SnapShot Intermediate Language Booster PDF
SnapShot Intermediate Language Booster PDF
SnapShot Intermediate Language Booster PDF
1 ~
Stay cool
Past simple and present perfect simple
you yet
4B you the new
1 Use the words in the circles with the verb in film Brad Pitt Brad Pitt
the box to make two sentences, one in the past the new yesterday film
simple and one in the present perfect simple.
a recently
9 ................................. ............................................... ..
............................................................................... ?
.!.~.~Y.~~!!!~.~~!'.~.~l!.~.!!!!l.~.~: .........................................
dinner seven
Have you ever been to ........... Caribbean?
4 ......................................................................... .......... .
3 We spoke ........... English most of the time.
yesterday 1,500 m
1,000 m just 6 Do you ever watch ........... foreign Al ms?
5 ....................................................................................
8 Did you visit ........... Pyramid when you were
6 ................................................................................... .
in Egypt?
last year on
........... curry was good but ........... rice
was cold.
7 ....................................... ............................................ .
8 .................................................................................. ..
Go for it )
Past simple and present perfect simple Marco: Then 8 ...................................... (1 /go down)
Mobile phone
saves girl
ATEP.tlAGE DRIVER called 999 on her
m hilt- pbonl' as h lay injured after ... e....
car occident. , ......... cnll saved her Ufe.
On nlesday, eighteen-year-oltl Rachel
Edward.~ went out for 2......... drive in
......... I!arly evening after 4......... row with
I ......... diff.
A 'J ......... car r !led do", n 10 ......... cliff,
Rarhlt managed to jump uuL Somehow, she
.till had her handbag with her. and inside
It......... handbag was her mobih: phone. She
,llletll)49 [l[JtI very soon 11 ........ helicopter fast. We didn't have much time. When we 'We knew nothing untd 25,........ police
II~. no il~ \\ ay to rescue her lifted Rachel to 20......... nfety.21 ......... contacted us: aid Rachel" father. 'She has
1 ......... lirsl llung we aw was 14 ......... water w~ about a metre from her car.' had 26 ......... luckiest escape of anyone
\.'llI ut 15......... bOl1um of 1".. _ ..... cliff. 22......... helicopter flew Lo :'J ........ . I've ver known.' Mr Edwards wa... full
saId 17 ......... helicopter pilot. 'We then saw Roborough Airport. From there, 24....... .. 01'2 7 .. ....... admiration for 28 .........
Miss Edwards further up IR......... cliff, ambulance took Rachel to Derriford emergency services.
unahle 10 move. I') ......... se~ wa~ coming in Ho.pita!, where she is now recovering.
Stay cool Across
5> Solve the crossword. 7 .............. all trains stop at Charing Cross? (2)
" .
6 Why are you so late? Did you ............. the train? (4)
there. I went to the airport by taxi. , arrived at 7.30. 19 She's American, so she ha a .............. passport (2)
I 9.30 I
5 6
Kosice 22.00
Go for it
7 ) Complete the conversations. 9> Write the conversations. Use a different
expression each time.
A: .E'!.'!........ you give John a message?
B: .Pf.... course.
Va bulary 0):
Predicting situations
IU pr pare our II' for specific situations by
Ipuncture I
p d, thlf1 k 'Y vo auulaTY. For example, at the
"1 d at al1 airport words and phra e
hi h y u may h ar r n ed are passport. hand
baggag aisle/window seat. boarding card, gate
m mb r. boarding time.
Y W nl to btl <I 11 li k ~l from London to
J Tom: rn ...................................................................
An interview with J
la Liam Neeson was born in Northern Ireland .
He has appeared in many well-known
films. including Sch mo/E'r's List and
Star Wars - The Phantom Menace
Interviewer. l .................. ?
And I love doin T it. 1L's the most Liam Neeson: Very much so.
Liam Neeson: 1 suppa e its true
natural thing m Lhe wo rld . J thitlk Absolutely. I'm \ ery C<)ll d O llS of
III a C llain 'Xlent There was a
lIS ImportanL to remember that the problem of \ ioience in m ms
gullll my _cllllo1. Elizab th, who
children grow up so quickly, you and on television. My fluh r's
wa the Lar aLlress in our school
know ! I was reading the other day generaLion was worned about the
piny:; On It: rill, our English
about a wnter who was lyping a influence of (h(' Rolhng Slones
teacher was uoing a play whi h
story <lnd his kid was outside and the Beatlcs. Nnw il'S violent
elizabeth was tn. () 1 wenl all ng
saying, 'Dad, ome and play nJm . ml awful violent video
to the .1tIdition and got a part.
baseball' He said , 'Yes, I'll be there games vhere if yotl ill someone
Thul'.. where my interest in
in a minute . I have Lo finis h thi.., .' YOLI get 300 points and rhen
acting beg;m.
And of course The hours passed move on to the nex i game . IL'S
Interviewer: You're the ralher ilnd he gOl the tOT) finished 0 j l lCITIfying 5 yes, flU very
no\\ of two young sons. There's lime but the kid was in bed. T hats aware of the image that I m
a big ucb:'llc in Britain allhe a moment thai he'll never gel back involve in on Lhe screen.
moment aboul how lillIe lime again. And that truck a chord
falh r pend wnh lheir children. with me, so Ilry to play wiLh my
I Ihinl It\ an a\ erage of flfLeen kids when they ac;k. It doesn't
mmutes a day J ..... .............. ? matter what fm doing.
Co mprehension Communication
and answers.
<I) Arc you trying to be the sort of father who
o for it
3) Correct the statements.
..IJ.~..~~m~fr.~!!!. ~~r:!.~.t;~.~r.t;!~.'!.~:..............................
1 >Complete the article with the correct form of the words in brackets.
I h;n c III say that 1find the idea of two men punching Don't get me wrong. I like W;ttdling .port. r find it
each uthc:r fOT peoplt s .. ~~~~~~~~m~~L (emertain) 10................................ excite) toee people achieving
truly I................................ (shock), Wb.1t':\ new records in am/eties and I'm ruwavs
1 . ............................... (entertain) about il? Wl1ere's dle
, ! ................................ (amaze) al rhe skill of football
J ................................ (excite) or 4 ............................... .
and rugby player' But boxing is not a port, m
(plc-.....e) in watching twO men fight C'Jtb other unUl one my opinion.
of them ....................._... (give +preposition) or is I feel slrongl), abolll this, and I won't
lell uncon i()u '? Do people get a 6............................... . 12 ................................ (give +preposition) protesting
(Will) JUt of w:uching something like this? If they do, I about it. Recently, while 1 ' )........................................ .
find it \Cr; 7................................ (worry). (give + preposttiatt) antiboxing /e;U1et..'i in mr local
What'~ more, if not jUst mrn who are involved. I was ~bopping centre, a lot of people came up to me LO say
fl . ................ ............... (shock) when I read recently they were I.' ................................ (plea e) mill I was
about boxing mald) b'twecn two women. How can doing it. So don l be 15................................ (surprise)
the d( It? Surely they've c::en lle 9.............................. .. if you see me on a streeL comer near you l
(horrif ,) mjurie that male boxers get
stacy Pearsoll, Manchester
Past simple and continuous Past simple and past perfect simple
2/ Complete the sentences with the correct >
3 From each pair of sentences, make one
form of the verbs in brackets. Then write a sentence containing a verb in the past simple
sui able question. and a verb in the past perfect simple.
1 was in a state of shock at nine o'clock.
didn't answer
(not answer) the phone
A: 1 ............................
because 1 ..~f!~.~.'!.'!.t!.~'!9.. (stand) on my head. 3 She took him to hospital this afternoon.
He fell down the stairs this morning. (because)
B: Why .. ~~r~y.C?l!..~!!.'!.t!.~'!9..'?'.'.~~~r..~~.'!.c!.? ...........
B: Why ................................................................ ?
A: Because he thought he'd seen a ghost! 4> Underline the words in which the e is silent.
A: We .................................................. (talk) when
wanted laughed returned divided
suddenly he ........................................... (get) Write the -ing form of the following verbs.
really miserable. take .................... ... live ...................... .
B: Why ................................................................ ?
drive ........... ....... ..... make
A: Because he'd just split up with his girlfriend. surprise ....................... amaze
60 for it
Past simple. past continuous and
past perfect simple
5> Complete the story with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
n................................. (hurry) towards the place ................., .................. (not alwayslbe) an office. It
where it 'I .... ....................................... .. .. (come from ). I~ ..................................................... (oncelbelong) to a
He 10 ............................... (reach) the door leading to rich woman called Eva Tyndale who had shut Alice,
the cellar, II .............................. .
(take) a candle and her servant, in the cellar. One of the oLher servants
IJ. .............., ................ (go) down the cellar stairs.
told the police. but by the ti me they discovered Alice,
Suddenly, the uoor 13 ............................... (slam)
she was dead and Mrs TyndaJe [<el ................................ ..
behmd him. making a piece of paper fall from a shelf ................................ (disappear).
3 ................................................................................. ?
6> Write the questions or answers.
To investigate .
.~~.Y..~~)~~.~..~f!.f!.~~'.'9.f~~!!r.~.!~.9~rr!~9..~.f!.'!!:~.? ... 4 ................................................................................ ?
Because he'd had a hard day at work. Scr ams.
How did he know the woman was frightened? 5 Wha t ha ppened when the cellar door slammed?
.~h~.'!'!.l!!..~.~.C!.~.~~9.~ ................................. ..................... .
6 ................................................................................. ?
She'd died of starva tion.
2 Did John Markham believe in ghosts? 7 Why did n't the police arrest Mrs Tyndale?
7> Complete the phrases. Then match them with
the categories below.
3 Kate:
g} I'm arraid l've got ...................................... ..
I don 't know. Tell me !
11) ........................ . what!
i Announcing good news DD
2 Responding to good news DD _. :'1
1 Announcing bad news DD SUBJECT Histo~ 1'1
+hi~s, ~+ j \:1
London _I
4 Neil :
14th October
Friend: Oh? What's happened?
Neil :
[ It ar M r Harris,
YIlU have w()n [\ ,OOO! We howe pleasure ill
Mr Harris: .!):~9.f!.~.~l!.'!!.~.9.'!.C?c!..'!.~.~~:.......................
Friend: Really? Tell me! What's wrong?)
Mr Harris:
Friend: 9> Correct the mistakes.
~ Stay coo )
The fut ure 2 ) Complete the messages with will/won't, may, might,
going to ~r the present continuous. In some cases, there
1 '/ Circle t he correct response, are two possibilities.
1'm off now.
go out tonight.
a) l'm afraid 1 can't. l'm meeting Karim.
MMtut -KkaAeJ. pkol1~ ~jttA~
b) l'm afraid I can't. I'll meet Karim. 1......... . ............................. .
b) Yes. 1 have a pizza.
a) OK. I go.
(I /m eet)
to Kka1et('!) paf~ .
20 Jo~
The future
3/ Write what the students are saying.
US!! the correct form of will, may, might or going to.
e- work in Spain
for a few months
What are you going to do 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 1r:-...!
- definitely not
when you leave school?
get a job
- study to
become a vel
- definitely!
What are you going to do when you leave school? 4'/ Write sentences which are true for you, using
the prompts.
I don't really know. .!..,!:!~9.~~.!l.'!..~?.~~!!~!J.~! ..............
.. ~r L!!!!9~t~~~~..,!.JI.~~r..~~!; ....................................... (present can tinuous)
After school today .................................................. .
2 I'v already decided.................................................
2 (might)
li d like to go to university. The trouble is, .......... . Next weekend .......................................................... .
5 (going to)
To celebrate my eighteenth birthday, ....................
~) Go for it )
5;' Match each adjective with one or 7> Use the words in the box to write a profile of the
more prepositions. two sisters and their mother.
different ................................................... .
2 excited ..................................................... .
3 fed up ....................................................... .
4 frightened .................................................
5 interested ..................................................
6 keen ..........................................................
7 proud ....................................................... .
8 rired ......................................................... .
6 Complete each sentence with a
phrase from Exercise 5.
tfe likes classical music but he isn't
...~~~~.~!'! ... opera.
Lucy Anna
Laura looks pale. She's got an audition
very good /languages brillia nt/sport
keen/French keen/basketball
tomorrow and she's really ......................
o ...................................................................... .
Roller Cafe?
Anton: J ...................................................................... .
Lorna: 4 ...................................................................... .
1 Are you? Well, how .................... meeting
nna and Errol in town?
Anton: 6 ............ ............. .. . .. ........................................ .
Voyage to St Kilda
Com prehension Communication
J c ................................................ ..
4 s....................... p. ......................... .
5 h .................................................. ..
6 mu ...................................................
7 rna .......................................................
8 s ........................ s.......................... .
9 p ................................................... ..
11 c ..................................................... .
12 b....................... s .......................... ..
13 I ...................................................... .
2 (despite) .................................................................. ..
3 (although) .................................................................
very competitive.
4 (in spite of) ..............................................................
promising to come.
8) Complete the dialogue.
You: Well, it's a bit baggy. 1 ..............................
. 7
........................................................... sIze.
Assistant: Yes, we have. Here's a medium. 1 ............ .
............................................................. on?
VI ow you gu:
~ Stay cool)
1 '; Label the parts of the car.
1 W~!!~~~r~~.r:t........................ .
2 b ....................................... .
3 s ....................................... .
4 g....................................... .
5 m ......................................
6 s ....................................... .
7 e ...................................... ..
8 b ...................................... ..
9 h ......................................... .
10 s................... w.................. .
11 f .................... t.................. .
12 b ........~ ..................................... .
13 b ................. 1.................. ..
14 i ................. 1................... ..
15 t ...................................... ..
. Go for it
2) Complete the conversation. B: It's OK. here's enough petrol in the
3 . .. ........................ ............ We'll be fine.
B: Uh, huh.
8: I was just going to. A: Look ou t! There's a hairpin ben d coming up.
A: Now it's started to rain. Perhaps you'd belter Don't go so 5..................... .
5 1'm so thirsty. 1 ..................................... som eth ing
to drink.
3'/ Give advice using the words in brackets and a 6 His behaviour is appall ing! You ............................ .
main verb. ............................. him lTeat you like that.
He looks very tired. (ought) needn't
7 He phoned Lo say he's arriv d afely, so you
He .~~9.~~:~.~~.~~~~. so hard .
I've got a bad headache and 1 fee l sick. (should) ................................................................. any more.
S l've got a spare pair of sunglasses, so you
You ............................................ a doctor.
................................................................ any.
2 Oh no, it's raining and I haven't brought an
umbrella! (had better) Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
You ............................................. mine.
5 > Complete sentence b} so that it means the
] I was stopped by the police last night for riding same as sentence a) in each case.
my bik without lights. (should)
You ............................................ without light . a) Jo hn's far m re serious than Jamie.
4 l'm not sure about going up into the mountains. b) Jamie's .f~r..~~.~~r.~~'!.~.. than John.
TIley say the driving conditions are qui1e a) My marks in Biology were better than my
dangerous. (had better) marks in Chemistry.
In that case, we ............................................. . b) My marks in Chemistry weren't ................ ..
there today. .................................... my marks in Biology.
I) Anna seems a bit depressed. (ought) 2 a) Riding a mo torbike is more da ngerous th an
drivin g a car.
Perhaps we ............................................. her to
ome to the cinema with us. b) Driving a ca r isn 't .........;......................... .
.. ................ riding a motorbike.
Obligation and prohibition with 3 a} Is it true that gi rls are much better at
verbs must, have (got) to and needn't languages than boys?
4/ Complete the sentences with the modal verbs b} Is it true that boys are ....................................
and the verbs in the box. at langua ges th an girls?
4 a} He drives more carefu lly tha n she does.
heat worry have ~ do
let clean buy take b} Sh e drives ................................ than he does.
...................... your room every Saturday morning. It's a very strange book. In fact, it's ............... .
....................................................... it first?
2 The new Harley bike comes in several models.
Thi is the most expensiv , at 15,000. This is
................................................................................ ?
anybody else.
4 1 can't come out just yet. 1 ................................... ..
4 We see all our cousins quite frequ ently. But we
.................................. some shopping round to my see An ita ..................................................... of all.
should(n't), ought(n't} to and had
better (not)
7> Give advice using the modal verbs.
A: He's put on weight, hasn't he? (should) A: Aren't you going thro ugh the Channel Tunnel
to France?
B: You ................................... ...................................
B: Mmm.
3 A: Anna nearly fell off her bike last night. (ough t) A: And you don't have to wait in traffic jams on a
B: She .................................................................... ..
bike, so travelling is 5............. ..........................
(stressfu l). 1t's 6......... .. .............. . ...................... ..
B: We ..................................................................... ..
B: Well, that's wha t l'd better do then.
~ Go for it )
9/ Write the conversation between you and Mark 10> Give advice for each situation. Then accept or
using the prompts. refuse the advice, giving a reason where possible.
o == Mark accepts your advice.
A: l'm fed up taking the bus all the time.
IKl = He refuses your advice, with a reason.
s: .r~~.~~g.~.~.~~.~.~.~'!.~..t;I.~f!.l:!tgm!!!g..'!..'!'.f!.~~r.~~~~:.
II: = He questions your advice.
A: 00 L~~!!.'~.t!.f!J~~:..Th~:!.~..~~t;I.~/y. .~~'!.~!r.~:.......
~ M!'.!l~~Jl.f?'!.:r~.r.igh.~..~.!!!.C!.~f?rk!~~~.!l~!~~~r.~.
A: 1 keep getting headaches.
s: .............................................................................
A: ~ .. ................................................................... ..
A: 00 .......................................................................
A: ~ ...................................................................... .
Mark: 1 can't get on with my work at home. 4 A: 1 asked Kelly out for a pizza tomorrow night
My parent argue a lo t and it's hard to but 1 can'l really afford it.
concentrate. s: .............................................................................
your teacher that you 're having problems
at home.
Mark: 00 2 ................................................................. .
Personalising vocabulary
your parents about it.
Mark: [I] 4 .................................................................. .
Hi heroes are ~ton Senna and When he was fifteen, Antonio Wh n he isn't racing, Antonio fi nds
Nelson Piquet. He's from Brazil, moved from karting to racing caTS time for other sports, especially
he's eighteen, and he already has a and spent seven or eight months water sports like water-skiing and
successful career in motor racing. in the USA, at the Formula Barber jet-skiing. He's from Manaus in th
ANTONIO PIZZONIA was recently Dodge Racing School in Florida. Amazon region, where ther are a
at the Brand Hatch racetrack in Out of the ten races in which he lot of ri vers a nd lakes, so it was
the south of England. When we competed, he won seven. very easy for him to do water ports
met him, he was smiling and as a young teenager.
lIe's raced in many different
oking very relaxed, in spite of
tbe fac t that he was about to drive
countries, including Spain, Antoni hope to q a Fonnul One
New Zealand, France, Engla d driver e entually. '1 think I can get
in the British Formula Renault
Sport Championship. and Germany. He says the most lh re in two or three years' time,' he
important race for him so far says, as he g ts into his ear to take
Although he's from Brazil, Antonio has been the Brazilian Karting part in the race.
now lives in Cambridge, in England Championship because it gave
He' lived there for two yeal's. lIe him the confidence to become a
misses his family, but he's got a lot r acing <inver. Antonio won the race and test
of friends in England. drove a Formula One car as part of
Danger doesn't worry him. His the prize. He also won a road car
H tarted racing at the age of nine father, who was also a racing for a year. And although he isn't old
when he won his first karting driver, has always given him a lot enough to be a Formula One racing
championship, the Amazonian of encouragement, although his drivel', he won a cake in the shape
Championship. He won his first mother i. n'l so sure about his of a Formula One car!
Brazilian Championship III Sao choice of career. Ther are times
Paulo at the age of thirteen . when he thinks he shouldn't do it.
Co mprehension Communication
1 / Read the text and complete the factfile. Gina wants to be a racing driver. Her father
encourages her, but her mo ther doesn't like the idea.
Father: (gives advice: con tact the British Racing
Antonio Pizzonia
Federation) 1 thi nk .. .
Gina: (accepts his advice)
Country of birth: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Mother: (gives advice: go to college)
Training: where?
Gina: (refuses her advice)
how long? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Father: Mum's right, Gina. You should take her
Favourite leisure activities: ________ advice and perhaps get a Saturday job at
the racetrack.
60 for it
3/ Answer the questions.
Where did the interviewer meet Antonio?
..1t.~r:~mM..ff.q.~~~,.l~..~n~.~~H'.~..~f.f.~.9!~r!~: .................
Did the interviewer meet Antonio before or after
th race at Brands Hatch?
Stay cool ~_~o_fo_r_i_t~)
1 ;> Categorise the jobs; C for cars, H for health, 4> Use the adjectives from Exercise 2 to describe
and R/TV for Radionv. the people.
Ion e t
2 ef _ ecti e
'My papers are in such a mess. I can never lind
30_g _n ised
anything: .. !!.i~?~fI~~.i~~!!...
eI bIe
'I'm in love and it feels great !: ....................... ..
9 r l a ed
time to see them all: ........................ .
lOcom i t ed 5 'Sony 1 fo rgot to post your let er. rve got a
II um Ie terrible memory.' .........................
12 s abe 6 'I like watchi ng sport on lV, but I hate doing
physical exercise myself.' ........................ .
7 'l'm always at the mon thly meetings of OUT
voluntary wo rk group. They're really
Words with silent letters
important.' ........................ .
Manv words in Engli h have silent letter, e.g.
happens.' ........................ .
3) Underline the letters which are silent in
9 'I've spent ages tryi ng to choose a colour
these words.
for my room . I just can't mak up my
I cam paign 2 knee 3 listen 4 psychological mind.' ........................ .
5 climbing 6 hour 7 lhumb 8 wrong
Stay cool
First conditional: if/unless clause + 6> Use the prompts to write the advice a father
'/I (will)/won't is giving his son.
First conditional: clause with
conjunction or
you /be/pleasant
5> Rewrite the sentences in the first condjtional.
you /make friends easily
.!f!l.f!.'!.:~~R.~~.l!~f!.'.".~! .N.'!.I!:!!.!!!.l!.~.~fr..~~.'!.~.~~f!!.Y.: ...........
Stop fooling around or you'll hurt yourself.
you /lose friends quickly
..If~~.!!.C!.'!:.t'!.l!.~~rJ9..t;J.r9.1!.'!.t!,.y.f?':'.:~~ ...................
you /be/ unreliable
................................................................................ if
If .............................................................................. ..
2 you/be/ organised
you/not do a good day's work
Un less ...................................................................... .
If ............................................................................... . or
5 be vain
I) You'd
better go now, otherwise you'll miss the you/be/unpopular
last bus . Don't ........................................................................ .
............................................................................... or
6 get behind with yo ur work
you /get depressed
6 Call me if there's a problem, otherwise I'll see
you at eight. Never ........................................................................ .
Unless .......................................................................
Go for it
Time clauses in the future Time clauses in the future with when/as soon as
with when/as soon as First conditional: if/unless clause + will/won't
7 ./ Cross out the incorrect sentences. First conditional: clause with conjunction or
a) ),6Je'll fl8've a f3a~ wl-1el~ yo 1:1 'II 8> Complete the letter with suitable words and phrases.
get yom exam resul ts.
b) We'll have a party when you get
your exa m results.
c) We ha've a ~aft} wi'lefl yeu !'Jet
your exam results.
Communi cation
Stay cool
~, Go for it )
9/ Complete the responses to these statements.
What's wrong?
11 Agree or disagree with the students above,
giving your reasons.
10/ Correct the mistakes.
Agree: .T~~!.'~.~~~~:.~~:~.!?f!~JC!!r..~~.~~~.~~!~~~~~.if........
ta uality
Stay cool
1 / Replace the words in italics 3> First, fill in the blank spaces in 1 to 12 with the endings
with the correct form of a phrasal of the adjectives. Then match the clues to the numbers.
verb with take.
4 1 N T E L L 1 G 1J
5 W 1 T T
Can you start learning the piano at 6 1 M P 0 R T
any age? ................................. .
7 F U S S
2 Have you returned the books to the 8 U S E
library? ................................. .
9 R 0 M A N T
3 Will his job be safe when the new
company takes control?
10 A T T R A C T J
12 E X C E L L
4 Will you have to accept more
r onsibility in your new job? 13 C A R T 0 0 N
15 M U S
H 0 R R 0 R
1 C A L
5 Would you mind removing your
shoes? ........................................ .
~ A film or play with songs.
6 Who do you resemble?
b) 0 Beautiful.
Is this the jumper ..... }!~~!~~...... shrank in 5 Would you recognise the man .....................
lhe wash?
sold you the tickets?
Glasgow, ..................... 1 pent last summer, is a
6 Our accommodation, ..................... the tourist
great place to go clubbing.
office reco mmended, was absolutely terrible.
2 H took on a job ..................... was too difficull. 7 We went to Scotland with my mother, ................. .
3 Kale, ..................... you've already met, is coming family originally came from Edinburgh.
with us. 8 My grandmother often goes back to the
4 Would the person ..................... ar is blocking village ..................... she was born.
the exit please move it?
for it
Relative clauses 1 We're going to a vill age n ar "Pamplona.
My gra ndm ther was born there.
6/ Write a letter to Penny in your notebook by
2 We're staying in a farm house.
joining the sentences together with who(ml. which,
It belongs to my uncle.
where or whose.
3 My grandmo ther is arriving tomorrow afternoon.
This summer we're going to Spain. She now lives in Barcelona.
It's my favourite place to spend a holiday.
4 We're having a big birthday party for my
My American cousins are going 10 be there. grandmother. She's seventy on Saturday.
I've never met them.
5 On Sunday we all plan to go to a restaurant
Dear Penny. in Pamplona .
This summer we're 90;n9 to Spain , which ;s my My grandmother used to work there.
favourite place to spend a holiday. 6 The owner is related to our family.
My Amer;ca~ cousins. whom I've never met, are His name is Felipe.
90in9 to be there. 7 Felipe is a fanta stic chef.
He's just taken over the res taurant.
S ay cool
9 > Complete the questions and responses.
What do yo u .................... of Gwyneth PaJtTow?
8'; Put the conversation in the correct order.
No, I haven't.
I wasn't v ry .................... .
PJ 60 for it )
10> In your notebook, write a conversation
between you and a friend discussing a film star
about whom you have different opinions.
o What's wrong?)
A 11 :> Correct the mistakes.
a) D l'm not that keen 011 him.
3 It's an exceJentfilrn .
in a funny sort of way.
S 4 1 though t the film was a loss of time.
n0 Y u can'l say that! It was really exciting 5 That's the boy who's moth er teaches at
and Ewan McGregor wa brilliant in it. our school.
1 13 UCYCIUtJ I crl
3 Why has the Women's World Cup surprised
Stay cool Marla Messing?
1; Read the text and answer the questions.
4 How do we know that the Chinese aptain has
In which country is the cup final? .. !~~.Y.~~: .......
become famous?
1 Which article was written before the match?
Stay cool
/ Com plete the labels.
5 rad io .......................... .
sound ....Sll~~~..............
6 video ...........................
7 video .......................... .
~ . Go for it )
3>In your notebook, write four sentences, each
containing a phrasal verb with turn and an item
4 CO .......................... . of electrical equipment.
Stay cool
Causative have (have something done) Second conditional: if/unless clause
+ 'd (would)/wouldn't
4; What are they having done? Write sentences
with have. 5> Complete the second conditional sentences
with the correct form of the words in brackets .
3 ..................................................................................
4 ................................................................................... .
I wish/If only + past tense
7 / Write what they are saying using If only and I wish.
4 If only ........................................................................
6 If only ...................................................................... ..
7 I wish ....................................................................... ..
..If.!.h.~.~.~~~~/..~~~.2~.~~r: ........................................
a) 0 Batteries?
British teenage is to look after their
money. 12> Correct the mistakes.
I fliwe my computer repaired yesterday. '\
1 I wish 1 have a car,
2 The tape needs to be rewind.
3 If 1 were seventeen, 1 learn to drive.
4 1 wouldn t go out in this weather unless I had to.
5 We've had repaired the car.
6 You haven't turn ed in their job offer, have you?
9 ts
Stay cool make a fuss make a mistake (. make an effort) make do
make iL make money make up your mind
1 Replace the words in italics
with the expressions in the box. 3 For goodness' sake, decide!
Go for it
2> Write what the people are saying using an
expression or a phrasal verb with make.
4 Oh , no ! 1 ........................................................... .
Stay cool
Verbs should have/ought to have
3/ Comment on each of these situations using
the verbs in the box.
leave ~ go bring
swim ~ eat slap
should have/shouldn't have
4 .................................................................................. .
at the crossroads.
5 ....................................................................................
some water with hem .
6 .....................................................................................
2 ................................................................... so Inuch.
7 ... ............................................................................... ..
3 ........................................................... into the field.
the dog in th e car.
Verbs make, let and be allowed to Go for it
4/ Complete the sentences with make, let or Verbs should have/ought to have
be allowed to.
6> Advise and criticise these people.
Please don 't ......'!!.l!.~...... me go to the dentist! ~
' . "~~~ ~":
c- /
uniform at all schools in Britain? A: My brother asked me to help him with his
7 .................................. me see what you've bought! homework. 1 told him to do it himself. l-le
couldn't. 1 feel bad about it.
B: ............................................................................
5) Express the sentences differently using the
correct form of be allowed to.
B: ............................................................................
My parents didn't let me go to the concert .
.. ,1 .~~~~:!.~!!~~~!!..~l!.,g~.~!l.rh~.fl!.r:r.t;!!:!1........................
TIl lospita l lets you visit patients between two 2 A: I was out late last night. My parents didn't
and five in the afternoon. know where 1 was. They were worried.
You ........................................................................... . B: ...... ......................................................................
................................................................................. ?
s: ............................................................................
Communic ation .
conversations in order.
Conversation 1:
o I couldn't r........................ your phone number.
o It's OK Don't w........................ about it. You borrow your friend's white jacket to go to a
[] You sh.~'!.~~~~L .. have been so rude to me. party. When you get back home, you realise that
someone has spil t a drink down the back. The stain
01 know it isn't. Look, I've been feeling a bit
has dried and won't come out. You go round to
stressed recently. I'll m........................ up for it.
your friend's house to return the jacket.
o Sometimes it isn't en ........................ just to
Friend: ..w..~.~:~.h~p.p.~IJ~cJ.J~.!?l..Yj~~~~l ......................
say sony.
Go for it
) Write the conversation.
Friend: ......................................................................... ..
Friend: .......................................................................... .
s s dey o ment extra
If you asked Simon Taylor
what had made him a 'bad
boy'. he would probably tell
you that ir all started when
his father was unemployed.
His father was at home all the
time, Simon got on his nerves
and they argued. Simon didn't
feel loved.
Teenage criminal
Schoo ls cou ldn't cope with
'imon, He stole (rom car and
from hop . And then he tole
from hi!'> part"nt . When be wa
twelve, a .. \\fCcks after his
mother had gIven birth to his
, i~ter, he set fire co hi bed and Holidays aren't always good 'In priso n [ learned everything I
LliTtc1Uu. and to two cars in the
for you needed to know for a Ilfe of
treer. At that poinr, he parents In an attempt to help him , the crime,' he says. He describes
louldo 't cope with h1m anymore staff at Conway Place sent imon lessons from other prisoners in
and he wa<; take.n into care. He on an incredible serIes of exotic how to stca I ca rs and how to
WCfl[ int chilJren' h mes, then
holidays. He went scuba clivi g in use credit cards illegally.
illto an in tirution for young the Caribbean, cruiseJ thro ugh t he
offenders and finally to a pecial Florida Everglades, visited A new outlook on life
school ca.Ucd .noway Place, Disneyworld and Sea World, rode N o w twen ty-two, imon is
which was run by a charity. through the Mexican jungle, skied going out wit h a girl and say
i.n Scotland and Norway, toured that he has give n up crime.
Italy, went horse riding in 'Someone rea lly cares for me for
Denmark, camped in Spain and the first time in In)' life ... I jUt
went on safari in Zimbabwe. The w a nt to be boring and )rdinlry.
people who ran Conway Place I w ant to be normal,' he 'iay .
thought the rrips would do him He wishes he had some
good. According to Simon, th y quali fications. L1 ills opinion,
Ulad him worse. tht: schoo l Sh Ollldn '( have sent
h im o n expe nsive ho lIdays; they
A prison education sho uld have ed ucated him. If he
When he left care at the age of had some q ua lLfi atlons, he
eighteen, Simon was soon put in might be able to ger a job. If he
prison for robbery. In tact, he had a jo b, he'd have some scLf
spent three of the ne t four years respect, w hi h is probably what
in prison. he needs more tha n anything.
Comprehension Communication
Guess who?
tay cool
1 >Complete the words and phrases.
Age Hair Face
1 QJ ab ~ ~.!. twenty 9 0 medium -I _ _ __ _ shape
2 0 in his thirt 10 D ponyt __ _ 18 D Ion
3 CD middle-a 11 D sh _ v _ _ head 19 D th n
Height and build 120fr __ 9 _ 20 D T __ nd
40 t _ 1l Special features 21 D ov I
5D __ort 13 D e _ rrings eyes
60 med __ _ heighl 14 D gl _ sses 22 D b_9
70s1 m 15 D freck _ _ _ 23 D sm
8 D plu __ 16 0 sideb __ _ _ eyebrows
17 D double _ _ _ 24 D arch __
25 D bush _
26 D 1__ _
27 D str ___ _ _
28 D sn _ b
Stay cool ~,--_Go____~
_ ~or it )
/ Match the questions to the responses. 6> Complete the conversation with the words in
the box.
1 How do you get on with Bruno? W up go 1 ud quite C sort)
2 What do you think of Peter? D get easy-goin g
3 What's Emma like? D
4 What's the matter with Jo and Andy? D A: What .. ~.?'! .. of person is Justin?
5 What sort of mood is Nick in today? D B: He's a bit serio us at times, but he's basicany an
1............................... sort of guy.
A: So what's 2............................... with him at the
a} He seems quite outspoken but actually
he's really shy. moment? He had a J............................... at
b) Worse than yesterday - bad-tempered Harry and Paul last night.
and aggressive. B: I don' t know. 1 think they 4...............................
d) She's a bit moody sometimes, but she's and sometimes 6............................... aggressive.
never dull.
e) They're a bit quiet today. 1 don't know Why.
tay cool
Verbs must/can't for drawing conclusions
7) Charlotte and Jamie are playing a quiz game.
Complete the conversation.
@!ucstion ~uestion
~( In the 1950s1
l~ He's 0 young
of the Atlantic.
to be overweight.
~uestion ~uestion
She's a film slar.
She's gal dark hoir, beautiful
+~ In 1999,
big eyes and awide mouth.
Ihis bond of five hod
She played the masl fomous
ohuge hit wilh Ihe
film slar in the world in a
Bee Gees song, Tragedy.
film with Hugh Granl.
Charlotte: ..~~.~~~.~~ ... Elvis Pre ley. He was Adjective word order
really popular in the 1950s. 8) Choose three suitable adjectives from the box
Jamie: No, it can't be him . He didn't wear to complete each of the descriptions.
glas~~~"it"';;;~;t be B~ddy"i:ioiiY.""""
................................................... a wide
mouth. It ............................................. . 2 A ............................................................... sofa
5 A ............................................................ designer
of them . It ...........................................
6 A ............................................................... desk
7 A ............................................................... cover
Go for it
Adjective word order
Verbs seem, look, sound + adjective
or like/as if
10/ Complete the article. putting the adjectives
in brackets into the correct order, and the verbs in
brackets into the correct form with like or as if
where necessary.
I r CI
to the USA.
Stay cool
1 Complete the conversations below and match
them to the pictures. (There are six pictures but
only four conversations.)
A: ..w..~~!~............. you mind ........................ . 4 A: l'm feeli ng a bit tired. Could .........................
your bike? take over?
B: Of ......................... not. Picture D
B: ......................... , but I'm nervous about
- -
Stay cool
He had to climb a tree .......~~(~~.~~!!!:!:.~~ ...... get he could afford to go to the USA.
away from the bull. 9 They left early ........................................ they
1 used a knife ............................................... . open would be home in time for their fa vourite
2 She came in quietly .............................................. . 10 He decided not to talk about his own problems
disturb her parents. ........................................ upset her any more.
. ................................................................................ ?
Verbs used to/be used to
5/ Read the text. Then answer the questions
using used to or be used to.
What ort of films were popular in the early days 4 Why wa a trip to the cinema unusual for children?
or Cinema? Because ....... ............................................................. .
People ....'!.~f!.~..~~ .~~~~h..~~!!!~~!f!~,.f~!!~l!~!f!~~ ............. .
.. .i.lJfo.r:!!!.'!~~9./);fUm~.~m~.~mm.t;I.~: ................................
American fi lms?
...sP.~.l!.~..~fJ.fU~~:.......................................................... .
Because they ............................................................ .
Stay cool
6/ Write the nouns from these words using the 8',; Complete these conversations with words
endings in the box. from Exercise 6, Use a verb, a noun (with the
I -ing -ion -menl -ance -ence -ness
where necessary) or an adjective.
What's ...~~~.~!II~!~!!~~... between a Scottish and
an English 10 note?
improve .......... .i~p..r:!?~~.'!!.~~~..... .. ....
3 refer
2 My ather says he used to get a lot of
4 agree
...................................... fronl simple toys.
5 emigrate
3 Why do you th ink someone stole your watch?
6 hunl
You've just got a ...................................... nature.
7 encourage
4 I tTied but I just cou ldn't .....................................
8 suspect
eating all the chocolate.
9 resist
S They tried to persuade him but he wouldn't
10 enjoy
...................................... to go with them.
II organise
6 Migration is .............................................. of
12 move
people From on pia e to another.
13 live
Would you mind to help me? monolingual - will give you more information.
2 I'm not used to drive on the left- hand side. 'pock t' dictionary and thell in a large dIc tionary
5 I'll never get use to this climate. 2 the way in which the meanin s are hown
trouble again .
W at makes a
good mummy?
1 mummies and 2
4> You are studying archceology. You telephone
the museum and ask to see the mummies. Write
the conversation in your notebook.
The first part of the article gives details of how
You: (make a polite request) Do you
the J made mummies. Seven think 1 ...
thousand years ago, they used 4 or Reception ist: (refuse politely, giving a reason)
You : (ask to speak to one of the
s..................... . to IiJl the bodies. Later, they simply
put 6 . .. . . .. . . ..... on the bodies. Even when they Receptionist: Of co urse.
stopped making mummies. bodies were preserved You: (make your request again in a
by the forces or 7 . different way; giving a reason)
Archreologist: (agree to the request)
The second part of the article deals with
You: That's very kind. Th an k you.
mummies round in the 8....................... of Xinjiang
in China. Th ese ar 9 ....................... . mummies.
preserved by the dry heat or the 10......................... .
The surprising thing about some of the Xinjiang
mummies is that they seem to have originated 5/ Imagine that, 4000 years ago, a Chinese man
from 11........................ . and a European man see each other for the first
time. In your notebook. write the Chinese man's
description of the European man.
, Go for it
I have just seen someone quite extraordinary as I was
J ) Answer the questions. coming home. let me describe him. ...
16 A good sun cream ................ your skin from the sun. (8)
Stay cool
The passive: all tenses
3> Rewrite the sentences in the passive,
Present simple
How do you write it? ..~~w..('(r.~~~~? .......................................................................
You write it like this. .. !.~~~.w.r:!1!.t;!!.J.i.~.~. ~!!#.: ....................................................................
Where do they keep the key?
2 They keep it in the cupboard.
Past simple
3 Did they chao e you for the parL
after an audition?
4 No. The drama teacher asked me to
be in the play.
Past continuous
5 Was someone following you?
6 1 don't think anyone wa following me,
but l'm sure someone was watchmg me.
13 They were worried about people seeing
Lhem together.
14 "Everyone wants someone to love them.
4 ' Complete the article, putting the verbs in
brackets into the passive.
6...................................................... .
.pring on record.
(can/store) on a disk. Tn 1996 in New York,
snow storms stopped
7...................................................... .
life extremely difficult.
(transmit) from the laptop back to SwL<;s scie ntists have sugg ,ted lhaL global
wa rming could force people l leave big
the office.
cities: 'We must control the amount f
carbon dioxide in [he a tmosphcr '. And
The picture which 10.........................
we must fin d more en ironmcnLally
.................................. (take) just ten
[riendl ays of rod ucing energy.'
Go for it
6> Match the sentence halves. 9> Write a similar conversation to that in
1 Couldn't [kJ a) about he trains. Exercise 8 arranging an evening out with a friend.
1 How about D b) we go on a boat trip? Reject the first two suggestions yOUI friend
3 We could D c) don't we go on a makes. Then make a suggestion which your friend
4 Why D camping holiday? accepts. Use a variety of expressions.
5 Let's find out D d) going riding? You:
e) go for a picnic.
7> Agree or disagree with the suggestions above. Friend: (theatre?) ........................................................
1 That's a good .}t!.t;~ ... . I like boat trips.
2 rm not so .................... . I haven 't been on a You:
horse for ages.
3 Yes, we .................... , 1 suppose. But it might rain. Friend: (cinema?) .......................................................
4 l'd .................... not. Sleeping outside isn't really
my .................... .
5 That's .................... a bad idea.
(club ?) .............................................................
8> Put the conversation in order.
a) D lee-skating isn't really my thing. How Friend:
about going for a bike ride?
b) D We could, 1 suppose, but l'm a bit fed up
c) 0
with rollerblading.
Great! I'll phone you 011 Friday to arrange Q What's wrong?) 1.
a time to meet.
d) [JJ What shall we do on Saturday?
10/ Correct the mistakes.
C t)
What about explore the coastal area? '".\J~
e) Well, how about ice-skating?
n0 Why don't we go rollerblading? I've been bit by a mosq uito.
on' panic!
Stay cool ~~_Go_t_o_r_
1 ) Complete the chart. 4 > Complete the Players' Code of Behaviour with
the words in the box.
Sport Location Person
manager game players referee rules) ce
fooLball ........p.f!~~......... .......P.~f!.Y.lfr: ........ team competitive opponent umpire
2 athletic
3 gymnastics
4 motor racing Sports Commission
5 swimming
6 golf
2> Circle twelve more verbs to do with sport.
L 0 S E P A S S L
11 V 0 S 0 R A W I
R 1 R E K I C K T
0 V E R T A K E L
W 0 S V 0 L L E Y
3:" Complete the sentences with an Keep Lo the ...... ~.'!.~~ ...... of the game.
appropriate preposition. Treat all players as you wo uld like 0 be
She runs really fast. I couldn't keep .~p.. with her.
treated. Never be unfair to an I ....................... .
2 TIle spectators were asked to keep .................. .. talk to them after the ....................... .
Grammar .'
5 He did n't ask For money so I didn 't give him any.
1 didn't ask her for her phone number.
5 1 went away when lhat other guy ame up to (he/be selected) if ................................................... .
talk to her. (he/not b injured)?
(they/do) if ............................................................. ..
Third conditional
(he/be sent off) if ....................................................
6) Join the pairs of sentences using if clauses. ............... (the refe ree/see) the foul?
phone you .
You didn't tell me abouL the match so I
didn't come.
Third conditional sprint arrive @ffi
find bring
8> Complete the third conditional sentences with
C cycle) win C
drive) feel leave have
go to bed stay out low down come
the correct form of the verb phrases in the box.
l'm late.
you ............................................................. so tired.
If I ..~~~~:!.~r.~~~~ here. I :~.~~~~.~~~'!..... on time.
If you ....................................................... early, you
we ............................................................... by now.
...................................................................... second.
Com munication
Stay cool
- - -'
3 journey
Situation 2
4 injury
You didn't do enough revision for a recent Science
5 loss
exam and you got a bad mark. It's too late to do
6 wish
anything about it, but you regret it. Talk to your
Science leacher.
7 distance
B player
9 fax
Ski Is develo m t extra
............................ ................................................ ?
Most of the t ime you will be living in tents close to
your project site Everyone in the project group gets
Involved in the day-to-day running of their campsite
and every Venturer takes a turn as Group Leader for
the day, giving out tasks and organising project work.
.............................................................................. ?
Venturers come from all over the globe - a total of
seventy nationalities from a wide range of cultures
Comprehension Communication
Yes, they do. They come rrom many different check your writing. heck the letter you wrote
countries. in Exercise 4:
7 ................................................................................ ?
2 Check the tenses of the verbs.
4 If several sentences b gin wilh the same word
3 A: He's really funny. 8 A: rve been looking for you . Where have
B: 1 know. He's good at ....................................... . you been?
jokes. B: 1 ................ ........................................ to Kate.
Stay cool
Assistant: Oh, don't say that. (He/have an accident)
Verbs must have, might have, can't
have for drawing conclusions
2 Complete the conversation using the prompts Director: And Catheri ne? At least I've seen heT
in brackets. th is morn ing. Where is she?
Director: Where's Oliver? This is an important
Assistant: 1 don't know. She said she needed
something to wake her trp so (she/go for
Assistant: (He/gel/your message)
a cof~ e)
..~~.~.rJ.t~t;J;~*!.gg.~y.f!.':'.r:..'!!.~!.'!.9.~:................. .
Director: And where are Claudia and Jeremy? Director: Gone for a coffee! (She/go for a coffee)
Assistant: They phoned to say lhey'd left but lhal .................................................................. !
the traffic was heavy. (They/be held up in She know there's a rehearsal. Oh, here
a traffic jam) she is no w. But she's not in costume!
Assistant: (She/forget that it's a dress rehear aJ)
Reported speech:
statements and questions 6 'Matt went off on a walking trip; said lan .
by eight:
2 'Wou ld you li ke to go bowling a t the weekend?'
When does it leave?' Zoe asked Matt. She .............................. hi m to go bowling at
..$.~~..~~~~4. .~.~~.~~~!J.!'~.~if!.: .......................... ............. the weekend. '
Tm not very keen on climbing; said Ian . 3 'Get out of the pool!'
He .............................. them to get out of
the pool.
2 'What's the matter?' Matt asked Sarah. 4 '1'11 help with th e prepara ti ons for the parly if
you like:
He .............................. to help with the
preparations for the party.
3 'They'll send out a search party; said Matt.
5 '1'11 write t o you every week:
She ............................ to write to him every week.
6 ' It wou ld be a good idea to take a taxi to
4 'How can you be so sure?' Kelly asked Malt. the airport:
She .............................. taking a taxi to lhe
5 'We're going lo miss the rehearsal,' said Zoe. 7 'Let's stay in tonigh t. We won't know anyone
at the party: 'OK'
He .............................. her to stay in.
8 'OK I'll go with yo u:
She .............................. to go with him.
Reported speech: statements and questions
5> In your notebook. report what the people in the article below said.
just like any other school day for him, even thou9h ...
summer schools?
my olidays]'
Stay cool What's wrong?
7 / Match the sentences to the responses. 9 > Correct the mistakes.
I 1 wonder why they haven't arrived yet. [bJ
'Perhaps she didn't receive your e-mail.'
2 Why didn't she phone? 0 c.DWc).
'You -Efffi be right.'
a) That an'[ be the reason. I never send 6 She suggested to go out this evening.
him one.
b) Perhaps they gol lost.
e) 1 don't believe ill We're nOllate,
d) 1 uppose so. It's a difAcult decision, though.
e) You could be right. He can'l stand me Grammar: Hot spots
talking to other boy.
Try Lo identl!y the grammar 'hot spot:> which
n She must have been [00 busy.
often cause problems. Keep lists to Illustrate
what can go wro ng, e.g, Reponed que liOllS:
They asked him when he was getting married
o for it (not They asked him when W~ he getting marriett)
nle verb tell: The y told me to go (not The}' reid to
8/ In your notebook, write a conversation for the
me to go.)
following situation.
so well.
Stay cool I 60 for it 1 The screen is part of this piece of computer
1 >Solve the crossword. equipment. (7)
2 Do you still .................... floppy disks to transfer
files from one computer to an other? (3)
3 The list of .................... includes computers as
well as gambling, drugs and alcohol. (10)
4 From twelve till twelve: fro m .................... till
midnigh t. (4)
5 My sister's a real fa n of Boyzone. She's even
designed her own .................... on the Net. (7)
6 Abbreviation for Information Technology. (2)
7 When she gets ho me, she .................... the Net. (5)
12 I've got so much computer equipmen t in my
room. I'm .................... out of space. (7)
14 There's nothi ng on the screen. Is the monitor
switched .................... ? (2)
18 I've just had my computer repaired, so it
shouldn't .................... any more. (5)
Across 20 Twelve months = a .................... (4)
1 1 point to parts of the compuLer screen with 22 .................... -ROM. (2)
it. (5)
3 He runs .................... on-line support group. (2) >
2 Complete the sentences with the prepositions
5 You open them to let fresh air in, and you in the box.
also find them on a computer. (7)
8 Long form of the word Net. (8) up over away on out of
9 What software .................... you use? (2) into (. through )
10 The opposite of major. (5)
I'll just ru n . ~~~~!!N~.. the instructions once mar .
11 You can buy a computer at a specialist shop
or at a department ..................... (5) My computer ran .............................. memory, so
13 I suppose ..................... (2) 1 installed some more.
15 Does the disk go ................... here? (2) 2 He ran .............................. huge telephone bills
16 Connect the printer .................. the processor. (2) using the lntemet.
17 1f you can't read it on the screen, use the printer 3 We ran .............................. some glass and the
to .................... it out. (5) tyreburst.
19 ]t's mostly made up ofletters and numbers
4 We've got fi ftee n minutes to present our project,
and you type on it. (8)
21 1t's so much easier to communicate by but the teacher said we can run ............................ ..
.................... than by letter. (1,4) for an extra five minut s if there are any questions.
22 Another word for lessons. (7) 5 rve got so much to do that 1 just want to run
23 rYe been on the omputer for ten hours. It's .............................. and fo rget all about it!
now seven o'dock and 1 .................... on at
nine this morning. (6) 6 I ran .............................. a friend of yours the
other day.
tay cool
Future perfect
Future continuous
4> Respond to these predictions about what will
have happened by the year 2050.
3/ Complete the description of iife in 2020.
By the year 2050 ...
putting the verbs into the future continuous.
(talk) to it
or ..N.l!!..~.~!?r.~~..'!9.~~t;:.~~!.~~~~!.~~!tM~.~.~.r(~.~!!r.~....
I ................................................... (e - mai 1)
made contact. ,", ... , .............. ,...............................
I 7................................................... (go) on
a vi rtual shopping tour of the supermarket .
3 .................................................................................. ..
Wha a l ife !
Short answers with verb Go for it
+ so/not Future continuous and future perfect
5"/ Respond to the questions using
the expressions in the box with
6> Make predictions about your life in 2020 using some of
the verbs in the box.
so or not.
be afraid (. expect)
hope suppose
not think think
Say what you will and won't have achieved by 2020, using
verbs of your choice.
Think about your studies, yo ur career, the qualifications you've
gained, your achievements and your personal 1i e.
. eu.~~~~. ~.t;f.9m.~.!!..~~r.{'!.~fo.~t~.~.~~~r:......................................
- -
Stay cool ~, Go for it )
7> Use a variety of expressions to thank people in 9> Complete the conversation with suitable
the following situations. phrases.
Your friend's elder sister lend you her camera Your pen friend's parents have taken you to a
for a project you're doing . Chinese resta urant on the last night of your stay.
... .r.IJ.l;m~JfJx.!~~~!~.!l.m~Jl~~r..~~~.~r.'!:..I~~r~...........
You: 1 really enjoyed this evening. Thank you
ror taking me out.
... !.~~.~/Y..~.~'!.t!..'!fJl~~: ...................................................
2 You'v always wantecl a particular type of wat h,
and your boyfriend/girlfriend gives it Lo you
You: I've had a great time here.
for us.
A final note on phrasal verbs:
1 Read the text and match the words and Ted: Society's falling apart, you know. And
we're run ning out of time to do anything
phrases with their meanings.
about it.
1 networker @] 5 middle age 0 Alice: (disagrees strongly and supports her opinion)
2 outlaw 0 6 youth 0
3 predictable 0 7 contrasting D .fJ'!.1).~~l).~~~.r.~p.{~.~m.h~I.P..!h~~r.!!.~!9~~!?~.~.....
4 adolescence D .~~~!!..tJ:!.~:.r:~ .~l)..!r.'!.~~~~; ....................................
Ted: People don't ta lk to each other any more.
a) someone who commits crimes
They just send e-mails. Computers can be
b) the period of time when someone is young
quite dangerous in my opinion.
c) differing, varied
Alice: (agrees, and gives the example of compu ter
d) somebody who uses personal contacts to
. addiction)
get work
Ted: 1n fact, all technology is a load of rubbish.
The Gram ar Builder
The units in this section can be used alongside the units in the
Workbook section, or for extra revision at a later stage.
Unit 1
Grammar highlights
Present continuous
Pra ctice
1 / Complete the conversation, putting the verbs 2 > Write the letter, putting the verbs into the
into the present simple or present continuous. present simple or present continuous.
I (write) this letter at the beach .
The sun (sh ine) and th e water (l ook) like blue glass.
2 We (stay) in an exce llent hotel. It (have got) three
tennis courts.
3 My parents (p lay) tennis at the moment.
4 They (get) very hea lthy with all this sport!
5 (you/remember) my cousin Ann ie? She's here, too.
6 Annie and I (not believe) in exercise!
7 We both (prefer) lying in t he sun and relaxing.
8 (you/have) fun with your sister?
Kim' Why .':':~~,'I.~.~.~!!~~~~'!!' .. (you/switch) on the N?
Tina: Because I , ......................................................................
(always/watch) lV on Thursdays at four o'clock. "Dec.r ,,,,,,el\ie. ,
There's this great programme about twin .J.'m .~r:~tjp.9. .t!1~ .I.e.tJ.e.r: .(J.t. rh~.~.e.t?~h: ............. .
sisters called Double Trouble. Now ssh I
........... -............ , .....................................
Kim 0 this is Double Trouble, is it. Everyone ............................. " ......................................... I .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
Kim' Why 5................................................................................
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
.... ~ ~
Present simple or present continuous Present perfect simple with for and since
3> Complete the sentences. putting the verbs 4> Match the activities with the time phrases.
into the present simple or present continuous. Then write sentences in the present perfect with
for or since.
I (grow) two cent imetres [hJ
My best friend an d I (know) each other 0
2 The United States (exist) 0
3 Josh (have) a driving licence 0
4 There (be) life on earth 0
5 That N (be) on 0
6 He (be) in bed with a co ld 0
7 She says she (not see) a good fi lm 0
a) she saw Titan ic.
Cb) July.)
c) three days.
d) he was eighteen.
e) we we re at prima ry school.
f) millio ns of yea rs.
This cereal contains
.~ u , u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
g) over 200 years.
(conta in) all the important vitamins. h) at least three ho urs !
3 Who ......................................................................................
(that motorbike/belong) to?
2 ...................................................................................................
4 What ....................................................................................
(we/have) for lunch today?
3 .................................................................................................. .
5 ................................................................................................
(you/think) the swimming pool is open today?
7 What ....................................................................................
5 ................................................................................................. ..
8 I ..............................................................................................
(not see) the difference between these two 6 ...................................................................................................
mobil e phones.
9 She ........................................................................................
(not bel ieve) his story about missing the bus. 7 .................................................................................................. .
10 It ............................................................................................
(not matter) if we arrive early.
Pr~ent perfect simple with for and since Present simple, present continuous or
present perfect simple
51 Complete the second sentence so that it has a
similar meaning to the first sentence, putting the 6> Complete the text, putting the verbs into the
verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple. present simple, present continuous or present
perfect simple.
Grammar highlights
Present perfect simple with yet and so for Past simple or present perfect simple
2 qoraya clred fife fents 1 (JUf of#He .. !!.~!!.'.~.~~~.t;~.!JJI. ....... (not take off) his cap
3 Adam have his injections (ouroF3 since he . J~~!1~.t (buy) it.
Don't bu y any j uice. Mark .............................................
4 ,uel< 10 btn1k 1he plane fickel's 6/JUf 011
........................... (already/buy) some.
A: .......................................................................................... .
5 ............................................................................................._.
A: .......................................................................................... .
birthday and she ...............................................................
Oust/take) som e am azing photos.
A: ...........................................................................................
The definite and zero article The definite. indefi nite and zero article
3 ;- If a line is correct, put a tick (11') in the box. 4 > Circle the correct option for each gap. Then
If a line has a definite article which should not be write the words in the gaps.
there. underline it and put a cross (X) in the box.
u)'nD.n ~ -to.tntr \.\laS I1t tk uru.~(stLj. 00 rc cued him by 6.................................... . He then gave
~ ~nt to fu Nei\w-\.o.nd.s an ~ PhillIp tir 'l aid on 7........................ ............ before taking
&t halld.ruj. "~ /1 t-Lrnd. ~nt b'j D hlln La hospital by 8.................................... .
2 ~ te.rr~ h-am Daver to a. port collM 0 Speaking from hi ho piLal bed. Phillip Laid
reporters .IL was 'l.... .. ..... .. ....................... r ightening
3 l\u. H~~ . Then ~ h1tchlu~d. to D
moment of my lIfe. The. hark nearly had me for
4 5~ea in tru. c.entre D 10 .................................... But the dolphins saved me.
5 oi fuR. POJ"ruliSo How. At: 2 0. rU9ht I D thank goodness:
6 it tunS tru. chR.a.pest plAC4 to stAtj. 0
7 l.IJ'ef~ tru. tum h.u<3E r~ I.IJd:.h 0 a) th e holid ay (b) hol iday) cl a holiday
8 f.~ moil:rthse6 an tht flour. Euer~cm,,- D a) the Tasma n Sea b) Ta sman Sea c) a Tasman Sea
9 heu!. fu'lf own s~ bru.3s.1n tk m.arrUn9. D 2 a) the dolphins b) dolphins c) dolphin
euu~CJruI, to u,o..ue th..t ~\.a.~
3 a) the ci rcl e b) circl e c) a circle
10 D 4 a) the shark b) shark c) a shark
b'j n.w. o'dack. M'1 to..thu and. hAs 5 a) The friend b) Friend c) A fri end
.11 ~d. rented. thi bi.kts to 90 around. D 6 a) the boa t b) boat c) a boat
12 t.h... Countr~. ~ ~ lots of hunds. D 7 a) the beach b) beach c) a beach
8 a) the car b) car c) a car
13 E~~d\'\Q. stud.iv.. th.t EnSlish at D 9 a) the most b) most c) a most
14 the school thu~ o..nd. th.t~ all spolu it wti1. 0 10 a) the lunch b) lunch c) a lunch
nit 3
Past continuous
Po it,ve statements
We use th e past con ti nuous to talk about
Sh was reading a book.
background detail s to events, e.g. I was
They were making a nOise.
looking at some old letters yesterday.
I found on e fro m my oid girlfriend, Lucy.
Negative statements
Negative statements
a French res taurant last week. I had never
Past perfect with when, us soon as, ofter Past simple or past continuous
1 / Complete the second sentence so that it has 2> Match the pairs of sentences to their meanings.
a similar meaning to the first sentence. using
the words in brackets.
an argument.
3 I had the car for three weeks and then the lights having an argument.
..................................................................................... a bike.
Past perli ct or past simpl~ Past simple. past continuous or past perfect
3/' Use the prompts to complete the pairs of 4> Complete the texts,
sentences. Use the past perfect in one sentence putting the verbs in brackets
and the past simple in the other. into the past simple,
past continuous or past perfect.
When I got to Victoria station,
a) the nine o'clock tra in (already/leave).
.J~.~.~!.~~.~.~~!~J~.rr.~.~~..~~.t!..~.k.~!!.~.Y..~~~ .................
b) I (wait) for the nine thirty tra in.
.J.w.~!~~J9.r..t~~.~.,~~.*~r:.tJl..~r.~!~.: ...........................
I didn't phone Libby to tell her I'd be late
because ...
b) I (take) a taxi to Libby's house. After I 7.................................................. (turn off) the TV,
3 Luckily, I remembered the way to her house Woul d you like to come to ~
because ... the park with us for a picnic? ~~~
a) I (know) it was near the hospital.
b) She (look) extremely annoyed . yesterday as I 10.. .......... .. ... ... ... .. ..... ....... (walk) home from
5 She climbed through her bedroom window ... supermarket. They 11.... .................................................... (go)
a) which luckily she (leave) open . to the park fo r a picnic and t hey 12....................................
b) and she (open) the front door for me. (want) to go bu t I 14.................................................................
Past simple. past continuous or past perfect
going to rain.
I'm not going 0 see Tim for some time,
Short answers
Positive Negative
Yes, you are. No, you aren't
Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
Future with present continuous We use the presen t conti nuous to talk
Dave's meeting me at the ci nema at seven thirty. about definite fu t ure arrangements. Th is
What are you doing on Friday evening? ten se is common with t ime phrases.
1 / Circle the appropriate form t o complete 2>Put the conversation in order. Then rewrite
the responses. it, putting the verbs in brackets into the present
continuous where possible. Where it isn't possible,
use going to.
o Nothing yet. (I/get) her som ethin g in New York.
- --- --- -
. Practi:ce - -
3 ,/ Complete the sentences with a verb from the 4> Match the statements with the responses.
box, using 'II/ will/won't or the present continuous. Then write the responses out in full. using
'/I/wifl/won't or might/might not
win be pass happen hurt
do go cost have G stay Did you phone Keith? 1II
..... ~~r.!'Y,.JiC!.r9.fJJ: ..e!!.p.h~~.~..~f.'!! ..r}!?'!:...........................
Tomorrow, usanna will collect weekends. It'U be fun and hopefuUy I next year. I might not ha\'t! the right I ok
her $25.000 prize in New York and sign 10 lots of money: I 12....................................................
a year's conlfHct with Ihe ag.ency Suoanna has aLread decided what. to young and beautiful so ['\Ie Jel'idt:J that
Top Models do Wilh her prize money. 'J m going to r IJ ................................................... sum.:
'J m ~ll e ited. Susanna told our lake my mum on a fabulous holiday to of my prize money for a rainY dllY.'
reflurtcT 'I'm missing three day. of the SeycheUes this summer and ['m going Susanna's mOlher i. delighted with
~cho I tlli week. I I.................................. to buy myself some new clothes. I'm also her daughter's succe s. ' uccess
t New York by Com::orde tomorrow going to give some to charity. BUl I'm 14..................................... heT chanu;ter:
Yo ilh my mum. The priL.e-giving dinner going 10 'ave most of It. J "...................... Mrs Lowndes says. ' usanna will always
15 on Thursday. Lots of t'amous people ............................ any modelling work be. en.1ble and hard-working:
'................................. to il On Friday.
I ..................................... clothe at the
top of the Empire tale buiiUing for
/"/lIIr magazine.' Might, will/won 'f, going to or present
Unit 6
I >Complete the sentences using 2> Complete the sentences with the phrases in
llthough and a sentenc.e from the box. the box.
)se capital letters and commas
her doctor's advice her ag e (. t he noise)
",here necessary.
the number the rubb ish th e weather
the traffic the time th eir disa greement
(she'd known him a long time) 3 She woke up at four o'clock this morni ng bu t
Rob had only seen Linda in a photo
decided to get up despite .............................................. .
(I don't have any money to spend)
I hadn't invited him to mine 4 One ra iny weekend in Novem ber. we decide d to
I don't usually read the articles go camping in spi t e of .................................................... .
she was very tired
he'd had a breakfast at seven 5 Despite ......................................................................... last
the train was about to leave weekend, Tim and Dominic are still good frien ds.
the journey.
J,/ Rewrite the sentences using the words in 4> Complete the sentences in the explorer's
brackets. Make sure the second sentence has notebook using although or in spite of.
a similar meaning to the first sentence.
I waved and shouted but I couldn't attract the Moxd~ Sf'&< M(MI
waiter's attention. (in spite of) We've tiedrAeA to hearJ....jrrrfhe -top of
.J~..~P'!~~..9f.W.~.~!.'.'.9..f!m.t!.. ~~!!'~~!~9A.!..~~~l4~.:t.@.;r.~~t .. Mor..nt A~plArna ........ ~.~~h9.H9.~....... JtfCk
~v(t foelAttj l)e..(y wetA.. at the momettt.
Jh~..w.~rr~r.:~ ~n~~~(9.~:.........................................................
Although she has a swimm ing pool in her garDen. rrid~ 7tYt M~
she doesn' t know how to swim. (despite) 1. ser-ious ~iffi"aA.U;iesI
reacJted. the pak aJ 2 p.wt. flnAay r ~tt( a
pit wurried about l ...................
2 I went to bed early last night but I still feel tired ~"ttda.y. q+h M~
today. (in spite of) We. are. now Ol't. tJU.f ~y ~QWYt..
6 I wrote down the rehearsal time but I completely htlAle. ~rlAnk QYt1Jy Pail.M ~tM dlArlA19 0(
forgot to go. (despite) ti.ttte. ttM'e..
7 He does a lot of sport but he doesn't look very fit. is gettttt,9 tm my nIMYeS. 10..................................
Snort answers
Positive Negative
Y they shou ld, No, they shouldn't.
he ought to. No, she oughtn't to.
es, you'd better. No, you'd better not.
Grammar highlights
Comparative adverbs
Most adverbs end in -Iy. To fo rm the
Women drive more/Ie s dangerously than men.
comparative and superlative of these
M n drive faster than women.
adverbs, we pu t more/less or (the)
Women don't tJrfve as fast as men.
most/(th e) least in front of t he adverb.
I work bel er/worse in th~ morning than in the evening.
Comparatives with much/a lot/far/a bit We can use the intensifiers much, a lot,
Jane IS a much safer driver than Tom. far and a bit to ma ke a comparative
J n~ drives far better than Tom. adjective or adverb stro nger.
igation and prohibition with verbs . 'n positive statements, if we are talking
must, have (got) to, don't need to about obligations which come from
other peopl e, we use have (got) to, e.g.
You must bring a photO for your student card.
Ihave to I I've got to finish this
You have (got) to bring a photo for your s udenl card.
homework. We use have to to talk about
No obligation
routines, e.g. He has to cook dinner once
Y u don't have to wear a cycle helmet but it's safer If you do.
a week (not J-Ic must cook dinf'lcr ORce
You haven't got to wear a cycle helmet but it's safer if you do.
a wcck.)
You don't need a wear a cycle helmet but it's safer if you do,
. In the first person, we use must to
lU needn't wea r a cycle helmet but it's safer if you do. express strong fee lings and wi shes of
the speaker, e.g. I must buy some new
jeans soon.
You mustn't eat or drink in the classroom.
Verbs shoLlld{n't}. ought(n'tj to, had
Com pa rat ive adjectives and adverbs with
better (not)
n't (...) as ... as
1 / Complete the second sentence so that it has 2,) Complete the second sentence so that it has
a similar meaning to the first sentence. using a similar meaning to the first sentence. using
the correct form of the words in brackets. n't (...J as ... as.
Jodie .....................................................................................
You .... ~~.'?'!.~~'1:.~............... leave valuables in your car Harry's jeans ........................................................... mine.
overnigh t.
1 the police's job to do something about crime in My grandfath er drives more da ngerously than
this area. (should) my grandmother.
TOo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Comparative adje.ctives and adverbs with Comparative and superlative adjectives
mu hla bi r and adverbs
as ... as
3> Use the chart and the prompts to write
com parative sentences with much or a bit. 4>Complete the letter with as + adjective/
1Jear emily)
I hope /JtJU're hQuing 0 nice time In Spain. 1m on holir.hJj in
Scot/and near l.txh Fi.Jne.(Loch meons /.alre, by the wag) I
Mink lJ,is is one of .~~!:.."E~~.~~~~ifi.!.~ .. (beautiful)
places in Britain. amrse the weather isn't ....~~.~.~L ..
(hot) as in Spain but the water in the loch is much
Age 36 34 ~ ~~Xp.~r. . (warm) 'mel I ............... ............ . . .. ... ... . .. ........ .. (easy)
Accidents 6 12
to get intxJ than I expected.
1 Top speed 320kph 314kph
Don't be Jealous but 1m stoying in q castle. YES.~II' II
2 Crashes 2 10
mal co~i. My uncle Steve} who is une of 2 ..... .... .. .. .. .............
Kikkonen's .............................................................................
See you Sm .
Lots ot ltwe,
5 (be/rich) SerentJ
Sochma ch er ..........................................................................
Must{n't) or don't have to Obligation, prohibition, need or advice
5/ Complete the teacher's rules about safety in 6> Complete the sentences with the words in
the laboratory, using must{n't} or don't have to. the box.
without permission.
don't have to C
shou ld) have to
the lab.
2 You .................................................. bring your own
lab coat. There are some In the cupboard.
3 You .................................................. wear safety
the lab.
S If you have long hair, you ........................................ 3
tie it back.
6 You ........................................... ....... never walk
5 r-------------~
9 You .................................................. clean all your
equipment after use.
10 You .................................................. write the
results of your experiments In th e lab. You can
do that in the library if you prefer.
11 You .................................................. behave safely
and sensibly at all times. SMOKING
12 You .................................................. leave at three
thirty if you haven't finished. The technician For best resu Its, you .............~.~~~!!!. ................ wash
will be here until five o'clock. this sweater by hand.
2 You .......................................... take a handkerchief
because it will make you cry.
3 You .......................................... be at least eighteen
years old to see this horror film. You probably
.......................................... see it on your own if you
are the nervous type.
Time clauses wi h wilen, as soon as If or when
3:;" Combine the sentences using the given 4> Complete the sentences, circling when or if
time phrases. and putting the verbs in brackets into the present
tense or the future tense with 'II/won't.
You'll arrive in India soon. You must send me your
address immediately.
as soon as .............................................................................
driving lessons.
When ...................................................................................... 7 Wh en/ If you ................................... (pay) for my
coffee today, I ..................................... (pay) for
yours tomorrow.
8 I'm nearly eighteen. Then I'll be able to vote.
8 Wh en/If I ..................................... (go) to
San Francisco next t ime, I ...................................
when .......................................................................................
(not stay) at t hat hote l aga in.
Unit 9
Non -defi ning rela tive cla uses, which give ext ra
My Sister Anlla, who lives," New York, is a photographer.
v ry much.
We can not use that in non- defin ing relative
Th match, in which I played very badly, lasted an hour..
clau ses. We have to use who, whom, whose
I'd like 0 visit Perlh, where one of my cousins lives.
or which.
We ca n never om it th e re lative prono un in a
non-definin g relative clause.
Grammar highlights
11 a
Non-defining relative clauses
4 0 Beverly Hills, .............................................................. is the world's most popu lar cartoon character.
..............................................................................., is right
next to Los Angeles. 58 'PL ';)9 'J') '41> '1 'ez 'I l :SJaMsu\f
Lake Manyara.
3 The hotel had a restaurant. You could eat How many .............................................................................
Tanzanian food there.
The hotel had a restaurant .... .......................................... How long ...............................................................................
4 Some rooms didn't have air conditioning. They got 3 kilometres/they/cycle? thirty; B a.m.
very hot at night. How many .............................................................................
The rooms ............,.................................................................
How lon g ...............................................................................
5 We saw wild animals in the Serengeti Park. These 4 games/they/play? five; four thi rty
were elephants, zebras and giraffes.
How man y .............................................................................
The wild animals ................................................................ .
Present perfect simple and present Relative pronouns
perfect continuous Present perfect simple or present perfect
4> Match the interview questions and the
Skiing is one sport ... I (never/be) good at
III ~ou tDDk di~re(\~-roAa~. W~ is *,,,\?
2 0 How do ~ Ije~ on un", Ju\io. 'RDnins? ~~H~9..!~.~.~~.~p.~.'1..~h.~f.~ ..~:r.~.r!.~.'!.'!!:..~~~I)..9.9.~.c!.~: ......
3 D w'nen an~ ~ou 9"inq -\0 s~rl- wcr\c.. on 'Aoo,,",e.t What's the name of the boy ... Oust/move in) upstai rs?
~ When diel ~u meet lit\e'j~
5 D ls lit ',U at ~e mcM\a\t ~
2 I (lose) t he book ... I was read ing this morning.
6 D "lou're lao\ci~ summer. \t"ve ~ OW'lllm'\:A,,'l O'\If?
a .
~e.f~ps irs be.c4M5e.L ~.~f:j~~.t.~~~.~~!!......... Oust/wash) 4 I went to see him at t he cafe ... he (work).
~'j ~a,r.
~. but $he's ex'MusteA.She. ................................................
(work) nanshlp fur ""e ~"st- si:x: n\01\-ths.
e ~e.s.l ................................................ (take) mare a:ercis~
5 The man ... telephone number I Uust/give) you
might help.
1'e.ce..fIt~ and 1 ........................................................................
(not eat) ~5 ~ choco\ah.\
G Ten ty!IlfS ago. Wt. ..._........................................... (not be)
atwt fur mare 4han ~ week S\f'1C.4. -\he". 6 I don't like t he boy ... sh e (g o out) with recently.
nl 11
Causative hove (have something done)
1 / Complete the adverts with the correct form of 2> Use the prompts to write questions and
have and the past participle of the verbs in the box. answers with the present simple, present
continuous, present perfect or past simple of have.
test deve lop cut (. print) make read
Q: (you /your bike/re pair) yet?
..IJ.~~~!1~.':'..'""~!!.!1.t?':'.r..!?~~~.!.~p..~!r.~~.y.~!.. .................
-( H ~
6 Q: Why aren't you wea ri ng yo u new trousers?
A: Because I (not/th em/shorten /yet).
Everyone should .................... their eyes ...................
regularly. Phone us now for an appointment. 123
3> Complete the survey questions in the second 4 > Rewrite Dave's thoughts using I wish and
conditional using the verbs in brackets. Then If only.
answer the questions with Y (Yes) or N (No).
I don't have time to thin k.
I feel so nervous.
1 I have to write an essay on European politics.
2 I don't know th e answer to question 3.
3 I can't concentrate.
4 This exam is so im portan t.
5 The questions are so difficult.
6 I can't remember what I revised yesterday.
7 They don't al low us to bring in ou r textbooks.
8 This room is so hot.
(your rich fnend/forget) she had lent you 30, If on ly .. L~!4.'.!:~f~~!..~~.'.!.~!!~.~~: ......................................
5 ...............................................................................................
(the waiter/forget) to charge you for your drinks, 2 I wish ......................................................................................
6 I wish ......................................................................................
8 I wish ......................................................................................
Verb need + gerund (-/ ng form)! need + Revision
passive infinitive
6> Complete the second sentence so that it has a
5:" Use the fashion designer's notes to write pairs similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
of sentences with need. words in brackets.
"/hin5s to do
~ cJ...oose tJ...e sJ...oes
4 Unfortun ately, I live in a bori ng little vi ll age. (wish)
I .........................................................;......................................
, {.
5 Somebody should clean this room. (needs)
This room ...............................................................................
6 Unfort unately we don't have a dishwasher. (wish)
3 .................................................................................................. .
I ................................................................................................
4 ...................................................................................................
7 You don't like Tim beca use you don 't really know
him. (if)
You'd .......................................................................................
5 ...................................................................................................
Something .............................................................................
Verbs should have/ought to have
Positive statements We use should have/ought to have to
You should have been more careful.
criticise people's past actio ns, e.g. You
You ought to have been more careful.
shouldn't have driven 50 fast (= You
drove fast an d it was the wrong th in g to
Negative statements
do.) Yo u should have slowed do wn at the
They shou ldn't have riven so fast.
corner(= You di dn't sl ow down atth e
They oughtn't to h ve driven 50 fast
corner and t ha t was a mist ake.}
Ought to have is more form al and less
Should we have helped him'
freq uently used th an should have. In
Ought we to have helped him?
question forms it is very uncommon.
Do you think we should have helped him'
We often use the verb think to ask a
Do you lhink we ought to have helped him?
questi on with should have/ought to have.
Short answers
Positive Negative
Yes, we should have. No, we shouldn't have.
Yes, ough[ to have No, we oughtn't to have.
4 ............................................................................................
6 ............................................................................................
8 ............................................................................................
1 Leave the showers clean and tidy. ......................................... your cat to this campsite.
Verb ought to have Verbs make, let and be allowed /'0
2/- Complete the sentences with ought{n'tj to have 3 >Complete the second sentence so that it has a
and the past participle of the verbs in the box. similar meaning to the first sentence. using the
correct form of the words in brackets.
go ~ get give pack fail
stop train visit miss The rules say that students must not chew gum
anywhere in the schoo l. (allow)
You ..........................................................................................
4 They lost the match. They ................................................
in this park.
.................................................................................... harder.
made us td
They .................... ,
I ) our rooms every day. But I! did n't
take Chloe and me very long because we're both quite ti y. The
best thmg was that they .)~.I!.~... leave the camp in the
......... _............ to
........................................... to play any music after
eleven o'clock.
I..J.p witt tk. ~ cma ~ ~ In some summer camps you can't choose who you
-~~~tiL~ want to share you r room \\~ th but at Sunnybank they
.IJ:.w .in.:tJ..... ~f'IAT1l1..d 5.......................................... choose our roommates.
~ 4.I.fJ d ~ (if ~ WDAti:.U That was great because Chloe and [ already knew each other and
~tUI;) wanted to share. We did lots of things together. 'C I)'one had to
h lp on the camp and there was a list of names and things we had
Wt~lt ... to do each day. For example, they 6................................ ........
~ tnd a./tu ~ ()'~
organise games for the younger kids in the afternoons and Chloe
and I always did that together. Once a week the)'
One thing that I didn't like at Sunnybank was thaI they
~ wIt..o we ~ k 10................... ....... ................. lay the table and wash the
a. t't1'I:m\.-wiiA dishes twice a week. [ have to do that at home e cry da~ and I
.~~~.we~ don't like doing it on my holid3)'. Probably the worst rule was that
;l;orJ"., they " ........................................... get up at eight 111 the
morning [or breakfast. We complained a lot and in the end they, ~ ~ 'I ~
Uni 13
Adjective word order Adjectives used together usua lly occu r in the
Verbs must!can't for drawing conclusions Verbs must/can't for drawing conclusions
1 Complete the second sentence so that it has 2> Match the responses to the statements.
a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use must be Then complete the responses with must or can't.
or can't be.
I'm sure you aren't hungry after eating all that cake.
I bought yesterday.
13 1
Adjective word order 6 a / We lsh I bri efcase I cheap I middle-aged I ma n
I He's I plasti c I with a
He's .........................................................................................
3> Write sentences by putting the words in the
correct order and adding punctuation.
7 blue / bowls / chicken I delicio us I gave I in /Iarge
I She I soup I us
She ..........................................................................................
/ the / Who's
I Lucy's
Lu( ;) ......................................................................................
2 and a / Irish accent / the man / hair / is / Jim / red My feet feel .. F~~ ... blocks of ice.
/ strong / with short That si nger sounds ........................ a dying cat.
Jim ...........................................................................................
2 She looks ........................ about eighteen.
3 You look ........................ tired. Didn't you sl eep
3 an / blue / expensive / Italian / She's / suit last ni ght?
/ wearing 4 It looks ........................ summer has arrived.
She's ........................................................................................
5 She seemed ........................ totally miserabl e.
6 They look ........................ they have just ha d a fi gh t.
4 antique / beautifu l /bought / earrings 7 Those tourists sounded ........................ Scan dinavi an
/ for her birthd ay /1/ silver / some to me.
I ................................................................................................ 8 This cheese tastes ........................ soap.
9 You loo k .. ...................... you have just seen a ghost.
5 brown I Do I in I know / leath er I Span ish 10 I spoke to her on the phone and she so unded
/ student I t he / the / trousers / you / young ........................ she had a bad cold.
Do ............................................................................................ 11 He ph oned up and started shouting. He seemed
........................ very an gry.
12 You loo k ........................ a doctor in that whi t e coat.
Verb used to
Positive statements With used to we refer to habits or situations
I used to walk to school but now I take the bus. wh ich were true in the past but are not true now.
Verb be used to
With be used to we refer to an activity or
Positive statements situation which is (or was) someth ing familiar
I'm used to wearing a uniform.
to us.
She's used to living in a big city.
Clauses of purpose with to, in order We can use to and in order {not} to + the
(not) to, 50 that infinitive on ly when the subject of the main
I shut th window to stop the flIes coming In.
clause and the clause of purpose are the same.
In ord r to shu Ihe Window, I had to stand on a chair.
Verb be used to
1 Complete Miranda's letter to a teacher
wear a uniform V
work at night X
1 going to bed at strange imes X
2 live on my own X
3 eat canteen food II'
4 work hard II'
5 study a lot V
6 look after old people V
7 be with sick people all the time X
8 make beds with people still in them X
h"'jAA"~ 7
u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
Clauses of purpose with to or so that
2:" Correct the statements 1 to 8 by rewriting 3> The Graysons made a lot of changes to their
them with used to/didn't use to. home. Combine the pairs of sentences using to
where possible. Where it isn't possible, use
so that ... could(n 't)/would(n't).
.. !~!!Y..~!!!.1!.!!..~HI?~~.~r.~.~~.:rr.~r.~..t1!~~!'..~p.~~.................
..~qy'i.P.!!:!~!~.~: ............................................................................
.. "!]r;~.g~~.~..~!~~!!.~..!.Y..~~.~~..~~.'!!..~~.'f.E~!!~~.'f!:'. ............
2 The poorest chi ldren do not go to school. 3 Ligh ts were installed in the 'garden. They wanted to
eat outside in th e eve ning.
u \)
The passive
Present simple We use the passive:
Ho 0 en are the rooms cI aned? - when we are more interested in t he
They're cleaned once a w k. event tha n t he person who did the
action, e.g. I'm afraid the room hasn't
Pent continuous
been clean ed.
Her bik IS being repair d at the moment
We r n't being taught by Mr Morris thiS year. - to ta lk about events in history, e.g. The
electric light bu lb was invented in 1878.
Past simple - to describe tech nica l or scientific
Printing was invented In China.
passive in finitive.
Mod Is
The passive gerund is formed with the
T e door can't/couldr!' b opened.
gerund being + the past participle.
om thing shOUld/must be done about the. traffic in hiS town.
The passive infiniti ve is formed wi t h the
Wh n will we be paid?
in fi ni tive to be + the past participle.
We mlgh Imay be m t at lh airport.
When we want to say who or what was
responsible for the action , we use the
I ha Ing bitten by mosquitoes.
preposition by + a noun, e.g. These
flowers were delivered by a man on
a motorbike.
How ofte do the plants have to be watered?
We often use t he verb get instead of be,
as an informa l passive form, when we
refer to something unpleasant or SUdden,
e.g. She got bitten by a dog. This is more
common in spoken than in written English.
The pas ive: present simple and past simple
dangerous than freshies. Swimmers who
5....................................... (catch) by a saltie,
2> Match the noun phrases to the verbs. Then . ~iJJ.~t:!!!.~.~~,!I.~: ........................................................ ~ ..............
write sentences in the present continuous passive.
3) Complete the letter, putting the verbs in 4> Rewrite the vet's comments in the passive.
brackets into the past continuous tense, active Somebody has trea te d this horse bad ly for years.
or passive. 1 People haven't fed him prope rly.
2 People have ridd en hi m too much.
Dear Sir/Mailam.
3 They have forced him to wo rk t oo hard.
Our Easy World huliduy on tbe island of Batto
4 They have left hi m outsid e in col d weat her.
was a Ii aster.
S Nobody has brushed him fo r years.
................................... (clean)
4 ...................................................................................................
My room 8.........................................................................
The passive with modals: should, must, The passive: gerunds and infinitives
will, can
7 ) Complete the text with the verbs in brackets
6 ) Complete the sentences with the verbs in the in the passive gerund or infinitive form.
box. Then rewrite them in the passive.
check contact leave
len d park pick up
f~ttksrfor" ~ 4teK ~e CtV witt&. we're a;u!{l~
yOt{ c~n ".. J!.~~........ i.e ~ yQtt ICmttt.
yot( 5~'t .................... "tlte r~JJo Ut ~ ca.t:
2 YOl( tt(/A~t .............. ...... fltt. ~r fA ~ of .!jQt{r
3 Ycu s~(d .................... hod alta -flte ~res r~uIa"tJ .
l1eJtt week.
6 yet( m~t .................... tIte Ut~(MCL (dIt1~~
~tt(ed(a~ if ~tn( f.uw.e. ~t\
7 You CtlI1 .................... -#At. car in. -Ik ~r ~rk ir\. After .... !!.~.~~9.P.!.C!.!!~~~..... (plan t) in a sunny warm
~!.(t~s Strut. place at the end of su mmer, stra wberry plants have
.. !~..~~.~~~~r.~(. (water) regulprly, especially in dry
weath er. In the sp ring, when t he fruit starts to grow,
straw nee ds I . .................................................... (p lace)
4 .................................................................................................. .
with nets. This prevents the stra wberries from
4 ......... .................. ......... ..... . ........... (eat) by birds. For
5 ...... ......................................... ....................................................
the best possi ble taste, strawberries need
s ..................................................... (grow) orga nical ly
6 ...................................................................................................
without chemical fe rti lisers and pesticides. If you
wa nt to make strawberry j am, the berries need
G.................................................. .. . (pi ck) when they are still
7 .................................................................................................. .
qu ite hard. Before 7 .......................................... ........... (u se)
for ja m, or eaten raw, th e f ruit ought B.............................
.......................... (wash).
u I I
I wish + past perfect I wish/If only + past perfect
1 Read the examiner's report after Rachel failed >
2 Read Craig's reasons for his team losing a
her motorcycle test. Then write her wishes. football match. Write sentences with I wish or If only.
...If..9.n.Iy..~~..~9!!~:t.!g.~.~.~r..!~~Y.m9!~g~i~.~ ...........
2 ..................................................................................................
If onl y ..................................................................................
3 ...................................................................................................
2 I wish ...................................................................................
3 If only ...................................................................................
4 ...................................................................................................
4 I wish ...................................................................................
5 ...................................................................................................
5 If only ...................................................................................
6 ...................................................................................................
6 I wish ...................................................................................
7 .................................................................................................. .
7 If only ...................................................................................
8 If only ...................................................................................
3> Combine the pairs of sentences to make third 4> Match the sentence halves. Then write
conditional sentences with If sentences in the third conditional.
2 ...................................................................................................
4 .................................................................................................. .
6 .......................................................................... ".......................
5:" Use the prompts to complete the sentences 6 > Complete the second sentence so that it has a
using the correct conditionals. similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
words in brackets.
If I .. ~.~(~~~9~~.~~~.~~!if,.. ~~!w...l!~~.~~..~~~!:.9~~~':!.......
me a reward.
She ..........................................................................................
the concert.
(she/probably feel better in the morning) 4 I stopped reading the bo ok because th e plot was
so com plicated. (been)
2 If I were yo u, ........................................................................
If the plot ..............................................................................
(I/tell them th e truth)
...................................................... ............................................
3 If everybody gives me a pound, ......................................
reading the book.
5 I'm sorry I didn't remember her birthday. (wish)
(I/buy a present for Judy from a11 of us)
I ................................................................................................
4 If you won a mi llion pounds, ..........................................
her birthday.
6 What a pity there wasn 't any good mu sic at the
(what/you spend it on?)
party! (o nly)
5 What shal l we do ................................................................
If ...............................................................................................
some good music at the party!
(if it/rai n tomorrow?)
7 They did n't have brea kfast so they were hu ngry by
6 You would have met Caroline ......................................... ten thirty. (WOUldn't)
If they .....................................................................................
(if you/come to the party on Saturday)
.......................................................... hungry by ten th irty.
7 If you'd got lost in that wood, .......................................
14 3
u o
reported speech.
Verb + infinitive
We ca n use whether instead of ifin
Sh a re d/oflered/promised 0 pay him back
reported Yes/No questions.
9 0 ~t;~. t~~~.:;;::t~:~:~.
Verbs must have, might hove, can't hove Reported speech: statements
for drawing conclusions
3 > Mr Rush and Ms Drift had a car crash. Read
2> Complete the second sentence so it has a their statements. Then write the police report.
similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
words in brackets. I stopped at t he lights.
She was drivi ng on t he wrong si de of the road .
2 She's a very areless driver.
3 I won't make her pay if she apologises.
- -
Reported speech: statements and questions Verbs of reporting: various structures
4 / Report the interview with the TV zoologist, 5> Complete the sentences in reported speech
Alistair Batten. using the verbs in the box.
agreed apol ogised for explained
invi ted offered C
orde red) prom ised
rem inded suggested
Future continuous
Positive statements We use th e fu tu re continuo us to ta lk
You'll be Iymg on the beach In two weeks' time. about events whi ch wi ll be in progress
at a particular time in the futur
N gativ statements
Short answers
Positive Negative
Future perfect
We use t he future perfect to ta lk about
Positive statements
events which will be completed at a
We'll have had supper by nine o'clock
pa rticula r t ime in the future.
tlV statements We use will/won't + have + the past
't have gone to bed yet. particip le of the verb to form the
futu re perfect.
Will you have written your essay by omorrow?
Short answers
Positive Negative
Future cont inuous
1 :, Look at the programme. Then complete the 2> Use the notes below to write predictions using
sentences in the future continuous. the future perfect.
Cleves School
In 100 years' time:
..w.~:(~.~.~~~.~r.~~~~.~~.~~.. ~1.~.~fr.~.~~.~!.'.~...................
5 ................................................................................................
6 ................................................................................................
3> Read about Bob. Then write pairs of sentences 4> Use the prompts to write B's answers.
in the future perfect and the future continuous.
Every day of Bob's life is the same and he likes it that
way. He has his breakfast every morning at seven
thirty. It takes him exactly ten minutes to eat it. Then
he sunbathes on the steps of his house for two hours.
At nine forty, he stops sunbathing and lies down on
Claudia's bed. Claudia is Bob's owner and in Bob's
opinion, her bed is the most comfortable one in the
house. At twelve o'clock, he jumps off the bed and
plays in the garden with Marmalade, the neighbours'
cat. At three o'clock, he comes in from the garden
and sits down in front of the fridge to wait for his A: Is it go ing to ra in?
tea. Claudia gets home from school at four fifteen
B: (hope) .... L~~p.~.~.t?,~....... I want to play tennis.
up ea rly t om orro w.
At eight o'clock tomorrow, Bob ...
a) ................................................................... sunbathing.
Ellen at t he beach.
b) ....... on Claudia's bed.
no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .