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City of Durban Standard Engineering Specification Part C - Concrete Work

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Clause Heading Page No.




C.3.1 Materials C.2

C.3.2 Storage of Materials C.3


C.4.1 General C.4

C.4.2 Batching Plant C.4
C.4.3 Mixing Plant C.4
C.4.4 Vibrators C.5


C.5.1 Bending and Fixing Reinforcement C.5

C.5.2 Formwork C.7
C.5.3 Formed Concrete Surface Finishes C.9
C.5.4 Concrete Upper Surface Finishes C.13
C.5.5 Concrete Supervision and Records C.14
C.5.6 Concrete Mixes C.14
C.5.7 Ready Mixed Concrete C.16
C.5.8 Batching C.17
C.5.9 Mixing C.18
C.5.10 Transporting C.18
C.5.11 Placing C.19
C.5.12 Compaction C.19
C.5.13 Curing C.20
C.5.14 Joints C.21
C.5.15 Construction Details C.22
C.5.16 No-Fines Concrete C.23
C.5.17 Honeycombing and Other Defects C.23


C.6.1 Basis of Measurement C.24

C.6.2 Reinforcement C.25
C.6.3 Formwork C.25
C.6.4 Mass and Reinforced Concrete Foundations C.25
C.6.5 Elements or Components above Foundations C.26

Clause Heading Page No.


C.7.1 General C.26

C.7.2 Compressive Strength Tests C.26
C.7.3 Other Tests C.28
C.7.4 Procedure in the Event of Failure of Compressive Strength Test C.28
C.7.5 Cost of Tests C.29


C.8.1 Concrete C.29

C.8.2 Steel Reinforcement C.29
C.8.3 Shuttering and Formwork C.30



The following clauses relate to materials for concrete; mixing, transportation,

placing, compacting, curing and finishing off of concrete; bending and fixing of
reinforcing steel; formwork to shape concrete to the required lines, grades and
dimensions as shown on the drawings and to give the specified finish; all in
accordance with this and other specification items relating hereto. The clauses
do not cover prestressing which is the subject of another Departmental


The following standards are referred to in this specification :

S.A.B.S. 82 - 1976 : Bending dimensions of bars for concrete


S.A.B.S. 471 - 1971 : Portland Cement (ordinary, rapid hardening and

sulphate resisting).

S.A.B.S. 626 - 1971 : Portland Blast Furnace Cement.

S.A.B.S. 831 - 1971 : Portland Cement 15 and Rapid Hardening

Portland Cement 15.

S.A.B.S. 1024 - 1974 : Welded steel fabric for concrete reinforcement.

all as published in General Notice 463 dated 9 July 1982.

S.A.B.S. 455 - 1983 : Covered electrodes for the manual arc welding of
carbon and carbon manganese steel.

as published in General Notice 355 dated 20 May 1983.

S.A.B.S. 878 - 1983 : Ready-mixed concrete.

as published in General Notice 786 dated 14 October 1983.

S.A.B.S. 920 - 1985 : Steel bars for concrete reinforcement.

as published in General Notice 6 dated 3 January 1986.

B.S. 4 Part 1 - 1980 : Structural steel sections part 1 : hot-rolled


B.S. 405 - 1945 : Expanded metal (steel) for general purposes.

B.S. 915 Part 2 - 1984 : High alumina cement.

B.S. 4461 - 1984 : Cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of

- C.1 - FEBRUARY 1987


B.S. 4482 - 1985 : Hard drawn mild steel wire for the reinforcement of

B.S. 5135 - 1984 : Process arc welding of carbon and carbon

manganese steels.

American Society for : Liquid membrane-forming compounds curing

Testing of Materials concrete.
Standard Specification


C.3.1 Materials

C.3.1.1 Cement

Unless otherwise specified, no cement other than ordinary Portland Cement or

Portland Cement 15 shall be used without the written consent of the Engineer
first being obtained.

As far as is possible, only one particular brand and type shall be used for all
exposed and visible surfaces.

No cements which do not comply with the requirements of the appropriate

Standard Specifications will be approved.

High Alumina Cement is to be used only when specified in Part "AA" : Project

C.3.1.2 Water

Water shall be clean, fresh and free from injurious amounts of acids, alkalis,
organic matter or other substances either in suspension or solution which may
impair the strength or quality of the concrete. Water shall be obtained from the
City water supply where possible and shall be taken from any other source only
on the approval of the Engineer. Where there is reason to suspect the presence
of harmful impurities, the Engineer may require the Contractor to submit the
results of approved tests.

C.3.1.3 Aggregates for Concrete

Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform with S.A.B.S. 1083 Table 1 for natural
sand and Table 5 for stone.

The coarse aggregates shall be natural unweathered crushed rock free from
adherent coatings and impurities and shall have an abrasion resistance of not
more than 40%.

If required two or more aggregates may be mixed to achieve the requirements

of S.A.B.S. 1083.

- C.2 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.3.1 Materials (Cont'd)

C.3.1.4 Admixtures

The use of admixtures in concrete shall be subject to the written approval of the
Engineer. The admixture manufacturer shall provide proof of the experience and
field service using the formulation for which approval is requested. Admixtures
containing chlorides shall not be used.

C.3.1.5 Reinforcement

Unless otherwise specified steel reinforcement shall comply in all respects with
the requirements of the appropriate Standard Specifications.

C.3.1.6 Curing Compounds

Curing compounds shall conform with the American Society for Testing and
Materials Standard Specification C.309 'Liquid Membrane - Forming Compounds
for Curing Concrete'. Before using any proprietary curing compounds, the
Contractor shall supply the Engineer with the results of recent S.A.B.S. tests
carried out on the proposed compound.

C.3.1.7 Electrodes

All electrodes used for welding of mild steel structural members shall comply with
S.A.B.S. 455.

C.3.1.8 Certificate of Compliance

The Contractor, when using materials conforming to a Standard Specification

shall, if called upon, furnish the Engineer with certificates of tests showing that
the materials do so conform.

C.3.2 Storage of Materials

C.3.2.1 Storage of Cement

Different kinds of cement shall be stored separately and no cement shall be

stored on the site for a longer period than 28 days. After this period the
Engineer may call for tests to be carried out in accordance with S.A.B.S. 471,
831 or 626 and if the cement complies it may be used. Lumpy cement, broken
pockets and sweepings shall not be used.

Bagged cement shall be stored in solidly constructed weatherproof sheds

provided with damp-proof floors. The cement sacks shall be closely stacked, not
more than 12 sacks high, and shall not be stacked against the walls. The
arrangements of stacking shall be such as to facilitate the cement being used in
the same order in which it is received.

Bulk cement shall be stored in weather-proof bins or silos which will provide
protection from dampness and contamination and will minimise air set.

- C.3 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.3.2 Storage of Materials (Cont'd)

C.3.2.2 Storage of Aggregates

Aggregates shall be stored on a hard, free-draining surface. Different size

aggregates shall be stored in separate compartments to avoid intermixing.
Contamination of stockpiles by foreign matter shall be prevented.

C.3.2.3 Stacking of Reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be stacked off the ground and, if required by the Engineer,
adequate protection against the weather shall be provided.

C.3.2.4 General

Any material which has deteriorated or which has been contaminated or

otherwise damaged shall be immediately removed from the site if the Engineer
so requires.


C.4.1 General

All plant used for the work covered by this specification shall be approved by the
Engineer and shall be maintained in good working order. When considered
necessary by the Engineer, stand-by equipment shall be available at short

C.4.2 Batching Plant

The Contractor shall ensure by regular examination, calibration and tests that the
batching system functions efficiently and accurately and that the hoppers and
cement containers are kept dry and clean. The batching plant shall be capable
of batching to an accuracy as specified in clause C.5.8.

In the case of an automatic plant the weighing scales shall be interlocked, so that
a new batch of concrete materials cannot be delivered until the weighing hoppers
have been completely emptied of the previous batch and the scales are in

Where discharge of materials in the hoppers is manually controlled, a method

of signalling shall be employed to ensure that ingredients are not omitted or
added more than once to a single batch of concrete.

C.4.3 Mixing Plant

The type and capacity of mixing machines shall be such that the rate of output
of concrete is suitable for the rate of concreting. The machine shall be capable
of producing a uniform distribution of the ingredients throughout the batch and
shall generally comply with the specification to which the manufacturer claims it
has been manufactured. When considered necessary by the Engineer, a spare
mixer shall be held in readiness to run on 15 minutes notice in case of
breakdown of the mixer.

- C.4 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.4.4 Vibrators

Vibrators shall be capable of fully compacting each layer of concrete where

compaction by vibration is specified and at least one standby vibrator shall be
available for every three or lesser number of vibrators necessary to maintain the
rate of placing.


C.5.1 Bending and Fixing Reinforcement

C.5.1.1 Bending Dimensions of Bars

Reinforcing bars shall be bent in accordance with S.A.B.S. 82 to the dimensions

indicated on the drawings.

C.5.1.2 Bending of Bars

Reinforcing bars shall be bent in such a manner that, unless otherwise specified,
all hooks and bends shall be in the same plane. Unless hot bending is
specifically authorised, all bars shall be bent cold. Bending shall be done slowly,
using a steady even pressure and avoiding any jerk or impact.

C.5.1.3 Fixing of Reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be accurately positioned as shown on the drawings and

securely tied with annealed soft iron wire or by suitable clips to prevent
displacement. Mild steel may be welded but high tensile steel shall only be
welded with the Engineer's permission.

Reinforcement shall be supported or braced against displacement by means of

steel stools, chairs, stirrups or clips which will be detailed on the drawings or in
the bending schedule.

The placing of bars on fresh layers of concrete as work progresses will not be
permitted. No concrete shall be placed until the Engineer or his representative
has stated that he is satisfied that the reinforcement is correctly positioned as
shown on the drawings.

The minimum clear cover of concrete over all reinforcement shall be as indicated
in the following table unless otherwise specified on the drawings. Correct cover
shall be maintained by concrete spacers whose strength is not less than that of
the concrete specified. Suitable plastic spacers are permitted if approved by the

- C.5 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.1 Bending and Fixing Reinforcement (Cont'd)

Type of Construction Min. Cover, mm

1. Slabs and Walls

a) Plastered and unplastered internal work the greater of 20 or d

b) Exposed to water pressure 50

c) External walls 30

2. Columns the greater of 40 or d

3. Beams

a) End cover beyond hooks the greater of 25 or 2d

b) All other surfaces the greater of 25 or d

4. Piles

a) Precast piles and on faces poured

against formwork 40

b) On unformed faces poured against

ground 75

5. All structures in sea water or in marine

atmosphere 50

6. Structures in contact with backfilling or

corrosive atmosphere 40

7. Footings

a) Members cast on a blinding layer 50

b) Members cast in contact with the

ground 75

Note: In the above table 'd' refers to the largest reinforcing bar diameter.

All steel reinforcement shall, at the time the concrete is placed, be free from
loose rust, paint, scale, oil, salt or other coatings that may reduce or destroy
bond or accelerate the corrosion, and the surface of the steel shall not be pitted.
Where required by the Engineer or his representative, the reinforcement shall be
washed down immediately prior to concreting.

- C.6 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.1 Bending and Fixing Reinforcement (Cont'd)

C.5.1.4 Welding

All welding of mild steel, where permitted, shall be in accordance with B.S.5135.

C.5.2 Formwork

C.5.2.1 Design of Forms

Forms shall conform accurately to the shape, lines, levels and dimensions of
concrete as shown on the drawings.

The design of the formwork and supports shall be the responsibility of the
Contractor and shall be designed and detailed by a registered professional
engineer, if required by the special conditions of contract, and submitted for
approval by the Engineer.

Forms shall be so designed as to support their self mass, the load exerted by the
wet concrete and by the vibration, construction or other loads to which they be
subjected. Where the concrete is to be prestressed, the formwork shall be
constructed in such a manner that the elastic compressive shortening of the
concrete during the tensioning of the tendons is not unduly hindered. The
maximum deflection of any formwork component shall in no case exceed 1/360th
of its span. Form soffits shall be built to a camber corresponding to their
probable deflection under load so that the finished concrete shall conform
accurately with the lines and dimensions shown on the drawings.

Joints in forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar, and unless
otherwise specified, all joints shall be either horizontal or vertical.

The inner faces of forms shall be such as will impart the specified finish to the
concrete. Solid steel forms may be used for precast beams and circular
columns. Elsewhere, except where otherwise specified or the written consent
of the Engineer has been obtained, only wrought timber or approved shuttering
boards shall be used for forms in contact with exposed concrete faces.

All timber shall be free from holes, loose knots, cracks, splits, warps or other
defects likely to affect the strength or appearance of the finished structure.

Forms shall be so constructed that they may be readily stripped without jarring
or damaging the fresh concrete. The formwork for beams and slabs shall be
constructed so that the forms on the sides of the beams and on the soffits of
slabs can be removed independently of each other without disturbing the beam
soffits. Chamfer strips shall be provided on all exposed edges.

Wedges and clamps shall be used in preference to nails for securing the form
components and wire ties or tie bolts in reinforced concrete must be capable of
complete removal after use, except as otherwise specified. (See Clause

- C.7 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.2 Formwork (Cont'd)

C.5.2.1 Design of Forms (Cont'd)

In the cases where the accommodation of traffic during the construction period
is required, false work shall be designed to span underlying road systems with
a minimum headroom of 5,0 m, unless otherwise specified.

C.5.2.2 Preparation of Forms

Form surfaces which are to be in contact with concrete shall be coated with non-
staining mould oil or other approved material. Where oil is used it shall be
applied before any reinforcement is placed in position.

C.5.2.3 Inspection Openings

Temporary openings shall be provided where necessary to facilitate cleaning and

inspection before depositing the concrete. Wherever possible, such openings
shall be least noticeable in the finished structure.

C.5.2.4 Cleaning before Concreting

All dirt, sawdust, chips and other foreign matter shall be removed from between
the forms before any concrete is deposited.

C.5.2.5 Removal of Forms

Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has attained sufficient strength to
supports its own weight and any loads which may be imposed upon it.

This shall be determined by means of cubes cast with the concrete and cured in
accordance with the S.A.B.S. 863. The removal shall be carried out under the
personal supervision of the Foreman only after the permission of the Engineer
has been obtained and in such a manner that the concrete is not jarred, vibrated
or otherwise damaged.

Where test cubes to determine stripping times are not made, the minimum
periods which shall elapse between the time of the placing of the concrete and
the time of removal of the forms shall, unless otherwise agreed with the
Engineer, be in accordance with the table hereunder, where each day covers a
full 24 hour period.

- C.8 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.2 Formwork (Cont'd)

C.5.2.5 Removal of Forms (Cont'd)

Minimum Stripping Time in Days

Form Normal Portland Rapid Hardening Portland Blast

Cement or P.C. 15 Portland Cement Furnace Cement
Normal Cold Normal Cold Normal Cold
Weather Weather Weather Weather Weather Weather
(Above (Below (Above (Below (Above (Below
15/C)* 5/C)* 15/C)* 5/C)* 15/C)* 5/C)*
Beamsides, wall or
columns 1 2 1 2 2 6
Removal of slab
soffits 10 17 5 9 12 21
Removal of beam
soffits 14 21 7 12 18 28

* Average daily temperature of the atmosphere adjacent to the concrete as

measured be a maximum and minimum thermometer. When the average daily
temperature is between 5/C and 15/C the minimum stripping times shall be
interpolated from the Table.

The table assumes that the member concerned is not subjected to any heavy
construction loads and that the total force to be supported is not more than half
the design load. Where heavier loads are to be carried, no stripping of soffits
shall be permitted until the concrete has attained its full strength. Any days
during which the average temperature was below 2/C shall be complete

C.5.2.6 Re-Use of Forms

Before re-use, all forms shall be reconditioned and all form surfaces which will
be in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned.

C.5.3 Formed Concrete Surface Finishes

C.5.3.1 Classification

Surface finishes to formed concrete faces shall be classified as hereunder -

class 1: ordinary finish;

class 2: rubbed finish;

- C.9 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.3 Formed Concrete Surface Finishes (Cont'd)

C.5.3.1 Classification (Cont'd)

class 3: off the form finishes;

(a) smooth finishes,

(b) board marked finishes,
(c) special patterned finishes,

class 4: exposed aggregate finishes;

(a) brushed and washed finishes,

(b) tooled finishes,
(c) sand blasted finish,
(d) aggregate transfer finishes,

class 5: applied finishes;

(a) rendered finishes,

(b) painted finishes.

C.5.3.2 Class 1 - Ordinary Surface Finish

This is the finish left on a concrete surface after the removal of the forms and the
filling of all holes left by shuttering bolts and the repairs of all defects. The
surface shall be true and even, free from stone pockets, depressions and

C.5.3.3 Class 2 - Rubbed Finish

Immediately after removal of the shuttering all defects shall be made good and
the rubbed finish shall be applied within three days as follows:

Before starting this work the concrete shall be kept thoroughly saturated with
water for a minimum period of 3 hours. Sufficient time shall have elapsed before
the wetting down to allow the mortar used in the pointing of the bolt holes and
defects to set properly. Surfaces to be finished shall be rubbed with a medium
coarse carborundum stone, using a small amount of mortar on its face. The
mortar shall consist of cement and fine sand mixed in the proportions used in the
concrete being finished. Rubbing shall be continued until all projections and
irregularities have been removed, all voids filled and a uniform surface has been
obtained. The paste produced by this rubbing shall be left in place for at least
five days. The surface shall be smoothed by being rubbed lightly with a fine
carbonrundum stone.

- C.10 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.3 Formed Concrete Surface Finishes (Cont'd)

C.5.3.4 Class 3 - Off the Form Finishes

Off the form finishes require a very high standard in concrete quality, formwork
and technique. The intention is that no after treatment other than treatment of
bolt-holes (which should be placed with regularity and precision) should be
required. Forms shall be unblemished and panels regular. Joints shall be a
feature of the pattern and shall be handled with care. Reinforcement cover
blocks shall be of semi-spherical shape to minimise their appearance on the
finished surface.

(a) Smooth finishes may be obtained from non-absorptive linings to forms,

from plywood, shutterboard, or plastic faced board in new condition.

(b) Boardmarked finishes shall be obtained from the use of timber planks
which shall be dressed and thicknessed unless otherwise specified. When
unplaned timber is specified, boards with a strong grain shall be mixed with
boards with a less pronounced gain and not grouped together. The
Engineer shall indicate if all boards are not to be horizontal and a
patterned panel effect is required.

(c) Special patterned finishes are required to reflect without blemish the
surface of patterned hardboard, rubber, thermoplastic or other lining as

C.5.3.5 Class 4 - Exposed Aggregate Finishes

The purpose of these finishes is to relive the uniform colour and texture of the
concrete by exposing the aggregate, which shall be the normal size concrete
aggregate except where otherwise specified. Attention is directed to the
necessity for allowing for the material to be removed and ensuring that the
requisite cover to reinforcement is maintained.

(a) Brushed and washed finishes are obtained by stripping and scrubbing the
concrete surface with a stiff wire brush. Unless forms can be stripped at
a very early age (approximately 16 hours at 20/C) this method cannot be
used unless the formwork has been treated with a retarding agent. Care
shall be taken to ensure that concrete is not deposited against the face of
treated forms which should be stripped as early as possible. Where
scrubbing with water is not effective, a solution of hydrochloric acid in the
proportion of 1 part of acid to 4 parts of water shall be thoroughly and
evenly scrubbed into the surface until the desired texture is obtained. The
complete surface shall then be neutralised by washing thoroughly with
water to which a small amount of ammonia has been added. When acid
is used, special precautions shall be taken to protect workmen, underlying
materials and persons passing.

- C.11 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.3 Formed Concrete Surface Finishes (Cont'd)

C.5.3.5 Class 4 - Exposed Aggregate Finishes (Cont'd)

(b) Tooled finishes may be carried out by the use of bush-hammers, light
mechanical chisels or other approved tools, preferably mechanically
operated. No tooling shall be done until the concrete has attained an age
of at least 14 days after casting when normal Portland cement has been
used and 7 days when rapid hardening cement has been used, or longer
as may be necessary to prevent the aggregate particles from being

The final finish shall show a surface of evenly distributed coarse aggregate
particles set in a matrix of mortar, each aggregate particle being in slight
relief. After the tooling has been completed, the surface so treated shall
be scrubbed down with a stiff brush and washed with water.

(c) Sand blasted finishes shall be obtained by sand blasting the thoroughly
cured concrete surface of the same ages as given under (b) Tooled
Finishes with hard sharp sand to produce an even, fine, clean surface in
which the mortar has been cut away, leaving the coarse aggregate

(d) Aggregate transfer finishes may be effected by sticking a single layer of

selected aggregate onto ply board or other suitable formliners which have
been cut to size and coated with a layer of water soluble cellulose adhesive
mixed with plaster sand. This layer should be just thinner than half the
average least dimension of the aggregate. When the glue is set the liners
are placed in the forms which are then concreted, care being taken to
protect the forms when placing and compacting. Liners shall be stripped
after at least 3 days and the adhesive and sand covering the aggregate
removed by scrubbing and washing.

C.5.3.6 Class 5 - Applied Finishes

It is essential that all surfaces on which applied finishes are to be used shall be
sound, clean and free of mould oil.

Defects shall first be made good.

(a) Rendered finishes require a good key. Unless otherwise specified this
may be provided by flicking on to the previously soaked and still moist
surface of 1 part cement to 2 parts of sharp sand. This shall be left
untouched apart from curing.

The render coat shall consist of 1 part Portland cement, or Portland

cement 15, part slaked lime, 4 to 4 parts of sand by volume and shall
not be less than 5 mm or more than 16 mm in thickness.

- C.12 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.3 Formed Concrete Surface Finishes (Cont'd)

C.5.3.6 Class 5 - Applied Finishes (Cont'd)

If a second coat is required because of the irregularity of the concrete, the

surface of the first coat shall be combed with uniform wavy lines to provide
a key after it has begun to harden. The second coat may be applied the
next day. If a scraped finish is specified the rendering shall be lightly
scraped to achieve the desired effect with an old tenon saw blade or
similar implement, after it has attained a biscuit like crispness. It shall then
be lightly brushed and washed to remove loose particles.

All rendered finishes shall be cured.

(b) Painted finishes of the type specified shall be applied strictly in accordance
with the paint manufacturer's instructions. Very smooth surfaces shall be
acid washed, lightly sand blasted or rubbed with abrasive stones before
being painted. Painting shall be delayed as long as possible and two coats
applied unless otherwise specified.

C.5.4 Concrete Upper Surface Finishes

C.5.4.1 Classification

Surface finishes to exposed (non-formed) concrete faces shall be classified as

hereunder -

Class 1 - screeded finish

Class 2 - broomed finish
Class 3 - wood float finish
Class 4 - steel trowel finish

C.5.4.2 Class 1 - Screeded Finish

Immediately after placing, the concrete shall be screeded with a true edged
wooden board working between forms or other guides set accurately to line and
level. No mortar shall be added and noticeable surface irregularities caused by
the displacement of coarse aggregate shall be made good by re-screeding after
removing or tamping down the interfering aggregate.

C.5.4.3 Class 2 - Broomed Finish

Immediately after placing, the concrete shall be screeded as in class 1.

Thereafter, when the concrete has begun to dry, the surface shall be broomed
with a stiff broom or brush to expose the aggregate. Dust and loose particles
shall be gently washed away once the desired relief has been obtained.

- C.13 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.4 Concrete Upper Surface Finishes (Cont'd)

C.5.4.4 Class 3 - Wood Float Finish

Immediately after placing, the concrete shall be screeded as in class 1.

Thereafter, when the concrete has begun to dry, the surface shall be brought to
a smooth and even finish using a wood float and including any additional 4:1
sand and cement as necessary.

C.5.4.5 Class 4 - Steel Float Finish

Immediately after placing, the concrete shall be screeded as in class 1.

Thereafter, when the concrete has begun to dry, the surface shall be brought to
a smooth and even finish using a wood float and including any additional 4:1
sand and cement as necessary.

C.5.5 Concrete Supervision and Records

C.5.5.1 Supervision

During the whole or any time that the placing of concrete is being carried out, the
concreting operation shall be under the supervision of a suitably experienced

C.5.5.2 Records

The Contractor shall keep a complete record of all concrete work which shall
cover the quantity and quality of concrete, the placing of reinforcing steel and the
results of all tests. A daily record shall also be kept of the progress of the work,
of the protection given to the concrete while curing, and the position of all
construction joints not shown on the drawings.

These records shall be available at all times during the progress of the work for
inspection by the Engineer or his representative.

C.5.6 Concrete Mixes

C.5.6.1 Properties

The grades of concrete used in the various parts of the structure shall be as
indicated on the plans and specifications. The required properties of the various
grades are set out in the table hereunder and in other sections of this clause.
The main criterion for each grade shall be the 28 day compressive strength value
in the structural design and determined by means of cube tests made as
described in clause C.7.2.

- C.14 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.6 Concrete Mixes (Cont'd)

C.5.6.1 Properties (Cont'd)


15/13 20/13 25/13 30/13

Grade * 15/26 20/26 25/26 30/26
15/37 20/37 25/37 30/37
Minimum 28 day
cube strength in 15 20 25 30
Grade * 35/13 40/13 45/13 50/13
35/26 40/26 45/26 50/26
35/37 40/37 45/37 50/37
Minimum 28 day
cube strength in 35 40 45 50

* First figure indicates the minimum 28 day cube strength in MPa. Second
figure indicates the nominal maximum size of aggregate in mm.

Note: The maximum cement content for all grades of concrete shall not
exceed 450 kg per m without the express permission of the
Engineer which shall be given in writing.

C.5.6.2 Workability of Concrete

The concrete shall be of such consistency and composition that it can be worked
readily into the corners and angles of forms and around the reinforcement
without permitting the materials to segregate.

The Contractor shall select the slumps he proposes to use within the permitted
maximum slumps set out in the table hereunder. The tolerance must, however,
comply with the requirements of clause C.7.3. With the approval of the
Engineer, the Contractor may adjust the proportions of cement and aggregate
as may be necessary to produce a mixture which will be easily placeable at all
times, due consideration being given to the methods of placing and compacting

Type of Construction Slump in mm

All reinforced and prestressed concrete 75
Pavements 50
Pumped concrete 75
Tremied concrete under water 150

- C.15 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.6 Concrete Mixes (Cont'd)

C.5.6.3 Responsibility for Mixes

The Contractor shall be the party responsible for design of the mixes to achieve
the required properties with the materials which he proposes to use.

The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself, before tendering, of

his ability to produce concrete of the required quality with available materials
conforming to the specification.

C.5.6.4 Samples and Trial Concrete Mixes

At the earliest possible stage in the contract the Contractor shall submit samples
of the aggregates which he proposes to use on the works. He shall also submit
for approval the proposed slumps and the proportions in which he proposes to
use the materials for each grade of concrete in each type of construction. In
addition he shall state the minimum cement/water ratio in terms of total water in
the mix for each grade of concrete, and the use of any admixtures.

No structural concrete shall be placed on the job until the Contractor has
satisfied the Engineer as to the suitability of the mixes concerned.

The provision of this sub-clause shall not apply to ready-mixed concrete.

C.5.6.5 Change of Mix

If the concrete produced fails to comply with the specification the Contractor shall
make adjustments in order to meet the specified requirements.

If during the progress of the work, the Contractor desires to use materials or
proportions other than those originally approved, or if in the opinion of the
Engineer or his representative, the materials from the sources originally
approved change in characteristics, he shall provide evidence satisfactory to the
Engineer that the new materials and/or new combination of materials will
produce concrete meeting the requirements of the specification and will not bring
about unacceptable changes in the appearance or other characteristics of the

When any changes are made in terms of this subclause, they shall be made at
the Contractor's expense, and no extra payment will be allowed by reason of
such change.

C.5.7 Ready Mixed Concrete

Should the Contractor elect to use ready-mixed concrete from an approved

supplier, he shall first obtain the approval of the Engineer.

- C.16 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.7 Ready Mixed Concrete (Cont'd)

Before any ready-mixed concrete is used on the job, the Contractor shall furnish
the Engineer with a copy of his letter to the suppliers in which he specified -

(i) the type of cement;

(ii) the nominal maximum size of aggregate;
(iii) the cement/water ratio;
(iv) the required compressive strength;
(v) the required slump at the time and place of delivery; and
(vi) the type of additive.

All these properties shall be as specified in the contract documents.

When required the Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that acceptable
alternative means of supplying concrete have been arranged to be brought into
operation in the event of disruption in the supply of concrete. In this connection,
the Engineer may require that the alternative means of supply shall commence
if the disruption in the supply of ready-mixed concrete has lasted for an elapsed
period in time of 1 hours.

The use of ready-mixed concretes shall in no way relieve the Contractor of any
of his responsibilities for providing concrete complying with the specifications.

C.5.8 Batching

C.5.8.1 Cement

Only whole standard 50 kg sacks of cement shall be used in each batch of

concrete unless an accurate automatic weigh batcher with an accuracy of 2% of
the mass of cement is used.

C.5.8.2 Water

Dependable equipment shall be provided for measuring the mixing water either
by mass or by volume to an accuracy within 3 per cent.

The accuracy of the measuring device provided shall be checked whenever

required by the Engineer or his representative by allowing it to discharge into
vessels of accurately known capacity.

The total quantity of water allowed for shall include the free water present in the
aggregates. The moisture content of the fine aggregate shall be determined at
the beginning and half way through each concreting shift, after showers of rain
or at such other intervals as may be required by the Engineer.

C.5.8.3 Aggregates

Each size of aggregate shall be measured separately by weighing to an

accuracy of 5% except where other methods are authorised or ordered by the

- C.17 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.8 Batching (Cont'd)

C.5.8.3 Aggregates (Cont'd)

Where suitable volumetric methods of measuring proportions of aggregates are

permitted, these shall be checked at regular intervals, and shall take full account
of bulking of the fine aggregate as delivered to the mixer. These methods shall
be designed in such a manner that the consistency of the mix shall be as readily
controlled as for mechanical batching.

All measuring devices shall be maintained in good order and condition, and no
build-up of material on any part of the equipment shall be permitted.

C.5.9 Mixing

Mixing shall continue until there is a uniform distribution of the materials and the
mixture is uniform in colour. The minimum period of mixing shall be not less than
that recommended by the manufacturers at the recommended speed and not
more than 30 minutes. The entire contents of the mixer shall be removed from
the drum before the materials for the succeeding batch are loaded. Upon
cessation of mixing for any period exceeding 30 minutes, the mixer shall be
entirely cleaned out.

The first batch at the start of a concreting operation shall have approximately
25% of the coarse aggregate omitted. The cost of this batch shall be included
in the normal rates for concrete.

Where hand-mixing is permitted, the quantities of cement used shall be

increased by not less than 10% over those determined for the appropriate mix
design. The concrete shall be mixed on a clean and water-tight platform.

C.5.10 Transporting

Concrete shall be transported from the mixer to its final position on the work in
such a manner that segregation or loss of any of the ingredients or
contamination by foreign materials is prevented.

Containers for transporting concrete shall be cleaned of all hardened concrete

and foreign material.

During transportation the concrete shall be protected from wind and sun; shall
be prevented from drying out or losing moisture and shall not be subjected to
excessive jarring or jolting. Drying out may be prevented by the provision of
covers and/or other protective devices.

Distribution of concrete by pumping shall be agreed with the Engineer and the
services of a concrete technologist shall be employed to design concrete mixes
for pumping. The design of the concrete shall be such as to minimise shrinkage
and creep.

- C.18 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.11 Placing

The Contractor shall give the Engineer adequate notice of his intention to place
concrete. The concrete shall be placed within one hour from the time of
discharge from the mixer. Re-tempering by the addition of water or other
material will not be permitted. The forms to be filled shall be clean internally. All
excavations and other contract surfaces of an absorbent nature shall be left
damp, but no free water shall be permitted to remain on these surfaces.

Wherever possible the concrete shall be deposited vertically into its final position
to avoid segregation or displacement of reinforcement and other embedded

Where plums are permitted they shall be deposited by hand.

When concreting closed circuits, work shall proceed from one or more points on
the periphery in opposite directions at the same time such that at completion of
the circuit the junction is formed with freshly-placed concrete. Each load shall
be placed against the face of the previously deposited concrete and not away
from it.

Placing of concrete under water will be permitted only under exceptional

circumstances where it is, in the opinion of the Engineer, not practically feasible
to dewater before placing. No concrete shall be placed in flowing water. when
the placing of concrete under water is permitted it shall be placed by means of
tremies. During placing the outlet of the tremie shall be continuously immersed
in the concrete being deposited. Full details of the method proposed and
adjustment of concrete mix proportions, which adjustment shall include for 20%
extra cement, to maintain the desired properties of the concrete shall be
submitted to the Engineer for his approval before placing commences.

During and after concreting under water, pumping or dewatering operations in

the immediate vicinity shall be suspended should there, in the opinion of the
Engineer, be any danger that such operations will interfere with the freshly-
placed concrete before it has set and gained adequate strength.

Freshly placed concrete shall be protected from rain damage.

No concrete shall be placed if the air temperature in the shade is falling and is
below 8/C or is rising and is below 5/C. Concreting shall not commence if the
air temperature in the shade is above 35/C. The temperature of the concrete at
the point of placing shall not exceed 30/C unless otherwise specified.

C.5.12 Compaction

The concrete shall be fully compacted by approved means during and

immediately after placing. It shall be thoroughly worked against the formwork
and around reinforcement and other embedded fittings without displacing them.

The concrete shall be free from honey-combing and planes of weakness.

Successive layers of the same lift shall be thoroughly worked together.

- C.19 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.15.12 Compaction (Cont'd)

Compaction shall be carried out by mechanical vibration. Over-vibration

resulting in segregation, surface laitance, or leakage shall not be permitted.

The rate of concrete placing shall be commensurate with the available

compaction equipment and only skilled operators shall be permitted to undertake
compaction by vibration.

If required by the Engineer concrete shall be re-worked by re-vibration 1 to 3

hours after placing. The time shall be decided by the Engineer, taking
cognisance of the mix, the ambient temperature and the workability of the

C.5.13 Curing

C.5.13.1 General

Curing of concrete shall be commenced as soon as possible after the placing of

the concrete and without damaging the surface of the concrete.

C.5.13.2 Methods of Curing

Curing shall be accomplished by one or more of the following methods:

(a) retaining forms in place;

(b) ponding of water on exposed surfaces;

(c) covering with sand or other moisture retaining materials in contact with the
concrete surface and kept CONTINUOUSLY wet;

(d) sprayed with water and covered with waterproof paper, polyethylene
sheets or other impervious material free from rents and tears and lapping
by not less than 150 mm, the surface being resprayed whenever any sign
of drying out is evident;

(e) application of an approved liquid membrane curing compound, strictly in

accordance with the manufacturer's instructions before the concrete has
dried out;

(f) steam curing may be used on approval as specified by the Engineer,

provided that the rate of increase in temperature does not exceed more
than 20/C per hour. Steam curing at higher than atmospheric pressure
shall not be permitted if the concrete contains limestone aggregate.
Humidity shall be kept between 90% and 100%.

- C.20 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.13 Curing (Cont'd)

C.5.13.3 Period of Curing

Curing of concrete made from various types of cement shall continue for the
following minimum times from the date of casting:

(a) Portland Cement used - 5 days.

(b) P.C. 15 used - 5 days.

(c) P.B.F.C. used - 7 days.

(d) Rapid Hardening Portland Cement used - 2 days.

(e) Rapid Hardening Portland Cement 15 used - 2 days.

During periods of extremes of temperature, these periods shall be varied at the

discretion of the Engineer.

C.5.14 Joints

C.5.14.1 Location of Joints

Expansion and construction joints shall be located only where indicated on the
drawings. Any additional construction joints required by the Contractor shall be
approved by the Engineer. Where "off the form" finishes are specified, joints
shall be arranged to coincide with the edges of boards or panels wherever

Only those construction joints shown on the drawings shall be measured and
paid for. The Contractor shall allow in his pricing for any additional construction
joints that he may require.

C.5.14.2 Construction Joints

The method of preparing the construction joints shall be one of the following:

(a) Construction joints when concrete is less than 3 days old

The surface of the concrete shall be sand-blasted or chipped to remove all

laitance and to expose the aggregate.

Before a new batch of concrete is poured against the joint, all loose matter
on the surface shall be removed. The old concrete at the joint shall be in
a saturated, but surface-dry condition, with no puddles of free water laying
on the surface.

In addition, the first layer of concrete placed in walls over a depth of

approximately 250 mm shall be made richer by reducing the amount of
coarse aggregate by 25%.

- C.21 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.14 Joints (Cont'd)

C.5.14.2 Construction Joints (Cont'd)

(b) Construction joints when concrete is more than 3 days old

The procedure given in (a) above shall be followed, except that the old
surface shall be prepared and kept continuously wet for a minimum of 24
hours before the placing of the new concrete.

(c) Construction joints at tops of columns

The procedure for preparing and cleaning given in (a) above shall be
followed before the steel reinforcement of the floor to be cast on the
columns is placed in position.

C.5.14.3 Waterstops

Waterstops, where specified, shall be placed or kept in position as shown on the

drawing. Care shall be taken during concreting to ensure that waterstops are not
displaced, bent over or punctured.

C.5.15 Construction Details

C.5.15.1 Cutting of Holes

The cutting of any holes or chases in the concrete other than those shown on the
drawings or otherwise approved by the Engineer shall not be permitted.

C.5.15.2 Fixing Blocks in Concrete

Fixing blocks for the attachment of fixtures may be embedded in concrete

provided that the strength and/or other desirable features of the member are not,
in the opinion of the Engineer, impaired thereby.

C.5.15.3 Pipes and Conduits Embedded in Concrete

Except with the written approval of the Engineer no pipes other than those shown
on the drawings shall be embedded in the concrete and the position of all
services to be embedded shall be checked by the Engineer or his representative
before concreting commences. The clear space between pipes of any kind
embedded in reinforced concrete and the clear space between such pipes and
reinforcement shall not at any point be less than 40 mm, or 5 mm plus the
maximum size of coarse aggregate, whichever is the greater.

- C.22 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.16 No-Fines Concrete

C.5.16.1 General

Unless otherwise specified, no-fines concrete shall only be used for non-
structural work.

C.5.16.2 Grading of Aggregate

Aggregates for no-fines concrete shall be graded so that not more than 10 per
cent (10%) by mass of aggregate is retained on a sieve having 19 mm square
openings and not more than 5 per cent (5%) by mass passes a sieve having
9,5 mm square openings.

C.5.16.3 Mix Proportion

No-fines concrete shall be mixed with one part of cement to 9 parts of aggregate.

C.5.17 Honeycombing and Other Defects

C.5.17.1 General

No patching of concrete surfaces after removal of the forms and no plastering

or cement washing of these surfaces shall be permitted except with the approval
of the Engineer, provided that all holes left by the extraction of ties may be made
good without such approval.

C.5.17.2 Rejection of Concrete

The presence of areas of excessive honeycombing or other defects apparent on

the finished concrete surface which may be considered sufficient to impair either
the structural strength or the appearance of the work shall be cause for rejection
of those portions of the structure so affected. Upon written notice from the
Engineer or his representative that the concreting of a given portion of the
structure has been rejected, the Contractor shall remove and rebuild that portion
in part or wholly, as specified, at his own expense.

C.5.17.3 Patching

Where defects do not warrant the removal of defective concrete, one or more of
the following procedures shall be required by the Engineer:

(a) Where the structural strength might be affected and must be restored,
repairs may be effected by the application of either pneumatically-placed
mortar or of a mortar made of silica sand and an approved epoxy
formulation mixed and applied in accordance with the manufacturer's

In addition, if the Engineer deems it necessary, an approved epoxy type

resin shall be injected into cracks or honeycombed areas, by means of a
suitable gun applied through nipples previously fixed in the concrete at
appropriate intervals, after the surface has been sealed.

- C.23 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.5.17 Honeycombing and Other Defects (Cont'd)

C.5.17.3 Patching (Cont'd)

(b) Where there are no fears as to structural strength, all defective material
shall be chipped away until a dense uniform surface of concrete exposing
solid coarse aggregate is obtained. Feathered edges shall be cut away to
form surfaces perpendicular to the concrete face. Seized shutter bolts
shall be cut back to at least 35 mm into the concrete. All loose material
shall be hosed away and the surface of the cavity shall be saturated with
water for at least 3 hours, after which a thin layer of neat cement mortar
shall be applied to the surface. The cavity then shall be filled with stiff
mortar mixed in the same proportions of cement to sand as that used in
the original concrete. The mortar shall be throughly tamped into place in
layers. The use of up to 30% white cement in place of the normal cement
may be required to reduce the darker appearance of a patch. An interval
of thirty minutes shall then elapse before a final surface tamping is given
to the patch, after which the surface shall be treated to resemble the
surrounding concrete as closely as possible. Board marks may be
reproduced by striking a suitable piece of timber held against the plastic
concrete. The patch shall be neat and workmanlike in appearance and
after completion it shall be kept wet over a period of at least three days.


C.6.1 Basis of Measurement

Tolerances will be measured as permissible deviations for linear dimensions,

position, verticality, level, squareness and bow. The Contractor shall construct
each of the various part of the works within the limits set out below for the
degree of accuracy required by the project specification or shown on the
drawings, unless otherwise specified elsewhere.

The degree of accuracy may be one of the following:

(a) degree III accuracy for use where a high degree of accuracy is
unnecessary, e.g. mass foundations;

(b) degree II accuracy for what is commonly called 'good work';

(c) degree I accuracy where the use of special, as opposed to normal,

methods and/or materials are warranted despite the probability of higher
costs than degree II. This may apply where prefabricated units (windows,
precast panels) are required to fit in position.

Where no direction is given, degree II will be applicable.

- C.24 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.6.2 Reinforcement

Permissible Deviation in mm

Description Degree
III and II I
Spacing between two adjacent bars +/- 20 +/- 15

Dimensional position of bar +/- 20 +/- 10

Longitudinal location of bends and ends

of bars +/- 30 +/- 20

Cover to reinforcement - 0 + 10 -0+5

Note: Notwithstanding the above-mentioned permissible deviations, the

minimum clear cover of concrete, as specified in clause C.5.1.3 hereof,
shall always be maintained over all reinforcement.

C.6.3 Formwork

Formwork shall be so constructed as to ensure that the position of the finished

work will be within the permissible deviation required by clauses 6.4 and 6.5
hereof, as applicable.

C.6.4 Mass and Reinforced Concrete Foundation

Permissible Deviation in mm

Description Degree


(i) Position on plan of any edge or surface

measured from the nearest grid line or
agreed centre line +/- 50 +/- 35 +/- 20

(ii) Linear dimension on plan cast against + 60 + 40 + 20

excavation sides - 10 - 10 - 10

(iii) Linear dimension on plan cast against + 30 + 20 + 10

formwork - 10 - 10 - 10

(iv) Cross-section dimensions + 30 + 20 + 10

- 15 - 10 - 5

(v) Formation level + 20 + 15 + 10

- 40 - 30 - 20

(vi) Surface level + 30 + 20 + 5

- 20 - 15 - 10

- C.25 - FEBRUARY 1987

C.6.5 Elements or Components above Foundations

Permissible Deviation in mm

Description Degree


(i) Position on plan of any edge or surface

measured from the nearest grid line or
agreed centre line +/- 25 +/- 15 +/- 5

(ii) Linear dimensions +/- 30 +/- 20 +/- 10

(iii) Cross-section dimensions + 20 + 15 +/- 5

- 10 - 5

(iv) Level (deviation from designed level with

reference to the nearest transferred datum
(TD) of the upper or lower surface, as may
be specified, of any slab or other element
or component) +/- 15 +/- 10 +/- 10

(v) Verticality 5 mm/m 3 mm/m 2 mm/m

of height of height of height
with max. with max. with max.
of 30 of 20 of 15

(vi) Abrupt changes in a continuous in-situ

surface 10 5 2

Tolerances for bow or camber, twist, squareness and for silos and slip form
concrete, prestressed concrete and precast concrete will be stated in Part "AA" :
Project Specification wherever applicable.


C.7.1 General

During the progress of construction the Engineer shall have the right to have the
undermentioned tests carried out on the concrete.

The Contractor shall co-operate in making such tests to the extent of allowing
free access to the work for the selection of samples, of the supply of the samples
themselves, of providing storage for specimens and of affording protection to the
specimens against injury or loss.

C.7.2 Compressive Strength Tests

Within any period of the time during which one grade of concrete is being
continuously placed the Contractor shall at his own expense -

- C.26 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.7.2 Compressive Strength Tests (Cont'd)

(a) provide the following number of sets of three standard metric 150 mm
metal cube moulds;

Volume of pour m No. of sets

0 - 25 1

25 - 50 2

50 - 100 3

100 - 200 4

200 + 5 or as required
by the Engineer

(b) provide sufficient extra cube moulds for 3 day, 7 day, etc., crushing tests
to be made as he so requires for his own purposes i.e. for shutter
stripping, post-stressing cables, etc;

(c) make and cure all cubes on site under the supervision of the Engineer, in
accordance with the S.A.B.S. Method 863;

(d) transport all cubes to the required place of testing i.e. Durban Corporation
Materials Testing Soils Laboratory or S.A.B.S. Laboratory as directed by
the Engineer, not sooner than the last working day prior to the date of test;

(e) be represented at the crushing test if he so wishes.

The test results from any single source shall satisfy the appropriate criteria given
below -

(a) no test result shall fall below the specified strength by more than 3 MPa;

(b) the average of any group of 3 consecutive test results shall exceed the
specified strength by not less than 2 MPa.

Each class and source of concrete, as well as each major portion of a structure
or type of structure as directed, shall be dealt with separately when assessing
compliance with clause C.7.2.

- C.27 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.7.3 Other Tests


Cement as per clause C.3.1.1.

Water as per clause C.3.1.2.

Aggregates as per clause C.3.1.3.

Slump as per Table C.5.6.2 and carried out as specified in S.A.B.S. 878.

The slump of a batch of concrete at time of discharge shall be expressed as the

average of two tests, one of concrete sampled at the one-quarter point of the
batch volume and the other on concrete sampled at the three-quarter point.

The concrete shall be considered to comply with the specified slump if -

(a) when the specified slump does not exceed 75 mm, the average of the two
tests is within 12 mm of the specified slump.

(b) when the specified slump exceeds 75 mm the average of the two tests is
within 25 mm of the specified slump.

Cover Tests

Where the Engineer or his representative has reason to doubt whether the
concrete cover over the reinforcement is not in accordance with the requirements
of clause C.5.1.3, the cover shall be tested with a cover meter. If necessary, the
Engineer or his representative shall then indicate to the Contractor where he
must expose the reinfrocement to prove the depth of cover.

C.7.4 Procedure in the Event of Failure of Compressive Strength Test

Should the strength of test specimens made and tested in accordance with
clause C.7.2 fail to meet the requirements of this specification, the Engineer may
order -

(a) that the materials or proportions of the remainder of the grade of concrete
concerned shall be varied so that the strength is not less than the required

(b) that test cores shall be drilled from the concrete and tested in accordance
with the S.A.B.S. Method 865 to determine the estimated actual strength
and the estimated potential strength of the concrete.

If the results of the core tests show that the concrete meets the test
requirements, the structure shall be accepted.

- C.28 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.7.4 Procedure in the Event of Failure of Compressive Strength Test (Cont'd)

If the core tests show that the concrete does not meet the strength requirements,
an appropriate full scale load test, as determined by the Engineer, may be
applied on the structure containing the defective concrete.

If load tests are, in the opinion of the Engineer, impracticable, or where the
portions of the structure subjected to such test fail to pass the test specified, he
shall have the right to require strengthening or replacement of the portions of the
structure concerned.

C.7.5 Cost of Tests

The costs of all tests required by the Engineer or his representative shall be
borne by the Council except that costs of tests as set out hereunder shall be
borne by the Contractor -

(a) preliminary tests on materials and of mix proportions;

(b) all tests as may be made necessary by reason of the provisions of clause

(c) such tests, including concrete coring and load tests, as may in the opinion
of the Engineer be made necessary by failure on the part of the Contractor
to meet the requirements of this specification.


C.8.1 Concrete

The quantities for concrete in the schedule of quantities represent the net
amount of concrete cast into the forms and the prices shall include for all
necessary materials, labour and use of plant and for compacting and bringing to
the required finish, for any protective works against rain and hot weather, curing
and for hacking, cleaning and bonding.

Unless specifically indicated to the contrary, all horizontal concrete surfaces are
to be finished with a wooden float.

The unit of measurement shall be cubic meters unless otherwise specified.

C.8.2 Steel Reinforcement

The measurement and payment for each ton (1 000 kg) of reinforcement is to
include for all supply, cutting, bending, hooked ends and binding at laps and
intersections with and including annealed wire of suitable gauge and hoisting and
maintaining in position in an approved manner whilst concreting. The weights
given are net and do not include for rolling margins or binding wire for which
allowance must be made in pricing.

- C.29 - FEBRUARY 1987


C.8.3 Shuttering and Formwork

The quantities for shuttering and formwork are measured by the square metre
of surface area of concrete work in contact with the forms and prices are to
include for all necessary falsework materials, labour and plant used for the
erection thereof and shall include keyed joints and chamfers.

- C.30 - FEBRUARY 1987

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