4. Column
a. Intersection between footing to column=4
Total no of intersection within 17 columns=68
L=68x0.3=20.4m GI wire Estimate of Materials in the Proposed Plan
M=20.4/53=0.38kg #16 GI wire
b. Intersection between lateral and vertical=4
In one column=4(38)=152 1. 10mm bars 400pieces
Total no of intersection within 17 post=2584 2. 12mm bars 50pieces
3. 16mm bars 120pieces
M=1033.6/53=19.5kgs #16 GI wire
c. Intersection between column and beam=4 4. #16mm GI wire 55kgs
Total no of intersection within 17 columns=68
L=68x0.3=20.4m GI wire
M=20.4/53=0.38kg #16 GI wire
5. Beam
Intersection of stirrups and main bars
a. B1 (3m long)
No of stirrups =28pieces
No of intersection=28(4)=112
Total no of intersection within B1=112x16=1792
M=716.8/53=13.52kgs #16 GI wire
b. B2 (2.5m long)
No of stirrups =20pieces