XII Physics Chapter 6 - Electrictromagnetic Induction Saju Hsslive

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1. Define electromagnetic induction.
Ans: Whenever the magnetic flux
linked with a coil changes, an emf
is induced in the coil. This process
Eddy Currents
is called electromagnetic
induction. 6. What are Eddy currents?
Ans: Whenever the magnetic flux
liked with a metallic block changes, an
2. State Faradays law of
e.m.f. is induced in it. And due to this
electromagnetic induction.
e.m.f. circulating currents are
Ans: The magnitude of the produced in the metallic block. These
induced emf is equal to the rate circulating currents are called eddy
of change of magnetic flux. currents.
the magnetic flux.

3. The magnetic flux linked with a

loop placed in field is given by
= 6t2 + 7t + 1, where t is in seconds
and is in milliweber. How much emf The direction of eddy currents also is
given by Lenzs law.
will be induced at t = 2s?
7. What are the disadvantages of
4. State Lenzs law. eddy currents?
Ans: The direction of the Ans: Eddy currents are undesirable, in
induced e.m.f. is always such as most of the electrical devices like
to oppose the rate of change of transformer, induction coil, choke coil
etc. Eddy currents produce heating in
magnetic flux.
these devices, which is a wastage of
d energy.

The negative sign shows that 8. How can you minimize eddy
induced emf opposes the change of currents?
flux. Ans: Eddy currents can be minimized
Lenzs law gives the direction of by increasing the resistance of the
induced e.m.f. metal. This can be done by using
laminated thin sheets of metal,
5. The current passing through the instead of a single metallic block.
wire AB is increasing. In which
direction does the induced current
flow in the loop?

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 1
vehicle. The aluminium drum is
carefully pivoted and a magnet is
placed inside it. As the vehicle moves
the magnet rotates, the eddy currents
are produced in the aluminium drum.
These eddy currents try to reduce the
relative motion. For this, the cylinder
also rotates with the magnet. The
pointer of the speedo meter moves
9. What are the practical uses of according to the rotation of the drum.
eddy currents?
Ans: The main applications of eddy 10. An aluminium ring is placed
currents are the following:
around the projecting core of a
(i) Electromagnetic damping
In a moving coil galvanometer when powerful electromagnet as shown in
the coil oscillates in the m.f. eddy the figure below. When the circuit is
currents are set up in the frame (core) closed the ring jumps up to a
according to Lenzs law. These eddy surprising height. Why?
currents oppose the oscillations and
damping is produced very quickly.
This helps for quick measurements.
(ii) Induction furnace
The metal to be heated is placed in a
rapidly varying magnetic field
produced by a high frequency AC. The
eddy currents set up in the metal
produce so much heat that the metal is
(iii) Electric brakes (Brakes of
A strong magnetic field is applied
across a metallic drum rotating with 11[Q]. The motion of copper plates is
the axis of the train. The force damped when it is allowed to
developed due to the eddy currents is oscillate between the two poles of a
proportional to the speed of the train. magnet. If slots are cut in the, how
So the breaking effect is smooth. will the damping be affected?
(iv) Induction motor
In the induction motor a rotating m.f. is Self Induction
produced with the help of two single
phase A.C. Which have a phase 12. What is Self induction

difference of 2
. A metallic cylinder is Ans: When the current through a
pivoted between the electromagnets. coil changes, an e.m.f. is induced
When the m.f. is rotated eddy currents
are developed in the cylinder. To in it. This is called self induction
reduce the relative motion, the cylinder
also rotates with the rotating m.f.
(v) Speedometer
In the speedometer an aluminium drum
rotates according to the speed of the

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 2
Magnetic flux linked with the solenoid.
But the m.f. inside the solenoid.
B = 0nI
= 0nI AN
I L I = 0nIAN
= LI L = 0nAN
L is called self inductance of the coil or L = 0nA(nl)
coefficient of self induction L = 0n2Al
According to Lenzs law.
= dt 17. A solenoid of length l metre has
= dt self-inductance L henry. If number of
dI turns are doubled (without any
= L dt change in its length), what is its new
13. Define self-inductance of a
solenoid. 18. Current in a circuit falls from 5A
Ans: We have = L dt to 1A in 0.1 second. If an average emf
dI of 200 volts is induced, find the self -
Let = 1A /s
dt inductance of the coil.
Then, = L (numerically)
The self inductance of a coil is
defined as the induced e.m.f 19.A plot of magnetic flux() versus

developed in the coil when the current(I) is shown in the figure for
rate of change of current through the two inductors A and B. Which of
the two has larger value of self
it is unity.

14. What is back emf ?

Ans: The induced emf in a coil
opposes the growth or decay of current
through it. Therefore, it is called back

15. What is the S.I. unit of self-

Ans: henry (H)
20. Which of the following can
16. Derive an expression for the
self-inductance of a solenoid. produce maximum induced emf?
Ans: Consider a solenoid total no. of (a) 50A, DC
turns N, number of turns per unit
(b) 50A, 50Hz AC
length n and length l.

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 3
(c) 50A, 500Hz AC k coefficient of coupling, for tight
(d) 100A, DC coupling k = 1, for loose coupling,
k< 1
Mutual Induction
24. What is tight coupling?
21. Define mutual induction Ans: If the primary and secondary
coils are wound closely in such a way
Ans: When current through a coil
that the complete flux linked with the
changes an e.m.f. is induced in the primary is available to the secondary,
neighboring coil. This is called then the coupling is called tight
mutual induction.
25. What is the SI unit of mutual
Ans: SI unit of mutual inductance is
henry (H)

26. A pair of adjacent coils has a

= MI1 mutual inductance of 1.5H. If the
Therefore, current in one coil changes from 0 to
d2 d
= dt

[MI1] 20A in 0.5s, (i) what is the change of
dI flux linkage with the other coil? (ii)
= M dt1 what is the emf induced in the other ?
22. Define mutual inductance of two
coils. 27. Derive an expression for the
dI energy stored in an Inductor.
Ans: We have, = M dt1 Ans:
Let dt
Then, = -M
= M (numerically)
Mutual inductance of two coils is
When current through a coil
defined as the induced e.m.f
increases, back e.m.f. is developed.
developed in the secondary coil, This e.m.f. opposes the growth of
when the rate of change of current through the circuit.
current through the primary is Therefore some work has to be done
by the voltage source to establish a
current in the circuit.This work
done is stored as the energy of the
23. Give the relation between
mutual inductance and self-
inductances. Workdone in dt time
Ans: M L1L2 dW = Pdt
M = k L1L2 = I.dt

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 4
By Kirchhoffs voltage rule, -
dI dI
L =0 => = L
dt dt
Therefore, dW= L Idt
dW = LIdI 31. Derive an expression for mutual
inductance of two coils.
Therefore the total work done in
Ans: Consider two coaxial solenoids
increasing the current from 0 to I0 S1 and S2 each of length l. Let r1 and r2
is given by, be their radii, n1 and n2, the number of
turns per unit length and N1 and N2 the
W = dW
0 total number of turns.
= LIdI
= L IdI
= L
2 0
I 2
= L 0
2 2
LI 0 2 Let a current I2 flows through S2. Then
= the magnetic flux linked with S1 is
W = LI02 1=M12 I2 ---------------- (1)
M12 is called the mutual inductance of
Therefore, Energy of the inductor
the solenoid S1 with respect to the
1 2 solenoid S2.
2 0 Magnetic field due to the current I2 in
28. What is the form of energy the solenoid S2.
stored in an inductor? B2 = 0n2I2
Ans: Energy stored in an inductor is in Then the resulting flux through S1
the form of a magnetic potential energy 1=B2A1N1
= 0n2I2(r12)(n1 ) n1 = l
29. A 50mH coil carries a current of
2 amperes. Determine the energy = [0n1n2(r12) ] I2-------------(2)
stored in the inductor. Comparing equations (1) and (2)
M12= 0n1n2(r12)
30. Lenzs Law is a statement of If we consider the reverse case, we can
conservation of energy. Explain show that
Ans: When a magnet is brought near M21 = 0n1n2r12
to a coil, an induced emf is developed Thus M21 = M12 = M
in the coil. And the coil gets
magnetized so as to oppose the motion 32. Define magnetic flux
of the magnet. Due to repulsion work Ans:
has to be done to bring the coil towards
the magnet. And this work is stored as Magnetic flux B A =BAcos
energy, in the coil. Here mechanical where is the angle between magnetic
energy is converted to electrical field and normal to the plane of the
energy. coil.

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 5
33. What is the SI unit of magnetic Ans: Stretch the 3 fingers in
flux? the right hand in 3 mutually r
Ans: S.I. unit of magnetic flux is
weber (Wb). directions. If the forefinger
Magnetic flux is a scalar quantity. gives the directions of magnetic
field and the thumb gives the
34. What is motional emf? Derive an direction of motion of the
expression for motional emf. conductor, then the middle
Ans: Consider a rectangular frame
MSRN in which the conductor PQ can finger will give the direction of
move, in the r m.f. directed inwards the induced emf.
the plane of paper.
36. A jet plane is travelling towards
west at a speed of 1800km/h. What is
the voltage difference developed
between the ends of the wing having
a span of 25m, if the earths magnetic
field at the location has a magnitude
of 5x 10-4T and dip angle is 30o.
The straight conductor PQ is moved
towards the left with a constant
velocity v perpendicular to the uniform 37. Explain the principle,
magnetic field B. construction and working of an A.C.
The magnetic flux linked with the Generator.
rectangular loop PQRS. Ans:
=BA = B(lx) Construction
As PQ moves the value of x An ac generator consists of:
changes, there by changing the (i) Field magnet
magnetic flux. Whenever the magnetic (ii) Armature
flux changes, an emf is induced.
Induced e.m.f. (iii) Slip rings
d (iv) Brushes
= dt
= dt
= Bl dt
= Bl dt
= Blv
The induced e.m.f., = Blv is called
the motional e.m.f.
The direction of motional emf is given
by Flemmings right hand rule.

35. State Flemmings right hand


SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 6
emf is induced in the coil. The ends of
the coil are connected to external
circuit by means of slip rings and

38. Why a.c. is preferred for all

commercial purposes?
Ans: This is because a.c. voltage can
be easily converted from one voltage to
another using transformer. At the
transmitting station current is reduced
to a very small value using step up
transformer. This is to reduce I2R loss
while transmitting through the power
lines. At the places of distribution the
current is increased to the required
value using step down transformers.

Principle 39. Match the devices and the

A.C. generator works on the principle behind the working of the
principle of electro-magnetic following devices.
induction. In a generator mechanical AC generator Self-Induction
energy is converted in to electric Choke Coil Mutual
energy Induction
When the armature coil rotates Transformer Speedometer of
between the pole pieces of field Vehicles
magnet, the effective area of the coil is Eddy Currents Electromagnetic
A cos , where is the angle between Induction
A and B. Ans:
The flux at any time is =BAN cos
=> = BAN cos t
Where is the angular velocity AC generator Electromagnetic
of the coil. Induction
The induced e.m.f. Choke Coil Self-Induction
= dt
Transformer Mutual
= N dt (BA cos t) Eddy Currents Speedometer of
= -NAB -sin t
= NAB sin t
When sin t = +1 or -1
= NAB (numerically), which is the
maximum value of induced emf. I.e.,
when t = 900 or 2700, the change of
flux is maximum.
When the armature coil is
mechanically rotated in a uniform
magnetic field, the magnetic flux
through the coil changes and hence an

SAJU K JOHN, M.Sc. Physics, NET, PhD Research Scholar at NIT Calicut 7

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