way round from index finger to little finger.) When all fingers hit the table at the
same time the test is called hand tapping. When markers are attached to the fingers then their movement can be
monitored during the whole test, not only the moment of hitting the tabletop is known (see Figure 10.24).

Figure 10.24. The finger tapping movement. Markers attached to the fingers can be
tracked during the complete movement

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Based on the marker trajectories the movement can be analysed in detail. Greater amplitude and/or faster
movement means better performance. It is obvious readers are suggested trying it out that the movement can
be executed faster with smaller amplitude. The speed of the movement is best characterised by the product of
amplitude and frequency, the parameter is called amxfr. Its average over the complete test is given by eq. 10.2.


where Ai is the amplitude of the ith cycle in cm; T i is the length of the ith cycle (time between two table contacts)
in s; n is the number of cycles during the test; amxfr is the calculated parameter characterising the speed of the
movement in cm/s. The similarity of the cycles is also an important parameter of motor coordination. Similarity
is well characterised by PM (periodicity of movement, see section 4.2.5). It is also evident (this is also suggested
trying out) that it is easier to produce similar cycles if the movement is slower. Taking all these into account the
movement of a finger is well characterised by the FTTS (finger tapping test score) parameter which is the
product of speed and regularity. Based on the evaluation of more than 300 recordings taken from Parkinsonians
and healthy control subjects [10.11] the relative weight of PM is suggested being shifted by 0.6 (see eq. 10.3).


PM was greater than 0.6 for all healthy control subjects and for the majority of Parkinsonians. PM is
dimensionless, thus FTTS is in cm/s. Based on the FTTS values of all fingers the FTTS of a hand and of the
tested person (for both hands) can be calculated. The neurologist supervising the movement analysis can
personalise the evaluation of the finger tapping test. It may happen that the neurologist wants to know the
performance of a few fingers only. Most often the movement of the little finger has no diagnostic value, its
movement is neglected. Figures 10.22 10.25 illustrate the finger tapping movement of four different persons.
The upper two subfigures show the trajectories of right and left ring (solid line), middle (dashed line) and index
(dotted line) fingers during 1.5 s. The lower two subfigures show the trajectories of the right and left middle
fingers for 8 s. Even the young healthy subject does not produce periodic signals (see Figure 10.25) but the
trajectories of fingers of the two hands are very similar. Parkinsonian patients both P07 (see Figure 10.26) and
P08 (Figure 10.27) were in the early stage of the disease (0-1 stage according to the modified Hoehn-Yahr
scale). However, they performed the test completely differently. This confirms the observation of neurologists
that each Parkinsonian exhibits unique symptoms. P07 hardly falls short to the average of healthy subjects. Her
right side is affected. With her right fingers she produced smaller amplitudes and in the second cycle in Figure
10.26 she produced a small jerk especially with her ring finger. The time intervals between table contacts vary
for her right fingers.

Figure 10.25. Finger tapping movement of a young healthy subject

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Figure 10.26. Finger tapping movement of a Parkinsonian patient being in the early
stage (P07, Figure 10.24.)

Figure 10.27. Finger tapping movement of a Parkinsonian patient being in the early
stage (P08, he was diagnosed to be in the same Hoehn-Yahr stage as patient P07)

The movement of patient P08 was significantly slower than that of P07. During 1.5 s he performed only two
cycles. His left side was affected to a greater extent. The amplitudes of his left fingers were around the half of
his right fingers. Essentially he performed hand tapping; his fingers were lifted in parallel and hit the table also
at the same time.

Figure 10.28 shows the movement of a Parkinsonian (P01) in the 1-2 stage of the Hoehn-Yahr scale. His left
side was strongly affected. In his right side the index finger moved in opposite phase to his ring and middle

Figure 10.28. Finger tapping of a Parkinsonian patient (P01) being in advanced stage
(H-Y 1-2)

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Figure 10.29. FTTS values of Parkinsonian patients averaged for their left (lilac) and
right (grey) hands

Figure 10.29 shows FTTS values averaged for left and right hands. Patients along the horizontal axis are ordered
according to their Hoehn-Yahr stage diagnosed by neurologists. Thick lines span over the results of the same
patient. The same patient was given a new identifier when he/she was tested again one or two years later (P07
and P16 is the same person). By the time of a new test one or two years later the Hoehn-Yahr stage of the
patient could have changed.

According to the experiences tested persons (both Parkinsonian and stroke patients and healthy subjects) learn
the test (how to perform the tapping test efficiently) by the third attempt. Figure 10.30 shows the results of eight
tests performed by a young healthy female during a week.

Figure 10.30. Learning can improve the performance. FTTS values of a young healthy
female during a week

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Figure 10.31. The performance (and so the FTTS parameter) can fluctuate. The results
of a young healthy male during one month. The results of two tests performed with a
15-minute break may deviate by 25% (17th and 18th tests)

The performance and so the FTTS values can fluctuate even within a short time (see Figure 10.31). The reason
can be different; stress level surely influences the result. During clinical movement tests patients stress level
should be low.

3.2. Facial tremor

Facial tremor can be assessed by attaching disk shaped markers [10.12] to the face. This allows the quantitative
characterisation of the actual state of patients with Meige syndrome [10.13]. Measuring the facial tremor with
electromyograph is burdensome and the electrodes attached influence the tremor to be measured. Figure 10.32
shows where the neurologist placed 17 markers. Figure 10.33 shows the activity (movement) of markers on the
face before and after brain surgery. Surgery attenuated the tremor by an order of magnitude.

Figure 10.32. Marker pattern used to assess facial tremor

Figure 10.33. Activity of markers shown in Figure 10.32 before (above) and after
(below) brain surgery. Scaling of the two subfigures differ by 5:1

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Activity of markers in Figure 10.33 is characterised by the total distance covered during the recording with the
PAM analyser. Figure 10.34 shows the displacement of markers between two frames (the difference is 20 ms).
The tested patient moved her head basically down and to the right. As a result of facial tremor, some markers
moved to the opposite direction (e.g. marker no. 12).

Figure 10.34. Displacement of markers on the face during 20 ms

3.3. Hand tremor

Tremor is a rhythmic, involuntary oscillatory muscular contraction, affecting a part of the body [10.14]. Tremor
is not a separate disease it is a symptom. It may concern the legs, body, head, limbs, even vocal cords. There are
different classification methods for tremor. There are five categories: resting, postural, kinetic or intention
(action), task-specific and psychogenic tremor. Even all healthy persons exhibit tremor though its not always
possible to perceive it by visual observation. Attaching markers to the body segment very small amplitude
tremor can be revealed. The movement of a marker attached to the index finger of a senior healthy male is
shown in Figure 10.35 (outstretched hand); in Figure 10.36 (supported elbow) and in Figure 10.37 (supported
wrist). The scaling of the figures is different!

Figure 10.35. Tremor of a senior healthy male, marker on the index finger (outstretched
hand). Left: eyes open, right: eyes closed

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Figure 10.36. Tremor of a senior healthy male, marker on the index finger (supported
elbow). Left: eyes open, right: eyes closed

Figure 10.37. Tremor of a senior healthy male, marker on the index finger (supported
wrist). Left: eyes open, right: eyes closed

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The scaling of the Figures 10.35 10.37 is different! Without supporting the elbow or wrist the displacement of
the marker is substantially bigger. The smallest marker displacement belongs to supported wrist; but within 20 s
even so a 2 mm shift is present.

Figure 10.38. Frequency spectra of trajectories shown in Figure 10.35

Figure 10.39. Frequency spectra of trajectories shown in Figure 10.36

Figure 10.40. Frequency spectra of trajectories shown in Figure 10.37

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Figures 10.38 10.40 show the frequency spectra of marker trajectories shown in Figures 10.35 10.37. With
eyes closed the shift of the index finger is substantially greater than with eyes open. This is a low frequency

4. Problems
1. The trajectory of a marker attached to the upper arm of a sportsman needs to be recorded. The maximum
velocity of the marker is 10 m/s. The optical axis of the camera is perpendicular to the plane of the marker
movement. (The marker is supposed to move along a plane.) The frame rate of the camera is 100 frames/s;
the IR flash is 1 ms long. Calculate the maximum displacement of the marker during the flash.

2. Calculate the maximum marker displacement of the marker between two frames according to problem 1.

3. During the studied movement the marker moves in the horizontal plane. The horizontal length of the FOV of
the camera is 1 m. The uncertainty of marker image centre point estimation is 1:6000. Calculate the
maximum flash duration during which the marker displacement is not greater than distance related to centre
point estimation uncertainty. (Maximum marker velocity is the same as in problem 1)

4. Calculate the refraction coefficient of the marker material to air so that incident light is reflected to the same
direction where it comes from (see Figure 10.9).

5. A three dimensional acceleration meter senses the following momentary values: az (vertical) = 0.707 g; ax =
0.707 g; ay = 0 g. Specify at least two different movements that produce these values.

6. Compare the active and passive marker based movement analysis.

7. How do we calibrate marker based motion analysers?

8. Give a method to characterise quasiperiodic human movement.

9. How would you measure the resolution and accuracy of a marker based motion analyser?

10. What is the usual result on hand tremor when the tested persons close their eyes?

5. Bibliography
[10.1] Cappozzo A, Marchetti M, Tosi V (ed.): Biolocomotion: a Century of Research Using Moving Pictures.
Promograph, Roma, Italy, 1992.

[10.2] www.kistler.com

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[10.3] Winter DA: Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York,

[10.4] Robertson DGE, Caldwell GE, Hamill J, Kamen G, Whittlesey SN: Research Methods in Biomechanics.
Human Kinetics, 2004, ISBN 0-7360-3966-X.

[10.5] Furne, EH: TV/Computer Motion Analysis Systems. The First Two Decades. PhD dissertation, TU
Delft, 1989. Also avaliable at: http://repository.tudelft.nl/view/ir/uuid%3A469188cf-5ec8-43e0-8c2c-

[10.6] Jobbgy , Hamar G: PAM: Passive Marker-based Analyzer to Test Patients with Neural Diseases. Proc.
of 26th Annual Conference of IEEE EMBS, 1-5 Sept. 2004, San Francisco, CA USA, pp. 4751-4754.

[10.7] Leo T: AIM project A2002: CAMARC-II (computer aided movement analysis in a rehabilitation context-
II). Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Volume 45, Issues 12, October 1994, Pages 11

[10.8] http://www.motion-labs.com/pdf/camarc_formats_ug.pdf

[10.9] Jobbgy : Early Diagnosis and Objective Assessment of Patients with Neural and Cardiovascular
Diseases. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrcken, 2010.

[10.10] Muir SR, Jones RD, Andreae JH, Donaldson IM: Measurement and Analysis of Single and Multiple
Finger Tapping in Normal and Parkinsonian Subjects. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, Vol. 1. No.
2. pp. 89-96. 1995.

[10.11] Jobbgy , Harcos P, Karoly R, Fazekas G: Analysis of the Finger Tapping Test. Journal of
Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 141/1, pp. 29-39. 2005.

[10.12] Jobbgy , Vallik I: Quantitative Assessment of Movement Disorders in Clinical Practice. in: Lim CT,
Goh, JCH (ed.) Proc. of ICBME08, IFMBE Proceedings 23, pp. 112-115.

[10.13] Tolosa E, Marti MJ: Blepharospasm-oromandibular dystonia syndrome (Meiges syndrome): clinical
aspects. In: Jankovic J, Tolosa E (eds): Advances in Neurolgy. Vol. 19. Facial dyskinesias. New York,
Raven Press. 1988. pp. 73-84.

[10.14] www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/tremor/tremor.htm

[10.15] Winter DA: Biomechanics and Motor Control of Human Movement, 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1990.

[10.16] Malmstrm, E-M, Karlberg M, Melander A, Magnusson M: Zebris Versus Myrin: A Comparative Study
Between a Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Movement Analysis and an Inclinometer/Compass Method.
Spline, Vol. 28, issue 21, pp. E433-440.

[10.17] Paul JP: The Californian Contribution. In (eds.: Cappozzo A, Marchetti M, Tosi V): Biolocomotion: A
century of research using moving pictures. Promograph, Roma, Italy, pp. 175-195. (1992)

[10.18] Jobbgy : Centre estimation in marker-based motion analysis. PhD dissertation. Technical Report,
ISBN 963-421-509-2, 1994.

[10.19] Walton JS: The Accuracy and Precision of a Video-Based Motion Analysis System. Proc. of the 30th
Int. Technical Symp. on Optical and Optoelectronic Sciences and Engineering. SPIE 693: High-Speed
Photography Videography and Photonics IV. San Diego, 1986.

[10.20] Furne, EH: Hybrid Instrumentation in Prosthesis Research. Digest 7th Int. Conf. Med. Biol. Eng.,
Stockholm. p. 446. (1967)

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Chapter 11. Medical imaging
1. X-ray based imaging
Initially medical imaging could only visualise the anatomical structure of the human body. The first image was
taken by W. C. Rntgen. The formerly unknown ray was named to remember him (in English it is even today
called X-ray). Figure 11.1 shows the operating principle of the X-ray machine.

Figure 11.1. The operating principle of the X-ray machine (Based on Siedband MP:
Medical Imaging Systems Figure 12.5;

The big calcium molecules in the bones absorb X-ray. The shadow of a bone masks all other organs that are in
the path [10.9]. Conventional x-ray machines are unable to visualise e.g. the brain. Figure 11.2 shows the first
X-ray image ever made: the hand of Rntgens wife with a ring on her finger. Figure 11.3 shows another X-ray
image taken by Rntgen a year later, in 1896. Image quality improved substantially.

Besides analogue imaging on film digital imaging is more and more frequent. Processing of several digital
images further information is available by computing (this explains the name computed tomography, CT).

Figure 11.2. The first rntgen (X-ray) image made by W.K. Rntgen of his wifes hand
(1895) (Wikimedia Commons, First medical X-ray by Wilhelm Rntgen of his wife
Anna Bertha Ludwig's hand - 18951222.jpg)

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Figure 11.3. Image made by W. K. Rntgen of A. Kllikers hand, 1896 (Wikimedia

Commons, X-ray by Wilhelm Rntgen of Albert von Klliker's hand - 18960123-02.jpg)

Figure 11.4. The principle of computed tomography, CT (Based on Siedband MP:

Medical Imaging Systems Figure 12.11,

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The principle of computed tomography (CT) is shown in Figures 11.4 11.6. The mathematical model was
elaborated by Radon. The first functioning device was constructed by Hounsfield and Cormack who were later
awarded with Nobel Prize for this. Figure 11.4 shows the collection of information. The source and the detector
assign a straight line. The coplanar segment of the body to be analysed is scanned. The scanning beam is turned
by a few degrees between two scans. When imaging the brain it influences only by about 1% the attenuation;
99% is determined by the skull. Even though computing the attenuation along a number of straight lines the
attenuation of the skull can be eliminated.

Figure 11.5. Principle of computing tomography (CT) (Based on Siedband MP: Medical
Imaging Systems Figure 12.12; http://www.unc.edu/~finley/BME422/Webster/c12.pdf)

Figure 11.5 shows one possible computation. The image field is divided into pixels (c ij) and an initial value of
attenuation (ij) is assigned to each pixel. It is assumed that the attenuation of pixels along a straight line add up.
The solution of the resulting equation system gives the ij attenuations. Based on them the image can be drawn:
the greater is the computed attenuation of a pixel the darker it is in the image.

Back projection can also be applied. From the sensor along the straight line the detected intensity is projected
back. The simplest algorithm assigns the same attenuation to each pixel along the straight line. Along all straight
lines that were used in scanning the detected intensity is projected back and for every pixel these attenuations

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are added up. This simple algorithm gives blurry image thus different filtering algorithms (not detailed here) are
applied before projecting back. Back projection is illustrated by the animation:


The method can be extended to three dimensional imaging. This requires two dimensional imaging in a number
of parallel slices. The resolution of CT is better and better because both the sensors have more pixels and the
image processors are more powerful. In 1995 the maximum resolution was 512 x 512. Today 1024 x 1024 is
available. Evaluation of CTs requires several parameters to be considered. Spatial resolution is characterised by
the line pairs/cm. Today this value can reach 20.

The time of a two dimensional CT image generation is mainly determined by the scanning speed of the source
detector pair. Stepping is usually done in 1 rotations until 180 is reached. First generation CTs took around 20
s to generate an image.

Figure 11.6. The principle of back projection

http://www.impactscan.org/slides/xrayct/sld018.htm (From the training material of
ImapctScan group)

Modern CT devices apply a number of sources and detectors so they are able to make 10 images/s. This is
enough to analyse the motion of organs (e.g. heart). The first generation CT contained one source and one
detector; they were turned around the patient by 180. Imaging of one slice took several minutes. Second
generation CTs contained one source but several detectors. A 10 fan-shaped part was scanned in parallel. It
took about 20s to complete one slice. Third generation CTs contain 500 1000 detectors; the fan-shape covers
the whole slice. The source and the detector need not be stepped only rotated. One slice is ready in 0.5 s. Fourth
generation CTs may contain 5000 detectors which are in fix position. Only the source rotates [11.1]. In fifth
generation CTs the sources do not rotate either. One slice is ready in 50 ms.

Image processing greatly helps extracting the organ from the background. Thus it helps reveal deviations. Figure
11.7 shows that by subtracting the image made before filling in contrast material from the image made after that
(B-A) the vessels can be analysed much easier than without subtraction (B). The method is called DSA (digital
subtraction angiography). It must be assured that the patient remains in the same position before and after filling
the contrast material. Figure 11.8 shows an image of the vessels in the brain (cerebral angiogram) taken by
applying the DSA method.

Figure 11.7. The principle of the DSA method

http://www.droid.cuhk.edu.hk/web/service/angio/dsa.htm (author: The Chinese
University of Hong Kong, Department of Imaging and Interventional Radiology)

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Figure 11.8. Vessels in the brain (DSA image)

http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cerebral_Angiogram_Lateral.jpg (author:
Glitzy queen00)

2. Ultrasound imaging
2.1. Processing and displaying the echo
Early devices displayed the echo in real time by using oscilloscopes. The block diagram of the necessary
hardware is shown in Figure 11.9 [11.10], [11.11]. The amplifier in the receiver usually has time gain control
(TGC) which increases the gain in time following the transmission. The amplitude of the echo is the smaller the
farther is the reflecting object. The smaller is the amplitude the greater gain is needed. Most often the TGC has
logarithmic characteristics.

By demodulating the echo the amplitude processing unit generates the envelope which controls the vertical (Y)
deflection. The B (brightness) mode requires the envelope to be used to control the brightness of the
oscilloscope (called Z input). This mode is especially applicable for two dimensional display or when motion is

Figure 11.9. Simplified block diagram of a line scanner. Vertical (Y) deflection is
controlled by the demodulated echo amplitude, A display mode (a). Brightness
modulation, B display mode (b)

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Motion (M) or Time Motion (TM) is used to analyse moving organs (e.g. the heart). In this mode the transducer
is fixed. The displacement of the observed organ (its border lines) along the beam line is displayed. The display
mode requires memory that stores several echoes. These are pictured on the display one below the other, see
Figure 11.10.

Figure 11.10. The simplified block diagram of an ultrasound line scanner displaying the
movement of an organ (M or TM mode)

This method pictures movement in a still image which is far simpler to be evaluated by the human observer.
Figure 11.11 shows a three second ultrasound record picturing the movement of the mitral valve.

Figure 11.11. Picturing the movement of the mitral valve in still image using the TM
mode of an ultrasound line scanner
http://www.dtic.upf.edu/~afrangi/ibi/UltrasoundImagingBW.pdf (author: Alejandro

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2.2. Generation of multidimensional images

Figure 11.12. Realisations of planar scanning: the transducer rotates within the sensor
head (a); the beam is deflected by applying time delays (b); the beam scans horizontally
by shifting the activation of the piezo elements (c). All three realisations use dynamic
focusing. Frontal arrangement of the piezo elements are shown above

Ultrasound beam produces an echo (one dimensional) of the borderlines between different tissues along a line.
The propagation time determines the time needed to get an echo. A 15 cm deep line scan takes about 200 s.
Thus, several thousand line scans can be completed in one second. The planar image (two dimensional) is
assembled by storing the B mode line scans [11.11]. The spatial direction of the line is required for assembling
the image. The early planar scanning required manual movement of the sensor head. It was difficult to
determine the spatial direction of the scanning beam and transferring this information to the display controller.
Figure 11.12 shows automatic planar scanning methods. The transducer is rotated by a motor within the sensor
head (a). The sensor head is filled with oil to eliminate air gaps. (b) and (c) show how the beam direction can be
changed without mechanically moving the piezo elements. (b) illustrates the planar scanning by applying time

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delays between exciting the piezo elements. The number of piezo elements shown in (c) can be 100 of which
always a few are active to produce the focused beam in the desired direction. The set of excited elements is
shifted by one thus shifting the beam in parallel. Two dimensional images are displayed on universal digital

3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) most often displays the distribution of hydrogen molecules in the examined
body segment [11.2], [11.3]. This correlates well with the structure of the body because it is made up of 60%
water. The distribution of water is not homogeneous: 20% in fat tissues, 25% in bones, 70% in liver, 75% in
muscles, 80% in blood and my reach 85% in the brain. Contrary to X-ray images the shadow of bones does not
mask soft tissues. The nucleus of hydrogen (1H) contains a positively charged proton. Each proton has spin
acting like a magnetic dipole. The direction of the spin is random. When strong magnetic field is applied then
the direction of the spin for the majority of protons becomes parallel with the magnetic field (for a few it
becomes antiparallel). The direction of the spin of a proton is not constant; it precesses (see Figure 11.13). The
frequency of precession is called Larmor frequency (). Its value depends on the magnetic field strength (B) and
the gyromagnetic constant (), see eq. 11.1.


For 1H: /2 = 42.58 MHz/T. This means that when the magnetic field strength is 1 T then the frequency of
precession is 42.58 MHz.

Figure 11.13. The precessing movement of the proton

The usual notation is that the strong magnetic field (B) is in the vertical direction (z). When protons get RF
radiation of Larmor frequency perpendicular to their spin they become excited, the direction of their spin
changes by 90 to the x,y plane. While RF radiation exists the spin of a proton precesses at a small angle to the
x,y plane. When RF radiation is switched off protons get back to their resting state; their spin pointing to z
direction. Protons emit radiation when they get back to their resting state. Mapping of the distribution of
hydrogen molecules is based on the detection of this radiation. The resultant radiation of all protons can be
measured. Scanning a slice of the body or of an organ is done by modulating the magnetic field strength in x, y
and z direction. By this modulation a small volume (voxel) is defined. Magnetic field strength can be modulated
in one direction even during RF excitation. This makes possible the evaluation of radiation of protons along a
line in parallel because the slightly different magnetic field results in slightly different radiation frequency.
Parallel processing speeds up image generation. Figure 11.14 shows a slice taken from the head.

Changing the magnetic field strength and the RF frequency make possible the measurement of the distribution
of other atoms as well (e.g. 31P, 13C, 15N, 19F).

Figure 11.14. A slice taken from the head by MRI

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MRI_head_side.jpg; author: Ranveig Thattai)

An MRI examination depending on the volume of the studied body segment and the required resolution lasts
for 15 45 minutes. The slice thickness is between 0.5 and 10 mm, the maximum resolution within one slice is

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presently 0.02 mm. As a general rule patients with pacemaker should not be tested with MRI because of the
strong magnetic field. The applicability of MRI for patients with different implants must be thoroughly analysed

MRI devices have reached the speed needed for examining hemodynamic changes in the observed organ. This
can be applied for the brain or for the spinal cord; at present with coarse resolution (3 mm). This examination
method is called functional MRI (fMRI) [11.4]. One image/s is possible with 1 5 mm3 spatial resolution.

Figure 11.15. fMRI image series showing the brain activity changes activated by oxygen
and carbon dioxide concentration variation [11.5]

One image per second is not enough to assess brain processes. The parallel application of EEG (poor spatial and
excellent temporal resolution) and fMRI (very good spatial and poor temporal resolution) is an effective
procedure to measure brain activity [11.7]. Figure 11.16 shows which part is active in the brain of a person
involved in face recognition.

Figure 11.16. fMRI taken from a person involved in face recognition. The increased
blood supply of the visual cortex can be seen.
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Face_recognition.jpg; author: NIH)

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4. Imaging organ functions

Organ functions are often tested by injecting different markers into the body and analysing their distribution.
Injected radioactive markers can be traced easily by detectors outside the body. For this purpose radioisotopes
with short half-lives are injected into the blood stream. The isotopes are often generated locally. The distribution
of the isotopes reflects the intensity of metabolism. In tumour cells the increased metabolic activity results in
high radioactive isotope concentration. Positron emission tomography (PET) produces a three dimensional
image of a functional process in the body. The distribution of radioactive isotopes is determined by detecting
pairs of gamma rays emitted when a positron from the isotope encounters an electron annihilating both of them.
The two gamma rays move in opposite directions. The time difference between the incidences of the rays to the
sensor ring (see Figure 11.19) determines the site where the annihilation occurred. Table 11.1 gives the half-life
of isotopes frequently used for PET scans. The half-lives are short thus they mean minimal threat to the patient.
F18 FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) is also often used as marker.

Table 11.1. Half-life of isotopes applicable in PET analysis

isotope half-life (minute)

10F 110,0

11C 20,4

13N 10,0

60Ga 62,3

82Rb 1,3

Figure 11.17. Structure of the gamma camera (based on Wikimedia Commons Gamma
Camera Cross Section.png and Gamma Camera Cross Section Detail.png)

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Radiation emitted by radioactive isotopes can be detected by gamma camera [8g, see Figure 11.17. Other
sensors capable of measuring radioactive radiation are similar to the gamma camera. Figure 11.18 shows an
image of the whole body taken by a gamma camera.

Figure 11.18. Whole body image taken by a gamma camera. Left: supine; right prone
position. (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Scintigraphie_corps_entier.jpg;
author:Grook Da Oger)

The positron emission tomography is illustrated in Figure 11.19. Figure 11.20 shows different sensor
arrangements. Figure 11.21 shows a PET/CT image taken from a patient suffering from severe vasculitis.

Figure 11.19. Operation principle of PET

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PET-schema.png, author:Langner J)

Figure 11.20. Development of PET sensors: (a) and (b) rotating; (c) static sensors

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Figure 11.21. PET/CT showing severe vasculitis

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PET-schema.png; author: Hg6996)

Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) uses marker which directly emits gamma rays.
Comparing it to PET SPECT is cheaper but its resolution is worse (1 cm is typical).

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5. Devices
Figure 11.22 shows a cold cathode X-ray tube. Such tubes were applied in the early period (until 1920).

Figure 11.22. Cold cathode X-ray tube (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:X-

ray_tube_3.jpg; author: Aida)

Figure 11.23. Modern dental X-ray device

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Dental_X-Ray.jpg; author: Desire C)

Figure 11.24. Construction of a third generation CT. T X-ray tube, D: detectors, X: X-

ray, R: direction of gantry rotation. (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ct-
internals.jpg; author: Bjecas)

The rotation of the gantry can be seen on the video:


The flow distribution in the aorta is illustrated on an animation made using the images taken by an MRI (10
images were taken in a second).

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(The links were active on 19th April, 2013.)

Figure 11.25. CT device

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:64_slice_scanner.JPG; author: ToNToNi)

Figure 11.26. MRI device

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Modern_3T_MRI.JPG; author: Braegel)

Figure 11.27. Ultrasound image of a gallstone

stone_091937515.jpg; author: Nevit Dilmen)

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Medical imaging

Figure 11.28. Paediatric echocardiography with ultrasound imaging

phy.JPG; author: Ekko)

Figure 11.29. Ultrasound image of a foetus

(http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ultrasound_image_of_a_fetus.jpg; author:
Biagio Azzarelli)

Figure 11.30. SPECT device (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:SPECT_CT.JPG;

author: Ytrottier)

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Medical imaging

6. Problems
1. An ultrasound imaging device operates with 1 MHz frequency. The transmitted signal contains 10 periods.
The propagation velocity of ultrasound in the body is 1500 m/s. Calculate the depth of the dead space.

2. We want to measure with ultrasound to 11 cm deep in soft tissue. The measuring frequency is 3 MHz, the
average attenuation of the soft tissue is 0.8 dB/(cmMHz). Calculate the necessary change in the gain of the
receiver to produce the same amplitude at the output of the TGC amplifier for an echo from 1 cm and 10 cm

3. In the soft tissue in problem 2 the sound speed is 1550 m/s. Calculate the time delay from transmission to the
moment when the gain must be Av1cm and when Av10cm.

4. In Figure 11.10 (to the left) a schematic, in Figure 11.11 a real TM mode image can be seen. Compare the
two images and interpret their coordinate system.

5. Figure 11.27 shows a gallbladder containing a gallstone (two dimensional cross section). What were the
directions of the scanning ultrasound lines? Why cant we see echo from the inside of the gallstone? Why is
the area behind the stone darker than its surroundings? Why are there lighter areas behind the bladder?

6. What difference can be seen between the upper and lower part of the image in Figure 11.27 regarding the
lateral resolution? Explain the difference.

7. During abdominal examination echoes are detected from boundaries being 6 and 8 cm far from the
ultrasound sensor. The attenuation between the sensor and the boundaries is 3 dB/cm. Calculate the ratio of
the echo amplitudes reflected from 6 and 8 cm.

8. For abdominal examination 2 MHz ultrasound is used. Is it possible to detect a sphere shaped gallstone with
1 mm diameter?

9. How should be decided if MRI imaging is possible of a patient with (a) hip prosthesis, (b) pacemaker, (c)
dental prosthesis (bridge)?

10. Compare the PET-CT and MRI imaging technique.

7. Bibliography
[11.1] http://www.impactscan.org/slides/xrayct/index.htm

[11.2] http://www2.sci.u-szeged.hu/foldtan/CT_SPCEKOLL/MR%20alapok.pdf

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Medical imaging

[11.3] http://www.ellingsonbiomedical.com/MRI/Lectures/Intro_to_MRI.htm


[11.5] Macey PM, Woo MA, Harper RM: Hyperoxic Brain Effects Are Normalized by Addition of CO_2.

[11.6] www.mrisafety.com

[11.7] Ritter P, Villringer A: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2006;30(6):823-38. Epub 2006
Aug 15.

[11.8] Lewellwn TK, Murano R: A Comparison of Count Rate Parameters in Gamma Cameras. J Nucl Med 22:
161-168, 1981.

[11.9] http://oftankonyv.reak.bme.hu/tiki-index.php?page=R%C3%B6ntgen+Technika

[11.10] Orvosi fizikai gyakorlatok 18. a. Ultrahang.


[11.11] Asbjrn Stylen , dr. med.: Basic ultrasound, echocardiography and Doppler for clinicians.

[11.12] Dr. Duliskovich Tibor: Minsgellenrzs az ultrahang diagnosztikban. V. Hungarian Medical Physics
Conference & Workshop. 1998. oktber 29-31., Kecskemt.

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